Apr 1, 2014 11:01 AM

Hopefully this will cover a portion of the shortfall in government pensions. It's an absolute disgrace that public workers should be denied their hard-earned pensions after a life of contributions to this country. Everybody is going to need to chip in to make sure that public retireees get the pensions that they were promised. Our politicians have let them down, and it is our duty to repay them for their service to this country.

Apr 1, 2014 11:04 AM

The European youth want jobs and they want free education. They're sick and tired of hearing about 'Austerity' and cuts to governmnet spending. Everybody knows that there is plenty of money to go around. How about we spend it on the people for a change? It's time for governments to scrap college fees and create jobs so that the people can get what they deserve. 

Apr 1, 2016 12:31 PM


Apr 1, 2016 12:31 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 4 - Go In Big, Or Don't Go In At all

Fortune favors the bold . Those who have made it in trading know that you simply cannot succeed without taking large risks. It's not sufficient just to have a consistently profitable trading strategy. No matter how profitable your strategy, if you trade with a meek amount of capital, you will never make it big. Professional traders are not afraid to risk it all in a split second, without even breaking a sweat. The pros are trained killers with nerves of steel - when they see an opportunity, they seize it with both hands and don't look back. Risk really isn't a factor when you know what you're doing. Champion traders laugh when amateurs ask them about 'risk management' and 'setting stops' - elite traders never set stops. They trade in and out of the market using their laser sharp instinct and informed market analysis, and they never doubt themselves. Using stops is an indication that you lack conviction in your position. If you feel the need to 'play it safe' and have a fear of losing, you have already lost the battle. The hard reality is, most people are just not cut out to be top traders, and are doomed to failure or mediocrity. It is up to you to determine whether you truly have what it takes, and if so, to have the courage to risk it all.

Apr 1, 2016 6:49 AM


Apr 1, 2016 6:49 AM

Oh I get it, so now every explosion can be blamed on Muslim 'extremists'. Nice try, but everyone knows you are a bunch of Islamaphobic racists. Today's Accredited Times article is about unconscious racism, and how to tell if you are a perpetrator.


Apr 1, 2016 8:41 AM

This is a huge beat on expectations! Holy moly! This is not good news at all for the bears that continue to go broke by betting against America and the global recovery! I simply cannot believe that anyone can still not see that we are in a recovery, when we have had consistently spectacular jobs numbers year, after year, after year. How dense do you have to be to not see how promising these green shoots are? I'm telling you, you will never go broker buying the dips on the S&P 500 - it works every time. Fuck'n A BABY!


Apr 1, 2016 9:25 AM

For those idiots that still bring up the fact that many people are considered not in the labor force, I have a question for you: Do you think that students, retirees and people who choose to live on government benefits (a lifestyle choice that we are all entitled to), should be considered unemployed? Or does it make more sense to exclude them from the report since they're not even seeking work? Unemployed is only a bad thing if you want a job - many people choose not to have a job, and that is their right as Americans.


Apr 10, 2012 10:40 AM

US treasuries are still MASSIVELY undervalued at these yields. What other instrument gives you a RISK-FREE 2% return!? Not only that but UST's are an unequalled hedge against potential economic turmoil.

Apr 10, 2012 10:59 AM

Default?? LOL. You STILL don't get it do you? The United States of America issues its OWN CURRENCY. This means our federal reserve can fill ANY GAP in foreign demand. And so much for "hyperinflation" - the 10 year just had another successful test of 2.4% (where I was an aggressive buyer), before plunging to more reasonable levels. It’s sad that doomer goldbugs continue to be totally ignorant of the fundamentals while savvy value investors are picking up bargains.

Apr 10, 2012 11:50 AM

... Meanwhile the VIX is calmly trading below 20, in line with the global economic recovery. I am truly saddened by the inability of doomer rednecks to see the green shoots in the global economy. Almost every economic indicator is pointing towards increased growth and a solid recovery, but doomer libertarians are too blind to see this.

Apr 10, 2012 6:00 PM

"The Era of Independent Central Banks is Over"

I certainly hope not. The Federal Reserve bank of the United States of America was SPECIFICALLY set up to be INDEPENDENT. This means that they are allowed to pursue their dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability WITHOUT political meddling from upstarts like Ron Paul and other insolent members of congress. If Ron Paul becomes president and the economy takes a turn for the worst, then DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU.

Apr 10, 2013 2:24 PM

HAHAHAHAHA!!! This serves Bitcoinbugs right for 'investing' in this ponzi scheme of invisible coins. Seriously, who actually thought this would work? Libertardians are so weird ...

Apr 10, 2013 2:32 PM

Here are some major concerns that many reasonable open minded people have about bitcoin:

1. If all computers in the world shut down at the same time, what will happen to my bitcoins?

2. If the internet gets shut down across the entire planet, what happens to my bitcoins?

3. If somebody breaks the code, what happens to my bitcoins?

4. If somebidy hacks into bitcoin, what happens to my bitcoins?

LOL, seriously this idea is so retarded. I can't actually believe anyone actually buys these invisible ponzi coins. These nerdy anarchist freaks trust computers more than their own government. What a bunch of creeps.

Apr 11, 2012 5:12 PM

I must admit that I am heavily overweight high yield debt myself. The Greek restructuring turned out to be shining success, despite the whining of doomer libertarians, and this bodes well for the rest of Europe and the global economy. The solid and steady global recovery is also showing increasingly many green shoots which I find very encouraging. In my opinion, this is definitely a time to be buying risk assets.

Apr 11, 2012 9:34 AM

The single biggest issue for presidential candidates this year is going to be the ECONOMY. Candidates need to convince Americans that they will create jobs, build communities, invest in education and subsidise forward-thinking green technologies like wind farms and biofuels. In addition, they are going to have to reassure Americans that there will be absolutely NO CUTS from essential programs like social security and Medicare. All of these factors will need to be taken into account when pitching a savvy political campaign to potential voters. The pressure is on, and I don't envy politicians one bit, as they are going to have to work hard to gain America's trust.

Apr 11, 2013 11:07 AM

I would be very agnry too if I were Bill Gross. After investing millions of dollars of his clients' money shorting treasuries, only to see record low yields, Bill Gross is struggling to accept his shortcomings as an investor and the embarrasment of his association with the doomer libertarian community.  

Apr 11, 2013 11:14 AM

Things are moving along. I'm now focused on signing up as many distributors as possible. I've realized that the BIG money is in signing up smart motivated sellers, rather than selling the product yourself. That's the key. I've signed up three friends, and I'm hoping they'll start selling soon so I can generate some serious income.

Apr 11, 2013 12:24 PM

This is all pretty rich coming from libertarians who still can't admit that trickle down economics has failed.

Apr 11, 2014 10:15 AM

This is actually a great opportunity for Europe to move away from harmful fossil fuels and start investing in green sustainable energy sources. Never before in history have the incentives for countries to invest in green technology been greater. Climate change and energy independence are now one problem, and the need for action is greater than ever.

Apr 11, 2016 10:14 AM

This may be your last opportunity to get rid of your gold before the great gold crash. This bubble popped a long time ago, and I doubt we will have another dead cat bounce before tumbling to new lows. I'm begging you to listen to me - don't be one of the bag-holders who ignored my advice when we were trading at the highs - it's not too late to save your money!  


Apr 11, 2016 10:33 AM

It's exhausting trying to explain these things to the amateurs. Life is not black and white, and things are not always what they seem. This news is positive for two reasons:

  1. Things can only improve from here
  2. Weak economic data is a reason for our Federal Reserve to introduce further monetary stimulus


Apr 11, 2016 11:26 AM

I'm not sure I agree with the verdict here, but I'm glad that the proceeds of this fine are being distributed by the appropriate government officials, in order to ensure that victims of the alleged financial fraud are compensated. Compensating people for sophisticated financial fraud is no easy task, so the best solution is always to hand the money to dedicated government departments who specialize in distributing wealth fairly. This is a win for the people - we are now 5 billion dollars richer - and we will likely see this wealth trickle down over the next couple of years. 


Apr 11, 2016 11:27 AM


Apr 11, 2016 11:57 AM

As a progressive, I see this as more of an opportunity than a problem. Voters from lower socio-economic backgrounds and more diverse ethnicities are more open to progressive ideas. By changing the demographics of traditionally white-dominated countries, we are making the world more amenable to progress. Read more about the benefits of demographic changes in today's article at the Accredited Times:


Apr 11, 2016 11:58 AM


Apr 11, 2016 12:23 PM

What you really mean is 75% of white male Americans don't recognize their country anymore. Stop trying to hide your obvious racism. What exactly is it that people are upset about? Is it the fact that America is becoming a more diverse nation that is more representative of our globalized world? White Americans cannot isolate themselves from the rest of the world. The world is not as conservative as you, and you need to modernize your political beliefs. America is not a white or Christian nation anymore, and you need to get used to it, because our demographics have shifted permanently and the changes are only accelerating. Soon, you won't be able to elect racist republican bigots who want to close our borders, because your breed is dying out. Just embrace it, ok? This is the only way forward.



Apr 11, 2016 12:23 PM


Apr 11, 2016 9:50 AM

Today's article at the Accredited Times covers the exciting demographic trends that are shaping America's political landscape, and making us more amenable to progressive values than ever before. We need to continue to diversify our demographics in order to remove traditional opposition to societal progress, so that we can finally make America a truly liberal democracy.


Apr 12, 2012 10:56 AM

Contrary to what many libertarians say, the Greek people are NOT responsible for the debt. They weren't voting for increased debt over the last two decades; just increased benefits. They had no idea that these were being paid for with debt - they only found this out recently. It would be beyond their responsibility to have an understanding of the budget and what some future generation will be paying 20-30 years later. So mean libertarians should lay off a little in my opinion.

Apr 12, 2012 5:12 PM

Rick Santelli is overexaggerating as usual. The debt is not that large, and Obama has managed to get the budget under control. This doomer fear mongering is getting tiring. What is it the doomers are so angry about?? We have a strong recovery, low inflation and firm fundamentals for economic growth, but you will never get a doomer redneck to admit this. Why don’t you morons learn economics and stop whining.


Apr 12, 2012 5:57 PM

"I ACE'd Banking too, thank God I didn't go into that field"

Why not? Investment Banking professionals are in high demand at the moment. I believe the top tier investment banks had a record intake of top graduates last year. Crazy smart, these guys - almost all Ivy League educated.

Apr 12, 2012 6:38 PM

"to keep interest rates below reality"

No. Interest rates ARE low. This is the reality. The ten year is at 2% despite the constant whining about how deficits are too large. The fact that interest rates are at all time lows refutes this proposition entirely. 

To quote Neetzsche:

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want the illusions destroyed"

Apr 12, 2012 9:40 AM

This report is completely inaccurate I'm afraid. Way too exaggerated and overextremist. European banks are actually in good shape and are positioned to prosper from the global recovery.

Apr 12, 2016 10:45 AM

Why panic when the long term trend line underlying the S&P 500 continues to hold? Every experienced investor knows that the trend is your friend, and you would be foolish to sell your stocks under the presumption that they are "overbought" or "overvalued". Let the market dictate whether it is overvalued - as long as it keeps rising, the smart money will continue to buy and reap great rewards, while the permabears sit and sulk on the sidelines, waiting for their moment of vindication that never seems to come.


Apr 12, 2016 11:06 AM

I feel sorry for peak oilers.  They are so embarrassed about this oil price shock that completely took them by surprise, they seem to have disappeared and are too ashamed to show their faces. It really shows what can happen to permabears that get too carried away - they inevitably get knocked off their feet and don't know what hit them. Let this be a lesson to the other pessimists out there who continue to downplay stocks and talk up gold: your time is coming too. And so much for 'hyperinflation' that was supposed to take oil into the 200's - who would have thought we'd be trading down here all these years later? It really does highlight the ignorance and incompetence of doomer permabears.  


Apr 12, 2016 11:49 AM

Maybe it will require less energy to extract oil if extraction technology improves sufficiently. Your mistake is to assume you have a crystal ball that is smarter than the market. If you are so much smarter than the market, how come you peak oilers are so wrong all of the time?

Apr 12, 2016 11:52 AM

But it's an excess of supply that is causing this oil price shock, not a lack of demand. Try again. 

Apr 12, 2016 12:10 PM

Although it may not be politically correct, economists such as Dr Paul Krugman have long documented the many economic benefits of war. Following the second world war, America experienced an economic boom, after Americans were put back to work with the improved morale and work ethic that you learn during combat. In addition, military contractors are some of our most prized manufacturing companies, so increased military spending helps create those top quality manufacturing jobs that ZHers are constantly lusting over. At the same time, America will accomplish its foreign policy objectives, so it's really a win-win for the country. The only drawback is the casualties of war. However, although it may be controversial, there is an economic consensus that the benefits of war usually outweigh the drawbacks.


Apr 12, 2016 12:42 PM

Republicans need to understand that the GOP can do whatever it likes. Selecting a candidate is not a popularity contest. Certainly the votes will be taken into consideration, but ultimately it's a decision that is made by that party officials, and  whiny republican voters need to get this through their heads. You do not run the party, and it's not your decision.


Apr 12, 2016 12:54 PM

Fracking is partly responsible for this oversupply, in addition to all the environmental problems it causes. It's shocking that Donald Trump is actually talking about removing bans on fracking and allowing our environment to be destroyed. Frackers need to FRACK OFF, and leave our environment alone. Another trend that is causing oil prices to fall is a growing demand for cleaner, green technologies such as wind and solar. Bernie Sanders wants to increase investment in these promising technologies, which I think is a smart idea. We don't need oil anymore - this is the 21st century and we need to start getting off of fossil fuels once and for all. Why are we still producing CO2 pollution when there are so many alternatives? It just doesn't make any sense.


Apr 12, 2016 4:08 PM

Why would equities fall in price when we’ve had such strong economic growth? We’ve now had a positive string of NFP reports going back over five years. Now if that’s not a sign that we’re in a recovery, I don’t know what is. Worrying about stock prices falling is completely missing the real danger, which is the risk of our growing economy getting overheated and running into a bubble like it did in 2007. We need to be cautious and make sure we don’t let this recovery get out of hand. Right now, our Federal Reserve is doing things just right – we’ve had steady, low volatility stock market returns; not too much growth, but not too little either. And that’s exactly what the science of economics is designed to achieve. Read more about how our economic officials are creating untold economic growth and prosperity using breakthroughs in economic science in today’s article at the Accredited Times:


Apr 12, 2016 9:59 AM

It's a mistake to pay too much attention to the news in this day and age. We live in a time where economic experts manage the markets for optimal prosperity and the greater good. Today's article at the Accredited Times explains how the science of economics is reshaping our lives for the better, and creating untold economic prosperity:



Apr 13, 2012 10:22 AM

I would give more credibility to this index if it were from a more reputable university. I'm sorry to say it, but University of Michigan is neither an Ivy nor a top tier institution among the ranks of MIT, Stanford or Berkeley. I simply cannot give credibility to an institution of such modest calibre.

Apr 13, 2012 11:23 AM

It's ironic that on one hand we have lazy ZH day traders who sit around all day like greasy hobos in their pyjamas chasing headlines and crying on blogs about 'manipulation' every time they lose money. And on the other hand our president is working 24/7 trying to run this country in one of the most stressful and demanding jobs on the planet. These morally reprehensible 'traders' only pay capital gains tax, and then they have the gall to critisize our president. I am absolutely disgusted at the lack of courtesy that these filthy miscreants show for people in authority. 

Apr 13, 2012 11:43 AM

*Sigh* ... Here we go again.

It's not a conspiracy to 'control' us. The government needs tax revenue to make interest payments on the national debt, and thanks to the effective policy of our Federal Reserve these payments are very low indeed. I bet you never thank Dr Bernanke for keeping the ten year at 2%, but this is actually the reason why your taxes are so insanely low. Most Americans are happy to pay their taxes, and they are also keen that other people pay their fair share to make this country (and the world) a better place.

Apr 13, 2012 12:13 PM

Professor Ben Bernanke cannot just "lower rates to 0%". You are clearly not familiar with the intricacies of monetary policy and the delicate framework our monetary authorities have to navigate. Maybe this ignorance explains the ZH readerships' complete disregard for the incredible work our Federal Reseve does on our behalf. Influencing interest rates is just one of many tools our central bankers employ to pursue their dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability.

Apr 13, 2016 11:30 AM

This is only the beginning if we fail to address our country's staggering wealth inequality. Today's article at the Accredited Times examines the common misconceptions about raising the minimum wage, and why doing so could be a solution to nation's growing wealth disparity problem.


Apr 13, 2016 11:42 AM

Maybe the officials at the Atlanta Fed are factoring in the effect of fiscal and monetary stimulus measures following this weaker than expected data. Stimulus normally benefits GDP, regardless of other factors.


Apr 13, 2016 12:30 PM

How I was mocked for buying Facebook stock at the IPO and dollar cost averaging for the subsequent months. Facebook has literally been one of my best investments over the last five years, and everything I predicted about the company's performance came true. Yet, how many sleazy ZHers have apologized for mocking me? Precisely zero.



Apr 14, 2016 11:22 AM

Sorry to disturb your silverbug echo chamber, but a settlement is NOT an admission of guilt. In all likelihood, Deutche Bank has far more important things to do than fight a long court case with paranoid silverbugz, especially when they're undergoing a major restructuring. The silver bubble popped a long time ago, and the mature thing to do is to admit you were wrong, rather than inventing an endless string of conspiracy theories to justify why the market didn't go in the direction you predicted it would. The first step to solving a problem is to admit that there is one, and silverbugz desperately need to come to come to terms with their crazed silver-buying addiction. It's costing them an enormous amount of money, and blinding them to other much more attractive investments such as equities and bonds. 

Apr 14, 2016 12:05 PM

My latest article is on raising the minimum wage, and the related economic literature.


Apr 15, 2013 10:12 AM

10 reasons why I hate goldbugs:

  1. They cry about ‘manipulation’ every time they lose money
  2. They hoard gold instead of investing in the economy, denying millions of people jobs and income growth
  3. They undermine our national currency and national interests
  4. They selfishly pursue profit at the expense of others
  5. They keep ‘stacking’, even when they’ve already lost half of their family’s retirement
  6. They have no understanding of basic economic principles
  7. They snobbishly reject all other investments
  8. They have a lemming-like mentality, and buy in panic whenever they see any second-rate article about 'armageddon' or 'hyperinflation'
  9. They have an inability to see the other side of the gold argument
  10. They rush to one another’s defence in pro-gold arguments, even if they have no understanding of the argument at hand

Apr 15, 2013 10:28 AM

Gold is treated like an investment. Investment money that goes into gold should be financing companies and supporting our government. That's why I hate goldbugz.

Apr 15, 2013 10:31 AM

Wrong again :) Bank deposits are used to finance companies and help grow the eonomy. Pension funds also buy government bonds and help finance our government so that they can keep spending. This is a productive use of money. Gold I'm afraid, is not (sorry).

Apr 15, 2016 10:08 AM

Many economists believe that we need a catalyst akin to, if not equal to, a World War III, in order to truly revive our economy and usher in a new age of prosperity. This may appear controversial to ordinary people, but in academia this is a common belief. We need to seriously consider what a war could do for our economy, much like World War II ended the great depression.


Apr 15, 2016 10:31 AM

This may seem like a lot, but when you understand the extent of China's deflation problem, you realize that this is just a drop in the ocean. Ordinary people can barely comprehend the economic catastrophe that economic officials are averting by flushing the system with demand. When you have no demand, you have no growth and no employment. You really should get an education in economics before commenting on these issues, as currently most of you don't seem to understand what you're talking about.


Apr 15, 2016 10:32 AM

Well, we could wait for that, or we could act now to avert it.

Apr 15, 2016 11:14 AM

We are running a serious risk of deflation because of indecisive and anaemic fiscal and monetary policy! What is it going to take for our economic officials to get the magnitude of the deflationary threat? Our economy is starved of demand! Are we really going to have to wait for a recession before our officials wake up and do what it takes to stimulate the economy? Why can't we learn from history and avert this disaster!?


Apr 15, 2016 11:34 AM

All primary dealer banks are classed as Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs), meaning that their failure would be an existential threat to our economy. We need to protect these institutions no matter what, for if we fail to do so we may find ourselves without a job, without a house and no money in the bank. Banks control our money supply, and money is the essence of the economy. Without banks, the money stops flowing, and without money, the economy dies.


Apr 15, 2016 11:57 AM

What do you mean get rid of "Too Big To Fail"? These banks are too big to fail - it's as simple as that. What is the alternative? Just stand by and watch as millions of people see their bank accounts simply evaporate? There would literally be blood in the streets. We have to protect our financial institutions - there is no alternative! Yes, we need to regulate them too, and all salaries should be controlled, not just those on Wall Street - executives earn way too much, I get it. But don't confuse making our economy fair with let ting bank fail. If we let our banks fail, we won't even have an economy!


Apr 15, 2016 12:09 PM

I only become the center of attention if people choose to respond to me. If you read my comment as satire, I'm afraid you are mistaken my friend. The threat of a deflationary collapse is very, very real, and simply dismissing my words will not make the problem go away.

Apr 15, 2016 12:27 PM

Central banking is indeed a form of economic planning, and I see nothing wrong with this. Central planning works, but they key is to make sure it's managed by people who know what they're doing. Many centrally planned economies got this wrong, and they suffered the consequences. Central planning only works if you have the creme de la creme of economic geniuses in charge. Economics is extremely complex, and economic planning is even more complex than that. This is a job for modern day academic superheroes, not your average economist. Every developed economy has a few of these people - the key is to identify these wizards and then give them the tools to manage the economy effectively.

Apr 15, 2016 6:56 PM

So many people are getting rich off of stocks while ZHers sit here and complain about ‘manipulation’. Are the CBs buying stocks? If so, who cares! Buying the S&P 500 close to its rising trend line has be a no-brainer strategy for the last five years. It’s literally like having a personal ATM. Some guys are buying with so much leverage, it’s just crazy … and they never get stopped out! Contrast that to gold and silver, which have been deadly over the last couple of years, no doubt costing doomer ZHers a fortune; which is doubly sad given they could have doubled and tripled that money in the stock market, or quintupled it if they’d bought European peripheral bonds in 2012 like I suggested. It’s so weird seeing everyone so pessimistic when stock buyers are cracking open the champagne month after month! Stocks are the gift that just never stops giving – it’s basically a guaranteed investment! 


Apr 15, 2016 7:21 PM

Here’s just a small sample of my investment recommendations to ZHers, all of which were ignored of course. Just goes to show that the permabears can’t get enough of losing money and never get tired of missing out!

Buying Facebook in May 2012 (170% return): 


Buying Bank of America in December 2011 (219% return): 


Buying European peripheral bonds in September 2012 (500% return): 


Apr 15, 2016 8:31 AM

Free speech shouldn't always be allowed. When 'free speech' causes political turbulance and damages relationships with a country's allies, it's arguable that such speech is bad for the common good. Free speech should be allowed as long as it doesn't upset the balance of society, and it serves a practical purpose. Otherwise, it should be banned.

Apr 16, 2012 3:23 PM

Reasons why Ron Paul is NOT a credible candidate:

  1. Ron Paul favors ending foreign aid to Israel, one of our key strategic allies. This will result in a serious blow to our joint effort to end terrorism and spread freedom worldwide.
  2. Mr Paul is a know racist, who supports the repeal of the civil rights act. It has been documented by countless history professors that slavery would not have ended without this legislation and that if it were to be repealed today, people would become racist again.
  3. Ron Paul favors auditing the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America. According to many economists and Federal Reserve officials, including members of top financial institutions like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, this would seriously compromise their ability to set monetary policy independently of congress. 

Apr 16, 2012 4:21 PM

I’m sorry to break it to you, but that is known as speculation. Speculation is an opportunistic, greedy and immoral practise that is destroying confidence in our economy. Nancy Pelosi correctly identified speculators as the key driver for gas prices in America. Because greedy profiteers are making money in commodity futures, poor people are paying more to fill up their tanks and put food on the table. Professional investors distinguish themselves from speculators by investing according to fundamentals for economic growth only. Real investors don't just "bet money on QE". Instead they buy and hold mean-variance optimized equity portfolios for optimal diversification and steady consistent returns.  

Apr 17, 2012 10:01 AM

This bubble is well overdue for a collapse. We had the blow-off top at 1900+, and we had the bull trap retracement to 1790. This is the final stage of the gold bubble: capitulation. I feel genuinely sorry for goldbugs right now. I have warned them countless times to get out of this bubble, but each time my warnings have been met with dismissal and verbal abuse.

Apr 17, 2012 9:45 AM

It is indisputable that speculators are the PRIMARY driver for oil prices. Most Democrats understand this very well and have been trying to stop speculators for decades, but sadly they have failed to overcome the mass of right-wing ignorance on this issue. Oil speculators also put downward pressure on many equities held by pension funds which is damaging peoples' retirement portfolios.

Apr 17, 2013 10:54 AM

This article does a great job of explaining why gold has fallen 15% over the last week, crushing goldbugz and making silverbug lemmings cry:


Apr 17, 2013 2:04 PM

This incident has has highlighted some serious shortcomings of our national security policy. We need to seriously review what went wrong here and rethink our anti-terrorism policy. One area that needs to be developed is our ability to track and identify all people on American soil. This data is freely accessible from mobile phones and the identities of the users can simply be stored with the associated mobile phone number in a government database. What's so complicated about that? Whay aren't we doing this? This is the kind of slack government that drives me crazy.

Apr 18, 2012 11:37 AM

Your kind - the anarcho-capitalist extremists, are the most dangerous and extreme group America has had to deal with since the KKK. I'm sick and tired of your kind hijacking the freedom movement for your own crazy ideologies. The DEMOCRATS have always been the REAL freedom movement. We have been fighting for increased equality in America since the great society programs and the war on poverty. Since then we have created the most fair society on the planet with decreased gap between rich and poor, better job opportunities, a growing economy and a bright future with upward mobility for the disadvantaged. I think we deserve some credit for this.       

Apr 18, 2012 8:36 AM

This definitely a move in the right direction. Crimes against the state, and threats thereof, are on the rise in America; especially from extreme libertarian groups like the so-called "sovereign citizens" and "the alternative market project". It's all very well to claim that you're a "peaceful" group, but what happens when one of these nuts plans a domestic terror attack or encourages people to stop paying their taxes? These groups are a threat to our way of life in America and to traditional American values. It is the duty of all patriotic Americans to keep an eye out for suspicious activity and to report ANY data they think might help the government to develop this technology. This is the only way we can ensure the safety of our children in America.  

Apr 18, 2016 10:01 AM

Hillary cannot be held responsible for the actions of her political connections. The Panama papers say a lot more about the corruption in Putin's Russia than they do about the United States. At least Hillary has condemned tax evasion, unlike Putin who claims that the Panama papers story is just a psyop to smear Russia, a completely ridiculous claim. Why isn't Zerohedge criticizing Putin's connections? That's the real story here, but nobody wants to talk about it.


Apr 18, 2016 10:59 AM

What has 'hedging' done for investors in the S&P 500 over the last five years? It's only served to reduce profits. If you trust in our Federal Reserve's ability to support economic growth, the jobs numbers keep coming out positive month after month, and our officials have committed to intervening in the event of a crisis, then why fear a black swan event? The 'Yellen put' provides a rare opportunity to buy stocks without the overhead of hedging. In fact, the extra profits that you make by foregoing hedging are a kind of hedge. The more money you make, the more you have to put aside to offset any future losses. It's just common sense.


Apr 18, 2016 11:19 AM

Why would any trader be complaining when there are so many obvious opportunities just sitting there waiting to be taken? Here is but a small sample of my  investment recommendations over the last couple of years, all yielding triple digit returns to date!

Buying Facebook in May 2012 (170% return): 


Buying Bank of America in December 2011 (219% return): 


Buying European peripheral bonds in September 2012 (500% return): 


Apr 18, 2016 11:55 AM

Right now I think shorting oil is a good idea, because you will never go broke betting against peak oilers. Not only is there an enourmous supply glut, but over the next couple of year I expect green energies to serve an increasing proportion of our energy needs. Global leaders realize that we can no longer depend on fossil fuels and are therefore slowly phasing out oil, much to the dismay of peak oilers.

Apr 19, 2012 11:31 AM

This article fails to take into account the many green shoots in the economy.  For example, we have had consistently positive NFP results coupled with superb bank stress tests, which the doomers always fail to mention. In addition, the successful Greek restructuring indicates that the "imbalances" in Portugal and Spain will be inconsequential, despite the whining from doomer libertarians. In short, the global recovery is strengthening, and we are well overdue for a sharp rebound in property prices in accordance with the fundamentals for global economic growth.

Apr 19, 2012 11:51 AM

This is one of the most ignorant articles I have read for quite some time. Here are some lessons for doomer libertarians on the real constitutional powers of the federal government:

1. The Interstate Commerce Clause allows the federal government "To regulate Commerce". Therefore it is the constitutional right of the federal government to regulate ANY business for the good of society. Case Closed.

2. The General Welfare Clause allows the federal government to tax the states and provide welfare to those who need it. This is an open and shut case I'm afraid, so libertarians better get used to it.

Also, "adopting alternative currencies" is an act of OPEN TERRORISM toward our government and Federal Reserve as it undermines our national currency. Bernard Von Nothaus was sentenced to prison for this, after being flagged by the Southern Poverty Law center as a potential counterfeiter.

Apr 19, 2012 12:00 PM

These businesses are involved in interstate commerce, so it is perfectly legitimate for the Federal Government to regulate them. Let me guess, you're another one of these purist libertarians. You think we can just let every business sell goods and services and hire people AT WILL? We need regulations to make sure consumers are not able to make uninformed choices. Because politicians are more trustworthy and responsible than average, they are more qualified to make choices for businesses and consumers than the people themselves. This is just common sense.

Apr 19, 2013 10:13 AM

The gold and silver charts just look ugly. All the major moving averages and trendlines have been broken, the MACD is negative, and sentiment is increasingly bearish on this shiny metal. Stackers better brace themselves for more pain, because this is only the beginning of the great precious metals crash.  

Apr 19, 2013 10:47 AM

We need to seriously rethink our approach to terrorism in this country. How can anybody be safe if some idiot can just set off a bomb at any location at any time?! What is our government doing about this?? What measures are being taken to make this country a safer place?!

Apr 19, 2013 9:17 AM

If ZHers had their way, there would be no police to warn us about potential terroristic activity. Thank god we live in the real world, and not a ZH utopia.

Apr 19, 2016 10:10 AM

Is anyone really surprised by this? The raw, hard data supports higher equity prices. Positive NFP reports, a booming service sector, low inflation and low interest rates. This all indicates that aggregate demand is flowing, but more importantly that our Federal Reserve's strategy is working. If more stimulus is required, our monetary officials are willing to do what is necessary to sustain growth. The rest of the data is just noise - these are the important factors underlying the economy, and as long as these hold we are going to see higher equity prices. Simple as that.


Apr 19, 2016 10:13 AM

That wouldn't affect the price if people were aware that the contracts didn't represent actual shares and that they were likely to be cash settled.

Apr 19, 2016 11:18 AM

We need to use the Olympics to unify Brazil and the world. The benefits of the Greek Olympic games offset much of the trouble in the Greek economy and as a result their economic downturn was relatively short lived. Hopefully the Olympic games will do the same for Brazil, and at the same time bring the world's attention to issues that transcend nationality, such as climate change and the refugee crisis. This is a great opportunity to unify the world and remind us that we are citizens of earth, and we all bleed red. We need to stop seeing ourselves as Americans or Brazilians, and start seeing ourselves as human beings. Only then can we come together as one, and usher in a new world order.


Apr 19, 2016 12:31 PM

Trump's doomsayer supporters will be disappointed to see that our stock market is surging and is poised to make new all time highs. If this isn't testament to the success of President Obama's economic management, then I don't know what is. President Obama inherited a disaster from the republicans, and subsequently turned one of the worst financial crises in history into a shining recovery with a roaring stock market. Gasoline is also cheaper now, and consumers will be seeing more money in their pockets as a result. I highly doubt that Trump's fear mongering will appeal to the man in the street when the economy is clearly doing so well. Voting for Trump comes with a lot of social blowback, so there needs to be a really good reason to do so, and I just don't see any good reason at the moment. I think it's going to be Hillary hands down.


Apr 19, 2016 7:26 AM

I think there is a 90% chance that we make a new all time high within the next couple of weeks. Doomer shorts are getting squeezed by the pros yet again - they just never learn! 

This also bodes well for Hillary's campaign, as people realize that things aren't as bad as the outsider candidates are making out. This move is also perfectly consistent with the long string of consistently positive NFP results, so it doesn't surprise me at all. 


Apr 19, 2016 8:49 AM

The bull's narrative is simply correct, and the other narratives are wrong. We have had consistently positive NFP reports month after month for years, interest rates are at all time lows, our service sector is booming, and we have a record number of college educated Americans. All of this data projects strong growth in the economy, and it's only a matter of time before stocks rise to reflect this reality. The market doesn't care about narratives - it cares about raw, hard data, and those of us who study the data have no problem predicting the price of equities. My analysis indicates new all time highs within weeks.


Apr 19, 2016 9:16 AM

Saving hurts the economy. Low interest rates encourage spending which boosts aggregate demand and fuels our service economy, which creates jobs. Low interest rates also support our housing market. This is very important as for most people their home is their most valuable asset. The real estate industry also employs a lot of people, so we need to support it.

Apr 19, 2016 9:41 AM

It's ironic that Zerohedgers criticize President Obama for vetoing this ridiculous piece of legislation, when the man actually responsible for 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, was captured during his term. Conservatives always forget that. The man responsible for 9/11 is dead now - he was dumped in the middle of the ocean. Can we just put this issue to rest now?


Apr 19, 2016 9:48 AM

The whole distinction between 'physical' gold and paper contracts is meaningless. It is common knowledge that the number of contracts traded exceeds the amount of gold backing them. This is because most people want cash settlement - they don't want the hassle and cost of taking delivery of physical metal. The current price of gold has already taken this information into account, and it's been falling for the last five years.


Apr 2, 2012 11:27 AM

"too much mass delusion, too much corruption"



Precisely. But this is why we need EXPERTS to allocate resources, rather than mere amateurs. The mass delusion of the ignorant investing public frequently leads to hysterical investment decisions such as equity sell-offs and speculative manias in commodities. If prices were set by objective mathematical models, there would be less volatility and more reasonable action.



Also, the best way to avoid corruption is to delegate important duties to politicians rather than leave them with the indifferent and uninterested public who have more important things to do, like watch monster truck racing or play bingo. For example, most people agree that abolishing the welfare state would be incredibly ridiculous, because the public cannot be trusted to help the poor. Since we know that politicians are more trustworthy than average people, we know that we can safely delegate this responsibility to the government.

Apr 2, 2012 5:16 PM

AAPL has been seriously impressive this year. If we get a close above 650 it's off to the races. My first short term target is 700 (I agree with Goldman) and my next price target is at least 1000. Can you believe the cash balance on this company's books!? Unreal!

Apr 2, 2013 2:25 PM

Our federal reserve is slowly but surely engineering volatility out of the market. It seems like almost ever month now that the VIX makes an all time low, much to the horror of masochistic ZH day traders. Volatility is bad for investors for many reasons. It can scare retail investors out of the market; it can make peoples' 401ks fluctuate with a veracity that scares pensioners and nauseates money managers.
Thanks to the tireless work of our monetary officials, soon we will have an economy with a steadily rising stock market and minimal volatility in perpetuity. This is 21st century economic science, and its making everyone's life easier and less risky in a way that was never before possible.

Apr 2, 2013 9:38 AM

I agree. It's far easier for the government to confiscate bitcoins than gold. +1.

Apr 20, 2012 5:28 PM


The patriot act has been deemed constitutional by America’s Supreme Court – the most learned constitutional scholars. But spotty libertarian computer nerds still won’t stop whining about “national surveillance” and "the fourth amendment". These libertarian nerds and weedy anarchists were even opposed to America going after Sadam Hussein for 9/11, such is their total hatred for American values and American freedom. 


Apr 20, 2012 9:28 AM

I agree with Professor Takenaka. It would be simply suicidal for the Bank of Japan to contract its balance sheet. This will cause a credit contraction and interest rates will soar, putting immense pressure on Japanese businesses and consumers alike. Japan has learned a hard lesson about the effects of impotent monetary policy over the last decade. Monetary and fiscal stimulus measures need to be in sufficient size in order to produce lasting results. Japan's central bankers need to get serious, and start pursuing bold and revolutionary monetary stimulus programs to kickstart growth in their economy.

Apr 20, 2016 10:22 AM

Nobody is hedging anymore. All the bears who bought put options have been blowtorched, and aren't touching the options market with a ten foot pole. This has to be one of the lowest volatility bull markets in history! It really is testament to the effectiveness 21st century scientific economic management. I think they've really cracked it this time! It seems highly doubtful that we are going to see any significant correction in stock prices over the next couple of years. This market has made so many people rich, it's just crazy. It's almost embarrassing how much money equity investors are making, while ZHers keep get poorer. It almost makes you feel guilty.  


Apr 20, 2016 12:34 PM

This is  long overdue. Why does our currency only bare the faces of old racist white men? Andrew Jackson is the worst of them all. He did absolutely nothing for this country other than oppress Native Americans and expand the power of the white male patriarchy. Libertarians and conservatives are just upset because progressives and Black Lives Matter are taking over this country. Down with America's racist past - no more confederate flags and no more slave-owning 'founding fathers'! This country was built on the backs of African slaves and the stolen land of the Native Americans. It's time for the oppressed peoples of America to be represented equally and get recognition for their suffering.


Apr 20, 2016 8:44 AM

When you look at a Trump rally, filled with aggressive, angry white, bearded males waving anti-immigration signs and foaming with hatred at our African American president, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were watching a klan gathering. The way Trump mesmerizes his supporters into a blind rage is almost Hitleresque, and his supporters' hatred for Muslims and Mexicans reminds one of how the Nazi's viewed the Jews as the source of all ill in their lives. The rise of right wing nationalism in this country is very scary, and I worry for our children's futures if our country is captured by this violent element in society. 


Apr 20, 2016 8:55 AM

Saudi Arabia are our one of our strongest allies in the war on terror. Obama captured Osama Bin Laden and dumped him in the middle of the ocean - it's over, we killed the man responsible for 9/11, and the endless conspiracy theories need to stop. It's time to put this matter to rest and show respect for the victims who died in that horrific terror attack. Inventing conspiracy theories and damaging our relationships with key allies in the war on terror is only going to harm our national security and endanger many more lives.


Apr 20, 2016 9:21 AM

This would be an absolute disaster for economy! People are already confused about where monetary policy is going - we need to stay consistent and provide a stable economic environment for businesses. A change of Fed chairman so soon after Yellen's appointment would be catastrophic for the markets. Trump doesn't think ahead when he makes decisions like this - he just blurts out whatever comes into his head. That's why he's so dangerous. The guy's a complete lunatic!


Apr 21, 2016 1:53 PM

This is patently ridiculous. All the gold in the entire world fits into a swimming pool! There simply isn't enough gold to support a gold standard! PERIOD. It's simply ludicrous to think that we could divide up this gold and denominate our currency in millionths of an ounce. Is it me or are goldbugs missing something in the head?


Apr 21, 2016 11:11 AM

The second cold war is coming, except this time we may have to engage our enemy directly. Russia's imperialist aggression threatens the peace and stability of the world and is impeding our interests overseas. If Russia does not cease its activities soon, we will have no choice but to intervene with military force. Although I don't advocate this intervention lightly, there will at least be benefits to our economy as a result of the military expenditure. I predict that we will come out of this conflict stronger than ever, despite the usual caveats of war.


Apr 21, 2016 9:30 AM

This constant probing of the 9/11 documents has been seriously damaging to our relationships with key allies such as Saudi Arabia. Proponents of these conspiracy theories should think about the consequences of their delving into our foreign affairs and consider the damage that they are doing to relationships that took decades to build. It's really disgusting to see our relationship with Saudi Arabia disintegrate because of these embarrassing attempts to insinuate their involvement in 9/11.


Apr 21, 2016 9:33 AM

Can't say I didn't warn you. The great precious metals bubble popped long ago, and this may have been the final dead cat bounce before the plunge that truly destroys what remains of the gold and silver bugs. And all this while stocks are poised to make new all time highs! What a tragedy for those who refused to listen to reason and evidence!


Apr 21, 2016 9:44 AM

Yet another pathetic attempt to discredit Hillary! Why can't you conservatives just argue with her policy positions instead of constantly trying to smear her campaign? Hillary's track record is extremely strong and demonstrates exactly the kind of leadership and strength of character that our nation needs in these challenging times.



Apr 22, 2013 1:56 PM

It's amazing how ZHers cannot see the green shoots in the economy when they are staring them right in the face. The S&P 500 is pricing in future growth, which it infers from a range of economic indicators. Lets take a look at some of these indicators:
1. The housing recovery is accelerating with mortgage rates at all time lows and purchase programs targeting mortgage backed securities
2. The VIX remains depressed despite doomer shorts crying about a potential 'market crash'. This puts pension funds at ease and let's equity investors but with confidence
3. Interest rates are at all time lows, begging the question: where is the inflation that doomer libertarians have been crying about?

Apr 22, 2013 10:19 AM

The age of 'small businesses' is over. If you had argued that we needed 'entrepreneurs' to create new products and services 100 years ago, then you may have had a valid point. But in today's developed global economy, we have international corporations and semi-governmental institutions that take care of all the basic products that we need. Large corporations have now streamlined their processes to such an extent that entrepreneurs are no longer able to compete to provide better quality products. The global economy no longer needs new businesses. What we need now is integration, and a global central governing institution to consolidate global fiscal and monetary policy. This is how we are going to progress as a species.

Apr 22, 2013 11:06 AM

Japan has been warned about its stingy monteray policy by economists all over the world. Now I hope the consequences of hawkish monetary policy are clear for all to see. Japan could have ended it's economic slowdown a long time ago. But instead they chose a path of frugal and pathetic monetary policy; with easing that was simply insufficient for an economy hungry for stimulus.

Apr 22, 2013 12:40 PM

All I know is that the good and silver charts keep going down down down. If prices have fallen this much, it stands to reason that they will go down further. Silver has almost fallen to fair value at 18 dollars an ounce just as I predicted, but that by no means implies that it can't fall much further.

Apr 22, 2013 9:14 AM

This is the beginning of WORLD WAR III. But this time we are fighting a financial war. NO MORE AUSTERITY!! NO MORE CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS!!

Apr 22, 2013 9:40 AM

Correlation does not imply causation. The S&P chart has demostrated resilience in the face of all adverse economic data. The message is clear: we are in a recovery, and the market is pricing in significant economic growth over the next 5-10 years.

Apr 22, 2015 1:07 PM

Once again the reporting on this site is somewhat biased and problematic. Respected media outlets need to get in on the alternative media revolution. I believe traditional media could really increase its popularity by having alternative media style four-way Skype discussions with real people. Traditional media needs to get cool again - and people need to feel that they are having an impact on the news that is covered. What makes alternative media so popular is the feeling that it is driven by a community - we need to emulate this if we are going to survive and thrive in the digital age. Traditional media has failed to tap into the internet revolution, but it's not too late to turn things around.

Apr 22, 2015 1:08 PM


Apr 22, 2015 1:21 PM

The same needs to happen with commercial software Giants like Microsoft and Oracle. These companies need to start going for the open-source grassroots look and feel in order to get young smart programmers to use their technologies. Microsoft is losing the 'cool' battle with young technologists and although the impact may be minimal now, in the long term companies like Microsoft could find themselves on the sidelines.

Apr 22, 2016 1:08 PM

This is actually a very progressive decision. Young black youths are disproportionately sent to jail when compared to all other races, which pretty much damns them to a life of crime. Once they are sent to prison, their career prospects are tarnished by their criminal record, and they are introduced to a network of criminals. It's an absolute tragedy - we don't solve the problem of crime by destroying people's lives! These people need EDUCATION and guidance! Prisoners need to have a say too in our society, or things will never change.


Apr 22, 2016 11:01 AM

It's pretty difficult to deny that we are in an economic recovery when our jobs numbers are so positive, interest rates are so low, and our stock market is poised to make new all time highs. In fact you could even say that the economic recovery is over and our economy is booming again. Look at Silicon Valley and the amazing tech startups we are producing - companies like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Uber. These companies are huge and are employing some of our brightest college grads to solve some of the world's most cutting edge technical problems. And then you have our service sector, which is second to none. Our healthcare industry is booming like never before, and is leading the world in medical innovations. You could argue that not only has our economy recovered, but we have begun a new industrial revolution.


Apr 22, 2016 12:13 PM

It is imperative that Britain stays in the EU, where they are part of a larger more powerful entity with more clout on the international stage. Britain is too small a country on its own to wield the levers of global power. United, Europe is stronger and can influence world politics and global trade policy to their advantage. Hopefully president Obama is able to make this case to the Brits, many of whom still have the utmost respect for our president. President Obama is a rock star in Europe, unlike in America where we have still have so many uptight conservatives who will never understand the progressive revolution.


Apr 22, 2016 12:19 PM

How exactly do conservatives propose that the west fixes its pressing demographic problem? Whites aren't having nearly enough children to sustain the welfare state and state pensions. The only way to fix this is to import people with higher birth rates, who will contribute to the economy and pay taxes. If you don't like it, then maybe you have a problem with tolerance. Maybe it's you that needs to change, not the immigrants. People have their own cultures, and we need to be respectful of everyone -we live in the 21st century ok? There is a bigger world out there than just white western culture .. jeez


Apr 22, 2016 12:29 PM

America's future is in a North American Union. There is currently a lot of resistance though, especially with Trump's protectionist mantra. It's going to take a long time to convince Americans to become part of something bigger and more meaningful, but the good news is America's demographics are changing rapidly and as a consequence our country is becoming more amenable to change.


Apr 23, 2012 10:48 AM

This is absolutely pathetic. Leaders are supposed to be making tough decisions about how to fix the imbalances in the world economy, and what do these Dutch cowards do? Just give up! Simply appalling. I can understand why people are disenfranchised with their governments. All people want is for their governments to FIX the economy, and global leaders are responding with pathetic indecisiveness and fiscal impotence.

Apr 23, 2013 9:00 AM

If you think that there's an evil cartel out to get your 'stack', I believe you urgently need to see a therapist. Goldbugz suffer from a mental disorder wherein they feel 'entitled' to monthly investment gains. Whilst other investors have to put time and thought into constructing a portfolio of bonds and stocks, goldbugz expect guaranteed returns simply for 'stacking' these shiny bars. Goldbug-disorder truly is one of the sickest and most vulgar forms of narcissism in the world today.

Apr 23, 2013 9:36 AM

It's amazing that rather than simply trade the clear signals on the S&P chart, ZHers just ignore them as "irrational" or "unreal". The S&P 500 chart has demonstrated resilience in the face of GDP misses, wholelale inventory misses and NFP misses. All of this is teling you something. The S&P is pricing in future growth. Today's growth is yesterday's news. Economists and investors look at the green shoots in economy and infer future growth in the economy.

Apr 24, 2012 10:31 AM

Free trade is completely unfair on Americans. Some jobs simply BELONG to Americans and there is no excuse for hiring people in foreign countries. There is a BIG difference between trading across the Canada-America border and trading across the Texas-Oklahoma border. In the first instance we are talking about COUNTRIES, and in the second instance we are talking about STATES. There is a distinct philosophical difference between these two entities and if you can't see that then I'm afraid you are too far-gone for me to reason with you. Just WAKE UP!

Apr 24, 2012 9:15 AM

Strong support at $550. Savvy value investors will be looking to take advantage of any temporary arbitrage should there be a sell off.

Apr 24, 2012 9:21 AM

650 .. 550 .. what difference does it make when the short term price target is 700, followed by 1000 shortly after?

Apr 24, 2013 10:45 AM

Sorry guys, you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts. It is a scientific fact that aggregate demand is the single best predictor of GDP. When aggregate demand goes up, GDP goes up. This is theory has been tested and verified for 100 years.

Apr 24, 2013 9:25 AM

Doesn't matter. The S&P chart is pricing in future growth. To long term value investors, this is just short-term noise.

Apr 24, 2013 9:39 AM

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of why the stock market is performing so well, here are some of the green shoots on the radar that long term investors and economists are analysing very closely:

  1. Record number of college educated Americans, which many top economists believe to be a major factor that will benefit America’s economy in years to come
  2. The continued subjugation of the VIX, which negates claims about a potential ‘market crash’
  3. Record low mortgage rates and a strong housing recovery
  4. Record low inflation, which leaves plenty of room for further purchase programs and monetary easing

Apr 25, 2012 3:30 PM

This is a good opportunity for me to explain monetary stimulus as well:

  1. Stimulate the economy slowly, until it starts to grow
  2. Once the economy has grown sufficiently, ease further until there is a climax in aggregate demand
  3. Finally create a burst of liquidity to conclude the operation

If our Federal Reserve follows these three simple steps, we will be on the road to recovery in no time.

Apr 25, 2012 9:26 AM

Join the campaign to make America carbon-free by 2013. Scientists have proven that by varying our 0.28% contribution to global green house gas emissions we will have an immense and statistically certain impact on the environment. Also since there are no other significant factors (known or unknown) affecting the climate, no further analysis is required. We need to act NOW before it's too late. Support the Carbon-Free Revolution. Make America CARBON-FREE by 2013!!!

Apr 25, 2012 9:47 AM

There has been a notable silence on this issue in the press over the last six months or so, and I find this extremely worrying. Climate Change is a serious issue, and it has withstood the criticisms of many scientists and right wing interests. Therefore this is the time to ACT and not to question. But it seems my words are falling on increasingly deaf ears, which is both saddening and disturbing.

Now: don't get me wrong. I welcome constructive criticisms such as,

"maybe we should impose a cap on carbon emissions instead of mandating carbon offsets"


"isn't it better that the government subsidises biofuels rather than food crops".

But criticisms like "water vapour is the most powerful and abundant greenhouse gas to which humans contribute only 0.01%" etc. have become wearisome and are simply not worth responding to.

Apr 25, 2013 2:39 PM

It's quite amusing to watch the wide-eyed silverbug lemmings cheer as silver bounces before it's innevitable plunge to fair value at $18 an ounce. It seems that there is no level of dignity or rationality that silverbugs aren't willing to sacrifice in order to satisfy their dreams of world domination.

Apr 25, 2016 10:39 AM

This really shows that Hillary is principled and won't just take money from anyone who offers their support. Hillary and the Clinton foundation vet every one of their donors to make sure that each one adheres to a strict set of moral guidelines. It's disgusting that billionares like the Koch brothers are denying the science of climate change when millions in the third world are dying as a result of our careless burning of fossil fuels. Shame on you  for denying the scientific consensus Mr Koch! And shame on Donald Trump for doing the same! 


Apr 25, 2016 11:23 AM

The AT endorses mainstream opinions and conclusions that are widely accepted in academia and by polical experts. That's what makes it accredited. The Koch brothers are an evil group of people that lurk behind almost every bigoted right wing agenda, and they are widely despised by progressive thinkers. That's why I don't like them.  

Apr 26, 2012 4:10 PM

Dr Paul Krugman is one of the most learned and influential intellectuals of our time. Sure, his views are radical to some. But this is the price one must pay to be virtuous in an ignorant and hateful society that lacks the maturity to think objectively on sensitive topics like "inflation" and "unemployment". I admire Dr Krugman’s stoicism in the face of the appalling verbal abuse he has received from libertarians and rednecks with no sense of courtesy, rationality, ethics or economic knowledge. Paul Krugman, Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson are modern-day founding fathers and will go down in history as the most successful economic planners of their time. They have succeeded in averting a double dip recession, and creating growth where none thought it possible, and our children will be ashamed that their elders treated these economists with such contempt.

Apr 26, 2013 10:37 AM

World Leader Profiles 

 Mario Drahgi 

Favorite food: Veal Scallopini

Favorite song: Wild Horses - the Rolling Stones

Favorite book: The Bible

What would you do to reduce youth unemployment?

The first thing I would do is introduce a comprehensive jobs program that targeted young adults between the ages of 20 and 30. It is absolutely unacceptable that youth unemployment remains so high when there is so much that can be done.

Apr 27, 2012 4:39 PM

I am absolutely shocked at 'Robert Wenzel's' remarkable display of ignorance. Where do I even start? Well I guess I can start with this astonishingly ignorant proposition:


“There are no such constants in the field of economics since the science of economics deals with human action, which can change at any time.”


This view ... the view that there has to be a right and wrong answer to everything - that things have to be either true or false, is typical of purist libertarians. The truth is that value is subjective, and hence we need to allocate resources according to the preferences of the population. The questions is, who gets to allocate resources? Should they be allocated according to the preferences of ignorant and uninformed ‘market participants’? Or should they be allocated by experts and professionals with a superior knowledge of economic principles? I think the answer is obvious.

Apr 27, 2012 5:15 PM

Well, as a moral nihilist and subjectivist, I simply have to disagree. Economics doesn't have to be about truth and falsehood. It can also be about how resources should be allocated. The only important thing is that resources are allocated by learned intellectuals, rather than the general rabble. Contrary to populist doctrine, not all preferences are equal: the preferences of experts are more important than those of common people, and this should be reflected in the structure of society.

Apr 27, 2012 5:42 PM

"I thought supply and demand was how value of products produced was determined."

You're right - this is still true to some extent. And it needs to change. It is simply insane to propose that a redneck nascar-watching libertarian has more valuable preferences for the consumption of goods and services than an esteemed Ivy League economist. Prices should be mandated by experts, should not be 'set' by ignorant 'market participants'.  

Apr 29, 2014 10:56 AM

These gold price 'manipulation' conspiracy theories are quite amusing. The idea that a market as large as this could be manipulated for years without any regulator noticing and without any reputable institution filing a lawsuit is nothing short of absurd. My experience with goldbugs is that they tend to be appallingly bad traders and prefer to blame their losses on others rather than take responsibility for their own poor judgment.

Apr 3, 2012 10:32 AM

That's because most Americans don't run around causing trouble like whiny libertarians constantly crying about "non-intervention" and "the first amendment". If you acted like normal people and played by the rules, you wouldn't experience nearly as much aggression from the police.

Apr 3, 2012 9:40 AM

Hollywood is a powerhouse for progressive American thought. Hollywood actors have won the hearts and minds of Americans and hip forward-thinkers around the world, by pioneering many charitable initiatives and advocating sensible solutions to the world's problems. The live 8 concert is a perfect example of such an initiative. This concert didn't focus on the traditional out-dated charitable model of raising money. Instead the concert convinced western governments to relieve African governments of billions in debt, so that they could spend the extra money on helping their people. These actors, including stars like Angelina Jolie and Will Smith understood that governments can be trusted to use their powers for good only, whereas the motives of private charities are questionable, and so this model made perfect sense.

Apr 3, 2013 3:46 PM

Does the Free Market Produce Prosperity? - A Comprehensive Research Paper

There are a number of articles investigating the relationship between deregulation and economic prosperity, but very few studies reference the unintended consequences of laissez faire capitalism. This research paper by Alan Krueger, Obama’s chief economic advisor, suggests that a decrease in the minimum wage could result in a reduction in income[1].

Despite the claims of many libertarians that the free market favors the poor, the academic literature continues to question this proposition. Either this is a strongly contested or under-researched economic issue, or the science has not been widely disseminated amongst economic educators and publicists. This study aims add some clarity to the question of whether the academic literature does in fact support common libertarian beliefs about the virtues of the free market.


1. http://dataspace.princeton.edu/jspui/bitstream/88435/dsp01hh63sv89x/1/28...

Apr 3, 2013 3:46 PM


Apr 3, 2013 9:26 AM

Honest question: Why do we even need small businesses anymore? Large corporations provide pretty much all the goods and services that we will ever need. New businesses create huge amounts of paperwork for regulators and the IRS. Why can't we simply consolidate the provision of basic products under a small and manageable group of larger companies? From a regulatory view, this makes far more sense.

Apr 3, 2013 9:42 AM

Now governments need to go after offshore bank accounts and tax evaders. Once the politicians have this money, they will almost certainly use it to pay down the debt, and the revenue problem will be solved.

Apr 30, 2012 10:00 AM

This is a war between common sense and purist libertarianism. Between those who support the construction of our economy by fostering aggregate demand, and those who seek to destroy this country through tight, stingy monetary policy and week, impotent fiscal policy. As Dr Paul Krugman eloquently points out, these purist libertarians are supporting the 1% with their anti-Federal Reserve nonsense, and I'm personally sick of it.

Apr 30, 2012 3:35 PM


Only Paul Krugman and the Keynesians, that libertarians despite so much, are willing to stand up to the 1%. Easy monetary policy helps the average Joe at the expense of the 1%, and Bernanke is doing all he can to create a more equal society. Our Federal Reserve’s dual mandate was written specifically to create maximum employment and stable prices, which is to help the 99%. But greedy and masochistic libertarians are more interested in supporting the corporations.




Apr 30, 2012 3:47 PM

I absolutely agree with Dr Krugman on Ben Bernanke's role as Fed Chariman. Those words were harsh but necessary. Ben Bernanke has quite frankly FAILED to deliver sufficient quantities of monetary stimulus. His monetary policy has become week, stingy, and ineffective. We need SERIOUS monetary stimulus unless we want to become the next Japan, and the sooner our Federa Reserve mans up to the challenge the better.

Apr 30, 2013 11:03 AM

Bernanke's worst nightmare is a deflationary collapse brought on by a weak and passive monetary policy. He knows full well that he bares full responsibility for aggregate demand in not just America, but all over the world. This is his mission, and his vigilance and ability to face down the challenges that the economy presents will determine his legacy. I hope for his sake and for the sake of America, that he makes the right decisions.

Apr 4, 2012 10:26 AM

There is no clone. If you don't believe me, then search the usernames.

Apr 4, 2012 11:59 AM

Critical thinking tips:

1. Always check your facts

You cannot just believe every nut job on the internet. You need to use reason and evidence as your guiding light to cut through the waves of libertarian propaganda.

2. Make sure you get your information from credible sources

A lot of libertarians tend to cite non-credible far-right sources like "LewRockwell.com" or "the Mises institute". These groups are notable also followers of the long discredited "Austrian school of economics" which has been exposed by countless top Ivy League economists.

3. Avoid sources of information that have been flagged as non-credible by specialised hate watch groups

The Southern Poverty Law Center has a comprehensive list of hate groups that should be avoided. These groups often claim to advocate "liberty" or "freedom", but this is normally just a cover for their extreme right wing and conspiratorial views.

Apr 4, 2012 9:38 AM

Alex Hope is a star trader who beams with confidence and creative energy. You can tell he's a successful superstar when hoards of greasy ZH day traders attack him with envy. I was seriously thinking of taking his FX trading master class this month, but sadly I'll have to wait till the end of the trial.

Apr 4, 2012 9:40 AM

What about it? Looks pretty good to me. You jealous of his self-esteem? It's not his fault he is the best. He just is. Ok?

Apr 4, 2013 10:06 AM

So?? Spanish bonds are paying some sweet yields. The capital gains are irrelevant to funds who intend to hold these bonds to maturity.

Apr 4, 2013 2:08 PM

Once governments have this money, they can start paying down their deficits. This is he solution to all our debt problems. Runaway spending will end, and government budgets will be balanced thereafter. This is the final tax.

Apr 4, 2013 9:50 AM


Apr 4, 2013 9:51 AM

Top Trends for 2013: 


1. Tablets are going to become custom in the workplace


Surveys have shown that up to 33% of Americans now own a tablet. Tablets are becoming increasingly convenient since the release of the iPad Mini. Tablets are no longer just a luxury item - they're now considered a must-have accessory for staying up to date on social networking sites like facebook wherever you are.


2. Personal-distributor selling schemes are going to take over the health industry


Herbalife now accounts for 30% of the weight management industry. Soon this figure will soar to ovver 50% of all weight management products. Herbalife's market share in other categories is also increasing rapidly. If the current trend continues, Hebalife will be the only significant health brand available to consumers.


3. Personal data will be monetized


Personal data such as location history and purchase habits are being captured every day by innovative companies like Google, Apple and Facebook. In a comptetitive marketplace, this data is becoming increasingly valuable to comsumer companies. In addition, government departments such as America's Department of Homeland Securiry are becoming increasingly interested in using and analyzing this personal data.

Apr 4, 2016 11:22 AM

We have a serious demographic problem that can only be solved through immigration, and yet conservatives continue call for stronger borders and for vetting of Syrian refugees, the vast majority of whom are peaceful and hardworking. We need to be doing the exact opposite of what conservatives want – we need to greatly encourage immigration and quickly, so that people from all over the world can start assimilating into society and contributing to the tax base. It is the duty of all young Americans and immigrants to contribute to the retirement of our elders, as a reward for their custodianship of the economy, and their protection of our freedoms. The boomers have done more than any other generation in protecting and upholding American freedoms and values, and have provided the young with the opportunities they have today. This is why we need to do everything we can to protect their retirement. For a society that refuses to take care of its elders is not a society at all.



Apr 4, 2016 11:50 AM

Terrorism is only going to get worse if we continue to offend Muslims and refuse to show restraint and respect for their culture. It’s no good complaining about their culture, such criticism will only make things worse. Islam is now a dominant religion in Europe and fast growing in America. The future of the west is going to look very different, and I think we need to just accept it and learn to live with it.



Apr 4, 2016 12:00 PM

Ted Cruz is a force to be reckoned with in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are smart – they don’t want a showman or ‘dealmaker’ as President. They want someone with solid principles and experience in politics who is going to get the job done, and create jobs and growth. Only Ted Cruz has a credible plan for achieving these things, which is why he continues to extend his lead on Trump. Trump doesn’t have a hope in hell of winning Wisconsin, which is going to be a real blow to his campaign. It was fun while it lasted, but it looks like the American people are finally coming to their senses.


Apr 4, 2016 12:01 PM


Apr 5, 2012 11:45 AM

Everyone laughed at me for my call to buy BAC at close to $5. Since then it has almost doubled in about four months. I think ZH day traders owe me and Warren Buffet an apology.

Apr 5, 2012 3:46 PM

The COT report consistently does not reflect goldbugs' and silverbugs' conspiratorial view of the precious metals markets. During periods of weakness in the precious metals I constantly see accusations of outsized manipulative short orders. However, this simply does not show up in the commercials section of the COT report. Oh let me guess, there's ANOTHER layer to the conspiracy where the "bullion banks" cover before the COT cutoff ... Give me a break.

Apr 5, 2012 9:40 AM

Come on guys ... this is getting embarrassing. You can't just blame every bad trade you make on "manipulation". These constant conspiracy theories and envy of people in powerful positions just has to stop. It's childish and ridiculous, and it's not conducive to thoughtful and intellectual discourse.

Apr 5, 2012 9:54 AM

Who's trying to be funny? I'm just pointing out that the ZH readership would rather accept conspiracy theories at face value rather than apply reason and evidence to determine the truth. I have always provided solid arguments for my propositions, and have I consistently adhered to principles of virtue in the face of the appalling verbal abuse I have received on this site. I hope to set an example for other commenters to help them learn how to take part in civil discourse.


Apr 5, 2013 10:27 AM

You little rascals better not even think of cutting old age pensions and social security. Before railing against their elders, young people need to first look at the facts:

1. Social security is running at a SURPLUS. The IOUs in the SS fund are worth billions of dollars, and these assets will comfortably fund the SS liabilities.

2. Boomers have contributed more to this country than any other group in history. Boomers are the most educated, sophisticated and most financially capable group ever to have lived. Young people need to learn some respect and personal responsibility if they want to follow the legacy of the boomer generation.

3. Government pensions are written into legislation, so you BETTER stay away from these unless you want your representative to drown under an avalanche of class action law suits. These pensions are untouchable, so look elsewhere you little scoundrels.

Apr 5, 2013 12:20 PM

The "fundamentals" don't matter. Follow the chart. The 4 year chart of the S&P 500 is in a clear uptrend. Until that trend changes, I'm a buyer.

Apr 5, 2013 4:07 PM

Ok, I've just been doing some analysis on the 4 year chart of the S&P 500, and I have to say this is hands down the best chart I have ever seen. Firstly, there is a clear uptrend, with a steep trend line predicting at least 2000 by year end. Secondly, the MACD is positive, which is also a good sign. Then if you bring up a weekly or monthly chart there is a consistent series of higher highs and higher lows. All of these signals are strong buy indicators. The technicals are screaming buy, so if you don’t own stocks and you think it’s too late to get in, rest assured that stocks still have a long way to go.

Apr 5, 2013 4:10 PM

We need to have more compassion as a society. The rise in poverty has been associated with a blind worship of the ‘free market’ and deregulation. When will we learn that trickle down economics doesn’t work?

Apr 5, 2013 5:28 PM

Yes but there are also a lot of oportunities for people to make money outside of their careers. For example, Herbalife allows every day Americans to distribute their world class products and even offers it's distributors sweet rewards like fully paid-for holiday packages. Plus there are a multitude of ways to make money online using online marketing and even FX trading. Sure, you may be earning $10 an hour, but in the 21st century there are many ways for average Americans to supplement their incomes.

Apr 6, 2016 11:42 AM

China is becoming the undisputed king of manufacturing. It's quite exciting to see the global economy grow, and watch countries specialize in what they excel at. Here in America, we specialize in services. Our service economy dwarfs those of the rest of the world - we lead the way hands down in healthcare, education, food and restaurants. We're happy to offshore our crumbling manufacturing sector to China, but if they try to mess with our service sector, there's going to be hell to pay.

BTW, new article at the Accredited Times today, on why repealing Obamacare would be a disaster:


Apr 6, 2016 12:56 PM

New article at the Accredited Times today, on why repealing Obamacare would be a disaster:


Apr 7, 2016 11:16 AM

Reasons why I don't like Trump:

  1. He's a racist
  2. He's a sexist
  3. He's a xenophobe
  4. He's a fascist
  5. He was endorsed by the KKK
  6. He acts like a clown
  7. He will start world war 3
  8. He can't be trusted with the nuclear codes
  9. He wants to 'punish' women for having illegal abortions
  10. He's racist against Muslims 


Apr 7, 2016 11:35 AM

Let's put things in perspective here. The S&P 500 is still above 2000! If someone were to tell you in 2008 that the S&P was beginning an unprecedented ascent into the 2000's, you probably wouldn't have believed it; yet here we are. The long term support line underlying the rally in the S&P still holds strong, and seems almost unbreakable. Many theories abound as to how markets became so easy to trade and make money from, but it's my personal theory that we have entered a new age of economic science, in which economic advisors and monetary officials have finally discovered the formula to creating steady, low volatility growth in the stock market in perpetuity. This bull market is not ending anytime soon. In fact, if you ask me, this is only the beginning. If you think we've seen great stock market returns over the last five years, just wait till you see what they do over the next five years. This is the age of economics, and those who understand this paradigm shift will have the courage to be bold and grab the opportunities it presents with both hands. Those who continue to live in the past however, will weep with misery as they watch others reap fortunes and leave them in the dust.


Apr 7, 2016 9:04 AM

Europe can never achieve greatness without unity. We live in a globalized world, where business and economic transactions transcend national borders. In every way, our world is now more international than ever before. Ideas know no borders, success knows no borders, and the love and hope we all have for our children knows no borders. Europeans need to embrace the EU as a step in the right direction. It may not be perfect in its current form, but rather than try to sabotage it, Europeans should work together to make it stronger than ever before.

The subject of today's article at the Accredited Times is the public sector, and why it beats the private sector hands down every time:



Apr 7, 2016 9:11 AM

One of the reasons students can't make the payments is because the private sector refuses to provide jobs for college graduates. The private sector is disgustingly anti-education, and dismisses many high quality college degrees simply because they aren't 100% focused towards the company's specific job opening, forgetting that it's the principle of education that matters, not what you studied. We need to build the public sector so that it can fill the void in unemployment left by the private sector, if we are going to tackle this problem once and for all.

Read more about the advantages of the public sector over the private sector in today's article over at the Accredited Times:


Apr 8, 2013 10:13 AM

Exactly Paul. The fact that many ZHers don't even understand the difference between taxation and theft tells you all you need to know about the ignorance on this site.

Apr 8, 2013 10:30 AM

See? I rest my case.

Apr 8, 2013 2:49 PM

What this biased article fails to mention is that millions of Americans now have access to FREE healthcare. This is a huge weight of the backs of every day Americans who previously spent a large portion of their income on healthcare.

Apr 8, 2016 1:25 PM

Give me a break. There are so many indicators that we are in a strong recovery, that it is patently absurd to suggest otherwise. We've had positive NFP reports month after month for over five years, the S&P 500 is trading at over 2000, the VIX has been trading at historic lows, and interest rates remain at record lows. These are all undeniably strong indicators for our economy, and it's actually quite sad that permabears simply refuse to acknowledge it. You're all missing out on spectacular gains in the stock market, and for what? To be right for a couple of months when we have a correction? It's just sad.


Apr 8, 2016 10:35 AM

Although I believe Bill Clinton meant well, he failed to foresee what his crime bill would do to the black community. I've often written about the problems with giving young men from disadvantaged backgrounds criminal records, as it tarnishes their resume and automatically bars them from higher quality jobs and colleges, preventing them from moving up in society and escaping poverty. This simply pushes these young men back into criminality, when we should be trying to pull them out. That's why I agree with BLM here. Having said that, I still admire Bill Clinton's legacy, and still to this day believe he was the best president we've had in modern history.


Apr 8, 2016 10:40 AM

Isn't this humiliating for all the doomer peak oilers, who told us that the oil price would go the moon in the next decade or so. It's quite laughable how absolutely wrong they were, and yet they refuse to apologize.

Today's article at the Accredited Times covers why Central Banks are not only important, but essential to a modern liberal democracy:


Apr 8, 2016 10:46 AM

How many more deaths is it going to take for conservatives to agree to BASIC gun control laws that exist in every other country?!! We have a new mass shooting almost every month now! This is getting out of control, and stupid, stupid, STUPID conservatives still think we should be able to carry around dangerous weapons!! It's just unbelievable!


Apr 8, 2016 10:55 AM

NOT THE SAME THING. Cars are not designed to kill, guns are. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Apr 8, 2016 10:58 AM

We still need strong gun laws across the whole country. It's no good having restricted zones here and there, when anyone can get access to a gun outside those areas. How come Europe, Australia and Canada hardly ever have these problems, and yet we have them all the time???

Apr 9, 2013 1:59 PM

Doesn't matter. As long as stocks are making new highs, I'm a buyer.

Apr 9, 2013 10:47 AM

Libertarians will use the guise of 'freedom' to justify the most savage flavors of capitalism and free market despotism. The advancement of radical free market policies and deregulation in the pursuit of ‘freedom’ has lead to the largest gap between rich and poor in history.

Apr 9, 2013 10:54 AM

Sadly, when presenting these facts to libertarians and free market ideologues the conversation rapidly deteriorates into a food-fight of childish verbal abuse and logical fallacies. What is even more disturbing is that these despicable people detest academia and its esteemed institutions. The first commandment of libertarian bigotry is to deny the credibility of respected academic institutions. That way when the social and economic consensus among the experts contradicts their believes, they can turn a blind eye.

Apr 9, 2013 11:09 AM

The difference is that politicians are democratically elected and therefore represent the will of the people. It is best for wealth to be distributed and redistributed according to the will of the people, NOT corporations.

Apr 9, 2013 3:09 PM


10 reasons why I hate goldbugs:

  1. They cry about ‘manipulation’ every time they lose money
  2. They hoard gold instead of investing in the economy, denying millions of people jobs and income growth
  3. They undermine our national currency and national interests
  4. They selfishly pursue profit at the expense of others
  5. They keep ‘stacking’, even when they’ve already lost half of their family’s retirement
  6. They have no understanding of basic economic principles
  7. They snobbishly reject all other investments
  8. They have a lemming-like mentality, and buy in panic
  9. They have an inability to see the other side of the gold argument
  10. They rush to one another’s defence in pro-gold arguments, even if they have not understanding of the argument at hand


Aug 10, 2011 4:51 PM

President Obama is trying his best - it's a hard job being president of the world's greatest super-power. These un-greatful comments are very saddening, and are indicative of our country's loss of values. There was a time when hard-working politicians would receive thanks for their courage and sacrifice, but those days appear to be over.

Aug 10, 2015 11:08 AM

I'm sorry to break it to ZHers, but the truth is Donald Trump is simply not a credible candidate. He has absolutely no experience in politics whatsoever, and while he may be an expert in business, I would rather have a president with experience of running a country than business experience. Trump is an entertaining addition to the GOP leadership race, but everyone knows he has absolutely no chance of winning against Hilary, who is very strong on all aspects of her leadership. My suggestion to the republicans would be to elect Jeb Bush, who may not be as glamorous or punchy as Trump, but at least he has relevant experience and has a real chance of winning the election. 

Aug 10, 2015 12:01 PM

It's amusing to watch goldbugz and silverbugz cling to their dreams of becoming kings of the universe. Here's a little wake-up call for those who are still think that these metals are a good investment:



 Goldbugz are literally drowning in losses. LOL!


Meanwhile stocks continue to make new all time highs month after month. It amazes me that goldbugz continue to shred their portfolios to pieces when they could be making a fortune with everyone else. Why not work with the recovery instead of against it? Why not choose to invest for profit rather than ideology? Investing doesn't need to be as hard as golbugz are making it. The average retail investor is doing way better than them with a sensible buy-and-hold portfolio of US stocks and bonds.

Aug 10, 2015 8:54 AM

This was an honest yet tragic mistake. This is exactly why I have repeatedly suggested that we set up secondary government departments tasked with overseeing the existing departments. This will ensure that our government is 100% accountable for its actions.

Aug 10, 2015 8:54 AM


Aug 11, 2011 3:18 PM

That is quite a shocking comment when our government has just navigated us through one of the worst financial crisis in all of history. I am horrified to see so many childish, immature libertarians criticise economic policies that they clearly don't understand. Under the guidance of top nobel-prize winning economists, our government has saved the economy from complete destruction through monetary and fiscal stimulus. I know it's complex for most of the ognorant doomers to understand but the logic is summarized as follows: "more monetary stimulus = more consumption = more service sector job growth".   

Aug 11, 2011 7:28 AM

We should be greatful that American news outlets have not stooped as low as this German newspaper. Our outlets understand that mingling with doomers and conspiracy theorists is the worst way to maintain confidence and spur on the global recovery. In the end it is our values that will pull us through these trying times - values of respecting our elected politicians who have proven their leadership skills and know how to navigate this turmoil, and bring us to safer shores.

Aug 11, 2015 11:51 AM

#Why Gov?

Looking for a career? Why not consider working for the government?

Theresa Philips

Logistics Administrator, Post Office

"What I love about my job is that every day is different. One day I'll be liaising with the drivers to make sure packages are on track to their destinations, and the next day I'll be interacting directly with customers in order to ensure their details are entered correctly into our system. The best part of my job is knowing that I make a real difference to peoples' lives every day."


Visit www.accredited-times.com to find out more about employment opportunities in local and Federal government.

Aug 11, 2015 12:56 PM

It's funny to see the two least credible candidates go head to head, as if either of them has any chance of getting the nomination. Trump's views on immigration are nothing short of disgusting, and most Americans recognize this, even if a minority of extreme right wingers don't. Rand Paul's views are all-round crazy, just like his father's, and it's unfortunate that he has been allowed to de-rail the debate and distract us from the real issues and the credible candidates that can actually deal with them. Jeb Bush is clearly the front-runner, and any real republican would get behind him in order to stand the best chance at defeating Hillary. Hillary is very strong on all issues, and has widespread support form grass roots liberals all across America - it's going to take a lot to beat her, and the circus at the GOP primary is not a promising start. 

Aug 11, 2016 10:13 AM

This is a very sad day. The Hufffington post has grown by leaps and bounds under Arianna's leadership, and has been the voice of reason on many issues such as police racism, Trump's fascism, gun violence, and the glaring inequities in society. The Accredited Times will continue to do its own part to spread the message of progressivism and advance liberal values, and I hope that the Huffington Post will continue to be a source of inspiration for our accredited writers in the years to come.

Aug 12, 2011 9:42 AM

With all due respect I disagree with Kocherlakota on this issue. Monetary stimulus is still very much needed to boost this fragile recovery. At the risk of sounding like a doomer crackpot, I think last week's market move was indicative of how much the markets really depend on the wise guidance of our Fed officials.

Aug 12, 2012 3:33 PM

My decision to support Mitt Romney in the upcoming Presidential election remains unchanged. Obama had his chance, and he failed to deliver the necessary fiscal stimulus programs to get our economy back on track. Mitt Romney has what it take to create growth and straighten out the economy, and what’s more he doesn’t pull punches. Mitt Romney may be a highly controversial candidate, with some radical ideas for promoting growth in America coupled with an unapologetic dedication to promoting green technologies; but we need a candidate with the strength to stand up for the principles that all Americans believe in. Shake things up in Washington - vote Mitt Romney in 2012. 

Aug 12, 2012 4:00 PM

Zero Hedge IS a socialist site now, and you better get used to it. The progressive revolution is spreading, and there's nothing nerdy libertarians can do stop it. 

Aug 12, 2015 11:21 AM

As a rule, I never indulge conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor states that a simple explanation is more likely to be true than a complicated explanation. Conspiracy theorists always jump to the most complicated conclusion, instead of accepting the most obvious one. This instance is no exception: isn't it more plausible that this was just an honest mistake? To my knowledge the Environmental Protection Agency has virtually no record of misconduct up until this incident, so I don't see how they could possibly be up to something so devious.

Aug 12, 2015 11:44 AM

Although I acknowledge that there has been some temporary environmental damage caused by this accident, I don't believe that any EPA workers were personally responsible. Accidents like this often cannot be prevented, and we have to accept that from time to time this will happen in an industrialized society. Part of the problem is that we simply produce too much chemical waste on our overindustrialized, overpopulated planet.

Aug 13, 2012 12:52 PM


The moral of this story is don’t be fooled by conspiracy theories. If Samuel Israel had not believed Nichols’ silly conspiracy theory about how the Federal Reserve manipulates the market, he would have saved himself millions of dollars. This just goes to show that conspiracy theories are not only ridiculous, but also dangerous. 


Aug 13, 2012 2:48 PM

I came to this site just over a year ago with the intention of spreading the progressive revolution to one of the few bastions of libertarian ignorance. Over that period, the number of progressive and left-leaning comments and articles has risen dramatically to the point at which we seriously threaten the libertarian status quo. Whereas for most this site’s history, anti-union or anti-welfare comments would have been considered the norm, they are now hammered with down arrows.  I predict that by the end of this year, the progressive revolution will have fully taken over Zerohedge, and libertarians will have to find somewhere else to post their insolent nonsense. I will continue the march to promote the virtues of central planning and state-enforced controls on the movement of peoples, goods and services, because I know that this is the only path to proseperity, peace and liberty. 

Aug 13, 2014 9:59 AM

The main problem arises when people resist the police. If you resist the police, then you can expect to be met with force. Good citizens understand this, which is why you never see average Americans complain about 'police brutality'.

Aug 13, 2015 1:40 PM

Sorry to break it to you, but no level of 'skill' will ever match an Ivy League education. Studies have shown that Ivy League educated individuals earn far more than non-Ivy Leaguers, and they also have higher IQs, move up the corporate ladder faster and have more job satisfaction. People should move up the ranks based on seniority and formal qualifications - this focus on skills without education is just a way of cheating the system.

Aug 13, 2015 1:43 PM

I wish people would stop making such a big deal out of this. Compared to the real environmental issues facing our planet like climate change and overindustrialization this is nothing.

Aug 13, 2015 5:28 PM

Hillary is still the strongest candidate by far, standing head and shoulders above Trump. What's more she has the support of true grass roots liberals all across America - these are people who really care about making America a fairer, more diverse and equal place, and they are dedicated to the Democratic cause. While the republicans are divided and scattered, the democrats are united behind Hillary, and ready for battle. The only candidate who has any chance of beating Hillary is Jed Bush, and right now the republicans are too busy in-fighting to get behind him and stand a fighting chance.

Aug 13, 2015 5:42 PM

#Why Gov?
Looking for a career? Why not consider working for the government?
Bob Solesman
Operations Analyst, IRS

"I analyse financial records to make sure that everyone is paying their taxes in full and on time. The best thing about my job is that I get to use my analytical skills to solve real problems in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The work hours are pretty sweet too - work starts at around 9:00 and most people leave at 5:00 sharp. We believe in work life balance here - there's no point in overworking yourself if you're not in a state to produce quality results.”

Visit www.accredited-times.com to find out more about employment opportunities in local and Federal government.p

Aug 13, 2015 5:43 PM

#Why Gov?
Looking for a career? Why not consider working for the government?
Bob Solesman
Operations Analyst, IRS

"I analyse financial records to make sure that everyone is paying their taxes in full and on time. The best thing about my job is that I get to use my analytical skills to solve real problems in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The work hours are pretty sweet too - work starts at around 9:00 and most people leave at 5:00 sharp. We believe in work life balance here - there's no point in overworking yourself if you're not in a state to produce quality results.”

Visit www.accredited-times.com to find out more about employment opportunities in local and Federal government.

Aug 14, 2011 12:51 PM


Aug 14, 2012 10:29 AM

$20 should continue to act as solid support. Although FB's earning were dissapointing, it's worth noting that revenue beat expectations, and it's only a matter of time before Facebook's senior management improve margins and start turning a healthy profit. 

Aug 14, 2012 12:43 PM

Peripheral debt is a screaming buy right now. The ECB and European commission are battle hardened and stand ready to take the necessary steps to promote economic stability. Only a fool would ignore these mouth watering double digit yields and pass up the investment opportunity of a lifetime.

Aug 14, 2012 2:52 PM

... meanwhile the 10 year continues to trade well below 2%, the VIX is trading at an optimistic 14.32, and the S&P continues its summer rally with another daily close above 1400. The economic fundamentals are so strong now that only the most bitter and masochistic ZH day traders remain bearish. It’s sad that the ZH readership is unable to see the green shoots in the economy, despite the overwhelming positive economic fundamentals.

Aug 14, 2012 8:52 AM

Unfortunately, the powers that be will never let retail stocks reach their true value. If they allowed this to happen, there would be a revolution in consumer spending, and the central banks' manipulative tightening scheme would fall apart. 

Aug 14, 2012 9:16 AM

Some of these small business bastards are earning millions of dollars a year. Why can't workers ALSO earn millions a year and get more vacation??? I'm still waiting for libertarians to answer that fundamental question ... 

Aug 14, 2012 9:28 AM


Here’s the thing about goldbugs: they feel that the gold market owes them a living. Whenever the gold market sells off, we hear cries of “manipulation” or “rigged markets”.  This kind of conspiratorialism is almost always expressed by investors and traders with consistently appalling returns. It’s a way for goldbugs and greasy ZH day traders to absolve themselves of responsibility for their shocking trading performance. Many of the investors and traders on this site show signs of gross narcissism and schizophrenia and in some cases even mild dementia.


Aug 14, 2015 12:19 PM

With the VIX at all time lows as our Federal Reserve masterfully engineers volatility and risk out of the market, there really isn't much to worry about. Our stock market continues to follow its steady linear uptrend, which shows no sign of breaking any time soon, our NFP results are consistently strong, and interest rates remain low, easing the our debt burden and stimulating spending in the economy.  Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen have created a legacy as the most impactful economic planners in history, taking us from the brink of collapse in 2007 to the stable growing economy that we are all enjoying today. 

Aug 15, 2011 2:59 PM

"And  so... why hasn't he solved it yet?" He is working on it. It's not easy managing the largest economy in the world, and ungreatful comments like this are not helpful at all. You should be at least satisfied that he has managed to keep this recovery going so that fewer people lose their jobs. The only barrier to prosperity is this libertarian religion that oposes what this economy is lacking most - AGGREGATE DEMAND. As I've said before, the ONLY way to boost our economy is further monetary and fiscal stimulus.

Aug 15, 2011 3:55 PM

I'd like to see you manage the world's greatest superpower. Our politicians were elected because they are the best leaders, and they know how to run a country. The congress has proven its ability to tackle difficult issues with decisive acts like the bipartisian compromise and the supercongress initiative. We need PROVEN experts to manage the country with the advice of top nobel-prize winning economists.

Aug 15, 2012 10:10 AM

"it is VERY important to keep diversity of opinion alive and well in the financial blogosphere"

How ironic ... libertarians claim to support diversity of opinion yet at the same time they have shown themselves to be completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them about "the evils of the Federal Reserve" or the immorality of bailouts. It's too bad that libertarians can't tolerate any dissent from their dogmatic views.

Aug 15, 2012 9:34 AM

An entirely obvious trade that nobody is talking about is the Muni-Treasury Arbitrage compression trade. For example the yields on 10 year California notes average at around 2.5%, whereas the UST 10 year yield is around 1.77% - that’s a 73 basis point arbitrage! Our congress and Federal Reserve are willing to assume the liabilities of state governments and thus our muni debt has a safe haven status equivalent to that of US Treasury debt. Of course, you could make the case that both muni and treasury yields are headed much lower, in which case you could make more money just buying the notes – and personally I would not argue with that.

Aug 15, 2016 10:14 AM

In case you don't know, the term 'illegal immigrant' is offensive and not accepted in civil discourse. these are undocumented immigrants. They no less American than any other hard working citizen, and they deserve to be treated equally. America would literally fall apart without undocumented immigrants doing the work that privileged Americans are too lazy and entitled to do themselves. If our society wasn't so racist, we'd have absolutely no qualms about offering citizenship to all undocumented immigrants who have been working here for a year or more, and helping to maintain and grow our economy.

Aug 15, 2016 10:53 AM

I'm afraid that we as Americans are going to have to learn to live with power cuts, as we simply cannot depend on fossil fuels any longer. We need to make our economy sustainable and green, and this type of economy will not be as prosperous as our country has been in the past. We simply need to learn to live with less - less meat, less energy, less driving, fewer vacations, and most importantly, fewer children. This is the only path to a sustainable world that promotes nature and biodiversity over human greed and exploitation.

Aug 15, 2016 11:04 AM

Tesla may be going through difficulties, but it is important that our government continues to fund and subsidize the development of electric cars. We simply cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels for our energy needs, which means we absolutely have to develop electric cars as a matter of priority. This will allow us to use a variety of far safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly energy sources for motor vehicles such as nuclear power, wind, solar, and biofuels.

Aug 15, 2016 11:17 AM

Absolutely not! No more fossil fuels!

Aug 15, 2016 11:26 AM

I agree with the professor that this trend is entirely due to neoliberal austerity. Austerity is not real liberalism. Real liberals understand that you need to increase spending when the economy is doing badly, in order to boost economic growth. You can't let the national debt scare you into cutting spending - the only way we're going to pay it off is by investing in the economy and creating jobs!

Aug 16, 2012 10:20 AM

For long term value investors, this is just short-term noise. This is a great dip-buying opportunity – and honestly, who cares whether you pay $19 or $40 when the long term price target is in the $100s??? 


Aug 16, 2012 10:30 AM

The early investors in Google and Microsoft also endured tremendous volatility. But now those investors own tens of millions of dollars of high yielding equity.

Aug 16, 2012 3:02 PM

It’s a sad day for doomer libertarians. As if the S&P 500 close isn’t bad enough for doomer ZH day traders, the VIX is now down at 14.37, indicating that investors are more confident than ever in the global recovery. It begs the question: at what point do doomer libertarians admit that they are DEAD WRONG about the economy? 

Aug 16, 2012 3:51 PM

A major problem with the Internet is that it allows underground ideas to spread and become "mainstreamed". Notions that once would have remained within isolated subcultures can now spread to the larger society with astonishing speed. Take hostility toward financial institutions and the government, both of which were common among conspiracists in the 19th and 20th centuries. The internet has allowed these memes to spread to the point at which some of the craziest nutjobs now feel comfortable speaking openly about their insane anti-government, anti-Federal Reserve ideas.

Aug 16, 2016 11:55 AM

Those who receive benefits and government assistance are actually the most qualified to vote, because they understand real hardship and what life is like at the bottom of society. So called 'tax payers' are the most privileged Americans, and therefore vote only to further a system that fails to provide opportunity and access for the poor. If anything, poor peoples' votes should count more, as these people are the ones who need the government the most, and should therefore have the greatest say in who governs.

Aug 16, 2016 9:22 AM

Why does this mean that the elections are 'rigged'? It is the responsibility of the DNC to do whatever they can to ensure that the most qualified and capable leader is chosen to represent the party. To simply stand by and passively affirm the whims of a mere plurality of voters would be doing the party a disservice. The democratic party has no obligation to the voters - it is an independent entity with a responsibility to uphold and promote its set of core moral values, and choosing a candidate who is capable of winning the white house and effectively leading the party, is a vital part of this process.

Aug 17, 2011 10:49 AM

One of my favortie economists, Dr Paul Krugman (p.h.d, Nobel Laureate, MIT, Yale, Princeton, London School of Economics), has written extensively on this issue. The underlying problem is a lack of aggregate demand. Therefore the solution is to increase monetary stimulus untill people start spending again on consumer goods. We have a service economy here in the US which depends heavily on domestic consumption, so the doomer solution of saving simply won't work.

Aug 17, 2012 10:39 AM

The short sellers are hammering Facebook again this morning ... where is the SEC when this kind of manipulation is going on!??

Aug 17, 2012 12:51 PM

The global recovery is really picking up. Todays plunge in the VIX indicates that investors are confident in the recovery, and see no need to hedge against the conspiratorial "tail risks" and "black swans" that doomer libertarians are constantly whining about. 

Aug 17, 2012 4:32 PM

You idiots talk about the sell off as if this is just normal market activity ... this is a JOKE. How the HELL can the SEC just stand by and watch while these manipulative short sellers hammer the stock into the ground??? 

Aug 17, 2016 10:31 AM

This is yet another case of thinly veiled sexism. Why are there no questions about Donald Trump's health issues - the man appears to be alarmingly overweight. He also suffers from a variety of mental health issues, such as narcissism, an exaggerated sense of personal grandeur, an insensitivity to the feelings of others, and an inability to process risks such as those associated with uncontrolled gun ownership and unregulated free markets. I find it disgusting that these accusations are being directed almost exclusively at Hillary Clinton - it absolutely reeks of bigotry and prejudice.


Aug 17, 2016 10:36 AM

Have any of you considered that Millenials might be voluntarily choosing this lifestyle? Maybe they're sick and tired of seeing capitalism destroy lives and create glaring inequalities, and they're simply refusing to participate in the system. Maybe the 'system' needs to be overhauled and transformed into something more compassionate before Millenials become part of it?  

Aug 18, 2011 9:38 AM

At last, some thanks for the hard work of our ELECTED politicians. These spoiled brat libertarians will look back on this day and thank our congress for the courageous work they are doing. It's easy to complain about the world's problems, but our politicians are tirelessly solving them every day.

Aug 18, 2014 10:45 AM


Aug 18, 2014 10:45 AM

What do you guys make of all this Russia business? Do you think we should invade?

Aug 18, 2015 10:19 AM

Mistrust of genetically modified foods and perfectly safe pesticides and herbicides is founded on junk science emanating from mystics and quacks in the 'alternative health' field. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that genetically modified foods are not only safe, healthy and nutritious, but also the only solution to world hunger. Granted, our world is overpopulated and overindustrialized, but even after we have reduced the population, we still need a way to feed tens of millions of people that is efficient and cost-effective. GMOs and advanced farming techniques are the only answer to this coming food crisis, and if you have any compassion for the third world you will stand with the science and not with the alternative health quacks.

Aug 18, 2016 10:00 AM

These are the kinds of conspiracy theories I'm talking about! This misinformation is very dangerous and confuses the general public! You're promoting paranoia and mistrust of our government!

Aug 18, 2016 10:38 AM

As always, there are two sides to the story. The Clinton foundation funds charities and relief programs all over the world, and takes donations from anyone who is willing to help. Let me ask you a question - if you were facing a starving child in Africa, would you be able tell him that he couldn't eat because you weren't willing to take a generous donation from Saudi Arabia on petty moral grounds? There are real lives at stake here, and charity needs to be taken wherever it can be found. Squabbling over the character of the donors is only further undermining the desperate lives of the Clinton foundation's needy recipients.

Aug 18, 2016 10:44 AM

The whole biker culture is cesspit of backward right wing views, vulgar masculinity, and climate change denial. It's part of the same white trash subculture that consistently prevents us from introducing sensible gun control laws to put a stop to the epidemic of gun violence in America. Groups like this need to be monitored and kept in line, before they become emboldened and commit some kind of horrendous terror attack against our government.

Aug 18, 2016 10:53 AM

You can't be racist towards white people because whites are the privelaged, historically oppressive class.

Aug 18, 2016 11:02 AM

Just started following their page now. It's really cool and quite important in this day and age for our Federal Reserve to reach out to the public, and especially young people, and educate them about what they actually to. It's important for our monetary officials to remind the public that they are real human beings just like the rest of us, with jobs and families, who just want to make America a better place to live for everyone. With education, I believe we can win people over and stop these ludicrous conspiracy theories that claim that our Federal Reserve has its own sinister agenda.

Aug 18, 2016 11:09 AM

This one area where I disagree even with some liberals. Drugs are a danger to society, just like guns. I don't like risk - it scares me. I prefer safety. Some people prefer a risky society that lets them do as they choose and while giving them responsibility for their actions. But most of us would rather live in a society that protects us from these dangers, and prevents us from making decisions that we will regret, much like a parent will stop their child from walking into the road or playing with fire. In most cases, I and many others prefer safety over risk.

Aug 18, 2016 12:55 PM

That chart demonstrates how inequality and poverty contributes to crime. Criminals don't want to do what they do - they do it to survive and feed their families.

Aug 18, 2016 9:19 AM

I think the root of the problem is a lack of education about how our economy works, and a vast amount of misinformation and conspiracy theories circulating on the internet that condemn our modern economic system as 'oppressive' and 'sinister'. People simply don't understand how our Federal Reserve works and why it was created. Our Federal Reserve was created by Democratic President Woodrow Wilson with the help of some of America's most experienced financiers, in order to better manage the economy and provide a stable economic climate for workers, investors and businessmen. Since then, America has experienced unprecedented economic growth, and has led the way in technological innovation, management and commerce. Our Federal Reserve now employs a variety of tools to prevent economic crashes and promote growth and job creation, although the specifics are far too complex to explain to the average person. The fact is, people need to get an economic education and listen to economic experts in order to truly understand the motivations of our government and central bank. Listening to conspiracy theories only stokes resentment and a feeling of helplessness. It's all psychology - when you look at the actual economy, it's doing great - record stock market highs, record low interest rates, and a booming silicon valley. 


Aug 18, 2016 9:23 AM

Freedom of speech should be allowed, as long as it doesn't upset the social order and cause needless pain and distress to vicitmized members of society. Free speech is fine, hate speech is not.


Aug 18, 2016 9:45 AM

Ultimately this will bolster Brazil's police force and strengthen the country's grip on crime. The economic benefits of the Olympic games will also serve to reduce crime over the medium term. Holding the Olympic games is such a enourmous economic opportunity that you'd have to be mad to turn it down, so I don't blame the Brazilian government for accepting the games despite concerns about the crime situation. With the boost to jobs and economic growth, everyone is going to be better off.


Aug 18, 2016 9:47 AM

Well I would argue that the developing countries need it the most. The Olympic games are a guarenteed boost to the economy, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the country.

Aug 19, 2011 11:17 AM

Agreed, but don't stop there. The solution to these violent swings in stock and commodity prices is to ban ALL trading by speculators. Obama correctly identified the speculators as the main driving force for this volatility. It simply isn't fair that greedy traders should make so much money.

Aug 19, 2016 11:02 AM

The Trump campaign is in total meltdown! It seems very unlikely that he will recover from this shakeup. How is Trump going to manage the country when he can't even manage his own campaign!?

Aug 19, 2016 11:54 AM

Diversity is our strength. America has one of the lowest Muslim populations in the world, and this simply can't last in a modern cosmopolitan world. We need to increase the number of Muslims liviing in the US so that every culture and religion has a fair representation in our multicultural nation. This country is for everybody, and every group needs to be equally represented in our demographics.

Aug 2, 2011 1:28 PM

These mean libertarians are unhappy about this courageous bipartisan effort, simply because they don't want the poor to receive their benefits. Absolutely shameful.

Aug 2, 2011 5:53 AM

Thank goodness that common sense has prevailed. Only the doomers are unhappy with this result.

Aug 20, 2012 3:18 PM

It’s amusing that libertarians on the one hand complain about the failure of our economy to meet our energy demads, but on the other hand oppose the government investing in smart green technologies to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and other unsustainable inefficient "market-driven" energy sources. If the market refuses to solve this problem, then it’s up to the government to fix it. Simply as that. Purist libertarians and ignorant rednecks need to understand this. 

Aug 20, 2012 4:45 PM

Opposition to fiscal and monetary stimulus is more than misguided - it’s downright immoral. Japan’s economic condition is a result of fiscal and monetary cowardice. It has to be said that libertarians who oppose stimulus packages are effectively responsible for the preventable poverty that ensues. I am sickened by that the BOJ’s monetary impotence, which has cost the Japanese people billions of Yen in lost wages and forgone job opportunities. I hope that America will not make the same mistakes as Japan, and will continue the necessary monetary easing and fiscal stimulus untill wages, unemployment and GDP have reached acceptable levels. AFTER we have achieved these goals, THEN we can start worrying about the “inflation” that paranoid doomer libertarians are so obsessed about.

Aug 20, 2012 9:32 AM


The ideal Presidential candidate needs to be an expert in the following fields:

  1. Economics
  2. Military operations
  3. Transport
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Healthcare
  6. International Negotiations
  7. International Law
  8. Philosophy

In this respect, both Barack H. Obama and Willard Milton Romney are ideal candidates for the role of President of the Unite States. Ron Paul, on the other hand, fails miserably on all accounts, having been discredited numerous times by the media, top economists and other members of congress. It comes as no surprise to me that Ron Paul was completely rejected by the American people - Ron Paul lacked credibility due to his outrageous views on the economy, the Federal Reserve and foreign policy. Now that the field has been cleared for the two most credible candidates, the real race for President of the United States can begin.

Aug 21, 2012 10:10 AM

The time for negotiation is over. Egypt now needs to comply with Israel's orders, or face full military intervention by our allied forces. 

Aug 21, 2012 2:01 PM


When are libertarians going to start giving something back to the community? All I see on these boards are libertarians and conspiracy theorists speculating about “the next big opportunity in the markets” or “how best to protect your wealth”; nowhere do I see anybody showing any interest in paying taxes to contribute to the social good, or helping out the government to fight domestic terrorism. What about actually helping people for a change??? How about, instead of promoting tax cuts for the "job creators" (cry me a river), you actually stand behind our social welfare system for once?? How about paying some taxes for a change???

Libertarians tell people that they need to work harder, and get paid less. Well you know what?? There are a LOT of hard working people out there … and they deserve to get paid just as much as any “business man” or big shot CEO.


Aug 21, 2012 2:17 PM

Central planning is part of HUMAN NATURE. Libertarians need to wake up to this and stop living in some made up fantasy world where we can't trust our own government and central banking officials. Spoiled brat libertarians use government roads, bridges and healthcare, and in exchange you OWE the government your time and compliance. You just take all these gifts provided by the government and then cry about how you are mistreated by the state.

Aug 21, 2015 12:00 PM

We are still in a long term uptrend and buy-and-hold equity investors won't be swayed by such short term noise. The real bear market here is gold, which is down over 40%, and silver, which is down an absolutely astounding 70% from its high! 

Aug 22, 2011 12:17 PM

With all due respect, Ron Paul cannot win. I'd encourage Ron Paul supporters to support Obama so that we don't end up with another ignorant republican.

Aug 22, 2011 12:23 PM

Obama was wise enough to hire some of the world's greatest economists and industry leaders to his elite political team. That's pretty smart if you ask me.

Aug 22, 2011 2:47 PM

You may be shocked but I'm actually becoming quite annoyed with Dr. Bernanke. Bernanke has become frustratingly hawkish over the course of this year and my equity portfolio is now heavily underwater due to his lack of decisiveness. I sincerely believe it is time for Obama to pick a new Fed chairman who has the courage to provide the monetary stimulus that this economy is BEGGING for.

Aug 22, 2016 1:35 PM

Those were humanitarian interventions, not wars. Learn the difference!

Aug 22, 2016 10:58 AM

Have you people actually heard Marine Le Pen's Husband's remarks about the Holocaust? He literally said "... it's just a detail in the history of World War II". Just a detail? Just a detail??? This is so incredibly offensive to Jews, I'm amazed that Le Pen is even allowed to run!! It's an absolute outrage that this kind of vile hate speech is even allowed in modern France, let along from the husband of a serious presidential candidate!

Aug 22, 2016 11:17 AM

Ok, her father then, whatever!! The point remains that he is an anti-semetic bigot racist, and his daughter should not be allowed to run!

Aug 22, 2016 11:51 AM

This is unbelievably racist! Black Lives Matter is a movement founded to fight rampant police racism and the cold-blooded killing of innocent people of color. White people are the oppressive class! They don't need protection or advocacy groups! Creating an advocacy group for an historically oppressive and racist group is just a smack in the face for minorities! It's horrible, just horrible!

Aug 22, 2016 12:11 PM

My heart goes out to the people of Brussels. We must not jump to conclusions about the religious or ethnic background of the perpetrator. This is most likely a mentally unstable individual who's criminal motivations are purely psychotic and non-religious in nature. We must combat the far-right who will try to blame this on Islam as a whole should the woman in question happen to be of that faith. We also have to remember that things are difficult for women in our male-dominated patriarchal society, and more needs to be done to make sure women are taken care of and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are proactively dealt with.

Aug 22, 2016 12:29 PM

The Clinton Foundation raises hundreds of millions of dollars for people in need. If doing favors for top donors means that an extra 1000 homes are built in Guatemala, or clean water is made available in a village in Kenya, I say it's worth it. Hillary has been instrumental in running the Clinton foundation and raising the funds for countless humanitarian projects. If women were in power, there would be no war. Maybe instead there would be more charity such as we have seen from the Clinton Foundation.

Aug 22, 2016 12:33 PM

I'm white, but I feel guilty for what my race has done, and I strongly believe in the need for reparations for slavery and other atrocities.

Aug 22, 2016 9:31 AM

It's amusing to watch Zerohedgers work themselves into a fit of paranoia about every political and economic issue, when the country is already managed by the leading experts in every field. Why concern yourself with issues that are far outside the bounds of your intelligence? Just learn to accept that others know how to run things more professionally than you do, and have the humility to accept that the strategies and macroeconomic goals of our leaders are incomprehensible to us and most other people on the planet. Our job is to make sure we elect qualified politicians - the rest should be left up to them. Having opinions about how things should be run at the highest levels of government and central banking is simply ludicrous.

Aug 22, 2016 9:46 AM

There is no 'humane' way to deport millions of undocumented families who have been settled here for years and are contributing to the economy. One can't help but draw parallels between Trump's proposed mass deportations and the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. The only humane solution is to grant amnesty to the people who are already here and supporting themselves and their families back home, and then to figure out a sensible immigration policy that allows people to come here and work more easily.


Aug 23, 2011 1:18 PM

Nonsense! Crude is down because the market is FINALLY pricing in our congress' pledge to reduce American dependence on foreign oil. This will be ahieved under the wise guidance of the department of energy. The rally we just had was a result of market fears that crazies like ron paul were going to end that very department and sabbotage these efforts.

Aug 23, 2011 1:24 PM

Well at least we can rely on a fair LIBOR rate since it is set by PROFFESIONALS at a few selected elite banks. The bond rates on the other hand are set by the markets which unfortunately include a lot of ignorant libertarians who refuse to recognise our congress' ability to manage complex issues, depsite their repeated demonstrations of courage and perseverence.

Aug 23, 2011 3:19 PM

Keynsianism is the ONLY form of economics adopted by the world's top economists at ivy league schools. There is a reason for this - the US has a consumer economy, not an export economy. There is no point in saving in a consumer economy because this only stimulates production. A consumer economy needs perpetual monetary and fiscal stimulus to stimulate consumption. The Chinese are TOTALLY dependant on US consumption of their exports. If the doomers have their way, the entire world economic system will collapse.

Aug 23, 2012 2:17 PM

I can't stand sycophantic libertarians that constantly suck up to rich people like Santelli, Doug Casey and Rick Rule and believe everything they say. They don't stop for second to think that they're BEING USED. Libertarians are actually being TRICKED by the rich into promoting a philosophy that allows industrial class to literally buy and sell goods and services and hire people at will without any restrictions. Libertarians don't even believe in environmental regulations because "private property" will take care of it (*LOL*). Libertarians are so deluded that they don't trust their own ELECTED government or the Federal Reserve Bank. 

Aug 23, 2016 11:58 AM

The efficient market hypothesis postulates that all information is instantaneously priced into a liquid market. Therefore, the S&P 500 is taking into account all information and concluding that the economy is in good shape. These charts are a mere subset of the vast array of market data, all of which has been analyzed and acted upon by the world's best sell-side analysts, hedge funds and investors. Why spend more time analysing the details, when all of the information is already included in the price? The S&P 500 is consistently making new all time highs, and this says more about the healthy state of our economy than a thousand doomer ZH articles.


Aug 23, 2016 12:14 PM

The stock market is a measure of how well our top companies are doing. When they're making more money, everyone benefits - there are more jobs, more money to invest in new technologies, people's retirement savings increase in value, and people are more willing to borrow and spend, which boosts the economy even more. The stock market is probably the single best gage of how the economy is doing.

Aug 23, 2016 9:03 AM


Aug 23, 2016 9:08 AM


Aug 24, 2011 2:01 PM

It's such a shame to see this country on the verge of credit collapse when they were once one of the most successful examples of monetary stimulus. The Roman empire was built by courageous politicians who had the foresight and genious to start expanding the money supply by reducing the quantity of precious metals in their coinage. It is this brave and bold idea that built one of the most amazing empires in all of history, the likes of which people could hardly have imagined before. Top nobel prize winning economists have studied these success stories and have been strong proponents of monetary and fiscal easing as a result. It's just so sad that these ignorant libertarians are causing a liquidity crisis when we could be living in a utopia.

Aug 24, 2011 5:21 PM

This comment is a perfect example of the consipratorial nature of the "precious metals" community. Whenever they lose money investing in crazy doomer gold stocks or looney compression trades, they invent a conspiracy theory to cover for their complete lack of real economic education. Read some Krugman and Stigletz, and you might actually learn something useful for a change.

Aug 24, 2011 5:32 PM

The CME raises margins all the time when the metals are falling. In fact, they raised margins 5 consecutive times while the price of silver was falling. That is pretty obvious evidence to me that there is NO manipulation in your precious "precious metals" market. You are just upset because you are an ammature trader who refuses to get a real economic education from the masters in the field. You have chosen to take shortcuts by listening to the lunatic rants of doomers like ron paul, and you are now paying the price for your ignorance.

Aug 24, 2012 10:09 AM

Well volume is of no concern to smart traders and investors who are profiting from the global recovery. Those who had the courage to buy the S&P this summer have been rewarded handsomely. The doomer day traders that shorted the S&P, bought puts or the VIX, have been completely destroyed.

Aug 24, 2012 11:12 AM

The 10 year note has to be the single best investment in history. Which other investment can boast a thirty year bull market, while providing an unprecedented safe-haven hedge against global market turmoil? The 10 year note has provided prudent investors with consistent alpha over the long term with the added benefits of frequently compounded cash flow and extremely low risk.


Aug 24, 2012 11:18 AM

Robust investments always have large drawdowns. That is a fundamental principle of long term investing, and Facebook is no exception to that rule. FB already has a stellar reputation and impressive revenue. Once the management bring down costs and improve margins, Facebook is set to make a healthy profit. 

Aug 24, 2012 2:38 PM

I will personally be happy with either candidate. My only worry was that Ron Paul would get the nomination for Republican Nominee, which would have been disastrous for American economic and foreign policy. In my opinion, Ron Paul should never have been allowed to take part in the presidential race in the first place. His views are simply despicable and completely contrary to American values and morality. I’m all for a free society, but when presidential candidates start talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve, somebody’s got to draw the line.

Aug 24, 2012 3:05 PM

Despite all the conspiracy theories you hear about the Federal Reserve, there really couldn’t be an institution more deserving of our praise and respect. Since it’s establishment in 1913, our Federal Reserve bank has tirelessly pursued it’s dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability. Much of the economic development in America over the last century has been a direct result of our monetary officials’ sound monetary policy and wise economic planning. The institution is run by academics of the highest calibre, who have a vast knowledge of economic theory and rigorous understanding of economic principles. The most ingenious aspect of the Federal Reserve act was that the bank was specifically set up to be independent of congress. The founders believed that this was the only way to ensure that the Federal Reserve could pursue its dual mandate without corruption arising from congressional interference. 

Aug 25, 2011 12:16 PM

Unfortunately this simply isn't enough. Dr Paul Krugman has calculated that we need at least another $ 2 trillion in fiscal stimulus. One of the major barriors to econhomic growth is that most prices are still somewhat determined by market forces. This has proven nothing short of disastrous with asset prices falling dues to lack of consumer spending and credit expansion.Ultimately, I believe it may be necessary to set up a central body to set ALL prices, not just interest rates. This will include setting prices of consumer goods like ice-cream, to setting the prices of captital goods and even financial derivatives.

Aug 25, 2011 12:45 PM

The problem is that market prices are set by the subjective preferences of crazies and doomers. These preferences are simply WRONG. Only professionals should be setting prices, not novices. 

Aug 25, 2011 12:46 PM

Aug 25, 2011 12:47 PM


Aug 25, 2011 12:48 PM


Aug 25, 2011 12:48 PM


Aug 25, 2016 11:27 AM

Psychologists believe that Trump may suffer from a variety of mental health issues that compromise his ability to lead this nation responsibly. Among them are narcissism, hypomania, paranoia, and borderline personality disorder. This should seriously concern every voter who is thinking of electing this very unstable person to the white house. We need  to be responsible and elect someone with extensive leadership experience and a proven track record at the highest levels of politics.


Aug 25, 2016 12:29 PM

Our Federal Reserve has expertly engineered ideal market conditions for investors and pension funds - low volatility, with a predictable, steadily rising stock market. These are the best possible market conditions for a number of reasons. Firstly, they allow less sophisticated retail investors to make steady returns with simple buy and hold strategies. Secondly, they allow institutional investors to lower their overhead by simplifying their portfolio rebalancing processes. Thirdly, they allow all investors eliminate the cost of hedging, as excessive risk simply doesn't exist anymore. This is absolutely the best time to be an investor, hands down.


Aug 25, 2016 8:14 AM

The right has successfully and deviously fostered a fake revolution of the working class against the left, using immigrants and 'outsourcing' as the bait. But really, this is just a ploy to undo decades of progress and usher in a fascist government that promotes capitalism and profit over the interests of ordinary people.


Aug 25, 2016 8:32 AM

With the frightening rise of right-wing nationalism and xenophobia in the west, humanity is at a crossroads. One must choose whether to succumb to the divisive isolationism and hateful rhetoric of the right, or to stand firm in support of the progressive values that have modernized the west and ushered in a new age of tolerance and cooperation. For many, standing up to the right is a scary prospect, but for those courageous warriors among us, we know that it is our duty to stand up for what is decent and moral.


Aug 26, 2011 12:10 PM

The worst that can happen is that the hurricane blows over with minimal damage. The amount of monetary stimulus we have following this event is directly proportional to the damage it does. Hence this is nothing to be worried about, it's actually a fantastic opportunity. The issue of hope is actually quite profound economically. The 'hope' theme is a genious narative developed by the Obama administration, which has the express purpose of stimulating consumption by the population, even when their irrational brains are telling them to save. It is imperative that people act under the wise guidance of the experts in these difficult times rather than succum to their defficient thinking processes, which have proven to be consistently incorrect during previous recessions.

Aug 26, 2011 12:17 PM

Although I normally take a contrarian view on this site, I could not agree more with the destructive nature of these currency wars. This phenomenon demonstrates the inherent problem with competing national currencies. So what's the solution? Well, it's simple. What we need is a GLOBAL currency issued by a centralised INTERNATIONAL authority. The managers of this body will be experts and intellectuals of the highest degree - only people from top academic and banking institutions will be admitted in order to maintain the body's trustworthyness and integrity. This will eliminate the currency war and restore peace and equality throughout the world.

Aug 26, 2011 7:38 AM

I sincerely hope that Bernanke has some sympathy for those like myself who are heavily long equities. We trusted in his dovish rhetoric and his strong keynesian principles, and therefore it's only fair that he should reward us with more monetary easing.

Aug 26, 2015 9:26 AM

Honest question for the right wing lunatics on this board:

How many more people need to die before we introduce sensible gun control laws?? 

Gun violence in America is going through the roof, and these stupid right wing idiots still think "the right to bear arms" is more importnat than the lives of innocent people. This exactlywhy we need a Hillary presidency in 2016 - she is the only candidate who will outlaw semi-automatics and introduce laws that significantly restrict access to dangerous firearms.

Aug 26, 2015 9:26 AM


Aug 26, 2015 9:57 AM

The majority of mass shooters seem to be white males, who are the demographic also most likely to be peodohpiles and domestic terrorists. This is the demographic we should be keeping an eye on, but of course white racists would rather harp on about disadvantaged blacks comitting crimes, or the extremely rare muslim comitting a terrorist attack. 

Aug 26, 2016 10:12 AM

Janet Yellen will have to tow a fine line between signalling future tightening, and not ruling out a willingness to act in the face of economic turmoil. The recovery under Obama has been strong, but with the stock market at all time highs, we may be at risk of the economy getting too heated. On the other hand, we must continue to water the green shoots with accommodative measures that boost aggregate demand and stimulate spending. The worst possible scenario is that the market over-reacts to the downside, which only gives Trump more fuel to attack the democrats. I don't envy Yellen's level of responsibility - one can't help but admire her courage in stepping up to the plate and becoming Fed chair during these pressing times.



Aug 26, 2016 11:21 AM

It's ironic that the same people constantly fear mongering about 'Islamic terrorism' are also complaining about surveillance for our safety! It's quite amusing from a moderate liberal perspective to watch the far-right try to reconcile their Islam narrative with their big brother conspiracy theories.


Aug 26, 2016 2:13 PM

True, Obamacare has forced many privileged Americans to pay slightly more. But coverage rates for minorities and women have increased substantially. What’s wrong with those who can afford it paying more so that less fortunate people can get coverage? Conservatives don’t make any sense.



Aug 26, 2016 2:35 PM

This makes sense. Practitioners of the law are public servants by proxy, and should therefore be non-political and certainly should not hold any extreme views. We have lawyers in America who believe that all Federal gun laws are unconstitutional, and that the income tax was never ratified! How can we tolerate people entrusted to truthfully interpret the law to hold such extreme and outlandish views? It’s a threat to the legal stability of our country, and causes unneeded confusion about the law. It has to be stopped, and this is a good first step.


Aug 27, 2012 11:19 AM

War IS necessary. Along with statism, entral planning and redistribution of wealth. All these things are part of HUMAN NATURE, so there is no point in trying to argue against them. Libertarians need to simply deal with it and stop trying to change how the world works. Ok?

Aug 27, 2012 3:42 PM

The same tragic story is repeated in every part of the capitalist world. Rich business men keep all the money for themselves, and refuse to share. If you ask me, I think that China would have been better off without free market reforms. Sure, under Mao there were problems, but at least they had equality. Now look at China - free market reforms have been absolutely disastrous for equal opportunity and the social fabric of society. 

Aug 27, 2012 4:02 PM

Yeh, I mean ... it's not like capitalism has provided anything better than communism. There are still rich people, and poor people, just like in the communist era. In fact, there's been no real measurable change at all in China since the introduction of "economic freedoms". The only difference is that instead of state oppressors, China now has capitalist overlords trying to hire them and sell them goods and services. It's just as bad.

Aug 28, 2012 10:27 AM

People who were smart enough to buy the S&P this summer have been handsomely rewarded. Doomer shorts, deranged VIX longs and hillbilly mining stock investors have been absolutely demolished. When will greasy ZH day traders cave and start buying US stocks and US treasuries? Surely they must be bankrupt by now??

Aug 28, 2012 10:50 AM

 Spain WILL receive emergency financing from the ECB, the European commission via Eurobonds OR if need be our Federal Reserve. I am a proud investor in long term peripheral debt. Buyers of long term Spanish, Greek, Portuguese and Italian debt are going to be raking in HUGE positive cash flows, in addition to outstanding capital gains when investors realize that the risk of default is in fact ZERO. You guys are missing out BIG time. It's pretty sad, actually.


Aug 28, 2012 10:58 AM

Laugh all you want ... but while you laugh the smart money are quietly reinvesting their coupons in even more dirt cheap long bonds. Doomer ZH investors are missing out on the investment opportunity of a life time.

Aug 28, 2012 11:18 AM

Ron Paul was simply not a credible candidate for President of the United States. His views were representative of a small cult of conspiracy theorists and right wing extremists. Ron Paul should never have been allowed to participate in the GOP primary OR the presidential race. Because Ron Paul was allowed to run as an official candidate, many American voters were tricked into thinking that Ron Paul was somehow a credible candidate. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Ron Paul's view range from mildly amusing to downright delusional. Here is just a small sample of his appalling views:

  1. Ron Paul favors the abolishment of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America. According to Professor Ben Bernanke (current Fed Chairman), this would cause economic devastation not only across America, but across the entire global economy.
  2. Ron Paul believes that children should have legal access to class A drugs including Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroine and Crystal Meth
  3. Mr Paul believes that America should completely end the war on terror and allow Islamic Extremists who hate our freedom to have free reign over innocent American citizens.

If Ron Paul was running for  leader of the Houston Moon Landing Conspiracy club, I would laugh in amusement, but running as a Presidential candidate with these views is nothing short of irresponsible. 

Aug 29, 2011 11:29 AM

This is a wise choice - I'm increasingly impressed by president Obama's ability to make smart choices during these trying times. Professor Alan Krueger (phd, harvard, cornell, princeton) was rated as the 50th best economists in the world by REPEC. Krueger's diligent research has PROVEN the benefits of minimum wage policies on worker's pay. Thanks to his research we can envision a day with minimum wages of $1,000,000+ and increased price controls, making people richer and more prosperous beyond our wildest dreams.

Aug 29, 2012 10:16 AM

Proudhon was correct, and his philosophy lives on in the hearts and minds of Marxists and leftist anarchists. Property rights are invalid - If you need something, you should just take it. You do not own the effects of your actions because the effects of your actions are more a consequence of mother nature than your actions themselves. You do not own the fruits of your labour, only mother nature owns these things and the state takes custody of this ownership. It is up to all of us to honour the value of fairness by voting for politicians that share our values of equal opportunity and equalization of circumstance. That's what whiny libertarians just don't get: There are no right or wrong actions. Any action in the pursuit of fairness is just and moral. Simple as that.

Aug 29, 2012 3:09 PM

We don't need to cut spending. The government can reduce the deficit by improving efficiency. People also forget that the debt is multigenerational. We don't need to pay down the debt now, as richer future generations will pay it down for us.  To quote Professor Benedict S. Bernanke (current Federal Reserve chairman):

“If current trends continue, the typical U.S. worker will be considerably more productive several decades from now. Thus, one might argue that letting future generations bear the burden of population aging is appropriate, as they will likely be richer than we are even taking that burden into account.

Aug 29, 2012 9:17 AM

But what about the poor job creators????!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Tax the rich 90%!!! Get the 1%!!!!

Aug 29, 2012 9:28 AM

This is a WAR between the common people and the rich. We cannot affect our circumstances by altering our actions. We have ZERO control over our circumstances. The ONLY was to get stuff that we want is to TAKE IT!! This is the progressive revolution ... you're either with us, or you're with the 1%.

Aug 29, 2012 9:40 AM

I agree with all of your points here Maxi. People investing via offshore corporate accounts pay no tax to their governments whatsoever. This is with the exception of the United States, where the IRS has sensibly agreed to tax all offshore profits of American citizens. A digitized global currency system where transactions are monitored by a global government will make tracking money launderers and make sure people are paying their fair share of money to the people who actually run the country. Violations of the social contract are morally despicable will not be tolerated in the 21st century.


Aug 3, 2012 2:23 PM

The accusation of HFT manipulation by frustrated amateur traders is just embarrassing. The theories about "spoofing" and "stub quotes", are so conspiratorial that they are simply ridiculous. I am a very open minded person, but even I have to draw the line here. These accusations go beyond the point where normal rational people have any interest. Sometimes, when ideas just get too crazy, they need to be ignored, and I would say that HFT conspiracy theories are in this category.

Aug 3, 2012 2:56 PM

Well, I'm not aware of all the facts here, but it seems to me that this is not an issue that is worth any thought or consideration whatsoever. These ideas are spitefully endorsed by raving, day trading conspiracy theorists on Zerohedge, who are so bitter and twisted about their trading losses that they look for any excuse to blame their shocking trading performance on “the Fed” or “HFTs” or “the government”. I don’t know about you, but I'm finding these ramblings increasingly wearisome.

Aug 3, 2012 3:03 PM

Yet another successful PP initiative that, despite the ramblings of doomer libertarians has turned out to be a shining success. I predict that this offering will be well bid, just like the last one. AIG is a sterling corporation, that just made a FEW mistakes. But spiteful libertarians are so caught up with criticizing the emergency financing, that they ignore the facts. It's pretty sad, when you think about it. 

Aug 3, 2012 6:03 PM

It's so cool that Michelle Obama is getting involved in the Olympics and teaching kids to eat healthy and get fit! This is what the Olympic spirit is a about - important world leaders getting down to earth and speaking to the people from their hearts. I am humbled that our government is going above and beyond their statutory duties and taking an interest in people's health. This is going to kickstart a revolution in healthy eating. 

Aug 3, 2015 10:05 AM

This article really lets the ZHers' woman-hating colors shine through. If this were a man, there's no way theshe would be receiving this level of criticism. It's absolutely disgusting that in this day and age, a woman cannot enjoy her hard-earned success without criticism and slander by thousands of sexist patriarchs. I say good for her! I like the fact that Hillary is not ashamed of her success, and is willing to push back against the hate that she has received from the right. 

Aug 3, 2015 9:35 AM

I'm not clued up on all the details of this conflict, but what I do know is that the Assad regime has been caught using chemical weapons against its opponents. This is something I simply cannot let stand, and for this reason alone, I support strong military intervention in Syria. ZHers may be against this conflict, but I guarentee the Syrian people are begging us to intervene. Call me old fashioned, but I believe that when innocent citizens cry out for our help, we have a duty as a nation to do something about it. We're long overdue for a new peaceful government in Syria, and with our help, I believe the Syrian people will overthrow their corrupt government and restore peace, freedom and prosperity to their country.  

Aug 30, 2011 10:55 AM

This is UNACCEPTALE!! I gave the red light about Dr Bernanke's newfound hawkishness, and cited the potential consquences with the help of Dr Paul Krugman and other top economists, but nobody listened. I hope you're happy now - my portfolio is well in the red and looks to stay there untill these right-wing meanies in congress and the Fed start taking advice from the professionals. Our Federal Reserve is FAILING to meet it's dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability with their indecisiveness.

Aug 30, 2011 11:17 AM

Belarus is a backward country. Their government officials and central bankers do not have access to intellectuals of the same calibre as our officials in the US. We have the best economics schools in the world. People all over the world compete for the priveledge of being educated by our professors, because they are second to none in competence and intellect.

Aug 30, 2011 8:55 AM

This is the right decision. I trusted our federal reserve officials and congessmen to do the right thing, despite the childish and cowardly attacks from the zero hedge readership, and my equity portfolio is now turning around. I have been rewarded for my patience and trust in our top quality leaders to do what is necessary.

Aug 30, 2012 9:42 AM

Long term peripheral debt is a winner's trade. Just look at these mouth watering yields! Where else can you get frequently compounded cash flows, low risk provided by an accommodative ECB and European commission, and potentially huge capital gains in the event of an emergency financing? This is just an incredible investment. I just can't emphasize enough how much doomer ZH investors are missing out here ...

Aug 31, 2011 5:43 PM

Luckily I don't hold any foreign stocks. I call my portfolio "the patriot's portfolio" because it consists of only US stocks, with an emphasis on retail. This week I have been rewarded greatly for my maturity and persevierence - while European stocks plummeted, my portfolio has taken a turn for the better. These spoiled brat doomers are destroying this country's moral by rallying against the necessary fiscal and monetary easing, and quite frankly I think its time they grew up.

Aug 31, 2012 11:12 AM

The 10 year yield is down on the day at 1.59%. The treasury market is showing incredible resilience. My year-end target for the 10 year is 1.00%. Bernanke doesn't need to introduce more Quantitative Easing with such a robust treasury market. I would howeversuggest monetization of other assets such as mortgage backed securities or equities. 

Aug 31, 2012 3:07 PM

This is a stark demonstration the tragedy of capitalism. The solutions to our problems will only be found by looking to the government for help. Solutions to global problems require collective action, not “personal responsibly” (another libertarian myth designed to protect the 1%). The first thing to do in my opinion is to go after offshore tax free corporate bank accounts. Nobody should be able to simply keep 100% of their property for themselves without paying a fair portion to the government. The government has not only the right, but also a moral duty to take a fair proportion of every person’s property, in order to spend it on virtuous causes of their choice.

Aug 31, 2012 5:05 PM

The bull trap phase in silver is almost complete. After the last of the silverbug lemmings have been sucked in, the capitulation phase will begin. This will be the last test of resistance before the final plunge below $20 and into the teens. Gold is a similar story, with industrial supply set to soar given the historically high turnover by gold miners. I feel sorry for goldbugs and silverbugs. They’re so naive – it’s like watching a car crash in action, but there’s nothing you can do to stop them. 

Aug 31, 2012 6:43 PM

As if doomer ZHers needed any more indication of the stability of the dollar and the US economy, the 10 year yield has closed down on the day yet again at 1.56% despite Bernanke’s QE disappointment. This is an indication that treasury yields are headed much lower. Treasuries are backed by the full faith and credit of our congress and the judicious monetary policy of our Federal Reserve, and they will remain the safe-haven of choice for investors around the world. Not everybody will benefit from the Treasury bull market however. Some people will only start buying when the yield is sub 0.5%. This will be the greatest wealth transfer in history, and it’s sad that doomer ZH investors don’t want to be part of it.

Aug 31, 2016 10:05 AM

All of the extremists on this board that believe we should let banks fail and let interest rates rise to double digits should confront the average Americans who stand to lose their life's savings and lose their home if libertarians get their way. They should explain to poor Americans why they believe our government shouldn't be able to fund poverty programs. They should explain to older Americans why their pension funds should be allowed to fail. You're all sick and immoral people, and it's about time someone called you out on your laissez fair extremist policy recommendations that would destroy our country as we know it!


Aug 31, 2016 10:46 AM

So you think people should be able to say whatever they want on a public platform? That's extreme.

Aug 31, 2016 12:25 PM

Am I the only one who detects a hint of sexism in these constant accusations about Hillary's health? One cannot help but ask whether there is another motive behind this relentless slander. Claims about Hillary's health have been thoroughly discredited. Even Hillary's personal physician, Dr Lisa Bardack, has repeatedly stated that Hillary is in "excellent" health, yet the conspiracy theories continue to circulate, and emanate from the darkest corners of the internet. The conspiracies need to stop now, or people will have no choice but to conclude that these accusations are motivated by bigotry and nothing else! It's dishonest, vulgar, inappropriate and very, very damaging to the electoral process.



Aug 31, 2016 12:29 PM

Sweet, just buy the dip. If these suckers are willing to sell S&P 500 shares at a discount, then I'm happy to pick them up on the cheap! It's all about dollar cost averaging - stocks always go up over the medium and long term, and if you can get bargain prices then all the better!


Aug 31, 2016 8:53 AM

Facebook is a powerful tool for communicating with friends and family, doing business and launching charity programs. But unfortunately far right extremists have now started using it to promote their own hateful and bigoted agendas. Facebook needs to be firm with extremists who seek to exploit their platform - we need strict guidelines that restrict the type of content that can be posted. We also need to do the same for the entire internet, but so far congress has been incredible slow and ineffective on this front.


Aug 31, 2016 8:58 AM

The ANC government needs to step up the affirmative action programs in order to build a stronger black middle class - this is the only path to a stronger economy and better management of corporations. Land redistributions into the hands of the poor and disadvantaged will also boost the economy by providing opportunities for more people to run farms and start businesses. All of these policies are proven to work time and time again, but for some reason policy makers refuse to act decisively.


Aug 31, 2016 9:55 AM

 Right now fighting ISIS is distraction. Our main objectives at the moment are dealing with Assad, responding to Russian aggression, and helping millions of desperate Syrian refugees. We can deal with ISIS later, after all of these objectives have been met.


Aug 31, 2016 9:56 AM

You know, the right's obession with ISIS and 'Islamic terrorism' might be interpreted by some as thinly veiled racism.


Aug 4, 2012 3:05 PM

I want to direct the attention of zerohedge readers to what I see as nothing short of appalling discrimination by our economic officials. Did you know that there are literally thousands of high market cap investment banks, broker dealers and insurance companies who have been denied SIFI status? The failure of our Federal Reserve to award MF Global SIFI status which would have saved one of America's most reputable financial institutions, is a sad page in America's history book. If we want to prevent this kind of tragedy in the future, then we must ensure that other financial insitutions are awarded SIFI status so that they are eligible for an emergency financing. We can't continue to have this attitude that some respected corporations can be allowed to go bankrupt, while others are saved. This inequality is unacceptable in the 21st century and I believe it is the duty of every forward thinking American to promote equal opportunity for top tier financial institutions.

Aug 4, 2015 10:49 AM

All is not lost - the Greek rescue package outlines a comprehensive plan to repay the debt and restore the Greek economy to its once prosperous state. I have confidence in this plan, and I believe the Greek people have the tenacity to execute it.The only thing I would add is that we shouldn't exclude Greece from the nominations for future international sports events. The Athens olympic games gave the Greek economy a much needed boost, and demonstrated the power of government spending to restore economic growth. I believe this whole debacle would have come undone much earlier without the Greek olympic games. 

Aug 4, 2015 11:41 AM

The truth is, segregation and racism never really ended in America. Institutional racism is deeply ingrained into our culture, our economy, our school systems, our political system, the media, and every human interaction. The problem is, white Americans are so racist, they don't even notice when they are being racist. Did you know that African Americans incarcerated at six times the rate of whites? This is simply shocking! Did you also know that one in three African Americans will go to prison in the course of their lives? One in three! That is absolutely outrageous! White people who believe there is no institutional racism in this country are blinded by their own privilege. If there is another incident of police violence against an African American, there is going to be a war in this country against racist right-wing whites. You know who you are: republicans, tea-partiers, Obama-haters, all of you.

Aug 4, 2015 12:15 PM

If you think you have it hard, you should take a walk through a black neighbourhood and see the total destruction and hopelessness caused by centuries of white oppression. 

Aug 5, 2012 3:04 PM

This article fails to recognize the many green shoots in the global economy. The worst of the Eurozone crisis is now behind us, and Europeans can now look forward to a brighter future, with increased job oportunities and exciting new business prospects. The last bank stress test report was simply superb, which bodes well for the stability of the European banking system. Right now, peripheral debt is a clear buy, offering double digit yields to those who trust in the strength of the global recovery and the wisdom and courage of our international leaders. 

Aug 5, 2014 8:47 AM

I don't know why anyone would fly over Russia anyway after this tragic Malaysian airlines disaster. It's one thing to fund an upriing in Ukraine, but targeting civilians is another thing altogether. It's time for the US and NATO to take action because if we allow this kind of behaviour then there is no limit to what corrupt nations like Russia will do.

Aug 5, 2014 8:48 AM

Big deal. We should boycot Russia as a vacation destination anyway. 

Aug 5, 2014 9:09 AM

Awesome! Another SALE!! whoe are these sellers who don't understnad that the ECB cannot and will not allow a default? Who the hell woulsn#t take a guarenteed 6% yield for 10 years? Prepheral debt is the gift that just keeps on giving. 

Aug 6, 2011 7:21 AM

This is bullish for stocks.

Aug 6, 2012 3:15 PM

I used to be a libertarian, a long time ago. But then I read history, and economics. I realized that we simply have to have smart and well meaning regulators to ensure that we cannot make bad choices. Government regulators have a consistently good track record of preventing fraud, which is why liberals worry about what would happen in an unregulated economy.  What progressives point out is that we need the government to tax us in order to fund regulations that prevent financial institutions from defrauding us of our property. Libertarianism was keeping me in a bubble of ignorance, and shielded from reality. I feel more free and liberated now that I have rejected libertarianism.

Aug 6, 2012 9:43 AM

This article only looks at one side of the coin. Sure, businesses may be missing earnings, but the government's revenues are at all time highs, and have remained remarkably stable. 


This more than compensates for the poor earnings performance, but doomer libertarians are only interested in negative news, and always ignore positive statistics, like record tax revenues. 

Aug 7, 2011 4:35 PM

I personally will be buying the dip in long-term bonds. Obama is a strong and courageous leader who knows how to inspire confindence. Congress has demonstrated great courage with their bipartisian compromise, which bodes well for the future.

Aug 7, 2012 10:15 AM

Well, no surprises here - I fully expect uneducated libertarians rednecks to reject the suggestion. But let give you an example so you can see what it's all about.

Consider the emergency financing of AIG: You could take a negative attitude when inferring the outcome of this event by saying things like:

  1. Hank Paulson worked for Goldman Sachs, so he must be up to something evil
  2. These spineless AIG executives made poor choices, so why should we bail them out?
  3. Politicians are just acting according to the preferences of special interests, and not with the goal of saving the economy

OR, you could take a more POSITIVE approach:

  1. Sure, Hank Paulson may have been CEO of the largest beneficiary of the emergency financing, but isn’t that a bit conspiratorial? Isn’t the fact that he was appointed by our ELECTED congress proof enough of his good intentions?
  2. True, AIG executives made poor choices, but doesn’t the bible teach us to forgive? I quote: “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
  3. In order to get elected, politicians need to withstand the objective scrutiny of a thoroughly moral and knowledgeable American public. Although criticizing the morality of politicians may be widespread, it is far from reasonable. 

Aug 7, 2012 9:19 AM

If the housing recovery does not pick up, then we simply have to introduce a HARP2. This will consist of a modified version of the original program. The two main modifications will be as follows:

1. Loans will have negative interest rates, making them more attractive to home buyers 

2. The loans will be conditional on paying an additional premium on the value of the house, putting upward pressure on house prices

I fully realize that HARP2 will not be popular with libertarians, right-wingers and lunatic conspiracy theorists, but then again, these people were even against the emergency financing of AIG in 2008, so they don't have much credibility in my opinion.  

Aug 7, 2012 9:57 AM

I sense an overbearing negativity on this forum that I find incredibly disturbing and sad. I worry that the Zerohedge readership may be compromising their ability to make objective judgements by always seeking negative conclusions, regardless of the issue. Zerohedge readers need to focus on positive thinking. To get started I recommend the book "learned optimism" by Martin Seligman as an introduction to this new liberating way of thinking.

Aug 7, 2015 8:43 AM

Yet another positive payrolls number - not as high as expected - but an increase nonetheless . We are at the very beginning of a long-term economic recovery, so these numbers are exactly what we'd expect to see, indicating steady, linear economic growth. Slowly but surely, our economy is recovering, and Americans are starting to see the fruits of this economic growth in terms of employment, business opportunities, stock market returns and lower commodity prices as technology allows us to produce far more than we consume.

Aug 7, 2015 9:01 AM

Working less isn't always a bad thing. Many economists predict that one day we will reach an economic singularity in which people will no longer need to work, and resources will be provided to us at no cost by an infinitely efficient market. Maybe this is a sign that we are at the beginning of such a singularity?

Aug 8, 2011 10:59 AM

I don't care about the returns. I believe it is my duty as an American to buy the S&P. I trust that the courage of our congress will pull us through these hard times and I will be rewarded for my perseverance and for having faith in the values that built this country.

Aug 8, 2011 3:31 PM

People laughed at me for my bullish stance on the long-bond. I boldly pronounced my support for president Obama and those congressmen who had the courage to make the tough choice of raising the debt ceilong, despite the inevitable childish attacks from the doomer libertarians. And in the end I was rewarded for standing up for principles of bravery and patriotism.

Aug 8, 2011 3:31 PM


Aug 8, 2011 6:14 AM

You can't eat solar

Aug 8, 2012 10:07 AM

The 2005 "live 8 concert" went a long way to improve living standards in Africa by focusing on relieving African governments of millions of dollars of debt. This is the progressive approach to helping Africa - making sure that governments are sufficiently funded to centrally plan a compassionate and forward thinking economy. The progressive revolution rejects that notion that thousands of people per week are being lifted out of poverty in China and India because of "free market reforms". We have done our own analysis, and we are convinced that central planning and regulations are what reduces poverty in the long run.

Aug 8, 2012 10:25 AM

I mean “we” as in forward-thinking progressives. You really think progressives would reject the free market without doing any research? You think we just attack the free market for personal reasons??? NO! ... progressives always do their research. We care deeply about the poor, so naturally we have studied libertarian claims about the free market and poverty reduction in detail. We have objectively and conclusively determined that the free market in fact does NOT lift thousands per week out of poverty in China and India. This is simply a libertarian lie. To make these claims without solid research would be irresponsible, so  of course we research our hypotheses before making claims about how to help the poor. 

Dec 1, 2014 12:44 PM


Dec 1, 2014 12:45 PM

Are you idiots still buying gold? The gold bull run ended LONG ago - just look at the chart, it looks absoltely terrible. It's time for the cretins on this site to broaden their horizons - there are countless markets out there to choose from, and while investing in them can be daunting, all you need is a little help from a financial advisor. Green technologies are really hot right now as governents start to get serious about funding innovative companies that reduce our carbon footpriint. There are a host of managed mutual funds that can give you exposure to these hot companies, while managing all the compleixities and risk for you. If you're more indiependent and don't want a financial advisor, then the only investments I would reccomend making would be government bonds and US stock indices, as these are proven to produce consistent and superior returns over the long term.

Dec 1, 2016 1:04 PM

These are paid protestors! The majority of Indian people want a cashless system! This is a FACT!!


Dec 1, 2016 1:16 PM

This is because fake news has taken over the Internet! We need sensible internet regulations NOW! Obama need to hand over the DNS to the UN immediately, not later! This is urgent!


Dec 1, 2016 10:21 AM



Dec 1, 2016 10:21 AM

So even prominent judges are now colluding with Trump and Putin! The system is totally rigged against Hillary! We need free and fair elections in America! The people want Hillary!! What has happened to our country??


Dec 1, 2016 10:24 AM

Putin needs to be tried in international courts for interfering with our elections. So much money was wasted as a result of this election rigging, and now many states won’t even allow us to get a recount. What don’t you morons understand about the fact that Hillary won the popular vote??? She won the support of the American people and she should be President!! What don’t you get about that??


Dec 1, 2016 10:26 AM

It was probably Russia. The Accredited Times was the victim of a series of vicious Russian cyber-attacks. They're attacking pretty much anyone trying to wake up the people to their agenda. They need to be stopped!


Dec 1, 2016 2:37 PM

Nothing new here – accidents in the oil industry have been destroying the environment for decades. When are we going to grow up as a species and realize that burning fossil fuels just isn’t worth it? There are so many viable alternatives out there, such as wind, solar and biofuels – countries like Germany and France have almost completely eliminated their dependence on fossil fuels. We could easily ban fossil fuels worldwide and the negative repercussions would absolutely minimal!


Dec 1, 2016 2:40 PM

Why is Russia aggressively flying a cargo ship above Syria anyway??? This is worse than their aggressive attempt to refuel in Spain! Something has to be done about this aggressive Russian expansionism now!!


Dec 10, 2012 3:39 PM

Reasons why trickle down economics doesn't work:

  1. Businessmen only care about profits, not helping their fellow man
  2. Businessmen hire people overseas at low wages instead of hiring more deserving workers who were born within the geographical borders within which the business was registered. If you want to hire low-wags monkeys then set up your business in their country. Americans deserve unconditionally high wages. We shouldn't have to compete with foreigners.
  3. Contrary to what free market economists believe, the rich don't just trickle their wealth down to the poor - they just keep it for themselves (surprise surprise) and refuse to share. 
  4. Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon are out to get us with their derivatives. Credit Default Swaps are the single most pressing issue in my personal life right now. Every day I worry about when I might encounter a Credit Default Swap and how this will affect me. There is nothing productive I can do in my personal life until government regulators create legislation banning this exchange of cash flows.

Dec 10, 2012 3:58 PM

MDB: Interviews with average Americans

What do average Americans want from their government?

Lucy Johnson, age 60, CT

"I want my government to take care of the old. Times are tough, and my generation is suffering. It's time the young in this country learned to take care of the generation that made this country great. Social security, Medicare and old age benefits take care of the basics, but these programs just aren’t enough. I don't have any savings and I and many others are relying on the young to chip in and give something back to the generation that raised them and gave them everything they have today. Young people are spoiled today – they need to be taught some personal responsibility. "

Dec 10, 2012 4:22 PM

"Why didn't Lucy bother to put any money away for herself"

You make it sound so easy. Not everybody is a millionare who can just spend freely without having to worry about where the next dollar comes from. It's easy for you to criticize Lucy for not saving for her retirement, but the truth is some people have it hard, and don't have many oportunities. That's why politicians are elected: to level out the playing field and create a more equal society.

Dec 10, 2012 4:36 PM

In my opinion, Benedict Bernanke is next in line for the Nobel Peace prize after President Van Rompuy. Professor Bernanke's dollar swap lines may have prevented a war between European states. Meanwhile Bernanke's monetary policy at home has staved off a double dip recession and thus saved the global economy from a potentially devastating slowdown. Meanwhile, inflation remains astonishingly low, leaving room for even more monetary easing in order to boost employment to acceptable levels. The actions of Professor Bernanke have been simply heroic, and I can think of no other man who has matched his contribution to humanity.

Dec 11, 2011 5:39 PM


Do you think you could spare some silver to help me out? Over the last couple of months I’ve had some pretty devastating margin calls, and although I’m holding my head high I can’t help feeling a little sorry for myself. My equity portfolio is strictly long-only, which is a reflection of my belief the greatness of America. I know that I will be rewarded eventually for my faith in our leaders since history shows that politicians are accountable to the people. However, some extra margin would really help me through this difficult period. 


Dec 11, 2011 7:55 PM

I have always had an underscore - search the site for yourself. You may be surprised by my modesty but I'm not afraid to proclaim my support for AMERICA, even if it means admitting losses on core US stocks.

Dec 11, 2012 3:45 PM


Interviews with average Americans 

What do average Americans want from their government?

Harry Ramiro, age 55, NJ

"I retired 3 years ago after 30 years as a public school teacher and proud union member. I am currently living on a reasonable pension of 100k plus benefits and social security. I am very happy with the way things are going in this country and I'm happy for things to stay just the way they are. However, I am shocked and terrified that there is talk in this country about cutting public sector pensions. As usual, the Koch Brothers funded right wingers aren’t happy with regular Americans getting paid for their contribution to society. As teachers, we expect our students to take personal responsibility for their actions, and we reward students according to their academic performance. Likewise public school teachers produce top quality high school graduates and we expect to be compensated accordingly. For christ’s sake, social security is running a surplus of IOUs. There is no need for cuts to public benefits, and people who tell you otherwise are lying little weasels."


Dec 11, 2012 4:39 PM

Interviews with average Americans 

What do average Americans want from their government?

Harry Ramiro, age 55, NJ

"I retired 3 years ago after 30 years as a public school teacher and proud union member. I am currently living on a reasonable pension of 100k plus benefits and social security. I am very happy with the way things are going in this country and I'm happy for things to stay just the way they are. However, I am shocked and terrified that there is talk in this country about cutting public sector pensions. As usual, the Koch Brothers funded right wingers aren’t happy with regular Americans getting paid for their contribution to society. As teachers, we expect our students to take personal responsibility for their actions, and we reward students according to their academic performance. Likewise public school teachers produce top quality high school graduates and we expect to be compensated accordingly. For christ’s sake, social security is running a surplus of IOUs! There is no need for cuts to public benefits, and people who tell you otherwise are lying little weasels."

Dec 11, 2013 9:52 AM

@HH Yea sure. I worked my arse off as a Herbalife distributor an got nothing but a garage full of stock. I didn't get a damn thing for my hard work and imagination. I have the right to a reasonable salary and pension just like anybody else and I don't need people like you lecturing me on how I need to 'be productive' and 'create value for others'.

Dec 12, 2011 11:21 AM

Libertarians have been successful in bullying Bernanke into adopting a weak, pathetic and impotent monetary policy. Professor Bernanke needs to rediscover himself, and reawaken his profound ability for spurring confidence in the recovery and in the American dream.

Dec 12, 2012 2:57 PM

Interviews with average Americans

 What do average Americans want from their government?

 Sarah Ford, age 20, NY 

 “I'm a young and involved activist about to start my double major in environmental studies and politics, and I'm very, very angry about what is going on in this country. I blame this country's problems on the exploitations of corporations and a blind worship of the "free market" and "self-regulating capitalism" (Tell me, how does that work again? Oh yeah, it doesn’t morons). Following the deregulation of the banking sector and the repeal of Glass-Steagall (the financial regulation act that would have prevented the financial crisis), this country has gone down the drain. Meanwhile, scumbag corporations are continuing to hire non-American foreigners in other countries instead of Americans at home. Hire Americans, idiots – you’re American companies aren’t you? Fuck free trade. End capitalism. End this crap ... I’m sick of it!”

Dec 12, 2016 11:15 AM

It’s already established that there are rogue elements in the FBI working for Putin. These are the same factions that tried to prosecute Hillary for the made up emails scandal, which was shortly after confirmed to be a lie. Why should we believe these same people now that the CIA is lying about Russian intervention in the elections?Hillary was up by 10 points and yet Trump somehow won – explain that. This is fake news of the worst kind.


Dec 12, 2016 8:50 AM

Nice going, Trump. You breached the One China policy, and now we’re going to lose out big time when China stops trading with us. China has all the leverage – they have the fastest growing economy in the world, and the West is rapidly declining and adopting a service economy instead of a manufacturing economy. This is inevitable – many accredited textbooks have been written, detailing the rise of the East and the fall of Western dominance. It cannot be avoided, and Trump needs to backtrack and appease China or we are all going to suffer the consequences!


Dec 13, 2012 2:44 PM

Gold is heading significantly lowe, I'm afraid. Yesterday's trading action was nothing short of dismal, and paints a bleak outlook for gold and silver. The dreams of goldbugs are about to shattered into tiny pieces by the coming collapse of the gold bubble. The crash is long overdue - I can't say whether it will be next week, or next month, but it's coming. 

Dec 13, 2012 3:03 PM

Interviews with average Americans

What do average Americans want from their government?

Brad Jones, age 25, IL

“What do I want from my government? What do I want?? Are you fucking kidding me? I have basic needs: A job, a descent salary, a house, a fucking vacation. These are needs not wants – get that through your stinkin head. Fucking government doesn’t give a shit about unemployed average guys like me. I’ve got a fucking college degree for fuck’s sake! I studies media and modern culture for four damn stinkin years and this piece of shit government can’t even provide me with a fucking JOB??? They’ve got enough  money for wall street, but not for an average hard working guy on the street. Fuck this shit. The occupy movement is gonna take over this country so guys like me can get a guaranteed job and a decent wage. We need a revolution in this country ... a progressive revolution

Dec 13, 2012 3:41 PM

Oil and gas is a dead industry. The green revolution is going to completely obliterate the dreams of peak oilers. Those who are counting on oil futures and oil stocks to carry them into the higher echelons of society are in for a rude awakening. Green energies already starting to replace oil and gas. Wind farms are starting to appear everywhere.  I’ve seen pictures of wind farms appearing in waiting rooms, shop windows and in street posters on every block. The revolution is coming. Those who prepare for it by putting together a green portfolio will ride this wave to great fortunes. Those who remain fixated on the ways of the past will suffer severe financial losses.  

Dec 13, 2016 11:37 AM

Kanye West has now been completely discredited and shamed by MTV and Hollywood. He is no longer a star – his career is over. It is absolutely unacceptable for a celebrity to endorse a racist, sexist pig like Trump. Millions of children listen to Kanye’s music and look up to him as a role model. What does his endorsement of an open fascist tell them about political sensitivity and morality? It’s shocking that he still allowed on TV.


Dec 14, 2011 5:20 PM

I have composed a draft letter to the white house expressing my concerns about this slow recovery. I just wanted to run it past you so you can tell me what you think:

"Dear Mr President,

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen. Despite my unwavering support for your administration and the values it stands for, I am increasingly agitated about the sluggish pace of this economic recovery.
I am worried that congress is cutting spending too much and too fast and that this is damaging economic growth and I strongly suggest that without further fiscal stimulus we could be headed for a double dip recession. What is the government doing to promote growth and create jobs? With due respect, I want answers and will not be satisfied with smooth political talk. 

Yours Sincerely,


Just wanted to run this by you guys and see of you had any suggestions. I know it's pretty harsh but I'm really concerned that our government simply isn't doing enough to support this fragile recovery.

Dec 14, 2016 4:06 PM

Yellen needs to raise rates fast and hard! People are crediting Trump with economic improvements now! This is a political disaster! We need to crash the economy until Trump is removed, NOW!!!


Dec 14, 2016 4:09 PM

Full employment thanks to Obama! And yet, somehow Trump is getting credit for the economy? Laughable! The economy is Obama’s single greatest gift to Trump!



Dec 14, 2016 4:14 PM

How can anyone not understand the simple and sound methodology used by the BLS in order to determine whether someone is in the workforce? Retirees? Students? Welfare recipients? Should these people be considered "in the workforce"? The fact that these people are living happy and fullfilling lives outside the workfore is all the more indication that our economy is doing great!


Dec 14, 2016 9:15 PM

Criticism of the Federal Reserve is fundamentally un-American. The Federal Reserve bank is over 100 years old, and has managed our economy through some of the most turbulent periods in our country’s history. Our Federal Reserve’s dual mandate is to produce maximum employment and price stability, and without them we would be unable to achieve either of these things. Shame on you Zerohedge for criticizing such an important American institution.


Dec 15, 2011 6:58 PM

I am SICK TO DEATH of these rating agencies causing havock in the sovereign debt markets. Honestly, where does this end? Patriotic equity and bond investors all over the world are being punished by these doomer attitudes and pessimistic ratings. This is a time when investors should be rewarded for their faith in the world economy, not punished for it.

Dec 16, 2016 5:20 AM

Google shouldn’t have allowed Trump to be listed at the top. He was propelled there by fake news and his gaming of the system to get free publicity. Facebook is already taking serious steps towards filtering fake news – when are you going to step up to the plate Google?? Millions of ordinary Americans are counting on you!


Dec 16, 2016 5:22 AM

Higher interest rates may hurt Americans in the short run, but if this is what it takes to stop Trump, then I’m all for it. In the long run, when our political system is restored and the threat of fascism is destroyed, it’ll be more than worth it.


Dec 16, 2016 5:26 AM

Fake news! You’re criticizing the CIA using debunked conspiracy theories while supporting a hostile adversary, Putin! Shut it down!


Dec 17, 2014 1:34 PM

Damn! I was seriously thinking about going long ALL WEEK. This always happens to me. The price has been going down for so long, it's clearly bottomed now. I can't believe I didn't go long today - I'm such an idiot. Do you guys think it's too late to buy now??? I really don't want to be cut out from this move. I want to take a position but I'm scared. What should I do?

Dec 18, 2011 12:42 PM

The world's problems will not solve themselves, and we have reached a stage in the global awakening when pessimism is no longer an excuse. It's time for a fundamental advancement in global governance for the good of humanity. Say no to poverty. Say no to climate change. Say no to racism. Say yes to global compassion. One world, one people, one government. Join the progrEssivE rEvolution.

Dec 19, 2011 1:23 PM

Did you know that over 500 children die in firearm accidents every year? Support the progrEssivE rEvolution and end dangerous firearm sales with global legislation. What's your excuse?

Dec 19, 2011 1:46 PM

The riots would not have occurred in the first place if the UK government had provided more welfare and job opportunities - the UK government is cutting spending too much and too fast, which is undermining their economy. Letting the public carry firearms is simply too dangerous, and the world is waking up to this.

Dec 19, 2011 2:15 PM

Only the doomer libertarian community could have the arrogance to claim that top portfolio managers are not up to their own game. These professionals have studied the most advanced portfolio theory and the CAPM. They are well equipped to guide clients through any crisis.

Dec 19, 2011 4:48 PM

Couldn't have put it better myself. The honourable Warren Buffet (presidential medal of freedom winner) is simply buying when there is blood in the streets. While the ZH doomers jump up and down in a frenzy of masochistic glee, Mr Buffet is calmly picking up value stocks at bargain prices. And his courage is truly something to be admired.

Dec 19, 2016 9:38 AM

Way to go Zerohedge for diverting from the real issue, which is Russian interference in our elections. Saudi Arabia is one of our top allies in the war on terror – we need to respect their wishes in order to continue our fruitful relationship with them. Russia is a hostile adversary who needs to be stopped. #NukeRussiaNow!



Dec 19, 2016 9:47 AM

Are you a bigot? If you answer yes to any of the following then you most definitely are:

  1. You support Trump
  2. You blurt out “Merry Christmas” in public places with Muslim Americans nearby
  3. You think there are exactly two genders
  4. You think that “All Lives Matter”
  5. You think that the US and Russia can be “friends”
  6. You deny the science of climate change
  7. You question monetary policy set by experts in our Federal Reserve
  8. You believe thousands of undocumented families should be deported
  9. You think womyn should be "punished" for illegal abortions
  10. You don't know what transphobia is



Dec 19, 2016 9:50 AM

As much as I respect Obama, he is totally wrong about this. Hillary won the popular vote, and multiple US intelligence sources have now confirmed that Russia hacked our elections. He is a victim of fake news on this one.


Dec 2, 2011 5:22 PM

Forget Ron Paul. If you are looking for a courageous leader during these tough times, in my opinion there are none as grossly underrated as President Herman Van Rompuy. While the European sovereign debt crisis has dominated the headlines, Pres. Van Rompuy has been a humble and modest advocate for progressive reforms to drive social change and consolidate core European values. Above all, Pres. Van Rompuy should be admired for his persistence and courage as a promoter of strong central governance in the face of ever rising right-wing ignorance. If Mr Rompuy ever considers moving to the US and running for congress, he has my vote any day.

Dec 2, 2011 7:21 PM

Loser? Van Rompuy is my hero. He does not submit to ignorant right-wing bullies like Nigel Farage. Instead he quietly focuses on the job he was appointed to do. This is the kind of leadership that is so lacking in the world today, and I'm not afraid to express my appreciation for his courageous work.

Dec 2, 2016 9:57 AM

Even better! People have become so wealthy under Obama that they are now retiring in record numbers!! Obama will go down as hands down THE BEST President for the economy, that America has EVER witnessed!!!


Dec 2, 2016 9:57 AM

WOW!!! Way to go Obama! Talk about ending with a blast! This was an absolutely OUTSDANDING NFP result, absolutely crushing the lies of the alt right about how the economy was mismanaged under his term. Wow … just wow!!


Dec 20, 2011 4:25 PM

I have been suggesting this for many months now. I truly believe that this is the ONLY viable policy in the long term. Many US financial institutions have large exposures to European sovereign debt, and a default could seriously harm their balance sheets. The financial sector is a large part of our economy here in the US, so it is in our national interest that our Federal Reserve does everything possible to stabilize Europe. And if that means full-scale debt monetization, then so be it.

Dec 20, 2012 1:31 PM

Interviews with average Americans 

What do average Americans want from their government?

John Dartwood, age 59, AL

America needs to start facing the hard reality of the threat of terroristic activity in this country. Terrorism is foreign AND domestic. There's terrorism everywhere, not just overseas. If somebody criticized our foreign policy, that's terrorism. If somebody threatened our government or the CYA, that's terrorism. It's a mindset - you got to see the threats to America before you can see it. Terrorism is serious business. We need to increase our national security and support our military. Terrorists are ruthless, and our national security measures need to be ruthless too. 

Dec 20, 2012 1:35 PM

Interviews with average Americans 

What do average Americans want from their government?

John Dartwood, age 59, AL

America needs to start facing the hard reality of the threat of terroristic activity in this country. Terrorism is foreign AND domestic. There's terrorism everywhere, not just overseas. If somebody criticized our foreign policy, that's terrorism. If somebody threatened our government or the CYA, that's terrorism. It's a mindset - you got to see the threats to America before you can see it. Terrorism is serious business. We need to increase our national security and support our military. Terrorists are ruthless, and our national security measures need to be ruthless too. 

Dec 20, 2012 10:39 AM

Interviews with average Americans

What do average Americans want from their government?

Lisa Fernstein, age 45, IL

I want the government to do more to further gender equality in this country. I have been a gender equality activist for 25 years, and I remain shocked at the discrimination against women in this country. For a country that is supposed to support equal rights for all citizens, it is ironic that half of the population earns significantly less, is less likely to be accepted into college courses like math, physics and engineering, and is discriminated against in almost every area of our economy. It’s about time that women got equal rights in this male-dominated, patriarchal society. It’s an absolute disgrace that in this day and age, an intelligent capable woman has absolutely no opportunities and no chance of success. This simply has to end

Dec 20, 2012 2:23 PM

I'm sorry but equating fox news with professional outlets like MSNBC and CNN is simply laughable. MSNBC covers news from a progressive perspective, promoting sensible solutions to social problems like delegating responsibility to politicians and introducing new laws and regulations enforced by smart well-meaning policemen, lawyers and judges.

Dec 21, 2011 7:46 PM

Did you know that 1375 people died due to acts of terrorism in 2010? Support the progrEssivE rEvolution and end terrorism with global surveillance networks. What's your excuse?

Dec 21, 2016 4:42 PM

This is more to do with a cultural shift than the economy. It wasn’t easy for Obama with Republicans in the house constantly blocking his progressive policy proposals – he wanted to do so much more. Despite this though, we had record low interest rates, positive NFPs almost every month, and one of the greatest stock market rallies in US history.


Dec 21, 2016 4:46 PM

Trump better be careful – a trade war with China wouldn’t work out for us. China has all the cards, and we need them far more than they need us. Trump needs to apologize to China now for taking a call from the terrorist renegade state of Taiwan. We need to respect the One China policy or expect serious repercussions. Sometimes, when I read zerohedge I wonder whether Tyler even watches the news? These articles are so detached from what is reported on reputable news outlets like CNN that one has to wonder.


Dec 22, 2016 10:04 AM

Bitcoin is an act of monetary terrorism and should be banned. Besides, what if a meteor hit the earth and destroyed every hard drive and network connection at the same time? Your bitcoins would be lost! No thanks! I want tangible dollars in a certified bank account.


Dec 22, 2016 10:21 AM

How could anyone lose to someone as stupid as Trump?? The people literally LOVED Hillary! This election was rigged by Russia on an unprecedented scale! We need to stop denying this and just admit it. Hillary won this election – Trump cheated. He needs to be removed on the basis of widespread Russian hacking, and replaced with Hillary!


Dec 22, 2016 10:22 AM

Dec 22, 2016 11:58 AM

Why do people feel they need to lose weight. Many men find fat womyn attractive, and criticizing a womyn’s weight is fat shaming, which is a hate crime. There’s nothing wrong with being larger than usual – it is a perfectly healthy lifestyle choice. It’s the magazines that create an unrealistic body image for womyn and make them feel inadequate that are the problem. Womyn who promote this body image by obsessively going to the gym and wearing makeup need to be ostracized, so that larger womyn do not feel rejected! Body shaming needs to be eradicated!



Dec 22, 2016 12:01 PM

Whats the matter - can't handle a strong African American womyn playing the markets? Keep your insecurity to yourself, bigot!

Dec 23, 2011 12:50 PM

Can you believe Ahmadinejad's arrogance!? Obama is showing maturity and courage despite these threats, but this is no indication of weakness. If Iran wants trouble, I say BRING IT ON - America is locked and loaded and ready for war. Iran is going to have to learn the hard way that you DO NOT MESS WITH ISRAEL.

Dec 23, 2011 4:44 PM


“... the perfect storm of a macro and micro recoupling in a deleveraging vortex

Sorry, this simply isn't going to happen. Doomer libertarians have been fantasizing about total economic collapse for decades now, and they have so far been DEAD WRONG.

Many value investors have put their faith in world leaders and the global economy, and there is simply NO WAY that politicians and central bankers have the moral conscience to betray them. I count myself among these investors, and I sleep well at night knowing that Obama and Bernanke are watching my back. 


Dec 23, 2011 5:49 PM


Spot on as usual itstippy. However, I believe this year's man of the year simply has to be President Herman Van Rompuy. Pres. Van Rompuy may not grace the headlines as frequently as Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy or Cameron; but he has nonetheless played a pivotal role in the quest for economic and social reforms. His quiet determination and stoicism throughout this crisis has been simply inspiring, and in my opinion he is the single most underrated leader of our times.


Dec 23, 2011 6:20 PM


The Austrian school makes a fatally flawed assumption about equity prices. Namely that they should be determined by the subjective preferences of market participants. There is in fact a far better and more objective means of price discovery - create a central body to set equity prices according to the mathematical models of professional economists.

The optimality of the price of equities can be modelled by the following equation:

              U(price) = SUM( w1x1 + ... + wnxn )


              wi = intelligence of market participant i

               xi = proportional influence of market participant i on price

Letting Wmax = MAX( w1,...,wn ),we find that:

              Max{U(price)} = SUM( w1x1 + ... + wnxn ) | wi = Wmax for all i

                                            = Wmax * SUM ( x1 + ... + xn)

                                            = Wmax

Therefore, for maximum prosperity only the most intelligent professionals should be setting prices.


Dec 23, 2011 7:27 PM

They will simply have to pay this price, since it will be mandated by law. But in any case, a failure to agree with the optimal price is a clear demonstration of ignorance, and the resulting social ostracism should be enough to enforce compliance. 

Dec 23, 2016 11:49 AM

And Putin’s strange and unusual affinity for Trump is revealed once again. 17 accredited intelligence sources have already confirmed Putin’s personal involvement in our elections. Trump is clearly not legitimate – let’s just remove him already, we have every right to!


Dec 23, 2016 11:51 AM

We don't need an "arms race" Trump - we need to #NukeRussiaNow! This is just a lame excuse to delay an actual confrontation with his master Putin!


Dec 23, 2016 2:13 PM



Dec 23, 2016 4:46 PM

I feel embarrassed to be an American right now. Even top performers don’t want to perform at the inauguration, which is normally a privilege. It’s so sad that this awful, sexist man is our president. He should be impeached on the basis of his racism and sexism and collaboration with Russia. Russia! Sexism! Xenophobia! What do I have to say to get you imbeciles to change your minds about this horrible, horrible man?


Dec 24, 2011 7:17 AM

Quite right. I have already suggested something akin to this. Refer to my comment a few months ago:


“3. Employ a system for seeking out and selecting the potential economic leaders at a young age. This would involve setting up economics academies for teaching the most advanced Keynesian theories and pioneering ever more efficient capital-allocation models

Dec 24, 2011 7:18 AM

Actually I said “U(price)”, which is the utility/value of the price. I suggest you look up utility theory. I am inferring that more intelligent individuals have more valuable preferences than less intelligent individuals. That is the basis for this equation.

Dec 24, 2012 12:05 PM

While ZHers obsess over ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom of speech’, terrorists are planning to destroy America and cause untold destruction. Why don’t you idiots try living in the real world for a change, instead of this no-government, no-federal-reserve fantasy land where there is no terroriststic or criminalistic activity, no thieves and no corruption. Sorry idiots, but the only way to protect us from dangers like this is to give more power to politicians and let them work on a solution. If any of you morons has a better solution, I’d love to hear it.

Dec 25, 2011 7:30 AM

Merry Xmas every body. I'm looking forward to the new year when all the 2012 doomer conspiracies can finally be disproven and libertarians will be discredited once and for all.

Dec 26, 2016 10:25 AM

This is nothing compared to Russia aggressively sailing through the English Channel and attempting to stop for fuel in Spain, in an unprecedented act of aggression. Russia is still the main threat to global peace, and we will all suffer if we fail to respond to their expansionism with immediate and strong military force.


Dec 26, 2016 10:29 AM

The real estate market is creating millions of jobs though. No matter how small, every town in America has at least five real estate agencies helping people buy and sell houses. If we let house prices fall, as libertarians advocate, then all of these jobs will be lost.


Dec 26, 2016 11:07 AM

So how would you define real liberalism as opposed to neoliberalism? I’d say real liberalism is characterized by a strong welfare state and compassionate healthcare system much like Bernie Sanders wanted. Is that not accurate?



Dec 27, 2012 10:28 AM

Hedge funds buy credit default swaps which are toxic derivatives. As long as the government refuses to regulate these derivatives, we will continue to experience financial turmoil. Capitalism can't work without smart well-meaning politicians looking out for the little guy. I want the government to watch my back so I don't have to. That's what I expect in return for voting and supporting Barack Obama for president. 

Dec 28, 2012 2:09 PM

The only thing credit traders are worried about is the retail investors catching on to the biggest wealth oporunity in history - European peripheral debt. While the media has been blasting out negative pessimistic headlines about Europe,  the smart money has been quietly accumulating european debt. Once the dumn money catches on, Europe will be fixed, and the value investors that saw this oporunity will be rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Dec 28, 2016 10:53 AM

LOL Trump went personally bankrupt four times! He is a total loser! Obama has never been bankrupt and he got his first job with Henry Kissinger, and he has worked as a top level community organizer. That qualified him beyond any measure for the Presidency. And what does Trump have to his name? Nothing but bankruptcies and shady deals. The guy has failed at everything he has ever done. I feel sorry for Trump – he really is pathetic.


Dec 28, 2016 10:56 AM

If trump can’t even handle criticism from Obama, how is he going to negotiate with world leaders? He has such a fragile ego, it’s embarrassing. Deal with it, Trump – the American people voted for Hillary. You’re only President elect because of Russia.


Dec 28, 2016 10:59 AM

Trump is already threatening to use nukes against China and North Korea, and he says he wants a nuclear "arms race". This is really scary. Progressives were totally on the mark when they said he would start World War III. Maybe you idiotic right wingers will listen next time we warn you about populist political candidates!


Dec 28, 2016 11:02 AM

Queue the usual suspects turning this into a witch hunt of Muslims. Islamaphobia has reached frightening levels in Europe, and Donald Trump’s election and Brexit have only exacerbated the problem. We need to start arresting Islamaphobic brutes before this kind of abuse becomes commonplace.


Dec 29, 2011 1:20 PM

You are simply fear mongering by painting an image of thugs with guns. The reality is that this only happens to trouble makers who refuse to give money to the government after REPEATED WARNINGS. Most good law-abiding citizens never face physical violence since they understand that they must obey orders for the public good.

Dec 29, 2011 10:14 AM

But politicians are BETTER at making decisions about our lives - they were elected because they are the best of the best. Sorry if I sound extreme but I think the economy should be run by the creme de la creme of society, not the general rabble.

Dec 29, 2011 11:52 AM

I WARNED about this REPEATEDLY, but was ignored and mocked by the zerohedge readership. We are facing the biggest collapse in aggregate demand in history and its time for central banks and governments to GET SERIOUS. We need BOLD monetary and fiscal stimulus programs to get people spending again or we risk a total cedit collapse and decimation of peoples' equity porfolios. Do you people realise how much exposure US banks have to Europe? Do you realise how leveraged their balance sheets are!? The world is crying out for LEADERSHIP and all we are seeing is indecision and impotence.

Dec 29, 2011 12:08 PM

"The central control of interest rates is a dismal failure"

This is simply false. Our Federal Reserve has managed to keep interests rates at record lows despite this economic turmoil, which is a remarkable achievement.

Dec 29, 2011 12:16 PM

Taxes do not have to be increased, as we can simply borrow the money. Interest rates will not rise for two reasons:

1. China depends heavily on our consumption of their exports and so they must conitnue to finance American spending

2. Our Federal Reserve is able to buy our government's debt and bid up treasury prices, which is also known as quantitative easing

Dec 29, 2011 12:27 PM

The world is not black and white. You have to accept the value of price controls or you are simply an extremist/purist. There is a time and a place for price controls, and a time and a place for liberty. Purist libertarians need to understand that THERE ARE NO UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES.

Dec 29, 2011 12:48 PM

This crisis was caused by GREED. When a person earns over $10 mil, the rest should be given to the government for the good of society. If people just stepped up to the plate and gave more money to their governments, there would be far more peace and prosperity in the world. People can't be trusted to give money to the poor, so we need to trust the government instead. Politicians are elected because they are more trustworthy than average and can be expected to spend our money wisely and morally, whereas citizens cannot.

Dec 29, 2011 9:40 AM

Monti understands that social welfare programs are needed for the common good, and that moral principles should be upheld even of the sky falls. We cannot abandon a basic moral principle like wealth redistribution, which has lifted millions of people out of poverty by boosting the economy and creating jobs. We need smart politicians to allocate resources according to NEED, not supply and demand. Politicians are elected to lead us and make tough decisions about our lives FOR us, and they need to borrow what is necessary from future generations to be able to do their jobs.

Dec 29, 2012 3:52 PM

As we approach the end of this much anticipated calendar year, it is important to remember the avalanche of never-to-be-realized 2012 conspiracy theories that were touted by fringe bloggers, libertarians, preppers and other conspiracy hacks. NONE of the 2012 conspiracy theories came true. On the contrary, this was a year of spectacular stock returns, record low interest rates, a collapsing VIX and stagnant/falling precious metals prices. The global recovery has officially begun. The green shoots are everywhere: we have a strong housing recovery, gasoline prices are highly favourable for American consumers, and retail investors are poised to take advantage of the next leg up in the international stock and bond markets. I’m sorry, but libertarians and conspiracy theorists need to apoligize NOW if they want to retain what little credibility they had to start with.

Dec 29, 2016 2:05 PM

Why is this a joke? It’s common knowledge that Saudi Arabia is our second greatest ally in the war on terror after Israel. The conspiracy theories about their involvement in 9/11 and ISIS have been thoroughly debunked by the accredited media. This fake news is getting kind of tedious – it’s so easy to see through it, you don’t even have to try. Anyone who follows CNN, MSNBC or the Washington Post laughs at the stupidity and inaccuracies of these ‘alternative’ media sites.


Dec 29, 2016 2:06 PM

What WAS a joke, was Russia being on the United Nations Human Rights Council while commiting crimes against humanity in Syria and Crimea. Thankfully they're off it now.


Dec 29, 2016 2:33 PM

So how are people with pre-existing conditions going to get healthcare?? The insurance companies won’t cover them because they are ‘high-risk’. What kind of system is that, where companies make decisions based on profit and shareholders, rather than peoples’ lives??? We need a single payer system, PERIOD!


Dec 29, 2016 2:34 PM

The only people losing out from Obamacare are white males, who deserve to pay more! Womyn and minorites have seen massive increasese in coverage rates!


Dec 3, 2011 5:51 PM

Nassim Taleb obviously hasn't read any work by Dr Paul Krugman, or he would realise that the world is not black and white. Taleb is a PURIST who believes that we can't have ANY central planning or intervention in the economy. That is just patently ridiculous. If we have a ‘free-market’ then who is going to protect us from DERIVATIVES like options, futures, swaps, swaptions and credit default swaps? We need to be protected from Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein who are out to get us with their derivatives!



Dec 3, 2011 8:14 PM

The free market is not 'free' at all since it offers no free benefits such as education, welfare, housing and retirement plans. To say this is 'freedom' is simply fallacious. Millions of people in China and India have been lifted out of poverty by increased regulations and welfare spending, and libertarians are doing everything they can to end this process. Simply sickening.

Dec 3, 2012 10:20 AM

I’ve been telling people to buy Greek bonds for months now, and snobbish ZHers simply laughed at my investment recommendation with sanctimonious indifference. Now I am finally being vindicated. This investment was a no-brainer. Yields were and are simply ridiculous, given that the Greek situation has largely been resolved and the ECB stands firmly behind bondholders. It takes a common sense value investor to see oportunites like this. Conspiracy theorists are so full of convoluted ideas and projections that they can't see basic realities.

Dec 3, 2012 2:29 PM

This article couldn’t be further from the truth. Home builders have access to super low interest rates and a ravenous American consumer, armed with cheap loans and other goodies like HARP. Pessimism is at an all time low, which indicates that the housing market is about to take off. Pathological doomers always miss the best prices. They missed the boom in Bonds in the 80s, they missed the boom in consumer stocks in the 90s, and now they are about to miss out on the housing boom for the second time in a row. I feel sorry for ZHers with no understanding of economics or investment. They act like they know what they’re talking about, but it’s clear that they are nothing but a bunch of amateurs with a bitter hatred for everything that is decent and wholesome about America.

Dec 3, 2012 4:34 PM

Everyone needs to read this book: 


The book elegantly describes the hysteria that has built under the gold market, and makes a thoroughly convincing case for the impending gold collapse. I found the book incredibly concise and persuasive. I can honestly say that is one of the best investment books I have ever read.

I want everyone to be ready to be ready for the impending collapse in the gold price. The 1% have been quietly building their short position for over a year; but this book is aimed at you, the 99%. This is going to be  the greatest wealth transfer in history, and I want as many people as possible to be part of it. 

Dec 30, 2011 2:41 PM

The tragedy of the Euro has been a complete lack of leadership and sound governance. Europe has been blessed with one of the most iconic leaders of our time, President Herman Van Rompuy, who has worked tirelessly to promote fiscal and monetary union. However, his efforts have been met with childish discourse and indecision from national leaders and cold indifference from the European citizenry. This saga has gone from tragic to pathetic, and I pity those who still fail to show any interest in creating a truly united Europe.

Dec 30, 2011 5:58 PM

This is a result of cowardly investors with no sense of loyalty or patriotism. Shrewd value investors have put their lives on the line, only to be betrayed by doomer shorts, hawkish Federal Reserve officials and a pitiable fiscally impotent congress. I used to get angry at cowardly sellers, but now I just feel sorry for them. Equity sellers are in fact selling their country down the rat hole, just for a few extra bucks. And that’s just shameful and sad.

Dec 30, 2011 6:54 PM


"Value investors are not putting their lives on the line, only their capital." 

It's not just capital that is put on the line. Value investors work incredibly long hours identifying the smartest buy-and-hold equity opportunities and optimizing equity portfolios, and this can often mean putting your life on hold altogether. This is why it is nothing short of CRIMINAL for equity investors to bail out of stocks and leave the most courageous among us holding the bag. I'm sorry, but this is simply inexcusable and I will not apologize for my strong words.


Dec 30, 2011 9:16 PM

This appalling comment fully characterises the doomer attitude. I will continue to offer my objective analysis in the face of this shocking abuse in the hope that I might educate some of these masochistic lunatics.

Dec 31, 2014 10:04 AM

That's the problem with white people. They think they're not racist, but subconciously they are, without even realizing it. How do you explain that the average income for whites in America today is 10 times that of blacks? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with slavery and colonialism could it? White people have pillaged the world for centuries, and now the rest of the world is rightfully demanding what was stolen from them. 

Dec 31, 2014 9:52 AM

This is a call to all white people who want to make up for the terrible legacy of slavery and colonialism: STAND UP NOW AGAINST POLICE RACISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY. If you believe that what happened in Ferguson is an outrage, then make your voice heard! I want the Michael Brown's killer sentanced for LIFE. I may be white, but I hope that by standing with the protesters in Ferguson, I will be forgiven for the evils of my ancestors and accepted by the black community.

Dec 31, 2014 9:53 AM


Dec 4, 2015 10:46 AM

WOW! This number is simply mind-blowing! It is now absolutely undeniable now that we are in a full-blown economic recovery. Sure, it has lasted for six years, but you have to remember that President Obama had to save our economy from one of the most brutal financial crises in history. To be where we are now after the economic recession we faced in 2008 is simply incredible, and today's number calls for celebration and a great sigh of relief. I'm just really fearful now that some clown like Trump is going to completely undo the economic progress we've made over the last 7 years. Progressives need to be vigilant and defend our work against the white right that seeks to take use back to the stone age. 

Dec 4, 2015 10:53 AM

Well maybe people are working part-time because they want to spend more time relaxing and pursuing other interests. Working less isn't always a bad thing, but of course up-tight protestant right wingers always want us to work harder and refrain from any kind of fun or relaxation. Everyone is happy in America except lame right-wing white males. NEWSFLASH - you're fast becoming a minority in our liberal multicultural democracy, so you can either embrace the new America or go back to the stone age! Just accept that America is better now ok? Today's jobs number is further proof of that - how much more proof do you need that our economy is booming? 

Dec 4, 2015 2:44 PM

It's an absolute outrage that when there is literally one public shooting a month now in America, we still have the most backward fun legislation in the world. In many states, 'open carry' of dangerous handguns is still legal, despite the dangers to innocent bystanders. I'm so embarrassed to be an American. I can't imagine what people from other countries must think when they see our fat ugly brute white males flaunting their weapons in public areas in front of women and children. We desperately need modern legislature in America, and the only candidates promising this are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Dec 5, 2011 1:01 PM

This is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. It's time for the Federal Reserve to step in and prevent fraud in these markets. We need smart, trustworthy regulators so that we don't have to WORRY about these complex issues. This is the last thing I need to worry about now. It's time to elect trustworthy leaders once and for all so that this NEVER happens again. Americans have been voting for years, so they are qualified to monitor the success of the CFTC at preventing fraud in clearing houses, prime brokerage and prop desks.

Dec 5, 2011 1:10 PM

I understand your cynicism, and I share it to some extent. I would feel far more comfortable if Obama were to introduce a department dedicated to anti-corruption, to increase the trustworthiness of the government and Federal Reserve.

Dec 5, 2011 10:36 AM


Libertarian doomers can't handle the fact that despite its flaws, the Obama-Biden administration has successfully averted the largest recession in recent years. You would think that at this point the doomers would be praising Obama for his courage and stoicism, but this doesn't fit the narrative.

Dec 5, 2011 10:39 AM

Healthcare reform was long overdue. Thanks to this bill, everybody has access to the care they deserve, no matter what their background. Sorry if that upsets you.

Dec 5, 2011 11:58 AM

Exactly. I hope that libertarians can now see the clear dichotomy between public and private job markets. Corporations are exploiting workers with low wages and poor working conditions, whereas the government provides much better wages, more reasonable working conditions and far more desirable benefits packages. This is PROOF that the government is far more considerate of the welfare of their employees. Private companies could learn a thing or two from the way the government treats its workers.

Dec 5, 2011 8:31 AM

I appreciate your positive attitude, but I can't claim to be as optimistic about the Fed's dovishness. The high consumer confidence figure was promising indication that Americans are willing to spend, but we cannot be complacent. Bernanke needs to be vigilant and pre-empt the public's masochistic tendencies that lead to saving, credit contraction and a negative doomer attitute. Politicians and central bankers need to focus on GROWTH, and smooth political talk just isn't going to cut it.

Dec 5, 2012 2:37 PM

Michelle Obama is committed to the war on obesity. The goal is to eliminate global obesity by 2014, with a series of educational programs in schools, regulations restricting the sale and purchase of unhealthy food, and inspiring media appearances by the first lady herself. I'm optimistic about the future of health in America - with the guidance of responsible, healthy eaters in congress and the media, Americans will inevitably derive the courage to create a healthier, hipper, more progressive society.

Dec 5, 2014 1:11 PM

Controlling equities is absolutely essential for market stability and confidence in the economy over the long term. Our Federal Reserve has spent decades perfecting their master plan to engineeer excessive risk out of the markets once and for all, so that we can have a functioning stock and bond markets with steadily rising prices and falling interest rates in perperuity. This is good for a number of reasons:

1. It benefits retail investors and traders who aren't soffisticated enough to pick individual investments, and just want to get steady reliable returns

2. It allows investors to trade freely without expensive hedges 

3. It makes economic planning easier for our government and Federal Reserve 

4. It alloiws investors to use more leverage in the stock market and get better returns 

5. It encourages people to put more money in IRAs and pension plans where the government can ensure that their money is taken care of until they retire 

Dec 5, 2016 9:56 AM

I’m incredibly disappointed in Italy. Shame, shame, shame. This is supposed to be one of the most progressive countries in the world, and now they are succumbing to racism and Islamaphobia just like the rest of Europe! So sad!


Dec 5, 2016 9:59 AM

Great – that’s just what minorities need. An uncle Tom heading up housing, when people of color are already struggling to get mortgages due to racism! This country is literally falling apart before our very eyes!


Dec 6, 2011 2:22 PM

This is just shocking. Who would have thought that esteemed politicians would be involved in this atrocious conduct? The ONLY way to solve this is for Obama to put his foot down and say that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We need to create an ANTI-CORRUPTION department, full of smart regulators, to oversee the rest of the government and ensure that there is NO corruption whatsoever.

Dec 6, 2011 2:36 PM

Referendums are in reality a failed policy. Just look at what happened to Greek bond yields following the referendum on the rescue package. This is stark indication of the chaos that would ensue if European politicians start giving into populism and forgo vital economic reforms. Europe is suffering from a crisis of LEADERSHIP, and I hardly see how this is solved by wasting more time on tedious and wearisome referendums.

Dec 6, 2011 3:35 PM

Quite right. It's just that I hate to see corruption in government, however insignificant. But I know that the vast majority of politicians are caring and honest people, or they never would have been elected in the first place. 

Dec 6, 2016 10:14 AM

Disgusting! Now Trump is skimping on costs to protect high ranking politicians! When will his bigotry and incompetence end?? I’m absolutely disgusted at his unwillingness to spend what is necessary on protecting our leaders!!


Dec 6, 2016 10:16 AM

Our election was rigged by the Russians, and we simply have to have a recount or all integrity is lost. What is so difficult to understand about this? Do Trump supporters believe in free and fair elections or not? If you do, then support a recount!


Dec 6, 2016 12:21 PM

Bill Gross hates Trump. When he talks about the establishment, he is talking about the fascist Trump administration and their evil plan for world domination and white supremacy. But trust a fake news site like Zerohedge to misrepresent him!


Dec 7, 2011 10:19 AM

The only solution to this crisis is to BAN all speculation on sovereign debt. This way, countries are not at the mercy of heartless Hedge Funds and their derivatives. Governments will then be able to borrow what they need without nasty market participants ruining everything.

Dec 7, 2011 10:26 AM

I have been saying this for months now. If CDS's and other DERIVATIVES were banned, governments would be able to borrow in perpetuity, and we wouldn't have to worry about these frightening issues. There is NO reason for governments to default, since future generations of unborn children will be happy to pay.


Dec 7, 2011 11:08 AM

No, I agree. The fact that governments are collateralizing future unborn generations is perfectly moral and should be overlooked. Credit default swaps and other insurance products on the other hand just make my blood boil.

Dec 7, 2011 11:43 AM

"I've said nothing about allowing govt expenditures at all"

Precisely. And rightly so. This is not worth even a fraction of the time we should spend worrying about credit default swaps. This voluntary over-the-counter market is the root of all evil, and dwarfs any form of government coercion, which is reflected in the time dedicated to each issue by the OWS movement.

Dec 7, 2015 12:33 PM

What concerns me most about this incident is that it is the perfect excuse for conservatives to attack the vast majority of moderate muslims as 'terrorists'. We must not give into isalamaphobia, and rememebr that the majority of muslims are peaceful hardworking people. 

Dec 7, 2016 10:34 AM

Finally tech giants are doing something to fight the spread of fake news. The internet should be a place where people can access interesting and informative information without being propagandized by extremists. It should not be a place for terrorists to engage in hate speech. This is an important step forward and will be welcomed by progressives all over the world, who are sick and tired of right-wing extremists posting their hateful content online.


Dec 8, 2011 10:06 AM

The ONLY way to ensure this NEVER happens again is to make sure the Federal Reserve explicitly approves every member of the financial services industry, and delegate the Federal Reserve the power to strip securities dealing licenses away from those they deem incompetent. This will cleanse the system, and ensure that fraud is a thing of the past.

Dec 8, 2011 8:03 PM

I am astonished that in the context of the European Debt Crisis, I am yet to see a single article featuring the European PRESIDENT himself, President Herman Van Rompuy. I believe this is due as a matter of courtesy if nothing else. I admit that if you’re looking for cheap sound bites and glamorous press conferences, then President Van Rompuy is not for you. However, if you’re looking for a politician with strength of spirit and a quiet, determined and unwavering focus on his statutory duties, then I believe he is the perfect leader. Focus on leadership, not charm. Be part of the Rompuy Revolution!!!

Dec 8, 2015 1:32 PM

Trump really scares and angers me - he is a complete clown and nothing but a manipulator. He's been complete bankrupt three times - is that what you people want for America too?? I can't believe we're actually seriously talking about electing this buffoon as our President!!! He has absolutely no experience in politics, he has no sensitivity to other people's feelings and his track record as a business man is somewhat questionable to say the least. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

Dec 9, 2011 11:58 AM

This childish discourse is an accurate reflection of Europe’s lack of sound governance and fiscal union. European leaders need to GROW UP, overcome this political gridlock and work TOGETHER to craft decisive and bold fiscal policies. While these politicians play their childish games, many value investors are sitting on large sovereign debt exposures and are worried sick.

Dec 9, 2011 8:38 AM

This is the time for Pres. Van Rompuy to shine. Van Rompuy needs to seize this moment and push for new economic reforms to strengthen the union and bolster confidence in the European banking system. This is the beginning of the Rompuy rEvolution: Moving the world forward, one step at a time.

Dec 9, 2011 9:03 AM

Pres. Van Rompuy's choice of the Haiku is symbolic of his quiet integrity. A man of few words, but none the less a pioneer with great ambitions and temerity of spirit.

Dec 9, 2013 9:23 AM

It certainly looks like Herbalife is doing ok. I know a couple of buddies who made some serious cash selling those shakes. Two of them even won sweet vacation packages. I personally gave it up after selling full time as a junior distributor. One thing they don't tell you is that although it's a very rewarding career, it's far from easy. Getting the first client was a mission and after the first five sales I just found that I couln't get any traction. Herbalife is an excellent product though and I strongly urge anyone considering the distributor program to give it a go.

Dec 9, 2015 9:49 AM

BREAKING NEWS: Russia has now been caught red handed firing missiles into Syria from ships in the Mediterranean. I'm afraid we may be heading for full-out war with Russia if they do not halt their actions in the middle east immediately. Marco Rubio is one of the few republican candidates to bravely point out that Russia needs to be stopped, and I just hope that Hillary also grasps this as she will be leading the charge in 2016. 

Dec 9, 2016 10:13 AM

This is a shakedown!! Welcome to FASCIST Amerikkka everybody! We are now officially a banana republic, where corporations are forced to bribe the government in order to do business! This is really scary! I bet Trump supporters are feeling really stupid now. Look what you did, idiots! This country is now falling apart, and fake news is spreading like wildfire. I hope you like fascism – you voted for it!


Dec 9, 2016 10:33 AM

Ummmm ... deporting undocumented families, exiting contractual obligations to Boeing, banning Muslim immigration ... we have NEVER seen fascism on this scale in America before. You aren't fooling anyone!


Dec 9, 2016 11:04 AM

So let systemically important financial institutions fail and watch the global economy burn to the ground?? Are you insane??


Dec 9, 2016 2:03 PM

Zerogedge is already proven to be fake news! Brian Williams made a mistake - so what? He's still an accredited journalist. Does Tyler even have a degree in journalism? Does he even have a license to disseminate financial news? Where are your qualifications??


Dec 9, 2016 2:07 PM

If Hillary had got in we would be making America the green energy capital of the world by building solar panels and wind farms, which would have created millions of good-paying jobs for women and minorities. Now we’re probably going to get thousands of new dirty coal plants spewing out CO2, and fracking companies tearing up the environment. Nice going, Trump supporters.


Dec 9, 2016 2:10 PM

So you support fossil fuels, then. Go ahead - admit that you're a climate change denier. You want more CO2 pollution don't you? Even though the planet is literally drowning in CO2! 

Dec 9, 2016 2:11 PM

Jill Stein had a change of heart and supports Hillary now. She may have criticized Hillary before, but after Trump's shock victory really hit home, she realized that she made a terrible mistake. 

Dec 9, 2016 2:17 PM

Well if he interned with Jimmy Carter that's more than enough to make him an accredited journalist. Accreditation doesn't have to be in the form of a degree from an accredited university - working closely with high level officials also suffices, as does experience with an established media outlet. Tyler has none of these things to his name - he is not accredited. 

Dec 9, 2016 2:21 PM

Finally someone who is willing to stand up and do the right thing! If enough electors change their votes to Hillary, this is over for Trump! We are witnessing a revolution here folks. A revolution of progressives against the alt right, against Putin and against fake news! This truly is history in the making.


Dec 9, 2016 3:21 PM

The revolution is rising as we speak. Decent Americans from every walk of life are standing up and doing the right thing. One by one, people are speaking out against Trump’s bigotry, and refusing to recognize him as our President.


Dec 9, 2016 9:01 AM

This is a hate crime against Moroccan Dutchmen and women!! Geert Wilders should be locked up before he does more damage to the already terrified minority communities in the Netherlands! Why are white people still allowed to get away with racism and discrimination in the 21st century? Europe and America are for everybody! This is so ignorant!


Dec 9, 2016 9:05 AM

This is sexism pure and simple! South Korea couldn't handle the fact that Park Geun-hye was a successful female President, and South Korean men felt insecure! The same thing just happened in Brazil, and is happening in Germany. This is also what stopped Hillary from becoming President! Sexism and the war on womyn needs to end!! This is the 21st Century!!!


Feb 1, 2012 4:27 PM


I KNEW it. Bill Gross is now officially discredited as a financial professional. Ron Paul is a known hack who garners the support of conspiracy theorists, confederate racists and other radical extremists. Mr Paul has already been totally exposed by the media for his insane policies such as:

  1. Ending the war on terror and disarming America against Islamic extremists who hate our freedom
  2. Legalizing ALL drugs including marijuana (proven to cause brain damage), cocaine and even OPIUM
  3. Auditing the Federal Reserve which according to Dr Ben Bernanke (M.I.T, Princeton Alma Matter and current Fed chairman) would leave monetary policy open to political meddling which would give rise to blatant conflicts of interest

Needless to say, this association will seriously damage Mr. Gross’ reputation, which serves him right for betting against American debt, and selling out his own country.


Feb 1, 2012 5:20 PM

I want an economy managed by EXPERTS, and I want the government to take a strong stance on drugs, terrorism and poverty. Ron Paul is a threat to the American way of life, and somebody has to tell the truth about his policies.

Obama/Biden 2012!! Vote for REAL freedom and liberty.

Feb 1, 2013 11:23 AM

It's so amusing to watch ZH doomer libertarians squirm at this positive economic news. This jobs report is evidence that not only is the global recovery real, but it is accelerating. The S&P is rocketting above 1500. If we get a a strong weekly close above 1500 today (and it looks like we almost certainly will), we are in for a simply spectacular stock market rally. Shorts better brace themselves, because they are in for a rude awakening.

Feb 1, 2013 3:03 PM


What a day! Not only did the S&P sustain a spectacular rally above 1500, but the VIX plunged into the 12s in an epic collapse, sending shockwaves of shame and embarrassment throughout the doomer libertarian community. Let's review the facts:

  1. Interest rates are at all time lows 
  2. The stock market is soaring despite a set back in the GDP
  3. The housing market is now undeniably in a recovery
  4. Employment is picking up, in line with our Federal Reserve's dual mandate

Listen folks: this is a recovery - there's no denying it anymore. Doomer ZHers need to admit that they were wrong. ZHers may have lost most of their pride and dignity, but they still have an opportunity to retain a semblance of credibility if they admit that they were wrong


Feb 10, 2012 10:26 AM

That is a simplistic view of the Greek situation. The Greeks didn't know about the debt. They were rightfully demanding their basic rights, like education, housing, minimum wage, holidays, paid leave and other benefits. the reason third world countries are so poor is that their governments refuse to provide these basic necessities.

Feb 10, 2012 12:44 PM

This would in part explain the rise of libertarian populism among naive spotty youths. Socially inadept, zit-faced and unemployed youths are spending an increasing amount of time surfing the internet from their parents’ houses. This tragically and inevitably introduces impressionable youths to libertarian conspiracy sites, right-wing extremist blogs and other fringe material, which naturally appeals to their sense of dissociation with civilized society. We need to reach out to these disengaged youths and encourage them to integrate into society like respectable adults, or else they will continue to rot away on these hateful blogs.

Feb 10, 2015 3:51 PM

I hate to break it to zerohedgers, but the reality is Greece simply cannot leave the Eurozone. European Banks have lent vast sums of money to Greece, and it is simply not fair on these banks to allow Greece to leave. The health of the entire global economy depends on these banks having healthy balance sheets.

If there’s one thing we did right in 2007 – it was to bail out our most valuable corporations. Had we let those companies go under, we would be paying a severe economic price right now, but thankfully our congress and Federal Reserve were smart enough to realize this. Now let’s not let Europe make the mistake that we didn’t – we have to make sure that European Banks are save no matter what, as the health of the world economy depends on it.


Feb 10, 2015 3:56 PM

I like the fact that the Greek finance minister is willing to give credit to Mao Tse-tung for his many great achievements. Now, you may not agree with all of Mao’s policies, but politics aside I think many of us can agree that he was a kind and compassionate human being at heart.


Feb 10, 2015 4:16 PM

Warren is absolutely right – I don’t know why we’re even debating this. Our Federal Reserve was specifically - SPECIFICALLY – set up to be INDEPENDENT. There’s no further debate. Anyone trying to audit our Federal Reserve need to read the law and get an education.


Feb 10, 2016 12:29 PM


Feb 10, 2016 12:29 PM

Serves him right for his unacceptable bullying of Senator Rubio in the ABC debate. Marco Rubio is one of the few true conservatives running in this election, and I'm quite astounded that he didn't win the New Hampshire primary. The 'front-runners' in this election are simply not serious candidates, and should be disqualified from their respective parties. The Republican and Democratic parties are reserved for serious candidates, and the front-runners are far too extreme - they need to be dropped ASAP

Feb 11, 2013 10:15 AM

I just cringe when I see goldbug and silverbug lemmings get destroyed time after time in these markets. Why don't they learn? Leveraged stock investors are sitting on huge gains from last year, when doomer goldbugs were screaming from the rooftops about “the end of the world” and “financial Armageddon”. Gold and silver are obvious bubbles. There is no reason for a shiny piece of metal to product double digit returns when it produces absolutely no income and is abundant in all its industrial utilities.

Feb 11, 2013 11:27 AM

It just doesn’t matter how many times goldbug and silverbug lemmings get destroyed by a brutal collapse in the gold price or blowtorched by a “junior mining stock” – they always come back for more. Goldbugs and silverbugs show all the symptoms of addiction. They plow their life’s savings into shiny metal and junior mining stocks that just keep falling, and to fill the black hole in their wallets they indulge in fantasies of “financial collapse” and “monetary revolution”. They cling to the ridiculous idea that, simply by “stacking” these shiny bars of metal, they will be one day become kings of the universe. I’m afraid that precious metals cultists are in for a rude awakening. This IS a bubble. The gold market WILL collapse. I can’t say whether it will be a week or two months, but the collapse is coming, and goldbugs better brace themselves for a hair raising shock from which the doomer libertarian community may never recover.

Feb 11, 2013 2:13 PM

I can't wait for the iPhone 5S. I'm going to get mine on pre-order. I believe the iPhone 5S is going to literally revolutionize the smart phone. If you thought the iPhone was awsome, just wait till you see this baby. This is going to be THE phone to have, so if any of you haven't thought of pre-ordering your iphone yet, you need to start thinking about it now. 

Feb 11, 2013 9:55 AM


Feb 11, 2013 9:56 AM

What this (predictably biased) article fails to mention is that home equity is starting to surge once again to 2007 levels, raising the net worth of many Americans to the high triple digits and some even seven digits. There are many gree shoots out there that ZHers refuse to acknowledge. But the housing recovery alone should give American homeowners the confidence to spend freely and generously without worrying about retirement. This is exclusively the work of our Federal Reserve officials, and in my opinion we cannot thank them enough for their contribution to humanity.

Feb 12, 2016 12:39 PM

What worries me the most is that an increasing number of voters and politicians are demandning influence over monetary policy. Our Federal Reserve was specificallySPECIFICALLY, set up to be independent of congress. Our government has absolutely no constitutional right to intervene in the affairs of our Federal Reserve, and it's about time we put a stop to political intervention in monetary policy once and for all. It's dangerous and a threat to the stability of the global economy.

Feb 13, 2012 10:36 AM

The explicit support for Iran among the libertarian community is extremely worrying. Iran has openly stated that they would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and support for this terrorist state is simply inexcusable.

Feb 13, 2012 10:50 AM

According to top military experts such as General David Petraeus and Robert Gates (Presidential Medal of Freedom winner), Israel is a key strategic Ally in the war on terror. We need to protect and work with our allies if we want to rid the world of terrorism and spread democracy and peace throughout the world. Support for terrorist states like Iran is seriously interring with these goals.

Feb 13, 2012 4:48 PM

It's not good enough for European leaders to solve this crisis on their own. They need expert advice from veterans of the financial industry, who know how to promote growth and can advise on suitable policies to tackle Europe's problems. Top financial firms like Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and other top tier investment banks (also known as Bulge Brackets) would be the first place to look. Government needs to work WITH big business to devise comprehensive solutions to economic problems.

Feb 13, 2013 9:52 AM

Apart from gold and silver, platinum and palladium are the biggest bubbles in all of history. The industrial uses for these 'precious metals' are becoming increasingly sparse as more and more alternatives come on to the market, much to the horror of precious metals cultists. The reality is that precious metals are not an investment. They are an obsession, fueling the fantasies and dreams of a group of sick masochistic cultists who can dream of nothing but financial collapse and world domination.

Feb 13, 2017 11:19 AM

Trump is going to start WORLD WAR III with China!!! Progressives WARNED you about this but you didn’t listen!!

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 13, 2017 4:16 PM

Trump doesn’t have the constitutional right to have a border tax or ban people from coming into the country. His executive orders also reek of dictatorship and fascism. If Trump wants to be president, he needs to respect the courts, the media and foreign nations, or the deep state is simply going to revolt and impeach him. Just because you’re president, doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want. Obama did everything by the book, and always went through congress, even though Republicans blocked him repeatedly. Trump’s executive orders are fascist.

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 13, 2017 4:19 PM

Trump’s administration is reckless! They’re going to start WORLD WAR III! I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN!

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 13, 2017 9:43 AM

Trump will collapse the economy because he is incompetent and doesn’t understand economics. Numerous top economists from the best universities in the world have criticized his tax plan as incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. If the economy collapses, it will be because Trump deregulated the economy and cut taxes, and capitalism failed, just like it failed during the financial crisis of 2007-08.

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 13, 2017 9:47 AM

This is what happens when you have conservatives recklessly cutting government funding for critical projects, which puts thousands of peoples’ lives in danger. How many more people need to be put in harm’s way before we accept that austerity doesn’t work?

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 13, 2017 9:50 AM

Trudeau is a real man, who isn’t afraid to be sensitive, soft and caring. He is also an admitted feminist, who is proud to support womyn’s rights. Trump is an embarrassment  - we need real men like Trudeau and Obama running the world.

An Afrocentric History Of White People

Feb 14, 2012 10:24 AM

I told you! Central banks are colluding with primary dealers to tighten credit and put the squeeze on retail stocks! When is the SEC going to put a stop to this manipulative tightening!? Central banks need to loosen monetary policy in line with poor consumer spending figures, and retail banks need to provide easy credit to boost aggregate demand.


Feb 14, 2012 12:14 PM


Feb 14, 2012 12:41 PM

Typical ZH rant about the budget without a SINGLE mention of what the debt is financing. The budget includes roads, hospitals, bridges and generous compensation packages for hardworking government workers like teachers and firemen. Libertarians correctly point out that the government is under no obligation to provide these things, however liberals point out that they have a moral obligation to provide a decent standard of living for all Americans. I want a society where we don't have to worry about healthcare, mortgages, jobs or any of the other problems that dog-eat-dog free market imposes on us. That is what I consider to be REAL freedom.


** Obama/Biden 2012 **

Feb 14, 2013 1:34 PM

My Autobiography

A Virtuous Life:
A story of courage, integrity and bravery

I was born in Conneticut into what you might call an upper middle class family. My father, a successful patent lawyer, was away most of the time. However, once every year he would take the family on vacation and would teach me all about the virtues of the state. My mother was a prominent feminist and author for vanity fair. She taught me what it means to be politically correct and to respect the feelings of those most disadvantaged among us such as women and minorities. Mother also taught me to respect the poor and to defend the virtue of the welfare state from what can only be described as right wing sadism.
Since both my parents were Ivy League educated, I developed a deep respect for acadsmic achievement and scholarly excellence.

(To be continued ...)

Feb 14, 2013 2:49 PM

Why can't this man get a job in his own country!?? Fuck 'free trade' and 'free enterprise'. I'm just sick of these fat cat corporations hiring foerign labor. Why can't they hire more deserving first-worlders in their country of registration? 

Feb 14, 2013 3:29 PM

Santelli correct that it is very difficult to trade profitably in these markets. Spotty ZH computer nerds simply cannot handle the pressure of today's volatile markets. Trading requires an ability to think fast under pressure,and make tough decisions with real money at stake. The challenge is only maginfide when you're on the front line on a trading desk at a 'bulge bracket' investment bank. That's why these traders are selected from the best Ivy League schools in the country. Many of the selected candidates showed exception leadership skills in addition to their academic achievements, such as serving as head of the finance club or head boy at a prestigious school. Now these boys are handling some serious cash, and although the rewards are great, it ain't easy being in their shoes.

Feb 15, 2012 10:35 AM

This is a bold and controversial move by the ECB. The ECB will come under great public scrutiny for bypassing the member banks and lending directly to Peugeot. However, this is exactly the kind of revolutionary monetary policy that is going to boost aggregate demand and spur on the global recovery. We are watching history in the making.

Feb 15, 2012 12:16 PM

I must admit my equity portfolio performance has been nothing short of disastrous this year. Retails and financials have been among the hardest hit given the unreasonably tight and stingy monetary policy that central banks have adopted. However, I do not expect this to last much longer. Central bankers and world leaders are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of credit contraction, and I wouldn't rule out a sharp reversal in credit-sensitive equities as the world begins to implement aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus programs.

Feb 15, 2012 7:09 PM


Unbelievable! Iran is openly broadcasting their new nuclear facility on state television!


When I saw this earlier today my blood boiled. These bastard terrorists have gone too far. We need to take swift action and defend Israel from these degenerate scumbags.


Feb 15, 2012 7:30 PM


Israel is a key strategic ally in the war on terror. We need to work with our allies to defeat terrorism and spread democracy throughout the world. Terrorists hate us for our freedom, and there can never be peace until we rid the world of these degenerate monkeys.  


Feb 15, 2012 9:46 AM

Is this some kind of joke? Gold can't even regain the 10 day moving average, and you're gloating about a pathetic 5 point rally? The naivety and ignorance of doomer goldbugs is just astounding. And don't even get me started on silverbugs.

Feb 15, 2013 12:22 PM

Your ounces are still there, but worth a lot less. Sigh ... when will goldbugs cave and buy stocks instead? This is getting silly now.

Feb 15, 2013 12:28 PM

Lets review the cold hard facts:

1. Gold and silver are plummeting
2. The VIX is falling off a cliff
3. Stock shorts have been blowtorched
4. Interest rates are still at record lows

C'mon folks, this is getting silly. This is a recovery, pure and simple. The sooner doomer ZHers get that through their heads, the sooner they can get their portfolios back on track and save their retirements. Doomer ZHers are on a crash course. But it seems that no matter how many times they are warned, they simply refuse to listen.

Feb 16, 2012 12:23 PM

Are you kidding me? “Judge” Napolitano has been using his ridiculous show to promote ludicrous conspiracy theories, crackpot economics and broadcast countless libertarian nut jobs who in fact represent a tiny minority of Americans. Now that this preposterous show has been cancelled, at least he can no longer embarrass himself and his lunatic supporters in front of shocked and horrified American public. As for Mr. Colbert, I admit I have enjoyed some of his work over the years. However his relentless mocking of legitimate campaign contributions has crossed the line somewhat.

Feb 16, 2016 10:02 AM

This is an important first step towards a cashless society, which will enable a far more efficient and fraud-proof economy. Here is a small sample of the many benefits of a cashless society:

1. Easier to crack down on tax evasion

2. Easier to prevent money-laundering

3. Enables complete Federal oversight of suspicious transactions

4. Simplifies payments

5. Encourages the development of smart-payment technologies


It's time for us to abandon the prehistoric relic of cash, and bring payments into the 21st century. Larry Summers understands this very well, which I believe is the motivation behind his wise proposal. We need to slowly outlaw the practise of secretive cash transactions, and bring these transactions into the open, where they can be monitored, tracked and taxed in accordance with the law.

Feb 16, 2016 10:20 AM

It's sad that conspiracy theorists such as yourself really think that they have anything to say about foreign policy. Please get an education and learn about who our allies are and who our enemies are, because I'm stating nothing but basic facts. 

Feb 16, 2016 11:58 AM

Ultimately the nomination does not matter because Trump is simply not a serious candidate, and his racist comments should disqualify him from running. I have no doubt that the GOP will do the right thing and disqualify him as eventually his never ending chain of controversies becomes too much for the party to bare. Remember, Donald Trump does not own the GOP, and despite what voters think, the GOP has every right to kick him out. 

Feb 16, 2016 11:58 AM


Feb 16, 2016 9:42 AM

It's absolutely ludicrous for Trump to think that we should 'partner' with Russia, when they are actively bombing our allies in Syria and supporting one of our greatest enemies, Assad. It's painfully obvious to every political scholar, that Donald Trump has absolutely no clue what he is talking about when it comes to foreign policy. We need to strengthen our relationships with our strongest allies such as Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia, in order to fight terrorism and bring peace and stability to the Middle East. Unlike Syria's current government, these countries share our core fundamental values of freedom of speech, separation of church and state, and basic human rights.

Feb 17, 2012 1:08 PM

This is indeed child abuse of the most insidious kind. The biggest tragedy is that these children are going to grow up mistrusting their own government, in a world full of dangers and risks that the state protects us from. The truth is I actually feel sorry for these people. They live such amazingly pathetic lives, and refuse to integrate into civilized society while constantly rambling on about ludicrous conspiracy theories that make the average American cringe with embarrassment. It is all very well for adult doomer rednecks to choose this lifestyle, but they have no right to infect their children with this garbage.


Feb 17, 2012 12:20 PM

The overwhelming demand for US debt is attracting fraudsters and scammers claiming to sell real US bonds but are in fact selling fake certificates. If you are investing in US treasuries or long term debt, then make sure you contact a reputable broker. Many people are discovering that the US bonds are the most liquid safe-haven investment, and it is imperative that they avoid these scams in the process of protecting their wealth.

Feb 17, 2012 4:12 PM

Can you believe these terrorists have the gall to cross the Suez!? They are messing with the WRONG country. Israel WILL be protected at ALL costs because they are a vital ally in the war on terror. America will continue to spread democracy and fight terrorism globally no matter WHAT libertarian computer nerds and weedy anarchists say.

Feb 17, 2014 12:29 PM

Personally, I think the TSA checks are a good thing. If this is what it takes to be safe then so be it.

Feb 17, 2016 1:33 PM

The 'false-flag' conspiracy theorists are so tiresome. Occam's Razor states that the simplest explanation is most likely to be true. Hence the most likely explanation is that this was carried out by Turkey's enemies, and there is no doubt in my mind that Russia was involved.

Feb 17, 2016 12:25 PM

There is absolutely nothing wrong with 'spoofing'. It is the absolute right of every trader to place an order and subsequently remove it - nobody's rights have been violated by this action, and the losers on this forum need to accept that institutional traders are simply  better than them. Sure, this tool is only available to a minority of institutional traders, but so what? Smaller traders also have a huge advantage over larger traders as their orders do not move the market, so it's fair game as far as I'm concerned. 

Feb 17, 2016 12:29 PM

It's especially easy for advanced traders to fade their competitors when there are so many zerohedge simpletons in this market with no skill and no clue about how the game works. It's quite amusing to watch ZHers lose repeatedly while the masters win time and time again.

Feb 18, 2016 1:29 PM

I've been calling for emergency fiscal and monetary stimulus on this blog for years now, and nobody listened. Dr Paul Krugman has explained the problem we face in layman's terms: we have a lack of demand. When you have no demand, you have no revenue, and without revenue you have no jobs. Demand is the heart of an economy, and currency is the blood. We need to get the heart of the economy beating again so that the money can once again flow, and we can continue to enjoy the economic prosperity that the science of economics has brought us over the last 100 years. If we fail to follow these recommendations, we face a gloomy future that no-one can claim we weren't warned about by countless economic professors such as Dr Krugman.

Feb 18, 2016 11:42 AM

Ray Dalio warned our Federal Reserve that there would be consequeces if quantitative easing was not reintroduced. Unfortunately, our monetary officials weren't listening, and now the people are paying the price. Austerity doesn't work - just ask Europe; the ONLY thing that works is monetary and fiscal stimlulus.

Feb 18, 2016 12:46 PM

It's amusing to watch Trump supporters squirm as the inevitable happens. Ted Cruz is a true legitimate conservative, whereas Donald Trump simply isn't - and it was only a matter of time before the electorate figured this out. Donald Trump will NEVER, NEVER be president. Trump supporters need to get this through their heads, and give up their insane fantasies of deporting millions of women and children who are settled with families in our country - it's simply a ludicrous idea, and Americans are beginning to see how crazy it is.

Feb 18, 2016 12:58 PM

Coal Power is a dirty and ugly form of energy, causing untold damage to the environment. Why we still use coal, when countries like Germany and France get basically all of their energy from renewable sources is simply a mystery. No doubt the Koch brothers and other sinister special interests are behind the defunding of positive green energy projects that could put the coal industry out of business once and for all. 

Feb 19, 2013 1:54 PM

I tried to warn the wide-eyed lemmings on this site about the impending collapse in the silver price, big nobody listened. Silverbugs are getting slammed once again, while stock and bond investors are sitting on some sweet profits with wry grins on their faces. When will doomed ZHers give up on silly non- investments like shiny metals, VIX futures and bitcoins? All I can do is stare in disbelief as hoards of ZH lemmings follow each other over a cliff. It's both amusing and sad at the same time.

Feb 19, 2013 10:37 AM

Why would nerdy, zit-faced ZHers and silverbug prepper goons care about the price of premier fashion brands like LV? ZHers love to discuss the lives of the rich and famous because it makes them feel important. The truth is, world leaders and top business professionals have never even herd of Zerohedge, and would laugh in the face of any feeble ZHer who challenged them. ZHers need to learn to respect just authority until they have the political and academic credentials to challenge the higher echelons of society.

Feb 19, 2013 3:08 PM

While ZHers consider a "tail risk" to be something akin to a Lehman type invent with the stock market crashing to the ground, but with equities making all time highs week after week many professional investors believe that the real tail risk is being under-invested and missing a huge rally. When you consider the oportunity cost of not owning stocks, cash doesn't look that attractive any more. Who wants to be sitting in cash while stocks are rocketing toward all time highs? If you're really afraid of drawdown in Equity prices, then top investment professionals would recommend US treasuries as a safe-haven alternative. With treasuries, you get a steady semi-annually compounded cash flow, but with the added advantage of zero risk. If you want to get clever, then you can also use 'modern portfolio theory' like the proffesionals, to hedge away all risk in your portfolio using historical correlations.

Feb 19, 2016 1:10 PM

Yet more benefits of a cashless society: 

  1. Mitigates the risk of bank runs 
  2. Forces businesses to adopt modern payment technologies
  3. Less resource-intensive than a cash-based society
  4. Makes micro-payments more convenient
  5. Encourages standardization of payment technologies across industries

Let's be honest, a cashless society is the future whether we like it or not. So it makes sense for us to take proactive steps to adapt our economy to electronic payments, so that when it finally arrives we will be prepared and ready to take advantage of the many benefits it has to offer. Fighting it is futile, so let's embrace a cashless society and focus on evolving our economy for the future of payments, for the benefit of all.

Feb 19, 2016 1:10 PM


Feb 19, 2016 1:26 PM

Yes, I'm aware of this and it's a big problem. A cashless society still needs to maintain control over the issuance of currency, and rogue currencies that seek to undermine official national currencies, whether in the form of bitcoin or cell phone credit, simply need to be outlawed. Non-official currencies are a haven for money laundering and criminal activity, with little or no oversight by Federal officials. In order for an economy to work, we need structure and oversight, and allowing unofficial currencies is simply unfair on the majority of hardworking citizens who abide by the law.

Feb 19, 2016 1:31 PM

It's sad that America has come to this. We now callously reject legitimate political candidates for media personalities, and sensible, practical policies for sound bites and personal insults. Hillary Clinton may not be perfect, but who is? America faces serious challenges in the coming years, and we desperately need a serious political candidate to guide our country through these troubling times. This is not the time to bet on a wild-card president with no experience - the future of the free world depends on our votes, and we need to cast them wisely.

Feb 19, 2016 11:34 AM

As Dr Paul Krugman has explained time and time again, the problem with our economy is a lack of demand. Without demand, sales continue to drop, credit continues to contract and eventually you enter a deflationary spiral that leads to an economic collapse. We need to follow the advice of our best economists and introduce further, more robust fiscal and monetary stimulus programs. If we fail to do this in time, and our economy takes a swing for the worst, we cannot claim that we weren't warned.

Feb 19, 2016 12:04 PM

Nobody is suggesting such an extreme measure. Monetary stimulus should be carried out via the proper channels with the help of primary dealer banks. In my opinion, a simple bond buying program would suffice, and could serve to support further fiscal stimulus programs. Another important policy recommendation proposed by many economists is to raise the minimum wage. Papers published by Professor Alan Krueger have demonstrated that increasing the minimum wage does not in fact have any negative effect on employment, yet many still cling to the notion that minimum wages make employers less likely to hire low-skill workers. It all comes down to simply listening to the advice of our top economists - why we continue to run our country without consulting our greatest economic minds is simply beyond me. 

Feb 19, 2016 2:01 PM

I'm humbled by your gracious words. Certainly running for public office is a long term goal of mine, but right now what America needs more than anything is experience and a steady hand, and hence I'd suggest you rather cast your vote for one of our many distinguished congressional veterans; one who possesses the experience and wisdom to carry America through these troubling times.

Feb 2, 2012 11:20 AM

Dr Ben Bernanke is a true hero, with temerity of spirit. Did you know that during his school years, Ben Bernanke scored 1590 out of 1600 in his SAT test? ... phenomenal!!

Feb 2, 2012 11:35 AM

What unsubstantiated nonsense!! I would like to see some evidence for this. Did you know that Ben Bernanke also shared a dorm room with Lloyd Blankfein during his studies at Harvard? Lloyd Blankfein is the current CEO of Goldman Sachs Inc. - one of the largest and most reputable investment banks in the world. What a remarkable coincidence!!

Feb 2, 2012 6:34 PM

Financials are benefiting from generously low interest rates and easy credit from our Federal Reserve. Not only that but many of the financials are also Systemically Important Financial Institutions or SIFIS. This means that they simply TOO BIG TO FAIL, since they are vital to the global economy.

Feb 2, 2015 5:54 PM

I strongly disagree with the sentiments in this article. The truth is that regulations enforce high standards in business, allowing only top quality companies such as Goldman Sachs, GM and Verizon to serve Americans. Regulations are quality controls - they ensure that consumers get nothing but the best, and can safely spend their hard earned money, knowing that they're getting the best possible products and services at the best possible prices. Regulations mean that Americans don't have to worry about quality or choosing between 1000 different companies for the same product. Instead they are presented with a few established companies with proven track records.

Feb 2, 2015 6:01 PM

I'm also personally glad that we no longer have child-labor in the 21st century. Thanks to the efforts of political activists, kids are now free to study and learn about the world at top quality colleges, and then get a corporate job at a top company or in government. Instead of emerging as burned out and exhausted victims of child-labor, young adults are now entering the economy bright, eager, educated and ready to make a difference.

Feb 2, 2015 8:31 PM

Why do zerohedgers have this obsession with punishing executives for corporate misdoings? It simply does not make sense to hold executives responsible for crimes that occur at a corporate level. Most multinationals have thousands of employees - you simply cannot expect executives to be responsible for the actions of each and every one of these employees; it's just not fair or practical. The way that our legal system works now is wholly appropriate – if crimes have been committed at a corporate level, then fine the corporation, not the executives! Corporate crimes deserve corporate punishment – this is justice, fair and square. The readers that disagree with this should study some corporate law, because they have no idea what they are talking about. 

Feb 20, 2012 12:30 PM

I'm sick and tired of the "Blame-America-First" crowd defaming our courageous military the work they do to spread democracy and fight terrorism. Our military is keeping the world SAFE from threats that very few people want to face up to, and this is the thanks they get from cowardly libertarians.

Feb 20, 2012 4:36 PM

Greece must not fall into the trap of cutting spending. This is proven to be a failed policy, as it undermines economic growth. The key is for Greece to spend even more on fiscal stimulus programs, to get the Greek people spending again. You see, money is like the life blood of the economy – it has to keep flowing or the economy dies. 

Feb 20, 2012 4:47 PM

now they are just sinking back to an unlevered standard of living.

Precisely. And this is an unnecessary tragedy. During times of great economic upheaval, we need to support the economy with generous monetary and fiscal stimulus programs. The vast majority of top politicians, government workers, college professors and industry leaders agree with me on this point.


Feb 21, 2012 11:26 AM

Greek unions need to stand up to right-wing bullies NOW, before it is too late. There is absolutely NO NEED for ANY cuts to the Greek budget. This is simply libertarian propaganda. Most top economists believe that Greece should INCREASE spending to boost aggregate demand.

Feb 21, 2012 7:02 PM

OMG! Check out this vid!


Brad Pit absolutely PWNS libertarians and Ron Paulite loons for their ignorance!! LOL. I feel sorry for doomer libertarians. Not only are they totally wrong about economics and morality they are also uncool.


Feb 21, 2012 7:29 PM

Lol whatever loser!! Brad Pit is probably the single most COOL person in the world, and he has totally rejected your lame libertarian theories. Lay off the lectures NERD.

Feb 21, 2013 1:39 PM

It's amusing that silly ZH small time ZH day traders consider the world's leading hedge funds the dumb money. It's like a weedy libertarian computer nerd judgmentally criticizing a heavy weight boxing champion for poor martial combat skills. Do you have any idea how pathetic greasy ZH day traders look to professional investors? Financial professionals view ZHers with the same indifference and annoyance as they would view a fly at the dinner table. To them, ZHers are nothing but a bunch of annoying pathetic losers with no investment knowledge or academic credentials.

Feb 21, 2013 9:18 AM

Why do Europeans still feel the need for "national" presidents and prime ministers, when the EU already has a President? President Herman Van Rompuy may not have the charm and charisma of a Barack Obama or a David Cameron, but if you’re after a leader with quiet stoicism and a passion for creating a united Europe, then Herman Van Rompuy is the ideal president. Europeans need to start feeling proud to be European. Together, people are stronger, and the more people can collectivize their skills, energy and creativity, the greater we can be as a species. Ultimately, we need to create a world government with a global central bank and and a global currency. This global government will be run by the brightest minds, and our monetary policy will be directed by the most educated and learned economics professors in the world. Once we have the resources and institutional leadership to enact policy on global level, there is no limit to our success as a species.

Feb 21, 2013 9:41 AM

Because geographical borders defined by politicians are the foundational axioms for morality, denoting the difference between moving and immigration, between trade and importing and exporting, between hiring and offshoreing. I'm not saying we should get rid of national boundaries - national borders have an essential ethical function. Instead, what I propose is a supernational, global government that sits on top of nation states. It's simply another layer of leadership that enacts global legislation across the nation states.

Feb 21, 2017 5:57 PM

Let’s get real here. Venezuela is suffering because oil companies are crashing the price of oil in order to sabotage communism, just like they did to China and the Soviet Union. Socialism didn’t fail – this was the work of capitalists, who continue to wage all out war against the proletariat.

Why Voter ID Laws Set A Dangerous Precedent

Feb 21, 2017 6:12 PM

Let’s get real here. These riots are a backlash against the surging Islamophobia across Europe, which was only exacerbated by Trump’s proposed Muslim ban. This in no way represents Muslims as a whole, and it is both racist and Islamophobic to suggest that it does. Furthermore, this story is yet to be reported by any accredited media outlet, and until it is, it remains FAKE NEWS.

Why Voter ID Laws Set A Dangerous Precedent

Feb 21, 2017 6:15 PM

It's not humour! Do you really think I'd spend over three years building one of the most accredited media publications on the internet if I wasn't a real progressive?? I'dm dead serious, as are the majority of progressives. Socialism works, capitalism doesn't, and history (now known as xerstory) demonstrates this clearly.

Why Voter ID Laws Set A Dangerous Precedent

Feb 21, 2017 6:21 PM

You clearly don’t understand how capitalism works! Capitalists want to take control of the resources of socialist nations so that they can enslave the proletariat and bleed these countries dry! Oil companies collaborated with each other AND pro-capitalist governments to sabotage Venezuela’s main revenue source! Venezuela was doing FINE before this! Cuba has one of the best healthcare systems in the WORLD for goodness sake!!

Why Voter ID Laws Set A Dangerous Precedent

Feb 21, 2017 6:22 PM

That's pretry rich coming from someone who probably supports Trump!

Why Voter ID Laws Set A Dangerous Precedent

Feb 21, 2017 6:23 PM


Feb 22, 2012 10:23 AM

Liberals have been warning about the lack of welfare spending and jobs programs for decades, and now we are finally being vindicated. This atrocity is the fault of libertarians who advocated cutting spending too much and too fast. Now the Greek people are paying the price for this poor economic policy.

Feb 22, 2012 6:29 PM

The Democrats are the ONLY party that stands up for the little guy. Libertarians, republicans and other ignorant right-wing interests will almost always support the speculators and traders over average American citizens. America is starting to stand up to right-wing bullies. We are sick and tired of right-wing morons talking about “cuts to the budget” and “personal responsibility”, and we are not going to take it any longer. Speculators WILL be regulated and controlled. Greedy profiteers WILL pay their FAIR SHARE of money to the government. Libertarians have profited for too long from speculative bets on gold and oil, and now it’s time they started giving something back to the community.

Feb 22, 2012 7:22 PM

You just don't get it do you? Speculators trade in DERIVATIVES. Derivatives are basically BETS on prices, which is like GAMBLING. Speculators need to be stopped, and it is only the liberals that realize this.

Feb 22, 2013 10:41 AM

I'm no expert. But when I look at a 4-year chart of the S&P, it's pretty clear to me that this market's going a lot higher. The chart just screams buy. There's no other way to look at it.

Feb 22, 2016 1:23 PM

I think America is ready for a revolutionary. We've had enough of the same old policies that just aren't working - we need to elect someone with a radical plan, and without a doubt that person is Bernie Sanders. We've tried capitalism, and while it may have worked for a few, it hasn't worked for the majority of hard-working Americans. When a system isn't working, you don't try to modify it; you replace it. And that's what Sanders is proposing - a completely new system that works for all Americans, not just the privileged few.

Feb 22, 2016 1:30 PM

Few topics have been as widely studied as diversity, and nearly every study has demonstrated that the benefits of diversity overwhelm the costs. Diversity provides a country with an exciting and vibrant economy in which the vast range of perspectives and experiences can solve almost any problem. In my opinion, it is simply not possible for a modern economy to compete in the global marketplace without a rich diversity of cultures and ethnicities.

Feb 22, 2016 10:40 AM


Feb 22, 2016 10:41 AM

Even more benefits of a cashless society:

  1. Ensures that depositors' money is safe
  2. Makes 100% of depositors' money available for investment in the economy
  3. Allows governments to enact emergency bank levies in extreme cases without fear of a bank run
  4. Easier for consumers to track their spending and create more informed budgets
  5. Makes it easier for governments to enforce capital controls
  6. Ensures that foreign exchange transfers are carried out by a smaller group of financial institutions, allowing them to provide more favorable rates due to increased transaction volume

Let's admit it, a cashless society is coming whether we like it or not, so we might as well get ahead of the curve and become early adopters. What's the harm?

Feb 23, 2016 1:20 PM

Mark my word, Trump will never be President, as he simply lacks the professionalism to lead this country. I don't care how many votes he gets, the presidency is not a game and you are not allowed to vote for any clown you like. This country has rules and standards, and candidates that think they can break these rules are about to learn a hard lesson.  I simply refuse to recognize Mr Trumps candidacy, and do not recognize any of his votes or polls. 

Feb 23, 2016 10:59 AM

This article is total bullshit. Millionaires are the problem. Don't try to tell me that a golf-playing millionaire should be collecting a bigger paycheck than a college grad who has slaved away for 4-5 years and can't even find a job. This is absolute BS!! All we want is an economy that works for everyone, not just  the few!! 

Feb 24, 2012 1:09 PM

The ECB needs to aggressively buy as much Greek debt as they can get their hands on, so that in the event of PSI they can vote for a restructuring that does not trigger CDS contracts. This is absolutely critical, as a large proportion of these CDS contracts have been issued by the SIFIS (systematically important financial institutions). I cannot emphasize this enough: these institutions CANNOT be allowed to fail. Primary dealers, top tier investment banks and other SIFIS are critical to our economy, and no matter what nerdy libertarians say, these institutions are and always will be TOO BIG TO FAIL.

Feb 24, 2012 5:21 PM

The only "pin" I'm worried about is this constant pessimism from the doomer libertarian community. It is extremely unconstructive and damaging the economy to hoard gold instead of investing in the economy, to save money instead of facilitating credit expansion, and to encourage rebellions against "authority" rather than respect for top economists. These issues are the real issues that face us in the modern economy.

Feb 24, 2017 7:32 AM

This would be great. The perfect antidote to right wing extremism! France wants open borders and more Muslim immigration! Don’t believe the fake news media! They don’t want Le Pen!

The Battle Is On For The New Face Of The DNC

Feb 24, 2017 7:34 AM

Trump's rhetoric is responsible for this tragedy. By openly calling for America to rise up against "the establishment" he has created an environment in which any act of aggression against world leaders or those deemed to be "oppressive" is acceptible, up to and including assasination. Whatever you think about North Korea, this is just plain wrong.

The Battle Is On For The New Face Of The DNC

Feb 26, 2013 11:04 AM

Sorry guys, but when I look at the 4-year chart of the S&P, all I'm seeing is up up up. When, and ONLY when, I see that chart going down, will I change my outlook for stocks.

Feb 26, 2013 11:08 AM

Paul. There's not much point trying to reason with zerohedgers. This site is great for mildly entertaining artcicles with an humorous conspiratorial flare. But if you want to find intelligent people who believe in democracy and forward thinking economic and social policy, it's probably best to look elsewhere.

Feb 26, 2013 11:23 AM

That's because of speculators, moron. What free marketers don't understand is that if you regulate the speculators, gas prices will fall and stocks will rise even more.

Feb 26, 2013 3:08 PM

My Autobiography - Part 2

A Virtuous Life - A story of courage, integrity and bravery
At the age of six, I was sent to a prestigious boarding school in Connecticut. From the very beginning, I knew I was a gifted child. I excelled in politics, modern history and Latin, and at the end of my first year I was awarded the headmaster's  award for best overall student. My school years had a fundamental influence on my attitudes toward academia and my appreciation for academic credentials. 

Feb 26, 2013 3:19 PM

... Continued:

I realized at that early age that I was going to change the world in a fundamental way. As I progressed through my school years, I developed a passion for analyzing current affairs. Even back then, I could see what was missing from American politics. One of my earliest criticisms of American legislation, and one that I hold to this day, was that there is absolutely no Federal law enforcing minimal academic standards for politicians. I believe to this day that American politics simply cannot progress unless there is an explicit law requiring politicians to have a degree from an Ivy League college. If we cannot maintain the integrity and competence of politicians, then we cannot expect wise and sensible legislation. This is a fundamental truth that cannot be ignored. 

Feb 26, 2013 4:38 PM

Here are some fundamental questions that bitcoinbugs need to answer if they want to retain a semblance of credibility:

  1. How can people be expected to put all their faith in digital entities that they cannot see or touch? 
  2. What if all computers running bitcoin crash at the same time? (sure, it’s not likely .. but it’s still a risk)
  3. What if a group of hackers hack into your bitcoin wallet?
  4. What if the computer code breaks?

These are some of the fundamental objections that people have toward bitcoins. And untill they are addressed, people will continue to view bitcoingbugs as weird nerdy creeps with childish dreams of a digital utopia.

Feb 26, 2016 1:19 PM

I knew Trump was no good right from the start. He's clearly hiding something seriously shady, or he'd simply release his tax return. If he's got nothing to hide, then why doesn't he publish it? Nobody should be voting for Trump until he clears this issue up and demonstrates his integrity beyond any reasonable doubt. How does Trump expect to earn the American peoples' trust if he can't even be transparent about a mere tax return? It's a shocking display of arrogance and secrecy.  

Feb 26, 2016 1:28 PM

When you look at the S&P 500 over the last five years, its volatility is staggeringly low, with one of the smoothest uptrends I've ever seen. This the perfect market to get rich in, because the predictability and small drawdowns allow you to buy with leverage - it's really a gift from god if you think about it. QE ended a long time ago and out Federal Reserve has already begun tightening. This is a good thing - we don't want this market to become a bubble followed by a crash. Our Federal Reserve is performing a careful balancing act using scientific economic principals, in order to engineer a low-volatility, rising stock market, and falling interest rates, which is exactly what we need to support our economic and middle class. Our officials learned their lesson from 2008, and have made the necessary changes to their economic models, and so far it appears to be working very well indeed!

Feb 26, 2016 12:50 PM

I'm just looking at the five year chart of the S&P 500 here, and I have to say this market still looks very resilient. Firstly, there is a clear, unshakeable uptrend with very low volatility (also indicated by the relatively low VIX). Secondly, we have been consistently making all time highs, despite the chaos in Europe and China. This shows that our stock market is immune to global turmoil, and as other markets continue to fall, we could see a lot of money leave those markets and enter the US markets, which is very positive for the S&P going forward. I'm also very positive about the US economy given our consistently positive NFP results over the last couple of years, along with our resilient housing market and booming service economy. For those who care to look at the facts, it's pretty hard to deny that we are in a strong recovery, and that the outlook for US stocks is extremely positive. I feel sorry for the perma-bears on this site that seem unable to look at the all of these indicators objectively and see the incredible opportunities that this market is offering to investors. 

Feb 26, 2016 2:00 PM

Chris Christie shouldn't be taken seriously after his despicable treatment of Marco Rubio in the presidential debate. It's an absolute disgrace that he still in public office after that cheap political stunt.

Feb 26, 2016 2:05 PM

We cannot rule out the nuclear option when Russia is openly threatening our allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia with the threat of nuclear war. Russia need to stand down in Syria and mind their own business, or face the wrath of our armed forces. We cannot be passive in this conflict. - we need to demonstrate our authority and proactively defend our interests overseas. We have nukes for situations like this - and we need to be ready to use them.

Feb 26, 2016 5:55 PM

I'm just looking at the five year chart of the S&P 500 here, and I have to say this market still looks very resilient. Firstly, there is a clear, unshakeable uptrend with very low volatility (also indicated by the relatively low VIX). Secondly, we have been consistently making all time highs, despite the chaos in Europe and China. This shows that our stock market is immune to global turmoil, and as other markets continue to fall, we could see a lot of money leave those markets and enter the US markets, which is very positive for the S&P going forward. I'm also very positive about the US economy given our consistently positive NFP results over the last couple of years, along with our resilient housing market and booming service economy. For those who care to look at the facts, it's pretty hard to deny that we are in a strong recovery, and that the outlook for US stocks is extremely positive. I feel sorry for the perma-bears on this site that seem unable to look at the all of these indicators objectively and see the incredible opportunities that this market is offering to investors. 

Feb 27, 2012 3:18 PM


Here we go again. Another libertarian rant about a noble virtue like education. It is my personal theory that redneck libertarians are hostile toward education because educated and enlightened liberals almost always reject their crazy ideas about free market economics. The more educated people are, the more they will understand the need for higher taxes, tighter regulations and more government oversight of greedy profiteers. THIS is what libertarians are terrified of. 


Feb 27, 2013 11:40 AM

If peak oilers expect oil stocks and crude futures to carry then into the higher echelons of society, then I'm afraid they're in for a rude awakening. Green energies are already starting to replace fossil fuels as a viable form of energy. Wind farms, for example, are staring to appear everywhere. There are pictures of wind farms on almost all the green promotional literature. That's telling you something important about the reality of green technologies. Ignore this at your own peril.

Feb 27, 2013 11:40 AM

If peak oilers expect oil stocks and crude futures to carry then into the higher echelons of society, then I'm afraid they're in for a rude awakening. Green energies are already starting to replace fossil fuels as a viable form of energy. Wind farms, for example, are staring to appear everywhere. There are pictures of wind farms on almost all the green promotional literature. That's telling you something important about the reality of green technologies. Ignore this at your own peril.

Feb 27, 2013 11:51 AM


Feb 27, 2013 12:08 PM

All this fighting ... when will nations unite in peace to form a global government, and these wars altogether? We desperately need a new world order. The fighting just has to stop. Collectively, if we work together we can create something great as a species. One thing I find interesting is how the brightest foreign students flock to America's Ivy League colleges, only to disappear into top governmental and corporate positions in their own countries. If we collectivism these expertise in a single global government, we can all benefit from the economic and social planning of these global leaders. Global governance is no longer just a dream - it's now a real possibility, but global leaders need to get serious if we want to see it in our lifetimes.

Feb 28, 2012 6:17 PM

Stages of a bubble:

Linear Uptrend: Smart value investors and arbitrageurs accumulate safely at below below fair value prices (well below $5 for silver)

Speculative Mania: Self-righteous libertarians start betting dangerous amounts of money while spreading increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories to justify their obsession

Total Euphoria: Greedy and delusional amateurs scramble to get their hands on every ounce in an effort to satisfy their insatiable self-indulgence

Initial Sell Off: Annihilation of the ravenous and suicidal lemmings who have by now been totally possessed by greed

{We are here} -> Bull Trap: Die hard silverbugs pump what is left of a dying market which sucks in the last of the pack

Capitulation: Total obliteration of the remaining rabble


Feb 28, 2012 7:01 PM


I didn't say fair value was at $5. This would simply be a common sense entry point for professional arbitrageurs seeking fair value at four times mining costs. This is currently around $18.


Feb 28, 2012 9:15 AM

The only "defensive" strategy against total annihilation in the event of an economic catastrophe is LONG TREASURIES. US debt has ALWAYS been a SAFE-HAVEN, and this is not going to change anytime soon. Doomer libertarians need to wake up to this, or their portfolios will go the way of their discredited theories on economics. Investors consistently flock to the dollar and to US debt during troubled times, as they know they can rely on the sound responsible governance of our congress and the measured and sensible analysis of our economic advisors.

Feb 28, 2012 9:23 AM

What I can't understand is why a CAC offers equal voting rights to every bondholder. Surely, top tier investment banks, governments and primary dealers should have far greater voting rights than buy-side firms? Hedge funds are dispensable, but systemically important financial institutions such as banks have a far greater value to the world economy, and should thus be protected from a CDS trigger.

Feb 28, 2013 2:17 PM

It’s only a matter of time before silver reverts to fair value at $18 an ounce. When you take an objective look at the silver market (without the Zerohedge hype), I’m afraid the outlook is bleak. Let’s review the facts:

  1. Mining output of silver at these inflated prices is increasing faster than ever, and new supply is flooding the market at an ever increasing rate.
  2. Graphene is replacing silver in almost all of its industrial utilities, rendering silver almost worthless as an industrial metal.
  3. To the horror of silverbug goons, more and more funds are dumping silver as an investment in order to invest in stocks and bonds.

I’ve warned the silverbug cretins to protect their savings and stay away from this dangerous market, but it seems that these suicidal lemmings are so invested in their dream of becoming kings of the universe, that they simply cannot be reasoned with.

Feb 28, 2013 2:35 PM

"an item has the worth man is willing to pay for it, not what it costs to manufacture"

But if the market value is four times mining costs, then miners will flood the market with supply. Sadly, we're already starting to see this happen in silver. This avalanche in new supply is going to knock most feeble silverbugs off their toes so fast they won't even know what hit them.

Feb 28, 2013 2:51 PM

I'm afraid my research demonstrates that the average mining cost for an ounce of silver is precisely $4.50. This yields a fair value of 4 x $4.50 = $18 per ounce. If miners cannot turn a profit, it simply has to be due to operational efficiency alone. None of this changes the fact that silver miners will be flooding the market with silver in the coming days, months and years. Silverbugs are in for a brutal shock, and they better be ready for it.  

Feb 28, 2013 3:21 PM

For all my preaching about the virtues of global governance, I have to admit that the libertarian camp has been far more successful in marketing itself to young people. Populist libertarianism has all the rebellious connotations of "fighting the man", in addition to the radical extremism that tends to attract angry nihilistic teenagers.

If the progressive movement wants to attract more young people, I'm afraid we need to change fast. In order to catch up, we need to start with something radical. So here's my suggestion: We create a United Nations pop group, made up of ten trendy teenagers, one from each of ten different countries. The first singer can be a Chinese yuppie hipster with a "rebel from a rich family" kind of look. The second will be a softer Justin Bieberesque Indian kid who interrupts each song with a serene interlude that make the girls go crazy. This will be the first multilingual pop group in existence, and its going to be awesome. Finally, global governance will be cool, and generation X will have to think hard before they join the ranks of sad, lane libertarians.

Feb 28, 2014 9:11 AM

I tried to warn bitcoinbugz that this eccentric experiment in decentralized currency would end badly, but of course libertarians and power-hungry hackers always think they know better than everyone else. This bankruptcy is proof that bitcoin will never be a legitimate currency and simply cannot stand up to the tangible, centralized alternatives. Currency needs to be backed by a strong authority or it simply cannot function. Economists have proved this over and over again and yet somehow libertarians still don't get it.

Feb 28, 2014 9:37 AM

@Dre4dwolf I'm no fan of gold, but at least gold has intrinsic value. Gold has the major advantage of being physical and tangeable, which is how it derives its intrinsic value. This the same reason I don't trust 'electronic' messaging services such as WhatsApp and 'email'. At least I can hold a physical letter in my hand. If an email gets lost, how do I even know about it? Anything purely electronic with no tangeable form is a scam ... PERIOD

Feb 29, 2012 10:35 AM

The Murdochs and their news outlets are some of the most biased right wing meanies on the planet. The world will be a better place with only smart, informed and forward thinking liberal channels like MSNBC, CNN and ABC. These channels offer unbiased and objective coverage of the most important issues facing the world, which is why they generate virtually no criticism relative to Fox News.

Feb 29, 2012 12:00 PM

Finally, silver is returning to FAIR VALUE at $18/oz. Smart arbitrageurs are short in anticipation of this revaluation.

Feb 29, 2012 12:27 PM

I never said anything of the sort. In fact I even clarified that this would be a good entry point for value investors, and that they would be seeking fair value at $18. Redneck silverbugs are learning a hard lesson today. I have tried to warn the wide eyed lemmings on this board about the impending revaluation of the "precious metals" but nobody listened to me. I hope that in the future, you will take time to digest my objective economic analysis - it might just save you some money.

Feb 3, 2012 11:41 AM

Doomer libertarians and goldbugs have been absolutely HUMILIATED today - LOL. Silverbugs, doomer rednecks and lunatic conspiracy theorists are desperately trying to defend their reputations but it's simply futile. The global recovery is now undeniable.

Feb 3, 2012 6:51 PM

Terrorism is going to be one of the major issues in 2012, but nobody wants to face up to it. America needs to understand that terrorism, both domestic and external, is a real threat to our way of life. We can't just rely on our military for protection, we also need strong surveillance networks at home, and rewards for routing out potential domestic terrorists.

Feb 3, 2012 9:47 AM

The global recovery is back, and there's nothing doomer libertarians can do to stop it. Interest rates are low and economic growth remains steady, all of which bodes well for the Obama/Biden 2012 campaign. Libertarians have been DEAD WRONG about the economy, however much they lack maturity to admit it.

Feb 3, 2012 9:53 AM

Explain this then:


Consumer loans have never been cheaper, and Americans are spending us into a new golden age.

Obama/Bernanke 2012!!

Feb 4, 2013 2:33 PM

With all due respect to our elected congressmen, I have to point out that the primary cyber-threat is domestic, and not from abroad. The number of fringe bloggers from conspiracy theorists to right-wing extremists is on the rise, and their influence is only growing, Conspiracy theorists and systematically undermining our government and Federal Reserve in America by spreading lies to the most gullible and mentally challenged readers on the internet. Right-wing extremism is also on the rise, appealing mostly to angry young men with little to no dating success and dismal career prospects due to their lack of engagement with society. Many of the commenters on this site show signs of all these characteristics and are a clear threat to our way of life in America. The internet needs to be heavily regulated, before the number of extreme ideas will becomes simply unmanageable.

Feb 4, 2015 5:02 PM

I worry that younger people in Europe are starting to emigrate and find work elsewhere, leaving the older generations that raised them to fend for themselves. It is simply unacceptable and selfish that young adults refuse to contribute to the economy and pay their fair share of taxes, when Europe has given them top quality education and invested millions of Euros in their futures. Younger generations owe it to their elders to pay their fair share.

Feb 5, 2013 10:10 AM

Bob Janjuah's apoclyptic market predictions have been apaullingly inaccurate in the past and I suspect that this one will fall flat on it's face just like the rest. Asside from his shockingly innacurate market forecasts, Mr. Janjuah's educational background is also highly suspect. There appear to be no accessible public records on Mr Janjuah's formal qualifications, and whilst it is not known for sure, I highly suspect that he did not even attend an Ivy League school. I would strongly advise the less experienced investors on this site to treat the eccentric analyst’s views with caution and skepticism.

Feb 5, 2015 6:57 PM

New artcicle over at the Accredited Times: 


Feb 5, 2016 1:00 PM

This has been happning for a long time, and it's exactly why governments need to start borrowing on our behalf. When aggregate demand increases and the velocity of money speeds up, this will stimulate spending and the economy will take off. It's simple economics, for someone who has an education. 

Feb 5, 2016 1:20 PM

It's saddening yet predictable that conservatives have used the refugee crisis to spread their right-wing agenda of hate and Islamaphobia. Just because a handful of refugees may have been radicalized, that doesn't mean that all refugees are terrorists. Maybe if Europe demonstrated a little more compassion and less hate, there would be fewer of these refugee attacks.

Feb 5, 2016 10:13 AM

Makes perfect sense to me - this is a good number. Never mind if it's 'below expectations'; it's clear to everyone except a pessimistic few that we are in a recovery, and therefore we have plenty of justification for a rate hike. We need to be cautious - if we let this recovery get out of hand it could become a bubble. We learned that lesson in 2008. No more boom and bust!

Feb 5, 2016 10:23 AM

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that fewer than 10% of the people not included in the labor force actually want a job, so it simply doesn't make sense to include these people in the report. Most of these people are retired, studying, or pursuing other interests. One of the benefits of living in this day and age is that people can pursue their interests and be free of the constant need to work - this is progress! Isn't that the dream of every American? To one day retire and dedicate their life to leisure, hobbies and personal interest? 

Feb 5, 2016 10:31 AM

Just a heads up for all the uptight rednecks on this blog - it's actually quite offensive and hurtful to people on food stamps, when you imply that they're not contributing to society. Just thought I'd let you know, cos hardly any of you seem to realize that. By the way, there's nothing wrong with choosing to live on food stamps and pursue other interests - it's the god given right of everyone on American soil (yes, including immigrants with nowhere else to go, for all the racists out there). JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books while she was on welfare - if she'd been forced to get a job or worse, look after the kids in a patriarchal family, it's highly unlikely Harry Potter books would ever have been written. Just remember that next time you criticize someone on welfare.

Feb 5, 2016 10:44 AM

Here we go again with the completely insulting insinuations about Service Professionals. Service Professionals actually have to demonstrate a much wider variety of skills than the majority of supposedly 'high status' jobs in fields like engineering, management or accounting. You need to be punctual, you need be able to deal with customers on a face-to-face basis, and you need to be able to deal with many complex mental tasks in order to provide efficient and satisfactory service. A lot of these jobs also have long hours, so you also need incredible endurance. This combination of skills puts most 'high status' works to shame, and clearly demonstrates the flaws in capitalism. Why should these works be paid less than some manager who just sits on his arse all day why the workers work 14 hour shifts! It's an absoluteoutrage, and the ONLY presidential candidate I see pointing this out is Bernie Sanders, which is why he has my vote no matter what.

Feb 5, 2016 10:44 AM

This blog is seriously offensive towards Service Professionals! SAD!

Feb 5, 2016 10:56 AM

I don't see it that way. These days, it's very common among people of working age to take gap years and time off work to pursue other interests. And sure, some of them are on welfare - so what? Going on welfare is aperfectly acceptable lifestyle choice; and people should be able to do so without fear of being shamed, attacked and derided, as they are by many conservatives.

Here's one thing you uptight right-wingers need to get through your heads - life is not all about working! There's a lot more to life than wage-slavery! Wouldn't you like to paint a painting or go to a music concert one in a while? Of course you would! That's what life is all about! We have enough resources and wealth in this day and age that nobody should have to work anymore. Anyone who convinces you otherwise is nothing but a capitalist exploiter, pure and simple.

Feb 5, 2016 11:46 AM

Not sure about you guys, but I regard service jobs as vastly superior to dirty manufacturing jobs. Only doomer libertarians reminisce about the satanic mills. 

Feb 5, 2016 12:31 PM

You better FEEELL the BUUURRNN cos we're TAKING OVER!! Socialism WILL be the next global system and there's NOTHIGN you can do to stop it!!! 

Feb 5, 2016 12:56 PM

How many times do I need to say this? Service jobs are better than manufacturing jobs. Nobody wants to be getting their hands dirty in the 21st century. If you don't believe me, ask young people in this country what they'd rather be doing: fitting greasy metal parts together in a dark room, or learning how to make an awesome Latte in a hip cafe filled with interesting and edgy people to talk to? I know what I'd choose. 

Feb 5, 2016 9:59 AM

151k is still a fantastic number by any measure, which bodes well for the economic recovery! We've now had about five years of consistently positive NFP results, which makes it pretty difficult to argue that we're not in a strong recovery. At this rate, we'll have full employment in about a decade - a feat that has never been achieved before in a capitalist country, all thanks to the advent of scientific monetary and fiscal policy. Now that almost everyone has a job, the next thing we need to focus on is wages. Our minimum wage simply hasn't kept pace with living costs, or our society's acceptable standard of living. It is now widely accepted that owning a smart phone and tablet, laptop or macbook with  internet access is a basic human right, as without them it's simply impractical to take part in the modern economy. We need to ensure that our minimum wage covers these basic necessities and allows everyone to take part in society, not just those who find themselves in higher paying occupations. 

Feb 6, 2012 11:42 AM

I love watching discredited, intellectually inferior libertarians squirm after being totally HUMILATED by top Nobel Prize winning economists. Dr. Paul Krugman is absolutely right - interest rates are at RECORD LOWS. Where's the collapse that libertarians have been predicting? Where's the 'collapse' in housing prices? I'm still waiting.  

Feb 6, 2012 12:19 PM

"There are costs to accumulating such a massive debt pile ... "


Er ... did you not hear what I said? Interest rates are at RECORD LOWS. You know what doomers like you could be doing instead of hiding in your underground bunkers and whining about Armageddon like insane lunatics? Taking out consumer loans and actually HELPING the American economy. Libertarians are a bunch of spoiled brat whiners in a nation of largely patriotic and sensible consumers just going about their daily shopping and doing their part to boost the economy.


Feb 6, 2012 4:12 PM

It’s quite amusing to read these endless pessimistic articles that fail to understand the basics of Keynesian economic theory. The truth is that future generations will comfortably pay down this debt, since they will be richer as a result of the fiscal and monetary stimulus programs that we are currently pursuing. Dr Ben Bernanke (current Fed chairman) summed it up nicely when he said:

“If current trends continue, the typical U.S. worker will be considerably more productive several decades from now. Thus, one might argue that letting future generations bear the burden of population aging is appropriate, as they will likely be richer than we are even taking that burden into account

Feb 6, 2015 10:13 AM

WOW! This is a simply amazing figure! J Gold and silver are getting absolutely smashed right now, and equities are looking extremely strong. My portfolio is #winning today, my treasuries are up, my S&P 500 positions are up, and all of my short foreign currency positions are up. This is just insane!! It’s time to pop open some champagne because the recovery is officially roaring!



Feb 6, 2015 10:15 AM



Feb 6, 2015 10:39 AM

Turkey should be let unti the European Union. This would temper their economy and give them access to capital from the ECB, allowing their economy to grow and recover. Together countries are stronger. Some peoeple think the Greek crisis demonstrates that the EU is a 'disaster', but I think it just proves how much more integration and centralization we need. 

Feb 6, 2015 9:50 AM

This is an absolutely awesome figure! There’s no playing this down -This is the nail in the coffin for doomer libertarians and zerohedge freaks! The recovery is not only sustaining itself – it’s accelerating, and this specifically because of the work that our congress and Federal Reserve have done to stimulate economic growth.

For those of you who understand economics, today’s figure comes as no surprise. Read today’s article at the Accredited Times for the truth about where jobs really come from:


Feb 7, 2012 11:35 AM

Reasons why Bernanke is the BEST Fed Chairman in recent years:


1.     He understands the importance of the Federal Reserve’s INDEPENDENCE and that there is no place in this day and age for political meddling with monetary policy which was reflected in his rejection of Ron Paul’s insane “audit the Fed” bill

2.     He recognizes that the dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability is a LONG-TERM endeavor, and has thus committed to keeping interest rates low for an extended period while wisely ignoring transitory price inflation

3.     He is willing to take the time out of his busy schedule to educate economic illiterates like Ron Paul who fail to understand even the most elementary principles of monetary policy


Feb 7, 2012 5:54 PM


Finally the FBI is cracking down on these dangerous lunatics. I mean, it’s quite astounding. These people openly call for this crazy shit in broad daylight, and they don’t get locked up? If these anti-government lunatics don’t like America, then they can just leave. Otherwise, they need to learn basic etiquette and conform to our society’s decent and wholesome values. 


Feb 7, 2013 11:06 AM

America needs to get involved and sort this out once and for all. With great power come greate responsibility, and this nonsense has to end. Our CIA has professional negotiators who will be able to resolve this dispute. And if negotiation fails, then I'm afraid military force is the only option.

Feb 7, 2013 2:43 PM

It's quite sad to see how pathetic nerdy ZHers envy the success and power of financial professionals. Financial professionals at top tier investment banks laugh in the faces of feeble ZH computer nerds and weird silverbug preppers. These guys are earning millions of dollars a year - do you really think they could care less about a bunch of losers raving at a computer screen. C'mon guys; just admit that you're jealous of the wealth and success of accomplished financiers. It's ok to be jealous - not everybody can be join the higher echelons of society. Lucrative positions at top tier investment banks are reserved for the best of the best only. 

Feb 7, 2017 10:28 AM

Here’s my argument against Betsy DeVos: she’s anti-education! Take that right-wingers! Progressives are leading the way against right-wing bigotry with some of the most effective narratives ever constructed, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 7, 2017 9:11 AM

Yet more Islamophobia from Trump! This is just sick, sick, sick! Literally like, EVERYTHING Trump says is deplorable! He is just the worst human being on this earth! Progressives need to rise up before we’re watching Muslims and Hispanics marched off to concentration camps on Fox News, after all accredited news outlets are banned. This is our last chance people – SAY NO TO FASCISM!

The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 7, 2017 9:15 AM





The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 7, 2017 9:16 AM

You are fake news! You need to shut up and go to jail! FUCK TRUMP!

The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 7, 2017 9:33 AM

This is confusing. Here’s how I see it though. I’m against Islamophobia and I’m against fascism, and therefore I’m against Trump. I also like Obama, and I like Iran too. Can’t we just agree to end fascism and to end hate by overthrowing Trump? This article overcomplicates things.

The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 7, 2017 9:39 AM

Trump’s extremely close relationship with Putin is indeed very disturbing. Does it have to be said yet again that 17 intelligence agencies have confirmed Russia’s involvement in our elections? I was sounding the alarm about this right from the beginning, before even the accredited media picked up on it. Once again, the Accredited Times leads the way and breaks things before everyone else. We need war with Russia, because Putin hacked our elections, which is an act of war. This is in all of our best interests!

The Case For Sabotaging Trump's America

Feb 8, 2012 10:14 AM

This is a tragic failure of leadership. The delay in the EFSF expansion allowed this crisis to get much worse than it should have. I just hope we can learn from our mistakes, and grasp the importance of letting politicians do their jobs by pushing through the necessary legislation and stabilizing the European economy.

Feb 8, 2012 4:57 PM

If the American consumer refuses spend, the only solution is for the government to pursue AGGRESSIVE fiscal stimulus programs. Bernanke becoming increasingly accommodative to this end, so congress has NO EXCUSE. We need decisive and meaningful fiscal stimulus NOW to boost aggregate demand and fuel our service economy. 


Feb 8, 2012 5:08 PM

WHAT??!! Collective bargaining is a HUMAN RIGHT. Government unions are just bargaining for future benefits like any other private contract. The unborn children that pay these taxes will be happy to pay for a more equal and prosperous society. Unions need to take to the streets NOW and fight for their rights!


Feb 8, 2013 10:58 AM

This is typical purist libertarian thinking. Not everything is black and white. Figures aren't always exact and perfect like a libertarian utopia. The world comes in shades of grey.

Feb 8, 2017 5:32 PM

He's a fucking white male, what do you expect? We need Michelle Obama as president to clean up this mess!

How To Make An Anti-Trump Sign

Feb 9, 2012 10:10 AM

I definitely share Mr Draghi’s concern about credit contraction, and I also agree with his policy of keeping rates low for an extended period. However, I would caution that this sluggish economic recovery is at risk of developiong into a double dip recession if central bankers and politicians are not proactive and vigilant with regards to monetary and fiscal stimulus. There is a dire need for broad economic reforms to straighten out the economy and provide solid grounds on which we can build a bright and prosperous future.

Feb 9, 2012 6:28 PM


What an astoundingly ridiculous inference. Is it a conspiracy theory for the CME to attempt to attract customers? I understand that silverbugs are still licking their wounds after getting totally annihilated today post fix, but that doesn’t give you the right to come up with this preposterous nonsense.


Feb 9, 2015 5:18 PM

Greece is part of a wider socio-economic problem - we as a community need to tackle poverty head on and continue the work of the past decades. Fighting poverty is a marathon, and we cannot be distracted by short term economic turbulence. We must stay focused on ending poverty once and for all. Today's article at the Accredited Times highlights some practical steps that progressives have been taking in the fight against poverty. 


Feb 9, 2015 5:53 PM

I find this mockery of the Grilled Cheese business quite racist actually. This business is most likely serving underprivileged lower-income households, and while you may be able to afford to shop at whole foods, these people can’t, so please, let them enjoy at least something in their lives!!

Today’s article at the Accredited Times highlights some practical steps that progressives have been taking in the fight against poverty, and what we all need to do in order to take this fight to the next level:


Feb 9, 2017 1:14 PM

This is awful! The police state is officially here! First he went after Muslims, and now he’s going after undocumented Hispanics and African Americans who are besieged by crime! Many of these destitute minorities are forced into this way of life by poverty and white privilege, but Trump is just going after them like they’re the perpetrators of this system! When will Trump’s reign of terror be brought to an end??

Why Progressives Need To Strengthen Their Convictions

Feb 9, 2017 1:56 PM

Uuuurrr OBVIOUS .. it's the POLICE STATE!

Why Progressives Need To Strengthen Their Convictions

Feb 9, 2017 2:14 PM

Trump is an idiot. He acts like he’s addressing the concerns of ordinary people, when in reality he’s only addressing the concerns of angry white racists and xenophobes. Even if Trump were addressing the concerns of ordinary people, this would be populism, which is the same as fascism. Tump needs to be impeached for being a racist. Racism is unconstitutional.

Why Progressives Need To Strengthen Their Convictions

Feb 9, 2017 2:32 PM

And it begins. Trump is going to have so many law suits flying at him that he won’t be able to focus on the presidency, and his legacy will be destroyed!! HAHAHA!!! This is our goal as progressives – to destroy Trump and elect someone like Hillary of Michelle Obama president. Once this happens, we’ll stop protesting, because the country will be in good hands.

Why Progressives Need To Strengthen Their Convictions

Feb 9, 2017 3:42 PM

  1. We need to build bridges not walls!
  2. Mexico is one of our most important trading partners!
  3. A border tax will hurt the US consumer!


Why Progressives Need To Strengthen Their Convictions

Jan 10, 2012 10:13 AM

I fully realize that I am powerless to save the majority of wide eyed lemmings on this board, but in the hope that I might save a few innocent souls, PLEASE research false breakouts and bull traps:


It just breaks my heart to see so many trusting and naive amateurs chase these bubble pumpers of the edge of a cliff in a fit of bind hope. Please, just stop the hysteria and THINK for a second - I'm trying to HELP you.

Jan 10, 2012 11:16 AM

With all due respect Snidley, gold does not pay an income and is a niche investment that traditionally appeals to conspiracy theorists and right-wing extremists. Furthermore, this investment runs contrary to the views of top fund managers and economic experts at some of the world's top financial institutions.

Jan 10, 2012 6:47 PM

Fannie Mae is doing critical work by boosting aggregate demand which fuels the real estate market and improves the economy for all Americans. Maybe if the Zerohedge community were more economically literate, there would be more praise for this essential service rather than envious whining about the CEO’s compensation (which is comparable to that of any other CEO).

Jan 10, 2012 7:33 PM

The irony is that despite these figures, the price of silver has only just crept above $30. It looks like the doomers are as dishonest about the true supply of silver as they are crazy. This silver pumping is just getting plain embarassing, not to mention irresponsible.

Jan 10, 2012 8:12 PM

Why would a futures holder demand delivery of physical metal? Most normal people are perfectly content with cash settlements in US dollars. Our bond market is the largest in the world, and dwarfs the petty precious metals market. This is because savvy investors understand that the dollar is a SAFE-HAVEN. And these are REAL investors at top financial institutions, not crazy doomer conspiracy theorists with stacks eagles buried in their back yards.

Jan 10, 2013 11:05 AM

I think you need to learn the definition of DEMOCRACY, idiot. In a democracy the government represents the will of the people. The people are unable to represent their own will, so they need politicians to do it for them. Liberal democrats wisely and thoughtfully point out that if the government didn't exist, the people would be unable to act according to their preferences, and the world would become a darker, more brutal place to live in. Ultimately, only politicians can provide us with peace, equality and happiness. But we have to vote for the right politicians - that's the key.

Jan 10, 2017 10:35 AM

Jeff Sessions is a white supremacist. He supports harsh immigration controls to keep non-whites out of America, and he supports the deportation of millions of hard-working undocumented Hispanic-Americans who have been living and working in America for years, many of whom have families! It disgusts me that this is the person Trump has chosen to be Attorney General in place of a womyn of color! We’re going backwards, not forwards!

Obama Saves Thousands Of Auto Jobs As He Wraps Up His Term

Jan 10, 2017 10:39 AM

At least Bill Gross now recognizes that Trump is the single biggest threat to the markets in American history. His tax plan is completely irresponsible and has been criticized by countless top economists! Every top economist recommends high taxes and fiscal stimulus programs to stimulate the economy and jobs! This is what has worked timeand time again! Why is Trump persuing this failed neoliberal model of low taxes and deregulation?? That’s exactly what caused the crisis of 2007-08!

Obama Saves Thousands Of Auto Jobs As He Wraps Up His Term

Jan 11, 2012 10:38 AM

This is no laughing matter Caviar. The debt ceiling was a very dangerous idea from the start and has been the subject of much controversy among top Ivy League economists. The Nobel Laureate, Dr Paul Krugman, summed it up nicely when he said:


Think about it. There’s a significant chance that failing to raise the debt limit could provoke a renewed financial crisis — and Republicans would rather take that chance than allow a reduction in tax breaks on corporate jets.


The debt ceiling is one of the most clear and present dangers to American freedom, liberty and prosperity and the sooner it is abolished the sooner we can start passing some serious fiscal stimulus programs to boost aggregate demand. Never underestimate America - this country is HUNGARY to spend, we just need credit. However, provision of this credit will require cooperation and maturity from both congress AND our Federal Reserve, which I'm sorry to say have been lacking as of late.


Jan 11, 2012 10:52 AM

Many libertarians correctly point out that fiat currencies are not 'backed' by anything, but gold is not backed by anything either. Money is just a tool, and fiat money is a more useful tool than gold, because it allows the credit supply and interest rates to be set by experts rather than the subjective preferences of quaint and ill-informed market participants. I am personally thankful that we have some of the smartest people in the world setting interest rates for Americans, rather than the general rabble. 

Jan 11, 2012 11:17 AM

They are the best people for the job since they were either elected or appointed by elected officials. In order to get elected, politicians must survive the scrutiny of a well informed and objective constituency. People cannot be trusted to run their own lives or give to the poor, however we CAN trust them to vote for people to do these things instead.

Jan 11, 2012 5:52 PM

It’s time for downtrodden equity investors to get organized. The sluggish pace of this economic recovery is very concerning, and I personally believe that there is the very real possibility of a double dip recession. It is out of deep concern for the health of the American economy and its loyal investors that I propose the creation “The American Union of Equity Investors”. This union will be open to any and all investors in US and global equities, from analysts at top tier investment banks to independent value investors. The Union will be focused primarily on lobbying for more fiscal and monetary easing but it will also work to promote public awareness of the need for monetary and fiscal stimulus.  Don’t forget, this is YOUR Federal Reserve and it is up to everyone to make sure that Bernanke is serving YOU.

Jan 11, 2012 6:10 PM

Iran better watch their next move because America is on RED ALERT. Israel will be protected at ALL COSTS, because they are a vital ally in the war on terror.

Jan 11, 2012 7:08 PM


Good effort from Ron Paul coming second to Romney. However, he has to seriously work on his credibility before he can expect to get the nomination. The public are rightfully appalled at his radical policies such as:

1. Ending the war on terror and endangering millions of innocent Americans

2. Giving children access to dangerous drugs

3. Interfering with Monetary Policy and impeding this fragile recovery when millions of Americans are facing tough economic circumstances


Jan 12, 2012 10:13 AM

I can't believe how hard retail stocks have been getting hammered this morning! This is just PURE MANIPULATION. There is just NO WAY those Christmas earnings should be that low. Central banks and primary dealers have been colluding to keep credit tight and put the squeeze on retail stocks, and the same time they are secretly buying credit default swaps and selling short those very stocks!  The SEC needs to step in and put a stop to this manipulative tightening!

Jan 12, 2012 10:40 AM

Central banks became universally hawkish in 2011 and the primary dealers and other retail banks have been consistently tightening their balance sheets. AT THE SAME TIME, retail stocks start to take a dive with Christmas earnings coming in MASSIVELY below consensus. Coincidence? Right LOL!. Only a completely delusional conformist can't see this basic reality. The powers that be are MANIPULATING retail stocks in broad daylight and these sheep just cannot see it!

Jan 12, 2012 11:26 AM

I AM consistent. Federal Reserve officials are supposed to be EASING during tough economic times. Why would central banks become hawkish during a global economic slowdown!? There is no rational reason for this other than MANIPULATION OF RETAIL STOCKS!

Jan 12, 2015 12:10 PM

Now that America's shale industry is being put out of business, this is the perfect time to look at alternative energies and start replacing oil once and for all. There are plenty of green alternatives to oil such as wind and solar, so I don't see why we even need oil at all to be honest. Global warming may not be in the news as much as it used to be, but don't let that fool you. Scientists have warned that the threat of climate change is greater than ever and we need to take action in order to avoid disaster. Either we take exreme measures now to combat climate change, or the climate will force us to.

Jan 12, 2017 1:02 PM

This is just horrible! Trump is trying to implement a global third Reich! Muslim Europeans are scared! Undocumented Americans are worried about deportation! How have white people transformed from people who were beginning to check their privilege and pay for their sins into fascist monsters??


The Internet Trolls Who Got Trump Elected

Jan 12, 2017 10:49 AM

How can CNN be fake news?? CNN is one of the leading accredited news companies in the world!! They have been reporting fact-checked, verified news for over three decades! They have state of the art studios, well-dressed reporters and are played in gyms and hotel waiting rooms across the world!

The Internet Trolls Who Got Trump Elected

Jan 12, 2017 10:50 AM

Soros also lost money betting on Brexit! Well done alt right, you just deprived pension funds and philanthropic causes of over a billion dollars! Yes, that’s right. You’re not just hurting Soros when you disrupt the political paradigm – you’re negatively impacting millions of poor and helpless people all over the world!

The Internet Trolls Who Got Trump Elected

Jan 13, 2012 11:34 AM

Sorry but you morons actually think that S&P is a credible rating agency? LOL. Top Nobel Prize winning economists, top financial services professionals, and top government and Federal Reserve officials have expressed their almost UNANIMOUS divergence from S&P's ludicrous downgrade of US debt. Hmmmm. who should I believe? A bunch of doomer day traders on Zerohedge or top economic leaders and industry professionals?



Jan 13, 2012 5:16 PM

Don't be ridiculous. This fund already exists - its called the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America. Their balance sheet is unlimited and is being strategically leveraged for maximum impact on interest rates and growth. This is the genius of the elastic money supply.

Jan 13, 2014 10:16 AM

I'm sorry but these nuclear scare stories are downright irresponsible when the threat of climate change is vastly greater and looming on the horizon. We need to seriousy cut back on our fossil fuel consumption and one of safest and cleanest replacements is nuclear power. The longer it takes people to realize this, the more damage our planet is going to suffer, so thanks a lot for the propaganda piece Tyler. I hope you're happy when the world is 8 metres under water and low lying countries like Bangladesh are completely flooded. The US is already freezing over because of climate change you morons! When will you idiots learn!?

Jan 13, 2017 4:18 PM

I suppose you all think this is some kind of conspiracy theory, and that someone will attempt to assassinate Trump during his inauguration. Nobody is going to assassinate Trump, because he is on the right. Historically, only progressive presidents are assassinated, and usually by right wing extremists.

The Internet Shamelessly Mocks Obama’s Workout Routine

Jan 13, 2017 4:21 PM

Trump is clearly collaborating with the Russians to overthrow our progressive democracy. The more Trump attempts to broker a “peace deal” with Russia, the more obvious it becomes that Russia hacked our elections and that Trump is simply Putin’s puppet. I’m outraged by this, and you should be too.

The Internet Shamelessly Mocks Obama’s Workout Routine

Jan 13, 2017 4:24 PM

Taiwan should not be recognized as an independent state. We have to respect the One China policy that we agreed to decades ago. China is fast becoming the dominant global power, and the US should be careful not to upset them.

The Internet Shamelessly Mocks Obama’s Workout Routine

Jan 14, 2013 2:24 PM

I’d like to take this opportunity to invite the ZH community to participate in a once in a lifetime opportunity to run your own business and earn thousands of dollars every month by promoting health and well-being across the world.

I’ve just quit my job to become a full-time Herbalife independent distributor. What I do is I spread Herbalife’s unique world class products to healthy eaters not just in America but all over the world. I truly believe that Herbalife’s products are the best in the world. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have given up a lucrative career in finance to join the distributor program. I'm so excited about this oportunity! 

There are so many reasons to become a Herbalife distributor. Firstly, there’s big money involved. Some distributors earn in excess of $1,000 in the first month! Secondly, Herbalife is dedicated to spreading good health all around the world which is part of Michelle Obama’s plan to end obesity and bad eating habits. Who doesn't want to make themselves and others healthy while making some serious money!? Lastly, Herbalife offers its distributors fully paid-for holidays to exotic locations around the world. This year I'm hoping to qualify for a full vacation to Greece, all expenses included :) 

If you’re interested in joining, please PM me and I’ll sign you up.


Jan 14, 2015 12:56 PM

Looks like a healthy double bottom is forming in stocks. I'm seriously considering selling some of my treasuries and doubling down. The green shoots in the economy are now undeniable to even the most pessimistic doomers - the housing market is recovering steadily, the dollar is strengthening, oil is cheap, and payrolls are consistently positive. If you feel like you've missed the boat, it's not too late -in my opinion prices are going to at least 4000. If you like the sound of buying at 2000 and selling at 4000, then what are you waiting for? 

Jan 15, 2013 4:23 PM

Finally, the last thing I’ll say to the people who don’t believe in the global recovery, the cynics and the skeptics: I'm sorry for you. I’m sorry that you can’t dream big. I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles. But America is one hell of a country. This is a great economy and you should stand around and believe it. You should believe in our corporations, and you should believe in our government. I'll be a fan of America for as long as I live. And there are no secrets — this is a hard recovery and hard work wins it. So long live the American dream!

Jan 16, 2012 11:36 AM

Buyers of CDS are SUCKERS LOL! Smart credit derivatives desks have sold large quantities of sovereign CDS knowing that peripheral Euro states are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL. This means that CDS buyers are paying for a hedge that already exists in the form of liquidity backstops provided by vigilant central banks. Looks like ungrateful doomer shorts are going to learn the hard way that you do not bet against the global economy and world leaders.

Jan 16, 2013 1:10 PM

This is long overdue. I'm ashamed to admit that America's gun legislation is far behind the rest of the developed world. It's embarrassing that we have thousands of deaths every year caused by firearms in this country, and yet right-wingers religiously support lax gun regulations. The rest of the works looks upon America's gun loving culture with horror. How many more people need to die before the right supports a ban on dangerous assault weapons? 

Jan 16, 2014 1:57 PM

I'm going to way in heavy here. Not only is this article misleading but it appeals to some of the most common fallacies about monetary policy. First of all, easy monetary policy does NOT benefit the banks. The primary dealers don't just get to spend the money they receive from the reserve bank, they have to make loans and generate revenue like other company.
Secondly, there has never been a chairman with a track record as flawless as Bernanke's. Under Bernanke our economy recovered from one of the sharpest recessions in history. We now have a booming stock market and a recovering housing market. Only a true maestro is capable of such a phenomenal feat. Please get an education and stop posting these ridiculous articles.

Jan 16, 2014 10:31 AM

People have neither the time nor the expertise to understand or formulate an opinion on most of today's pressing political issues. The only solution is to defer to the experts, which is what I've been saying over and over again on this site. I don't contradict the scientific consensus on climate change and nor do I have the audacity to contradict the economic consensus on the benefits of monetary and fiscal stimulus. These issues should be left to accredited experts only, and it is the responsibility of every individual to respect and subscribe to mainstream opinions on matters of extreme complexity. 

Jan 16, 2014 10:51 AM

I have the modesty to understand that I have no more right to formulate an alternative opinion monetary policy than I have to form an opinion on advanced molecular biology. Economic and political issues are a science and matters of such should be left exclusively to accredited experts with the necessary credentials. Everyone understands that formulating an opnion on a topic in advanced theoretical physics would be futile without a background in the subject. Why do people think that economics and politics are any different?

Jan 16, 2015 1:19 PM

If traders can't even trust thier own central bankers then what can we rely on? Central banks are supposed to uphold their dual mandate of maximum employment and stable prices. How the hell does the SNB's decision create stable prices??? I've always traded on the principle that central banks will manage the economy professionally by keeping prices at sensible levels and preventing events such this ... THIS IS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF CENTRAL BANKING. If I can't rely on this, then I don't know who to believe!!! Investors need to know that CENTRAL BANKS ARE WATCHNG THEIR BACKS!!!!

Jan 16, 2015 10:19 AM

This is bullshit!! There's fucking no way that traders should have to take losses like this just because some fucking moron at the SNB decides to abandon their comittments. What the hell is this world coming to!?? It's fucking not fair. WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT DOING ABOUT IT?

Jan 16, 2015 10:19 AM


Jan 17, 2012 10:22 AM


The "Alternative Market Project" has long been associated with the right wing extremist group "Oathkeepers". This group has been exposed as nothing but a front group for promoting conspiracy theories and anti-state propaganda. The SPLC has produced a number of shocking articles documenting the extreme and dangerous views held by Oathkeepers:



Jan 17, 2012 11:47 AM

If peripheral Euro states really want to boost their economies, the smartest thing they could do right now is collateralize government assets to attain LTRO loans from the ECB. They can then use the loans to finance fiscal stimulus programs to boost aggregate demand. Italy for example, has a lot of gold sitting in a vault which isn't being used. If they were smart, they'd be pledging it as collateral to the ECB to finance domestic spending.

Jan 17, 2012 11:59 AM

Yes, because the ECB has a duty to save large sovereigns and banking entities that are vital for global economic progress. Sorry to break it to the zerohedge community but some countries and banking institutions are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL.

Jan 17, 2012 4:16 PM


Dr Mugabe has taken WAY too much heat for the economic problems in Zimbabwe. The truth is that Mugabe is a FREEDOM FIGHTER who drove the nasty right-wing Rhodies over the border, so that the farmland could be distributed EQUALLY for enjoyment by all. This has been a painful transition but it has built the path to a more equal and prosperous Zimbabwe.


Jan 17, 2012 8:59 AM

Many of my top tier banking stocks have issued large quantities of sovereign CDS and the ISDA has my back no matter what the doomers or rogue rating agencies say about sovereign defaults. I do feel sorry for the doomers on days like these. They like to believe that the world is out of control and that they're on the winning side of the trade. However, the truth is that I and other equity investors have congress, the Federal Reserve, the ECB and the ISDA on our side and backing us up. This is the invisible hedge that emboldens us to take large positions in retail and financial stocks.

Jan 17, 2012 9:14 AM

No, the doomer day traders are living in a dream world. In their world, respected government officials are somehow making 'devious' and 'corrupt' deals behind closed doors, top Ivy League economics professors and Nobel Laureates don't understand the global economy, and United States dollars are just "pieces of paper". Lol keep dreaming, because everything is under control and when the dream ends I will be the winner.

Jan 17, 2013 10:38 AM

We need to be spending more, not less. People expect welfare and social security, and there ain't no way they're giving these material posessions up to ease the burden "future generations". Young people are spoiled and need to be taught a lesson about personal responsibility. Young people don't understand anything about what it means to bust your ass for 5-8 hours a day in some lousy school or police department. Those pensions are written into legislation you little rascals, so don't even THINK about taking them away from us. And as for social security - it's running at a SURPLUS of IOUs, so don't even think about touching that either!    

Jan 17, 2017 12:23 PM

I’m glad to see the NYT is refocussing on its priorities. Covering Trump is the absolute most important thing they can be doing right now. Trump’s every move needs to be criticized, and everything that goes wrong from now on needs to be squarely blamed on Trump. This will no win over hearts and minds and re-establish the NYT as America’s leading newspaper

Protecting The Innocent: Make Haters Wear Badges

Jan 17, 2017 12:27 PM

‘Insiders’ by definition are more successful than all the basement dwellers on this site, and progressives are far more likely to have government jobs than conservatives, which pay much more and have much greater benefits and perks than private sector jobs. It’s conservatives who are the real losers, who reminisce for dirty hands-on manufacturing jobs instead of jobs in the service sector, app development and blogging.

Protecting The Innocent: Make Haters Wear Badges

Jan 17, 2017 6:08 PM

Wikileaks should be classified as a terrorist organization. They have fundamentally undermined American democracy by releasing confidential Democratic party emails, most likely hacked by the Russians, and using them to get Trump, a Russian spy, elected president. Anyone who aids and abets Wikileaks needs to be jailed for life, and Obama just needs to go ahead and declare war with Russia by executive order!


A Summary Of The Inspiring 2017 Davos Conference

Jan 18, 2012 10:37 AM

Give me a break. Once Americans start saving and putting the squeeze on Chinese exports, the Chinese come back with their tails between their legs and ramp up their treasury holdings. If the world really thinks they can do without the hearty American consumer, they need to think again.

Jan 18, 2012 12:09 PM


Top tier investment banks, elite hedge funds and select prop firms are more concerned about the calibre of the candidate than the specific area of education. The educational institution is of particular importance - graduates of colleges such as Harvard, MIT, Carnegie Mellon and Princeton will have a significant advantage over candidates from mediocre colleges. These institutions like to hire natural leaders who have demonstrated exceptional initiative both in the classroom and in their personal lives. Successful candidates tend to be top of their class, head of the investment club, national chess champions or Olympic athletes. These institutions are serious about hiring and developing future talent, and they want the best of the best only,

Jan 18, 2012 12:38 PM

There's no need to be ashamed. These elite institutions offer highly desirable compensation packages, with benefits far exceeding those of the average employee. Places are limited and compeition is fierce, so not everybody can be guarenteed a place.

Jan 18, 2013 2:30 PM

This is a result of America's total ignorance of all the healthy products available out there. I'm now a full-time Herbalife distributor. If any of you want to see  the fantastic products that herbalife has to offer, please PM me. It's so cool to be able to spread these awsome products and spread the Michelle Obama health revolution!

Jan 18, 2013 2:55 PM

I made some serious cash going long S&P futures in 2012 (!), and I'm predicting that 2013 is going to be an even better year for the markets. But don't get me wrong, I reserve only a small portion of my risk capital for speculative positions in futures and options. The majority of my money sits in risk free US treasuries, whereas the bulk of my risk capital lies in a well-diversified equity fund managed by some of the brightest money managers out there. These professionals use 'Modern Portfolio Theory' to make sure that historical returns in my porfolio are uncorrelated; guaranteeing steady returns with little to no risk and securing my retirement. I think about the long term, not just the short term. And that's why I trust my money with only the best of the best.

Jan 19, 2012 10:53 AM

Looks like Romney has this one in the bag, although he's a little to far to the right for my liking. I do however like his strong stance on the war on terror.

Jan 19, 2015 10:10 AM

I say bring it on. America's consumer economy is impervious to oil price shocks, and as a net importer of oil we actually stand to benefit. Plus in my opinion fracking should be banned outright, and this price decline is doing god's work for the environement. 

Jan 19, 2015 10:13 AM

My only worry is that cheaper oil prices will discourage governments from investing in green technologies. We've made so much progress in the fight against climate change over the last 10 years, and it would be absolutely disastrous if this caused us to lose momentum and continue to rely on oil as our primary energy source. 

Jan 19, 2015 10:25 AM

Have all central bankers completely lost their spines? This is absolutely unacceptable. This is a time when central bankers are supposed to be leading the way and setting out clear reliable policy plans. How are investors supposed to invest when our monetary leaders can't stick to their plans? This is very concerning and in my opinion calls for new monetary leadership, not just for Japan, but for the entire global economy. We desperately needa unified monetary and fiscal leadership, and I fear that the only solution may be further political integration. Idieally this would be in the form of some global policy making institute which operates above the nation states, allowing us to drive meaningful economic change at a global level. 

Jan 20, 2012 4:53 PM

This is simply a flight to safety. Investors are finally waking up to the fact that the dollar is the ONLY true safehaven that can protect you and your family during financial turmoil.

Jan 20, 2012 6:21 PM

Silver is a dangerous market that has absorbed countless naive and trusting lemmings. People should know better than to trust a bunch of conspiracy theorists, right-wing extremists and other fringe lunatics to give them sound investment advice. 

Jan 20, 2012 9:58 AM

Sorry but this article is bullshit. The financial services industry forms a large part of our economy and our top tier investment banks make markets in securities around the world. A bankruptcy of one of these institutions would be a complete disaster and would cause havoc throughout the global economy. Sorry, but the truth is that these institutions are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL.

Jan 20, 2015 10:53 AM

I'll tell you what is real: poverty and wealth inequality. Wealth inequality has reached staggering levels over the last 50 years. Some studies show that oportunities for the poor in both the workforce and in higher education have dminished significantly over the last couple of decades. Schools in poorer areas still perform well below the national average, keeping the cycle of poverty in full force. In addition, the number of low skill job vancancies has also been on the decline, diminishing opportunies for the poort to enter the workforce. 

Jan 20, 2015 10:55 AM


Jan 20, 2015 11:44 AM

The indecision and lack of conviction from our monetary leadership is very worrying. We desperately need a unified global monetary policy in order to effect lasting economic changes in the global economy. I fear that if our leaders cannot come to a concensus on what is needed for world economy, we may be forced to set up a global governing body with the power to override the decisions of the nation states. This will allow us to enact monetary policy at a global level and create economic stability and growth across the globe in the most efficient manner possible, although it will also come with a loss of sovereignty and will be widely resented by nationalist and right-wing interests.

Jan 20, 2015 12:38 PM

The indecision and lack of conviction from our monetary leadership is very worrying. We desperately need a unified global monetary policy in order to effect lasting economic changes in the global economy. I fear that if our leaders cannot come to a concensus on what is needed for world economy, we may be forced to set up a global governing body with the power to override the decisions of the nation states. This will allow us to enact monetary policy at a global level and create economic stability and growth across the globe in the most efficient manner possible, although it will also come with a loss of sovereignty and will be widely resented by nationalist and right-wing interests.

Jan 20, 2015 12:45 PM

I'm increasingly converned about the threat of cyberterrorism as rogue states and terrorist goups continue to develop ever more sophisticated strategies that target confidential data belonging western governments and corporations. Our governments are hopelessly unprepared to deal with this ever growing threat, and in my opinion we need to think seriously about our anti-hacking strategy and how we regulate the internet and other network protocols.

Jan 20, 2015 12:46 PM

The indecision and lack of conviction from our monetary leadership is very worrying. We desperately need a unified global monetary policy in order to effect lasting economic changes in the global economy. I fear that if our leaders cannot come to a concensus on what is needed for world economy, we may be forced to set up a global governing body with the power to override the decisions of the nation states. This will allow us to enact monetary policy at a global level and create economic stability and growth across the globe in the most efficient manner possible, although it will also come with a loss of sovereignty and will be widely resented by nationalist and right-wing interests.

Jan 20, 2015 12:54 PM

We need monetary union now. It's time for those who care about the global economy to stand up and say enough is enough.


  • We want jobs
  • We want economic stability
  • We want access to cheap credit
  • We want consistent investment returns
  • And most of all .. we want our freedom


If you believe that a global governing body that answers to and repreesnts the people is the only answer, then stand up for your rights NOW and put an end to this madness!

Jan 20, 2017 10:47 AM

China is leading the way in censoring fake news. Now that America is run by a fascist, it’s up to China to show us the way forward and dominate global politics. Progressive Americans stand with CHINA against Western fascism!

Could A Miracle End Trump’s Inauguration?

Jan 20, 2017 8:48 AM

The Accredited Times will be following this inauguration closely, and discussing the possibility of an extended term for the Obama administration if something ‘unfortunate’ were to happen at the inauguration. We’re not calling for terrorism – we’re simply stating that if something where to happen to Trump, the outcome might not be so bad for progressives.

Could A Miracle End Trump’s Inauguration?

Jan 20, 2017 9:00 AM

It's interesting that I'm routinely accused of disrupting threads, and yet all I do is write a single comment here and there. The rest of it is every body else's doing. The chaos that a single dissenting comment causes on this site is evidence of how frighteningly inept you people are at dealing with opposing opinons.

Jan 20, 2017 9:02 AM

Trump is a threat to democracy! We need to shut down Trump’s inauguration to save democracy!

Could A Miracle End Trump’s Inauguration?

Jan 20, 2017 9:27 AM

I don’t personally support Trump’s inauguration, and numerous polls indicate that many other Americans don’t either. The government should listen to the people, and suspend Trump’s inauguration! Just like in the UK, where millions signed a petition for a second referendum on the EU, millions of Americans have stood up to Trump’s fascism and said enough is enough. It’s time to restore democracy by suspending Trump’s inauguration and holding a second election, this time without Russian intervention!

Could A Miracle End Trump’s Inauguration?

Jan 21, 2013 10:24 AM

President Obama's Inaugural speech brought a tear to my eye. I am so happy that president Obama was able to overcome the viciously hurtful and outright abusive attacks from the right. This nation has voted for another four years of change and progress. This IS the progressive revolution, and there's NOTHING right-wing reactionaries can do to stop it. 

Jan 21, 2013 2:35 PM

Government wins and we lose? Seriously? ... *snigger* Hey, have any of you libertarian morons heard of democracy by any chance? In a democracy, the government represents the will of the people. The interests of politicians are aligned with the majority of the voting population. It is impossible for a politician to profit at the expense of a responsible citizen. If you don't vote, then that's your problem, idiots. Businesses, on the other hand routinely profit at the expense of customers and workers. If a company sells me a good or service, I have to pay for it. If a company hires me, I have to work at their wage and according to thei time preferences.That's not freedom, that's slavery. Only politicians can provide us with genuine freedom and true happiness.

Jan 21, 2013 2:44 PM

So?? Unlike libertarians, the majority of the population understands basic economics. If America's largest banks had been left to fail, this would have caused an economic recession which would have cost America millions of jobs. Thanks to actions of our congress and Federals Reserve, our stock market is soaring, the housing market is recovering and green shoots are appearing all throughout the economy. Businessmen don't care about jobs or America. The free market is about profit, and nothing else Politicians run for office to help people, and not for personal gain. But libertardians are so obsessed with romantic fantasies of 'liberty' and perfectly functioning 'free markets' that they cannot see this basic reality.

Jan 21, 2014 10:22 AM

I find the whole gold manipulation story quite amusing. Every narcisist has a reason why he or she cannot or should not lose. The narcisistic gold investor is no different. At every turn of the market, he is either vindicating his ridiculousl elaborate conspiracy theories or crying about the powers that be 'confiscating' his unrealised profits. Every investor hates to lose, but goldbugs are a special kind of loser. They're not just bitter about losing, they genuinely convinced that the universe owes them a return.

Jan 22, 2013 5:04 PM

Sarkozy is a right-wing extremist. It doesn't surprise me one bit that Sarkozy is refusing to let Hollande redistribute his property for the common good. Like all right-wingers and big-shot businessmen, he is driven by selfishness. There is more to life than keeping 100% of your property. People need to learn to be less materialistic and let politicians take just a little more in order to spread virtue and happiness.

Jan 22, 2013 5:26 PM

Boo hoo, cry me a river. You can afford to pay more. If politicians were able to take just a little more, there would be a global revolution in poverty reduction. It's time to end poverty once and for all. No more excuses - everyoen needs to do their part and give the politicians what they need - STARTING TODAY.

Jan 22, 2015 11:54 AM

These measures are hopelessly insufficient. I was expecting significantly more from the ECB, and I'm certain that the measures in this bill simply aren't going to cut it. Europe desperately needs to oil its economy with liquidity programs and end its harsh austerity measures once and forall. Contrast Europe to the US, where austerity measures have been consistently rejected by congress and a series of strong monetary and fiscal stimulis programs have been put into effect. America's economy is growing, while the European economy continues to suffer. When will Europe learn?

Jan 22, 2016 1:16 PM

Next thing zerohedgers will be joining the "Fluoride is a Poison" crowd, which is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Every accredited dentist and doctor in the world will tell you that fluoride is a beneficial mineral that is essential for optimal dental health, yet the libertarian conspiracy community would have you believe that it's as toxic as nuclear waste. Tap water is perfectly healthy, and in fact filtering your water can be very dangerous as it removes many of the water's essential minerals and leave you with a nutritional deficiency. Studies have shown that people who drink tap water are the healthiest among us.


Jan 22, 2016 1:21 PM

Yes ISIS is a problem, but they are not our main concern right now. Right now our primary conern is the alliance between Russia and the Assad regime that threatens our national security and global peace. 


Jan 22, 2016 1:26 PM

Actually, lead is very beneficial in small amounts. I bet you're one of these anti-vaccine people, who still thinks there's a link between vaccines and autism, despite this claim being thoroughly discredited by medical researchers. Quite frankly, not vaccinating your children is child-abuse, as you are exposing them to horrible but preventable diseases. Is see no reason why parents who refuse to vaccinate their children should be treated any differently by child protective services than abusers and paedophiles.

Jan 22, 2016 1:29 PM

There's nothing wrong with accepting science-based medicine, instead of conspiratorial natural and alternative health nuts. I'm regularly taking three different pharmaceuticals at the moment, and I'm proud of it. I'm absolutely 100% confident that I'm going to live longer than all of you freaks.

Jan 22, 2016 10:59 AM

WHAT THE HELL IS OUR FEDERAL RESERVE DOING?? Investors have invested everything in the global recovery, and we're getting absolutely NO HELP whatsoever from Yellen! Where is the quantitative easing? where is the fiscal stimulus? YOU CANNOT JUST TURN YOUR BACK ON PEOPLE WHO HAVE STOOD BY THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND INVESTED EVERYTHING THEY HAVE.

Jan 22, 2016 12:15 PM

New article over at the Accredit Times that I strongly urge everyone with a shred of compassion to read. The Syrian refugee crisis is out of hand, and Germany cannot deal with it along. It the responsibility of EVERY western country to do their part and make a home for these destitute and helpless people.


Jan 22, 2016 12:53 PM

Zerohedgers are so confused about world affairs, it's actually quite amusing. In case you've forgotten, Saudi Arabia is our ally in the war on terror and is helping to rid the middle east of terrorists and brutal dictators. In any case, it's a little rich for the west, with it's long bloody history of colonialism, to criticize a muslim country for its war tactics. How about you read today's article at the Accredited Times, detailing the long list of atrocities commited by the west and why it is the moral obligation of every western country to help the millions of Syrian refugees.


Jan 22, 2016 3:16 PM

If we're going to talk about foreign holdings of our treasuries, let's at least be honest: dumping US treasuries is an ACT OF WAR. We have a consumer economy and low interest rates are an essential part of our economy. We need to take immediate and ruthless action against anyone who dares to sell our treasuries in any significant size. It's a national security issue, pure and simple.


Jan 22, 2016 4:17 PM

This is exactly what I predicted - right wingers are using the recent terror attacks to justify their islamaphobic views and spread their hate-filled message. This is why people like Donald Trump are so dangerous - they retaliate to these terror attacks with racism against all Muslims, which simply flames the war and provokes even more attacks. We need to be sensitive to the vast majority of peaceful Muslims in order to avoid repercussions and blowback.


Jan 23, 2012 10:22 AM

This is Obama's chance to turn things around. He made a good start by introducing strong and decisive fiscal stimulus programs, but lately his efforts have been lacking somewhat which explains the recent poor economic performance. The ability of congress to introduce meaningful fiscal stimulus programs has also been hampered by the Federal Reserve's recent hawkishness as well as childish disputes over raising the debt ceiling.

Jan 23, 2012 11:57 AM

The SPLC has been warning about trouble makers like Rand Paul for a long time now. They were mocked and derided by the libertarian community at the time. Well, look who's laughing now.

Jan 23, 2012 12:04 PM

Well call me crazy, but I like feeling secure when I'm travelling by air. Do you seriously think we can just let any potential terrorist fly without proper security measures? LOL. Let me guess, you're another PURIST libertarian who doesn't want ANY pat downs or body scanning at airports. Sorry but the world is not black and white, it comes in SHADES OF GREY.

Jan 23, 2012 5:59 PM


One of the major barriers to global economic prosperity has been the lack initiative by central banks and primary dealers to encourage credit expansion and promote aggregate demand. This is partly due to what I quite frankly see as blatant discrimination by our Federal Reserve against primary dealership for many global financial institutions. Did you know that Bank of America, despite its reputation as a banking titan, is not even a primary dealer? The same is true for many other top investment banks around the world, who are perfectly capable of promoting credit expansion. This is 2012, and there is no place in our society for this blatant discrimination and inequality. It’s time to promote equal opportunity for primary dealership among top tier investment banks.


Jan 23, 2012 6:16 PM

I fervently disagree. Primary dealership is a job for professionals in the financial field. You can’t just hand over monetary policy to the general public – that is pure madness.

Jan 23, 2013 3:50 PM

The most apalling thing about Africa is that many kids simply don't have access to government schools with official curriculums. The very first thing America needs to do is work with African governments to get these children educated. Africa needs proper forward-thinking curriculums, covering a wide range of issues from how to take care of the environment to social studies and even politics and government. But for goodness' sake, let's get these kids educated

Jan 24, 2012 11:14 AM

I’m glad to see that world leaders are finally cracking down on rouge rating agencies. This consistent pessimism is immensely damaging to confidence in the global economy, and is a serious risk to the balance sheets of some of the world’s largest financial institutions. Trouble makers like Fitch and S&P need to learn that top tier investment banks and peripheral Euro states are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL.


Jan 24, 2012 12:54 PM

Wow. I have never read such amazingly delusional propaganda. The SPLC has already exposed the alternative market project for their affiliation with the right-wing extremist group "Oath Keepers". Oath Keepers are known to associate with both conspiracy theorists and confederate racists. This is not a credible group at all.

Jan 24, 2013 10:44 AM

Guys, I think I need some help. As you may know, I recently quit my job to become a full-time herbalife distributor. Over the last three weeks I've been stocking up on Herbalife products and I'm itching to make a sale. So far, I've managed to signed up two relatives and a friend onto the distributor program, but the sales just aren't happening and I'm starting to become a little unnerved. Could any of you please buy just one or two Herbalife products from me? I assure you that the products are top quality - I wouldn't have quite my job if I didn't believe in this company's products and message. I realize I have been something of a contrarian on this site, but we're still friends at the end of the day. Please, just help me out this one time.

Jan 25, 2012 5:03 PM


Silver hasn’t even regained support at 35 dollars, EVEN after such a dovish FOMC  – that is a complete JOKE. **LOL**

Silver supply is literally SURGING with these inflated prices. Producers can’t wait to off-load their expensive silver into the greedy hands of redneck silverbugs. It’s only a matter of time before silver reaches FAIR VALUE at $18/oz, much to the dismay of redneck doomers and conspiracy theorist lunatics.


Jan 25, 2012 9:56 AM

What's all the fuss about? I though it was a good speech. My only criticism is that he made no guarantees concerning further fiscal stimulus and welfare spending. President Obama needs to reassure the American people that there will be NO cuts to social security, Medicare or Medicaid and that he will bring the budget under control by improving EFFICIENCY of government rather than cutting spending.

Jan 25, 2013 2:45 PM

Good news – this morning I managed to sign up two more people on to the Herbalife distributor program. At this rate, my Herbalife status will be elevated and maybe I’ll even qualify for a sweet holiday package! Also one of the ladies I signed onto the program bought a meal replacement shake – my first sale! You’ll never believe it though – three of the random people I approached also turned out to be Herbalife distributors. What a coincidence! Beats me ... Anyway, if anyone wants to buy the products, please PM me. My garage is loaded with stock and I’m always looking for new customers and distributors.

Jan 25, 2016 10:13 AM

This is what we get for allowing right nationalists to promote their islamaphobic racist views that target the vast majority of peaceful Muslims. We simply cannot forge peaceful relationships with Islamic countries if conservatives are constantly attacking and offending the Muslim community. This hatred and racism simply has to stop!

Jan 25, 2016 11:16 AM

This kind of incident, although very unfortunate, is a necessary side effect of scientific progress. Not only does genetic engineering  promise to yield better food, better medicine and better humans; it is also going to be a large part of our future economy. Those who oppose scientific progress are not only denying millions of people a better healthcare and nutrition, they are also denying us economic growth and job opportunities. 

Jan 25, 2016 11:21 AM

Yellen needs to step up or leave her current position as Fed Chairwoman. Literally trillions of dollars worth of investments have been invested on the assumption that she had investors' backs, and for her to simply abandon these investors is inhumane and a crime of epic proportions . We desperately need investment in this country, and hawkish policies do absolutely nothing to encourage investment in our stock and bond markets. How exactly are we supposed to sustain this economic recovery without the proper incentives to invest in our markets?

Jan 25, 2016 12:07 PM

So Texas is finally realizing that trickle down economics doesn't work? Who would have thought? 

Jan 25, 2016 12:44 PM

We're currently paying the price for not building our green energy industry while the oil price was high. A clean energy sector would be impervious to oil price shocks and would be a steady employer through both good times and bad. It's too bad that countries like France and Germany beat us to it.

Jan 26, 2012 1:23 PM

The ball is in Obama's court now. He needs to reach out to dissident republicans and convince them of the moral case for increased spending.

Jan 26, 2012 1:28 PM

It's easy to quote scary sounding debt figures without any context, but what is this debt financing. The truth is that it is financing roads, bridges, schools and support programs for the poor. The government has a MORAL responsibility to provide these things, even if it means borrowing from future generations of unborn children. When these children grow up with the fruits of a compassionate government, they will thank congress for their wisdom and kindness.

Jan 26, 2012 1:39 PM

You see? This is the kind of masochistic libertarianism that is DESTROYING this great country. There are many varieties of libertarian, from redneck silverbugs to insane delusional conspiracy theorists and anarchist computer nerds. However, they all share a sick masochism and hate for decent principles and the common citizenry.

Jan 26, 2012 1:55 PM

This isn't some third world country like the Congo or India! We are Americans and we deserve AMERICAN WAGES, no matter what value you place on our hard work. The minimum wage has brought prosperity to millions of people, and raising it would improve living standards further still.

Jan 26, 2012 5:59 PM

This is bullshit. PURE MANIPULATION. There is NO WAY financials can perform so badly after a dovish FOMC.

Jan 26, 2012 7:35 PM

“By this, I do not mean gold “backed” paper bonds.“

But why? This is a much better idea. Many US citizens are hoarding gold rather than investing in the economy. Why not let them pledge it as collateral for loans from our Federal Reserve? This would boost aggregate demand and facilitate credit expansion, which in turn would boost retail sales and stimulate the economy.

Jan 26, 2012 8:12 PM

Glad you agree. I would also add that silverbugs are doing particular damage to the economy by hoarding a purely industrial metal. Hoarding silver causes the cost of living for many hard-working Americans to rise by keeping prices artificially high. 

Jan 26, 2015 10:56 AM

Scientists and environmental activists have been warning about disastrous weather events such as this for decades, but the far right still refuses to listen. Climate change deniers are literally sacrificing the entire future of the planet and creating a living hell for third world countries and future generations. It's easy for rich white privileged Americans to say they don't care about the consequences of climate change, but people in developing countries aren't so fortunate, and will have to put up with increasing droughts, floods and hurricanes because of our reckless burning of fossil fuels. I wish these right wing bastards could see the damage they're doing to our beautiful planet - maybe they'd find some compassion in their hearts and finally show some support for the bills we have been trying to pass for so long.

Jan 27, 2012 7:29 PM

I understand you're being facetious but you actually bring up a valid point. What doomer libertarians fail to understand is that the investment our government is making is multigenerational, and will be paid down by future unborn generations. Bernanke is capable of keeping interest rates low so that the debt can be paid down slowly by many generations, with minimal impact on the economy.

Jan 27, 2012 7:58 PM

I genuinely worry when I see economic illiteracy like this. You do realise that our Federal Reserve is able to buy our bonds right? You realise that China is dependent on our consumer economy right? This is obvious to all apart from doomer conspiracy theorists and redneck silverbugs.

Jan 27, 2012 8:29 PM

The Chinese have an export economy, whereas we have a consumer economy. Our economy has a strong retail sector with ample government assistance for consumption, including generously low interest rates. The Chinese simply don't have the stomach to match the hearty American consumer. If they did, they would have a consumer economy like we have.

Jan 27, 2014 3:30 PM

This type of event is exactly why we need a global government with strong legislative and executive powers over the nation states. How are we going to manage a global disaster of these proportions when we can't even pass a global tax on carbon emissions? I detailed the preperations that every government should be making in anticipation of a global disaster in my article at the Accredited Times, "Are We Equipped for a State of Emergency?". If I had to answer that questions today, I'd sadly have to say that we are far from prepared. Movies like "World War Z" indicate the logistical challenges that will be required by our governments in order to manage a disaster of this scale. We urgently need a set of global emergency protocols that allow us to declare a state of global martial law and swiftly escort people to designated safety camps during such an event. I fear that if we don't act soon, it may be too late, and the world may be caught unprepared in an event that could change the course of history. 


Jan 27, 2014 3:43 PM

Lol suckers. These workers should have taken a job with the government. Government workers smash private sector workers in almost every category: wages, benefits, pensions, work/life balance, time off, and most important of all, happiness. Too bad the majority of Americans have no sense of duty and would rather chase fortunes in the private sector. Serves them right in my opinion.

Jan 27, 2014 3:46 PM

There has never been a better time to work for the government. If you're slaving away in some dead corporate job, I strongly suggest you look for a position in the government. Applying for a government job has never been easier, especially if you're a woman or a minority.


Jan 27, 2015 12:34 PM

Scientists and environmental activists have been warning about disastrous weather events such as this for decades, but the far right still refuses to listen. Climate change deniers are literally sacrificing the entire future of the planet and creating a living hell for third world countries and future generations. It's easy for rich white privileged Americans to say they don't care about the consequences of climate change, but people in developing countries aren't so fortunate, and will have to put up with increasing droughts, floods and hurricanes because of our reckless burning of fossil fuels. I wish these right wing bastards could see the damage they're doing to our beautiful planet - maybe they'd find some compassion in their hearts and finally show some support for the bills we have been trying to pass for so long.

Jan 27, 2015 3:09 PM


The 21st century has seen a shocking rise in cyberterrorism targeted at governments, corporations and innocent citizens. The internet is an unregulated playground, where hackers can do as they please and intolerant cyber-bullies and trolls can torment their victims without fear of repercussions. Our politicians are mostly of the older generations, and they do not truly understand the internet and its dangers to society. We need a new generation of cyber-police, sourced from the best most upstanding technologists of generation X. This group of young men and women should be tasked with designing and enforcing a bullet proof regulatory framework that monitors internet traffic and reports all malicious activity directly to law enforcement. We will then be able to enjoy the good parts of the internet, like reading the news, watching movies, online shopping and emails, without having to worry about the cyber-criminals that currently run free in the virtual wild west that is today's internet.

Jan 27, 2015 3:10 PM


The 21st century has seen a shocking rise in cyberterrorism targeted at governments, corporations and innocent citizens. The internet is an unregulated playground, where hackers can do as they please and intolerant cyber-bullies and trolls can torment their victims without fear of repercussions. Our politicians are mostly of the older generations, and they do not truly understand the internet and its dangers to society. We need a new generation of cyber-police, sourced from the best most upstanding technologists of generation X. This group of young men and women should be tasked with designing and enforcing a bullet proof regulatory framework that monitors internet traffic and reports all malicious activity directly to law enforcement. We will then be able to enjoy the good parts of the internet, like reading the news, watching movies, online shopping and emails, without having to worry about the cyber-criminals that currently run free in the virtual wild west that is today's internet.

Jan 27, 2015 4:10 PM

This the beginning of World War III. First, Germany tried to take over the world with military force, but this time they are conquering countries with austerity. Meanwhile, the hedge funds have allied with Germany in their quest to conquer Europe, and speculators continue to hammer the peripheries with an artillery of credit default swaps and short selling of government debt. Stop this madness! Ban speculation and bring back Europe’s social safety nets. NO MORE AUSTERITY!

Jan 28, 2013 4:26 PM

WARNING: Bitcoin is a SCAM. Bitcoin is an idiotic experiment which proves that a non-centrally planned currency is simply unfeasible. Bitcoin is highly corruptible as it is 100% computerized, unregulated and unmanaged. What if somebody cracks the code to your wallet? What if the code breaks? Libertardians never consider intricate details like this because they are too simplistic. The libertarian dream of perfectly functioning ‘free markets’ is a ridiculous fantasy. The only way to ensure peace and happiness is to delegate responsibility to democratically elected politicians with the skills, experience and education to manage complex social and economic issues.

Jan 28, 2016 10:41 AM

When will precious metals fanatics realize that we are in a BEAR MARKET for gold and silver? It's quite amusing to watch goldbugz and silverbugz pour infinite amounts of money into this black hole and keep coming back for more. There is no 'manipulation' in the gold and silver markets - just admit it, you're terrible investors with no formal education in economics and that's why you keep losing.

Jan 29, 2014 10:56 AM

This is trading 101 people - the trend is your friend. Don't ever trade against the trend unless you want to get smoked. Gartman and the sell side analysts are experts who have been playing this game at a professional level longer than any of you losers have been trading single shares with your unemployment benefits. Dismiss his advice at your own expense.

Jan 29, 2015 10:40 AM

This the beginning of World War III. First, Germany tried to take over the world with military force, but this time they are conquering countries with austerity. Meanwhile, the hedge funds have allied with Germany in their quest to conquer Europe, and speculators continue to hammer the peripheries with an artillery of credit default swaps and short selling of government debt. Stop this madness! Ban speculation and bring back Europe’s social safety nets. NO MORE AUSTERITY!

Jan 29, 2015 11:49 AM


Jan 29, 2015 11:52 AM

Fracking is DONE. I'm telling you it's DONE. This is the beginning of an environemental revolution - we are taking this country back from the corporations once and for all. Coal and natural gas - you better watch out because you're next. We won't stop untill every one of these motherfuckers is destroyed.

Jan 29, 2016 10:37 AM

This hate just has to stop!! Of course these poor migrants are not going to integrate into a new culture immediately - it takes time! And we in the west need to have patience and understanding. These migrants have every right to hate us - we have raped and pillaged so many countries around the world including many in the middle east, and we owe it to the world to do something good for a change. It's difficult for white people to understand this, but listen to anyone from another ethnic background and they will tell you how it feels to be oppressed by the west. We need to approach this issue with empathy and compassion, or we will do nothing more than fan the flames of hatred.

Jan 29, 2016 11:46 AM

This is the biggest investment in our healthcare system from any president in history, and you right-wing morons are upset about it? This investment is going to get people the medical care they need to be fully productive and really take our economy to the next level. Many down-trodden groups in America such as minorities are uninsured and unable to fully contribute to the economy because of this. The ACA will ensure that these people get the healthcare they need so that they can be more successful in the marketplace. This ACA isn't there simply to insure the uninsured - it's also part of Obama's long term strategy to make our economy stronger and more robust.

Jan 29, 2016 8:59 AM

It's about time that these white terrorists got what was coming to them. - I don't care how long these 'ranchers' (do people really still have jobs like that?) have been on this land - it belongs to everyone now, and it is unacceptable to use publicly owned land for personal profit, pure and simple. These people need to move into the 21st century and get a real job like everyone else - 'Ranching' is not a real job.

Jan 3, 2012 12:43 PM

This is a classic bull trap. It's tragic to see these lemmings buy into this bubble like sheep to the slaughter. They just never learn.


Jan 3, 2012 12:58 PM

I am a buy-and-hold equity investor. I am happy to leave the trading to the professionals at top tier investment banks. These people are veterans and pros who laugh in the face of pathetic doomer day traders on zerohedge.

Jan 30, 2012 10:57 AM

While doomer rednecks obsess over this drivel, along with nascar and monster truck racing, top nobel prize winning economists economists are working tirelessly to correct our economic problems. Maybe one day doomer libertarians and silverbug conspiracy theorists will see this dichotomy and learn to respect their ELECTED leaders.

Jan 30, 2012 12:40 PM

You SEE? This is what happens when governments cut spending too much and too fast. The European economies are collapsing into the void that was once filled by essential government services. Europe demands FREE education, FREE healthcare, more desirable working conditions, remuneration and benefits packages. This is the beginning of the progressive revolution. We need to give power back to the people by allowing the government to distribute resources as they see fit.

Jan 30, 2013 10:02 AM

This is just short term noise. The stock market has shrugged off this insignificant news and will soon be making its way to new all time highs. Professional fund managers recognize that despite this minor set-back, the long term fundamentals for the US economy are overwhelmingly positive. Here are just a few of the endless positive indicators for our economy:

  1. A strong housing recovery
  2. A rising stock market
  3. A plunging VIX
  4. Record low interest rates
  5. Record low inflation
  6. Record number of college-educated Americans

When will masochistic doomer libertarians on this site recognize that they are simply wrong about economic collapse and the impending apocalypse? When will goldbugs, silverbugs and bitcoinbugs realize that their dreams of becoming kings of the universe will never materialize?

Jan 30, 2013 4:55 PM

Today’s GDP figure was actually a result of Trickle Down Economics and deregulation, which Santelli supports. You idiots need to read a bit of economics and history before you pretend to understand the economy. Look up toxic derivatives and read up on the OWS movement. You morons have a lot to learn, I'm afraid.

Jan 30, 2013 9:58 AM



This is just short term noise. The stock market has shrugged off this insignificant news and will soon be making its way to new all time highs. Professional fund managers recognize that despite this minor set-back, the long term fundamentals for the US economy are overwhelmingly positive. Here are just a few of the endless positive indicators for our economy:

  1. A strong housing recovery
  2. A rising stock market
  3. A plunging VIX
  4. Record low interest rates
  5. Record low inflation
  6. Record number of college-educated Americans

When will masochistic doomer libertarians on this site recognize that they are simply wrong about economic collapse and the impending apocalypse? When will goldbugs, silverbugs and bitcoinbugs realize that their dreams of becoming kings of the universe will never materialize? 



Jan 30, 2014 9:08 AM

There is actually a pretty strong case for boosting your stock price through buy backs and dividends. Whe, investors see that astock is doing well, they instinctively pile in, giving UPS that bit of extra cash it needs to make new investments. When UPS's stock price increases they can sell back the equity they bought and raise even more cash. It's an extremely savvy way to raise money in my opinion and I hope that the executives are rewarded handsomely if this works out.

Jan 30, 2014 9:34 AM

Why? If it's done in moderation and for the right reasons, it can be a truly powerful tool for any company.

Jan 30, 2014 9:37 AM

The bulge bracket investment banks are starting to get serious about pioneering green energy solutions. It's quite exciting to see Goldman Sachs purchase a stake in wind technology which is one of my favorite green technologies. Goldman Sachs was also one of the first banks to take part in an innovative carbon offset trading scheme, a concept that is responsible for offsetting millions of tons of CO2 every year. I'd really like to see more companies take the initiative and follow in the footsteps of companies like Goldman. We need the most powerful companies in the world to be part of the solution not the problem, and this in my opinion this is a giant step forward for humanity.

Jan 30, 2015 10:51 AM

I want to see the evidence linking this increase to the Affordable Healthcare Act. We need to be scientific about this and provide reason and evidence for all of our conclusions. This strikes me as sloppy journalism. I don't personally believe that these healthcare costs are the result of Obamacare - in fact, I believe that this increase in healthcare costs calls for even more legislation to make healthcare more affordable. 

Jan 30, 2015 11:04 AM

The Greek stance is nothing short of heroic. It's not their fault that corporations and governments helped them borrow such an insane amount of money. In my opinion the new Greek government should take a hard line with the EU. Firstly, Greece should settle for no less than a total debt write-off - anything else is simply unfair and outright fascistic. Secondly, Greece should demand compensation for the damage that other countries such as Germany, have caused to their country. This should be in the form of a grant to help rebuild Greece and get their economy back on its feet.  Finally, the rich simply need to pay their fair share - I'm tired of hearing how rich people are the ‘most productive’ and ‘provide jobs and capital investment’. BULLSHIT - All I see rich people doing is playing gold and having fancy corporate meetings, while everyone else struggles to make end's meat. Most of these bastards inherited their wealth anyway, or got lucky. 

Jan 30, 2015 11:23 AM

Well I definitely trust government studies more than hearsay. In my experience government committees tend to be highly objective and upstanding, and are actually cheaper than private research. 

Jan 30, 2015 4:25 PM

I also worry about the independence of our Federal Reserve, as monetary policy comes under increasing scrutiny. Our Federal Reserve was specifically set up to be independent. The creators of the Federal Reserve bank were wise, and new that politicians could not be trusted to separate their political motives from monetary policy. The separation of Federal Reserve and government has been one of the greatest decisions in this country’s history, and has led to some of the greatest economic growth and economic stability the world has ever seen. It worries me that voters and politicians increasingly believe that they should have a hand in monetary policy. Undermining the independence of the Federal Reserve could have dire consequences for the economy, and I hope that we are wise enough to see this before it is too late. 

Jan 31, 2012 11:46 AM

I trust that informed US citizens are analysing this data and making their own judgements right now, so that they can make informed and intelligent voting decisions in the coming elections. It is up to ALL Americans to make sure they monitor government spending and evaluate the statistical effectiveness of each spending program (discounted by opportunity cost) so that we can make objective voting decisions. This is how democracy should work. 



Jan 31, 2012 11:53 AM

Government decisions are trustworthy because they are monitored by a well informed public. The public are informed enough to monitor and evaluate all government decisions, however they are they are simply not informed enough to make the decisions themselves. It’s just common sense.

Jan 31, 2012 11:57 AM


Jan 31, 2012 12:11 PM

Mis-allocation is a subjective term. You are simply assuming that all preferences are equally valuable in the market place. However I would argue that Nobel Prize winning economists have more valuable preferences than redneck Nascar fans. Yes, you heard me - I want resources to be allocated by PROFESSIONALS ONLY.

Jan 31, 2014 10:04 AM

Point take Tyler. But the financial state of the many of the silverbugz here is sadly far worse than the average American could even imagine.

Read today's article at the Accredited Times to learn about the narcissistic tendencies and sick masochism that characterize the silverbug mentality:


Jan 31, 2014 10:22 AM

This yet another reason why you should always store a good portion of your savings in high interest savings accounts and risk free US treasuries. The silverbugz who saw their disposable income fall this year are also sitting on huge losses – the last thing they need.

Read about the irresponsible attitude and narcissistic tendencies of one silver bug "Jack Riley" in today’s exclusive article at the Accredited Times:


Jan 31, 2014 10:39 AM

If anyone needs a bailout it's the silverbugz. But since they don't contribute anything to society our government is unlikely to condsider them. 


Jan 31, 2014 11:10 AM

As I've often said before, the University of Michigan is not an accredited Ivy League college, which for me casts some doubt on the credibility of this figure. You can' just trust every figure out there. Everybody needs a filter that ignores the less trustworthy sources in order to get a more accurate view of the economy.


Jan 31, 2014 11:19 AM

You can't sell them for as much as you could last year. Accountants count that as a loss, but for some reason silverbugz think they are invincible and that losses don't count for them.

Jan 4, 2012 4:15 PM


The upcoming election promises to be a riveting one. Mitt Romney is the clear frontrunner and looks to take on Obama in November. The key issue in the upcomming elections is going be the ECONOMY. Romney and Obama will have to start talking straight with the American people about their plans for getting this country back on track. Both candidates are going to have to answer some tough questions such as:

1. What do you plan to do about jobs?

2. How do you plan to help small businesses in America?

3. How are you going to promote alternative energies and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil?

4. Can you GUARENTEE that there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare or the Defense Budget?

I don’t envy politicians right now. These are tough times to be leading the world, and the American people are rightfully demanding more from their governments because they want RESULTS.


Jan 4, 2012 9:36 AM

Key events to watch in 2012: 

The economy: Will 2012 be the year of recovery?

US energy policy: Will Obama successfully reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil?

GOP primary: Can Rick Santorum challenge Mitt Romney’s lead in the polls?

Europe: Will President Herman Van Rompuy resonate with the European people and achieve fiscal and monetary union?

Iran: Will Obama outline clear policy initiatives to protect Israel from potential threats?

Climate Change: Will G20 leaders finally devise global legislation for taxing excessive carbon emissions and achieve climatic equilibrium?

The US Deficit: Will congress outline a responsible plan for reducing the deficit, while at the same time ring-fencing key government functions such as social security, Medicare and National Defense? 

Jan 4, 2017 10:19 AM

I can’t believe Republicans want to repeal affordable healthcare! How can anyone be so heartless?


Jan 4, 2017 9:19 AM

Oh puleeeease! Assange is clearly a Russian hack who is covering for Trump. He even openly stated that he dislikes Hillary, and his ‘leaks’ during the campaign almost exclusively focused on Hillary and the democrats. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but anyone with a brain who watches the news can tell that Russia was heavily involved in our elections and supports Trump. Trump got in because of Russia – that is the cold, hard truth. Unfortunately though, we now live in the era of post-truth and fake news, where sites like this can say whatever they want and get away with it. You people disgust me!


Jan 4, 2017 9:23 AM

Reports are coming out that Marine Le Pen is also working for the Russians. She suspiciously doesn’t see the need for retaliation to Russia’s aggressive expansionism, despite their blatant acts of aggression such as sailing through the English Channel and attempting to refuel in Spain. Only a psychopath or a Russian spy could oppose military action to stop Putin’s reign of terror. Just look at the images of the children in Aleppo! Putin is a monster!!!


Jan 4, 2017 9:27 AM

Interesting that this is the one thing the alternative media chooses to criticize Trump for. Appointing experienced financiers is probably the only thing he has done right. Now of course, it remains to be seen whether he will let them run the country as they see fit or micromanage them, but of all the things you could criticize him for such as racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamaphobia and transphobia – appointing economic experts to positions of power is what upsets you? You right-wingers are something else!


Jan 4, 2017 9:41 AM

As many astute readers on here have pointed out, what if a meteor hits the earth and blows up every hard drive and network device in the world all at the same time? If that happened, your bitcoins would simply disappear, and that’s just not a risk I or any other sensible person is willing to take.


Jan 4, 2017 9:43 AM

I'm here to educate fools like you and bring some accredited news to this fake news website. Everyone knows that Tyler is a Russian agent working directly for the Kremlin. I'm just here to wake you up so that you don't go to jail when Obama declares a state of emergency and nukes Russia.

Jan 4, 2017 9:45 AM

Do you have a problem with xer being trans? If Michelle is trans, it's obvious why she has to hide it with rampant transphobia like this across the Western world!

Jan 4, 2017 9:51 AM

I don’t trust any organization that profusely criticizes Obama and Hillary. WikiLeaks sticks to high heaven of racism, sexism and Russian propaganda.  


Jan 5, 2012 10:28 AM

This is a perfect demonstration of the inherent political risks in backward countries like Italy. The US has have been able to ward off disasters of this magnitude with the advise of top economic advisors from institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale and MIT. People from all over the world flock to these world class institutions because they offer the most practical and groundbreaking academic instruction by the some of the most influential minds in the world. This is why I have long advocated setting up a world central bank which would help ALL countries get access to these brilliant minds. It simply isn’t fair that poor countries shouldn’t have access to top Ivy League economic advisors, and to suggest that this advice should be retained within elite western circles is quite frankly racist.

Jan 5, 2012 11:07 AM

I'm not taking to your anti-American sentiment, eureka. Our Federal Reserve is holding Europe together by a thread via USD swap lines and other liquidity backstops. As a born American, I take personal credit for this.

Jan 5, 2012 11:56 AM

On days like these we can feel truly proud of American congressional integrity. Corruption is rampant overseas and I'm glad to see that both Obama and Romney take a strong stance against corruption in the US. We MUST NOT allow this irresponsible behaviour to corrupt our congress or Federal Reserve, and it is up to all Americans to vote RESPONSIBLY int order to maintain this integrity.

Jan 5, 2012 5:40 PM


Rules like the debt ceiling are human constructs that do not exist in the real world. In reality, there is no limit to what America can borrow for the following reasons:

  •  China: Because of their inferior appetite for domestic consumption, the Chinese rely heavily on hearty Americans to consume their vast exports. Consequently they must continue to buy our debt to finance this consumption or their export economy will implode.
  • Quantitative Easing: The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America is an active player in the domestic bond market, and is able to purchase large quantities of debt in order to drive down yields and allow our government to borrow more cheaply.
  • Keynesian Multipliers: The government can use credit to finance fiscal stimulus programs that increase GDP according to the Investment-Savings Curve:

          GDP Growth = Consumer Spending + Investment(interest rate) + Government Spending + Net Exports

I apologise for spoiling your doomer orgy with logic and facts, but someone has to tell the truth.


Jan 5, 2012 6:26 PM

No, they’re not. These methodologies are derived from empirical properties of the natural world, such as:

  • Increased spending leads to increased prosperity
  • Economic experts are able to allocate capital more efficiently and objectively than ordinary people


These theories are empirically verifiable by the fact that the Chinese continue to buy our debt, and interest rates remain low regardless of the size of the budget.


Jan 5, 2015 1:50 PM

Reading the endless conspiracy theories and vulgar, knee-jerk rants on this blog, one comes away with the impression of a group of angry prepers and zit-faced teenagers projecting their dissatsfaction onto the world by blaming senior and respected politicians and business leaders for every ill in the world. No wonder this blog isn't taken seriously by resputable media outlets and investment professionals. This oweners of this website and thier readers need to do some serious work on their credibility, or they risk becoming completely marginalised.  

Jan 5, 2015 2:03 PM

I feel it's my duty to educate and enlighten the misguided. Most of them won't listen, but maybe, just maybe, some of them will see the light, and that is worth the world to me. Nothing in this world is more rewarding helping people distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, and good from evil. This is my purpose in life, and this is my calling. And that, my friends, is why I am here today talking to you.

Jan 5, 2015 2:11 PM

You make a good point my friend. Unlike many of my brothers on the left, I have always taken a strong stance in favor of government measures to support our financial system. We on the left want to help the needy, provide for the choice-less, helpelss poor, and make a real difference in the world. If we want to continue to make progress at the same rate as we have over the last 50 years, we need to ensure that the institutions underlying our economy are strengthened and reinforced in every way possible. A strong economy rests on a strong financial system, a healthy agricultural sector, a booming housing market, and well-financied government departments with happy, satisfied public servants. Each and every one of these pillars must be nurtured and supported, so that we have a strong economic, moral and social framework on which to build our future.  

Jan 6, 2012 4:35 PM

Excuse me? I assume you possess some form of financial qualification that empowers you to give such advise? If not, I think it's reasonable to at least provide a disclaimer stating that this unprofessional investment advice. Not only is this investment recommendation esoteric but it also runs contrary to the opinions of top investment analysts and find managers.

Jan 6, 2012 4:44 PM

These would be analysts at top tier investment banks, hedge funds and a few select prop firms. Examples would be anyone working at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan to employees of elite quant funds like DE Shaw and Citadel.

Jan 6, 2012 5:17 PM

I don't know Kyle Bass's opinion on this investment recommendation, but I know for a fact that it is a minority view. In fact, in my experience people who expose this view are invariably conspiracy theorists with radical political ideologies of one form or another. I hate to say it, but I find it genuinely difficult to take the precious metals community seriously, however much I try.

Jan 6, 2015 1:21 PM

Yet more proof of the violent impulses of white males. White people have a long history of violence, colonial attrocities and oppression of other races. It's up to every white male to recognize these tendencies and actively work to supress his violent and racist urges, whether they be concious or subconcious, physical or cultural. In addition, if they have any integrity, white males should work harder to make reperations for the countless sins of their ancestors.  

Jan 6, 2015 1:22 PM


Jan 6, 2015 12:46 PM

Good thing America is a net importer of Oil. This means good tmes are ahead for America! This is one of the major benefits of having a consumer economy - you are positioned to benefit as global commodity prices fall. 

Jan 6, 2017 10:01 AM

Give me a break, the 4chan trolls are known for rigging polls like this and showing up in disproportionately large numbers to vote on issues concerning Trump and Russia. You would have to be a MORON not to trust the CIA!!


Jan 6, 2017 10:08 AM

This is a good thing! We are so prosperous that our economy can support 95 million people in lives of leisure! Obama truly is a miracle maker. Trust me, when the economy crashes under Trump, you people will be wishing for the good old days of Obama!


Jan 6, 2017 2:31 PM

The blood of these people is on the hands of conservatives who steadfastly resist any attempt to introduce sensible gun legislation such as more extensive background checks, banning semi-automatics and limiting ammunition. These deaths occured because of YOUR IGNORANCE!


Jan 6, 2017 5:55 PM

Well I thought this report was extremely convincing. It states that reputable sources have confirmed that Putin personally ordered the Russian government to influence the elections! It also cites numerous pieces of evidence such as Assange’s ‘special relationship’ with RT, and RT’s favorable coverage of Wikileaks. I’m sorry but this whole thing with Russia stinks to high heaven! CLEARLY Russia is up to no good and had played a serious role in electing Trump. This election result needs to be overturned and we need to engage Russia in kinetic action. This is an act of WAR!


Jan 6, 2017 9:52 AM

Are you kidding me? Putin and many of his fans OPENLY celebrated Trump’s victory!! Russia needs to be nuked NOW, PERIOD!!!


Jan 6, 2017 9:53 AM

LOL, Trump is already going back on his promises!!! I feel sorry for Trump supporters who were duped into supporting him based on his blatant lies!! You guys got totally scammed, LOL!!! Hillary supporters are literally rolling in laughter at you losers!!!



Jan 6, 2017 9:58 AM

And that rounds it off, folks!! ANOTHER POSITIVE NFP FOR OBAMA!!! WOW, JUST WOW!!!!! Obama truly is hands down, THE BEST ECONOMIC PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!!!! HANDS DOWN!!!!!!


Jan 7, 2013 11:14 AM

I would advise the junior investors on this site to allow their portfolios to be managed by an experienced fund manager or professional stock broker. The markets ar risky, and unless you're an experienced pro like myself, it's not going to be easy to beat the smart money at their own game. Leave the trading to experienced traders at top tier investment banks, and delegate your investments to top investment professionals at pension funds and well diversified equity funds. Also, when selecting a fund, make sure the fund managers use "Modern Potfolio Theory" to manage risk, in order to be sure that the fund is not too risky.

Jan 7, 2013 3:09 PM

Just flip that sign around to show the red man pointing the gun AND holding the money and you have “capitalism”. That’s the reality, I’m afraid. Capitalism is all about squeazing as much profit as possible out of the public by paying low wages and charging outrageous mark-ups. There is no upward pressure on wages at all. The lower the wages, the bigger the profits. This is why wages just keep falling for all jobs in all sectors across all economies, unless compassionate politicians put their foot down and say enough is enough – no more exploitation. The only exceptions to this rule of falling wages are big shot Executives and “Job Creators” (LOL) with obscene salaries that could pay for benefits and healthcare for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Jan 7, 2015 1:16 PM

Finally, some justice for the absolutely UNNACCEPTABLE damage that fracking companies have done to the environemnt. Fracking is evil, and needs to be banned. This oil price collapse is just what we need to end frackning once and for all. This is a victory for environentalists all over the world and a huge blow to corporate interests.

Jan 7, 2015 2:05 PM

I fear that islamaphobia is only going to get worse following this event. You have to remember that this is a tiny minority of muslims and does not in any way represent the muslim people or islam as a whole. We need to calm down and make sure that we don't make rash assumptions about an entire race or religion.

Jan 8, 2012 6:00 PM


Sorry guys but the gig is up. Libertarians have been screaming from the rooftops about their 2012 apocalypse theories for over a decade now. Well, 2012 is here and everything is fine. I think it’s time for conspiracy theorists to be mature and admit that they were and are wrong about 2012. It's time for us all to own up so we can move on and forget that these embarrassing predictions ever surfaced.


Jan 8, 2014 10:16 AM

This was innevitable unfortunately. When the price of an asset is this inflated, it is attracted like a magnet to fair value. Normallyhowever, the asset overshoots fair value by a wide margin before eventually stabalising. Fair value currently sits at $18 an ounce, so expect to see it drop like a stone in the coming months. 

Check out today's article at the Accredited Times to learn how Janet Yellen is leading the way for women's rights:


Jan 8, 2014 10:39 AM

If you're wondering how chairwoman Yellen's policies will influence on the economy, today's article at the Accredited Times gives a refreshingly optimistic perspective;


Expect to see an uncompromising dedication to price stability and low interest rates. Janet Yellen is bringing a woman's touch to monetary policy with her calm desiveness and prudent dedication to stable markets. Equity investors no longer need to worry about liquidity events or "tail risks". This is the time to invest and take part in the global recovery, and I strongly urge those of you on the sidelines to take part now while equities are still undervalued. 

Jan 8, 2015 1:27 PM

HAHAHA. Take THAT you fracking assholes!! Fracking is EVIL and I won't rest until every fracking compoany is bankrupt! I live in the city, so I've never seen a fracking operation before. But believe me, if my friends and I lived near one we would storm those motherfuckers. Luckily the oil price is doing our job for us.     

Jan 9, 2012 9:18 AM

I believe that President Van Rompuy is setting himself up as a prime candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. President Sarkozy correctly warned that a failure of the Euro will inevitably lead to war between the formerly unified nation states and President Rompuy is literally saving MILLIONS of lives by holding the Euro currency together. I hope that his courage does not go unrewarded and that we can find it in ourselves to put aside social prejudice and thank global leaders for their courageous work.

Jan 9, 2013 9:42 AM

Guys, I've been making some serious money selling EUR-CHF puts below 1.20, knowing full well that the SNB is watching my back. Zhers have turned their noses up at this oportunity, just like they  snobishly rejected HARP, low interest-mortgages and high-yielding peripheral debt. I am shocked that the Zerohedge community rejects clear money-making oportunities provided to them by our global leaders and central bankers, simply because of a childish hatred for leadership and smart economic planning.

Jan 9, 2014 9:11 AM

Each and every one of us is to blame for this. Climate scientists have warned us about this eventuality for over a decade, but none of us listened. The Copenhagen climate bill failed to pass, our government still hasn't passed a universal tax on carbon emissions, and the UN still hasn't tackled the rising problem of overpopulation in any meaningful way. Green startups still struggle to get financing from the selfish and profit-crazy VCs in Silicon Valley. Electric cars are still left out with recharging stations only available in a few sparse locations.


Jan 9, 2014 9:15 AM

If you haven't checked it out yet, I strongly urge you to read yesterday's refreshingly positive article on what Janet Yellen's apointment as the first ever Fed Chairwoman means for the global economy:


Jan 9, 2014 9:20 AM

Tell that to you children. Tell them that you were too selfish to give up hot baths and long commutes and that your personal comfort was worth the destruction of countless natural habitats and many third world countries all over the world.

Jan 9, 2014 9:24 AM

Sorry I don't do youtube science. I only get my science from accredited journals and select peer reviewed papers.

Jul 1, 2013 1:09 PM

Egypt is walking a fine line here. America will not tolerate terroristical activity. I'm not an expert on all this, but it looks like swift military action may be necessary at any point.

Jul 1, 2015 10:24 AM

What Greece has is not socialism. The Greek people recieved NOTHING from their government over the last 20 years and have been listening intently to those who warned them about where they were headed. This is FASCISM, pure and simple.

Jul 1, 2015 10:26 AM

The problem with Greece is not socialism. Socialism can work very well, if you follow the Scandanavian model and it's managed professionally by smart well meaning politicians. Greece simply needs to hurry up and accept a deal from the EU so that they can get the funds to rebuild their economy and set up a system that works for the people.

Jul 1, 2015 10:34 AM

For goodness sake - just accept a deal already! This is madness! What Greece needs now is decisiveness and bold action. This is not the time for referendums - if Greece doesn't act now they risk complete disaster. Simply accepting the deal will give them the necessary funds to implement a modern socialist economy (based on the Scandanavian model) and start rebuilding the lives of their people. 

Jul 10, 2012 3:43 PM

I think I've finally worked out why there are so many poor people in the world. It’s so simple that I kicked myself for not getting it earlier. The reason there are so many poor people is literally because the 1% are keeping all the money for themselves. When the rich make one dollar, that is a dollar that is in the hands of the rich and NOT the poor. Libertarians have always said that business is good for the poor and that it promotes upward mobility, and I had always thought there was something wrong with that. Now I realize I was right all along. Businesses and rich business owners actually HURT the poor by taking money away from them. If a capitalist MAKES a dollar, the poor LOSE a dollar. Everything is starting to make sense now.

Jul 10, 2012 4:36 PM

Libertarians ARE responsbile for the massive amount of poverty in the world. Not many people know this, but in third world countries like the Congo, Angola, India and Mexico there is absolutely no government welfare ... That's right - NONE. Is it any surprise that these countries are so poor when their governments are not even providing basic necessities? Liberianism has infected the minds of politicians across the third world, and as a result they refuse to provide even basic necessities for their people. People are literally DYING because of libertarians. 

Jul 10, 2012 5:00 PM

One of the reasons we need unions is because of the threat of small businesses competing with both respected corporations AND government institutions. For example, consider the threat that smaller taxi companies pose to public transport: if left unregulated, taxi companies could literally destroy the jobs of millions of public sector workers in the cities like New York and San Francisco. Consider another example - industrial scale agriculture companies have to compete with a myriad of smaller ranchers and farmers who threaten the livelihoods of their workers. Thanks to tireless lobbying by strong labour unions, the government finally agreed to enact sensible health and safety regulations that barred smaller incompetent farmers from competing. I could go on and on. Labour unions serve an important purpose to workers at large institutions by lobbying for good regulations which keep incompetent competitors out of the market. The threat of small businesses destroying jobs at larger corporations is not something people want to talk about, but it is a reality; and unions are working day and night with the government to protect their workers from this threat.

Jul 10, 2012 9:32 AM

Once again, China proves that thy are unable to replace the American consumer. Their attempts to make the transition to a consumer economy have been futile, largely due to their inferior appetite. They are currently paying the price for breaking their symbiotic relationship with America. China is much better off purchasing our treasuries and exporting goods to our consumer economy. It's a win-win for both nations: Americans get to buy cheap Chinese goods, and the Chinese get to add to their safe-haven treasury reserves.

Jul 10, 2013 8:46 AM

A monorail makes perfect sense. High speed rail is no longer just a luxury - it's now a necessity. In the 21st century, people are busier than ever, and our current infrastructure simply cannot support the rapidly growing global economy. Travelling via public transport is not only more efficient, but it also allows people to get more work done and stay connected on social networks for longer on their smartphones and tablets.

Jul 10, 2013 8:52 AM

Silver has finally reached fair value at $18 an ounce, just as I predicted. This by no means however implies that the collapse is over. Silverbugs should brace themselves for more pain, because this market has a long way to fall.

Jul 10, 2015 10:16 AM

It is an absolute crime that short sellers can literally sell a country's future down the drain. Short selling is nothing but financial terrorism, and it amazes me that it's not banned yet. The stock market is a place where everyone comes to invest their hard earned savings in good quality companies - this helps the country grow, and it provides an extra income for millions of people. What short sellers are doing is abusing this privelage and literally destroying the playing field for everyone else. Short sellers should be tried for high treason and terrorism for what they've done to this country its people!

Jul 10, 2015 10:25 AM

You can see how Varoufakis' compassionate socialist views must have developed. Sipping a cool drink on a hot day with a decent wage and generous leave provided by the state, allows people to develop mental clarity and think about they'd like to structure the world. I'm sure that the young Varoufakis had many discussions about the problems in Greece on those long hot days, and this ultimately formed his views and shaped his legacy. If there's one thing academia and state institutions recognize, it's that people need time to relax in order to think and perform and their best.  

Jul 10, 2015 12:40 PM

This shows what countries with stronger governments can achieve. During our last stock market crash, our congress was far too concerned with 'liberty' and 'non-intervention' to put a ban on short selling. In China, such laws are implemented without hesitation. I admire the Chinese government's decisiveness and strong will. If I were a politician, this is the kind of government I would like to be in charge of.

Jul 11, 2012 10:02 AM

Those prices would have been a lot LESS stable if our Federal Reserve bank had not pursued their dual mandate. Did you ever take that into account???

Jul 11, 2012 9:26 AM

Don't you morons even know our Federal Reserve's dual mandate!? I must be dealing with a bunch of RETARDS. The Federals Reserve was comissioned by congress to pursue their dual mandate for MAXIMUM EMPLOYMENT AND PRICE STABILITY. Only a bunch of total MORONS wouldn't want high employment and stable prices.

Jul 11, 2012 9:50 AM

Looks like you didn't even bother to check their official site


I QUOTE: "The Congress established the statutory objectives for monetary policy--maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates--in the Federal Reserve Act."

Are you happy now? LOL. Don't libertarians ever get tired of getting completely owned?

Jul 11, 2016 10:01 AM

This is bullshit ... FUCK the law!! And FUCK THE POLICE


Jul 11, 2016 10:06 AM

That was a way of gaining access to the property - there is no evidence that he threatened the police officer's life. I want to see cold, hard evidence.


Jul 11, 2016 11:11 AM

The global war against police has begun. Millennials don't like rules, they're sick of being abused and told what to do by rich capitalist pigs, and most of all they're sick and tired of institutional racism and discrimination. Hopefully, out of this chaos will come a new order based on tolerance and equality, but until then the riots will continue.


Jul 11, 2016 9:44 AM

I believe we are in a global recovery, but we still need something to kick the economy into high gear. Fiscal and monetary stimulus brought our economy from the brink of destruction to where we are today, so why would anyone think we should stop now? As an additional measure, I recommend making mortgages more attractive to young people as many of them are struggling with college debt and afraid to get themselves into more debt. If we offer extremely low interest loans with no down payment or stringent income requirements, we can entice a new generation of home buyers and help maintain real estate prices. Real estate cannot be allowed to fall, as for most Americans, their home is their greatest asset.



Jul 11, 2016 9:50 AM

This comes as no surprise to value investors, who have been talking about the incredible technicals and fundamentals for stocks for months. There is a clear upward trend in equities, green shoots are sprouting throughout the global economy, and Friday's outstanding NFP report was just the cherry on the cake. Further stimulus measures are a catalyst, maybe, but this rally was coming anyway.


Jul 11, 2016 9:55 AM

Unless this man was a direct threat to the police officer's life, this man did not deserve to be shot. This needs to be investigated, and unless the officer can provide clear evidence that his life was at risk, he should be prosecuted and punished.


Jul 12, 2014 5:55 PM

The key to growing the economy is supporting the Middle Class. The Middle Class make the world go round. They are highliy educated, progressive and occuppy all of the professional and management positions in the corporate world. They the most intelligent and politically versed people in the entire world, and their success is pivotal to the global economy. Only the democrats understand this. 

Jul 12, 2016 10:02 AM

The justice department's vindication of Hillary's innocence in the so-called emails 'scandal' has restored my confidence in our legal system, as it shows that our officials will not submit to slander and cheap political point scoring by the far-right. In my opinion our laws pander far too much to conservatives on issues like gun 'rights' and free (hate) speech. A huge percentage of the far-right pose a direct threat to our government and should be classified as terrorists, but they get let off time and time again because of 'the constitution'. NEWSFLASH: the constitution was written hundreds of years ago.


Jul 12, 2016 10:42 AM

Reich is right. The TPP is far beyond the comprehension of the average American. Seriously, isn't this why we vote for politicians and governments? So that we don't have to deal with complicated issues like the TPP? That's one of the main reasons I like living under a strong government - I want experts to take care of issues like trade, economics, poverty etc. I have my hands full as is, and I don't like having to be an expert at everything. I don't know how complicated trade deals work, and all I can say is that I'm happy people far smarter than me are taking care of it for me. That's why I pay taxes.



Jul 12, 2016 11:03 AM

Have you read any of the bills passed by congress over the past year end to end? Of course not - like most Americans, you lack the time and the expertise to understand most of the legislation that our government passes. This is why we hire experts to handle these matters for us. It's far more efficient that way. When you vote for a politican, you are trusting them to enact legislation that benefits the country, with the help of the best political advisors and experts of course. Arguing that a piece of legislation should or should not be passed is disrespectful to the millions of voters who entrusted our politicians to do that job for us.

Jul 12, 2016 11:25 AM

I don't see why Bernie and Hillary supporters can't get along. They share so much in common - skepticism of capitalism, a vision for helping those in need, a sense of urgency regarding climate change, and a belief in strict gun control. Hillary and Bernie have similar views on these issues, so I don't think it's unreasonable for a Bernie supporter to switch to Hillary. Personally, I was torn between Hillary and Bernie, but I eventually came to the conclusion that Hillary is a more suitable candidate because of her experience, and because it's time for a female president. I did however prefer Bernie's hard line stance on raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars.


Jul 12, 2016 11:47 AM

Seems perfectly logical to me. If racist police gun down innocent people of color with impunity, how can they not expect blowback? This is karma.


Jul 12, 2016 9:43 AM


Jul 12, 2016 9:45 AM

I'm glad that global economic leaders are finally cooperating to support global growth. We live in a globalized world, and our multinational corporations are blind to international boundaries. Global trade transcends the nation state, and so should our leaders. We cannot continue to focus on local solutions, when today's problems are inherently global. Instead we need to focus on delegating power and responsibility to institutions and committees with international goals and priorities. Only then will we have the opportunity to unlock the full potential of global economic growth.


Jul 12, 2016 9:55 AM


Jul 12, 2016 9:55 AM

I'm seriously considering whether to get involved in the war on police. I would actually like to get arrested in order to show my solidarity for the victims of police injustice. Many prisoners and convicts are actually good people victimized by an oppressive system - most of them should be freed and given help. I may be white, but I know that I'm privileged, and I'm willing to apologize for the sins of my ancestors. If anything, I should be behind bars, in place of most of the current convicts.


Jul 13, 2012 10:23 AM

I'm not entirely aware of all the issues involved here, but my impression is that it's just another overexaggerated conspiracy. I'm a very open-minded person, but this seems way too conspiratorial, even for me.

Jul 13, 2012 11:00 AM

I tried to read through the article, but I got bored when Tyler started getting into one of his complicated rants. Sometimes you just need to go with your gut and in this case my gut tells me that this is simply more zero hedge conspiracy.

Jul 13, 2012 3:59 PM

I worry when I see this kind of economical ignorance. JP Morgan is a Bulge Bracket investment bank with many different revenue models, all of which deliver world class services to clients. Investment banking, private banking, market making, prime services and sell side analysis are but a few of the services provided by JP Morgan. JP Morgan's clientele is impressively prestigious, and ranges from wealthy businessmen, politicians and elite hedge funds to the United States Government and Federal Reserve Bank.

Jul 13, 2012 9:16 AM

As long as gold and silver trade at such enormous premiums to fair value, I'm afraid that global production will continue to rise. Not only this, but people are starting to realize that gold is in fact NOT a safe-haven after all, and that the true safe-haven is and always has been US treasuries.

To those golbugs who think they've missed the treasury boat: DON'T WORRY - IT'S NOT TOO LATE! People were saying the treasury 'bubble' was going to collapse when the 10 year was 3%, and then 2.4%, and then 1.7%. *Sigh* ... I've seen this happen over and over again. This treasury bull market is going to continue for as long as there is any turmoil in the global economy, and sadly most goldbugs will only wake up when the 10 year yield is sub 0.5%. This will be the biggest wealth transfer in history, and it's sad that doomer goldbugs don't want to be part of it.

Jul 13, 2012 9:31 AM

This is another thing that 'bugs' me about goldbugs. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States does NOT "print" money, as doomer goldbugs, nerdy libertarians and silverbug hillbillies like to put it. The Federal Reserve bank actually lends money to the primary dealers - a group of top tier investment banks and elite broker dealers - who then choose to buy treasuries and NOT gold, when presented with a choice of investments. This is because the primary dealers understand that treasuries are and always have been the true safe-haven, a status which is validated by a 30 year track record. Gold is for doomer rednecks who don't know how to invest.

Jul 13, 2016 11:09 AM

This is going to be awesome. This is occupy wall street 2.0, and we're sick and tired of rich capitalists like Trump getting to earn millions without giving anything back. Taxes need to be raised on those who continue to reap obscene profits, while college grads cannot even find jobs relating to their college degrees. How is it fair that one person earns hundreds of millions every year, while another can barely afford to eat? Can someone please explain this to me? It's an absolute outrage!


Jul 13, 2016 11:20 AM

Mark my words I will be there. Why aren't you attending? Let me guess, you're one of these libertarians who support the corporations and their right to earn millions at our expense?

Jul 13, 2016 12:09 PM

I disagree War Machine. I think most people are not libertarians because they care about the poor, and don't want to live in a society that cares only about profits. There's more to life than money - some people just want a decent job, a car, a couple of vacations a year and a few other necessities like a phone and macbook, and they don't see why rich people should take up so much money so that others can't have these basic necessities. We need a society that focuses on need not greed.

Jul 13, 2016 12:36 PM

What do you expect when Muslims have been victims of hate crimes and systematic oppression and discrimination in Europe. Muslims have realized that they will never be accepted into elitist European culture, and so they're rebelling. All of this is a result of oppression, inequality and victimization, not to mention hundreds of years of European colonialism. Europe should be ashamed of itself for what it has created.


Jul 13, 2016 9:13 AM

It's about time that our monetary officials realized that we need further stimulus. The world's top economists such as Professor Paul Krugman have been shouting from the rooftops for years now that if we fail to kick our economy into high gear, then we face a brutal recession. There are definitely green shoots sprouting throughout the economy, but this is because of stimulus measures that were taken after the crash of 07-08. Look at how stocks are rallying to all time highs, in response to dovish rhetoric. The market knows that stimulus is the only long term solution for our economy, and are pricing in the economic growth that will result from further stimulus.


Jul 13, 2016 9:17 AM

These stimulus measures will make President Obama go down in history as the best President for the economy that America has ever had. He brought us from the brink of destruction to a thriving economy with a roaring stock market, making new all time highs, year after year. Amazing.


Jul 14, 2016 10:03 AM

This is beside the point. White people are privileged and are in a position of power, whereas black people are victimized and historically oppressed. When a white (privileged) cop shoots an unarmed black (oppressed) victim, there is a power imbalance that warrants real outrage. That white man was non-compliant and probably deserved it - he knew exactly what was going to happen if he didn't comply. The Oregon rancher terrorists, or as I and many others call them, the white ISIS, were literally asking for it. How entitled are white people? To try to play the victim after centuries of oppression of people of color? It's disgusting!


Jul 14, 2016 10:09 AM

I don't think America has what it takes to stomach the deportation of millions of families. That's just fascist. I think Hillary will win in the end, because most Americans are kind and compassionate, and want to get along with people, rather than stirring conflict.


Jul 14, 2016 10:44 AM

It's scary that respected veterans of our legal system such as Ginsberg are sounding the alarm about the dangers that Trump poses to law and order in this country. Trump is creating so much division in this country, it's very sad and very scary. This is a time when we need to be working together not only as a country, but as a planet, in order to solve our inherently global problems. When business professionals, famous Hollywood actors, key US officials and foreign leaders are all voicing their concerns about Trump, I think he should really be disqualified from running. It's embarrassing that we have a candidate who is so disliked by so many people, and it should really concern his supporters and cause them to reconsider whether this is the kind of conflict they want to create.


Jul 14, 2016 11:59 AM

It's a tricky issue, as Jamilah says. On the one hand, this is an of violence, but on the other hand it's committed by a member of an oppressed group against members of a privileged, historically oppressive group. I agree that it doesn't make sense to call this a hate crime, because that term is reserved for oppressive groups committing crimes against oppressed groups. When you have privilege, as white people do, you can't be subject to a hate crime, because you are in a position of power. Now, let's add in the fact that this alleged crime was most likely in response to decades of white policemen gunning down innocent people of color. When you consider this, I think the most accurate term is 'an act of justice', but it's unlikely that our racist system will classify it this way.



Jul 14, 2016 12:34 PM

This is a very controversial pick. Mike Pence has received funding from none other than the Koch Brothers, the most sinister special interest lurking behind almost every right wing initiative. His father was also in the oil business, so he's no friend of green technologies, and will be impotent in the fight against climate change, which is the single greatest threat to national security and the economy.


Jul 15, 2014 10:28 AM

This is all part of Yellen's plan to taper the equity rally and make sure that stocks don't get ahead of themselves. For the long term buy-and-hold value investor, this is just noise. I'm impressed that unlike many of her predecessors, Yellen is considering a complete range of economic indicators, including equity prices. Maybe if our Federal Reserve had paid closer attention to housing prices from 2002 to 2008, they could have prevented the housing collapse. It's important that economic planners take every indicator into account when planning the economy, in order to achieve optimal results.

Jul 15, 2014 11:14 AM

Another case of panic selling. This is one of the reasons financial advisors always recommend that you stay away from risky commodities, especially those without industrial utilizes like gold. Trading commodities is very difficult and takes years of experience and training to grasp. Personally, I'm happy to leave the commodities for professional traders at established firms such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Chevron and BP. Buy-and-hold equity investing is the only strategy that is proven to work over the long term. 

Jul 15, 2014 11:24 AM

I don't have time to read random links from the internet. Gold is used to make Jewelry, and that's about it. Unfortunately jewelry demand has been falling like a rock in recent years.

Jul 15, 2014 11:33 AM

I'll assume your more extreme suggestions are just a joke, but the truth is many of your proposals have already been implemented in the Dodd-Frank bill passed by Predident Obama in 2010, which is one of the reaons we are seeing such promising growth in the economy. The Dodd-Frank bill amde a number of legislative changes, including improved oversight of the economy by government regulators and a number of changes to improve the stability of the financial system. 

Jul 15, 2014 11:34 AM

"A free market economy does not need any central planning"

Are you serious? Every economy in the world has a significant amount of central planning. Without central planning more than half of the world's economy would simply dissapear, including the entire healthcare systems of countries like Canada and the UK!!

Jul 15, 2014 11:59 AM


Jul 15, 2014 12:03 PM

The middle class is the key to a prosperous economy; and one of the best ways to invest in the middle class is to invest in education.

From Wikipedia:

Members of the middle class belong to diverse groups which overlap with each other. Overall, middle-class persons, especially upper-middle-class individuals, are characterized by conceptualizing, creating and consulting. Thus, a college education is one of the main indicators of middle-class status. Largely attributed to the nature of middle-class occupations, middle class values tend to emphasize independence, adherence to intrinsic standards, valuing innovation and respecting non-conformity. Politically more active than other demographics, college educated middle class professionals are split between the two major parties.

Jul 15, 2015 10:20 AM

It's amusing that ZHers still fail to grasp even the most elementary economic principles. Economics 101: A central bank has to be independent of congress in order to make objective non-political decisions. If congress had the power to influence monetary policy, our country be in a complete mess. The fact that you would question this funamental principle tells me that you simply have no understanding of economics whatsoever.

Jul 15, 2015 11:56 AM

This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but I believe that Greek people will be thankful that this choice was made in the coming years. This rescue package lays out a comprehensive plan for rebuilding the Greek economy and paying back the debt. Don't get me wrong - a hard road lies ahead for Greece; but through hard work and determination I have no doubt that Greece will emerge debt-free, powerful and economicaly prosperous once again.

Jul 15, 2016 11:08 AM

This is a very inappropriate VP pick given the challenges that America faces. Mike Pence's family is in the oil business and he has received funding from the notorious climate change deniers the Koch Brothers. Climate Change is the number one issue facing America and the world, and Trump picks a VP who rejects the scientific consensus that fossil fuels are changing our climate for the worse!? In addition, Mike Pence has an extremely backward view on immigration, both legal and illegal. This is not good news for minorities, refugees and undocumented immigrants, who may be sent back to their countries of origin. Mike Pence's also has an appalling track record on gay rights. This is just a terrible, terrible choice for VP, and really speaks to Trump's lack of values and lack of political savvy.



Jul 15, 2016 11:19 AM

What I appreciate about the green party is that they are focusing on the number one threat facing America and the rest of the world: climate change. How can we continue to conduct business as usual, when climate change literally threatens our very existence on this planet!? We have to tackle this issue now, before it's too late! And we cannot simply rely on the 'market' to come up with green technologies - we need to actively subsidize and provide grants for promising green startups. We also need to become accustomed to a lower, more sustainable standard of living, as we phase out fossil fuels and reduce our energy consumption. We are addicted to an unsustainable lifestyle in the west, and we need to end it now before we destroy the entire planet!



Jul 15, 2016 11:59 AM

This dead cat bounce in gold is the final rise before the collapse to the low triple digits. Gold has been in an unprecedented bubble over the last decade and a half, and the drivers for this market just aren't there anymore. Investors favor dollars and bonds as the ultimate safe haven assets. These markets are far more liquid and easy to use than gold, which requires storage and transportation. Furthermore, gold hoarding is not real investing - in fact, it is the antithesis of investing. Hoarding gold takes value out of the real economy and locks it away in vaults where it can't create jobs or grow the economy. It should definitely be illegal.


Jul 15, 2016 12:04 PM

What? This is racism! Deporting people because of their religious beliefs? That's completely unconstitutional! The constitution protects freedom of religion. Targeting Americans based on their religious beliefs and robbing them of their citizenship is absolutely abhorrent, and completely illegal! Maybe we should deport you Gingrich. We can't tolerate any more of this hate in America - this has to stop!



Jul 15, 2016 2:47 PM

Finally, we can now dispel the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 once and for all. When we confirm that the missing pages don’t back up the theory that Bush blew up the world trade center, will the conspiracy theorists on this site apologize for spreading lies about our government? I hope so.



Jul 15, 2016 2:49 PM

And all those conspiracy theorists who claim that our greatest ally, Israel, had something to do with 9/11 - you should be ashamed for yourselves!


Jul 15, 2016 7:18 AM

What worries me is the backlash against the Muslim community that will no doubt occur as a result of this isolated tragic incident. You have to remember that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, so these terror attacks are committed by a tiny percentage of the Muslim community. Extremist white right-wingers on the other hand, are much smaller in number, as most of the world is on the left, so when right-wing terrorists, such as the Oregon ranchers, commit a crime, we can legitimately say that this represents the white right as a whole. Ultimately, we are only going to solve this problem with love, so that hate needs to stop. #NotAllMuslims, #EndIslamaphobia


Jul 16, 2012 12:17 PM

I can't say for sure who was at fault here, as I'm not aware of all the issues, but my suspicion is that those UAE terrorists were asking for it. The US military doesn't tend to make mistakes. I think this was both intentional and justified.

Jul 16, 2012 8:57 AM

What this article doesn't take into account is that retail sales are now completely manipulated. How can you just talk about "retail sales" without mentioning our Federal Reserve's tightening, or the fact that banks refuse to lend? These are all factors which comlpetely distort retail sales, and prevent them from reflecting true aggregate demand. Sales would be far higher if people could get access to the credit they deserve, but without help from our Federal Reserve and congress, aggregate demand cannot reach a natural equilibrium.

Jul 16, 2015 12:03 PM

The Jade Helm martial law conspiracy theory has got to be one of the most laughable conspiracies emminating from the far right this year. Military exercises like this are routinely carried out across the country, and this one is nothing special. I know you preppers are just dying to find some use for your bunkers and bug out bags, but the reality is you'll never ever need them. And nobody is "after your guns" - all liberals are demanding are sensible gun laws that prevent dangerous people from getting hold of a firearm. Also, why on earth does somebody need to have a semi-automatic weapon? Please explain.  

Jul 17, 2012 6:35 PM

Manifesto of the Progressive Revolution:

Part 1 - Personal Responsibility


It has long been the habit of both religious and right wing zealots to advocate ‘personal choice’ and ‘personal responsibility’. The progressive revolution takes a different approach. Instead of focusing on ethical principles that classify a choice as moral or immoral, we recognize that "choices" are in fact a myth. It is a myth that people are able to influence their circumstances by exercising free will, as has been detailed by many top philosophers at Ivy League colleges across America. The ProgrEssive rEvolution adheres to the work of the following ideologies that absolve people from the myth of personal responsibility:

1. Relativism

2. Determinism

3. Marxism

4. Subjectivism

5. Nihilism 


This knowledge frees people to take what they need from the state and to support policies that they know will work, without having to 'take responsibility' for any negative consequences to others that result from their choices. The consequences were simply meant to be, and are predetermined. If you get something from the government, you were destined to get it from the start, so you are not responsible for the effects to the financial well-being of others in the present OR future. This is the first principle of the progressive manifesto. 


Jul 17, 2012 6:53 PM

This is a fantastic article. I have long been advocating the need to clamp down on 'tax havens' that do not require people to pay their FAIR SHARE to the government. The government DESERVES peoples' money because they provide roads, bridges and schools. Government officials do not have to provide us with these necessities, but they choose to do so anyway out of the kindness of their own hearts. It is absolutely unacceptable to not contribute to society, when well-meaning state leaders are doing their best to help people, but are simply starved for funds. It makes my blood boil when I see people selfishly spending 100% of their income, without even once considering that the government might want to spend it on something more worthwhile and virtuous.

Jul 17, 2014 12:54 PM

This is exactly why we need tighter safety regulations. We also need a way of enforcing laws at a global level in order to raise standards across the board. Safety advocates have been warning about the dangers of lax safety regulations for decades and this just vindicates what we have been saying. Come on people, this is common sense!

Jul 17, 2014 3:28 PM

Israel is one our key allies in the war on terror and this constant criticism of Israel's military operations is extremely damaging to our relationship. We need to keep our allies close as we simply cannot fight this battle alone.

Jul 18, 2012 10:12 AM

I’ve just run the numbers on gold, and I'm afraid the results were not pretty. In 2010, the average mining cost for gold was $542 per ounce. This means that miners are currently turning over $1038 per ounce of gold mined. This is likely to translate into a huge supply glut that will crush goldbugs and wreak havoc on already tortured gold stock portfolios.

The numbers for silver are even uglier. Using the same method, I calculate that silver is currently trading at a premium of over $20 per ounce. Not only this, but graphite is set to replace many of the industrial uses of silver, making it largely useless as an industrial metal.


Meanwhile, the fundamental picture for gold and silver just keeps getting worse. As the Eurozone crisis persists, people appear to be losing faith in gold as a safe haven and instead turning to US treasuries for protection from global market turmoil. With the ten year yield at 1.48%, and gold still under $1600 per ounce, things are looking bleaker than ever for goldbugs. All in all, the horizon for precious metals is dismal, and investors would do well to approach this market with both caution and skepticism. 

Jul 18, 2012 10:32 AM

There's nothing insane about believing in the Bernanke put. Why buy protection at inflated doomer premiums when Bernanke has clearly expressed his intentions to employ a "range of tools" to combat economic weakness? The smart thing to do is to simply buy and hold a mean variance optimized equity portfolio of blue chip stocks, be right and sit tight.

Jul 18, 2016 10:01 AM

Until the epidemic of racist cops gunning down innocent people of color comes to an end, the retaliation will continue. The demands of Black Lives Matter are very reasonable - stop killing innocent people of color, pay reparations for slavery and end systemic racism. Why can't America simply meet these demands and bring this conflict to an end?


Jul 18, 2016 10:21 AM

We can't hold these people to the same standards as we would people in the west. This is part of their culture and heritage. Who are we to judge an ancient culture with a different set of values to ours? Their values may be different, but that doesn't make them any worse or better than ours. Other cultures need to be respected, because it is important for us to be tolerant and non-judgemental. I'm embarrassed to see so many ignorant westerners on this board judging a culture that they know nothing about.


Jul 18, 2016 11:23 AM

We need to be tolerant of other cultures! We in the west have privilege and therefore have no right to judge others! Why do you judge oppressed people who have a different culture to your own? Are you racist?

Jul 18, 2016 11:40 AM

This is a very wise precaution by the Cleveland police force, but we need Federal measures to make a real difference. Did you know that 10,000 children are either killed or seriously injured by firearms every year? Conservatives who continue to resist sensible gun control legislation are allowing this slaughter to continue, year after year. When are we going to realize that private gun ownership is barbaric and totally unnecessary in the 21st century!? We need a total gun ban now, before more lives are lost! The longer we wait, the more innocent people will be killed, and the blood of these people is on the hands of gun-loving conservatives!


Jul 18, 2016 11:58 AM

Here's a source: http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/the-toll-gun-violence-children

Jul 18, 2016 11:59 AM

You should read the Accredited Times - you might learn something for once.

Jul 18, 2016 12:21 PM

It's accredited because we cover mainstream news, from a mainstream perspective. Every opinion and conclusion expressed by the Accredited Times is shared by the world's leading experts at Ivy League colleges, established think tanks and industry-leading corporations.

Jul 18, 2016 7:45 AM

The Brexit is partially responsible for instigating this coup. The British peoples' callus rejection of the European Commission sent a very destructive message to the rest of the world. Far-right reactionary groups will take Britain's decision as a green light to go wild and attempt to overthrow existing power structures, leading to chaos and destruction across the planet. Turkey needs to be fast tracked to join the EU immediately, so that the European Comission and ECB can stabalize the country and prevent an overflow of this chaos into Europe.



Jul 19, 2012 10:42 AM

Terrorism, foreign and domestic, simply will not be tolerated in the 21st century. Both president Barack H. Obama and William Milton Romney stand by Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to take a strong stance on Iran. Israel is not alone in this battle. Every patriotic American is committed to this fight and we will fight side by side with Israel until democracy and freedom is spread to every corner of the world.

Jul 19, 2012 11:17 AM

Just because somebody appreciates the greatness of America, doesn't mean they cannot stand up Israel too. Let me guess, you're another wimpy libertarian who was even against America going after Sadam Hussein for 9/11? ... Disgraceful. As the world's greatest superpower, it is our duty to spread freedom to the rest of the world. The major concerns now are Iran and Syria, and I support full military interventions in both of these countries.

Jul 19, 2012 3:36 PM

I have three simple solutions to this problem:

1. Mandate that all corporations hire 20% more workers

2. Provide a guaranteed government job for all unemployed Americans

3. Quadruple the minimum wage so that businesses are forced to pay people decent wages

Progressive solutions are simple and cut to the heart of the issue. But it seems that no matter how hard we try to solve these problems, libertarians always find some way to disagree.

Jul 2, 2012 10:42 AM

I worry that our foreign policy is simply too weak given the clear and present danger of terrorism from countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. we need to seriously reconsider our commitment to defending Israel and America, and ask ourselves whether we are doing everything we can to fight terrorism domestically AND abroad. Next time you're at work, relaxing on the beach, walking the dog in the park or shopping at the mall, just look around and ask yourself these three important questions:

  1. Do I really know what these people are up to?
  2. How much do I know they are not sympathetic to Islamic extremists or any other right wing interests?
  3. How can I guarantee that these people are not part of some extreme libertarian group like the 'sovereign citizens' or 'Oath Keepers'?

Jul 2, 2012 11:55 AM

But the crisis WAS caused by lack of government regulation. Let me explain this one more time for the libertarians who still don't get it (I apologize to those on this site who already understand the virtues of government regulations).


1. Politicians are elected by the people in order to reflect the will of the people. People are unable to express their will by themselves, so they need politicians to do it for them.


2. Politicians, driven by compassion and a selfless dedication to virtue, implement and enforce regulations to make sure that consumers are not allowed to make bad choices by forcing them against their will, not to make bad choices.


When will libertarians understand that liberals DON'T CARE about their stupid arguments!? Progressives know what they are advocating and have researched the impact of regulations extensively and scientifically, so they don't need to address the arguments of silly libertarians. 


Jul 2, 2012 3:50 PM


If we are going to get serious about climate change, we need to do better than this. ONE FLEET of ships? Are these the ONLY people willing to make the commitment to building a better world for our children? We need to replace ALL fossil fuels with biofuels, wind farms and solar. And I know conspiratorialistic libertarians won't like this, but NUCLEAR is another one of the options we simply have to develop. In the 21st century, there is simply NO NEED to burn ANY fossil fuels. Join the CARBON FREE REVOLUTION - Stop using carbon based fuels in all parts of your life. Make a difference TODAY and commit to making America CARBON FREE by 2013!


Jul 20, 2011 2:05 PM

These people complaining about a raise of the debt ceiling need to learn economics. Highly respected economists have warned that failure to increase the debt ceiling could result in a devastating collapse. Luckily, the President can legally raise the debt ceiling by executive order, much to the disapointment of the crazies like Rand Paul. 

Jul 20, 2011 6:07 PM

Many of the world's top economists, including Nobel Laureates Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz have warned that cutting government spending could seriously de-rail the global economy. What these immature libertarians don't realise is that the economy is lacking aggregate demand. The ONLY way out of this is to keep pumping the system with liquidity so that people start SPENDING again. I can only hope that these silly libertarians wake up before they destroy the entire world economy. 

Jul 20, 2012 8:44 AM

@jazze Well what's your solution????? Clearly, the lax gun laws supported by right wing hillbillies are a major factor contributing to the rise of gun crime. How many more people need to die before crazy right wingers agree to sensible gun control legislation?

Jul 20, 2016 7:19 AM

About time! Twitter is a private platform and can set whatever rules they like, so 'free speech' doesn't even come into it. Why should twitter allow it's platform to be used as a means to spread hate speech, ignorance and abuse? This is a very encouraging move, and bodes well for the future of the internet. We now need to start looking into other websites that give voices to hate groups and extremists. There should be absolutely no place for extremism on the internet.



Jul 20, 2016 7:26 AM

Cyberbullying is a serious problem, and cannot simply be ignored. Cyberbullies can make life absolutely unbearable for their victims. There are some people cannot even get out of bed in the morning because of the crippling abuse and hatred that they have received on social media. We cannot tolerate this kind behavior any longer! The internet should not be a safe space for bullies! We need laws against this abuse now, before more lives are destroyed!



Jul 20, 2016 7:28 AM

Anyone who supports Trump is a disgrace to the LGBT community and not a real gay. You cannot follow a progressive lifestyle and support a bigoted presidential candidate at the same time!     

Jul 21, 2011 2:12 PM

Don't you morons know our Federal Reserve's dual mandate!? Are you completely retarded!? QUOTE from the Federal Reserve's OFFICIAL site: "The Congress established two key objectives for monetary policy--maximum employment and stable prices". Only a MORON wouln't want stable prices and maximum employment! If you idiots had your way, the global recovery would be dead by now.

Jul 21, 2014 5:37 PM

I strongly believe that as the world’s greatest superpower, it is our duty to maintain peace and stability around the world. What Russia is doing in Ukraine is absolutely unacceptable and for me this tragic airline shooting just seals the deal. The time for ‘investigations’ is over. Russia has gone too far, and we need to act now in order to quell this uprising and stabilize Ukraine.

Jul 21, 2016 8:34 AM

The republican party is in complete meltdown! Is this the party that you want to see running the country? Any vote for a republican at this point is very irresponsible. Hillary is the only viable option for president right now. The polls show that the American people want Hillary, because she is professional, balanced and highly experienced, which is exactly the combination of qualities our country needs right now. If you are an honest American who truly wants the best for your country, you know that you only have one choice this November - vote Hillary for president and restore America's honor and dignity.


Jul 22, 2016 10:33 AM

This is disgusting! The Young Turks are one of the voices of reason in America today, and this idiot conspiracy theorist thinks he has the moral right to crash their broadcast!! I hate these right wingers and I hate republicans! Everything the Young Turks have ever said has been honest and reasonable, but racist, hateful conservatives always think they are being treated 'unfairly'! I will never vote republican and I will never be an ignorant conservative!


Jul 22, 2016 7:56 AM

I have a number of objections to Trump's speech. Firstly, claiming that you want to be a 'voice' for all Americans, does little to console minority groups in America who are very unhappy with how they being  treated. It's as much of a smack in the face as saying 'All Live Matter' to Black Lives Matter protesters with legitimate grievances about police racism. Secondly, I think it's extremely unfair to say that Hillary's legacy is one of 'death' and 'destruction'! Hillary never started a single war - Libya and Syria were humanitarian interventions in which the US helped the people of these countries rise up against tyrannical regimes. How is that a bad thing? Lastly, his fear mongering about what America will look like under a Hillary administration is absolutely disgraceful, and he should retract those statements immediately. Criticize Hillary's policy positions if you will, but don't try to scare the public into voting for you - that's just plain wrong!



Jul 22, 2016 8:18 AM

You should check your privilege. Minorities such as African Americans, Native Americans and women are still owed reparations for hundreds of years of oppression. Don't think you can simply ignore your responsibilities and absolve yourself of the burden your ancestors passed down to you. We all need to do our part to make America a fairer, more equal place, and we need to remind ourselves that America has never been great for many oppressed minorities.


Jul 23, 2012 11:24 AM

I'm pleased to report that the pledge to make America carbon free by 2013 (the carbon free revolution) is making very good progress. Both President Barack H. Obama and William Milton Romney have expressed their intentions to manage the climate for optimal temperature for all ecosystems and maximum prosperity. Every day, more and more studies are coming out that demonstrate the statistical irrelevance of factors other than CO2 on the climate, much to the frustration of anti-science libertarians. It has also been demonstrated that renewable energies like wind farms and biofuels ARE in fact economically viable, and that the government is perfectly capable of financing these technologies, even if the pro-oil free market won’t.  

Jul 23, 2012 11:38 AM

Did you not read my post!? Studies show that varying CO2 emissions has a statistical effect on the climate that offsets the combined effect of all other factors. If that were not the case, then promoting policies to reduce CO2 emissions would be irresponsible, as the effects of the policies would simply be eliminated by random fluctuations in the non-anthropogenic factors. Progressives always DO THEIR RESEARCH, and only advocate policies when they have studied the effects until there is no chance of failure.

Currently, top scientists are busy developing an objective measure of the optimality of the climate. Once they have this measure, it is simply a matter of varying CO2 emissions until the optimal climate is achieved for all ecosystems across the planet. 

Jul 23, 2012 3:39 PM

European politicians have shown themselves to be both impotent and indecisive when it comes to pushing for new economic reforms to strengthen the union. It seems that President Herman Van Rompuy is a lone voice pushing for real fiscal and monetary union. President van Rompuy is the father figure of the European Union; a leader who has demonstrated quiet courage and calm stoicism in the face of tremendous economic challenges, and I hope that these immature EU politicians have the wisdom to follow his lead to create the Europe that everybody wants to see. 

Jul 23, 2015 10:31 AM

I would argue that US Treasuries are still very much a safe-haven asset, as they have remained resilient in the face of global economic turmoil. Furthermore, US equities, although on the riskier side, have yielded very consistent returns over the last 6 years. Anyone who has a well-diversified portfolio including US equity indexes and US bonds has done rather well, and is positioned to weather drawdown over the next few years. It's the people who put all their money in gold that are really paying right now - unfortunately these people are going to have to be an example to everyone else about how not to invest!

Jul 23, 2015 11:44 AM

We must be ready as a nation to stand by our Turkish allies, should they need assistance in their operations against Isis. My heart goes out to the innocent Syrians who are caught between Assad and his use of chemical weapons, and ISIS with their extreme form of Islam that in no way represents the beliefs of the average muslim. On the one hand, we must continue to wage war against terrorism in the Milddle East and fight for stability and peace in the region, but at the same time we must be careful not to succum to Islamaphobia and extreme nationalism. We need to work together with our allies to achieve our strategic goals in the Middle East, while fostering a culture of tolerance and multiculturalism at home.

Jul 25, 2012 10:00 AM

US Treasuries are the most reliable safe-haven asset, boasting a 30 year track record. It seems like every day now that the ten year makes a new all time low, much to the astonishment of goldbugs, silverbugs and doomer libertarians. In addition to this stellar track record, US Treasuries are also rated as a tier one safe haven asset, making them a number one choice for banks looking to sure-up their financial statements.

Jul 25, 2012 4:11 PM

I've just got back from a meeting with a prominent committee of Occupy Wall Street activists. After a lengthy discussion and much thought, we decided that we will NOT be supporting this bill. The reasoning behind this decision is that the Federal Reserve does an important job regulating the financial industry, and we feel that any negative attention might damage this institution's ability to continue to do important regulatory work. In addition, the Federal Reserve is unable to pursue it’s dual mandate objectively if congress is interfering with their decision process and loonies like Ron Paul are constantly scrutinizing their every action. 

Jul 25, 2016 12:03 PM

For goodness' sake people! NOT ALL MUSLIMS!!



Jul 25, 2016 12:29 PM


Jul 25, 2016 6:37 AM

This is getting out of hand people!! Our country is spiralling into chaos because conservatives refuse to allow simple sensible gun control laws that would take guns out of the hands of terrorists and criminals and save lives! Even if it saves one life, it's worth it! Lives are more important than ancient documents and the wild west fantasies of right wingers!! It's got to the point where I no longer think we should cower to republicans on this issue and obediently follow the 'law' - Obama needs to ban guns by executive order before he leaves office! I hope to God that we get Hillary in the white house, so that we can put an end to this madness once and for all! I pray every day that she triumphs over the hatred and sexism that is hurled at her every day, and gets the Presidency that she deserves and has fought for, for so many years.


Jul 26, 2011 5:30 PM

Hoenig is in an extreme minority of Fed officials. Most senior officials at our Federal Reserve understand that fiscal stimulus is an essential catalyst for the global recovery.

Jul 26, 2016 12:25 PM

Every day I pray to God and the spirits of the earth to lift Hillary above the hateful and hurtful attacks hurled at her by right wing demagogues. This really is too much for a woman to bare. We need to show compassion and understanding for women, not hate and sexism. America's misogynistic rape culture has reached a tipping point, and I believe the only solution is to elect a woman as President. This is the only way to cure our country of this hate and move forward. A vote for Hillary is a vote for progress, and progress is what this country needs desperately. #PrayForHillary

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 26, 2016 8:37 AM

This article is ignorant. There's a big difference between Trump's wall and Mexico's wall. America is a nation of immigrants, and the border states were stolen from Mexico. Thus, it is hypocritical for America to tell Mexican immigrants simply seeking a better life in the land of their ancestors that they do not have a right to be here. We as white people need to help those less fortunate than us, and give back to the people whom we have wronged. Mexicans are simply protecting the land that they rightfully own.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 26, 2016 8:42 AM

What gives white Americans the right to criticize Mexico, an hispanic country? This article is racist!

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 26, 2016 8:50 AM

Eurocentric history is flawed and racist! Look up alternative forms of history from the people of colors' perspective!

Jul 26, 2016 8:54 AM

I'm so glad to hear that Michael Brown's mother will be speaking at the DNC. She has shown so much strength after her son was gunned down in cold blood with his hands up by a racist white cop. Her voice needs to be heard, and so far only the democrats have been willing to give her a platform to spread her message. We need to completely turn this racist system upside down, and transform it into a system that helps people of color and pays them reparations, rather than locking them behind bars. The only candidate listening to the concerns and dreams of minorities is Hillary Clinton, and a vote for her is the only hope for oppressed groups in America who simply want a better life.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 27, 2015 11:52 AM

This just strengthens my belief that we need to double down on cybersecurity and introduce basic regulations to curb malicious internet activity. The ever more frequent cyberattacks are a clear demonstration of the dangers of excessive internet freedom. Freedom isn't always a good thing - we have to strike a balance between freedom and safety. This is what our founding fathers repeatedly mentioned in our constitution, and we would be wise to listen to them.  

Jul 27, 2015 12:14 PM

I wish we had the guts to do this in our country too. Short sellers bring pain and misery to millions of people, decimating peoples' retirement funds and wiping out investors big and small. There really is no reason why short selling should even be legal - it's financial terrorism pure and simple. And although it may seem benign, the impact of this  financial terrorism is far greater than a regular suicide bomber could ever be. We need to start calling short selling out for what it really is, and start bringing these crooks to justice before they destroy every stock market on the planet.

Jul 27, 2015 12:15 PM


Jul 27, 2016 10:00 AM

I'm not an expert, but I know that Whiteness and White Privilege are both central topics.

Jul 27, 2016 10:07 AM

Russia is currently the biggest threat to world peace and national security, and Trump has consistently failed to acknowledge this threat. Russia's aggressive, expansionist activities in Ukraine, Syria and Georgia have demonstrated a callous disregard for human rights, the sovereignty of other countries, and the objectives of the US, Israel and NATO. Every other presidential candidate understands that Russia is a primary threat that needs to be dealt with harshly and immediately. It is absolutely irresponsible and ignorant of Trump to deny this threat, and this is one of the reasons experts suspect that he and Putin are colluding.   Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 27, 2016 10:10 AM


Trump is the biggest threat to America, and the world. For all we know, he could very well be a spy for the Russians! He's absolutely not elligible to be President!

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 27, 2016 10:17 AM

That's his business - he's not in government anymore. Trump is running for the highest office in the country, and for all we know he could be colluding with the Russians! That's a serious national security issue, and should disqualify him from running!

Jul 27, 2016 10:53 AM

I wish he would assassinate Trump. Someone needs to deal with him now. Trump is so universally hated that Twitter has rightfully ignored the cries from the far-right that it should ban those who call for his assassination. If it were anyone else, I would agree that calling for assassination is wrong. But Trump literally threatens the very existence of a multicultural liberal democracy in America - he has to be stopped! 
Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 27, 2016 11:10 AM

I've been warning for a long time that Islamaphobia would lead to a tragic incident like this. All over Europe, reports of hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise, with Mosques reportedly vandalized, women's Burkas being pulled off their heads, and Muslims being subjected to all kinds of vile harassment and abuse. This has to end now! We pride ourselves on being tolerant in the West! Treating people this way is not part of our culture!

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 27, 2016 11:39 AM

Trump is secretly colluding with Russia! He's a national security risk! He shouldn't be allowed to run!

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 27, 2016 9:30 AM

Why is Europe not assisting these migrants in making a safe journey to their destination? This is what Soros has been saying all along about introducing a sensible system for housing and transporting refugees. It needs to be professional and organized - the EU need to provide safe means of transport and good quality housing, plumbing, central heating and food. America, Canada, Australia and the UK also need to do far more - these western countries are simply not pulling their weight. These are real people we're dealing with, and they deserve better.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 27, 2016 9:57 AM

It's saddening to watch naive silverbugz jump up and down with glee, as silver experiences its final dead cat bounce before the ultimate plunge to fair value at 2 x mining costs. Estimates put mining costs at about $4 an ounce, given that most of the silver mined is a bi-product of other mining. Therefore fair value is currently 2 x $4 = $8. But as any experienced investor will tell you, the price is likely to fall far below fair value before reverting, which means it could easily fall to $5 or less! That's really scary! And this isn't even taking into account the fact that Graphene will soon replace silver in many of its industrial uses!

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 28, 2015 10:29 AM

When I read this, all I want to do is hang these short selling murderers. They're ruining peoples' lives! This didn't even need to happen - everything was going well in the Chinese markets until it was raided by a cabal of hedge funds and a shameful handful of retail investors trying to profit from other peoples' misery. Equities should be a stable long term investment - stock market crashes like this are completely unnatural and preventable. It's just sad that we couldn't sort out this short-selling issue earlier - it would have saved the livelihoods of millions of people.

Jul 28, 2015 12:31 PM

Europe is always ahead of the game when it comes to progressive public policy. This is a perfect example of something that horrifies people, but yet it's absolutely necessary and benefits society as a whole. Here's an honest question for the reactionaries on this thread: What good is it locking up a terrorist after he has already committed an act of terrorism? Answer: not much at all. In fact, all we do by sentencing them is turn them into Martyrs. We need to tackle crime before it happens - this is a logical and necessary evolution in our legal system, and as long as American right-wingers fear these changes, we will continue to lag behind other first world countries in our legal sophistication.

Jul 28, 2015 9:53 AM

I think Barack Obama is undoubtedly the greatest President we have ever had, even ahead of Bill Clinton. His leadership and oratory skills are second to none, his composure and presentation is always strong and professional and his conviction and statesmanship are of the highest standard. His achievements as President have been nothing short of astounding:

  1. We finally have free and fair healthcare in this country
  2. We are in an economic recovery, back from the brink of disaster in 2007, even as other countries suffer economic setbacks
  3. Our housing market is recovering
  4. We are finally starting to introduce sensible firearm restrictions


I honestly don't know how we would have made it through the last 7 years without Obama's leadership. He has been an inspiration to me and to millions of Americans, and his legacy will be remembered for centuries to come. 

Jul 28, 2016 1:32 PM


Jul 28, 2016 1:33 PM

The celebrity line up at the DNC has been nothing short of breathtaking, with Hollywood actors such as Demi Lovato and Paul Simon, and music stars such as Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, all convening to discuss the issues that matter: climate change, gun control, diversity, and education. The DNC has had so much glitz and glamour that I feel kind of sorry for the uptight conservatives at the RNC. They must envy that democrats are able to attract the coolest and most popular stars and TV personalities from across America. You can really feel the buzz in the air - like things are changing for the better. We are going to win this election ... I can feel it.


Jul 28, 2016 8:04 AM

This is very scary. I fear that Germany may be returning to its dark past, when Nazis would raid the houses and businesses of innocent Jews. We must combat Islamaphobia and end this irrational fear that every Muslim is a terrorist. It's racist, hateful and xenophobic, and there is no place for it in a forward thinking, left-wing liberal democracy like modern Germany.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory


Jul 28, 2016 9:42 AM

I'm genuinely worried about Trump's association with a hostile foreign nation. It's a serious national security concern. We need to investigate his ties to Russia, and consider that this may disqualify him from running for the Presidency. Russia is currently America's most significant adversary, and for our President to be secretly allied with Putin is unacceptable and probably illegal.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 28, 2016 9:58 AM

Hillary was exonerated by our FBI Director and Attorney General. It has now been proven after a long investigation, that she Hillary has committed no punishable offense. On the other hand, the Trump University court case is ongoing, so Trump is still pending criminal charges.

Why Everyone needs to Study Critical Race Theory

Jul 29, 2014 10:47 AM

This is bullshit. The federal government needs to introduce risk free loans for people who are suffocating under this oppresive debt. I'm tired of getting caught out by loans that look good at first but later down the line there turns out to be a massive catch like higher interest payments. I want the government to introduce no-interest loans - no bullshit, just easy money.

Jul 29, 2014 10:49 AM

Just introduce no-BS government loans already! It's BULLSHIT that I can't buy the things that I want when other people can get much more

Jul 29, 2016 11:00 AM

Borders are fundamentally racist. Why should some people be able to enjoy the benefits of living in Germany simply because they happened to be born there, yet others are locked out of the rewards of living in a first world country? It's absolutely immoral and unfair.

Accredited Times

Jul 29, 2016 11:39 AM


Jul 29, 2016 11:42 AM

10 reasons why I like Hillary:

  1. She's smart
  2. She's experienced
  3. She's a woman
  4. She's strong on Middle East foreign policy
  5. She stands up to Russia
  6. She supports minorities
  7. She supports gays
  8. She wants to raise the minimum wage
  9. She wants stricter gun control
  10. She wants to help more refugees


Accredited Times

Jul 29, 2016 12:05 PM

The stock market is looking at the big picture, not just GDP, and is pricing in not just the green shoots sprouting in the service sector and elsewhere, but also future economic growth. This stock market rally is testament to the fine job that President Obama has done with the economy. Remember - we were on the verge of total collapse in 2007-2008, and Obama had to deal with the mess that Bush created. It's absolutely phenomenal that we are we where we are today. Obama's legacy will be of saving the economy from one of the worst financial crises in history, and not only delivering a recovery, but delivering one of the greatest stock market rallies in American history.

Jul 29, 2016 8:57 AM

At least the economy is growing, unlike during the financial crisis of 07-08, which was precipitated by lack of regulation under a republican administration. Under Obama, our economy has continued to grow steadily, while our stock market has made new all time highs and interest rates have made record lows. This is not an accident - Obama is an exceptional president who has followed the advice of the world's leading economists. If we want this to continue however, then we simply have to elect Hillary Clinton in November.

Accredited Times

Jul 3, 2012 10:34 AM

The paradigm is shifting. People are waking up and realizing that the only way to progress as a society is to divert more resources to the government. The thought of being 'entrepreneurial' and taking on 'personal responsibility' now fills people with dread. People are now seeing that a world with risks is simply intolerable, and the only compassionate way to organize society is to eliminate risks by trusting infallible political professionals with the right to redistribute wealth as they see fit. A decade ago, a 75% tax rate would have been unacceptable, but today it is welcomed, even by a large number of zerohedge readers. This is progress. The progressive revolution is unstoppable, and there's nothing whiny libertarians can do to stop it.

Jul 3, 2012 11:01 AM

You have shown yourself to be yet another purist libertarian. Silly purist arguments are simply not worth repsonding to. NOT EVERYTHING IS BLACK AND WHITE, some things come in SHADES OF GREY.

Jul 3, 2013 10:54 AM

This is a disgrace. I am absolutely shocked at this decision. Progressives have been fighting for this law for decades, and we want results now. America is living in the 19th century. Europe and Canada are way ahead. America is the only first world country that has not yet implemented a universal health care system. When are we going to join the ranks of forward thinking liberal countries and end health inequality once and for all?

Jul 30, 2015 11:24 AM

This was unfortunately the only honourable choice for Mr. Da Costa. His inflammatory questions were highly inappropriate at a times when our economic recovery is in its early stages and is vulnerable to a drop in confidence. A man of Mr. Da Costa's standing should know this, and his actions demonstrate a complete disregard for the economic wellbeing of this country. I hope this incident servers as an example of how not to ruin your career as a journalist!

Jul 31, 2012 11:52 AM

As the global economic recovery falters, we need to remind ourselves that we live in a GLOBAL economy, and the challenges we face require GLOBAL solutions. The Olympics reminds of this "oneness" by bringing countries together to celebrate the Olympic games and experience the Olympic spirit. It's truly inspirational to see so many countries coming together to do something extraordinary. I can't help feeling that this is a prelude to a new era of global governance and unimaginable global growth. It's frustrating to see so much poverty in the world when so much is possible.

Jul 31, 2012 9:37 AM

It's becoming clear to all but the most ignorant populists that decisions simply have to be made by the European commission and NOT the member states. The member states hav shown themselves to be incapable of civil discourse, and have created a childish playground social dynamic. Germany is the greedy bully that refuses to share, whereas other nation states choose to engage in childish name calling rather than uniting against the German bully to get a fair deal. President Herman Van Rompuy and Commissioner Barroso are the teachers trying desperately to control the classroom and educate these immature children. 

Jul 31, 2015 10:53 AM

It's amusing to watch the ZH readership rant about high frequency trading without any understanding of how it works and why it is so important for our markets. Newsflash: over 50% of equity trading is high frequency, and our markets depend on this liquidity in order to function efficiently. HFT is the  why we can now get instant quotes for thousands of securities in our trading accounts. And it's not only investors traders who benefit from HFT - more efficient markets mean that everyone gets cheaper, higher quality goods and services. High frequency trading is one of the major sources of growth for our economy, and it's disturbing that ZHers actually want to shut it down!

Jul 31, 2015 3:44 PM

The Zerohedge community adheres to a religion of pessimism, even as stocks continue to make all-time highs, and our economy and housing market continue to recover. There is absolutely no denying that we are in a strong recovery - NFPs have been consistently positive, interest rates remain low, and stocks continue to rise. All of these indicators point to a sturdy, unshakeable recovery that continues to chug along despite the perceived 'economic turmoil' in Europe and China. And as our Federal Reserve and government continue to nurture this recovery with monetary and fiscal stimulus, we can expect to see more improvements and a new age of prosperity emerge in America and the rest of the world. So raise your heads, relax your shoulders and smile - you live in the best country in the world on the precipice of untold economic prosperity. Never before have had the opportunity to live under such advanced scientific economic management, and to reap the rewards thereof. This really is, to put it simply, the best time to be alive.

Jul 4, 2012 10:31 AM

It's amusing to me that doomer goldbugs still can't see that US Treasuries are the true safe haven, whereas gold is a risk asset. While gold has  sold off over the last few months, the 10 year yield has been making new all time highs. Furthermore, these record low yields prove that there is simply no inflation, despite the whining from nerdy libertarians, and that our creditors are more eager than ever to build their dollar reserves. I am confused that Goldbugs and Silverbugs reject the safe-haven status of US treasuries despite their 20 year track record.

Jul 4, 2012 10:55 AM

If there is no demand for our Treasuries, then how do you explain the record low rates? This is proof that the world values both the dollar and the full faith and credit of our elected officials more than ever. This has been highlighted yet again by the fierce safe-haven bid for US treasuries during the Eurozone crisis.

Jul 4, 2012 11:06 AM

I agree. This measure wasn't strictly necessary, as the OWS movement is well-meaning and therefore their solutions are guaranteed to have positive outcomes. A predictive analysis of the policies is not required, as good intentions always lead to positive outcomes.

Yes, they did indeed tell us so. The OWS movement has been on the Libor case for many years, and now they are finally being vindicated. I'm glad to see that the Zero Hedge readership is finally waking up and joining the progressive revolution. It seems my efforts to educate readers are finally starting to pay off.

Jul 4, 2012 11:24 AM

"real interest rates on the 2-year today are higher than they averaged during the boom years up to 2007 ... All the Fed’s accommodative action has been almost meaningless"

This is grossly inaccurate. The 2-year yield has risen due to expectations of a renewed operation Twist. The yields on longer dated treasuries will remain low for the foreseeable future due to safe-haven demand from investors, sovereign nations looking to build their dollar reserves AND due to the wise and sensible accomodative actions of our Federal Reserve and congress. I know it's difficult for doomer goldbugs to accept, but it's the truth.

Jul 4, 2012 9:41 AM

The Occupy Wall Street Movement has hired a team of researchers to carry out an extensive investigation to get to the bottom of this scandal. The team carried out an analysis of libor fixings going back over a number of years, and they have now come to the unanimous conclusion that this could have been prevented if the libor fixings had simply been mandated by the state, instead of a few selected investment banks. The reasoning behind this proposal is that while Corporations are motivated by profit and personal gain, government regulators are motivated by solid principles and a selfless commitment to virtue.  

Jul 4, 2016 12:11 PM

Donald Trump represents a rejection of economics, political expertise and science, in favor of sensationalism and quaint notions of populism. It's time for world leaders to stand up to the ignorance of the masses and take charge of the global economy. Democratic rights are granted by those in power, but when those rights are abused by the common man, it is up to the political, economic and social elite to take back control and steer society toward the common good. Today's article at the Accredited Times urges world leaders to take charge of the political process and defend decades of progress from populist uprisings.


Jul 4, 2016 9:09 AM

In celebration of the 4th of July, it is important to remember the limitations of personal freedom, as well as the advantages. Today's article at the Accredited Times urges world leaders to take charge of the political process and shut down the populist uprisings that threaten global peace and prosperity.


Jul 5, 2012 6:00 PM

The new financial system will be a compassionate one. One where consumers are simply not able to make bad choices, because they will be illegal. One where derivatives like options, futures and swaps are a thing of the past, and speculators are tried for their crimes against humanity. A committee of compassionate, caring and selfless regulators will be delegated the responsibility of looking after us, and they will be given the right to 

1. Punish us if we make the wrong choice

2. Reward us for making the right choices

It's essentially a CBT approach. Positive reinforcement for good behaviour, like supporting green technologies, and negative consequences for making choices that contradict the preferences of the regulators. One of the major issues with adult life today is that there are no parents or teachers to guide us and tell us right from wrong. Children have caregivers, but who do adults have? I would argue that the role of the government is to BE OUR PARENTS as adults. This is the ultimate purpose of the progressive revolution.

Jul 5, 2012 7:19 PM

I really liked this article, which highlights the role of “public-private” initiatives in the 21st century:


It’s a great compromise between the left and the right, that can bring everyone together to build practical solutions to social problems. The article examines previously successful public-private initiatives like the emergency financing of General Motors in 2009, and how we could build on this success by mandating green technologies. It’s not about government vs the free market, as libertarians like to characterize it. Government can work WITH corporations to achieve positive outcomes for all Americans. Public-private – who could disagree with that?

Jul 5, 2016 11:10 AM

Hoarding gold and silver should be illegal for retail investors, because it is not a real investment. Non-accredited investors should be forced to put their money in a safe fund managed by a respected investment manager. This would force people to invest in the real economy instead of keeping their capital out of circulation in useless metals. In addition, it would ensure that uneducated investors are protected from making dangerous esoteric investment decisions that lose them money. It would be a win-win for everybody.


Jul 5, 2016 12:07 PM

I agree with the FBI director's decision. This whole supposed 'scandal' was completely overblown and seized upon by conservatives to ruin Hillary's reputation. The nature of this investigation is purely political and only serves to bolster the popularity of fringe political figures like Donald Trump. I'm glad this whole thing is over and done with now so we can get back to the issues that Americans really care about, like keeping healthcare affordable, and increasing the minimum wage for underpaid workers.


Jul 5, 2016 12:09 PM

The whole investigation was unfounded and inappropriate during a presidential election anyway. Get over it ... geeze.

Jul 5, 2016 12:29 PM

If it's so serious then why didn't the FBI director bring any charges? I trust the FBI director because he knows a lot more than I do about these things. I'm not arrogant enough to assume that I know more about security matters than the FBI.

Jul 5, 2016 8:15 AM

This is not even a problem, because these loans can simply be transferred to the ECB, who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Europe's economy. Unfortunately Britain no longer has the protection of the ECB, and thus their economy is in freefall. Let Britain be an example to the rest of Europe of how disastrous leaving the EU truly is. The only path to prosperity in Europe is through European unity, pure and simple.


Jul 5, 2016 8:32 AM

But the Bank of England is much smaller and can only issue pounds, which are soon to be worthless now that Britain has ignited an economic disaster.

Jul 5, 2016 8:41 AM

The UK economy is in free fall! Normally I'd say that property is a guaranteed investment, as I think it is elsewhere, but even that's no longer true in Britain. I told you what would happen if Britain left the EU. Every economic expert, including President Barrack Obama himself predicted that it would be a disaster, and now look - they were right! Let this be a lesson to other European countries thinking of going down this route. It may sound like a great idea to 'take back your sovereignty' and 'make your own trade deals', but when you weight up the economic consequences, it's simply not worth it.


Jul 5, 2016 9:49 AM

You don't believe that the President of the United States of America is an economic expert? I feel sorry for you.

Jul 6, 2012 10:37 AM

It's all about "public-private" initiatives. This is the compromise that we're all looking for. Successful public-private initiatives include:

1. The emergency financing of AIG and General Motors

2. Government financing of green technologies

3. Public hiring of construction contractors to build roads and bridges

4. Congress working with health insurance companies to make sure that everyone gets good quality healthcare

5. The CIA working with companies like GOOGLE to track and monitor potential domestic terrorists

The thing I love about 'PP' initiatives is they appeal to people from all parts of the political spectrum. Let's stop arguing and AGREE on something for once. What kind of public-private schemes do YOU want to see? I want to hear YOUR ideas.

Jul 6, 2012 11:57 AM

I find all this hysteria about libor "manipulation" quite amusing. Libor is set by some of the smartest  people in the world at a few selected top tier investment banks. I would like to see these Zerohedgers actually confront these successful traders in real life. These guys are at the top of their game, and would literally laugh in the faces of spotty Zerohedge computer nerds and pathetic greasy day traders trading a single s&p mini contract.

Jul 6, 2012 6:20 PM

I'm looking forward to another awesome night out this Saturday. Unfortunately for libertarians, if you want to get the best girls you simply have to be a progressive. Nerdy libertarians, uptight rednecks and raving hillbillies just don't stand a chance on the dance floor. Cool girls gravitate toward smart, sensitive and ambitious progressives, not spotty libertarian computer nerds or silverbug preppers with stacks of eagles buried in their back yard in preparation for the 'apocalypse'. Doomer libertarians need to get out more, or they risk becoming completely detached from society and from life. 

Jul 7, 2016 10:19 AM

I'm so glad that Hillary is free from these idiots! I knew they were wrong. It just doesn't make any sense that she could be guilty of something so heinous.


Jul 7, 2016 10:21 AM

It's such a blessing that Hillary is now free from these hideous right-wingers trying to bully her over this inconsequential emails 'scandal'. I feel so relieved for her, and I'm so happy that she no longer has to deal with the stress of this whole debacle, that really is too much for a woman to bear. Now that she has been exonerated, she can get back to running her campaign, and I hope that she will pick up a lot of new supporters now that every educated person knows she is innocent.


Jul 7, 2016 10:22 AM

Will right-wingers ever apologize for being completely wrong about this investigation? I'm not holding my breath ...

Jul 7, 2016 10:43 AM

Totally agree with the professor's sentiments! It doesn't matter how evidence we give conservatives, it doesn't matter how much we reason with them - they just don't give in! Conservatives aren't willing to be reasonable, so why should we? Guns are killing people, and we're told that we can't act because of some constitutional amendment that was written hundreds of years ago? It's madness! Things need to change now, and I don't care what it takes to make it happen!    


Jul 7, 2016 12:12 PM

I think this is just awesome. I'm sick of these macho drivers who relish the feeling of 'being in control'. This constant need to be in control is an ugly side of human nature, and is associated with aggression, testosterone and unstable behavior. We need to learn to 'let go' as a species, and start to relax more. Technology is making our lives easier than ever before, and liberals are embracing it. But uptight conservatives are eternally fearful, and continue to lash out at anything new or progressive.


Jul 7, 2016 12:25 PM

This is an unacceptably racist article! Are you seriously going to only focus on sexual assaults by Muslims? What about the millions of crimes committed by white males all over the world every day! Muslims are an oppressed minority! They are not in a position of power! How can you write an entire article criticizing an already oppressed group!?


Jul 7, 2016 12:27 PM

Muslims are mostly non-white, so this is really just thinly veiled racism. Everybody can see it, so there's not point in hiding it.

Jul 7, 2016 7:17 AM

Yet another casualty of America's lax gun laws. Unfortunately, for as long as America refuses to implement common sense gun laws to restrict access to dangerous firearms, this kind of incident is going continue to happen. And the blood of innocents is on the hands of right-wingers, who stand in the way of these reforms.


Jul 8, 2015 11:08 AM

Yet more proof that capitalism needs regulation. If the IT department at this company had been forced to undergo a comprehensive audit this would never have happened. Liberals keep warning about these risks, but nobody ever listens. 

Jul 8, 2015 11:08 AM


Jul 8, 2015 11:41 AM

I believe there are many opportunities for companies to exploit the social media revolution, as smart phone and tablet usage continues to rise globally. Some estimates predict smart phone ownerwhip to reach 2 Billion people by 2016, which will connect a staggering number of people to the modern economy. All of this spells opportunity for multinationals who will be looking to exploit new internet and mobile marketing channels to improve their bottom lines.

I also see global spending increasing as the consumer gains more confidence and governments align their fiscal policy with spending targets. This will also profoundly improve corporate profits.

Jul 8, 2015 7:56 AM

What did I tell you! Well done Greece! This is the right and sensible decision. You will not regret this. Those who followed my advise and loaded up on Greek bonds prior to this temporary scare will be richly rewarded. It amazes me that the ZH community passes up spectacular opportunities like this over and over again. Do you people like losing money, or are you just financially incompetent?

Jul 8, 2015 8:13 AM

Don't get me wrong - I think Syriza's socialist policies are exactly what Greece needs to rebuild its economy.The Greek people have learnt exactly the right lesson from this disaster - excessive capitalism and an unregulated free market creates wealth inequality and ultimately economic and social disasters. However, the issue I have with leaving the EU is that socialism needs money to get started. The Bolshevisk borrowed many millions of dollars from the western banking system to start the Soviet Union, whereas other socialist countries have raised funds from the sale of government owned natural resources. The lesson is, socialism works, but you need a lot of capital to get it started. This is very important - if you don't have money from outside the socialist system, it won't work.

Jul 8, 2015 8:20 AM

I think the lesson from the recent Chinese equity sell-off is that diversification is key. Everyone should invest their money in a well diversified portfolio that includes a heavy weighting of US treasuries because of their safe-haven status. I'm also surprised that anyone would choose to invest heavily in the Chinese stock market when the US stock market has been showing such excellent returns. We're also at the very beggining of an economic recovery, which is historically a very smart time to buy.  

Jul 8, 2015 8:30 AM

Am I the only one who is relieved at this decision? Greece leaving the Euro would be an absolute disaster. In fact, the consequences would be so dire that it's simply not an option at all. Tspiras made the only sensible decision and I'm glad he did for the sake of the Greek people and the future of the Eurozone. The ECB has offered Greece a practical recovery plan that will allow the Greek economy to re-grow and repay the debt in full. Also, with a committed socialist government in place, the money will be spent building a truly egalitarian society that will put the old Greece to shame. 

Jul 8, 2016 11:35 AM

Lax gun laws are to blame, along with police racism. Both of these issues need to be addressed by the next President. In this particular case I think police racism was the primary cause, as the number incidents in which white policemen have shot innocent blacks has exploded over the last couple of years and has reached a tipping point. We can't expect the black community to show constrain when they literally under siege by racist cops. They have to stand up for each other.

It’s Official – Hillary is Innocent!

Jul 8, 2016 11:59 AM

Well there need to be higher quotas for people of color for a start - far too much of the police force is white. We then need to vet white policemen  more thoroughly to ensure they do not have any racist affiliations such support for Trump etc.

Jul 8, 2016 8:39 AM

OMG! This literally a huge beat! Stocks are going to go wild! Buying and holding the S&P 500 is a strategy that just never stops giving! It's like having a birthday every month. It's time to crack open the champaign for buy and hold equity investors. Bad luck to goldbugz and silverbugz as usual - you guys are having a rough time. I almost feel sorry for you, except you can't say you weren't warned.

It’s Official – Hillary is Innocent!


Jul 8, 2016 8:46 AM

Serves all of you right for betting against America and the global economy. I have absolutely no sympathy for traitors; and hoarding gold and silver is a vote of no confidence in not only America, but the whole of human potential, and is therefore a traitorous act. Gold and silver hoarders are not real investors. They are a sad and cynical cult, with nothing but hatred and resentment for our government, our top companies and our economic experts. Today is a day when those who put their trust in the global economy will be rewarded handsomely, and those who did not believe will take their punishment.  

It’s Official – Hillary is Innocent!


Jul 8, 2016 9:46 AM

I don't understand the people who say there is no fundamental basis for our stock market rally. If you look at the beginning of the stock market rally when Obama saved the economy, you can see that nonfarm payrolls started to tick upward, and have remained positive throughout this recovery. This is a completely organic recovery-driven stock market rally based on the green shoots which continue to sprout up throughout our economy.

It’s Official – Hillary is Innocent!

Jul 8, 2016 9:55 AM

Our service economy is one our biggest employers of young people, so we need it to grow. Stop disparaging the service sector - it's the future ok? And many people choose not to work because they'd prefer to go on welfare and pursue other interests - stop hating on these people ok? It's their right. ZHers really need to grow up and embrace the new economy, because things are never going back to the way they were. The manufacturing days are over - China is better and smarter at this than we are. Americans are better at services, and this is where our future lies. A lot of our population also doesn't have the will or energy to work, and that's also fine. We pay taxes in order to live in a society in which people don't have to work, and some people choose to take advantage of this. More power to them I say.

It’s Official – Hillary is Innocent!

Jul 9, 2012 10:19 AM

Jamie Dimon earns millions a year and gets to take vacation whenever he wants, so why can't average people ALSO earn millions and get more paid vacations? That's all liberals are asking. But of course libertarians always support the 1% and don't let 99%ers have anything.

Jul 9, 2012 6:10 PM

The sad reality is that the precious metals bubble has popped and silverbugs and goldbugs are now going to have to learn REAL investing, instead of just ‘stacking’ blocks of shiny metal. Goldbugs are now going to have to learn how to construct a mean-variance optimized equity portfolio with the little capital they still have left. If only doomer goldbugs had bought treasuries, they might have had a little more to invest.

Jul 9, 2015 10:59 AM

Racism against blacks in America is at an all time high, and it has to stop. The white patriarchy has dominated America and oppressed minority groups and women since the founding of this country. I'm ashamed to call myself an American when I look at the despicable privelaged white middle class that happily exploits the third world and enjoys the riches of colonialism. White America's gun-loving culture also sickens me, and is a clear sign of their lack of morals and concern for the safety of their fellow Americans.

Jul 9, 2015 10:59 AM


Jul 9, 2015 11:20 AM

Well did you know that over 100 children die in America every year from firearm accidents? But I suppose your right to walk around with a gun and look tough is more important than the lives of children. 

Jul 9, 2015 11:23 AM

White history is a story of privelage and exploitation. If you knew more about how terrible the legacy of colonialism and slavery was, you wouldn't hold your head so high. History books are full of the supposed great achievements of white men - we need to re-write history to include the achievements of other people and cultures, and tone down this excessive white patriotism. 

Jul 9, 2015 11:28 AM

I've always had an underscore.

Jun 1, 2012 9:48 AM

WOW - the ten year just hit 1.4870%! The flight to safety is on! This is a good oportunity for goldbugs to get out of thier losing positions and get into US treasuries while they can. It's still not too late for goldbugs - this yield is going a LOT lower!

Jun 1, 2013 4:10 PM

The problem with the zerohedge mantra about saving and investing simply isn't supported by modern economics. There is too much information out there for me to gain a complete understanding of economics,, so I need to listen to the professionals. And unfortunately for libertarians, the professionals universally support more government intervention in the economy.

Jun 1, 2016 8:36 AM

The new format of this website is completely unprofessional, and indicates that the Zerohedge management is totally out of touch with their readers. I demand higher standards for presentation, as it is only by presenting the information on this site in a clear and pleasant manner, that we are able to effectively promote our shared ideals of fairness, equality and human progress. 

Jun 10, 2013 9:24 AM

I'm encouraged by the consistent performance of the S&P 500. This indicates that the collective wisdom of investment professionals and money managers around the world sees continuous long term growth the US economy. Also, the consistently weak VIX indicates that "tail risks" are in fact not a risk at all but rather a fantasy of masochistic zerohedgers.

Jun 10, 2015 9:12 AM

Bill Gross has been harping on about a bond bubble for almost a decade now, and interest rates are still at all time lows!! He still doesn't get that US treasuries simply can't go down. If the US economy gets better, our bonds become more attractive, and rates will fall further. If we or the world experience economic an setback, then investors will pile into US treasuries for their proven safe-haven status. There simply is no situation under which bonds can go down. They're a guaranteed profit. 

Jun 10, 2016 1:09 PM

None of those are wars. Libya was a peaceful intervention in order to support the rebels who were having their human rights trampled by Gadaffi. And now she's standing up for the Syrian people who are suffering at the hands of a brutal dictator Assad. It's about HUMAN RIGHTS, not war! And Ukraine is Russia's fault!

Jun 10, 2016 11:18 AM

I honestly don't understand why you keep attacking Hillary. Did she make some mistakes in the past? Sure, but who hasn't. Whatever she's done, Trump has done far worse - I mean for crying out loud, there's a new scandal involving Trump almost every week now, whether it's another racist or sexist remark, corruption, or lying! Do you really want this buffoon as your President? Hillary has a sensible balanced set of policies that appeal to most moderate Americans. She's not extreme, just sensible. A vote for Hillary is a vote for stability and professionalism. Hillary has extensive experience at the highest levels of politics, and has what it takes to manage this country and protect our economic recovery. A vote for Trump is a vote for chaos and disaster.

Jun 10, 2016 11:23 AM

Not one out of Americas's 43 Presidents has been a woman, and look at the disasters the world has had to endure! It's time for a change people. We need a woman in office. If the world was run by women, there would be no more war or conflict, no more economic crashes, and no more poverty! Men have had their chance, and have failed miserably, now it's women's turn to run things.

Jun 10, 2016 11:44 AM

Yeah right ... I don't believe this 'study' for a second! Everybody knows that conservatives are paranoid lunatics and uptight uncool old people stuck in the past. Liberals are cool and are up with the latest fashions and trends. Liberals have style, intelligence, open-mindedness, flexibility and social influence. That's why we're winning and conservatives are dying out rapidly. America is now majority liberal, and there's no country on earth anymore that is majority conservative, because people want to be us, and for obvious reasons - it's cool, compassionate and sensible to be liberal, and it's just plain wrong and ugly to be a conservative.  

Jun 11, 2012 10:38 AM

Quit the whining - this makes perfect sense to me. Why should Bernanke buy treasuries when rates are at all time lows? It makes far more sense to monetize other assets, particularly stocks and mortgage backed securities, in order to stimulate the economy.

Jun 11, 2012 11:56 AM

This doomer fear mongering is just extension of the backlash against reasonable state controls on the movement of people and capital. Being anti-TSA, anti-DHS etc. was cool for a while, but now it's just getting lame. The new youth get that we need to take measures against terrorism, foreign and domestic, and while it may have been trendy to be against it, it's become immature and annoying.  

Jun 11, 2012 12:25 PM


If really want to know, my preferred attire for around the house and out and about is a "forever lazy":


Yes, I'm not afraid to admit it. Forever Lazy's are a smart convenient way to keep warm without the hassle of regular clothes. I'm always ahead of the curve - never afraid to adapt to new fashions, regulations or state-controls. I'm part of a new generation of American citizens - Smart, Patriotic, and willing to make sacrifices in order to be a responsible citizen, even when those sacrifices involve social disapproval or scornful attacks.

Jun 11, 2013 1:05 PM

For a long time, libertarians have influenced dissociated youths with their rebellious rhetoric and nihilistic flare, but the tide has turned. Working for the government is finally cool, and this is making libertarians very worried.

Jun 12, 2013 4:02 PM

It's funny to watch ZH computer nerds squirm as they indulge in fantasies about how the NSA is watching their every move. The NSA couldn's care less about a bunch of greecy day traders and hillbilly prepper losers since they have absiolutely no power in society. That said, the government is worried about potential domestic terrorists, but since ZHers claim to have no criminal intentions, they have nothing to worry about. Just give up the anti-government and anti-Federal Reserve game and you'll be fine. It's getting kinda lame anyway.

Jun 12, 2013 5:01 PM

This is why the public shouldn't be allowed to vote on issues trhey don;t understand. Do average Americans really understand the threat of cyberterrorism? Of course not. Decisions that require a detailed understanding of modern cyberwarfare should be left to experts at the CIA and the Pentagon.

Jun 13, 2012 10:21 AM

Sorry to break it to libertarians, but this whole fiasco PROVES that deregulation simply does not work. Some decisions need to be delegated to government regulators, who have selflessly dedicated their lives to HELPING people, and NOT to selfishness. It is a statistical fact that government regulators are

1. Capable of making smarter and more objective decisions than business leaders, as their decisions are not distorted by the profit motive

2. Far more trustworthy than greedy profiteers and industrialists, since they have chosen to join the government rather than the dog-eat-dog free market

And don't give me this nonsense about letting consumers decide which businesses to support with their spending choices, that simlpy won't work. Consumers need to be forced to make the right choices, by specialists and professionals in the industry. That is the only way to guarentee that there is no corruption.

Jun 13, 2012 10:42 AM

This is a well known fact. These facts are are so self-evident, that most liberals will assume them without stating them explicitly. I am going the extra mile to educate ignorant libertarians on the reasoning behind government regulations. Also, in the unlikely case that a regulation is unjust, the President can simly override it by executive order, so there is no justficiation for whining whatsoever.

Jun 13, 2012 11:41 AM

Libertarians often use "alternative" figures in their arguments about economic issues. What they don't tell you however, is that these statistics such as those produced by people like 'John Williams' of 'Shadow Stats', DEVIATE HUGELY from official government figures. That's why their arguments seem reasonable, but the reality is that they just propaganda.

Jun 13, 2012 3:17 PM

The thing that amazes me is that to this day, NOT A SINGLE GERMAN OFFICIAL has opologized for causing this mess. Germany's predatory lending promised retirees comfortable retirements and government workers secure and well paying jobs, and now Merkel is just heartlessly taking it all away.

Jun 13, 2016 10:03 AM

We can't jump to rash conclusions about all Muslims simply because of one incident! On the one hand, conservatives are preventing sensible gun legislation that could have prevented this tragedy, and then they're using the tragedy to blame all Muslims! It's an outrage!

Jun 13, 2016 10:17 AM

It's still a tiny percentage of the Muslim population! Stop trying to use the actions of a few to justify your hatred of an entire oppressed community! Typical white attitude!

Jun 13, 2016 7:27 AM

Here's a question for die-hard gun loving conservatives: how many more people need to die before we introduce sensible gun legislation like the rest of the world? Conservatives would rather make this about immigration, when the real issue is that this gunman was able to get his hands on a deadly weapon designed to kill people. There is no reason to own a gun in the 21st century when we have a well equipped police force ready to help us as and when we need them. Conservatives who continue to defend gun culture are inexcusable!

Jun 13, 2016 8:52 AM

There is truly an industrial revolution occurring in the tech industry with titans like Facebook, Linkedin and Netflix soaring past all expectations. Investors in this sector are reaping obscene profits, while others worry about a potential 'market crash'. Technology is always a good investment, because no matter the state of the economy, technology is always transforming and adapting to serve peoples' needs. People who shun this sector simply don't understand the internet and social media revolution, and in my opinion they need to with get with it, or get out of the way.

Jun 13, 2016 9:00 AM

The tech industry is also primarily serving Millenials who don't fit into tradition employment roles, by providing them with job opportunities that don't require excessive manual labor or social interaction. Millenials also 'get' the tech revolution, and many are keen to have cool tech companies in their portfolios, rather than morally questionable coal and mining companies for example.  

Jun 13, 2016 9:14 AM

It's unacceptable that conservatives are using this isolated and rare incident to incite hatred against all Muslims, the vast majority of whom are kind, peace-loving people. There has been a shocking rise in Islamaphobia in recent months in part due to Trump's unacceptable racist comments. We have to stop Islamaphobia now before the world falls into fascism! This hate needs to stop now!

Jun 13, 2016 9:34 AM

No! The fascists are the ones creating a Nazi Germany 2.0  in which Muslims are the new Jews!

Jun 14, 2012 3:15 PM

If the Greek anti-bailout parties win the election this weekend, all hell will break lose. THe stability of the global financial system isliterally at stake. It is the duty of every responsible Greek citizen to do their part and vote either Socialist or ND, or they will be to blame for the chaos that ensues. 

Jun 14, 2012 8:57 AM

I hope it's now clear to all that capitalism has FAILED. Deregulation of the economy simply does not work because, contrary to libertarian dogma, government regulators are more trustworthy and capable at making business decisions than the business owners themselves. Consumers are neither equiped not entitled to make choices about how to spend their money. The government needs to protect consumers from harm by watching out for the little guy.

Jun 14, 2012 9:04 AM

The most logical solution to this problem is to place heavier regulations on hedge funds who are placing ridiculusly unfair valuations on government bonds, and banking stocks. In addition to "short selling", hedge funds also engage in credit default swap contracts with willing counterparties (who are equally to blame) which are triggered in the event of a default - TOTALLY CRIMINAL. Yet another dirty trick played by speculators at the expense of hard working and innocent people.

Jun 14, 2016 10:57 AM

The world's foremost economic experts, including bank of England Govenor Mark Carney, President Barrack Obama, and various executives at Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, have warned against the dire economic consequences for Britain if they were to leave the EU. This decision really shouldn't even be left to the British public, as the implications are far beyond their comprehension. This is a decision that should be left to experts in government and their advisors. I know it's not popular to be against referendums, but referendums cannot be held on every issue, especially when the stakes are so high, and the considerations are so complex. 

Jun 14, 2016 12:10 PM

Are you kidding me? He's President of the United States of America! Under President Obama, we've experienced 7 years of economic recovery following one of the worst financial crises in US history. This alone makes him the best economic president in US history, hands down. His economic record is absolutely categorically unmatched. 

Jun 14, 2016 12:19 PM

This is why everyone should have at least 20% of their portfolio in US treasuries. US treasuries are the ultimate safe-haven hedge, with a track record of outperforming during all manner of economic turmoil, from stock market crashes to wars. What's more, US bonds have steadily appreciated over the last 30 years, as interest rates have fallen, so not only are they the most effective hedge, they're also the most cost effective. Having said that, I think most of the 'volatility' in the S&P will be to the upside, and fears of a market crash are completely overblown.

Jun 14, 2016 12:57 PM

For goodness sake, when are we going to finally accept modern gun laws in America, so we don't have to suffer the agony of a mass shooting every single month?! This is getting out of hand! There is an EPIDEMIC of gun violence in this country, and conservatives are standing in the way of saving thousands of lives every year!!

Jun 14, 2016 7:58 AM

Take a good look people - these are the consequences for Donald Trump's insensitive remarks about Muslims, and the constant mockery and hatred of Islam emanating from the right. This is why we have political correctness! To prevent right wingers from offending people who will retaliate like this. Why do the right have to engage in hate speech!? Why can't they just leave people alone?!

Jun 14, 2016 8:07 AM

No! Can't you see that the problem is hate? Why are you right wingers so hateful?

Jun 15, 2012 10:13 AM

Again, as a subjectivist, I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing. A conumer confidence miss could be either good or bad. Everything is relative.

Jun 15, 2012 3:11 PM

This is way too conspiratorialistic. JP Morgan profited from a smart trade. Simple as that. Why do ZHers have to make everything into a conspiracy?

Jun 15, 2012 3:55 PM

It's not even supported by proper facts or statistics. This conspiratorialistic story has not featured on ANY established television network. Is it on CNN? No. CNBC? No. MSNBC? Lol - this is too easy. If this is such a big story, how do you explain the fact that it hasn't featured on any of these respected channels.

Jun 15, 2012 9:23 AM

Amazing! The ten year is trading at a yield of 1.59%! And there's a lot more to come during the Greek elections. The market has made a bold statement over the last few months. Namely that US treasuries are the true safe-haven, and that gold is not only NOT a safe-haven, but it is a RISK ASSET.

Jun 15, 2012 9:38 AM

Reasons why Greece CANNOT be allowed to leave the Euro:

1. This would cause a loss of confidence sovereign credit throughout the EU, which will seriously damage the balance sheets of some of the world’s largest Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)

2. If Greece is allowed to leave the Euro, it will set a precedent for insolent populism which will lead to ignorant EU voters demanding "referendums" on issues they simply do not understand

3. According to President Sarkozy (former President of France), a Euro breakup is highly likely to cause war between the currently unified member states

President Van Rompuy has his hands full this weekend, but I trust that he will succeed in building a foundation for a stronger more unified Europe, REGARDLESS of the outcome of the Greek 'elections'.

Jun 15, 2016 10:21 AM

Brexit is nothing short of an act of economic terrorism. It threatens not only the stability of Europe, but the peace and stability of the entire globe. The US cannot simply stand by while Britain threatens to detonate this economic atom bomb - we have to be willing to aggressively quell this economic threat, even if it requires military force. I urge other nations to join us in pressuring Britain to cancel this referendum, as many have warned that the economic consequences of a Brexit will be so dire that millions of lives around the world are at stake. We must be bold and assertive, and let Britain know that we will not tolerate a decision that threatens our economy and national security. 

Jun 15, 2016 10:33 AM

Trump is far more dangerous than so-called 'Islamic Terrorism'. What he is proposing will ignite a civil war in this country, and create divisions that can never be repaired. As Hillary stated, it is completely inappropriate to denigrate the entire Muslim community over a handful of extremists. Doing so creates a culture of intolerance and hate, in which privileged groups feel justified in disparaging those less fortunate than them, and denying them the same opportunities that our country has afforded only to a small demographic for most of its history. We have to promote a culture of tolerance and understanding, that promotes the interests of all people, but especially those who are systematically oppressed in society. If you share this vision for a better America, then vote Hillary in November, and help us avert the chaos and despair that a Trump presidency would bestow upon us. 

Jun 16, 2016 10:07 AM

Most of the Brexit advocates are right wing extremists! Do average Brits really want to be associated with this dangerous cult of domestic terrorists? People with a heart and a brain need to rethink their voting decision before they decide to give this vile cult what they want! 

Jun 16, 2016 11:47 AM

The last time this happened in 2012, I made a buy recommendation for Italian and Greek bonds, and those who listened to me were rewarded with triple digit returns. Today's tumoil in Peripheral debt is another one of those rare opportunities that can make you rich with very little risk. The ECB is guarenteeing the liabilities of all EU member states, so this really is a no-brainer. Stop dreaming of getting rich - today is the day when you can take things into your own hands and finally make those dreams a reality.

Jun 16, 2016 9:37 AM

5 Facts about the economy that prove that we are in a recovery:

1. The S&P 500 is trading over 2000 and probing new all time highs

2. Interest rates are at all time lows

3. The percentage of Americans without health insurance has declined from 18% to 13% following the Affordable Care Act

4. Record number of college educated Americans

5. Venture capitalists investing record amounts in innovative silicon valley startups 

Jun 16, 2016 9:50 AM

This is the kind of terrorism that we've learned to expect from right wing extremists that constantly rail against respected government officials and business professionals. Unfortunately this extremist was not apprehended for his outlandish views earlier, and if he had been this tragic incident could have been averted. Government officials have to get wise to the threat of right-wing domestic terrorism now, before more lives are lost. Views that make false allegations against reputable government officials and corporate leaders should not and cannot be tolerated in a peaceful first world democracy. Law enforcement needs to proactively profile and detain people who resemble a potential right wing terror threat, if we want our children to grow up in a safe and peaceful environment. 

Jun 17, 2015 9:59 AM

I understand exactly why yellen outed this reporter for his completely innapropriate question. World leaders are sick and tired of conspiracy theorists. This is a critical point history and world leaders are working day and night to fix the economy and put us on the right track. We don't need conspiracy theorists interfering with this process and undermining our government and Federal Reserve at this critical time. I agree with UK Prime Minister David Cameron when he said that we will no longer ignore outlandish conspiracy theories and leave people alone simply because they are 'following the law'. Being a good citizen is about more than just following the law - you also need to respect the values and institutions that protect and uphold our society and our freedom, and those who try to undermine it should be punished accordingly. 

Jun 17, 2016 12:06 PM

Merkel is right. It is absolutely clear that this murder was motivated by extreme right wing views, and thus nationalists and separatists bear some responsibility for this tragedy. Brexit advocates need to cool their rhetoric and start thinking about the consequences of spreading their hateful right-wing agenda.

Jun 17, 2016 12:12 PM

I've noticed that the word "terrorism" is often used by closet racists to denigrate Muslims without doing so explicitly. I think we should think twice before using the word "terrorism" because a lot of Muslims view that word as discriminatory and an unfair insinuation. In the interest of politeness and tolerance, those of us who know better should stop using the word altogether, and consider how it might make other people feel.

Jun 17, 2016 12:28 PM

No, I'm just a reader like you, with maybe slightly different views than others on this site. If you cannot tolerate differing opinions, then maybe you need to go to a blog that doesn't allow diversity of thought.

Jun 17, 2016 8:00 AM

This cold-blooded murder of a mother of four children, simply for her passion for European unity, reveals the ugly core of right-wing nationalism and those behind the Brexit campaign. It is absolutely inappropriate and insensitive to promote Brexit after this tragic incident, and in my opinion the Brexit campaign needs to apologize for inciting the kind of hatred that ultimately led to this tragic murder. 

Jun 17, 2016 8:42 AM

It is not only the right, but the duty of mainstream media outlets to promote the candidate that they believe is most competent and deserving of the Presidency. It would be utterly immoral for a media outlet to give 'fair' coverage to candidates who threaten the peace and stability of our nation, and seek to disrupt the political process in ways that could permanently damage our liberal democracy. The duty of every media outlet is to promote the common good of the American people, using every tool available to them Those who control influential media platforms have the power to shape America politically and socially. It is up to those blessed with this privilege to use their influence for good, by promoting peace, tolerance and equality, and to protect America from radical ideologies that if given a platform, threaten to destroy America as we know it.

Jun 17, 2016 9:25 AM

Just put yourself in the media's shoes for a moment. If you are presented with a candidate who repeatedly espouses racist and xenophobic views, is it not your responsibility to warn the general public of this candidate's alarming tendencies, so that viewers are able to avoid making a regretful voting decision? Similarly, if one candidate stands head shoulders above the rest, both in terms of political experience and vision for the country, is it not your responsibility to present this candidate as the default choice to viewers who may not have the political savvy to discern which of the candidates is most politically competent? 

Jun 18, 2012 11:16 AM

Contrary to libertarian dogma, the global economic slowdown was NOT caused by people who voted to borrow money against future generations. This is a lie propagated by the super-rich (the 1%) and adopted by sycophantic libertarians. The problem is, very few people understand that the true cause of this crisis was Credit Default Swaps

Here's the secret that the rich don't want you to know:

A Credit Default Swap (or CDS) is a two party OTC agreement, in which the issuer receives a series of payments in return for insuring an underlying asset against default. These CDS agreements occur within dark TOTALLY UNREGULATED OTC market without ANY oversight by smart, well-meaning regulators who have dedicated their lives to looking out for the little guy. This is the cause of the crisis, and therefore I refuse to take ANY responsibility for the debt.

Jun 18, 2012 12:05 PM

And once again, Europe's modest leader, President Herman Van Rompuy has received no credit whatsoever from the ungrateful European whiners. If Thatcher was the iron lady, then surely Van Rompuy is the wooden man: a President of understated and modest charisma, grounded in sturdy principles, with a solid commitment to his vision for Europe. President Rompuy will go down in history as one of the most underappreciated leaders of the modern world. It's sad that in today’s political environment, wisdom, commitment and passion is not accepted as a substitute for political charm and cheap sound bites.

Jun 18, 2012 6:04 PM


I was watching Saturday Night Live last week, when it occurred to me just how isolated and uncool libertarians really are. Here I am, feeling part of a community with awesome TV personalities and hilarious witty TV hosts, while lonely doomer libertarians cry about ridiculous end-of-the-world conspiracy theories. It’s quite sad really. Here’s just a small list of cool people that are vehemently opposed to libertarianism:


Brad Pitt


George Clooney


Angelina Jolie


Snoop Dogg

I feel sorry for libertarians. Not only are wrong about economics and morality, but they are also uncool.


Jun 18, 2012 7:17 AM

This was the right decision. The older generations of Greek citizens have led the young by offsetting their misguided votes for anti-bailout parties like Syriza. These older people are wise - they understand what got Greece into this situation in the first place (Credit Default Swaps and short sellers of government debt), and now they are going t osupport the changes necesary to restore prosperity to Greece once again.

Jun 18, 2013 10:00 AM

This pension disaster is a typical example of how CORPRO-CAPITALISM destroys a country. How many more disasters do we have to endure before people wake up and opt for a fairer and more equal society where the poor and sick are taken care of and the billionares pay their fair share?

Jun 18, 2013 9:41 AM

Why don't we just bite the bullet now and introduct a fixed global levy of 10% on all bank depositS? This is the only solution which is going to create long term stability in the global banking system. And for those of you who think it's "theft", let me remind you that all of the money raised from the Cyprus levy was invested in Tier 1 banking equity.

Jun 18, 2013 9:43 AM

It's becoming increasingly obvious that we need a global central bank. This, coupled with a one time FIXED levy on all bank deposits, is the only way to guarentee long term stability in the banking system.

Jun 18, 2015 10:07 AM

It warms my heart when billionares such as George Soros choose to dedicate themselves to charitable and philanthropic causes. It would be so easy for someone in George Soros' position to use their power and resources to further their own interests, but instead he uses his influence to steer the world towards peace and prosperity. He is also particularly active in the third world, which is very much needed, since these countries lack economic guidance and expertise. I wish congress would pay more attention to prominent philanthropists such as Soros, because we all stand to benefit from their wealth of experience and deep understanding of geopolitical and socio-economic issues.

Jun 18, 2015 11:19 AM

Greek bonds are an absolute bargain right now. When Greece comes crawling back to the EU with its tail between its legs, a deal will be struck and Greek bonds will soar. Remember, when you buy bonds you're not only getting capital gains, you're getting frequently compounded cashflows too. Peripheral bonds are the wise investor's choice - the layman is afraid, but the experienced investor knows that the best bargains are to be found in times of distress.

Jun 19, 2012 11:22 AM

It's about time that EU officials stood up to these rogue rating agencies. For months now, these agencies have been consistently downgrading the credit of perfectly solvent sovereigns and banks  It was only after the rating agencies and the hedge funds (the 1%) launched their assault on unfortunate countries like Spain and Protugual that this crisis escalated. Finally the people are waking up.

Jun 2, 2014 10:14 AM

This might be perceived as bad taste, but the economic results of this conflict could be very positive for both Ukraine and Russia. Government spending has sharply increased in both countries since the beginning of this conflict, which is already reflecting in GDP. I'll be very interested to see the growth figures for these countries as the battle progresses. 

Jun 20, 2012 11:40 AM

More libertarian propaganda ... Don't you morons know ANYTHING about marxism!?? Just because it supposedly failed in the past (another libertarian lie), doesn't mean it can't work in the future. History and political science professors at top academic institutions across America have studied the mistakes made in China and Russia, and these will never be made again. This time, central economic planners know exactly how to allocate resources efficiently for maximum prosperity, liberty and freedom.

Jun 20, 2012 9:03 AM

I know! Pretty cool huh? The G20 is really getting their campaign together. I just wish their policies were as strong as thier image.

Jun 20, 2013 1:45 PM

Humor aside, I think the nobel prize winning economist Dr Paul Krugman is the perfect replacement as Fed Chairman. During the global economic slowdown, Paul Krugman has provided his readers and other economic scholars with invaluable insight into the key structural issues in the global economy, and the need for a stronger and more targeted monetary policy. In my opinion he is the perfect combination of economic genius and humble down to earth companion. Who else can claim to be both a Nobel prize winning economist and a humble blogger who touches readers all over the world with his wry humor and personal anecdotes? This is exactly the type of person we need as Fed Chairman.

Jun 21, 2012 10:09 AM

This is just an initial list. We have other ideas too.

  1. Eliminate college tuition fees, making a college education free for all Americans
  2. Increase the mandatory time required in school to 25 years, to improve the average level of education and help the economy
  3. Increase funding for education, and allow teachers' unions to have more control over how the money is spent
  4. Give unions the right to legally determine their own wages
  5. If you earn over $500,000, then the excess should be taxed at 95% to help the social good

The revolution is here, and nobody can stop us. We're smart, young and open-minded, and bursting with groundbreaking ideas that have never been tried before. If you can't feel the buzz in the air, then you must be dead. Get with the progressive revolution and get on the right side of history.

Jun 21, 2012 9:33 AM

The sluggish pace of the economic recovery in America is absolutely unacceptable, and it's time to take action. Join the Occupy Wall Street movement by supporting the following policy initiatives: 


  1. Ban non-governmental credit ratings
  2. Tax the rich 90% to fund government programs to help the poor
  3. End wage-disparity by tripling the minimum wage
  4. Provide guaranteed government jobs for all unemployed Americans
  5. End "free trade" once and for all by making outsourcing illegal and banning imported goods

These are some simple, practical solutions to our problems, grounded in reason and evidence, which are GUARENTEED to lead to a fair, peaceful and prosperous future. The occupy wall street movement has done its research, and they are 100% confident that these solutions will produce the desired effect. There is simply no room for disagreement, so we will not be answering nit-picking questions from libertarians and other right-wing interests.

Jun 21, 2013 11:53 AM

Good thing I always keep 33% of my assets in US dollars. My portfolio consists of what I call the Iron Trifecta: One third US bonds, one third US equities and one third US dollars. No matter what happens, my portfolio is hedged, allowing me to invest confidently within these asset classes.

Jun 21, 2013 11:58 AM

I'm planning to hold my treasuries to maturity anyway, so why should I care about falling bond prices?

Jun 22, 2012 5:16 PM

I was disappointed at the lack of decisiveness at the G2012. This was a real opportunity to discuss groundbreaking economic reforms, and to my dismay, absolutely no significant policy initiatives were forthcoming. In a way though, I can understand. These politicians must be incredibly frustrated that they have to pass legislation at the national level, when global challenges clearly require global legislation. It's time for a new world order. We need to understand that the only way forward is to allow policies to be both set AND enforced on a GLOBAL level, in conjunction with a global currency and global central bank. The time for change is here. Support the PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION in 2012.

Jun 22, 2012 5:32 PM

That's a good question. Initially, it should be headed by a selection of professors from top academic institutions. Preference would be given to those who also had prior experience at top financial institutions and/or experience in government. In the longer term however, educational academies would be set up with the task of selecting the best and brightest financial minds a an early age and training them at an elite level. These children will be the next generation of world leaders.

Jun 22, 2016 10:33 AM

Turkey is a beautiful country with a rich cultural history. What exactly is the disadvantage of having the ability to live and work in this wonderful country?


Jun 22, 2016 10:57 AM

It's ironic that Trump's nickname for Hillary is 'crooked', when she has one of the most established careers in politics in America. If Hillary really was as crooked as Trump claims, then surely she wouldn't have lasted the scrutiny of the media for over two decades? Trump has only been in the game for a couple of months and already he's involved in multiple scandals. This is a tough game, and of course Hillary isn't perfect, but she's proven herself to be a resilient and competent politicians in one of the longest political careers in US history. That's the kind of experience we need in the white house.



Jun 22, 2016 11:20 AM

The anti-Semitic rhetoric among many conservatives and libertarians only reveals the parallels between today's far-right, and the Nazi party. Israel is our most valued ally because it is the ONLY DEMOCRACY in the Middle East. That's why we need to protect them no matter what. What don't you understand about this? This country is built on Judeo-Christian values, not Christian values, and thus we have a responsibility to protect and defend Israel come hell or high water.  


Jun 22, 2016 11:32 AM

Here's why I like the idea of the European Union ... I like multiculturalism. I like to think that cultures can work together to create progress in the world. I like to think that we can have a world without borders, without men with guns telling poor people that they shouldn't have access to first world economies just like privileged first-worlders do. I like to think that together people are stronger, and that divided they are weaker. I like to think that we have moved beyond nationalism and capitalism, and that the world hungers for something more than patriotism and profit. If you agree, and you're eligible to vote tomorrow, you know that the only logical choice is to remain in the EU, and continue to build the Europe that every sane and compassionate person wants to see.


Jun 22, 2016 11:32 AM

Here's why I like the idea of the European Union ... I like multiculturalism. I like to think that cultures can work together to create progress in the world. I like to think that we can have a world without borders, without men with guns telling poor people that they shouldn't have access to first world economies just like privileged first-worlders do. I like to think that together people are stronger, and that divided they are weaker. I like to think that we have moved beyond nationalism and capitalism, and that the world hungers for something more than patriotism and profit. If you agree, and you're eligible to vote tomorrow, you know that the only logical choice is to remain in the EU, and continue to build the Europe that every sane and compassionate person wants to see.


Jun 22, 2016 8:37 AM

The rise of the far right, xenophobia and Islamaphobia is very scary. Moderates and liberals must band together to defeat this threat in order to preserve decades of progress made by progressives in the West. A big part of this is making sure that tomorrow's referendum result is remain, as the EU is the best path to European progress. Today's article at the Accredited Times lists the reasons why remaining in the EU is the only sensible choice for Britain:


Jun 22, 2016 8:52 AM

Yes, definately. A common currency allows the EU to conduct monetary policy effectively across the whole of the EU. All countries within the EU should share the same monetary policy, to promote stable, predictable markets.

Jun 22, 2016 8:56 AM

Excuse me? I believe it was the far-right NAZIs that were carrying out these atrocities, not the left. The Nazis were fascists, and fascism is on the right not the left. Hitler hated non-Germans, just as the right hates immigrants today. He also hated Jews, just as many on the far-right do today. The parallels are obvious.

Jun 22, 2016 9:32 AM

Attention British liberals and progressives: The time has come to protect European progress from the far-right who seeks to close Britain's borders and turn a blind eye to thousands of destitute refugees. Vote remain in tomorrow's referendum, and secure the future for Britain and Europe. If you're not convinced, then read today's article at the Accredited Times, which explains why remaining is the only logical choice for Brits:


Jun 22, 2016 9:54 AM

I am actually of the opinion that this referendum shouldn't have been offered. It's simply not an appropriate issue for the British public to vote on, as all accredited economists agree that a 'leave' decision would be catastrophic for the British and European economies. This is a case when leaving economic decisions to the public leads to very bad policy.



Jun 23, 2015 12:17 PM

I think this bill is an encouraging step in the right direction. We can no longer deny that we live in a globalized economy, and our legislation needs to be updated accordingly. We must not succumb to protectionism and nationalism - global integration is vital in the globalized modern economy and if we fail to breach international trade barriers, we risk being left behind in the next wave of global economic growth.

Jun 23, 2016 10:10 AM

God bless the queen, and god bless Great Britain. What I love about Brits is that unlike Americans, they trust experts and stay informed by listening to their media. Americans think they're smart by rejecting established expert opinions and the media, but British people understand that the BBC is one of the most trustworthy and accredited news outlets in the world, and thus Brits dutifully follow BBC news every day and stay informed about the issues. This is why the right is so ineffective at swaying the British vote towards leaving the EU. The British are informed, and they know what's good for them.


Jun 23, 2016 8:09 AM

I have full confidence that the remain campaign will be out in full force today. British people are among the most liberal and progressive in the world. Britain was sensible enough to enact a complete gun ban, which is why they have some of the lowest gun crime rates in the world. They also had the foresight to nationalize their entire healthcare system, so that everyone can have access to healthcare, not just the privileged few. In addition, Britain has become one of the most culturally diverse and compassionate nations in the world, which welcomes people of all cultures, races and religions with open arms. Thus, I am confident that Britain will make the right choice today, and vote to remain in the EU, which shares its values of fairness, tolerance and equality.


Jun 23, 2016 9:51 AM

Whether you like Hillary or not, the one thing you have to give her is that she has integrity. She doesn't simply give in to party-politics when it comes to making tough decisions. For example, Hillary supported the intervention in Iraq, despite opposition from some democrats. Hillary also supports free trade agreements such as NAFTA and the TPP, which many of her colleagues in the democratic party are opposed to. So when you vote for Hillary, you know you're getting the real deal - someone who thinks for herself, not somebody who blindly follows her own party. I like her because she's genuine and independent, something that sadly has become quite rare in modern politics.


Jun 24, 2013 10:14 AM

I'm busy reinvesting my dollar holdings into treasuries and equities in order to maintain my 1:1:1 ratio of US dollars, US equities and US treasuries (the Iron Trifecta). Good thing I don't have to sell my treasuries in order to maintain my ratio, as I'm planning to hold these to maturity.

Jun 24, 2016 11:51 AM

Good thing I have 25% of my portfolio in US treasuries. The US dollar and US government debt are the best safe-haven securities to own during global turmoil, because the US government is still the most trusted and reliable debtor in the world, and the US economy is the most resilient economy in the world. This is why US treasuries and the dollar consistently outperform every other asset class during a crisis. 

Jun 24, 2016 7:32 PM

Mohamed was recently awarded French citizenship. It has been his dream for many years to join his cousins in London, where the government assistance for he and his family is more desirable. Now that Britain has left the EU, Mohamed's dreams are shattered. Thanks Brexiters; Mohammed's loss is your fault!

Jun 24, 2016 9:01 AM

Kamil is a poor Polish immigrant who has been living in the UK for over a year. He lives with his wife and six children in a home provided by the British government, and depends on welfare payments and the NHS to cover his family's living expenses. Because of Britain's choice to leave the EU, Kamil and his family may now be forced to return to Poland, where they will have to support themselves on a fraction of their current income. Shame on you Brexiters; you are directly responsible for Kamil's hopeless situation!

Jun 25, 2012 9:26 AM

Is it really surprising that libertarians are against affordable healthcare? Almost every act which is intended to make peoples' lives better, improve the economy or increase equality, libertarians are against it. Libertarians were also against the Jobs Bill, which was intended to get Americans working again and reduce unemployment, and TARP, which stimulated the economy by creating thousands of American jobs. Is it me, or do libertarians literally hate everything decent, wholesome and good in the world?

Jun 25, 2012 9:37 AM

Totally agree Maxi. Merkel is JUST like Margaret Thatcher - stingy, mean and brutal. Countries like Spain and Portugal are literally being conquered by austerity. This is the beginning of World War III, but this time it is a FINANCIAL war, not a physical war. Join the twitter revolution and fight back now: 




Jun 25, 2012 9:43 AM

If you wonder why libertarians are almost universally hated by decent, objective and open-minded people across the world, here is just a small list of the feelings that libertarians invoke in people:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Anger
  3. Insecurity
  4. Sadness

Until libertarians start considering peoples' feelings, decent people are going to continue to reject their ideas, and rightly so.


Jun 25, 2013 2:14 PM

This article is an interesting example of modern conspiratorial writing. The further the idea from reality, the more highly it is rated by today's masochistic and nihilistic conspiracy theorists.

Jun 25, 2013 2:18 PM

And to respond to the poster above: actualy government is NOT fraud. Government is there to provide a service. Too bad for the 'productive' corporation owners with their billions and fancy cars and beautful women. I work harder than them; I'm more productive - so why can't I also be rich? Capitalists can never answer that fundamental question.

Jun 25, 2015 10:56 AM

Could somebody please explain to me what is wrong with providing healthcare to those who can't afford it? Corporations have billions of dollars, and many people are struggling to afford the bare necessities. Can't we just take a little bit of money from those who have it to provide for those who don't?

Jun 26, 2015 11:22 AM

Greece will eventually come around. It is simply not feasible for them to leave the EU. The EU nation states have grown into a single highly complex symbiosis, and as Barosso and President Jean-Claude-Junker have wisely noted, what Europe desperately needs is more integration, not less. It is only through cooperation and further centralization of monetary and fiscal policy that Europe will recover from this temporary setback.

Jun 27, 2012 10:31 AM

This is not manipulation. LIBOR has ALWAYS been set by a few selected, elite investment banks, and that's exactly how it should be. Jealous doomer day traders need to admit that they are simply not as smart, or successful as traders at top tier investment banks. I know it hurts, but you have to admit it, or you just look foolish and pathetic (in my opinion).

Jun 27, 2013 9:54 AM

This is an interesting but flawed article. True, removing stimulus is a terrible idea, and I am horrified that Bernanke has not supported our economy during these trying times. But to suggest that the Federal Reserve alone is somehow responsible for Asset bubbles is to be comletely ignorant of modern economic theory and flies against the consensus among economists that an unregulated free market was the cause of irrational investment decisions.

Jun 27, 2016 10:15 AM

You fail to understand that it is precisely because our political and economic leaders live apart from the general herd, that we should give them credence. In order to be a leader, you cannot let your judgement be clouded by the madness of crowds. An effective leader must separate himself from the general public and associate only with experts, so that he may be objective and clear headed in the face of emotionally-charged popular opinion.

Jun 27, 2016 11:03 AM

In this year's election, we will have to decide whether we want a president with decades of experience at the highest levels of government, or a president with no experience and questionable judgment. For those who accept that experience is the only true predictor of future success, the choice is simple. We know that Hillary Clinton has what it takes to lead this country, so why take a risk on somebody with no political background?

Jun 27, 2016 8:48 AM

Britain's choice to leave is a move in exactly the wrong direction. The world needs to be moving towards more unity, under common leadership. Economies, prices and societies need to be managed by the most qualified experts, not the common herd. Brexit takes power away from qualified leaders in the EU and gives it to common fools who have no idea how to manage the economy or their country. This is a very sad moment in history, and few are intelligent enough to see why.  

Jun 27, 2016 9:15 AM

The foolish public has had its say, and now it's time for the leaders to choose how to respond to this vote. As George Will wisely stated, it does not make sense for leaders to simply succumb to a mere plurality of voters. Rather, they should consider this vote, along with any other information that they deem useful. Then, after much deliberation, they should come to a decision that they feel is most practical and morally justified.

Jun 27, 2016 9:56 AM

For goodness' sake people, this is serious. You cannot leave market-moving geopolitical matters to the general public when billions of dollars are at stake. Somebody needs to take charge and steer the global economy back to sanity! We need to work together as a species under unified leadership, and defer to qualified experts in matters of economic importance. The foolish British public have cast their vote, and now their leaders need to decide how to respond to it. I urge them to consider the dire implications for the global economy if they continue on this path, and to steer Britain in a new direction; toward unity and a respect for professional leadership, and away from destructive populism.  

Jun 28, 2012 10:18 AM

This was the right decision. Much to the dismay of masochistic doomer libertarians, Americans can now look forward to free medical care, and increased quality of life. This is a historic achievement. Universal healthcare has been the dream of progressives and intellectuals in America for decades, and now it is finally a reality.

Jun 28, 2012 10:48 AM

Behind the ranting of hyperventilating doomer libertarians, many people are sitting quietly behind their screens with a wry grin on their faces (myself included). Libertarians can cry all they want, but today is a victory for intellectuals and visionary social scholars. Soon, criticizing the healthcare bill will be invoke the same reaction by average Americans that criticizing social security or the minimum wage invoke today. This law is here to stay, and whiny libertarians better get used to it. 

Jun 29, 2012 3:04 PM

I am delighted to see President Herman Van Rompuy participating more in the process of reforming Europe. For much of the year, he has been sidelined and ignored by both national leaders and the press. President Rompuy's stoicism and courage is finally getting the recognition it deserves.

Jun 29, 2012 4:36 PM

On the contrary, the media is extremely tough on the government. Politicians have to constantly watch their every move in case the media literally ruins their lives with some horrendous hit piece. Politicians live in constant fear of the media: Not only does the media scrutinise their every move to make sure their actions are impeccably moral, but politicians such as Ron Paul and Gary Johnson have had to apologise for some of their appalling criticism of the war on terror, the welfare state and national security. I honestly wish the media would lay it off a little so that politicians can GET ON WITH THEIR STINKING JOBS. Sorry - I just get really worked up about this kind of injustice. It's simply inexcusable.

Jun 29, 2015 11:03 AM

This is an excellent time to invest in Greek bonds. If you trust our global leaders to resolve this situation, as I do, then buying Greek bonds now will yield the highest possible returns. In fact, in my opinion you would have to be mad not to buy Greek bonds at these ridiculously high yields!

Jun 3, 2013 4:00 PM

The point is that our government needs to finance its operations. That's why we need to pay taxes, idiots. Just accept it!

Jun 3, 2016 8:47 AM

We had a similar scare in 2011, but the numbers rebounded the following month and we've had spectacular NFPs almost without exception since. Let's zoom out and look at the big picture here: we've had positive NFP for six straight years of Obama's presidency, after one of the worst financial crises in our nation's history. Our service sector is booming, Silicon Valley is leading the way in solving some of the world's most challenging technical problems, and we have a record number of college educated Americans. All of these things bode extremely well for the future of America, and no doomsayer can honestly look at these facts and deny that we are in a strong recovery.

Jun 3, 2016 9:13 AM

How many times do we have to go over this? It doesn't make any sense to include people in the labor force who aren't looking for work! This could be anybody who is retired, or who has simply taken some time off to study, travel or pursue personal interests. Yes, many of these people are collecting welfare, but that is our right as Americans. We pay into the system, and we are all entitled to receive welfare from the system as and when we choose. That's what makes it fair.

Jun 3, 2016 9:18 AM

The new format is terrible all round. The bar at the top is very amateur and completely unnecessary. It looks like one of the major aims of this update was to make it more mobile friendly, but the old website was way better on mobile than this one. It was great the way it was before - absoltutel everything about this new format sucks.  

Jun 3, 2016 9:23 AM

It's a little too early for that. I agree that we don't want this recovery to get overheated and turn into a bubble, but we need to continue a soft-touch monetary policy to avoid compromising the recovery. I suggest raising interest rates by 10 basis points and then seeing how the economy absorbs it - if all is good, we can try another 10 basis points and work it from there.

Jun 3, 2016 9:31 AM

If you think this is sarcasm, you are mistaken. And no, collecting welfare is not 'lazy', it's our right. There's plenty of wealth to go around - do you know what the average CEO salary at a fortune 500 is? Just one of those salaries could pay for a thousand people! So don't tell me that I can't get welfare ... OK??!!

Jun 30, 2012 12:35 PM


Jun 30, 2012 12:35 PM

Referendums have been totally discredited. After the first Greek referendum, I distinctly remember a sharp sell off in Greek bonds that effectively lead to the current crisis. Referendums are a very dangerous idea indeed. The idea of referendums is sold as a harmless forward-thinking initiative, but the reality is that referendums are a very new and radical idea. 

Jun 30, 2013 5:11 AM

Conspiracy theorists are so annoying. Of course FBI and CIA keep track of terrorists, and some of those terrorists happen to be Americans. If you have nothing to hide then what are you afraid of? Tyler, as an objective reader on this site I find the paranoia in these conspiratorial forums deafening. When are you going to start regulating the content on this site? Lately it's got so out of hand that I'm finding it hard to inject even the slightest bit of reason or objectivity into these forums.

Jun 30, 2015 10:27 AM

Personally I'm not sure whether cash should be legal. On the one hand, I empathize with those who prefer to use cash for the sake of tradition. However cash allows money launderers and criminals to do business completely undetected by law enforcement. For this reason, I think a total ban on cash wouldn't be that unreasonable, especially now that electronic payments are almost universally available.

Jun 4, 2012 1:44 PM


I am shocked and appalled at the immaturity of European politicians and central bankers. I can’t help but empathize with President Van Rompuy as he strives for a united Europe, only to be met with cowardly and childish political gridlock. It is true that Europe is suffering from a lack of integration and monetary union, but more fundamentally Europe is suffering from a sense of political identity. Europeans need to start believing in politics again. They need to start believing in the dream to which visionaries like President Van Rompuy and commissioner Barroso have selflessly dedicated their lives. A dream of a united Europe, with organized, efficient government that delivers what the people need when they need it, and a thriving economy, guided by the best and the brightest economic planners, with freedom, liberty and prosperity for all.    


Jun 4, 2012 1:52 PM

In today's America, a shocking 500,000 small businesses are created every year. At this rate, and with potential layoffs in government regulators, the number of small businesses per government regulator is set to soar.  The recent surge in so called "innovative" business apps like "salesforce" and "google cloud connect" have only exacerbated the problem. This is not something nerdy libertarians want to hear, but this figure simply has to be reduced to a more manageable level, or we risk having a total wild west type economy with businesses literally hiring and selling at their own discretion. We need to rethink the way we structure society in America. Government regulators are literally drowning in red tape and we simply have to reduce the number of small businesses to a more sustainable level.

Jun 4, 2012 2:11 PM

Libertarians are bullies. They constantly pick on people who simply disagree that the Government and Federal Reserve are evil. They have no respect for peoples’ feelings. Progressives around the world need to stand up for each other, and comfort each other in the midst of this appalling abuse.

Jun 4, 2013 10:07 AM

Solar panels are a good investment. In my opinion the government should be offering grants to green startups, especially innovative businesses getting involved in the wind and biofuel industries.

Jun 4, 2013 11:04 AM

Does the Free Market Produce Prosperity?

         A Comprehensive Research Paper

There are a number of articles investigating the relationship between deregulation and economic prosperity, but very few studies reference the unintended consequences of laissez faire capitalism. This research paper by Alan Krueger, Obama’s chief economic advisor, suggests that a decrease in the minimum wage could result in a reduction in income[1].

Despite the claims of many libertarians that the free market favors the poor, the academic literature continues to question this proposition. Either this is a strongly contested or under-researched economic issue, or the science has not been widely disseminated amongst economic educators and publicists. This study aims add some clarity to the question of whether the academic literature does in fact support common libertarian beliefs about the virtues of the free market.


1. http://dataspace.princeton.edu/jspui/bitstream/88435/dsp01hh63sv89x/1/28...

Jun 4, 2013 2:58 PM

At least the IRS keep their books in order, unlike many ‘small businesses’ that routinely fail to comply with accounting regulations, creating miles of red tape for auditors. There are certain areas in which we need entrepreneurship, such as in green technologies. But most of today's 'small businesses' are a net cost to society because they have to be constantly monitored and audited by regulators. 

Jun 4, 2014 11:05 AM

Common guys, it's time to invest in green technologies and end our dependence on foreign fossil fuels once and forall!

Jun 4, 2014 9:40 AM

Big deal. Most people don't want physical delivery. Only doomer golbugz and a few end users are obsessed with getting the 'physical' metal - settling in cash is sufficient for 90% of market participants.

Jun 4, 2014 9:49 AM

Derivatives exist for the purposes of hedging and speculation. They are financial instruments. Physical backing is optional and not important for most market participants, so you are blowing this way out of proportion. What's the difference between getting $1m worth of copper or $1m dollars in cash? If the end user wants the copper they can just purchase it with the cash - problem solved!

Jun 5, 2012 1:34 PM

Guys, I NEED your opinion on something, fast. I've just got two job offers, both at BBs (Bulge Brackets), and I need to make a decision by tomorrow. The first is for clearing at Goldman Sachs and the second is for broker analyst at Credit Suisse. This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. These are both TOP roles at awesome IB's. In your honest opinion, which role do you guys think is more prestigious? 

Jun 5, 2012 1:42 PM

Thanks Matt! :) That was my thinking too. What kind of career progression do you think would be available though? Clearing is kind of a back-office role, which concerns me. Man, this is tough.

Jun 5, 2014 2:04 PM

This is not even an issue! 90% of market participants are happy to settle for cash!

Jun 5, 2015 10:13 AM



There is is just no denying that this figure bodes extremely well for both the US and the global economy. Our Federal Reserve's easing policies and our government's fiscal stimulus programs have slowly but surely worked their magic, and thanks to these efforts Americans are starting to feel a gust of wind under their feet as jobs become more available and ever more business opportunities arise. This is a fantastic opportunity to invest in depressed American real estate - bold and savy investors who buy now will reap the rewards as we begin our next wave of economic growth.


Jun 5, 2015 10:59 AM

This move in the stock market is simply incredible! What a sweet victory for those who maintained their faith in America and didn't buy into the pessimism that is so fashionable these days in the investing world.  

Jun 5, 2015 11:10 AM

Trust Zerohedge to dismiss these very real jobs (which mean a lot to the people who got them by the way) simply because they do not meet their superior standards. I find it insulting as an American that this website and its readership refuse to recognize the significance of this spectacular jobs report and what it means for our country. Many of the world's most successful people started out as waiters and tellers, and it's absolutely shameful that Zerohedge simply dismisses these hardworking Americans. 

Jun 6, 2012 10:57 AM

*Sigh* ... It seems that on every rally, a new hoard of silverbug lemmings pile in, only to get decapitated a month later. It's shameful to watch, but they can't help themselves.

Jun 6, 2012 11:28 AM

Zerohedgers are so tough on Spain's banks. Spanish banks are actually being forced to take bailout money against their will. But doomer libertarians will never admit this, because it simply does not fit the narative of evil bankers "taking" tax payer's money.

Jun 6, 2012 4:50 PM


I can’t help but notice that President Obama has failed to produce a SINGLE JOBS BILL SINCE 2007!! Is anyone else puzzled at this? Is it me, or is Obama just ABANDONING the economy!? Frankly, I’ve had it. My equity portfolio has underperformed, my alpha is in the red, and my expectations for Obama’s first term have been shattered. If we want to see change in America, we need a new leader. Someone who can straighten out the economy and create jobs. And after careful consideration, I believe that person is Mitt Romney. Vote for real change in 2012: vote Mitt Romney for President.


Jun 6, 2012 5:04 PM

And it's not like I've always agreed with everything President Obama said ... I've had my disagreements. For example, in 2007 Obama was against "the surge" in Iraq, which I strongly supported. The surge, not to my surprise turned out to be a SHINING SUCCESS, just as General Petraeus and other military experts had predicted.

Jun 6, 2012 7:06 AM

This is akin to our symbiotic relationship with China, which the doomer libertarians fail to understand. China buys our debt, which keeps our dollar strong and inflation low despite our easy monetary policy, and in return we buy relatively cheap Chinese exports to support their economy. This is the advantage of having a consumer economy, rather than an export economy.

Jun 6, 2012 8:46 AM

A Hitchhikers Guide to the Economy


Once upon a time, a group of young aspiring scholars set out to understand the global economy. They start by visiting the United States of America, where they meet a world renowned economic professor named Dr Paul Krugman. In an effort to help the young scholars discover the root of the economic recession, Dr Krugman relates a story of an elite team of Ivy League Professionals that were commissioned by the US government to develop a capital allocation model which would allocate capital for optimal prosperity, freedom and liberty for all the world's citizens. Professor Krugman went on to explain that alas, the world's "general public" proved to be of inferior intelligence and were not capable of comprehending the derivation of this optimal capital allocation model. He then predicted that in order to understand the model, the people of the world would go on to commission a new team of elite economics professors to translate the derivation of this model into terms understandable by the general population.

Jun 6, 2013 11:00 AM

Phone records are simply not enough in the age of social networking. Our government needs to get savy with social networking sites like facebook and twitter, and start actively working with companies like Google and Apple to warehouse personal data. The following is a list of data that will be particularly helpful, but it is by no means complete:

1. Online commentary

2. Online subscribtions

3. Location history

4. Email history

The government needs to develop innovative ways to capture and store this information so that it is available to government officials on demand.

Jun 6, 2013 2:17 PM

Indian goldbugz were warned. But they refused to listen. This is a prelude of the backlash that is going to occur against golbugz and anti-government loonies across the world. Your time is coming.

Jun 6, 2013 5:01 PM

Economists believe that the key to a stable economy is steadily rising house prices, and I tend to agree. For most Americans, a home is their most valuable asset, and thier home equity allows them to finance their day to day expenses with low interest loans.  

Jun 6, 2014 10:24 AM

Hopefully these low rates will be passed on to the man on the street in mortgages and consumer loans. In any case, this should make capital cheaper which will allow the government and big businesses grow support the economy.

Jun 6, 2014 9:53 AM

The increase in educational jobs is a very strong indicator for future economic growth. Education is the key to a thriving economy - the more educated a population, the better equipped they are for the workplace and the more likely they to find a job. 

Jun 7, 2012 7:25 AM

The 'anti-bailout parties' have shown themselves to be nothing but reactionary conspiracy theorists and extremists who have no interest in civil discourse. I feel sorry for President Herman Van Rompuy. Look what he has to deal with. While these childish extremists fight with each other, President Van Rompuy is desperately trying to push through vital economic reforms to fix the imbalances in the economy. EU leaders like President Van Rompuy are living this crisis every day on the front lines, and they receive no thanks whatsoever. These anti-bailout clowns should be ashamed of themselves.

Jun 7, 2012 8:02 AM


You need to stand up for yourself when one of these right wing freaks threatens you. The government is moving the world forward with consumer protection policies and other forward-thinking regulations and laws, and right-wingers just want to take us back to the 1800's with children working in coal factories. It's like they never adapt! They're a dying breed left over from the stone age that refuse to learn how to behace in a civilised society. Don't let these business owners get you down. Keep up the good work, hold your head up high and smile!

Jun 7, 2013 5:01 PM

Two clauses in the US constitution that libertarians don't want you to know about:

1. The Interstate Commerce Clause

This states that the Federal government has a duty to " Regulate Interstate commerce" which gives them the authority to impose sensible laws on businesses and people operating across multiple states such as the minimum wage and carbon tax.

2. The General Welfare Clause

This states that the Federal Government has a duty to "promote the general welfare" of its citizens. This clause states that not only is the welfare state constitutional, but it is required by law.

Jun 7, 2013 8:44 AM

This is steady progress. The great thing for investors is that the S&P 500 is actually pricing in growth 5 years into the future, so short term fluctuations in economic indicators don't really have any baring on the value of equities. This number confirms that the economic recovery is alive and well, and more importantly it disproves the end-of-the-world predictions that we constantly hear from libertarians, conspiracy theorists and other nerds and hacks.

Jun 7, 2013 8:45 AM


Jun 7, 2013 9:00 AM

It's been a good morning. The S&P is up substantially on expectations of a solid NFP number, and up yet again on the modest beat. It will be interesting to see what the sell side analysts on Wall Street have to say about this?

Jun 7, 2013 9:06 AM

Another thing I find encouraging is that the recovery has not only continued but accelerated since the end of quantitative easing. This again negates libertarian claims that the recivery is driven solely by liquidity from our Federal Reserve. 

Jun 7, 2013 9:24 AM

Interesting take on the gold market by a professional Gold Analyst: "Gold is Still Vulnerable"


I tend to agree with this analysis. Technically, gold is extremely weak, and given today's NFP beat goldbugz should be very worried.

Jun 7, 2016 10:17 AM

What exactly give Trump, a white male, the right to mention an hispanic man's race?? It's an absolute disgrace! I'm absolutely dumbfounded at how insensitive and racist Trump is! What give him the right? 

Jun 7, 2016 10:18 AM

You're a fuckin' a WHITE MALE! What do you know about La Raza!?

Jun 7, 2016 10:38 AM

If you don't know what it's like to be oppressed then you need to shut up! Privelage is REAL, and it takes a white male to be ignorant enough to not see how privelaged they are. 

Jun 7, 2016 10:42 AM

Top six reasons why young people should support Hillary:


Hillary is supported by chairman and CEO of Starbucks, Richard Schultz - that's an awesome place to work, and it shows that she's not out of touch with young people


Hillary supports stronger gun control laws to curb gun violence and create peaceful, more stable urban areas


Hillary fully supports the Affordable Care Act, and will continue to support millions of formerly uninsured Americans


Hillary plans to make college more accessible by making privileged families pay more, so that less fortunate families can pay less


Hillary is a strong women's rights activist and plans to build on enhance and extend affirmative action policies to bridge the gender pay gap and get more women into engineering and computer science



Hillary unapologetically supports the Black Lives Matter movement, and will do what it takes to address their grievances

Jun 7, 2016 10:42 AM

Top six reasons why young people should support Hillary:

  1. Hillary is supported by chairman and CEO of Starbucks, Richard Schultz - that's an awesome place to work, and it shows that she's not out of touch with young people
  2. Hillary supports stronger gun control laws to curb gun violence and create peaceful, more stable urban areas
  3. Hillary fully supports the Affordable Care Act, and will continue to support millions of formerly uninsured Americans
  4. Hillary plans to make college more accessible by making privileged families pay more, so that less fortunate families can pay less
  5. Hillary is a strong women's rights activist and plans to build on enhance and extend affirmative action policies to bridge the gender pay gap and get more women into engineering and computer science
  6. Hillary unapologetically supports the Black Lives Matter movement, and will do what it takes to address their grievances

Jun 7, 2016 11:35 AM

I'm a white male, but I recognize my enormous privilege, and that I owe others reparations for their suffering. I don't have the right to mention another's race, because my race is the race of oppression, whereas other races are historically oppressed. White males who don't get this are racist, whether they realize it or not.

Jun 7, 2016 11:37 AM

Reasons why Britain needs to stay in the EU:




The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership promises to give better negotiating leverage to Britain's top companies, allowing them to better compete in the global market place


2. Helping Refugees


The EU is committed to helping the millions of destitute refugees fleeing Assad's brutal regime, and will force each country to do its part, in the face of opposition from right wing extremists


3. New Partnership with Turkey


Turkey is set to join the EU, which will allow British people to experience the rich cultural history of Turkey with limitless travel, as well as providing opportunities for lower-income Turks to improve their standard of living


4. Remain Campaign Endorsed by Economic Experts


Many of the world's top economic and political authorities have put their weight behind the remain campaign, such as Goldman Sachs investment bank, Mark Carnie of the bank of England and President Barrack Obama. These experts fear the consequences to the British and global economies if Brexit were to occur, and believe that remaining in the EU is Britain's best change for a bright future.

Jun 7, 2016 11:59 AM

Would it not seem prudent to at least consider the remain campaign's point of view, when the world's leading experts such as Goldman Sachs Investment Bank are endorsing it?

Jun 7, 2016 12:34 PM

If any of you are fed up with the terrible new format of the ZH website, you're welcome at the Accredited Times, which covers the same issues covered by ZH but from a different perspective.




Jun 8, 2012 3:26 PM

Greece needs to host another sports event to boost their economy. The Olympics was simply insufficient to stimulate aggregate demand.
London is currently benefitting from huge spending programs centred around the Olympics. In addition the whole of the UK is getting a lift from the spirit and soul of the Olympics, which I predict will filter through to the economy.  

Jun 8, 2012 4:04 PM

Another excerpt from my book, "Lies of the Right":

Chapter 8 - Purism
I believe it was Mark Potock of the Southern Poverty Law Center who coined the term right wing purism. 

Purism stems from the arrogant assumption that universal propositions have to be either true or false. That absolutist statements like "taxation is theft" have a Boolean truth value. This is NOT necessarily the case. Propositions can actually be half-way true or a quarter false. Liberals understand this very well, which is why we prefer to talk about the effects of actions rather than the dogmatic principles that classify then as moral or immoral according to libertarian dogma. 

Jun 8, 2012 4:24 PM

Well, because libertarians openly embrace the "free market" and "capitalism" which are understood by most people to be heartless and criminal. Only a right wing extremist would bring embrace concepts like these that hurt people's feelings.

Jun 8, 2012 9:59 AM

Germany has single handedly taken down the entire Eurozone with their predetor lending. Now it's only fair that they chip in to clean up the mess they created in the first place. With great wealth comes great responsibility, and Germany has a moral duty to help out unfortunate countries like Greece, Spain and Italy.

Jun 8, 2016 10:59 AM

Let's be honest ... conservatives and libertarians are far more likely to be tax protestors than liberal Americans who approve of the state. This is why right-wing groups are more likely to be investigated by the IRS. Not because the IRS is 'persecuting' or 'harassing' people for their political beliefs.  



Jun 8, 2016 12:05 PM

Bernie Sanders said it best in one of his campaign ads: we deserve HIGHER wages! Wherever you are, you deserve HIGHER wages: New York City:  HIGHER WAGES, Los Angeles: HIGHER WAGES, Memphis: HIGHER WAGES. America deserves a better wage and a better life, even if capitalists would like to pay us as little as possible.

Jun 8, 2016 12:14 PM

Yes, but that's why we need to raise the minimum wage cos' cost of living's going UP!

Jun 8, 2016 12:32 PM

Simple, just impose price controls and introduce minimum employment quotas. If companies aren't going to play ball, then we simply have to force them to. It's the only way to achieve equality in a capitalist economy.

Jun 8, 2016 9:28 AM

Today's article at the Accredited Times:



Jun 9, 2016 11:33 AM

This is a noble cause. Disadvantaged schools in Detroit have grades well below the national average, and these funds will be used to improve these grades so that Detroit youths can go to college and contribute to the economy. Why libertarians and conservatives disagree with this is simply a mystery. 

Jun 9, 2016 11:37 AM

I agree - ALL SYSTEMS ARE BAD!! You can't just pin it on socialism!

Jun 9, 2016 11:39 AM

So let me get this straight ....... CEOs get to earn MILLIONS of dollars a year, and poor people can't get money to feed their children!?? FUCK THAT, and FUCK TRUMP!!

Jun 9, 2016 9:32 AM







Mar 1, 2012 11:13 AM

This is an unnecessary tragedy. Top Keynesian economists including Professor Alan Blinder (Princeton economist), Alan Krueger (Obama's chairman of the CEA) and Dr Paul Krugman (Nobel Prize winner) have been warning about the dangers of cutting government spending. Greece should actually be INCREASING spending on fiscal stimulus programs to boost aggregate demand. If welfare programs are cut, retail sales will drop and many people will lose their jobs in the service sector. It is vital that the government STIMULATES the Greek economy to jump start spending and promote GROWTH.

Mar 1, 2012 4:20 PM

I GUARENTEE that this is the work of those Iranian inbreeds. For Christ sake, when is somebody going to stand up to these terrorists!? What happened to the America that went after Sadam Hussein for 9/11? What happened to our strong, no-nonsense approach to trouble makers? America has lost its way folks.

Mar 1, 2012 4:34 PM

Why? The point is that following 9/11 we took swft action against Sadam Hussein and won the hearts of the Iraqi people. Since then, there hasn't been a single significant terrorist attack. I call that a success. 

Mar 1, 2012 5:50 PM

OMG. Libertarians got absolutely owned by the ISDA!! LOL. My favorite part in response to the Wall Street Journal's typical right wing conspiratorial take:

"It’s a bit of a mystery why the story characterizes the process as so “secretive.”  The names of the firms on the DC are public, as are their votes.  The process by which the DC members are selected, and the rules governing the DCs, are also public.  Their decisions are publicly announced."


Mar 1, 2013 4:17 PM

Why don't the inflation alarmists on this site simply invest their hard earned savings in inflation linked bonds? The bond is indexed to the official CPI inflation figure, so investors are entirely hedged against the apocalyptic "Weimar" scenarios that zerohedgers have nightmares about. But I'm sure that's far too reasonable for doomer goons. 

Mar 10, 2014 10:31 AM

Yet another clear example of why we need air tight security measures at airports. Imagine for a second that those two passengers had been terrorists bording an American Airlines jet? Are we so blind to the threat of terrorism that we openly rail against TSA searches and other basic airport security protocols? Do we really want another 9/11?

Mar 11, 2013 1:52 PM

Purist libertarians are so simplistic. "Freedom is the answer what's the question", blah, blah, blah ...
Actually freedom is NOT always a good thing. As we can see, when people have the freedom to hoard precious metals instead of investing in the economy, many people not only delay the global recovery, but also lose a fair portion if their investment, while forgoing the inevitable long term gains in stocks. The freedom to run your own business without regulations and restrictions is also a bad thing, as we can clearly see after the 2007 financial crisis.

Mar 11, 2013 2:52 PM

2007 and 2008 clearly demonstrated that a "self-regulating" market doesn't work. The idea that you can have businesses doing whatever they want without any regulations is completely idiotic, which is one of the many reasons that most people don't take libertardians serisously. Another example of when freedom is not a good thing is "freedom of assmembly". When you have freedom of assembly you get rackets like the 'Tea Party' and 'OWS' protests, blocking the streets, occupying media time and costing the government valuable resources that would otherwise be put to productive use. As much as I wish it were, the world isn't as simple as libertarians make it out to be.  

Mar 11, 2013 3:34 PM

Another idiotic post by libertardians. If the healthcare lobbyists are so powerful, then how did our congress manage to pas the affordable healthcare act, even though the act forces medical insurance companies to put peoples’ lives ahead of personal profit? 

Mar 11, 2013 5:19 PM

The VIX is plunging once again, to the horror of ZH day trader goons. Greasy ZH day traders are probably the most immoral despicable characters on this site. They sit at home in their pajamas all day, losing their retirement money on S&P short positions, doomer gold stocks and crazy VIX futures strategies with massice cost of carry; screeming at their screens about manipulation every time they lose, and ranting for hourse on Zerohedge and other doomer sites. Meanwhile their relationships with their wives and children are totally falling apart.

Mar 11, 2014 10:17 AM

Queue the whining ZH day traders moaning about how the successful and competent traders (hedge funds and investment banks) are 'distorting' the markets and contributing to their poor performance. Look, if you are losing money the first step to success is to admit that you're an amateur trader. Once you've admitted that fact, then you can start seeking out advice from the people who know what they're doing. Mind you, you ain't gonna find their advice in a newsletter or ebook. If you want to learn how to trade like a pro, you simply have to get a job at a reputable trading firm. Sorry to lay it out like that, but this is the truth, plain and simple.

Mar 11, 2016 12:26 PM

I've looked into the whole 'gold manipulation' thing, and what I found is that the evidence is questionable at best. Every gold manipulation source seems to be closely linked to sites harbouring 9/11 conspiracy theories and various far-right agendas. The only credible source I could find on manipulation was from Kitco, who admitted that although it's conceivable that there could be small amounts of minute to minute manipulation resulting in moves of less than a percentage point, these wouldn't be unique to gold, and the argument that such moves could be classed as manipulation rather than normal market activity is rather tenuous. I have to conclude that there is absolutely no substantial or unsubstantial evidence for manipulation in the gold market whatsoever, and those who continue to say otherwise are simply driven by emotion and wishful thinking. 

Mar 11, 2016 12:43 PM

I'm frightened that America will actually vote this clown into the presidency. I can't believe he's still leading in the polls - he needs to be stopped, and soon. I can only hope that America will come to its senses in the general election and vote for Hillary. We need someone with experience at the highest levels of government - our country is facing serious problems, and we cannot afford to have an entertainer as president, especially now. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Mar 11, 2016 12:48 PM

I understand why people are drawn to Trump - he's an entertainer, and Americans are naturally drawn to macho tough-talking TV personalities. But please America, this is not WWF wrestling - this is the presidency for goodness' sake, this is not a game. We need a credible candidate in the oval office, or it is going to be you and I that suffer. This man has absolutely no clue how to run a country.

Mar 11, 2016 3:35 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 1 - Wait for the Market to Come Back

One of the most common questions I get as a trading coach is "where and how should I set my stop". My answer is always the same - you shouldn't. That is, if you truly believe in the position your are taking. In order to make it as a trader, you need to have conviction, and conviction means putting your money where your mouth is and being willing to risk it all. When I bought the S&P 500 in October of 2008, people thought I was mad. After the crash that began in June of 2007, everybody was terrified of the market, and those who dared to trade it, used tight stops that would inevitably get hit in the high volatility environment. Every time your stop gets hit, it's demoralizing, and you lose confidence in both yourself and your strategy. I knew in late 2008 that stocks were grossly undervalued, and I wasn't afraid to sit on a losing trade for as long as it took to pay off, and boy was I rewarded for that conviction! Since January of 2009, the S&P 500 has ascended from 800 to over 2000! I applied the same stead-fast conviction when I bought Greek 10 year bonds in early 2012, and Facebook stock at the IPO. The lesson here is that, when you know you're right, don't be afraid to sit on a losing position for as long as it takes. I firmly believe that one of the main reasons so many people struggle to make it as a trader, is that they lack conviction in their positions. As the great Jesse Livermore said, it's always best to "be right and sit tight".

Mar 11, 2016 5:22 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 1 - Wait for the Market to Come Back

One of the most common questions I get as a trading coach is "where and how should I set my stop". My answer is always the same - you shouldn't. That is, if you truly believe in the position your are taking. In order to make it as a trader, you need to have conviction, and conviction means putting your money where your mouth is and being willing to risk it all. When I bought the S&P 500 in October of 2008, people thought I was mad. After the crash that began in June of 2007, everybody was terrified of the market, and those who dared to trade it, used tight stops that would inevitably get hit in the high volatility environment. Every time your stop gets hit, it's demoralizing, and you lose confidence in both yourself and your strategy. I knew in late 2008 that stocks were grossly undervalued, and I wasn't afraid to sit on a losing trade for as long as it took to pay off, and boy was I rewarded for that conviction! Since January of 2009, the S&P 500 has ascended from 800 to over 2000! I applied the same stead-fast conviction when I bought Greek 10 year bonds in early 2012, and Facebook stock at the IPO. The lesson here is that, when you know you're right, don't be afraid to sit on a losing position for as long as it takes. I firmly believe that one of the main reasons so many people struggle to make it as a trader, is that they lack conviction in their positions. As the great Jesse Livermore said, it's always best to "be right and sit tight".

Mar 11, 2017 2:26 PM

Trump’s healthcare bill is an absolute disaster. Experts say that this is literally one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the poor to the rich ever seen in America. Who would have known that repealing affordable healthcare would destroy our healthcare system? </sarc> Don’t say that progressives didn’t warn you.

Dating Site Statistics Show That White Supremacy Is Alive And Well

Mar 11, 2017 3:54 PM

Trump has only been in office for just over a month, and already we have had nothing but scandals. Every day, more and more evidence emerges of Trump’s “Russian ties”, which should be deeply concerning to every freedom-loving American. The human rights of undocumented immigrants are being threatened daily now by border patrol agents, and families living in sanctuary cities are now being threatened with deportation. Trump is a textbook fascist, and he will go down in history as the most incompetent, evil and corrupt president in US history, even more so than Andrew Jackson. 

Dating Site Statistics Show That White Supremacy Is Alive And Well

Mar 12, 2012 4:54 PM

I honestly don't know what the fuss is about. The Federal Reserve has been deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court as well as many politicians such as Timothy Geithner (Current Treasury Secretary), Nancy Pelosi (Former Speaker of the house), Mitt Romney (GOP Presidential Candidate) and many finance professionals such as Hank Paulson (Former Treasury Secretary), Dr Ben Bernanke (Current Fed Chairman) and Professor Alan Blinder (Princeton Economics Professor).

Anyway, for the younger readers out there, pay attention to your teachers and make sure you add the Federal Reserve as a friend on Facebook!


Mar 12, 2012 9:49 AM

There is an obvious solution to this problem. Why doesn't the Federal Reserve start making markets in equities? They can set reasonable bid ask spreads and make a profit for the tax payer, and in some cases they could set bids higher than asks and pull offers to help out struggling top tier investment banks. This is the 21st century, and in my view it is unacceptable that there should be a lack of liquidity in today’s equity markets, especially when the global economy is this sensitive.

Mar 12, 2013 1:48 PM

Mark-to-market accounting is not necessary for SIFIs (Systemically Important Financial Institutions) because they are able to sell their liabilities to central banks around the world at more appropriate valuations. This is what doomer libertarians simply do not understand. I know many on this site do not want to hear this, but these banks are simply too big to fail, and thankfully central banks around the world recognize this.

Mar 12, 2013 11:17 AM

And let me guess. The libertardian solution is even fewer regulations? LOL. No wonder nobody takes libertardians seriously.

Mar 12, 2013 11:29 AM

Libertardians believe that the rich should be able to do whatever they want with no regulations or restrictions. Everyone with two brain cells knows that that simply cannot work, which is why libertardians have virtually no credibility.

Mar 13, 2013 12:10 PM

I bet some of the doomer ZH day traders have secret trading losses so big that they would never dare tell their wives and children. Instead, they sit all day in their pajamas screaming about 'manipulation' and ranting on ZH. Simply disgraceful.

Mar 13, 2013 12:23 PM

I'm finding my iPad mini is extremely convenient. It supplements the iPad in situations where the full-size is inconvenient. It's great for when you're in a public area and you want to check your Facebook contacts or update your profile. It's the perfect addition to the range of excellent products offered by Apple.

Mar 13, 2014 10:25 AM

If Russia wants a World War 3 I say bring it on. I'll fight to the death for my country, and it's about time our lazy couch potato society got of their arses did something worthwhile. Combat is good for society - it teaches respect, courage, honor and other decent principles from a bygone era. It's time for the world to learn to stand up for their countries and start giving something back to the generations before them that fought and gave their lives the wars of the centuries. 

Mar 13, 2014 10:55 AM

Let's just step back for a second and look at the big picture. The world's population is increasing by 80 million people every year. Over the next few decades America is going to need tens of millions of immigrants to fuel our growing eoconomy. Where are these people going to live? As a country we simply do not have the capacity to house our ever growing population. Countries like China are building ahead of the curve in preperation for this eventuality. If our government doesn't start investing in contruction projects soon, we may find ourselves with a serious housing shortage in coming years. 

Mar 13, 2014 10:58 AM

Owning a house is an investment. My financial advice to young people is to get a mortgage as early as possible and start paying it off. You don't want to be paying off someone else's bond. You want to be investing in your future by paying off your most valuable asset.

Mar 13, 2014 11:07 AM

Your me-first creed is exactly what is wrong with this country. Our government will track you down issue a court martial for your selfish and cowardly actions. It's about time we siphoned off the unappreciative cynics in this country and tested the loyalty of each and every citizen.

Mar 13, 2017 8:48 AM

If this “debt bomb” explodes it will be the fault of Trump for disrupting the world order and harming the global economy with his anti-trade, anti-immigration, anti-globalization policies. I hope you’re happy, conservatives – you’ve just destroyed the entire planet!

How to Interview Conservatives

Mar 13, 2017 9:29 AM

FINALLY, we have a person of COLOR working for our Federal Reserve! How is monetary policy supposed to help African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, Asian Americans and Jewish Americans if it’s run by fucking white males?? Finally, some PROGRESS in monetary governance!

How to Interview Conservatives

Mar 13, 2017 9:32 AM

Trump said he wants Japan to use NUKES against China!! He’s going to start World War III! Meanwhile, he’s ignoring the REAL threat of Russian hackers spying on us through our smart phones and logging our Skype conversations! Trump is a freaking LUNATIC!!

How to Interview Conservatives

Mar 13, 2017 9:49 AM




Mar 14, 2012 10:22 AM

This is a move in the right direction. The Federal Reserve Bank needs to start reaching out and connecting with the younger generation. At present, the internet is dominated by die-hard libertarians who relentlessly criticize the Federal Reserve, the US government, Israel and pretty much any respected high ranking official. This is absolutely unacceptable. Young net surfers need to hear BOTH sides of the story.

Kids: Contrary to what many libertarians will tell you, not everything is a conspiracy and there are many hard working officials who deserve to be in positions of power because the American public have discerned through scientific, objective scrutiny that they are the best people for the job.

Mar 14, 2012 5:08 PM


After recent price action, it has become evident that the stock rally is purely due to growth and not the alleged “inflation” that we hear so commonly from doomers, ‘preppers’ and other anti-government groups. Following two fantastic NFP results and a superb bank stress test, stocks have been holding up nicely, despite a sell-off in commodities and treasuries.


Mar 14, 2012 6:41 PM

The Federal Reserve is trying to reach out to propagandized and brainwashed libertarian youths, and the internet libertarian ‘machine’ is out in full swing making sure that NOBODY is able to hear the other side of the story. It’s ironic that this assault on the Federal Reserve Bank’s educational initiative should coincide with a fantastic equity rally fuelled by positive NFP results, which in 2008 would have been unthinkable. It is only due to the decisive and well-thought out actions of congress and our Federal Reserve that we are now on the road to recovery. Young people WILL learn about the virtues of a centrally planned stable economy whether internet pirates and weedy zit-faced anarchists like it or not.

Mar 14, 2013 10:50 AM

Look guys, the technicals on the four-year chart of the S&P 500 are some of the best I've seen in years. This chart is a screaming buy. No matter how many doomer articles claim that we are due for a correction, the fact remains that the chart continues to make new highs. Pay attention shorts - THIS IS TELLING YOU SOMETHING.

Mar 14, 2013 10:51 AM

Look guys, the technicals on the four-year chart of the S&P 500 are some of the best I've seen in years. This chart is a screaming buy. No matter how many doomer articles claim that we are due for a correction, the fact remains that the chart continues to make new highs. Pay attention shorts - THIS IS TELLING YOU SOMETHING.

Mar 14, 2013 12:29 PM

The fact that everybody thinks that stocks are about to collapse means that that stocks are definitely NOT in a bubble. The S&P is still way below my first price target of 2000.

Mar 14, 2013 12:36 PM

Here's why this wont work:

People don't care about the poor. The reason we need a welfare state is that most people are selfish and narcissistic.

We need to rely on people to vote in politicians who are more compassionate and less selfish than themselves. Then and only then will the poor receive a helping hand.

Mar 15, 2012 12:39 PM

Despite the whining from discredited libertarian day traders, growth is back and stocks are beginning their next leg up to all time highs.

Mar 15, 2013 11:57 AM

Sometimes trading incurrs losses. That's the nature of the game. Companies like JP Morgan generate most of their profits from providing world class services to investment professionals and governments. Their trading desks are reserved for the brightest Ivy League graduates, and losses are more than compensated for by the stellar trading performance of other desks.

Mar 16, 2012 12:03 PM

This is nothing compared to the impact of fossil fuels on the environment. Scientists predict that due to global warming we could see a sea level rise of 4 - 8 metres over the next few decades. This will totally decimate low-lying countries like Bangladesh, the Netherlands and the Maldives. We have a responsibility to our children and to the third world to vote for government programs that subsidize alternative clean energies and forward-thinking clean energy trading schemes like carbon offsets. I'm sorry to break it to conspiracy theorists, but nuclear is one of the options we simply have to pursue.

Deal with it.

Mar 16, 2012 12:27 PM

The "climate-gate" issue is widely believed to be a lie among top scientists and environmental activists. There have been countless attempts by the right to discredit global warming despite the total consensus among top environmentalists and politicians.

Mar 16, 2012 6:49 PM

Euphoria is where goldbugs and silverbugs have been for some time, and now they are beginning to realize the game is up. In my opinion, libertarians are far more susceptible to this type of bubble mentality because of their lack of adherence to solid principles. It is my personal theory that libertarians were not disciplined enough as children, which is why they constantly feel the need to rebel against ‘authority’. The government needs to start disciplining trouble makers like ‘sovereign citizens’, preppers and anarchists to teach them a lesson about respecting their elected leaders.

Mar 16, 2016 10:38 AM

Merrick Garland looks like an admirable choice for the supreme court seat. I see that he began his higher education with a bachelors degree in  Sociology, which I believe will give him a deep understanding of the issues facing our society such as inequality, racism and sexism. I have no doubt that Justice Garland's education and experience has given him what it takes to make balanced and forward-thinking judgements, and continue to uphold the constitution, our most sacred document.  

Mar 16, 2016 10:38 AM


Mar 16, 2016 10:47 AM

Everybody but extreme right wing lunatics understands that the second ammendment cannot be interpreted the same way now that it was over 100 years ago! Does the second ammendment allow people to own nuclear weapons and tanks? Clearly there are sensible exceptions that need to be applied in order to modernize our consitution. 

Mar 16, 2016 11:33 AM

So she and Bill are unapologetic supporters of higher education ... so what? It always amazes me how far conservatives will dig into politicians' personal affairs, while they ignore the REAL issues that Americans actually care about. No-one cares about 'Benghazi' or the 'email scandal' or any of these non-issues, which is why Hillary is winning by a landslide. Americans want affordable healthcare and education, and an economy that works for everybody, not just a few at the top. These are the issues that people want to hear about, and while conservatives try to smear Hillary's campaign, we'll keep focusing on what matters to the American people.

Mar 16, 2016 11:34 AM


Mar 17, 2014 10:35 AM

This a perfect oportunity to crack down on offshore accounts and start scrutinizing foreign transfers. As far as I'm concerned, money that enters America should stay in America. Case closed.

Mar 17, 2016 10:28 AM

This is Occupy Wall Street 2.0, and we are going to BURN DOWN THIS MOTHERFUCKER UNTILL WE GET WHAT WE WANT. We are sick and tired of the 1% pushing us around and controlling our politics. Don't tread on my Obamacare!  Hillary/Bernie 2016!!

Mar 17, 2017 8:55 AM

Plus if whites don't like it, then this is Karma for the crusades. You should have thought twice before you killed millions of innocent Muslims!

A Latinocentric History Of America

Mar 17, 2017 8:56 AM

Bring it on! Economists have proven that refugees boost the economy. For every 10,000 refugees, a country’s GDP increases by 0.01%, so this would equate to a 0.015% economic boost every month! Not bad!

A Latinocentric History Of America

Mar 17, 2017 9:15 AM

How can Trump accuse US and British intelligence of spying, while ignoring ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Russians spying on Americans, including top US officials like John Podesta! Release the rest of your tax returns, Trump! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING??

A Latinocentric History Of America

Mar 17, 2017 9:17 AM

Oh please, EVERYONE KNOWS that RUSSIA is the threat, not China! Grow up! Seriously, do you even watch the news??

A Latinocentric History Of America

Mar 17, 2017 9:30 AM

China is more technologically advanced than America, and would decimate us in a war. This is not a fight that Trump can win – he may as well give up now.

A Latinocentric History Of America

Mar 17, 2017 9:39 AM

You obviously don't even understand economics! Refugees work and create jobs and increase the diversity of the business environemnt, helping companies solve new problems and be more competitive in the global marketplace. Without immigrants, Europe woudn't even be able to survive!

Mar 18, 2013 4:30 PM

I'm all for flexibility of the bank levy. Ideally the levy on deposits worth less than 100k should be reduced to 3%, and the levy on deposits greater than 100k should be raised to 10% to compensate. That would be far more fair and liberal in my opinion.

Mar 18, 2013 4:41 PM

Fair is helping out when it is your duty to do so. Everyone needs to pay their fair share when they are called upon by their leaders. If you can afford to pay, you have a social responsibility to help out. It's a social contract.

Mar 18, 2014 12:58 PM

Most of the shady stockbrokers pushing risky foriegn stocks and bonds on to their clients do so under the guise of 'diversification'. The truth is, diversification only applies to the subset of securities that meet your portfolio's minimum standards. As a rule of thumb, it's probably not a bad idea to stick to US equities, bonds and ETFs since these tend to be of a superior quality and are more likely to be regulated by a repuatable governing body.

Mar 18, 2015 4:36 PM

This is just short term noise. Long term Dollar investors aren't going to be swayed by this, and neither should you. A strong dollar is a fundamental part of our Federal Reserve's dual mandate, and we're lucky to have a Federal Reserve chariwoman that understands this. We also need to dispel this myth that lower interest rates mean a weaker dollar - this empirically isn't the case. The reason our economy continues to grow is precisely because of low interest rates fueling aggregate demand, which in turn strengthens the dollar. These are some basic elementary economic facts that Zerohedgers just cant seem to understand. 

Mar 18, 2015 5:04 PM

Doomers on this site should consider the enourmous cost of their pessimism and far-right ideologies. There are some incredible health benefits to believing in government, which many of you would be wise to consider. People who believe in government have more peace of mind, produce less cortisol (the stress hormone), worry less, and are far more likely to enjoy their lesuire time. All of these benefits reduce the risk of stress related diseases. Just look up the statistics - if you look at the disparity between government employees and private sector employees the effects are even more exreme.

Mar 18, 2015 5:04 PM


Mar 18, 2015 6:15 PM

We need to unite Europe again, so that we can mobilize European troops quickly and effectively during emergencies such as this. Imagine how much simpler foereign policy would be if our president could simply pick up the phone and call the president of Europe? This is the vision that world leaders have for Europe.

Mar 18, 2015 6:20 PM

I hope that Europe can come together in harmony during this years' Eurovision Song Contest and resolve their differences. International contests like this and sports events such as the Olympics and World Cups are great events for uniting people. Hopefully, through these events and the efforts of international leaders, we can all learn to work together as allies for a stronger, better, greener world.

Mar 18, 2016 1:33 PM

A message from the Democracy Now protestors: "If you're thinking about voting for Trump (especially white people), if Trump wins, we will pull out all stops and we not rule out rioting or murdering you people. None of you will be safe."

Mar 18, 2016 3:09 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 2 - Keep It Simple

For many, the complexity of the markets is simply overwhelming. Modern traders are expected to take into account an immense array of variables, from central bank rhetoric and government policy, to market technicals and economic reports. How is a single trader supposed to convert such a vast sum of information into informed trading decisions? The key here is to filter out only the most important indicators and use only these as your guiding star, and without a doubt the most important factors to consider when trading the markets are central bank policy and key economic reports. The good news is that modern markets are engineered by the science of economics, which actually makes them far more predictable than in the past, and by analysing the motives and strategies of our economic officials, we are now able to gage the direction of the market with incredible accuracy. The economic reports are only important insofar as they influence central bank policies, as depending on how the central bank reacts to the report, it could be either positive or negative for the markets. For example, consider a negative jobs report - although this may appear on the surface to be bad for equities, it is likely to motivate our Federal Reserve to ease monetary policy, which is actually positive for equities. Once people start to grasp the importance of central bank policy above all else, they begin to understand how professional traders can make money in the markets time and time again, despite often tumultuous and confusing economic conditions. The sheer beauty of modern markets is that they allow us to filter out the vast majority of economic data as noise, and adopt a singular focus on how the practitioners of the science of economics are thinking and acting.

Mar 18, 2016 4:10 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 2 - Keep It Simple

For many, the complexity of the markets is simply overwhelming. Modern traders are expected to take into account an immense array of variables, from central bank rhetoric and government policy, to market technicals and economic reports. How is a single trader supposed to convert such a vast sum of information into informed trading decisions? The key here is to filter out only the most important indicators and use only these as your guiding star, and without a doubt the most important factors to consider when trading the markets are central bank policy and key economic reports. The good news is that modern markets are engineered by the science of economics, which actually makes them far more predictable than in the past, and by analysing the motives and strategies of our economic officials, we are now able to gage the direction of the market with incredible accuracy. The economic reports are only important insofar as they influence central bank policies, as depending on how the central bank reacts to the report, it could be either positive or negative for the markets. For example, consider a negative jobs report - although this may appear on the surface to be bad for equities, it is likely to motivate our Federal Reserve to ease monetary policy, which is actually positive for equities. Once people start to grasp the importance of central bank policy above all else, they begin to understand how professional traders can make money in the markets time and time again, despite often tumultuous and confusing economic conditions. The sheer beauty of modern markets is that they allow us to filter out the vast majority of economic data as noise, and adopt a singular focus on how the practitioners of the science of economics are thinking and acting.  

Mar 19, 2012 6:27 PM

This is not a question of math. This is actually a moral issue. Is it right to let systemically important financial institutions go bankrupt, which will decimate the economy and harm many future generations? Or should we protect our children's futures by saving institutions that are simply too big to fail?

Mar 19, 2012 7:01 PM

Libertarians: They hate the government, they hate Israel, they hate the poor and most of all they hate education. Is this what this site has become? A bunch of no good hateful libertarians?

Mar 19, 2013 1:48 PM

The bank deposit levy should be global. It is criminal that while Cyprions are likely to be liable, other countries are enjoying 0% levies on their deposits. We also need to levy secret offshore accounts. Nobody is above the social contract. Everyone needs to pay their fair share.

Mar 19, 2013 10:09 AM

I think a levy is a good idea. It's just like tax. The government needs to raise money for its essential functions. Functions that we all agree cannot be provided voluntarily.

Mar 19, 2013 10:18 AM

How about this: We levy every bank account at a FIXED rate of 4%, NO exceptions. All the money goes into a Federal Stability fund, managed by a committee apointed by our elected congressmen. The money will be invested in the economy as and when it is needed.

Mar 19, 2013 10:48 AM

Honest question: If the government can't levy bank accounts to protect the integrity of the banking system, what do you think would happen to savers in the event of a bank run? Are you people also against the FDIC?

Mar 19, 2013 10:52 AM

It's realism. We need government. Tax is necessary, and so are bank account levies. If you can't handle these facts, then I suggest you join the kiddies table, and leave the adults to discuss real, progessive solutions to the problems we face.

Mar 19, 2013 11:21 AM

We are on the road to recovery, but that doesn't mean we don't face the threat of instability. We need to put in Federal safe-guards against this type of problem. The FDIC takes care of depositors, but which department is underwriting the equity of our banking institutions? This is just another piece of the puzzle in the quest to build a stronger, safer, more liberal economy. 

Mar 19, 2013 11:25 AM

With all due respect, Mr. Orphanides has not faced potential instability of these proportions as central bank chairman. I suggest he defer to the opinion of the experts and leaders that are dealing with these  issues in the here and now. All of the respected global leaders and academics agree that bank deposit levies and necessary and appropriate for the challenges that we face.

Mar 19, 2013 11:46 AM

Cyprions don't even understand what's going on. They're not "losing" their deposits. The money is temporarily underwriting the equity of some if the world's most reputable banks. When the equity appreciates, depositors will be paid back in full.

Mar 19, 2013 12:10 PM

It's the same concept as social security moron. Do you disagree with that too? Even though its running a surplus if IOUs?

Mar 19, 2013 12:45 PM

Good thing I bought US treasuries as a hedge. Not only am I collecting a risk free return, I'm also hedged against any instability in the market.

Mar 19, 2013 4:46 PM

Hopefully bank levies will incentivise savers to spend more instead of hoarding cash. This will increase aggregate demand and kickstart the consumer economy. 

Mar 19, 2013 9:59 AM

There's a lot we can do in America now to avoid pain later. For a start we can levy every account at 3% a year and put the funds in a Federal Emergency Fund. This fund will be used to rescue banks if they are showing signs of weakness, or to inject liquidity into the economy when needed.

Mar 2, 2012 4:21 PM

2 million dollars may be a lot of money to doomer day traders on zerohedge but trust me, to the pros it's nothing. Sales and flow traders at top tier investment banks laugh in the faces of nerdy ZH day traders. They are the smartest, savviest traders out there and they honestly don't care what you think, losers.

Mar 2, 2016 12:13 PM


Mar 2, 2016 12:13 PM

I'm scared of Trump. If we have a Trump presidency I may seriously consider leaving the United States - I just can't believe this is happening to our beautiful country. It's just terrible, I cry about it every day. What has happened to our compassion, to our sense of pride, to basic decency and etiquette? These are things we once cherished, but it seems that even the most elementary principles of American civilization may be lost.

Mar 20, 2012 10:45 AM

This is the advantage of having a consumer economy - We are not exposed to variations in foreign demand. Our role is pure and simple: to support the Chinese export economy by consuming Chinese goods. In this symbiotic relationship, Americans get to consume cheap Chinese goods and build a retail based service economy domestically while the Chinese get safe-haven dollars in return for their exports. It's a win-win for America and China!

Mar 20, 2012 10:59 AM

"Theft has been "legalized" for governments"

Wrong. This is not theft. It is called TAXATION, and there is a BIG difference. The smartest wealthiest liberals from top college professors to esteemed Hollywood actors ALL understand this difference. But somehow libertarians still don't get it.

Mar 20, 2012 4:13 PM

This is simply unwinding of risk-off trades. In an event of financial uncertainty, investors will pile back into US debt because of its hard-earned safe haven status. There simply is NO substitute for US debt when it comes to protecting you and your family's financial future. 

Mar 20, 2013 1:36 PM

My Autobiography - Part 3

A Virtuous Life - A story of courage, integrity and bravery

My college years were when things stated to go wrong.
After a rigorous education in politics and the classics, I was accepted into Dartmouth to perfect and build on what I had learned. The excitement in the air at Dartmouth was overwhelming. Beautiful liberal women paraded the campus, and the students carried themselves with an air of importance and status. One night, immersed in the euphoria of a college party, I found myself sharing a range of drugs with a ragged group of hippy students. This became a frequent pastime, and by my third year of college I was on a combination of marujuana, cocaine and heroin. I'm not proud if those days. Today however, I am fully reformed. I now fully support the ban on dangerous drugs and I would introduce even harsher penalties on those who choose to make these destructive choices.

Mar 20, 2013 2:23 PM

If our Federal Reserve is serious about fostering economic growth, they need to start looking at other monthly purchase programs. I know there have been moves to monetize mortgage backed securities, but these purhases need to part of our Federal Reserve's permanent monthly purchas program. Peoples' lives are literally depending on the innovation of our monetary leaders. They need to recognize this respnosbility and step up the purchase programs to increae aggregate demand and get our consumer economy back on track. The slower the economic recovery, the faster Americans lose their pride and sense of self-esteem.

Mar 20, 2015 7:17 PM

These are some funamental questions we all have to ask ourselves. Will we accept an economy where only the few do spectacularly well and the poor have no voice, or will we strive for an economy where every citizen is a snowflake who can reach their true potential? These are trying times, and the future will judge our values by the economy we create for our children. 

Mar 20, 2015 7:48 PM

Message to the third world youth:

That sports car you saw while you were sitting at the taxi rank - it's possible 

That big house on the hills that you thought could only be for some privileged white family - it's possible 

Those sweet $500 sneakers you saw on MTV - it’s possible

All you have to do is believe. This is 2015, and anything is possible. Whatever you want in life, you can have it - just remember that. Life is yours to take, so just live it, and your dreams will come true. 

Mar 21, 2012 4:37 PM

ms1408 is a moron. We need force to protect us from terrorists, make sure the poor have benefits and provide education for children. The idea that libertarians would deny us these things is morally reprehensible.

Mar 22, 2012 1:10 PM

I sincerely hope that there will no disruptions to this educational initiative by rowdy libertarian college students or Ron Paul loonys. Bernanke is under absolutely no obligation to spend time with the general public. He has a very hectic schedule, and he is making a large sacrifice by spending time with the ignorant public who still do not understand even the most elementary concepts underlying modern monetary policy. So for the sake of decency and humility, why not show some respect.

Mar 22, 2012 8:01 AM

This is a perfect example of what can happen with lack of sensible gun control legislation. People simply shouldn't be able to have access to dangerous weapons that can lead to disasters like this.

Mar 22, 2012 9:31 AM

This is a smart move by the Turkish government. It is a crime against humanity to hoard gold and silver when speculators have driven these metals to absurdly high prices. By hoarding metals instead of investing in the economy, goldbugs and silverbugs are impeding economic growth and inhibiting job creation. The Turkish government and banks can now rehypothicate this gold to facilitate credit expansion as a form of monetary stimulus, which helps everybody, not just a few greedy goldbugs.

Mar 22, 2013 4:59 PM

Could somebody please explain to me exactly what is wrong with a FIXED rate levy on all bank deposits? I still don't understand.

Mar 22, 2013 5:10 PM

Why? It makes sense. The government needs more money, and US bank deposits total 10 trillion dollars. If our government levies just 5% of this, that's 500 billion dollars that could go toward government spending.

Mar 22, 2013 5:24 PM

I think a FIXED levy of 5% or more on ALL deposits is reasonable. This would generate a significant amount of revenue which can be used to stabilize the banking system. We just need to agree on a reasonable levy.

Mar 22, 2013 5:32 PM

This is only one of many measures. Everyone needs to make sacrifices. If you have a bank deposit, you need to pay a levy; if you have gold, you need to give some of this up. There are no easy options. This is the hard reality, and we need to face up to it.

Mar 22, 2013 5:35 PM

It's still something. At least I'm trying to solve the problem. What are YOU doing to help?

Mar 22, 2013 5:42 PM

Firstly, those pensions are written into legislation, so don't even think of getting your dirty hands near them. Secondly, public sector workers are some of the hardest working average Americans. CEOs get to earn millions, and yet you're saying that a fireman who risks his life for 30 years from the age of 20 can't earn a mere 100k pension?

Mar 22, 2013 5:48 PM

I'm not sure about you, but I believe in democracy. As long as the money is spent by an ELECTED congress, it's going to good use. Sorry, but I think a bank deposit levy is a brilliant idea. It's money just sitting there doing nothing. For goodness' sake - just put to god damn use! The government has a COUNTRY to run and its running out of money!

Mar 22, 2013 6:24 PM

I always make sure I keep at least 30% of my portfolio in US treasuries. That way, if the market falls I have a reliable hedge, and I collect a risk free return every six months.

Mar 22, 2013 6:41 PM

Nobody said that fixing our revenue problem was going to be easy. The FDIC can only do so much when our Federal government is struggling to fund itself. We need to make sacrifices, as hard as it may be to admit it. It's the only way to maintain our level of sophisticated government.

Mar 22, 2013 6:43 PM

Those pensions are protected whether you like it or not. UNLESS we want to see decades of legislative progress go down the drain, we NEED to find a way to finance our government. Bank levies on America's $10 trillion in bank deposits are CLEARLY one of the options we need to pursue. That's the reality, so DEAL with it.

Mar 22, 2013 6:50 PM

I've always had an underscore.

Mar 22, 2016 10:23 AM

We need to beef up our police force in order to curb the growing right wing rebellion in this country, but at the same time we need to ensure that racism is eliminated from our police departments. We have a massive over-representation of police in black communities, which should be reduced and shifted toward white areas harbouring extreme right-wing views, the likes of which we saw with the Oregon rancher incidents. The audacity of these people to complain about the Federal government seizing land that was stolen from the native Americans is just astounding!

Mar 22, 2016 11:11 AM

This demonstrates why we need a female President. Men aren't able to make clear moral judgements when they are blinded by rage. The truth is water boarding is simply not constitutional. We have to decide, are we going to be a country of laws, or are we going to be the wild west where anything goes in order to fight 'radical Islam'? The majority of Muslims are some of the most peaceful people in the world, many of whom serve in our military. If the world was run by women, there would be no war or political violence. We need a new kind of president now, or we seriously risk starting a World War 3.

Mar 22, 2016 12:06 PM

In addition to these surveillance measures, we need to ban the use of Tor-based applications that allow potential terrorists navigate the internet with no oversight. If you have nothing to hide, then why would you be hiding your internet activity? Wherever far-right extremists claim that their 'privacy' is at stake, is where we need to be monitoring the most. This is the only way that we are going to quell the growing right-wing movement in this country and restore law and order.

Mar 22, 2016 12:47 PM

The market is realizing that although this incident is tragic, increased security spending is actually going to boost GDP and aggregate demand. It also means more people will be employed in security positions, which improves the employment rate. World War 2 got us out of the last economic glut, and however unpalatable it may be, increased terrorism around the world could offer the same benefit.

Mar 22, 2016 8:21 AM

I'm sad to see that my worst fears have been confirmed. Trump has used this attack to promote even more Islamaphobia, which is only going to further provoke and insult the Muslim community. If we want to stop these terror attacks, then we need to be sensitive to other peoples' religions and culture! Angering the Muslim community is only going to make it worse!!  

Mar 22, 2016 8:38 AM

Stop trying to re-write history! The crusades were an aggressive military expedition and land grab hat killed thousands of innocent Muslims for the profit and and benefit of white western christians. Yet another disgusting and shameful page in the blood-soaked book of western colonial history. 

Mar 22, 2016 9:27 AM

My worry is that conservatives will use this isolated incident to justify their hatred and racism towards the Muslim community. We have to stress that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, and these terrorists do not represent Islam as a whole. 

Mar 23, 2012 12:56 PM

 One thing that really gets me, is when people blame the boomers (in Greece and around the world) for loading up future unborn generations with debt. This is not their fault. "Personal responsibility" is just a term used by libertarians and ignorant right-wing interests to make us feel guilty. Well, I'm not falling for it. I am proud of supporting government debt as it boosts the economy through fiscal stimulus and assists with many vital government functions. It also helps employ many government employees that would otherwise have to compete in the dog-eat-dog free market. So, I'm not going to apologize, ever.


Mar 23, 2015 5:20 PM

I agree with him about wealth inequality. This is a big problem not only in America but globally. This is why we need a series of comprehensive bills that specifically target wealth inequality and help bridge the gap between rich and poor. We can start by raising the minimum wage - the mimum wage is far too low in my opinion and even doubling or trippling it would be a conservative improvement in my opinion. 

Mar 24, 2015 4:32 PM

The record gap between rich and poor that we see today comes as no surprise to liberals who have been warning about the dangers of unfettered capitalism for decades. Karl Marx predicted what we are seeing today over a hundred years ago – you’d think people would listen to us. But all we hear is the same ‘free market’ dogma that got us into this mess. 

Mar 24, 2015 4:44 PM

I feel sorry for the ignorant people who complain about High Frequency Trading as if it somehow puts them at a disadvantage. Many of us who are part of the Venus Project believe that, to the contrary, HFTs are necessary and will eventually develop into a single hyper intelligent capital allocation algorithm that will give everyone on earth what they need, when they need it, so we don’t have to work. We have the resources and technology to provide food and shelter to everyone on earth, so work should be a thing of the past. It’s funny to me to see people complain about ‘market manipulation’ when these algorithms could literally save the planet and the future of humanity. 

Mar 24, 2016 1:06 PM

"most barriers are the result of counterproductive government policies"

More lies from libertarians. It has been demonstrated repeatedly by top economists that government policy drives investment in the economy and stimulates economic growth. The economy needs leadership, without which it simply cannot function. For example, the minimum wage has helped raise the living standards of millions of Americans, who are now able to spend more and contribute more to the economy. It's amazing to me how ignorant libertarians are when it comes to economics. One can only imagine what kind of nonsense is going through their heads when they write this drivel.


Mar 24, 2016 10:57 AM

Where is your heart Europe?? All these people are asking for is a roof over their heads and food on the table, and you selfish first world stuck up bastards won't even spare a few crumbs? The blood is on your hands if you deny these people their freedom to live and work as peaceful European citizens.



Mar 24, 2016 11:00 AM

Europeans are among the most privelaged people in the world - there is simply no excuse.

Mar 24, 2016 11:08 AM

Why should the Accredited Times donate when billionares like Donald Trump are paying nowhere near their fair share. It's time for the rich and 'upper' middle class to start paying their share. The poor have paid enough.

Mar 24, 2016 3:55 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 3 - Trust Your Gut

One thing that distinguishes professional traders from amateurs is that the pros have sixth sense for the markets. Unlike what many people believe, a pro trader's decision making process is not simply guided by numbers and facts. In addition to the dry factual analysis, the most distinguished traders all have something in common - a deep instinct for the markets. This instinct guides them 24/7, and often means the difference between winning big or blowing up when the stakes are high and time is short. To the common man, charts and newsfeeds are simply informational and can only inform our analysis of the markets. However for a professional trader, these are literally 'felt' at a primal level, allowing them to make lightning fast decisions that often leave less professional traders dazed and confused. Among top traders, these instincts are so well honed that trading has become almost impossible for the novice, as trading opportunities are swept up by the pros before anyone else gets close to seeing them. Bedazzled traders often explain this phenomenon away by inventing conspiracy theories about 'High Frequency Trading' robots that front run their orders, target their stops and manipulate the market. In reality though, HFT robots only increase liquidity and make it easier for the little guy. The lesson here, is that in order to succeed as a trader, you need to trust and build your instinct for the markets, as without it you are simply swimming blind in a sea full of sharks.


Mar 24, 2016 3:57 PM

An excerpt from my new book, "Tricks of the Trade - Hard-Learned Lessons from a Real Wall Street Veteran"

Lesson 3 - Trust Your Gut

One thing that distinguishes professional traders from amateurs is that the pros have sixth sense for the markets. Unlike what many people believe, a pro trader's decision making process is not simply guided by numbers and facts. In addition to the dry factual analysis, the most distinguished traders all have something in common - a deep instinct for the markets. This instinct guides them 24/7, and often means the difference between winning big or blowing up when the stakes are high and time is short. To the common man, charts and newsfeeds are simply informational and can only inform our analysis of the markets. However for a professional trader, these are literally 'felt' at a primal level, allowing them to make lightning fast decisions that often leave less professional traders dazed and confused. Among top traders, these instincts are so well honed that trading has become almost impossible for the novice, as trading opportunities are swept up by the pros before anyone else gets close to seeing them. Bedazzled traders often explain this phenomenon away by inventing conspiracy theories about 'High Frequency Trading' robots that front run their orders, target their stops and manipulate the market. In reality though, HFT robots only increase liquidity and make it easier for the little guy. The lesson here, is that in order to succeed as a trader, you need to trust and build your instinct for the markets, as without it you are simply swimming blind in a sea full of sharks.


Mar 24, 2016 8:19 AM

New article exposing what Americans really think about Donald Trump, over at the Accredited Times:


Mar 24, 2016 8:38 AM

You're mistaken. Here's an article from 2011 with my username (you can find many more by googling me):


I challenge you to show me an article with the 'real' me.

Mar 25, 2013 1:47 PM

If a meteor hits the earth and destroys all computers running the bitcoin client at the same time, then your bitcoins are gone. No thanks.

Mar 26, 2012 4:11 PM

This hatred of the too-big-to-fail concept is indicative of a totally unjustified bias toward small business vs. larger more reputable corporations. I’m personally sick of this ridiculous prejudice. We DON’T NEED tons of new small businesses. We already have plenty of large corporations that provide all the services and products we require. Furthermore, many of these corporations have good relationships with government officials, which shows that they support American values.  

Mar 26, 2012 4:40 PM

So ... ? That is completely irrelevant to my point. There are already PLENTY of large corporations providing all the goods and services we need. Starting your own business has become nothing but a self-satisfying and gratuitous pursuit. It also has many unhelpful connotations such as those of “fighting the man” or “rebelling against authority” which have become quite wearisome to say the least. There are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs WITHIN the current corporate framework. They can join a franchise like McDonalds, or they can work their way up into a top managerial position in a reputable Fortune 500 company. There is simply NO NEED to ‘compete’ with respected corporations.

Mar 26, 2012 5:08 PM

You think there is enough work from the large corporations to hire them all

Well large reputable corporations WOULD be able to hire them if there weren’t so many “small businesses” stealing their market share. Starting a small business is not only a selfish pursuit, but it also threatens the jobs of many hard-working Americans working at top corporations who often need to start unions just to defend their way of life. Everyone likes to talk about the jobs small businesses create, but nobody wants to talk about the jobs they destroy at reputable competing firms.

Mar 26, 2012 9:10 AM

Bernanke is starting to hint at some serious liquidity support. The 10-year is holding resistance at 2.40 very nicely and stocks are rallying superbly, all of which bodes well for the Obama/Biden 2012 campaign.

Mar 26, 2014 11:04 AM

Ukrain needs to start moving away from fossil fuels anyway - hopefully this will accelerate the process. This is a great opportunity for the Ukrainian government to invest in green technologies; not only will this help solve the global energy crisis - it'll also create jobs and support the economy.

Mar 26, 2014 9:19 AM

Actualy, this makes perfect sense. Brand is everything, and this association gives serious weight to the company's image. In addition, the aquisition adds value to any IP which uses the Oculus brand, boosting tha value of Oculus' intangeable assets. 

Mar 26, 2015 6:34 PM

This is so fake ...

Mar 26, 2015 6:35 PM


Mar 27, 2012 11:52 AM

This idea has been in the mix for some time, and I have complained about the lack of decisiveness of Fed officials on matters of such importance. This move demonstrates confidence, firmness and a desire to proactively solve the underlying issues in today’s global economy. The Greek CDS trigger was a truly disastrous event for American primary dealer institutions and other SIFIs since it incurred them with large liabilities. Bernanke recognizes that this has set a president for a series of cascading credit events across Europe which together could be apocalyptic for the balance sheets of our most important American financial institutions. Hence the Fed is being vigilant and taking the necessary steps to promote stability and monetary union across Europe.

Mar 27, 2012 12:00 PM

This may be boring to you. But it is actually of grave importance to our financial system as we know it today. You're probably one those libertarians that use the services provided by world class institutions such as JP Morgan, Bank of America and Meryl Lynch every day but then scornfully criticise these very institutions. People like you just make me sick.

Mar 27, 2012 4:08 PM

This is just more propaganda targeted at boomers who accepted and advocated government debt over the last few decades. DON'T fall for it. The young these days are spoiled, and they will do everything they can to blame their elders. These young scoundrels would do well to show some respect and learn some personal responsibility.

Mar 27, 2012 4:24 PM

"Medicare and Medicaid are paid by taxes, they are not "free". I don't see anyone bitching about roads as being "free stuff promised to the elderly""

Yes you make a good point. It reminds of those ungrateful African slaves. Their masters built ENTIRE ships for them, provided them with tools for working on the sugar plantations, and provided them with free food. But they simply refused to appreciate any of it.

Mar 27, 2013 9:28 AM

We are rapidly approaching the point where we can no longer deny the need for a global government. National currencies have worked well up until now, but they lack structure and a unified monetary policy. We cannot have a united stable economy without predictable and uniform monetary policy across the nation states. It’s time for a global currency, and a global central bank, combined with a global government to enact super national fiscal and monetary policy across the globe. We live in a globalized world, and our current governing institutions are simply not fit for our global economy.

Mar 27, 2013 9:49 AM

Who cares? Greek bond holders have locked in a 7% return for the next 10 years. Value investors are planning to hold to maturity, so the price doesn't matter. Seriously, where else can you get yields like this? Do people still not see the advantage of owning long-term peripheral debt?

Mar 27, 2013 9:54 AM

Not gold. A new currency. You will still have your national currencies, but their rate of exchange with the new global currency will be fixed daily by a board of independent experts. Similar to how LIBOR rates are set today.

Mar 28, 2013 1:44 PM

This denialism is understandable. It's far easier on one's ego to pretend that working for a top tier investment bank or a top law firm is undesirable. The harsh reality however, is that these institutions offer the most desirable compensation packages, and benefits that most people can only dream of receiving. Sadly, top tier institutions are only interested in target schools, and will rigorously screen applicants for not only outstanding academic achievements, but also exceptional leadership skills; a level of elite achievement that most people simply cannot attain.

Mar 28, 2013 1:51 PM

National central banks will become less significant. Each will have to work in conjunction with a single world central bank. Monetary policy needs to be centralized in the global economy. This bank will be responsible for managing the supply and exchange rates of the new global currency. Interest rates will be set by a committee with a representative from each country, in conjunction with daily exchange rate fixings.

Mar 28, 2013 12:26 PM

What kind of economy is this? How are we supposed to tackle problems in a globalized world with non-uniform, disorganised policies enacted by a labyrinth of local governing institutions? The idea that we can tackle today's global problems with local government is a myth that is rapidly losing favor with global leaders. The time for a new world order is here. It's now just a question of how we will structure our global governing institutions.

Mar 28, 2013 9:46 AM

The bank levy needs to be enacted on a global level, with NO exceptions. I won't stand for russian oligarchs escaping a haircut, when average Cypriots are making tought but necessary sacrifices to save their economy.

Mar 29, 2016 10:05 AM

As long as the long term upward channel holds on the S&P 500 chart, I'm going to be a buyer. I've made so much money from stocks over the last 5 years, that it would be stupid to stop now, when nothing significant on the chart has changed. I really feel the pain of the goldbugs though, who just never seem to run out of bad luck. If there's any market that you need to cautious about, it's gold. I would use this rally in gold to get out now while you can, because I would absolutely heartbroken to see goldbugs lose everything during the coming collapse.



Mar 29, 2016 10:38 AM

I find this kind of conspiracy theory laughable, when Trump is clearly part of the 1%. Honest question for Trump supporters: do you honestly believe that someone who has repeatedly demonstrated himself to be totally sexist, racist, fascist and xenophobic, can be president of the United States of America? There must be something seriously wrong with you people.



Mar 29, 2016 10:47 AM


Mar 29, 2016 11:35 AM

What is going on with our foreign policy? We are the world's only superpower, yet we abandon our allies in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, we back down while Russia invades sovereign nations, and we abandon our responsibilities in Iraq? What happened to the old days when we would take on countries that threatened our interests without even flinching, ruthlessly crack down on anti-interventionist wimps, and deploy troops at the drop of a hat when need be? We have become weak folks, and we need someone with the strength and conviction to fight for our interests abroad and strengthen our relationships with our key allies in the Middle East. In my opinion the only candidate that can do this is Hillary. You may not like her on a personal level, but so what? Deep down, every one of you knows that I am 100% right, and that she and only she, has the experience and the will to fix our foreign policy and turn this country around.



Mar 29, 2016 12:02 PM

What Lewandowski did was absolutely disgusting, to a woman no less! This is what we've come to expect from Trump supporters and anyone involved in the Trump campaign. They're nothing but a bunch of lowlife thugs, who hate women, hate minorities, hate gay people and hate immigrants. There is nothing of any substance in Donald Trump's campaign other than hate. This is just sad, but not surprising at all.



Mar 29, 2016 4:27 PM

Gold is approaching major resistance at 1300. Once that fails to be broken and we resume this downtrend, all bets are off. There is absolutely nothing keeping gold from falling to below 700. I warned zerohedgers for years that this was a bubble. Had you listened to me, you would have sold you gold and silver near the highs, and would have invested in European Peripheral Debt in 2012 – an investment that has yielded unbelievable gains. And what is it with you guys and equities? The S&P 500 has been hands down the best investment of the last 5 years, while gold has gone nowhere. Aren’t you upset about missing the boat? I would be seriously pissed if I’d bought gold instead of stocks over the last 5 years – I just can’t imagine how rotten I’d feel. And by the way Facebook, which I was mocked for buying at the IPO, has been an absolutely incredible investment - it was obvious it was going to do well – it’s Facebook for crying out loud! This stuff is actually pretty easy. There’s a big wide world of real investments out there people – why not just throw in the towel, admit you were wrong, sell your shiny metals and join the winners’ club?



Mar 29, 2016 7:41 AM

New article over at the Accredited Times: Why Free Speech Shouldn't Always be Allowed.


Mar 30, 2012 4:59 PM

 One of the most astonishing hypocrisies of Zero Hedge is their shameless money grabbing from advertisers, EVEN when the adverts contradict their most deep rooted ideologies. Just today, I have come across adverts for:
1. Donations to the Obama presidential campaign
2. Brokerage services at Goldman Sachs
3. McDonalds franchising
In addition I’ve repeatedly seen adverts for “Forever Lazy’s”. I would never buy something so ridiculous, and I resent the implication.
My advice to ZH: Get your values in order and STOP taking money from adverts that contradict your stated views. You’re embarrassing yourselves.

Mar 30, 2012 5:17 PM

Not True!! I would never look at starting a McDonalds franchise, and I sure as HELL wouldn't buy a "Forever Lazy". Those are for total losers only.

Mar 30, 2012 5:48 PM

I admit that I have frequently browsed for Obama campaign donations and Goldman Sachs brokerage services. But I have NEVER looked at McDonalds franchising or Forever Lazys. That is just a LIE. 

Mar 30, 2016 10:26 AM

This violence needs to be stopped now. Trump supporters are nothing but common thugs! I guess this is what we can expect from a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and fascist right-wing out of control republican. Why am I even surprised? #StopTrumpViolence



Mar 30, 2016 12:15 PM

The silver market has a lot further to fall in my opinion - it's still trading at a whopping 3X it's price from 2001!! Sorry, but that is absolutely unsustainable. Too bad, none you people listened to me when I warned about the silver bubble at the highs. What's wrong with you people - you must enjoy being poor or something.



Mar 30, 2016 12:24 PM

I don't understand this article. Should defense contractors not be rewarded for providing the military apparatus necessary to achieve our foreign policy objectives? Sure, there are always conspiracy theories about lobbyists influencing foreign policy, but where's the proof? There are plenty of legitimate reasons for our military expeditions, and plenty of real reasons for buying military equipment. Occam's Razor states that the simplest explanation is likely to be the correct one - so which is simpler, a vast and sinister conspiracy of politicians and lobbyists to manufacture false war narratives, or that the narratives are simply true? I'll let you decide.



Mar 30, 2016 12:59 PM

I'd say I'm more of a cultural Muslim. I've never been particularly religious, as I don't like all the rules it imposes (I really hate rules). But I culturally identify with Islam, and support its ideals. I like Israel too though - is that a crime? I support the protection of Islamic culture and religion regardless. I think the US should open its borders more though because Christians need to give more.

Mar 30, 2016 9:14 AM

It's funny to watch conservatives hyperventilate over this supposed 'scandal' when average Americans really couldn't care less. Nobody cares about 'Benghazi', ok? People want their jobs, benefits and pensions protected, and this is what Hillary is offering. This is why Hillary will win hands down, no matter how much conservatives try to tarnish her name.



Mar 31, 2014 10:54 AM

The people want government to stop supporting wall street and start supporting the people. It's an absolute disgrace that rich people continue to reap obsene profits when government workers are losing their jobs and pensions, and the poor are at risk of losing their benefits. I stand with the poor against the rich, with the meek against the powerful. Let's re-capture our government from the rich and reignite the peoples' trust in our leaders. 

Mar 31, 2016 12:01 PM

Trump has really done it this time. The government has no right to punish women who choose to exercise their god-given right to have an abortion. It's her body, and therefore her choice. Feminists are rightfully outraged at Trump's misogynistic comments, and the polls are reflecting this. It was a fun while it lasted, but it looks like Trump's campaign is now officially done.  




Mar 31, 2016 8:44 AM

The people of Russia are suffering! Putin has failed as a President, and needs to be overthrown now. Russia needs change. Their people are sick and tired of Russia defending the Syrian dictator Assad, and Putin's costly and criminal invasions of Ukraine and Georgia. It's time for a new Russian Revolution!


Mar 31, 2016 8:47 AM

Very important article today over at the Accredited Times, covering America's gun violence epidemic, and the need to act now in order to save lives, and make America a safe place for our children to grow up in.


Mar 31, 2016 9:11 AM

"This is just another example of lax gun laws and a "gun culture""

Is this supposed to be a joke? This wouldn't even be possible if guns were banned, like they are across almost the whole of Europe and the first world. You're obviously completely ignorant of the facts on gun crime in America (or you just don't care). For those who care about the safety of our children in this country, read today's article at the Accredited Times and get the FACTS about the epidemic of gun violence in this country.



Mar 31, 2016 9:15 AM

It's ironic that the Zerohedge community is outraged at the use of guns by a group of Muslim men, and yet they have no problem with the far higher gun ownership among white American men. How do you explain this other than by concluding that the Zerohedge community are largely closet racists?

Mar 31, 2016 9:17 AM

This is a tired and discredited argument. If you can't tell the difference between owning a car, and owning a dangerous firearm designed to kill people, then you are not even worth debating with.

Mar 31, 2016 9:29 AM

Anti-science conservatives have always been against higher education. They reject the science of evolution, the science of climate change, the science of pharmaceutical wonder drugs, and the science of economics. The reject almost every advancement and progression in society, so it's no wonder they are so vehemently opposed to education as a whole.



Mar 4, 2013 5:36 PM

Drones are freakin' awsome. I've been playing with my remote controlled drone all week. This thing is just insane! The most fun I've ever had in my life. 

Mar 4, 2016 10:22 AM

Weekly earnings are cyclical and are likely to revert to normal in the next jobs report. Every qualified economist knows that you can't look at a single figure on a time series and use it to justify a negative view about the economy. You have to look at the entire context, and the big picture is that we have had many years of consistently spectacular jobs reports. This figure will simply vanish into irrelevance in a couple of months as we continue to see strong jobs data and sprouting green shoots.

Mar 4, 2016 10:45 AM

When the global economy faces the very real risk of deflation, hoarding cash is a threat to economic stability and is therefore a global security issue. We live in a globalized world now, and an economic catastrophe in one country can quickly spill over into other countries and precipitate a global economic crisis. Therefore I think it is wholly appropriate for us to issue a stark warning to countries who choose this path, that such actions are not only a threat to US national security, but to global peace and economic prosperity, and that we may resort to military action should this continue.

Mar 4, 2016 10:45 AM


Mar 4, 2016 11:04 AM

10 reasons why I hate goldbugs:

  1. They cry about ‘manipulation’ every time they lose money
  2. They hoard gold instead of investing in the economy, denying millions of people jobs and income growth
  3. They undermine our national currency and national interests
  4. They selfishly pursue profit at the expense of others
  5. They keep ‘stacking’, even when they’ve already lost half of their family’s retirement
  6. They have no understanding of basic economic principles
  7. They snobbishly reject all other investments
  8. They have a lemming-like mentality, and buy in panic whenever they see any second-rate article about 'armageddon' or 'hyperinflation'
  9. They have an inability to see the other side of the gold argument
  10. They rush to one another’s defence in pro-gold arguments, even if they have no understanding of the argument at hand

Mar 4, 2016 11:14 AM

This is natural in an economy that is transitioning from a manufacturing economy to a modern service economy. Entry level jobs in the service sector have low wages, but offer numerous paths for growth into middle management and beyond. This is a natural and desirable transition for a developed economy. Service sector jobs are safer and less physically demanding than manufacturing jobs, just as manufacturing jobs were less demanding than farming jobs. This is progress. Just as technology reduced the size of our agriculture sector, outsourcing is reducing the size of our manufacturing sector and allowing us to pursue far more rewarding opportunities in the service sector. It's also interesting to note that the US is now the leader by far in healthcare and education, two of the bedrocks of modern civilization.

Mar 4, 2016 11:17 AM

10 reasons why I hate goldbugs:

  1. They cry about ‘manipulation’ every time they lose money
  2. They hoard gold instead of investing in the economy, denying millions of people jobs and income growth
  3. They undermine our national currency and national interests
  4. They selfishly pursue profit at the expense of others
  5. They keep ‘stacking’, even when they’ve already lost half of their family’s retirement
  6. They have no understanding of basic economic principles
  7. They snobbishly reject all other investments
  8. They have a lemming-like mentality, and buy in panic whenever they see any second-rate article about 'armageddon' or 'hyperinflation'
  9. They have an inability to see the other side of the gold argument
  10. They rush to one another’s defence in pro-gold arguments, even if they have no understanding of the argument at hand

Mar 4, 2016 11:58 AM

All part of a natural transition from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Not a bad thing at all. It's sad that zerohedge disparages and demeans service professionals, when these people are going to develop into the future leaders of our service economy. A significant proportion of today's  waiters and cashiers will one day become executives and CEOs of the world's leading service companies.

Mar 4, 2016 3:37 PM

Here’s the reality about the migrant ‘crisis’. Europe has a serious demographic problem, with natives simply not having enough children to cover the healthcare and retirement benefits of their elders, and only immigration can solve this issue. Middle Eastern and African countries have much higher birth rates than western countries, and will be able to provide the large young generation that is needed to support Europe going forward. For that reason alone, Europe and the west in general should be welcoming the migration, as it may be the only thing that can save us from the demographic cliff.

Mar 4, 2016 4:36 PM

Fun facts about the US economy in 2016:

  • The US is ranked in the top percentile for employment rate among large developed nations
  • The US still has the largest GDP in the world and in the top percentile per capita
  • The US is the world leader in services, with the service sector contributing to 80% of total GDP
  • The US is hands down the leader in education and healthcare, spending more than any other nation per capita on these services
  • Despite its strong economic growth, the US is in the top percentile for low inflation

Mar 4, 2016 5:12 PM

A striking trend that few people are noticing is the revolution in "task-based" occupations that are filling in the gaps in the job market. Companies like Task Rabbit are saving our job market, allowing Americans to earn an income by such tasks as carrying out peoples' grocery shopping and delivering peoples' laundry. So many Americans who were once down and out, are now proud "Task Rabbits" with rich and rewarding careers. Not only does being a Task Rabbit offer competitive compensation, it also allows you to develop a range of skills that look fantastic on your resume. It's innovative companies like this that are saving America and kick-starting the second industrial revolution in the service sector.

Mar 4, 2016 5:37 PM

I knew zerohedgers would insult and demean these hard working people. Just because they may not be up to your elitist standards doesn't mean their jobs are any less important than yours. A job is a job, and if it offers flexibility in addition to competitive rates, that's a great gig as far as I'm concerned. It's just a pity that people like you have to make others feel bad about themselves for taking advantage of these opporunities - maybe people like you are part of the unemployment problem.

Mar 4, 2016 6:08 PM

Lay off the insults buddy. This is a great and respectablle career for all types of people, both highly educated and less fortunate, old and young. That's one of the great things about it - you can get started no matter where you are in your life, work flexible hours and start building your career immediately. You can take it as far as you want to take it - for some it's just a way to supplemement their income, for others it's an opportunity to vuild their career and achieve financial independence.

Mar 4, 2016 9:53 AM

WOW! This is simply a spectacular number! There are no two ways about it. I think we can now safely say that we are in an incredibly strong recovery. We have had such a long streak of exceptional NFP reports now, that it's a mystery how anyone could not believe that we are in a recovery. S&P bulls have been rewarded again for buying the dip, and goldbugs are soon to be crushed as it dawns on investors that they have been far more pessimistic than the numbers warrant. Obama has resided over one of the greatest economic turnarounds in history, and his final year in office is proving to be no exception.

Mar 5, 2012 12:45 PM

I must admit my retail stock portfolio has been underperforming for some time now given Bernanke's ridiculous and childish hawkishness. I'm sick of this blatant manipulation of retail stocks by stingy CB's and impotent primary dealers. I'm seriously considering taking everything out of the stock market, putting it into US treasuries and just going off the grid – you know, just to teach them a lesson. Equity investors have sacrificed a lot for this country, and the lack of liquidity from central banks has been simply appalling.

Mar 5, 2012 4:10 PM

This just goes to show what is possible with perpetual debt issuance accompanied by easy monetary policy. By constantly demonizing entities like the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS, libertarians are denying America a new golden age of fiscal and monetary stimulus. This couple are showing us first hand that the concept of "living beyond our means" is simply a lie. One day, people are going to look back at libertarian propaganda, and they are going to be embarrassed and ashamed that these ideas of "balanced budgets" and "personal responsibility" ever surfaced.

Mar 5, 2013 10:50 AM

The global recovery is accelerating. Many stock investors have been made wealthier than their wildest dreams. You have to understand, some of these stock investors are highly leveraged, so when the S&P rockets by 100 points, they are making a small fortune. It's pretty damn awsome when you think about it.

Mar 5, 2013 2:58 PM

Ive gotta say, these drones are just freakin' amazing. I was flying one of these babys at the beach the other day and some of the shots I got of the sunbathers are just sweet. You can literally see everything and everyone. It's like a birds eye view. Everything's more out in the open with these things flying around. I think it's  better that way.

Mar 5, 2013 3:12 PM

The four-year chart of the S&P just looks fantasitc. This is a text book bull market. I've drawn a trendline along the lows of the chart, and 1510 is solid support. When you draw a linear projection line through the four-year chart, you can see it's going to 2000 by year end. No doubt about it. My advice: just keep buying.

Mar 5, 2013 4:34 PM


Top ways to play the bull market:
  1. Index ETFs - Index ETFs are a simple way for everyday investors to get exposure to the major stock indices. ETFs are managed by proffessional investors, who ensure that when stocks go up, so does your investment.
  2. S&P Futures - Futures are another way to profit from the bull market in stocks. The benefit of futures, is that you can put down very little money, but still reap huge rewards due to "leverage". 
  3. Options - Investors who believe the market is going higher, can buy call options which will rise with the stock market. Just like futures, options have the benefit of costing very little but still allowing you to make a lot of money. 


Mar 6, 2012 11:05 AM

Total massacre for goldbugs and silverbugs. Meanwhile treasuries are rallying superbly with the 10 year back below 2%! It's quite amusing to me that silly libertarians still can't seem to grasp that US treasuries are the only true safe-haven, despite their 20 year track record.

Mar 6, 2012 11:13 AM

Well duur!!! It's about time America laid down the rules and started getting tough with terrorists. We need to stand together as a country against this unacceptable insolence by Iranian officials. Libertarians are the weak link in America's sense of pride and power, and their support for the terrorists over average American citizens in fundamentally despicable.

Mar 6, 2013 10:09 AM

I've just been looking at some of the technicals on the four year chart of the S&P 500. I have to say, this chart just looks great. Firstly, there's a clear uptrend, which is a good sign. The second thing to look at is that we've had weekly closes above all the moving averages. Then you look at the MACD, which also is up. I have to say this is one of the best charts I have seen in all my life. If you're not in this market, you need to buy now. I'm as certain that stocks are going up as have been about anything in the markets.

Mar 6, 2013 10:28 AM

I've just been looking at some of the technicals on the four year chart of the S&P 500. I have to say, this chart just looks great. Firstly, there's a clear uptrend, which is a good sign. The second thing to look at is that we've had weekly closes above all the moving averages. Then you look at the MACD, which also is up. I have to say this is one of the best charts I have seen in all my life. If you're not in this market, you need to buy now. I'm as certain that stocks are going up as have been about anything in the markets.

Mar 6, 2013 11:02 AM

Ignore the chart at your own peril. If a market is making all time highs, that is telling you something important. Do you think the investors and traders who are long stocks and raking in huge profits give a damn about the 'fundamentals'? No - of course not. If you want to make money, trade the chart. Simple as that.

Mar 6, 2013 11:09 AM

The fundamentals don't matter. The chart is telling you to buy, so you should be long. There's no other way to look at it. When the chart starts to show signs of weakness, then only then will I consider reducing my position.

Mar 6, 2013 11:14 AM

What are you talking about? If your account is up, that's real wealth. I could cash in my S&P futures now for a hefty profit,. But that would be silly when the chart is still making all time highs.

Mar 6, 2013 11:18 AM

When the chart starts showing weakness. Don't be in a hurry to sell though. If the chart is making new all-time highs, you should sit tight and let your profits run. My first price target is 2000 (using linear projection).

Mar 6, 2014 11:10 AM

One of the things I like about this presentation is that it highlights the difference between “want” and “need”. The fine line that divides want is hotly debated by the American public and progressive scholars alike. I would argue that ‘needs’ are those basic things that one needs to live a dignified and comfortable life; a decent salary, healthcare, a home, a car and paid vacations. If private companies even began to meet the standards set by government jobs, we would see an enormous enhancement in living standards across the board, and many more people would have their basic needs met. 

Mar 6, 2014 11:26 AM

What matters is not simply return, but the return to risk ratio. Assets with superior risk reward profiles such as US Treasuries will alsways outperform in the long term.

Mar 6, 2014 11:31 AM

Having said that, if you're young and have a higher risk profile, I would suggest you invest primarily in equities in order to realize greater returns. Equities have a greater volatility, but economists have proven that equities always rise over the long term.

Mar 6, 2014 11:44 AM

Sorry I don't buy the whole bitcoin scam. If I can't hold it and touch it, then it ain't real. Case closed. I want my money to be 'backed' by something. Dollars are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. What are bitcoins backed by?

Mar 6, 2015 5:40 PM

Today’s NFP figure is extremely encouraging and bodes very well for Hillary’s 2016 presidential run. I hope that Hillary will continue President Obama’s work and light a fire under this recovery. I think Hillary Clinton has exactly what it takes to heal America – she’s tough on jobs, tough on foreign  policy and tough on gun violence. I encourage all young progressives to get behind the Hillary 2016 campaign early and spread the word, because the threat of right wing rebellion in this country is becoming every greater as conspiracy theories spread like wild fire across the unregulated internet. 

Mar 7, 2012 1:22 PM

Sorry but this article is yet another example of libertarian ignorance. Almost every top entry level job in America requires a college degree. In fact, if you're thinking of applying to a top tier investment bank (or bulge bracket) you can kiss that dream goodbye unless you have an exceptional GPA, preferably from an Ivy League college in addition to extraordinary extra-curricular achievements. A college degree demonstrates that you have the drive and ambition to excel at life and it is absolutely essential to have one if you want to be accepted into the highest levels of society.

Mar 7, 2012 6:42 PM

It puzzles me that struggling countries like Italy and France sit on tons of useless gold in vaults while their economies suffer. Why don't they pledge it as collateral to the ECB in order to attain credit for further fiscal stimulus? If doomer chumps want to bid over a thousand dollars for this junk, then why not take advantage of their ignorance by pledging useless bars of shiny metal for millions in spendable credit?  

Mar 7, 2014 10:11 AM

This bodes well for the global recovery. I think we may be at the point where Janet Yellen can consider tightening the balance sheet. The key will be to do it in such a way that doesn't harm growth, but since the recovery is now self-sustaning, this may be an option to consider. I'll leave that decision to the experts.

Mar 7, 2014 10:15 AM

I really don't like the way gold is trading. If I was long gold right now, I would be seriously worried. If gold owners are betting on a crisis to drive demand, then America's innevitable economic recovery may be their downfall.

Mar 7, 2014 10:20 AM


Mar 7, 2014 10:21 AM

Today really highlights for me the enormous risks associated with owning gold. Economists have shown that over long periods of time, the economy grows and stocks rise. Owning gold is a bet against this proven trend, and when the gold price falls, it falls very sharply. This is why I would recommend amateur investors stay away from gold altogether and preferably consult a financial advisor before making any investments with their hard-earned savings.

Mar 7, 2014 10:32 AM

You may very well be a financial advisor, but your accreditation is suspect. Whenever I see conflicting advice from supposed 'experts', I direct people to my article on how to make sense of complex issues of this kind:


Mar 8, 2012 11:39 AM

After we've dealt with Iran, Syria is next. We will not stop until we have spread democracy and freedom to every darkest corner of the world. Terrorism, Islamic Extremism and other general insolence simply will not be tolerated while America makes the rules.

Mar 8, 2012 9:16 AM

Pfft. Juergen is such a drama queen. Euro states have plenty of collateral to pledge to the ECB including gold, land, infrastructure and natural resources.

Mar 8, 2013 10:10 AM

The global recovery is accelerating, just as I predicted. Do you guys have any idea how much freakin' money stock investors are making? Just think. You're sitting there, with an S&P futures position, levered 10 to 1, and a freakin' awesome NFP comes out. All of a sudden you’ve just got 5 points richer, in a matter of minutes. It's time to crack open some champagne and celebrate a bright future for America and all those who kept believing in the recovery. Those who have kept the faith have been richly rewarded and rightly so.

Mar 8, 2013 10:17 AM

I really don't like the way gold is trading. It looks like it's about to fall off a cliff, and bring down the whole doomer libertarian community with it. Silver looks even worse, especially when it's already trading at a 10 dollar premium to fair value.

Mar 8, 2013 10:32 AM

Now that stock investors are sitting on some sweet profits, many are facing some tough questions:

  1. Should I take profits or are the markets going higher?
  2. Should I hedge my position?
  3. If I take profits, where should I invest next?

Here are some answers of my own, that I hope are helpful. First of all, my advice is to stay invested. The four-year chart of the S&P is one of the strongest charts I have ever seen - the technicals are all screaming buy. As for heading, I would suggest diversifying into US treasuries as a safety play. If stocks sell off, the treasuries will serve as a superb hedge.

Mar 8, 2013 5:48 PM

To quote Professor Benedict Bernanke: 

“If current trends continue, the typical U.S. worker will be considerably more productive several decades from now. Thus, one might argue that letting future generations bear the burden of population aging is appropriate, as they will likely be richer than we are even taking that burden into account.”

The debt is nothing to be worried about when the economy is growing this fast. Future generations will be richer than our wildest dreams, due to careful central planning by our government and Federal Reserve. Of course, the anti-government libertarians don't have any real arguments when presented with the facts about how central planning has actually lifted millions out of poverty and secured a bright and prosperous future for our children.


RIP Hugo Chavez - you will be remembered as a hero by all who knew you, and the fight for an equal society will never die.

Mar 8, 2016 10:34 AM

Have you bitter and twisted nerdy ZHers ever considered that your poor trading performance is due to your lack of skill in the markets and not HFT manipulation and front running? Probably not, because that would require taking personal responsibility for your own trading, and admitting that maybe you're not as talented or special as you thought you were. It may be painful to admit, but if you're simply not good enough to invest your own money, then it may be better to give it to a professional money manager who has what it takes.

Mar 8, 2016 11:52 AM

The S&P 500 still looks extremely strong to me. The single best strategy over the last five years has been to simply buy the S&P 500 when it falls near its rising trend line. For the first time in history, the science of economics has been able to engineer a truly stable economy, with a steady stream of positive jobs reports, a steadily rising stock market, and low volatility. This has made investing truly egalitarian, allowing every retail investor to buy with leverage and play the market like a professional, without the fear of large drawdowns or terrifying margin calls. This is the future of investing, and if you haven't realized it yet, you're seriously missing out.

Mar 8, 2016 12:03 PM

US treasuries are the perfect hedge against market turmoil, since they are universally recognized as a safe-haven. Not only this, but bonds have delivered some of the most spectacular capital gains over the last couple of decades.  Everybody should have at least 20% of their portfolio in US bonds, in my opinion. A balanced portfolio should ideally consist of 80% US stocks and 20% US bonds - although you could always increase or decrease the proportion of equities based on your risk appetite. 

Mar 9, 2012 10:05 AM

 The NFP number speaks for itself. We are entering a new era of growth and prosperity specifically because of the actions of our Federal Reserve and congress. This has now been confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt. So my advice to you and other doomers is this:

Cheer up, sell the bunkers, the bullion and the canned hams, and be part of the solution not the problem.


Mar 9, 2012 4:04 PM

No!! This is the WRONG decision. This going to seriously impact the balance sheets of some of the world's systemically important financial institutions. This is madness!!! I can't believe it.

Mar 9, 2012 4:11 PM

The truth? The truth is that these financial institutions are instrumental to the global economy. For goodness sake! We are talking about top tier investment banks and primary dealers here! These institutions are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL!

Mar 9, 2012 4:29 PM

Obama really should have intervened here. This is a matter of national importance as it severely impacts America's top tier investment banks. I'll admit it ... I'm seriously thinking about voting for Mitt Romney this year. We need a President who will stand up for our systemically important financial institutions, even across national boundaries. This simply inexcusable. I'm very disappointed.

Mar 9, 2012 6:56 PM

I have seen many libertarians naively criticise and disparage the idea of "bailing out" large financial institutions. This is very devious, as on the surface it appears to make sense to many well meaning Americans. However, with a little more thought it is perfectly obvious that tax payers actually benefit from this transfer. To quote Hank Paulson (former US treasury secretary):

"As first responders to an unprecedented crisis that threatened the destruction of the modern financial system, we had little choice but to bail out the banks" 

It is an inconvenient truth to libertarians, doomers and other crackpots that modern interventions (or bailouts) are in fact a necessary and powerful economic tool for maintaining a healthy and stable economy.


Mar 9, 2012 9:38 AM

BOOM! Libertarians get PWNED yet again. Oh man, this must be so embarrassing for doomer goldbugs and off-the-gridders. The global recovery is accelerating at an incredible pace! This bodes very well indeed for the Obama 2012 campaign.

Mar 9, 2015 5:57 PM

Will you just shut the hell up about Hillary you crazy right wing gun-advocating morons. Hillary IS going to be our next president so get used to it - yes, she's a woman, and I know you don't like that, but sorry, nobody cares what you right wing idiots think anymore!! Republicans thought a black president wouldn't be competent to run this country, and Obama has proven them totally wrong and made them look like the idiots they really are (LOL!!). And now Hillary is going to destroy their sexist patriarchal prejudices as well. When Hillary gets elected, you disgusting right wing bastards are going to lose your semi-automatics too haha. This is the 21st century and the people in this country who want to hold us back just need to grow up or die!! Hillary 2016!! Move America into the 21st century!!

Mar 9, 2015 5:58 PM


Mar 9, 2015 6:00 PM

If you right wing idiots don't like our democracy and government, why don't you just move to Somalia!! Problem solved. 

Mar 9, 2015 6:03 PM

What's wrong with Venezuala? Venezuala and Cuba have the best healthcare systems in the world - our country still cares more about the interests of 'job creators' than working people.

Mar 9, 2015 6:04 PM


Mar 9, 2016 10:23 AM

Yet more proof that Trump garners support from racists and sexists. White men already have all the privelages in this country, why they are so angry is a mystery.

Mar 9, 2016 8:57 AM

We need to let Israel know that we stand behind them no matter what, and are ready to do whatever it takes to defend Israel from its enemies. The US-Israel special relationship has been equally fruitful for both of our nations, and it is in our strategic interest to continue to strengthen this relationship. Every presidential candidate and political scholar without exception agrees that defending Israel should be a top priority for America, and I'm sick and tired of anti-Semites seeking to undermine this relationship.  

May 1, 2012 4:50 PM

This figure looks inaccurate to me. I don't know where you're getting your data from, but I suspect this article is overexaggerating. Just typical doomer fear mongering. 

May 1, 2012 9:58 AM

I feel sorry for libertarians after seeing Ron Paul get totally annihilated by Dr Paul Krugman in yesterday's "debate" with the senile congressman. Throughout the show, I felt embarrassed from Ron Paul as he struggled to produce a single coherent argument but each time failed miserably. I find it saddening that after countless rebuttals of their discredited arguments, libertarians, Austrians, rednecks, goldbugs and anarcho-losers still cannot grasp the most basic elementary principles of economics.

May 10, 2012 10:41 AM

Anti-inflation libertarians often criticize President Robert Gabriel Mugabe for his expansive fiscal policy and the Zimbabwean Central Bank's generous monetary policy. But the fact is, Zimbabwe has gone through a painful but necessary transition to a more equal society. As an avid marxist, President Mugabe understood the need for a more equal Zimbabwe, where the greedy and racist farmers and white industrialists gave a fair share of their property to the state. Now that the painful transition is over, this country is beginning to thrive, much to the dismay of whiny libertarians and doomer Austrians.

May 10, 2012 10:52 AM

It’s time for new world order. Global leaders need to implement serious  economic reforms, with  SAFE-GUARDS against this type of event in Greece written into global legislation. With all due respect, the Greek people do NOT understand the global banking system, and they need to realize that accepting the bailout is the ONLY way forward. The sooner they realize this, the sooner they set a precedent for creating global economic stability and a brighter future for all.

May 10, 2013 5:21 PM

Zerohedge is a culture of doom and pessimism. It's depressing to watch Zerohedgers lose money month after month while the stock market is making new highs. It's even more depressing to hear about the living hell that ZHers foresee for humanity, and to imagine the nightmare that doomer preppers live day and night. Sadly, I doubt that nerdy ZHers will ever admit that the economy is growing, no matter how obvious the green shoots become.

May 11, 2012 4:33 PM

Libertarians are finally having to come to terms with the cold reality that US treasuries are a SAFE-HAVEN whereas gold is a risk asset. And no amount of whining will change that.

May 11, 2012 9:38 AM

The fact that we have low inflation and high unemployment PROVES that Bernanke's montetary policy is simply too weak. Federal Reserve officials need to step it up, pure and simlpe. Why is this so difficult for libertarians to accept?

May 13, 2013 10:59 AM

I'm not an expert on all this "Benghazi" stuff, but it doesn't take a genius to know that there are plenty of angry terrorists out there who hate America and will do almost anything to destroy our way of life. When you are facing a ruthless enemy, you need to take every measure to fight back, and this includes military action as well as domestic measures such as wiretapping and personal data warehousing. Another thing to remember is that fighting terrorism requires a vigilant population at home that is always on the lookout for suspicious activity. It's easy to spot the terrorists overseas, but anybody could be a terrorist at home.

May 13, 2013 3:02 PM

The US stock market is simply reverting to its long term linear uptrebd. Every educated investor knows that over the long term, stocks appreciate. The risk is the possibility of getting in too late and having to withdraw after a correction in order to access retirement money. That’s why I encourage young people to buy early and reap the rewards later.

May 13, 2013 4:07 PM

In America, hard work and responsible citizenship is rewarded, and no good American is left without basic necessities like healthcare. But the fruits of our democracy are reserved for responsible citizens who pay their taxes and behave in accordance with American values. Despite what many voices will tell you, this administration does not support free riders. Every citizen has a duty to this country, and those who would undermine our self-governing society will not be allowed to reap its rewards. 

May 13, 2013 4:27 PM

The key is to not get carried away with these returns. Over the long term, it pays to diversify into a range of bonds and stock indices. Then again, I would advise most people to give their money to a professional money manager who understands these things better than I do.  

May 13, 2014 10:23 AM

I have no doubt this will prove to be a wise decision in years to come. Just reading from his bio here on Wikipedia I can immediately gage that he is a true patriot with a strong moral compass. Biden began his career by doing charity work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, and shortly after co-founded a hedge fund with his uncle James Biden and Robert Allen Stanford, a controversial but experienced financier. After a successful career in finance, Biden was appointed by none other than President Bill Clinton to oversee the economy in the Department of Commerce. I wish Mr Biden the best of luck in his new endeavor and hope that this appointment will further strengthen America’s relationship with Ukraine. 

May 13, 2016 7:56 AM

Do conservatives really think that average Americans care about minor security details that may or may not have compromised some esoteric aspects of our national security? Seriously, Americans care about retaining their benefits,  keeping healthcare affordable and making America a more equal and fair country. These are the issues that actually matter to Americans - you really have to be clutching at straws if you have to bring up arcane issues like this, and then somehow expect average Americans  to be as 'outraged' as you are. Nobody cares.

May 14, 2012 12:05 PM

OMG! The ten year yield just hit 1.78%! Meanwhile, gold is getting hammered.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: US Treasuries are the ONLY true safe-haven asset. Don't doomer goldbugs ever get tired of being wrong?

May 14, 2014 10:00 AM

But what if the prices of gold and silver keep falling despite this change? Will silverbugz and goldbugz admit that they were wrong? I doubt it, because that would require them to come to terms with their own incompetence and give up their dreams of becoming kings of the apocalypse.  

May 14, 2014 10:08 AM

See? There's always a reason why silverbugz' ghastly trading performance is someone else's fault. No how much the regulators attempt to satisfy every whim of the paranoid silverbugz, there is always 'manipulation' unless the market is going in their preferred direction.

May 15, 2012 12:03 PM

This is EXACTLY why a failure to bail out Greece would be CATASTRPOHIC for the global banking system. Because people do not have their deposits guaranteed by the ECB, they are panicking and withdrawing precious liquidity from the banks. These financial institutions are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL, and no amount of whining from doomer libertarians or Greek “protesters” will change that. The ECB, Federal Reserve and IMF NEED to step in and put a stop to this nonsense once and for all. Insolent Greek populism and ignorance has been tolerated for far too long. “Not accepting” the bailout, is simply not an option, I’m afraid. Greek whiners, and doomer goons need to suck it in and GET this.

May 15, 2012 9:47 AM

So? Dominique Straus-Kahn is not allowed to stand up for himself and challenge this insulent fraudulent woman? Dominique Straus-Kahn is the former HEAD OF THE IMF MORONS! He doesn'thave to put up with insulent nonsense like this from anybody. ESPECIALLY not from a pathetic unaccomplished members of the "general public".

May 15, 2012 9:52 AM

This is the reality of the "anti-bailout" parties. Each and every one of them espouses extreme views that are of a distinctly conspiratorial nature. This journalistic video  exposes the true nature of these extreme parties, and of the Greek "protesters". This is a serious blow to the credibility of anti-bailout-ers, and I'm not sure they will be able to recover from it. 

May 15, 2013 10:29 AM

It's truly disgusting that while responsible citizens pay their taxes, the wealthy do not pay their fair share. I understand the anger that this generates, and I'm glad to know that our administration is cooperating with the G8 to finally crack down on tax havens.

May 15, 2013 10:55 AM

Gold looks very weak technically now. Based on what I know about technical chart analysis, I would expect the gold price to continue falling. The question of why gold is falling is one that I will leave to the investment professional;, but there could be many reasons, including a recovering economy, a stronger job market and weaker global gold demand.

May 15, 2013 10:56 AM

Gold looks very weak technically now. Based on what I know about technical chart analysis, I would expect the gold price to continue falling. The question of why gold is falling is one that I will leave to the investment professional;, but there could be many reasons, including a recovering economy, a stronger job market and weaker global gold demand.

May 15, 2013 11:01 AM

As I say, I'm not an expert on this stuff. I think the silver market also looks very weak though. I wonder what the explanation for this drop is? I'm interested to hear some of the takes of the sell side analysts.

May 15, 2014 10:40 AM


May 15, 2014 10:40 AM

Russia has crossed the line, and now it's time for retaliation. Forward thinkers around the world need to stand together and Boycott RussiaDo not buy Russian exports of any kind. If your power is sourced from Russian oil or gas - go green and get yourself a personal wind turbine or solar panel. This is the perfect opportunity to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Our addiction to non-renewable energies is not only destroying the planet; it's also playing into the hands of rogue states like Russia.

May 15, 2014 10:51 AM

Standing up to Russia is cool. Trendy and politically aware people around the world are starting to express their anger at Russia’s shocking behavior. If you believe in modern democracy and liberal values, then join together and start protesting in the streets now. This is not something that concerns policy makers alone, this is critical to everyone who believes in democracy and wants to see a progressive and forward thinking word. If you don’t want to end up on the wrong side of history, then please stand up and speak out now.

May 16, 2012 12:09 PM

It depends what you mean by "battered" Tyler. As a moral subjectivist, I don't necessarily accept that losing money is a bad thing. It could just as well be good. Everything is relative.

May 16, 2012 12:23 PM

Here’s an extract from my new book entitled “Lies of the Right”. I thought I’d run it passed you guys so you can offer some constructive criticisms. This is an excerpt from the chapter dedicated exclusively to libertarians:

Chapter 7

Common Libertarian myths:

1. Government regulation impedes businesses from growing

This is one of the most widespread and tragically misleading myths spread by the internet libertarian machine. the truth is that most government regulations actually help businesses to grow. For example, if a business has to comply with health and safety regulations, they will improve their image and moral and will attract more customers.

2. The government can't pick winners and losers:

This is so easily falsifiable that it's a wonder the myth ever gained traction. A clear example of the government successfully picking winners was in 2008, when Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson successfully bailed out insurance giant AIG. This turned out to be remarkably successful, with AIG steadily recovering after many thought they would collapse.

3. The Federal Reserve distorts the business cycle:

The Federal Reserve Bank has been the subject of hysterical hatred and attack by libertarians. Libertarians sometimes go as far as to promote elaborate conspiracy theories, in which the Federal Reserve is stealing the wealth of the lower and middle classes. The truth is that the Federal Reserve has promoted prosperity for all Americans by delivering both low interest rates and economic growth.

May 16, 2012 5:13 PM

An update on the 10 year: 1.77%! Phenomenal! The flight to safety is on. And much to the dismay of doomer golbugs, it is to US Treasuries, NOT gold and silver. 

May 16, 2013 2:15 PM

According to a basic technical analysis of the S&P 500 chart, this rise is likely to continue. One important thing to note is that the price remains above all of the moving averages, which should give investors confidence. Another notable and interesting indicator is the strong series of higher highs on both the weekly and daily charts. Both a short term and long term analysis of the S&P chart suggest a continued rise in the price, and the general opinion on Wall Street appears to share this outlook. 

May 16, 2013 2:23 PM

According to many analysts on Wall Street the short and long term indicators on the S&P 500 chart both indicate a continued rise. Analysts also point out that although the short term fundamentals for the US economy such as jobs and income growth have been strong, the market is actually pricing in future growth, which means a deterrioration in the short term fundamentals would have little effect on the direction of the S&P 500.

May 16, 2013 9:45 AM

Interesting. I wonder what the sell side analysts make of all of this? I'm still learning about the gold market, but I know that in an efficient market there cannot be as much arbitrage between the various gold assets as this article suggests. It’s certainly an amusing thought though. As usual, the question of why gold and silver are falling is one that I will leave to the experts.

May 16, 2013 9:57 AM

I didn't look up Andrew Maguire because I want an objective take on the gold market. I will listen to the opinions of a range of experts, and then make up my own mind based on what I hear.

May 16, 2016 10:53 AM

I'm afraid I just don't buy the whole 'manipulation' story. A market of this size simply cannot be manipulated. Sure, large orders will move the market, but the traders behind these orders are losing money by doing so. In addition, the effect on the market after the trade has been executed is not predictable enough for a trader to gain any substantial benefit. This is not just my opinion - this is the opinion of some of the world's leading economists and financiers.

May 16, 2016 11:09 AM

That's definitely not the goal because serious investors prefer cash settlement - it's far more convenient than having to handle storage and delivery. In order for this supposed manipulation attempt to work, the trader would need to:

1. Have complete visibility of the order book and where peoples' stops are concentrated

2. Know that the stop hunt would trigger enough selling to allow them to cover at a profit

3. Know that the market wouldn't be able to front run this manipulation attempt

An unlikely set of preconditions if I may say so, and so delusional a conspiracy theory that only ZHers and libertardians could believe it. 

May 16, 2016 11:17 AM

Well I'm sure the trader would have liked to execute his trade more tactically, but he may have been forced to sell at that time. The position may have been part of a complex pair trade that needed to be unwound quickly in order avoid a margin call. There are many plausible scenarios, but unfortunately the 'manipulation' conspiracy theory isn't one of them.

May 16, 2016 8:10 AM


May 16, 2016 8:11 AM

Excellent idea! Bill's record on the economy is something that republicans only wish they could match. Bill Clinton was also instrumental in passing NAFTA, which revolutionized free trade for American companies and consumers. His record on jobs and wages is second to none, and I have absolutely no doubt that he can do it again for America.  

May 17, 2012 11:01 AM

This may mark the end of the Euro, and the beginning of a new GLOBAL currency with a world central bank. In my view, this is the ONLY viable solution going forward. We need to end these destructive currency devaluation wars. We need to end racism. We need to end bank runs around the world, and not just in Europe. The only way to do this is through a single global monetary union, run by the brightest financial minds, which will spread prosperity, freedom and liberty to every corner of the world.

May 17, 2012 4:53 PM

My first price target is $100, followed by $200 shortly after. Buy while you can as this buying window will NOT last for long. FB is going to be the next AAPL, but not everybody will be smart enough to buy now while it's still cheap.

May 17, 2013 10:22 AM

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the average Joe American. Americans are smart, and they know when the economy is growing and when it isn't. People can see the green shoots for themselves. They don't need to listen to ivory tower economists, when they can see new job opportunities and their home equity increase, or when they can refinance their mortgage at a fantastically low interest rate. The American people have spoken: this is a recovery, pure and simple.

May 17, 2013 9:11 AM

The question is will Spain choose Austerity as a means to fix it's problems, or will they try to aim to grow their economy before cutting spending. Every country is battling with this dilemma. One aims to strike a delicate balance between balancing the country’s finances and promoting economic growth. How to strike this balance is a question that should be left to economic experts, but sadly these are not always the people who make the decisions in government. 

May 17, 2013 9:21 AM

Our tax system definitely needs a serious review by a professional tax committee. I do not claim to be a tax expert, but I agree with the need to close loopholes and make our tax system more transparent. On the other hand I recognize that there are grey areas and that some areas need to be dealt with on a case by case basis. I think this hearing is a good start though. I particularly agree with the need to reach an agreement on a horizontal basis, and the need to maintain high standards. 

May 17, 2016 10:55 AM

 The people are sick and tired of being exploited by capitalist pigs and so-called "job creators". College grads can't even find jobs relating to their college degrees, and these scum-bags want to make it easier to lay people off? It's disgusting! Corporations have so much money, and all of it goes to maximizing profits for the big-shots at the top rather than the good of society. The French have had enough and are not going to take it anymore. 

May 17, 2016 11:52 AM

Criticize Bill all you want for his personal affairs, but he knows how to grow an economy. We need someone in charge of the economy with a strong track record, not a wild card outsider. Bill Clinton has an outstanding track record on jobs, wages and economic growth, and what's more he is also an avid supporter of free trade deals such as NAFTA, which is exactly what we need in today's globalized economy. 

May 18, 2012 10:55 AM

This so awesome. I contacted my broker last night and asked him to buy me 300 shares. When he asked what my maximum bid price is, I literally said "anything - just get me my shares". This is history in the making, and I am going to tell my grandkids this story when they’re inheriting my stock at multiples of the current price.

May 18, 2012 11:12 AM

Everyone is excited about this historic IPO except for lame uptight doomer libertarians. FB is a fresh new IPO - perfect for young investors just getting started and looking to build a respectable but forward looking portfolio. This is a great day for hip, upmarket investors, but a sad day for envious and bitter and sulking rednecks.

May 18, 2012 11:40 AM

This has been an exciting morning for young, trendy and upcoming investors. It's just too bad that doomer libertarians had to kill the buzz. Libertarians are just lame. Like a cynical old man who calls the police on a house party for being too loud, libertarians always have to spoil the fun.

May 18, 2012 9:33 AM

I predicted this from the start. FB is the AAPL, and any price below $100 is CHEAP. You may laugh at me now, but I'll be laughing when it's trading at $200 and you doomers are chasing the market.

May 18, 2012 9:48 AM

Here are the reasons why Facebook is a clear BUY at these levels:

1. Facebook is a world renouned brand among the ranks of Google, Amazon, Ebay and Microsoft

2. As of 2012, Facebook has over 901 million (yes, that's million) users, and this is expected to increase significantly in the years to come

3. Facebook has plans to expand it's targeted advertizing capabilities with advanced data mining techniques that top analysts expect to boost revenue dramatically

4. Facebook is attracting some of the brightest techincal and business minds who are expected to drive the company forward

May 18, 2012 9:58 AM

The volatility is crazy out there, but one thing is for sure: the trend is UP. It's so cool to see FB finally trading among the other internet giants like Amazon and Ebay.

May 18, 2015 12:21 PM

Here's a thought: What if congress simply mandated an extra 20 days' public holiday for all Americans? This would automatically grant employees an extra 20 days of paid leave every year. This would improve peoples' quality of life by giving them more leisure time, without reducing their salary or diminishing their career proespects one bit, and during this leisure time, many Americans will choose to go to the mall and spend their savings - further boosting the economy. It's a win-win all round!

This is how simple common-sense fiscal policy can be. We keep needlessly overcomplicating things, when our problems are really so easy to overcome.

May 18, 2015 3:41 PM

It's important to take these youngsters seriously, as they are our future monetary leaders. It's interesting to note that the more distinguished the economist, the more likely he is to be an advocate of the Keynesian economic model. I wonder if this is a reflection of the merits of Keynesian economics, or maybe that its intricacies take a more sophisticated and developed brain to fully appreciate?

May 19, 2014 10:04 AM

If you think about it, US equities are also a safe haven in the sense that they are expected to outperform global equities in the long term. Putting a good percentage of your portfolio into US equities is not only a wise investment decision - it's also a prudent hedge against global turmoil.

May 19, 2014 8:48 AM

All this global conflict is like economic shock therapy. It may be painful in the short run, but in the medium to long term this should have a very positive effect on global GDP.

May 19, 2014 9:04 AM

Investors are piling into risk-free US treasuries once again in order to weather out any temporary set back in US equities. Personally I think the scare is overblown though - the chart of the S&P 500 is very strong and shows every indication of going higher. 

May 19, 2014 9:07 AM

That's a gross misrepresentation of my view. What I mean is that the spending associated with global conflict will increase aggregate demand which will reflect positively in global GDP. 

May 19, 2015 11:13 AM

Honest question for the right-wing gunslingers on this board:

How many more people need to die before you accept basic modern-day gun control laws!??

Gun crime is absolutely exploding in this country! Every month now we here about another shoot-out or school shooting. Our gun crime is skyrocketing, while Europe's has been almost non-existent for decades. I'm so embarrassed to be an American! The rest of the world must look upon our primitive gun-loving culture with shock and horror, as our country devolves into absolute chaos.

May 2, 2012 10:38 AM

What's wrong with consumerism? Kids are having the time of their lives in modern America with the latest entertainment like iPhones, Lady Gaga, Call of Duty, Captain America and other fun things. This is part of the soul of the younger hip generation, and lame, uptight rednecks and off-the-gridder survivalists need to understand and accept this.

May 2, 2012 8:51 AM

 These figures are quite illuminating:


Perception of gold as a good investment:


College Graduate: 17%

Some College: 31%

No College: 35%


Perception of real estate as a good investment:


College Graduate: 30%

Some College: 14%

No College: 15%


The numbers are clear. The pro-gold anti-real estate crowd is far more likely to be uneducated and uninformed than people who understand that property prices have bottomed and gold has topped. Very interesting indeed.

May 2, 2012 9:43 AM

I believe that President Van Rompuy is setting himself up as a prime candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. President Sarkozy correctly warned that a failure of the Euro will inevitably lead to war between the formerly unified nation states and President Rompuy is literally saving MILLIONS of lives by holding the Euro currency together. I hope that his courage does not go unrewarded and that we can find it in ourselves to put aside social prejudice and thank global leaders for their courageous work.

May 2, 2013 5:22 PM

Chronicles of a silverbug lemming 

Part 1

It is three in the morning. Jack Riley lies awake, staring at the silver price. His eyes are weary and his heart is full of dread. Jack barely glances at his wife Marisa, who lies fast asleep by his side. Every now and then however, he glances affectionately at his 'stack' glinting faintly in the corner of the room. "At least my ounces are still there", he thinks. But deep down he knows that he has lost a fortune, and what's more he has fundamentally betrayed his wife and children. This is the story of a real silverbug, and the excitement, anguish and agony that accompanies his addiction to stacking this shiny metal, and to 'play trading' it's ming stocks.

May 2, 2014 10:39 AM

Like all investments, Obama's investments in the economy have taken a while to pay off, but now the specacular results are shining through for all to see. We are finally witnessing the accelerated economic growth that many analysts have been predicting for years. It's simple: Record Investments = Record Growth. Why do zerohedgers have to make economics so complicated?

May 2, 2014 9:46 AM

This jobs number is just spectacular! Are you serious? 288k JOBS? This is frikin awesome! What a slap in the face for all the naysayers that didn't believe in the recovery! Stocks are soaring, gold and silver have been flushed down the toilet, and every major economic indicator is indicating sunny days for the US economy. If this isn't enough to make ZH cynics and greasy golbugz cry, then I'll be damned.

May 2, 2014 9:50 AM

This jobs number is just spectacular! Are you serious?288k JOBS? This is frikin awesome! What a slap in the face for all the naysayers that didn't believe in the recovery! Stocks are soaring, gold and silver have been flushed down the toilet, and every major economic indicator is indicating sunny days for the US economy. If this isn't enough to make ZH cynics and greasy golbugz cry, then I'll be damned.

May 2, 2014 9:59 AM

Seriously, it's time for the ZH cynics to give up. You need to know when to quit, or you're just going to look dumber and dumber each time another awesome economic figure is released or every time gold and silver take another plunge. The moaners and whiners on this site are like the people who claimed that Obamacare would collapse the US economy, or that interest rates would sky rocket when the Fed ended QE: WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.   

May 20, 2013 10:16 AM

I would wager that the fall in precious metals prices is simply the result of falling global demand.

I notice that another sell side analyst has delivered a sell recommendation on gold today:



May 20, 2013 4:32 PM

I'm going to remain objective about both the gold and stock markets. Sure, gold had a good day, and sure, stocks closed red (for once). But the trend in gold is down, so I'm a gold bear, and the trend in stocks is up, so I'm an S&P long. Simple as that. Trading doesn't have to be difficult. Most of the time, profitable trading is simply a matter of following the chart and analyzing the opinions of the experts. As a cool-headed trader, I find it amusing to watch ZH day trading  lemmings tear their hair out trying to trade the 'fundamentals'.

May 20, 2013 4:51 PM

Ignorance is continuing to ignore a chart when it is making higher highs or lower lows. The market doesn't care about your stories about 'cartels' or 'hyperinflation' or 'algos'. Markets follow trends, and the gold market will continue to fall, in line with its trading pattern. Trading is easy - it's only goldbugz and cry-baby stock shorts that find it difficult.

May 20, 2016 11:10 AM

The rise of right-wing nationalism throughout the western world is very concerning, and threatens to unravel many decades of international relations, trade deals and globalization. Nationalism keeps us primitive and closed-minded, promoting ignorance and fear of the outside world, rather than curiosity and understanding.  We desperately need to build a new world order which transcends national boundaries, culture, religion and race, so that the human spirit can truly thrive and grow in our globalized world. 

May 20, 2016 11:35 AM

This is exactly why we need to tighten up our cybersecurity and bolster the NSA. All of these anti-NSA libertarians constantly whining about 'privacy' and 'freedom' are exposing our country to  catastrophic cyber-threats such as this. People who think it's cool to dislike the NSA need to wake up fast, because it's only a matter of time before there is an attack that cripples our country for good. WAKE UP NOW!!

May 20, 2016 12:22 PM

This demonstrates the complete lunacy of peak oilers and their doomsday scenarios. I can only pity those humble fools that were suckered into buying oil and other commodities due to this fear mongering. As you can see, there is literally tons of oil and no risk of a supply shortage. I personally hope that this price shock puts these disgusting fracking companies out of business once and for all, so that we can focus on green energies such as wind and biofuels  that are far more sustainable and friendly to the environment. I believe that with a concerted effort by governments globally, we could easily replace all fossil fuels with green energies by 2025. It's time for us to band together and put a stop to climate change once and for all. We can do it if we put our minds to it - this is the time to commit to change and make a lasting difference that our children will thank us for in decades to come. So let's put our money where our mouths are, put our heads down and get to work to eliminate fossil fuels by 2025!

May 20, 2016 12:54 PM

We need to be extra vigilant these days with the rise of anti-government right wing extremists such as the Oregon ranchers. If we fail to recognize and deal with this growing problem, it is highly likely that one of these extremists will blow up a government building or a bank. Let's not wait till after they commit aome horrific act of terror - let's act now. There are so many indicators that somebody is a terror-threat - high blood pressure, anger, adherence to extreme right-wing ideologies ... Let's lock people up before they become a threat - what good is it to lock them up when thousands are already dead?

May 20, 2016 6:55 PM

I'm not angry at Americans for voting for Trump, I'm just disappointed. I'm disappointed that they failed to do their research about his racism and sexism. I'm disappointed that they failed to study history and what happened in Nazi Germany. It is the responsibility of Americans to follow the news and get informed about each Presidential candidate, and if they had done their duty, then Trump wouldn't be the presumptive nominee. I'm saddened by America's choice to elect a fascist as a presidential candidate, when I thought we'd come so far as a country after President Obama's election. Americans who voted for Trump have really let our country down, and I'm truly disappointed that this is what we have come to.

May 20, 2016 6:55 PM


May 21, 2015 11:00 AM

It's absolutely unacceptible that the Chinese government simply stands by while such a fortune is dessimated. Large companies form the backbone of a modern economy, and letting one fail causes deep rooted structural problems. To me this highlights a serious lack of leadership in China. I hope our leaders here in the US take note of what happens when they fail to recognize that a company is simply too big to fail.

May 22, 2012 8:45 AM

Bought another 300 shares yesterday - taking advantage of this discount. It's all about dollar-cost averaging. My average entry is now at $38 so I'm in the same boat as most of the top buy-side bidders at the original offering.

May 22, 2012 8:56 AM

I'm averaging into a sizable position by taking small bites. I recognized this was going to be a volatile first few weeks, so I thought it prudent to buy in incremements.

May 22, 2013 10:15 AM

I think our Federal Reserve's involvement in the modern economy has given the markets more structure. The chairman's policy decisions now act as a reference point for consistent valuations across global stock and bond markets, which allows investors and money managers to make more informed decisions. Also, inconvenient market phenomena such as 'volatility' are slowly being phased out in the modern economy, with the VIX making new lows almost every month.

May 22, 2013 9:50 AM

This is a typical example of right-wing exceptionalism. Why is that when the IRS invoices a group of right-leaning protesters for legitimately owed taxes, that the right immediately assumes that they are being 'targeted'? Besides, of course the IRS is going to investigate right-wingers when they explicitly flag themselves as potential tax evaders.

May 22, 2015 10:27 AM

This is exactly why I urge congress to mandate an extra 20 days' public holiday per year. This will increase the leisure time of all permanent employees without lowering their incomes or damaging their career prospects. Studies show that employees are far more productive when they are well rested, so this bill should have a positive effect on worker productivity. Many Americans will also use this time to go shopping and spend their hard-earned wages, thereby boosting the economy. It's a win-win for everybody. Economics doesn't have to be complicated - simple policies like this can solve our problems. We just have to have the courage to implement them.

May 23, 2012 12:06 PM

My advise to new ZHers just getting started in the world of finance:

The best way to get hands on financial experience is to open a trading account and tune into either CNBC or Bloomberg for AT LEAST 2 hours a day. This way you will be learning first hand what it is like to be a star trader who lives and breathes the markets everyday. There is no better way to learn to trade like a pro IMO.

May 23, 2012 5:12 PM


 One of the groups that is most to blame for the mess this country is in, is small businesses. Every year, thousands of these 'small businesses' fail to comply with government regulations or to file their tax returns, which costs the government tens of thousands of man-hours trying to enforce penalties and, in cases of extreme incompetence, shut them down completely. Small businesses are statistically far more likely to violate regulations than larger more reputable corporations, and government officials are forced to waste time chasing them down, when they are supposed to be running the country. It's getting to the point where we need to seriously question whether "small businesses" are worth the hassle, and whether we can't just rely on larger corporations to provide the goods and services we need.


May 24, 2016 11:23 AM

 May I humbly recommend my own article on this very subject, which goes into detail about why a cashless society is both inevitable and something to be welcomed:


May 24, 2016 12:26 PM

It's an outrage that poor people aren't earning nearly enough, while rich people continue to earn far too much. This inequality simply has to end, and until it does, the French will continue to protest.

May 24, 2016 8:38 AM

When the financial sector is doing badly, this is a bad sign for our economy. The financial sector is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to predicting economic turmoil. Being at the heart of our economy, it has been shown that when the financial sector is doing well, everyone does well, but when the financial sector does badly the entire economy suffers. This is why we need to relentlessly safeguard our financial sector against bankruptcies or loss of profits.

May 24, 2016 9:46 AM


May 24, 2016 9:47 AM

People are paying to witness and learn from one of the most revered political figures in US history, who has lead our country at the highest levels of government. Corporations pay much more than these mere speaking fees for team building and other corporate events, so I don't think it's a stretch to say that they're getting value for money. I think it's a good thing that Hillary has experience working with the financial sector because it's this sector that underlies our economy, and we are going to need a president that can get along with wall street to build a strong economy. People need to stop this hatred of the financial sector - we need them in order for our economy to grow!

May 25, 2012 9:08 AM

I know this is not going to go down well, but somebody has to say it: Why don't these government officials just raise taxes on small businesses?

Small businesses are puttingfar more strain on the government  by violating regulations, not paying their taxes and hiring illegal immigrants at below minimum wage, than they are worth. Why doesn't the Catalonian government simply put its foot down and say enough is enough. The government has an enormous debt to pay, and small businesses are using government roads, hospitals and other services while refusing to comply with regulations. The very least they could do is to contribute more to society and to the leaders that are running the country.

May 25, 2016 11:55 AM

Frackers need to FRACK OFF and die! Environmentalists don't want any fracking because 100% of it is damaging to the environment, and the people working in the fracking industry need to wake up and get a real job. HELLO!? ... this is the 21st century ok? We don't need to be using any fossil fuels anymore. We have green technology, we have sustainable alternatives, we just need the will to put them to use!! Switch off the lights and join the pledge to eliminate fossil fuels by 2025!!

May 25, 2016 8:15 AM

This is the kind of chaos that Trump and his bigoted supporters are provoking, and this is only a glimpse of what America will look like under a Trump presidency. Our country needs to put an end to this hate now, and stop marginalizing hispanics and immigrants. This is a nation of immigrants and everyone has a right to be here just as much as you do! Building a wall is ignorant and racist! This chaos demonstrates more than anything why we need an experienced and sensitive candidate such as Hillary more than ever. Our country needs stability in order grow, and with someone as divisive and hateful as Trump in the oval office, I fear we may descend into civil war.

May 26, 2014 10:59 AM

This is why we as Americans need to stamp out any vestiges of tyranny in the world with help from our key allies such as Israel. We need to strengthen our influence around the world, especially in developing countries, so that we can change it for the better. There is a lot of darkness and evil in the world, but America and its allies have the power to change the course of history for good while building strong and lasting relationships with the rest of the world that will foster enduring peace and stability for our children.

May 26, 2014 11:17 AM

Both the US and Chinese governments are hopelessly behind in the race to protect government technology from hackers and spies. Governments around the world need to seriously rethink their approach to cyber-terrorism before people much smarter than them unleash chaos on the global economy. Cryptocurrencies need to be banned at a global level as an initial measure. The next step is monitor all communication protocols including emails, facebook posts and text messages and ensure that messages flagged as terror threats are sent straight to the NSA.

May 26, 2014 9:57 AM

Voting against the European Union is wildly misguided when we desperately need more integration and unification in global politics, not less. The European Union has seen an end to centuries of war within Europe and has seen some of the greatest political scholars unite to work on some of the world's toughest problems: climate change, poverty and world peace. An end to the European Union would be absolutely disastrous, undoing one of the greatest experiments in all of political history. In order to successfully challenge today's inherently global issues, we are going to need to pool together our nations' resources and unite behind a common purpose. I understand this is a difficult step for many nationalists and free marketers, but it's a necessary step in our progression towards a modern liberal democracy.

May 26, 2016 10:00 AM

This increase will largely only affect the most privileged demographics in the country, who can afford to pay more. Since the introduction of the ACA, the uninsured rate has declined by over 9% for African Americans, over 12% for Latinos and over 7% for women. The only people getting 'hit' by these small increases are white males, who already earn more and have more opportunities than everyone else. So suck it up - it's for a good cause.

May 26, 2016 10:02 AM


May 26, 2016 11:51 AM

This is an issue of privacy and dignity, and nothing more. The brutality which with the right is attacking these two harmless women is testament to how low conservatives will stoop in order to sabotage their opposition. This emails scandal issue has been dragged on for way too long - it's not a big deal and conservatives really need to drop it. 

May 26, 2016 12:07 PM

The issue here is lack of understanding. We need to teach children about the complexity of gender at a younger age so that they understand that it's not as simple as 'male' and 'female'. Gender is on a continuum, and the earlier children understand this, the more open and accepting our society will be of those who don't fit the norm.

May 26, 2016 9:23 AM

White males remain the most privileged demographic, despite so-called 'efforts' to equalize our economy. It's disgusting that the same group of people who pillaged Africa and kicked the Native Americans off of their land still hoard all of the world's wealth while the less fortunate can barely afford to eat.

May 26, 2016 9:47 AM

If Bill Gross expects a systemic collapse, the last thing he should be doing is shorting US credit. US treasuries are going to be the number one safe haven asset in the event of any economic turmoil. The flight to safety will push interest rates to new historic lows, helping to finance our economic recovery. This makes us truly invincible as a nation. If things go badly, credit gets cheaper, and we do well anyway. 

May 27, 2013 8:58 AM

Contrary to the conclustions of this biased article, the first chart clearly demonstrates that central bank purchases have fallen dramatically since 2009. This should make goldbugz very, very worried. There is absolutely nothing out there that makes me bullish about the gold market.

May 27, 2014 11:14 AM

There's a simple explanation for this. The short positions in these stocks are frequently covered and recycled among dumb-money retail traders (not unlike many of the doomers on this site). The reason the most shorted stocks are yielding the best returns is that they offer the best execution for large institutional traders. Weak handed shorts with a few measly shares at risk, act as shock absorbers for real traders, savvily moving hundreds of millions of dollars into equities.

May 27, 2015 11:29 AM

Jokes aside, there are many top economists who believe that a direct-to-consumer monetary stimulus program would do wonders for our economy. The evidence shows that when people have more disposable income, they increase their spending, thereby boosting the economy. This effect is what economists refer to as "aggregate demand". So, funny as it may be, this may actually be an excellent strategy to boost our economic growth!

May 27, 2015 11:35 AM

As usual, the problem here is a lack of oversight. If we'd made sure that smart, objective and ethical government regulators were overseeing the libor fixings, it would have been near impossible for this to occur. We also need to make sure that our regulators are well paid - in many cases we should be paying them more than the banks are paying. We simply will not attract the best government regulatory talent if we do not offer due compensation. 

May 27, 2016 11:36 AM

White males rigged the game against minorities in the past, so now it's their time to shine. White people have had their time, and now they need to learn what it feels like to be oppressed. It's going to take a long, long time to pay back people of color for the centuries of oppression that they have had to endure at the mercy of white imperialists. White people are probably committing suicide because of the paralyzing guilt that they rightly feel about the atrocities they have committed around the world. People of color don't feel any guilt, because they have been and still are victims of an oppressive white system. 

May 28, 2012 4:08 PM

I am in complete agreement with President Van Rompuy. The time for change is here. The current European economic system is simply not working, and is in dire need of economic reforms. I know nerdy libertarians are not going to like this, but the first thing that needs to be implemented in Europe is Eurobonds. It is simply impractical for struggling European countries to rely on their present convoluted relationship with the ECB. Once Europe is issuing Eurobonds, the ECB will be able to monetize European debt with ease, and the European commission will be able to finance rescue packages for struggling states WITHOUT tedious referendums. And don’t get me wrong – I too am personally very frustrated at European leaders. They have frankly proven to be impotent and timid in their efforts for a united Europe, and although their hearts are in the rights place, their actions have lacked the strength and authority that this crisis demands. 

May 28, 2015 9:51 AM

Putin's absolutely unacceptible invasion of our friends in Ukraine has establsihed Russia as nothing more than a terrorist state. Putin is also the primary suspect in the tragic Malaysia Airlines disaster, and I hope to God that the Russians responsible for this are brought to justice. Putin has absoltutely no place criticizing America and he needs to shut his mouth unless he wants to feel teh full wrath of the Western allies and NATO.

May 29, 2012 10:42 AM

$30 should be solid psychological support. Bought another 500 shares this morning - The value is off the charts here. This cannot last much longer. This is the social networking revolution - older people just don't get it.

May 29, 2014 10:00 AM

The S&P's resilience in the face of bad news signifies excellent market strength. I think what would really give it that extra push over the 2000 mark is a comprehensive plan by congress to eliminate the deficit by 2030 based on projected tax revenues and economic growth.  

May 29, 2014 9:40 AM

My advice to any aspiring democratic nominee for 2016 is to commit to double healthcare spending during their term. Had we simply doubled our healthcare spending this quarter we would have offset the entire economic contraction. We need to invest ahead of the curve to keep the momentum in spending going. The flow of money is like the life blood of the economy and spending is like the heart; if it stops, the economy dies. 

May 29, 2014 9:43 AM

This temporary contraction was priced in long ago. You can't trade the S&P based on today's news when professional investors and analysts are predicting double digit economic growth three or four years into the future.

May 29, 2014 9:51 AM

Look at these zerohedge goblins cheer with glee as our economy falters. May I remind the children on this blog that this is reality and it is very serious. Our government has failed to invest enough in our economy and we as the citizens bare responsibility for that. The mature people are trying to figure out where our government can invest in order to help out economy recover from this setback, while immature, narcissistic ZH day traders gloat over being “right”. 

May 29, 2014 9:53 AM

There's plenty of money to go around - we're one of the richest countries on earth. Let's tax a couple of CEOs and tech entrepreneurs and go after a few offshore accounts. 

May 29, 2015 10:10 AM

It's been a tough quarter with the rise of ISIS and ongoing aggression by Russia. Economists had no way of seeing these international conflicts in advance, which may have resulted in some uninformed economic policy. I expect Q2 GDP to resume its positive upward trend as our government and Federal Reserve adopt more apropriate fiscal and monetary policies, and green shoots continue to emerge. 

May 29, 2015 6:46 AM

Mother nature is punishing us for our careless burning of fossil fuels and our toxic greenhouse gas emissions. Expect to see more and more natural disasters until we finally change our capitalistic ways and learn to live at one with the earth.

May 29, 2015 8:07 AM

Thing is, if you look at the 5 year chart for Greek 10-year treasuries, the yield is basically back where it started 5 years ago; so I don't see what all the hysteria is about to be honest. Peripheral bonds have been one of the best plays over the last 2 years, and I think I deserve some credit for making that call 2 years ago. 

May 29, 2015 8:22 AM

Don't be silly. I'm helping Greece by financing their government. Government spending is what kept the Greek economy going before, and government spending is what's going to get it kick started once again. 

May 3, 2012 10:44 AM

It is sickening that the SNB provides greasy ZH day traders with an oportunity to buy the EUR/CHF at 1.20 with GUARENTEED support, and they receive no thanks whatsoever in return. People simply don't appreciate the trading oportunities, employment , growth and low interest rates provided by central banks, and it makes me angry.

May 3, 2013 8:38 AM

Chronicles of a Silverbug Lemming  

Part 2

Marisa is furious. "Jack, would you leave that computer for two seconds and spend some time with your family for once?" 

Jacks barely flinches. He is  busy eyeing his third losing trade of the day. He moves his stop lower - he is not going to lose this one.

"Jack, I can't go on like this! Look at your son and daughter, they barely see you even though you're at home all day."

Jack snaps: "I'm coming now damn it! Someone has to make living around here you know! Professional traders at the 'Bullion Banks' trade from five in the morning to late at night; if I'm going to make it as a trader, I'm going to have to make sacrifices. Why can't you understand that?!"

Jack glances back at his screen. Silver Wheaton has taken another plunge, his stop has been hit. Jack cannot believe his eyes. He looks up and howls at the sky. "Noooooo!" 

Marisa slams the office door shut and storms off. 

May 3, 2013 8:56 AM


My first price target is 2000 (using linear projection). The S&P 500 is pricing in future growth in the economy. Today's promising NFP figure is the confirming indicator that many investors were looking for. It is now absolutely undeniable that we are in a recovery. Why don't ZHers just trade the chart? LOL. I can't understand why you guys turn down easy profits :)


May 3, 2016 11:06 AM

The VIX is still calmly trading below 20, and the S&P 500 continues to trade above 2000, despite the doomsday scenarios constantly put forward by preppers, survivalists, religious nuts and other varieties of right wing alarmist. Our economic recovery continues to strengthen with every jobs report and stock market rally, yet for some reason ZHers just cannot accept that we are in a recovery. What does it take to get alarmists to see what is plainly obvious? One of the reasons this recovery has been prolonged is that right wingers constantly sound the alarm about a potential 'crash', and as a result Americans are reluctant to spend. If Americans aren't going to spend, I'm afraid we only have one choice - the government must make up for it with aggressive fiscal policy. This is the only thing that is proven to boost aggregate demand when the consumer simply isn't pulling his weight.


May 3, 2016 9:14 AM

Just because  some Muslims may have committed rape, that doesn't mean that all Muslims are rapists. Criticizing an entire group for the actions of a few is nothing short of racism. It's sad that this kind of hate and intolerance is being promoted throughout the West in the 21st century. Western countries are supposed to be multicultural democracies, and the fact that we tolerate this kind of bigotry is really shocking and sad!  


May 3, 2016 9:25 AM

"I don't like multiculturalism" is just a code word for racist. Why would you be against multiculturalism when it simply allows other ethnicities and cultures to coexist peacefully? It just doesn't make any sense. 

May 3, 2016 9:34 AM

We need to set an example for the rest of the world, and provide refuge for those seeking a better way of life. Third world countries have been oppressed and pillaged by western colonialism for centuries, and cannot be held responsible for the brutality that has resulted. It is up to us to make restitution for our history of colonialism and oppression. 

May 3, 2016 9:40 AM

"Groups" of people don't do anything. Only individuals can be held responsible, and the minority of Islamic exremists simply do not represent the majority of peaceful, kind and respectable Muslims. We have Muslims who have served in our military for goodness sake! Do you want to exclude these brave Americans from our society?

May 30, 2014 10:52 AM

When will goldbugz realize that the game is up? Gold has been trading in this range for years now, and the chart is clearly indicating that the ride is over. Equities on the other hand are making new all-time highs day after day, month after month. Just think, the average retail investor with no clue about the markets is watching his bank account explode as he simply funnels money into equities - what could be easier? Some are even getting rich with leverage! If I were a goldbug I would be very jealous of equity investors, having to watch my savings dwindle while equities soar. 

May 30, 2014 11:07 AM

I wouldn't pay even 1 US cent for a 'virtual' coin. I don't trust anything which I can't hold in my own two hands. People laugh at me because I still post letters instead of using email, I only pay with cash and I only keep hard copies of my important documents. But I just don't trust purely electronic items - what's preventing them from simply vanishing into thin air?

May 31, 2013 8:50 AM

As an outsider with a conventional financial education, it is simply fascinating to watch the hysteria inside the goldbug community. If respected economic and financial professionals could see the vulgarity in the comment sections of this site, they would be ashamed of ever considering the gold market as a legitimate financial market. True investment professionals need to make a clear effort to distance themselves from the sick masochism and narcisistic magical thinking that characterizes the golbug community.

May 31, 2013 9:02 AM

This is a start, but we really need that personal savings rate to be much lower. Aggregate demand is directly proportional to consumer spending, and if you're saving, you're not spending. This is one of the fundamental problems with saving, and why consumers have a responsibility to spend more.

May 31, 2013 9:52 AM

Letter from a concerned American citizen

Dear Mr President,

First of all, let me congratulate you on securing your second term as President of the United States of America. You truly deserve your position of power given the sheer number of people who support you. However, I regret that the subject of my letter is of grave concern to me. 

My first and foremost concern is climate change. Few issues are as important as managing the climate, and yet to my knowledge there has been no significant progress. Where is the tax on carbon emissions? Where are the commitments to eliminate fossil fuels? Progressives are fed up with incompetence regarding climate change policy, and we want real tangible commitments, now.

My second concern is is regulation of the banking sector. We want to bring back Glass Steagal (the banking regulation act), and put a stop to excessive risk taking by the private sector. If we don't impose strict guidelines and regulation in order to teach people outside the government right from wrong, then how are we going to become a more progressive and caring society?

Thanks you for considering my message Mr Presidnet, and I wish you the very best for your second term as President of the United States of America.

May 4, 2012 2:44 PM

I have been shocked and appalled at some of the gross misstatements I have seen about America's economy in the comments sections. There are many inaccurate data providers out there including known liars like John Williams of "shadowstats" dot com. 
Non-governmental sources of data should simply be banned. It is absolutely irresponsible to publish figures that deviate from official government statistics. 

May 4, 2012 3:23 PM

Here's what concerns me:
Many of the views of these data sources and the zerohedge readership are of a conspiratorial nature and an even larger number have a distinct right wing tone, which infringes on their objectivity. In my opinion Zerohedge needs to make people with softer views feel more welcome. Besides, most of the ideologies on this board such as anti-bankerism, libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and off-the-gridism, have been repeatedly shown to be false by both the media and professors at top academic institutions.

May 4, 2012 3:41 PM

I know exactly what Dr Monger is saying. I have been simply horrified at some of the vile comments of the doomer goldbugs on this board. Many of these goldbugs seem to literally hate everybody in positions of authority, from respected government officials to esteemed economists and financial professionals. This is an indication of their lack of self esteem and inability to admit when they are wrong.

May 4, 2012 8:38 AM

NFP is not that important. There are plenty of other indicators showing strong growth and green shoots in the economy. The market is overreacting.

May 4, 2013 4:00 PM

I find it amusing that many Zerohedgers don't even understand the difference between taxation and theft. If this site wants to be taken seriously by reputable journalists and publications, it's readers need to tame their views and make them more mainstream.

May 5, 2016 9:34 AM

The American people will not simply stand by while Trump destroys this country and undoes decades of progress! The majority of Americans stand against Trump and will do whatever it takes to block him, should he ascend to the presidency. In our hearts, he will never be our president, no matter what happens.

#ImpeachTrump, #NeverTrump, #HillaryForPresident, #EndHate, #SayNoToRacism, #MenAgainstSexism


May 6, 2012 9:55 AM

I am a strong supporter of the socialist party in France. President Sarkozy is a right-wing extremist, who fails to realize that France’s economy is suffering due to a lack of investment in the ECONOMY and not enough smart regulations. You can’t just let people buy and sell goods and services and hire people AT WILL without any regulations and restrictions! 

May 6, 2013 12:06 PM

The smart money follows the chart. To make a sell recommendation on the S&P is to deny the validity of centuries of technical chart analysis. With the exception of silly pessimistic "over-bought" and "reversal" indicators, the S&P 500 is set to soar according to virtually every technical indicator. But ZHers prefer to ignore this powerful fact in favor of the "fundamentals" which historically have had absolutely no predictive value. The S&P 500 chart is a text-book bull market. There is a clear uptrend, all the momentum indicators are screaming buy, and the series of higher highs and higher lows is simply amazing. In all my life, this is hands down the best chart I have ever seen, yet silly ZH masochists continue to forego spectacular profits in order to further their delusions of impending Armageddon.

May 6, 2016 11:40 AM


May 6, 2016 11:41 AM

It is the responsibility of the GOP to select a credible candidate with a set of policies and values in alignment with the principles of the party, and not to simply to give way to a mere plurality of voters. There is a widely held misconception out there that simply because Trump has managed to garner some magic number of voters through the primary process, that the GOP is somehow obligated to select him. Nothing could be further from the truth - the GOP reserves the right at all times to select its own part leader, and most of the leading conservatives in this country believe that Trump is simply not a suitable candidate and should therefore not be the nominee.

May 6, 2016 4:35 PM

Here's why I like multiculturalism: I love meeting new people, I love foreign food and I love eating out at a wide variety of ethnic restaurants. It just spices up your neighbourhood to have so many cultural traditions mingling, learning from one another and enriching each others' lives. I love learning about how other people live and how their life experience differs from mine, hearing different languages when I  walk down the street and seeing all colors of the rainbow in every crowd. It's sad that some conservatives would prefer to see the west reduced to a stale, boring monoculture, when there is so much to appreciate about other cultures, ethnicities and traditions.

May 6, 2016 8:41 AM

Although this figure may be less than what analysts expected, it's still another positive jobs number in a long streak of positive NFP reports. Under Obama, our economy has consistently created jobs month after month, year after year, and as a result our stock market has risen to over 2000 and seems poised to make new all time highs. Of course, the permabears on this site will use the fact that this figure is a 'miss' in order to downplay our economic recovery, but value investors are focused on the long term positive trend in jobs, which is why they continue to bid up stocks in anticipation of future economic growth. 

May 6, 2016 9:26 AM

Not being in the labor force is a good thing. The goal of every worker is to eventually be able to retire and dedicate their lives to leisure. Every American not in the labor force is surviving without a job by choice, as they are not looking for work. This includes retirees, single mothers, students and people who simply choose to take time off work to pursue other interests. The beauty of living in a modern liberal democracy is that you can live without working.! But conservatives want to paint this as a bad thing! Why? 

May 6, 2016 9:41 AM

I didn't say they were all retired, but they're voluntarily opting out of work, and that is our right as Americans. We have support programs for people who choose not to work, and everyone is entitled to make that choice, even if conservatives would like to make them feel ashamed or guilty about it.

May 8, 2012 10:28 AM

I warned about this repeatedly, but my warnings were met with verbal abuse and dismissal from the doomer goldbugs. The real safe-haven is the US dollar and US treasuries. Gold is selling off ferociously while the ten year is now at a phenomenal 1.84%! All I can do is smile.

May 8, 2012 8:30 AM

The time for 'elections' in Greece has passed. Now is the time for ACTION. The two leading parties in Greece need form a coalition and get on with running the country, without tedious 'referendums' and participation from fringe parties. The bailouts are absolutely essential to uphold the stability of the global banking system, and whiny protesters need to suck it in and deal with it.

May 8, 2012 9:22 AM

Now that Hollande has defeated Sarkozy and his far right policies, France can get back to the good old days. Spending cuts are a discredited policy. There is simply no need for 'personal sacrifice' as more prosperous future generations will be happy to pay for the spending of current generations.

May 8, 2013 11:13 AM

@The Phu

I'm not sure what you are talking about? If you had simply invested in a major stock index like the S&P 500, you would have realized spectacuar gains over the last four years. Those stock returns are not just for the big guys - those returns are also for you.

May 8, 2014 9:47 AM

One of the things I want to see our Federal Reserve pay a lot more attention to is crypto-terrorism. In particular, it's about time that we started regulating the use of dangerous crypto-currencies such as 'bitcoin', which have received a lot of attention from the press lately. We already have a national currency, so what reason could people possibly have for transacting in crypto-currencies other than to conceal criminal activity?

May 9, 2013 9:49 AM

Austrian economists will often use sophisticated terms like  "the division of labor" and the "socialist calculation problem" to give a false air of credibility. What they don't tell you however, is that Austrian economics is not supported by any reputable economists or leading economics institutions.

May 9, 2014 9:27 AM

Loans should be available to everyone, not just the rich and middle class. Maybe I'm just too compassionate, but I believe if you give poor people a chance they just might shine and achieve great things. Nobody is poor by their own making - wealth is a matter of chance; and interest free loans give the least advantaged members of society a fighting chance at joining the ranks of the liberal middle class.

May 9, 2016 10:10 AM

8 triggers for a new industrial revolution: 

  1. Record number of college graduates
  2. Lower interest rates making cheap capital available to businesses
  3. Global trade deals such as TPP and TTIP lowering barriers to free trade
  4. Government investment in green technologies reducing our need for oil and coal
  5. Increases in the minimum wage leading to higher wages and better social mobility
  6. Access to free healthcare improving the health and productivity of Americans
  7. Scientific economic management making markets easier to navigate
  8. Huge growth in the American service sector

Nov 1, 2011 12:23 PM

This is what happens when you have referendums during a time of crisis. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: REFERENDUMS ARE A FAILED POLICY!

Nov 1, 2011 12:40 PM

Well then what happens to people like myself with financial equity portfolios? What are we supposed to do?

Nov 1, 2011 12:49 PM

Democracy is about electing leaders to do just that - LEAD. It's not about letting the ignorant public manage the economy and other important affairs that should be left to learned experts. Otherwise what is point in having professional politicians in the first place?

Nov 1, 2011 9:53 AM

It would be ENTIRELY inappropriate for the Greek government to offer its citizens a referendum on the rescue package. This is a time of crisis and the markets are CRYING OUT for some LEADERSHIP from world officials. This is the time for politicians to be strong and push for bold economic reforms. If there is a fire in a primary school, should the teacher ask his/her students for their opinion? Of course not - that teacher should be escorting the children to safety. Similarly, the general public has the economic education of children and hence they need to be lead by economic EXPERTS.

Nov 1, 2012 3:04 PM

BREAKING NEWS: Scientists have now confirmed that Hurricane Sandy was caused by CO2. Scientists carried out 10^999999999999999 Monte Carlo simulations with various permutations of 10^999999  coimatic factors to prove that in the absence of man-made CO2, Sandy would not have occurred. Again, this begs the question: How many people need to die before right-wingers support an international tax on carbon emissions?

Nov 1, 2012 3:14 PM

Don’t believe me; believe the scientists. Scientists can now accurately predict properties of the climate from any permutation of the millions of climatic factors. The science is irrefutable, and climate deniers need to deal with the facts and support a global carbon tax.

Nov 1, 2012 3:24 PM

The money will be used to finance green technologies, which will create jobs for the poor. The government needs to step in and finance promising green start-ups or we risk a global crisis caused by climate change. These green entrepreneurs are our future, and it is morally reprehensible that you would deny politicians the funds to finance these companies and create a brighter future for everyone.

Nov 10, 2011 10:13 AM

That's not true. America is NOT broke. If we just raise taxes on GREEDY corporations to 90%, we will be able to pay for ALL of the welfare spending and more. Do the math!

Nov 10, 2011 4:28 PM

Iran better not mess with Israel because if they do they are messing with the United States of America. If Iran wants to start a fight, I say bring it on – Obama is a strong leader who stands firmly behind our military and will deploy the necessary troops if necessary. America will protect Israel AT ALL COSTS, because it is vital to our strategic national interests.

Nov 10, 2011 4:52 PM

This type of appalling comment is truly representative of the Anti-American crowd. Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth, and you think it’s ok to just stand by and do nothing? We are the most powerful and righteous nation on earth and we have a RESPONSIBLITY to spread our freedom and democracy across the globe. Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists.

Nov 10, 2011 9:29 AM

Forget the Ron Paul revolution - the younger generation is waking up and realising that Ron Paul is just supporting the corporations. The Occupy Wall Street movement is breaking new ground against libertarian bigotry by pioneering the PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION. We have been warning about the lack of welfare spending, jobs bills, and government controls for decades, and now that we are finally being vindicated, the Ron Paul campaign is trying to co-opt the movement. The real revolution is the compassionate SOCIALST revolution and we have a few simple demands:

1. Ban ALL derivatives, including options, futures, CDS's and SWAPS

2. FREE education, healthcare for all Americans

3. A guaranteed government job for all unemployed Americans

4. Triple the minimum wage to boost living standards

5. BAN all imported goods that compete with AMERICAN exports to boost our manufacturing base

We are fearless because we have the truth on our side, and the Ron Paul campaign better get with us or get out of the way.

Nov 10, 2016 10:37 AM

#NotMyPresident #PrayForHillary


Nov 10, 2016 10:37 AM

We all need to pray for Hillary and Obama. Obama said we’re all friends now! Why are they still discussing prosecutions and prison time??? Hillary didn’t do anything wrong – the accredited media debunked the accusations against her!


Nov 10, 2016 11:23 AM

Hillary didn’t do anything wrong – she was exonerated TWICE by the FBI! Leave her alone!!!


Nov 10, 2016 8:13 AM

Yellen needs to teach Trump a lesson by raising interest rates! Trump is not my President, and progressives will never accept him! I’m seriously considering moving to Canada!


Nov 10, 2016 8:15 AM

Liberation from what? Immigrants contribute massively to the economy. If the Netherlands deports Dutch Muslims, their economy will collapse!


Nov 10, 2016 8:35 AM

Obama needs declare amnesty for all undocumented Americans by executive order before Trump gets in. This is our last chance to help these poor people who are denied their basic rights by our corrupt officials!


Nov 10, 2016 8:48 AM

If these protests continue, Obama may have to declare a state of emergency and suspend the inauguration until things calm down.


Nov 10, 2016 9:04 AM

He can still declare a state of emergency and stay in office. Trump is not Presidnt yet! We still don't know if the result was even legitimate because there are multiple reports of Russian hacking now surfacing!

Nov 11, 2011 11:44 AM

I certainly share the IMF's concern. This economic recovery remains decidedly sluggish, and we cannot rule out the risk of a double dip recession. On the bright side, G20 leaders and central bankers are aware of the risk and are working on it, but I would urge them to be cautious.

Nov 11, 2013 3:48 PM

Libertarians win the prize of the decade for being the most hypocritical and immature political movement. Radical libertarians make ordinary Americans' heads spin. How can you advocate the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and claim to care about economic stability? How can you advocate abolishing government assistance for the poor and claim to care about an equal society? Learn about the hypocrisy and downright dangerous views of the world's most radical fringe political group in today's article at the Accredited Times:



Nov 11, 2013 4:09 PM

Today’s article at the Accredited Times exposes the hypocrisy of radicals like Ron Paul and how libertarians are not only wrong, but dangerous:


Nov 11, 2016 1:27 PM

So how exactly are we supposed to deal with financial crises without bailing out important systemically financial institutions? Sorry Trump, but some banks are simply too big to fail, and refusing to admit this will only lead to economic Armageddon.


Nov 11, 2016 1:32 PM

Banning Muslims is Islamaphobia, which is wrong. Furthermore, Trump is transphobic, meaning he hates people who do not identify with their biological gender. He is a bigot, and he shouldn’t be allowed to become President.


Nov 11, 2016 11:56 AM

She would be an excellent congresswoman and a fantastic future President. Hillary will be able to live her dreams of being President through her daughter! What a beautiful and heartfelt story of a mother’s love for her daughter. After four years of deplorable leadership under Trump, America will be ready for its first female feminist President. Let’s start working now to make this a reality.


Nov 11, 2016 11:57 AM

Trump will never be my President. Obama needs to head up the UN and then the UN needs to take over and start running things. The time for global governence is here. We can no longer deny it.


Nov 11, 2016 12:02 PM

Just wait till Yellen raises interest rates – that’ll show Trump. Trump’s legacy needs to be destroyed at all costs. The American people made a terrible choice, and they need to be scarred so that they never do this again. Trump will be the worst US president in history, mark my words.


Nov 11, 2016 12:34 PM

These protests are peaceful. You can’t use a couple of cases of violence to discredit the entre movement. These people are legitimately protesting the outcome of the election, and demanding that Trump is not elected on the basis of his racism, sexism and transphobia. The key points of this protest are that:

  1. Trump is racist
  2. He wants to deport undocumented Americans, which is wrong
  3. He wants to ban Muslims from entering America, which is wrong
  4. He hates women



Nov 13, 2011 8:57 AM

It's understandable that doomer crackpots would have a tough time understanding this move by the EFSF, but in order to reach their level of intelligence you need to think outside the box. If you just think for a moment, this move makes PERFECT sense. What the EFSF has done is deliberately issue bonds in a quantity in which they did not expect to find sufficient bidders. They then buy the unsold bonds themselves to create the impression of a more successful auction. Market participants refuse to recognise the genius of the EFSF, and hence they need to be confused into believing in it for their own good.



Nov 13, 2012 10:41 AM

Top 10 ways to PROFIT from the global recovery:


1. Invest in Green Technologies


Green technologies remain the single greatest opportunity of the 21st century. As the world makes the transition to the green economy, savvy investors that invest in the right green energies will be handsomely rewarded. 


2. Invest in European Peripheral Debt


The European crisis has finally blown over, and the European economy is finally starting to pick up. However, the yields on peripheral bonds remain extremely attractive. Value investors that take advantage of this arbitrage will reap great rewards as the peripheries begin to balance their budgets and rebuild their economies.


3. Buy Undervalued Blue Chip Stocks 


Many of America's top blue chip companies are positioned to profit from the global recovery. Interest rates are lower than ever, which gives companies access to cheap credit to finance their operations, creating long-term sustainable growth.


4. Invest in Real Estate


Americans now have access to HARP which although it was meant for first time home buyers, there is a good chance that politicians will turn a blind eye to patriotic savvy investors looking to invest in America by buying a second or third home.

Nov 13, 2012 2:27 PM

Over 500 children every year are killed in firearm accidents. It is absolutely shameful that zerohedge commenters promote the distribution of dangerous weapons. We are living in the 21st century, and it's time that this country introduced a ban on firearms. There is simply NO NEED to carry a firearm when you have a well-trained professional police force ready to protect you on call 24/7. Why should the majority of sensible progressive Americans have to endure this danger of firearms just so silverbug rednecks and raving hillbillies can have some fun?

Nov 14, 2011 10:13 AM

This is what happens after decades of a lack of welfare spending, jobs bills and other fiscal stimulus programs. Dr Paul Krugman has been warning about a double dip recession for MONTHS now:


When are libertarians going to admit they have been dead wrong and liberals have been dead right over the last decade? We have been warning about the lack of government spending for years, but nobody listened, and now we are finally paying the price. Unless we have some serious monetary and fiscal stimulus soon, I fear there is a significant risk of a double dip recession.

Nov 14, 2011 11:31 AM

China can insult America all they want, but the fact remains that they are entirely dependent on American consumption of their exports. China will continue to buy our debt because in the absence of American consumption, their export economy will crumble.

Nov 14, 2012 4:03 PM

Ron Paul should never have been allowed to run as a presidential candidate. His extreme views on economics and foreign policy made a mockery of the presidential race. His embarrassing senile interjections during the debates were cringe worthy and detracted from the serious nature of the topics that were discussed. His clownish presence in the presidential race and in American politics has left a stain on our democratic process and has undermined our sense of national pride. Mr has legitimized a group of extreme right-wingers and conspiracy theorists that should never have received any media attention. Insane ideas like abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank or ending the war on terror have now become mainstreamed, emboldening ignorant libertarians youths to disrupt the political discourse of this country with radical and alarming ideas that threaten core American values. I hope for the sake of decency and morality that Ron Paul retires from political discourse for good so that he can no longer undermine the professionalism and integrity of our political process.

Nov 14, 2012 4:44 PM

This goes to show why you should always manage your risk by diversifying into other blue chip stocks and risk free US treasuries. Smarter investors can also eliminate risk using modern portfolio theory by inferring future correlations from past correlations. In any case, risk needs to be managed properly, even by central banks. Our Federal Reserve has diversified across mortgage backed securities, foreign currency swaps and US treasuries, creating a tactical portfolio designed to both underpin the stability of the global economy and make a profit for the treasury in the process.

Nov 15, 2011 10:28 AM

The honourable Warren Buffet (winner of the 2011 Obama Presidential Medal of Freedom) famously said

"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

And with a value stock like Bank of America trading at these lows, this is a fantastic oportunity. It takes courage to step and buy bargains like this, but those who step up to the plate will be rewarded handsomely.

Nov 15, 2011 10:36 AM

I would wager that BOA will close the gap up at 6.08 very shortly. Certainly worth a punt if you are a savvy trader, and a bargain if you are a shrewd value investor.

Nov 15, 2012 10:33 AM


Nov 15, 2012 10:36 AM

Let me guess .. wimpy libertarians are against a military intervention to protect our allies? Pathetic. Nerdy libertarian computer nerds and anti-war protesters are an embarrassment to average Americans and pose a serious diminishment to our national pride and sense of self-esteem.

Nov 15, 2012 11:07 AM

This article is typical of the goldbug and silverbug conspiracy theorists. Whenever the lose money betting on gold futures or crazy doomer gold stocks, they invent a conspiracy theory to explain their consistently shocking trading performance. It is both amusing and sad to see immature goldbug conspiracists obsess over 'manipulation', when in reality they are simply pathetic amateurs with no real economic or financial knowledge or experience.

Nov 15, 2016 10:41 AM

Our relationships with key trading partners like China are now deteriorating! We need to appease countries like China, Israel and Saudi Arabia if we want to continue to reap the rewards of these fruitful relationships, or we risk heading down the destructive path of isolationism! Trump is an absolute disaster for America and the rest of the world!!


Nov 15, 2016 10:52 AM

If we’d listened to Paul Krugman a long time ago, we never would have had the financial crisis of 2007-2008. We need another jobs bill, now. And we need to start hiring more people into well-paid government jobs, to boost demand further – especially college grads who can’t find jobs relating to their college degrees. Monetary stimulus only works when combined with complementary fiscal stimulus. Together these programs will create a synergy that wiill lead to a large increase in aggregate demand.


Nov 16, 2011 1:10 PM

That's easy for you to say. Nobody could have foreseen this crisis, and equity investors who bought into financials at the top of the market have been suffering. Many value investors put their faith and trust in world leaders and the global economy and to see smart-arse amateurs suggest that they should be betrayed makes my blood boil.

Nov 16, 2011 12:42 PM

Germany has a responsibility to the rest of Europe to keep their books in order so that they are able to fund further rescue packages for unfortunate countries like Greece and Italy. Germany needs to step up to the plate and help out because with great wealth comes great responsibility. Financial equity investors all over the world are counting on them to do the right thing.

Nov 16, 2011 9:58 AM

This signifies a potential Iran-Israel conflict. Thankfully, America is ready to take the necessary steps to intervene and protect Israel from any imminent threat. Iran better watch out because America is ready for combat!

Nov 16, 2012 6:16 PM

Wage Equality – An Occupy Wall Street take:

It is a shocking static that many CEOs and managing directors are earning millions a year others earn mere 5 figure salaries. Why can't average people ALSO earn luxuriously high salaries??? That’s all OWS protesters are asking ... 
Meanwhile libertarians choose to attack government workers earning a mere 100k pension after 30 years' solid contribution to society. Firemen, postal workers and policemen work harder than anyone else and all they ask in return is a few benefits, a fair salary and job security. Wages should be determined by the WORKERS, NOT employers.

Nov 16, 2012 8:56 AM

This only the beginning. The workers are rising up against the capitalists trying to sell us expensive goods and offer us low wage jobs. We’re going to SHUT THESE BASTARDS DOWN one by one until we get what we want. The people want RAISES and they don’t care where the money comes from. This is the start of the progressive revolution. Capitalism and entrepreneurship is dead, and the golden age of collective bargaining has begun.

Nov 16, 2016 10:04 AM

Has Trump not seen the protests outside Trump Tower? The country is burning! Everything is collapsing around us, just as liberals predicted!! And if Yellen raises rates the economy will crash, and it’ll be Trump’s fault!! Our fruitful relationships with China, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Mexico are now at stake, and affordable healthcare is about to be repealed!! This is an absolute siaster on so many levels!



Nov 16, 2016 10:07 AM

I’ve gained some respect for Bill Gross after this, although I’ve taken offense to his monetary policy recommendations in the past. His description of a Trump Presidency is absolutely right. Union leaders support Hillary because they realize that open borders, outsourcing and high corporate taxes benefit workers, not harm them. Trump’s economic policies are going to be an absolute disaster for working people and the middle class!


Nov 16, 2016 10:08 AM

Not according to many accredited news sites!

Nov 16, 2016 8:07 AM

Yellen needs to raise rates and start tapering hard, in order to discredit Trump. We need to crash the stock market and cause as many protests and as much chaos as possible until Trump steps down. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and no price is too high to pay to rid our country of this racist, sexist, transphobic monster!


Nov 16, 2016 8:11 AM

TOTAL CORRUPTION!!! Assange assists Trump during the election by releasing Russia’s stolen and modified wikileaks documents, and now he wants a political favour in return!!! This is an unprecedented level of corruption that needs to be looked into!! We truly have become a banana republic!!


Nov 16, 2016 8:26 AM

So sparsely populated hick states get the same say as densely populated progressive urban states? How can that be right? Hillary won the popular vote and got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history besides Barrack Obama, due to the record voter turnout for Hillary, and somehow Trump gets to be President? Give me a break!

And no! States are not allowed to secede from the union! That is a myth! The Federal Government can force them to stay if it chooses!


Nov 17, 2011 1:16 PM

It is patently ridiculous to reject the consensus on the necessity of the IMF and EU by top politicians, economists and financial professionals. All of these leaders agree that the IMF and EU both not only necessary but essential for the fostering of prosperity, peace, equality and liberty throughout the world. If you're going to criticise a professional entity like the IMF, then you should at least have a PhD in economics or some experience in the financial services industry.

Nov 17, 2011 5:33 PM

Agreed, but it's certainly a move in the right direction. I'm impressed to see Dr Bernanke taking the initiative as he has done in the past. Upholding the global economy will require proactive and courageous measures from world leaders and central bankers. Unlike libertarian doomers, some people still care about downtrodden countries like Greece and Italy. Global leaders will continue to save failing nations because they still have compassion. I for one believe in the human spirit, and I look forward to a prosperous and happy future.

Nov 17, 2016 11:17 AM

No doubt Trump will replace him with a Russia-sympathizer! For goodness’ sake, Russia is a major threat to global peace and stability! We need to be engaging them in kinetic action, not building bridges and engaging in negotiations! We need to act aggressively, NOW!


Nov 17, 2016 11:19 AM

Yellen needs to time a large rate increase for the beginning of Trump’s term. We need to do everything we can to sabotage his Presidency. Racism and transphobia are un-American and will not be tolerated!


Nov 17, 2016 11:22 AM

If you scored below -1000 you must be white, and therefore you can't enter any victim group. The best you can do is change your gender and move to the North East in order to move from Highly Privileged to just Privileged.


Nov 17, 2016 11:26 AM

It’s a very important subject, which I studied intensively a part of my Critical Race Theory degree. My thesis was on the effects of white privilege on the personal aspirations of trans-gender African Americans.  


Nov 17, 2016 11:28 AM

Excuse me? You actually deny that Russia is aggressive? What about them sailing a navy ship through the English Channel and aggressively attempting to stop for fuel in Spain??? Those were acts of WAR!


Nov 17, 2016 11:33 AM

I’m glad that government schools are helping students cope with the election of Trump. It’s a fact that Trump is racist, sexist, Islamaphobic and transphobic – do you have a problem with teaching facts?

As the lesson plan points out, feelings are important and need to be validated and recognized. A lot of teachers and students are seriously triggered by Trump, and need therapy! This is well within the realm of school curriculums.


Nov 17, 2016 7:07 AM

I’m not sure if I should even grace this fake news site with my presence anymore, but in the interest of educating the many lost souls on here who believe this site, I’ll continue to post here. Of course Russia is celebrating – Trump is a Russian spy with direct ties to Putin! Please explain to me why we shouldn’t impeach Trump for his collaboration with a sworn enemy of the United States.


Nov 17, 2016 9:56 AM

How did this happen?? Every accredited poll said that Hillary was leading by double digits! The only explanation for this shock result is that Russia hacked the election!! Why is nobody looking into this?? We need to investigate Russia’s involvement and Trump needs to stand down if anything is discovered!


Nov 18, 2011 1:04 PM

Knuckles, I feel that I am doing my part by making the ethical and moral case for government coercion. I consider myself a rational empiricist, and by winning minds with my objective analysis, I am enabling politicians to take more of what they need in order to provide us with happiness freedom. I point out that politicians protect us from the criminal corporations who are trying to sell us expensive goods and offer us low wage jobs. My individual tax contribution pales in comparison to the effects of my objective moral analysis.

Nov 18, 2011 11:23 AM

I think one of the most inspiring speeches about the Eurozone crisis came from President Herman Von Rumpoy who delivered a fantastic rebuttal of the ignorant right-wing nationalists. Von Rumpoy points out that

"The euro zone has to move toward real economic union commensurate with monetary union"

Once again President Von Rumpoy pinpoints the solution with remarkable clarity. What Europe needs now is MORE integration and MORE centralization in the hands of experts so that the global economy can be managed by the smartest economic advisors. These are challenging economic times and the sooner we delegate power to the sharpest economic minds, the sooner we can restore prosperity and freedom to Europe and to the rest of the world.

Nov 18, 2011 11:33 AM

I respectfully disagree. If you've read Dr Paul Krugman's work you will know that increased welfare spending and fiscal stimulus programs boost aggregate demand and increase retail sales, which leads to service sector job growth. A larger EU is capable of funding significantly larger social programs to boost prosperity for all Europeans in just this way.

Nov 18, 2011 12:00 PM

That is factually incorrect. Liberals have been warning for decades about the lack of welfare spending and nobody has listened. Since the introduction of the Welfare State and the great society programs, the gap between rich and poor has contracted significantly. The size of government has been shrinking for years, and liberals have been warning about this. Resources shouldn't be allocated based on supply and demand because this is a subjective means of resource allocation. The only objective means is according to the preferences of elected experts and professionals. History shows that politicians are accountable to the people and therefore we can trust them to use the power for good only. OBAMA/BERNANKE 2012!!!

Nov 18, 2011 7:06 PM

This sure makes me glad to be in America, where despite our problems we have far more educated economic advisers and government officials. People from all over the world compete for the privelage of studying at our Ivy League schools and consequently America has some of the smartest and most competent government officials in the world, many of whom have prior experience in top financial institutions. This is why America is not subject to the gross neglect demonstrated by Chinese economic planners with inferior educations and backward mentalitlies.

Nov 18, 2016 9:14 AM

Terrible choice! Jeff Sessions believes in stripping undocumented Americans of their right to receive welfare and vote! Shame, shame, shame!



Nov 18, 2016 9:15 AM

Trump said he wants Japan to use nukes! Of course Abe likes him!


Nov 18, 2016 9:28 AM


Nov 18, 2016 9:29 AM

Facebook is accredited! They filter their new streams to only show accredited news stories and not fake conservative news from sites like this! People need to get accurate information, not conservative lies, and Facebook is doing the right thing by censoring lies and hate speech.


Nov 19, 2012 3:33 PM

But it’s true. Nerdy  doomer libertarians and insane silverbug preppers never get laid. Girls like hip educated liberals, not lame uptight rednecks. Libertarians need to loosen up a bit and stop getting so worked up about “free speech” and “the second amendment”. It’s just irritating and lame. Progressives are not only making progress in politics - they are also getting laid. Nerdy libertarians and preppers need to get out more.  It’s simply not cool to be an ignorant right-winger - if you’re not part of the Obama revolution, then you’re seriously missing out on some fun. Seriously dudes ... stop freaking out about the economy – the government is working on it ... just chill morons.

Nov 2, 2011 1:05 PM

This kind of vulgar comment is indicative of America's loss of values. Forgive me for trying to bring some objective analysis to this discussion, but obviously logic and facts are not appreciated on this blog.

Nov 2, 2011 10:39 AM

"It only hits the fan when the lender wants it back"

Inaccurate as usual. Increased aggregate demand leads to increased consumption-lead growth which increases tax revenues. The government can use the increased GDP as 'collateral' to borrow even more, boosting the living standards of all Americans. China will continue to buy our debt because they depend on our consumption of their goods. Without our consumption, China's export economy would totally collapse.

Nov 2, 2011 12:55 PM

I have to agree with Evans in this instance. This sluggish recovery is at risk of developing into a double dip recession without vigilant fiscal and monetary policy. Sure things look good now, but the future remains uncertain and Fed officials need to remain cautious.

Nov 2, 2011 8:16 AM

Dr Paul Krugman has been warning about a double dip recession for over a YEAR now. This economic crisis is going to get a lot worse due to indecisive fiscal policy from governments around the world.

Nov 2, 2011 8:33 AM

"Maybe a Quack but not a doctor."

You know, I really don't appreciate this kind of childish discourse. America is facing some serious economic issues, and its time to grow up and discuss realistic solutions to our problems. The Occupy Wall street movement has identified some key policy initiatives that could really get this economy moving again:

1. Force greedy corporations to hire more workers and lower prices instead of keeping all the money for themselves
2. Force banks to lend instead of hoarding capital
3. BAN all speculation in the markets by traders and hedge funds which is causing tremendous price volatility
4. Ban credit default swaps and prosecute rating agencies for giving bad ratings

A few common sense policy initiatives like this coupled with further fiscal and monetary stimulus will sort out this economy once and for all.

Nov 2, 2011 9:05 AM

You are only saying that because you are jealous that virtually no Austrian economists have won the prestigious Nobel prize. Take a look at REPEC's 50 BEST economists in the world:


How many Austrian economists do you see on that lists? How many Keynesian economists do you see? I rest my case.

Nov 2, 2011 9:15 AM

"Without specs there is NO price discovery..."

You fail to realise that price discovery by general market participants is inaccurate, uninformed and subjective. Just look at the price volatility we are seeing in the markets today - this is because market participants are uneducated and hysterical. The mathematical models of economics professors are a far more objective means of setting prices.

Nov 2, 2012 10:31 AM

Every America has a responsibility to do two things:


1. Watch the news


Americans have almost universal access to top quality news outlets, covering ground breaking news stories from all over the world. It is the duty of every American to stay informed about what is going on in the world so they can make intelligent voting decisions. Today I learned that Iran may nuke Israel and America in the next two years without significant intervention by the US military.


2. Vote


It is absolutely inexcusable that so many Americans choose not to vote in the presidential election. Voting decides the futures of thousands of people and it should be a collective decision. Remember, it’s your benefits, your money and your jobs that are on the line. Voting is how we collectively decide how politicians should spend our money, and it is crucial that we pool together our collective wisdom to ensure that we pick the best politicians for the job.


Nov 2, 2012 10:38 AM

Also, now that the economy is picking up and people are thinking about how to invest in the global recovery, econimic updates on CNN and MSNBC are becoming increasingly important. These outlets give regular updates on the economy, jobs and the stock market to keep average Americans up to date with the news on the street. With such a wealth of quality financial news outlets available to Americans, there really is no excuse not to stay informed about the economy.

Nov 2, 2012 8:38 AM

The global recovery is accelerating. Jobs are picking up, just as I predicted, and the S&P will soon be soaring above 1400, much to the dismay of doomer shorts on this site. This bodes very well indeed for both the Obama 2012 presidential campaign and the future of America. This a great day for average Americans, but a sad day for masochistic doomer libertarians.

Nov 2, 2012 8:47 AM

I've been selling covered calls against half of my core Facebook holdings to ride out this volatility, which has generated some hefty premiums. I also sold my protective puts for a handsome profit, which makes me net short theta, so nerdy ZH day traders can't criticize me for that any more either. I am now positioned for the first significant leg up which will ultimately take FB into the 100s of dollars.

Nov 20, 2012 10:10 AM

We are all responsible for the effects of Sandy. Everyone here is to some extent responsible for using too much electricity. I admit that last night I had a hot bath, which was a failure of responsibility on my part. We all need to start making sacrifices in our every daily lives to prevent climate change and make sure every annual climatic measure stays within exactly two standard deviations of the 10 year average.  

Nov 20, 2012 10:14 AM

REPEC's 50 best economists in the world: Highlights - Part 1


Coming in at number 24 in the world is Dr Paul R. Krugman 


Dr Krugman is famous for accurately identifying the causes of the 2008 recession and engineering the fiscal and monetary policies that ultimately put global economy back on the road to recovery. In addition to his academic work, Dr Krugman is also a popular author and blogger for the New York times. Dr Krugman is admired by sophisticated liberals and progressives scholars for his eloquent articulation of the virtues of state power and the benefits of central planning.

Nov 20, 2012 10:41 AM

REPEC's 50 best economists in the world: Highlights – Part 2

Coming in at number 37 is Professor Alan B. Krueger

Professor Krueger was appointed as chief economic advisor by President Barack H. Obama on November 7th 2011.

Professor Kruger is best known for his ground breaking paper demonstrating the benefits of wage and price controls. The Princeton professor carried out a comparative analysis of the wages of restaurant employees in New Jersey, where the minimum wage was raised, and Pennsylvania where it was not. After an extensive investigation, Professor Kruger discovered that wages in New Jersey increased, whereas wages in Pennsylvania did not. This ground breaking study lays the foundation for policies that mandate even higher wages for workers and lower prices for consumer goods. Professor Krueger’s paper proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that wage and price controls do work, and his work establishes the groundwork for a golden age of luxuriously high salaries and exceptionally low-priced consumer goods.

Nov 20, 2012 4:10 PM

Our Federal Reserve should start by purchasing Euopean peripheral debt. Spanish and Italian bonds look particularly attractive, with 10 year yields approaching and occasionally exceeding 7%. Not only this, but the European crisis has largely blown over and green shoots are finally appearing across the global economy. This is the time to be brave and take advantage of bargain prices while they still last. As Warren Buffet (Obama Presidential Medal of Freedom winner) says, “buy when there’s blood in the streets”.

Nov 20, 2013 1:09 PM

Time for corporate executives to take a pay cut so we can free up revenue for worker's pensions. Government pensioners are enjoying excellent pensions and retirement benefits - why shouldn't private sector workers enjoy the same rewards?


Nov 20, 2013 12:51 PM

Awesome advice for government retirees over at the Accredited Times:


Well worth a read if you've just retired from a government job or are a soon to be government retiree.

Nov 21, 2011 11:05 AM

This is exactly the kind of doomer analysis you would expect from a Swiss bank. Credit Suisse are just resentful that Switzerland never got around to joining the Euro and consequently missed out on top economic guidance from some of Europe's smartest and most experienced politicians. Switzerland had a chance to be part of something big, and they blew it.

Nov 21, 2011 6:05 PM

I’m afraid to say this is reminiscent of the childish political gridlock that we experienced during the debt ceiling debate. This indecision is pathetic and childish, and it’s time President Obama simply raised the debt ceiling by executive order so that we don’t have to have this dangerous discussion about impractical and damaging cuts in the first place. This move would really demonstrate Obama's authority and would contribute towards marketing the Obama 2012 campaign. This country needs a strong father-like figure to take care of the economy, so that we don't have to worry about it.

Nov 21, 2012 2:13 PM

If the executives of this company had taken a pay cut, the company would have been saved. I've done the math, and I calculate that executive pay was 30% of revenue. The unions had no responsibility at all. Only rich people have personal responsibility, not normal people like me.

Nov 21, 2012 2:20 PM

Ok smart Alec ... so you support rich successful executive bigshots over average Joe unions just trying to get a fair unconditional pension contribution? Trickle down economics doesn't work moron. 

Nov 21, 2012 2:32 PM

The 'liberty movement' is nothing more than a front group for corporate interests who care about nothing but profit. Trickle Down Economics has failed, and there’s no denying it. Here's the fundamental point liberals are making: If CEOs can make millions, why can't I also get a high salary? If big shots get to retire early, why can't I? I'm still waiting for libertarians to answer these fundamental questions.

Nov 22, 2011 10:05 AM

Do you invest in financials and retail stocks? I have been investing in these sectors without much luck and could really do with some expert advice.

Nov 22, 2011 11:12 AM

I think I'm interested in signing up. But I need to know, do you offer professional services in the retail and financial sectors?

Nov 22, 2012 2:31 PM

I’m sorry to say it, but UCLA is neither an Ivy League college nor a top tier school among the ranks of MIT or Stanford. Dr Paul Krugman earned his undergraduate degree from Yale, his PHD from MIT and ultimately went on to become a Princeton professor and one of the most respected economists in the world. Virtually nobody has even heard of ‘Michael Burry’, and from what I can see the only people who listen to him are doomer libertarians, raving conspiracy theorists and tiresome, moronic silverbug preppers. Maybe when Mr Burry gets some serious credentials, I’ll pay a bit more attention to his ludicrous predictions about the economy. Until then, I’ll listen to the experts.

Nov 22, 2013 10:16 AM

Innovation takes time. Will government make mistakes when trying out new solutions? Sure. But that's all part of the innovative process. As for you casual dismissal of our government'swildly successful innovations as 'fraud', I think you need to look at the evidence which shows the unbelievably positive changes our government making to peoples' lives across this country.



Nov 22, 2013 10:32 AM

Running a country is a capital intensive business. In order to invest in this our future and the middle class, our government has to make large investments. Hopefully, these investments will pay off and as a result our children will be far more prosperous as a result. Tell me someinth - if we make investments that vastly improve the lives of future generations, are we not entitled to ask that they pay their fair share and give something back to the community?


Nov 22, 2013 9:55 AM

Bitcoin may be another innovative invention of the free market, but the truth is that the real innovation is happening in government. Read today's article at the Accredited Times to see how the lean government revolution is transforming the planet and creating a level of prosperity that our ancestors could never have dreamed of:


Nov 22, 2016 2:12 PM

It's not satire! WE WERE HACKED! The evidence is in the article! We've had multiple attempts to bring down the AT, and we've been working non stop to fix it! Putin and Trump are working together to shut down the accredited media!!!


Nov 23, 2011 4:48 PM

I am shocked at the callus disregard for financial responsibility among the “precious metals” community. It is wholly irresponsible to recommend an investment, especially one paying no income at all, without the necessary qualifications. If you’re going to recommend a volatile and esoteric investment like gold, then at least attach a disclaimer. If people are going to get investment advice, they need to get it from professional portfolio managers who know what they’re doing. Honestly, I find it hard to comprehend the hubris of these redneck gold-bugs who equate themselves with experienced financial professionals with years of experience evaluating the markets and making stock recommendations.

Nov 23, 2011 5:03 PM

I have to admit I’m quite disengaged with the equity markets. I’ve been trying to catch falling knives to no abide, especially in the retail and financial sectors on which I am very bullish long-term. It’s times like these that separate the seasoned professionals from the common investor. This is a test of courage, integrity and faith in the greatness of America. I will continue to buy, because I just KNOW that I will be rewarded in the long run for my perseverance and loyalty to the Obama revolution.

Nov 23, 2011 5:25 PM

How is it fair that redneck doomers should be rewarded for simply sitting around watching nascar while they ’stack’ their precious metals, while hardworking and innocent investors lose money in equities. This is clearly not fair, and it’s time we stood up to these self-important pigs who constantly boast about their inflated and obscene profits. I would strongly urge the Obama administration to introduce an ‘equal opportunity in investments’ policy to tax windfall gains in the precious metals sectors and use the proceeds to compensate unfortunate equity investors.

Nov 23, 2012 5:40 PM

I feel lethargic at the idea of being ‘entrepreneurial’ or ‘improving my skills’. All unions want are better wages, and job security, so they can buy more gadgets and holidays. I’m sick of narcissistic liberations telling workers to ‘improve’ their skills and start businesses. Workers just want money, and they don’t care where it comes from. Fundamentally, libertarians just want to deny decent, hard-working and honest people the right to have a reasonable standard of living. I can’t understand what their motivations are. It’s a mystery to me. 

Nov 23, 2016 1:44 PM

Christmas offends Muslims and should be banned.


Nov 23, 2016 1:45 PM

About time! The American flag needs to be updated or banned – it signifies centuries of oppression of women and people of color, and it triggers many victim groups. This is a country that welcomes everyone from around the world and it belongs to everyone, not just racist backward rednecks from flyover country. We need America to be a safe space for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, Indian Americans, Asian Americans and LGBTQAVFGH Americans!  The hate has to stop now!


Nov 23, 2016 3:19 PM

This rate hike will send the stock market tumbling and teach Trump a lesson. Burn it to the ground! #NotMyPresident!


Nov 24, 2016 11:00 AM

Optimism? Everything’s collapsing! Don’t any of you people even watch CNN? Have you not seen the protests outside Trump tower? Trump is causing total Armageddon and reducing our country to rubble. Even China and Saudi Arabia say they don’t want to do deals with us anymore. We’re losing our best allies! I’m embarrassed to be an American. I hold my head in shame every day because our country elected a sexist, racist bigot!


Nov 24, 2016 11:18 AM

Well at least Romney believes in Climate Change, unlike Donald Trump. Trump thinks he knows better than 99% of scientists who believe that without anthropogenic CO2, the climate wouldn’t change significantly. Is he stupid or something? What makes him think he can simply reject the scientific consensus?


Nov 24, 2016 12:12 PM

This election was totally rigged against Hillary! First, we had the false accusations about her emails, which were debunked and rejected by the FBI and attorney general, and now finally Trump has had to admit that there is not enough evidence for a case. Then we had the Russians hacking into Democratic servers and attempting to use the stolen Wikileaks documents to smear Hillary – thankfully most media outlets wisely ignored this attempt to rig our elections. And finally, there is evidence from multiple accredited sources that Russia actually hacked our election results to put Trump in the white house. How did the result turn out to be so different from the accredited polls? Russian hacking is the only explanation.


Nov 24, 2016 9:39 AM

Healing divisions? Trump can go to hell. Progressives, Black Lives Matter, undocumented Americans and Muslim Americans will never accept an openly racist, sexist, Islamaphobic, xenophobic and transphobic President! Trump needs to step down or face large scale riots. I also saw CNN today discussing the upcoming electoral college vote, which they haven’t discussed in previous elections. Maybe that means that this year the electoral college might side with the popular vote for a change and elect Hillary. One can only hope.


Nov 25, 2011 10:08 AM

"I would, however, argue that it is outside of the Federal Reserve's mandate to purchase EFSF bonds.  It is clearly the U.S. Defense Department's domain, being a matter of National Security."

I appreciate your perspective, and I agree that it is certainly a matter of national security. But the MF Global incident shows that a Primary Dealer bankruptcy can have a significant influence on price stability and hence I believe this issue is firmly within our Federal reserve's dual mandate.

Nov 25, 2011 12:21 PM

I personally share Jim Reid's sentiments. The process of European integration and fiscal union has been painfully slow, and lacking in real economic reforms. President Herman Van Rompuy summed up Europe's central weakness nicely when he said:

"We cannot have a common currency, a common monetary policy, and leave everything else to the states involved, and yet this is what we have experienced"

In order to implement effective and broad fiscal stimulus programs, the European commission needs more power over legislation and indeed taxation. Europe is at a cross-roads: it is time for them to decide whether they want capital to be allocated by

(a) Experienced economic and political professionals of the highest degree


(b) Smelly Euro-trash party animals

Nov 25, 2011 5:59 PM

You forget that many of these funds hold mean-variance optimized portfolios, so return to risk ratios are of a professional standard. I'm sick and tired of redneck day traders criticising experts who have spent years studying advanced portfolio theory.

Nov 25, 2011 9:06 AM

Give them bright ideas? As if doomer redneck day traders could give economic advice to top Ivy League economics grads at the Federal Reserve? I have long been an advocate of this policy, and i am confident that Dr Bernanke will come around because the EFSF needs help. Many of our financial institutions have exposure to EU sovereign debt, including some of our PRIMARY DEALERS. These institutions must be protected AT ALL COSTS because they are vital to American prosperity and freedom.

Nov 25, 2013 9:56 AM

I don't know much about the gold market, but technically the chart just looks awful. The major resistance lines have been confirmed and reconfirmed, and a siginificant downtrend has formed. When you consider the opportunity cost of not owning stocks, it's puzzling to me why anyone would be in the gold market. Facebook and Twitter have treated me extremely well, and I continue to operate a simmple dollar-cost averaging strategies on these hot tech stocks. It seems pretty obvious to me that blue chip equities are and alway have been the place to be in the short term and long term, so why don't goldbugs get this?


Nov 25, 2013 9:57 AM

I don't know much about the gold market, but technically the chart just looks awful. The major resistance lines have been confirmed and reconfirmed, and a siginificant downtrend has formed. When you consider the opportunity cost of not owning stocks, it's puzzling to me why anyone would be in the gold market. Facebook and Twitter have treated me extremely well, and I continue to operate a simmple dollar-cost averaging strategies on these hot tech stocks. It seems pretty obvious to me that blue chip equities are and alway have been the place to be in the short term and long term, so why don't goldbugs get this?


Nov 25, 2015 11:41 AM

Russia's neo-colonial invasion of Syria is a crime against the Syrian people, and threatens the peace and stability of the middle east, and we need to intervene immediately in order to overthrow Assad and restore peace to this region so that Syria can be free. We in the west are to blame for migrant crisis that is plaguing thousands of innocent Syrians, and it is our responsibility to rectify the situation. We need to send a clear message to Russia that we will not tolerate their interference with the Syrian people's efforts to free their nation from Assad and his tyrannical regime. We need to act decisively and put a stop to Russia's war-mongering immediately, for the sake of not only peace in the middle east, but for peace and stability globally. 

Nov 25, 2015 11:41 AM


Nov 25, 2016 10:19 AM

Good! Have you seen what these disgusting Trump supporters have done to the restaurant Comet Ping Pong? After claiming that it is a secret paedophile ring, the employees there (including an African American gentleman depicted by the New York Times) have been the victims of constant harassment and death threats! Reddit did the right thing shutting down PIzzagate. Now they need to go one step forward and simply ban Trump supporters!


Nov 25, 2016 10:22 AM

Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Economists have proven that refugees boost the economy! Does Erdogan not even understand basic economics? Who is his economic advisor? Some wacko from the Austrian school??


Nov 25, 2016 9:14 AM

When will America’s backward flyover states accept basic laws restricting the use of dangerous firearms??? All we want is SENSIBLE, COMMON-SENSE, LOGICAL, SIMPLE gun laws that prevent VIOLENT criminals from killing INNOCENT people! Why is it so hard to get conservatives to see this???


Nov 25, 2016 9:19 AM

What a disgusting racist! So while most Americans were celebrating the election of our first black president, Trump was plotting to unseat him?? What a deplorable individual!


Nov 26, 2012 10:01 AM

Doomer goldbugs are so funny. First it was 'hyperinflation' that was going to make gold and silver go to the moon. Then it was the end of 'manipulation' by the 'Bullion Banks'. And now all of a sudden it's depositors hoarding gold because of 'financial collapse'. Where is $2000 an ounce? Goldbugs have been predicting $2000 gold and financial armageddon for years, and nothing has happened. It's funny how many conspiracy theories goldbugs will invent to satisfy their fantasies of becoming kings of the universe.

Nov 28, 2012 10:38 AM

Here's an idea: Why doesn't the ECB insure all holders of European peripheral debt? The yields on their bonds would plummet to US treasury levels in no time, and the peripheries could start raising cash to rebuild their economies immediately. Is that good enough for doomer ZHers? What's wrong with that?

Nov 28, 2012 10:48 AM

The ECB has a range of tools for stabilizing the union:

  1. Insure all European bonds so that bond holders cannot lose their investment in the event of a default. This will also render Credit Default Swaps worthless, punishing people for betting or insuring against European instability.
  2. Convince the European commission issue Eurobonds and monetize this debt as part of an on-going asset purchase program
  3. Buy European bonds directly at the offerings, putting downward pressure on yields and allowing governments to invest in their economies

However, these solutions will only work if managed by economic experts. Each of these options requires diligence, courage and immense economic sensitivity and experience. Mediocre planners simply aren't up to the job.

Nov 28, 2012 2:40 PM

Libertarians are far too simplistic. Theories like the 'non-aggression principle' may work in a libertarian utopian fantasy world, but the real world isn't that simple. Only politicians can solve complex real-world problems like contract enforcement and poverty reduction. Governments have long and successful track records of enforcing contracts, securing justice and promoting upward mobility for the poor, so libertarians are quite frankly idiots for even questioning the idea of the state. The welfare state has a track record of permanently reducing poverty, just as progressive scholars predicted. I'm not going to go into detail about examples here, but there are plenty out there. The free market on the other hand has played little or no role in poverty reduction. To summarize: politicians NEED to have the exclusive right to initiate the use of force. There is simply no way around this. I have thought very, very hard about this issue, and I simply cannot think of an alternative. I'm no longer willing to consider alternatives either. I've thought about this problem long enough and it has now become tiresome.

Nov 28, 2016 10:58 AM

If Trump wants to achieve anything, he needs people who know how politics and the system works. He needs to take people like Romney and Newt Gingrich, as well as leaders of the banking industry such as Jamie Dimon and Llloyd Blankfein. He needs people with decades of experience at the highest levels of politics and banking, or he simply won’t be able to overcome the gridlock in congress.


Nov 28, 2016 11:01 AM

Venezuela is suffering because of capitalist oil companies colluding to crash the oil price! It has nothing to do with socialism! Why can’t Western imperialists just leave socialist countries alone and let them thrive??


Nov 28, 2016 4:38 PM

Disgusting! The US needs to shut up and do whatever Cuba says! Obama has established a good relationship with Cuba that allows its socialist government to thrive without the burden of Western imperialism. Trump needs to stay out of the way and leave Cuba alone!


Nov 28, 2016 4:41 PM

Just accept the fact that Trump stole the election with the help of Russia, and after the recount Hillary will be our next President! Hillary won the popular vote and the electoral college! Multiple sources are reporting large scale hacking of our election results by Russia, and the recounts are going to reflect that. That’s why Trump supporters are terrified of a recount!


Nov 28, 2016 4:44 PM

Here are the real ten consequences of Trump:

  1. Racism
  2. Sexism
  3. Islamaphobia
  4. Homophobia
  5. Transphobia
  6. Xenophobia
  7. Misogyny
  8. Bigotry
  9. Heteronormativity
  10. White supremacy



Nov 28, 2016 4:47 PM

We must not blame all Muslims for this one isolated incident! Islamaphobia should be our number one concern right now!!!! We have to protect innocent Muslim Americans from violent white nationalists!!!


Nov 28, 2016 5:14 PM

If central banks are such a bad idea, how come every country in the world has one? Top politicians, economists and bankers understand that centrally controlling the money supply and interest rates is the only way to create prosperity long term, which is why every government in the world has followed this system. Economics is a science, and the scientific consensus is that central banks are essential for human prosperity and freedom. 


Nov 28, 2016 5:18 PM

Gold is probably the biggest bubble that has ever existed in the history of the markets. This is worse than the tulip bubble! At least tulips have some utility – gold has none at all!



Nov 28, 2016 6:15 PM



Nov 28, 2016 6:22 PM

Critical Race Theory 101 – denying service to privileged demographics such as white Christians is permissible. Denying access to oppressed demographics such as trans African Americans, is not.


Nov 29, 2011 1:04 PM

"Central bank intervention is akin to the end of natural selection"

That is not quite true, since supply-demand dynamics are driven by the SUBJECTIVE preferences of market participants. The mathematical models of smart economists are a far more objective and natural means of allocating resources.

Nov 29, 2011 12:57 PM

But they are RIGHT. These kids are smart. They are part of the new trendy generation and they are SICK AND TIRED of up-tight bigoted rednecks talking about 'freedom' and 'capitalism'. These are outdated concepts, and it is time for a more compassionate system, where resources are allocated by smart, vigilant regulators, and caring compassionate politicians. We can trust them to use their power for good only because we VOTED FOR THEM. It's just common sense.

#OccupyCapitalism OBAMA/BERNANKE 2012!!!

Nov 29, 2011 4:26 PM

To be honest, Obama does not seem to resonate with the public as much as he used to, and a switch of parties is occasionally necessary to restore faith in our government and the political process. However it’s worth noting that there is a place and time for each party. The Republicans are strong leaders and are needed in a time of war, to stand up to the terrorists and be tough. Mitt Romney fits this role perfectly, and is furthermore willing to face down Iran EVEN if it means war. That is why he is rightfully the front runner in the republican primary. The democrats on the other hand are needed to be compassionate and care for the poor by providing welfare out of the kindness of their hearts. I personally believe that a compassionate democrat is able to deliver more effective fiscal stimulus programs to get this economy moving again, but Iran is certainly a threat and one could certainly make the case that this is a time for a strong republican.

Nov 29, 2011 4:55 PM

Although I share your sentiment, I can't help feeling that we are to blame as voters for our own disappointment. As voters, we should be DEMANDING MORE from our politicians in order to get results. Obviously it is up to the politicians themselves to allocate resources optimally, but we can certainly make an impact by electing smart, compassionate and strong leaders.

Nov 29, 2016 4:49 PM

I hope the FBI is monitoring everybody closely. I have nothing to hide, so I’m happy to reveal any detail of my life to them. Interestingly, the only people concerned about ‘privacy’ seem to be right wing extremists who are already listed as potential domestic terror threats. If you have nothing to hide, then why are you against surveillance?


Nov 29, 2016 5:46 PM

Obama not only engineered the greatest economic recovery in US history, but he also managed to capture Bin Laden, which would make him one of the most successful Presidents with regards to foreign policy too. If anyone has credibility in the realm of foreign policy, it is Obama. If his intelligence sources indicate that we should intervene in Somalia then I’m for it.


Nov 3, 2011 7:44 AM

I am shocked at the lack of coverage of the G20 meeting in Cannes on this blog. This is where the world's most inspiring and charismatic leaders convene to solve our structural imbalances and the meeting represents the pinnacle of modern intellectual socio-economic thought. This is where the future is being moulded by the best minds in the world, and the lack of interest in the event saddens me.

Nov 3, 2014 2:32 PM

All I can say is, buy when there is blood in the streets. The green shoots are undeniable to the trained analyst, so if you're distracted by the short term noise, just go back to the data. Jobs numbers are spectacular and the stock market has been indicating strong confidence in the economic recovery.

Nov 3, 2016 1:37 PM

These stolen and modified Wikileaks documents are getting out of hand. We need to start fining people for reading these documents, or we’re simply allowing Russia to steal our election. For goodness’ sake people, stop playing into the hands of the Russians! Donna Brazile says they now have fingerprints proving it was the Russians who hacked the Wikileaks documents!! 


Nov 3, 2016 10:17 AM

What about the Trump foundation!? Trump used his foundation’s money to fund personal legal expenses! That’s a serious crime that needs to be investigated!



Nov 3, 2016 10:35 AM

Hillary doesn’t support the TPP in its current form. She wants it to be adjusted to make sure it serves the people before she approves it. I agree – I think there’s far too little in the TPP to tackle climate change and to allow the free movement of people between the signatory countries. If it were to be amended to include strong policies on these two issues, I could get fully behind it.


Nov 3, 2016 10:40 AM

I warned about this in one of my recent articles. Conservatives are preparing a violent Coup to overthrow Hillary when she wins by a landslide. These despicable right-wing militias don’t believe in Democracy – they believe in forcing their extreme political views on the American people through violence and intimidation, and we have to put a stop to it. This is domestic terrorism, pure and simple. ISIS is a distraction – it’s these far right extremists we need to worry about. 


Nov 3, 2016 11:12 AM

Why not? I’d like to see drone usage by our military increase significantly. Unlike soldiers, drones always follow orders. 


Nov 3, 2016 11:17 AM

All Russian sympathizers in the FBI need to be ratted out. America stands for progressivism and liberalism, and extreme right-wingers who would like to subvert our liberal democracy and convert us into a free market ally of Russia, is a traitor and guilty of high treason.


Nov 3, 2016 9:44 AM

Of course he would say that. He’s not going to admit that he’s a Russian agent working with Trump to compromize US national security! Assange needs to be extradited and sent to prison for his subversive activities!


Nov 3, 2016 9:48 AM

I’ve just fact checked this story, and low and behold it doesn’t appear on any accredited media site. This is getting kind of tedious, guys. You’re going to have to do better than this – smart and informed voters are going to vote for Hillary because they’re simply sick and tired of the lies and deceptions of the Trump campaign and the alternative media.


Nov 3, 2016 9:51 AM

Did you know that aiding and abetting a foreign adversary in rigging our elections makes you guilty of treason? Just remember that before you post an article or comment about the ‘Podesta emails’.


Nov 30, 2012 2:10 PM

The truth about wealth, success and happiness is that some people have it, and some don’t. Libertarians cling to the idea that people can influence their circumstances by exercising choice over their thoughts and actions. But this completely misses the fact that most people simply cannot exercise control over their actions. Some people just need to get stuff without having to work for it. Consider a homeless person who is crippled and has brain damage ... how do libertarians expect this person to help himself? Now that I’ve demonstrated my point, I think it’s fair to put the majority of people in this category. There is no 'personal responsibility' - it's just a myth used to make ordinary people feel guilty. Also, there are no universal principles and there is no such thing as truth. Purist libertarians are far too simplistic, which is why they manage to get everything completely wrong.

Nov 30, 2012 3:07 PM


Every American needs to be aware of the threat levels on the homeland security advisory system [1]Exploding firearm sales indicates an increased risk of domestic terrorism, and Americans need to be on red alert for suspicious activity. We're going to do a quick recap of each official security level, and what it means for you and your family. I strongly advise everybody here to make a note of these security levels, and be aware of the implications.

Threat Levels [2]

  • Red (Severe) - Severe Risk of Terror Attacks
  • Orange (High) - High Risk of Terror Attacks
  • Yellow (Elevated) - Significant Risk of Terror Attacks
  • Blue (Guarded) - General Risk of Terror Attacks
  • Green (Low) - Low Risk of Terror Attacks


[1] Home Land Security System - http://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-advisory-system 

[2] Threat Levels - http://www.azein.gov/azein/Threat%20Advisory%20Docs/ThreatLevel.aspx

Nov 30, 2012 3:12 PM

I've always had an underscore. Search my profile if you don't believe me. It appears I've created such cognitive dissidence with my criticism of the flaws of libertarian purism, that doomer ZHers have simply run out of arguments. 

Nov 30, 2012 9:29 AM

It's becoming clearer and clearer that trickle down economics has failed. All the evidence suggests that we need more sensible regulations, increased welfare spending and a more progressive tax system that punishes excess and rewards frugality. But until this happens, I'm afraid the economy will continue to suffer. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Nov 30, 2012 9:34 AM

I learned that with courage and commitment, anyone, no matter what their race, gender or cultural background can become a politician and redistribute the peoples' property according to their personal preferences and interests. Politics used to be limited to a select few, but today anybody can rise to the top of the political structure and reshape the world according to their vision. This has been the progressive dream for decades, and now it is finally a reality.

Nov 30, 2016 10:27 AM

The revolution is starting. The people want Hillary, and there’s nothing bigoted Trump supporters can do to stop it.

FACT: Russia stole our election

FACT: Hillary won the popular vote

FACT: Trump supporters used violence and intimidation and the voting booths

This result is not legitimate, and needs to be overturned. Trump supporters need to accept that they lost and accept Hillary as our next President.


Nov 30, 2016 4:34 PM

It’s a tough transition but eventually the Indian people will settle down and accept that a cashless society is best for everyone. A cashless society gives governments more control over the flow of money, and allows them to simplify and streamline the tax system by automatically deducting taxes and levies from peoples’ bank accounts. It also allows us to implement negative interest rates and stimulate aggregate demand, while preventing bank runs when banks become insolvent. It’s a win-win-win for everybody – I don’t really understand why people are rioting?


Nov 30, 2016 8:18 AM

“Great” business? What a joke! Trump went bankrupt four times! I guess now he wants to bankrupt the country with his completely irresponsible tax plan, just as he did with his own finances four times! And when are you going to release your tax returns Trump??? WHEN?


Nov 4, 2011 12:45 PM

This is nonsense. Voting CAN be effective, but only if you vote for the RIGHT people. We need to start voting for compassionate politicians who care deeply about their constituents. We need to set higher standards for our elected leaders by asking the following questions:

1. Are they going to be strong leaders and protect us from terrorists who hate our freedom?

2. Do they consider the poor and disadvantaged in their speeches?

3. Are they passionately patriotic and willing to put America first?

4. Are they charismatic and able to connect with the electorate?

If we start setting higher standards for our politicians, we will start getting the results we want. It's up to all Americans to start DEMANDING more from their politicians. THIS is what will put us back on the road to recovery.

Nov 4, 2011 4:21 PM

Don't you people know our Federal Reserve's dual mandate!? Are you completely retarded!? QUOTE from the Federal Reserve's OFFICIAL site:

"The Congress established two key objectives for monetary policy--maximum employment and stable prices".

Only a MORON wouln't want stable prices and maximum employment! If the doomers had their way, the global recovery would be dead by now.

Nov 4, 2011 9:02 AM

When are the doomers going to admit that they have been DEAD wrong about the economy? These consistently positive non farm payroll numbers prove that economic strength is simply a function of aggregate demand. This number bodes well for the future and for the Obama 2012 campaign. The American people are smart - they know that lying libertarians just want the economy to do badly so that their doomer hypotheses come true. Try all you want but Americans will keep spending us into a new golden age. OBAMA/BERNANKE 2012!!!

Nov 4, 2013 10:17 AM

Well whatever you do, make sure you keep some cash on the sidelines for the Twitter IPO. This is clean hip social networking IPO is going to rock the financial world just like Facebook did, and the scamble to be part of history and own one of the world's most important companies is going to be epic. 

Nov 4, 2013 10:32 AM

Well Facebook definately looks attractive at these prices, but if you want my honest opinion, I think you should save everything for the Twitter IPO. If you want to get the very best prices, you need to buy at the IPO. Now, does that mean prices will go up straight away? Of course not. But do you seriously want to risk missing out on one of the greatest investment oportunities of a lifetime?

Nov 4, 2013 10:39 AM

'Bubble' is such as vague word. Are bonds in a 'bubble', even though our bond market remains a near universal go-to safe haven? Are equities in a 'bubble', even though our economy continues to show green shoots and a strong housing recovery? Not everything that goes up in price is a bubble, and people who tell you that are usually trying to manipulate you in order to sell you something.

Nov 5, 2013 9:49 AM

Angry ZHers need to accept that progressives have won this one. Finally America is putting affordable healthcare ahead of the profits of insurance companies. America voted for Obama for a second term, and most Americans want the affordable healthcare act. This is a fact, and if ZHers belive in democracy, they need to support this bill.

Nov 6, 2012 10:48 AM

The key issue in the presidential election is the economy. The American public is more skeptical than ever, and smooth political rhetoric just isn't going to cut it. Government unions want to know exactly what the sizes of their pensions are going to be, and they need to be assured that there will be absolutely no cuts to their benefits. Workers want to know exactly what each Presidential candidate is going to do to stimulate the economy. Which candidate is willing to invest more in fiscal stimulus programs? Which candidate cares about the poor and the sick? These are all fundamental questions that we need to be asking as responsible voters.

Nov 6, 2012 11:14 AM

Key Though Provoking Questions for Voters and Think Tanks:


Should we attack Iran's nuclear facility?

Should we have a second surge in Iraq?

Should we create a global central bank?

Should Americans be allowed to own firearms?

Should deploy drones across America to improve national security?

Nov 6, 2012 5:23 PM

Obama/Bernanke 2012. Vote for real freedom and liberty. Help the poor, help the sick, and build a peaceful and prosperous future for America and the rest of the world.

Nov 6, 2013 4:48 PM

Check out today's guest post at the Accredited Times which completely rips apart the feeble arguments against the Affordable Healthcare Act:


Nov 7, 2011 11:25 AM

This is exactly why the election of a weak presidential candidate like Ron Paul would be disastrous for America's national security. We need STRONG leaders like Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, who stand firmly behind Americas national defense and will put America first when it comes to dealing with the threat of terror from middle eastern countries. Freedom is rare, and many countries despise and envy our liberty in here the US. And it's not just up to politicians to look out for our safety - EVERY American needs to do their part to fight terrorism by staying alert and aware of suspicious activity at home.

Nov 7, 2011 11:34 AM

Over 1,375 people died due to attacks by terrorists in 2010. This is a shocking figure, and Ron Paul's lack of concern about this issue demonstrates a fundamental lack of concern for the safety of hard working American citizens.

Nov 7, 2011 9:37 AM

 The WSJ has nailed this one. Merkel and Sarkozy have FAILED to set up a firewall to ring-fence banks from sovereign default risk. Their pathetic pandering to voters in their respective nation states is simply sickening, and has lead to a serious delay in the EFSF expansion, the effects of which have been far-reaching and will be felt by financial equity investors across the globe. Their indecisiveness and political wrangling has been completely unprofessional at a time when the markets are CRYING out for some strong leadership and economic guidance.

Nov 7, 2011 9:51 AM

This is simply false. The ECB has a RANGE OF TOOLS for combating deflationary pressures and peripheral default risk. In any case, I've long been an advocate of stronger integration between central banks, and have even floated the idea of creating a WORLD central bank to fund larger liquidity injections on a global scale. This would provide a serious boost to confidence in the global economy, helping to foster prosperity, peace and equality throughout the world.

Nov 7, 2012 10:29 AM

One thing I would like to see from Obama during his second term, is stronger gun control measures. The disturbing increase in firearm sales in America has been accompanied by lax regulations of the sale and distribution of guns and gun parts. Last year ebay ended its ban on firearm sales and now permits the sales of firearm parts to potential criminals all over America. This is despite the fact that over 500 children are killed every year in firearm accidents. It is absolutely appalling that some outlets continue to profit from the sale of dangerous weapons to Americans.

Nov 7, 2012 9:30 AM


Nov 7, 2012 9:44 AM

Last night my girlfriend and I saw the hot new action thriller "The Zone", and it got me thinking ... Sometimes cops need to go outside the law in order to get things done. Sure, the law protects from minor criminals, but when the enemy is ruthless law enforcement needs to be ruthless too. How can we fight terrorists in America when we cry all day on the internet about drones flying over America? How can we protect ourselves against cyber attacks when we're constantly whining about "internet freedom"? How can we reform rogue terrorist states and spread democracy when wimpy war protesters flock to the streets to protest every foreign intervention? America has become a nation of wimps. This movie reminded me of what American law enforcement is really about - doing what is necessary to keep the peace and defend values of decency and morality. It's just too bad that wimpy nerdy libertarians and whiny war protesters have no sense of patriotism or national responsibility and continue to undermine our national security and sense of national pride.

Nov 7, 2016 8:05 AM

This is a very sad day for feminists around the world. Janet Reno was a feminist icon, demonstrating that through sheer will and determination, a strong woman can make it in the male-dominated world of politics and law, despite the barriers imposed by the patriarchy. Let’s hope that Hillary’s landslide victory this week will help feminism regain its momentum and help women all over the world break glass ceilings and achieve what they never before thought possible. 


Nov 8, 2011 11:09 AM

That is a despicable attitude towards the poor and disadvantaged. Do you want the health care industry to be reduced to the level of the mobile phone or car industries!? In these 'free market' industries, we have rich people driving expensive Mercedes and Porsches, while the poor can only afford Fords. the rich have iphone 4's, while the poor only have the oldest camera phones. Is THIS want you want in the healthcare industry? Absolutely heartless.

Nov 8, 2011 11:36 AM

If the government had taken over the mobile phone and car industries from the start, they would be much more fair. Everyone would be granted their right to a mobile phone and car of a good standard, and there would be no wealth disparity. We wouldn't have rich people affording good phones, and poor people affording bad phones. This is the way forward. Liberals have been warning about the lack of government control in this country for years, and I think it's time we got some credit for it.

Nov 8, 2012 10:02 AM

When are doomer libertarians going to apologize for their shameless fear mongering about Europe and the peripheries? Despite this doomer hypothesizing, the European Union is stronger than ever and nobody cares about apocalyptic end-of-the-world predictions about Greece and Spain anymore. If need be, the European commission can simply issue Eurobonds and the ECB can monetize this debt in order to suppress interest rates and stabilize the union. Respected finance professionals and the media have totally forgotten about Europe, and are focusing on how to profit from the global recovery. Libertarians need to stop fantasizing about the apocalyptic scenarios and rejoin the rest of society.

Nov 8, 2016 1:28 PM

Unbelievable! Never before has a serious presidential candidate questioned the integrity of our election process! This is absolutely un-American, and completely out of line. Trump needs to pledge to accept the result now, or drop out!


Nov 8, 2016 1:32 PM

Assange forgets to mention that he’s working for the Russians to undermine our democracy. Sorry Julian, smart informed liberals are not buying your propaganda. We’re going to elect Hillary, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Nov 8, 2016 1:39 PM

A large number of minorities, women and trans people don’t have voter IDs. That’s why Republicans demand them – because they know it will disproportionately affect these victim groups.


Nov 8, 2016 10:37 AM

No doubt Trump’s thugs will be out harassing minority voters for voter IDs, and intimidating Democrats under the guise of conducting exit polls. I think Hillary has this wrapped up, but if for any reason Trump should win, we need to have a second election because of the foul and dirty tactics, lies and smear attempts conducted by the Trump campaign. 


Nov 8, 2016 10:44 AM

Most voters are angry about Trump’s bigotry, not the discredited ‘corruption’ allegations against Hillary. The accredited media has made sure that the stolen and forged Wikileaks documents were not able to influence too many Americans, in order to save our democracy and fight back against Putin. Millions of angry voters will turn out today to vote for Hillary, and end Trump and all candidates like him for eternity.


Nov 8, 2016 10:47 AM

That’ll show those violent, uncivilized Trump supporters! America will not accept a Trump victory – if you’re thinking of voting for Trump you might as well just give up. Hillary has this wrapped up.


Nov 8, 2016 2:12 PM

The Russians are planning to hack our election! I can feel it. Something isn’t right. The accredited polls are all predicting a landslide Hillary victory, and yet Trump voters still appear so confident. Why?? What are they planning??


Nov 8, 2016 2:23 PM

RED ALERT!!! Reports are coming in that Russia is trying to hack our election results and fake a Trump victory!! Everyone needs to stay vigilant and stay tuned into CNN! We cannot allow our democracy to be undermined!







Nov 8, 2016 3:16 PM

So Trump wants to prevent people who couldn’t make in time to the polls from voting?? That is completely anti-democratic!! Trump and Russia want to undermine our democracy!! 



Nov 8, 2016 3:19 PM

Saudi Arabia is our second greatest ally after Israel. To lose them because of a Trump victory would be catastrophic for our foreign policy, and would lead to chaos in the Middle East and around the world. For the sake of national security, we need to call off this election and declare Hillary the winner.


Nov 8, 2016 3:20 PM

Trump also wants to go after Saudi Arabia because of the conspiracy theories alleging that they were involved in 9/11, and yet he was against going after the real culprit for 9/11 - Saddam Hussein!


Nov 9, 2011 10:35 AM

This is absolutely the wrong move from clearnet. Italian bond shorts need to be punished for de-stabilizing the world economy and banking system. Clearing houses and exchanges need to massively REDUCE margins to relieve the longs and enable a short squeeze that the doomers will never forget. Smart-arse libertarians and doomers need to feel some of the pain that they are inflicting on financial equity investors across the globe.

Nov 9, 2011 12:12 PM

All these disrespectful comments aimed at well-meaning politicians are truly sickening. I am an experienced voter, and I can tell that Papandreou is a sincere and trustworthy leader who cares just as deeply about his country as any professional American congressman. Politics is NOT an easy business to be in, and Mr. Papandreou has demonstrated admirable courage and perseverance in the face of harsh and unwarranted abuse. One day our children will look back on the way we treated our hard-working politicians and they will be shocked at how ungrateful and spoiled generation has been.

Nov 9, 2011 12:42 PM

This is where I have to disagree. The Greek prime minister was FORCED to hold a referendum due to domestic pressures and violent threats from his ungrateful constituents. We are now all paying the price for this failed policy of holding referendums on complicated economic issues. These issues should be left to economic PROFESSIONALS with experience in top academic and financial institutions only. This is what the markets have been telling us for a long time. This is a time for professionalism and excellence in the political process, and is not a time for wearisome and tedious referendums that impair vital economic progress.

Nov 9, 2016 11:55 AM

Canada is going to become a global superpower when these progressives emigrate, and America is going to become a wasteland full of redneck bigots with no class. Canada may even end up competing with Hollywood and start producing more top quality popular artists than America. Yet another reason why America is doomed now that Trump is elected.



Nov 9, 2016 5:04 AM

I am in absolute shock. Every accredited poll predicted a Hillary landslide. How could this happen?


Nov 9, 2016 5:08 AM

This election result needs to be challenged. Numerous accredited intelligence sources have reported rampant hacking by the Russians. If Trump is elected, he needs to be impeached!


Oct 1, 2012 2:25 PM

Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Moroco, Saudi Arabia ... blah, blah, blah ... all the same to me. All of these countries are threats to our freedom and our way of life in America. These bastards showed no mercy during 911, but that won't stop domestic terrorists on Zerohedge from creating huge sob-stories about why we shouldn't invade them.  

Oct 1, 2012 9:16 AM

I am deeply concerned about some of the gross inequality in investment performance among retail investors. While some portfolios have experienced 6 figure percentage gains, others haven't been so lucky. The disparity in returns across investment portfolios is estimated to be at an all-time high, with the very top portfolios earning in excess of 200% annually, and some of the least fortunate portfolios losing 50% or more of their equity. We urgently need to address this imbalance in America or we risk creating a society with a small group of elite overlords with consistently positive investment returns, while ordinary average Joe's continue to lose money in the markets. This is why I encourage congress to consider the "Equal Opportunity in Investments Act" (or EOIA), which introduces  a windfall tax on annual profits in excess of 20% of account equity. At the end of each tax year, unfortunate investors will be permitted to claim a refund for any loss in excess of 5%.

Oct 1, 2012 9:48 AM

You can only recoup annual losses in excess of 5%. So for example if you were to lose 15% on apple puts in a single year, you would be refunded for 10% of your starting acccount equity. 

Oct 1, 2013 3:58 PM

Do you mind if I inject some common sense into this discussion? I have a question for zerohedgers: why do we actually need a debt limit? Businesses borrow every day in order to invest in ventures to boost their revenue. If businesses can borrow what they need, then why can’t our government?


Oct 1, 2013 4:12 PM

Don’t be facetious. The government has to compete on the international bond markets like any business trying to borrow money. All they want is the right to borrow what they need to keep kids in school and make social security payments. Nobody is asking for handouts.



Oct 1, 2013 4:36 PM

Notice that bond rates are still at record lows, which discredits the claims that our government is not ‘creditworthy’. Honestly, what is the point in the debt limit? Why not let our creditors decide whether to invest in our economy?



Oct 1, 2013 4:39 PM

Yes, but that limit is decided by the banks who set rates according to credit ratings. Our creditors are lending to us at record low rates, which proves that our government is solvent and creditworthy.



Oct 10, 2011 12:12 PM

This is a direct result of the completely irresponsible grand-standing by Slovakian politicians against the European Financial Stability Facility. Eastern European countries like Slovakia are known for being bullies and trouble makers, and I believe it's time for the ECB and other compliant EU states to take the initiative and show that they are not going to be intimidated by far-right extremists and nasty nationalists. I believe it's high time we created a European super-committee which with its OWN constitution, and powers of direct taxation. This fund will be able to carry out large, bold and courageous fiscal operations without constant political ramblings and tedious referendums. This will restore peace, stability and freedom across the region once and for all.

Oct 10, 2011 12:49 PM

I can't understand why libertarians still don't get it. The Euro and equity futures are rallying because we are starting to see a pattern of bank nationalization throughout the EU. This is extremely bullish, as it represents a shift of the control of resources from the market to top economic advisors in governments throught Europe. These economists have spent their lives developing the best mathematical models for resource allocation, enabling them to allocate resources as objectively and efficiently as possible. This means that Europeans can look forward to a proportionate increase in wealth, freedom and liberty.

Oct 10, 2011 6:53 PM

Mr Napier is totally misguided on this one to the point where I am left scratching my head. Clearly in a centrally planned utopia (which is where we are headed whether nasty libertarians like it or not), prices will be determined by and according to the preferences of the governing body. Hence the price of the S&P will simply be set at a desirable price, like 10,000. This is the beauty of central planning - the erratic perceptions and preferences of uneducated market participants no longer interfere with objectvie price setting.

Oct 10, 2011 7:29 PM

As it happens, I hope that technology does enable us to immortalize some of the economic greats of our times. Just imagine the gift of knowledge we could bestow upon our children by preserving the life of a Paul Krugman or a Joseph Stiglitz. In fact I genuinely believe that if the honourable Lord Keynes were alive today, he would have captured the imagination of a generation with his ideas of fiscal and monetary stimulus and we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Oct 10, 2011 8:08 AM

Futures are rallying on the realisation that Europe is beginning to nationalize banks and turn them over to economic experts in governments and central banks. As nationalized entities these banks will have access to the expertise of some of the most avid intellectuals in the world, who will be able to micromanage European economies to optimal prosperity using the most advanced mathematical models. I just hope our officials in the US are learning a valuable lesson about the success of central planning, so that we too can enjoy the fruits of the genius economic analysis that is produced at Ivy League economics departments throughout America.

Oct 10, 2016 10:52 AM

I'm absolutely shocked that Trump would DARE talk to a womyn like that!! ESPECIALLY after the leaked tape, which revealed his past mistreatment of womyn!! Male feminists like myself would never dream of talking like that to or about a womyn!! Trump needs learn how to treat a lady, and have some sensitivity and manners!! He's a disgusting male chauvinist PIG, and represents everything we hate about the patriarchy!

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 12:00 PM

Paul Ryan is a real republican. He's proven tht he is a responsible leader who can work with congress to solve issues that may not be popular with the conservative base, like providing amnesty for undocumented immigrants, a carbon tax to prevent climate change, and raising the debt ceiling to prevent a government shutdown. Donald Trump is going to have a hard time getting his way with someone as seasoned and experienced as Paul Ryan.

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 12:05 PM

The appalling Islamaphobic attacks on British Muslims following the Brexit, prove that this vote was rooted in nothing but racism, xenophobia and hatred. It's shameful that the British government chose to honor this disgusting referendum decision, and it sends a very bad message to the world, and especially the rest of Europe.

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 12:44 PM

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump, not Hillary, is the Wall Street candidate. How can he accept the endorsement of someone like Carl Icahn, while claiming to be against the excesses of Wall Street? It's unbelievable hypocrisy!

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:13 AM

I thought the moderators were way too easy on Trump!! Are you freaking kidding me?? They let him get away with questioning Hillary's integrity and suggesting she should be behind bars?? WTF??? How is that allowed?? He should be disqualified from running based on the appalling tape that was released last week!! He's a bigot!! He's a racist!! He's a misogynist!!! I don't understand how this is happening1!1!!!

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:16 AM

Bomb 'em to the stone age baby!!! YEEE-HAAWWWW!!! We're coming for you Putin and Assad!! We're coming for you Yemen!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THIS WAR STARTED!!!! Nobody messes with the USA, Saudi Arabia or Israel!! NOBODY!!!

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:27 AM

At the risk of sounding Islamaphobic, I respectfully disagree with the Imam. I think Assad's human rights record speaks for itself, and he is an abomination to the people of Syria. For this reason alone, he should be removed, and anyone who stands in our way, including Russia, should be dealt with accordingly.

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:35 AM

Trump should be banned from the race just for that statement!!! It's outright defamation!! False claims should not be allowed! Hillary was cleared by both the Attorney General and the head of the FBI along with numerous political analysts. None of the respected media outlets in any country have given any credence to the emails 'scandal'!! It's a lie!!

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:43 AM


White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 10, 2016 9:59 AM

I would never say something like that because I respect women! I'm a proud male feminist who believes women have been systematically oppressed and held back for centuries in this country, and that men should be sensitive and respectful of women and their feelings.

White ISIS – The Real Threat to America

Oct 11, 2011 12:23 PM


This is the beginning of the PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION. The people rightdully DEMAND that our government do the following to restore peace and liberty to America:

1. Do away with nasty free market wages and let the government determine ALL wages so that people earn a FAIR wage for the work they do

2. Introduce price controls on all consumer goods so that Americans are not forced to pay unfair prices set by GREEDY corporations

3. Introduce a jobs bill that employs ALL unemployed Americans un useful and productive occupations, giving them the jobs they deserve

Oct 11, 2011 7:20 PM

If Americans want to know why unemployment figures are so high, they need look no further than these cowardly and despicable republican senators. Compassionate democrats have been trying desperately to help the poor during these tough times with fiscal stimulus programs and by investing in education and healthcare, but heartless conservatives won't even let Obama pass a common-sense jobs bill which would get this country working again. My heart goes out to all those affected by the ideas of spoiled brat libertarians, which have been spread by anarchist nerds and redneck doomers and have somehow managed to permeate the senate. I can only hope this country wakes up to the shocking implications of libertarian bigotry before it becomes a reality. 

Oct 11, 2012 3:48 PM

Guys, it’s just scary how right I am about the markets and the economy. I bought S&P futures on the first weekly close above 1400 during this summer rally in line with my bullish view of the economy, and my position was literally moving my direction within days. Haha ... It’s surreal how smart I can be sometimes. It’s like I can just see the future; it’s just there in front of me, and I’m surfing the markets like perfect wave on a clear day. 

Oct 11, 2016 10:28 AM

Honest question for Trump supporters: How is Trump going to make deals with other countries and with congress, if he cannot even get the support of his own party? This is very concerning for the future of America.

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 10:39 AM

This article fails to recognize that Hillary does in fact have a comprehensive jobs plan, verified by top economists. It's called the 100-day job plan, and you can read about it on her website. The plan will boost American jobs within 100-days by doing the following:

  1. Invest in our infrastructure
  2. Invest in our manufacturing
  3. Make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century
  4. Support scientific research and technological innovation

Her plan is verified and supported by top economists all over the world, and it's guaranteed to boost our economy by billions of dollars.

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 11:51 AM

This poll is legitimate so enough with the conspiracy theories. And I don't want to hear about how the election was 'rigged' when Hillary wins, because all the respected polls clearly show that she is in the lead.

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 11:54 AM

Assad and Putin should both be put on trial in international courts for crimes against humanity. Assad used chemical weapons on his own citizens! That is absolutely unprecedented and instantly makes him a war criminal, along with his accomplice Putin! There are no two ways about it!

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 8:24 AM

The obsession with ISIS is just a cover for Islamaphobes to spew their hate filled rhetoric about Muslims. During the debate, Trump simply dismissed the Muslim American woman who asked him about Islamaphobia, in an appalling display of racism and insensitivity. Only Hillary actually addressed her concerns and said she would so something to end prejudice in America. This is not about 'Islamic Terror' - it's about a small group of radicals, who do not represent Islam in any way!

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 9:01 AM

What about Trump's already leaked tape documenting his appalling treatment of womyn!! And what's the controversy here? Is Hillary not allowed to have a professional relationship with the media? Surely that's part of your responsibility as a high level politician?

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 11, 2016 9:36 AM

Paul Ryan is a REAL republican, who has a proven ability to work across party lines to get things done. Under his leadership, there have been numerous bipartisian compromises that demonstrate how smoothly congress can work if we all work together. Trump is a disrupter, and he's not welcome in congress.

Why Undocumented Immigrants Should be Allowed to Vote

Oct 12, 2011 10:05 AM

The following article sums up his beliefs nicely.


Thankfully some news outlets are not intimidated by libertarian bullies, and are willing to tell the truth. OBAMA/BERNANKE 2012 - Vote for real freedom and liberty!


Oct 12, 2011 3:57 PM

This is totally irresponsible. The Federal Reserve is there to conduct MONETARY policy only, not fiscal policy. Fiscal stimulus programs should be passed by congress or via executive order by the president. I thought America had better standards of decency than this.

Oct 12, 2011 5:24 PM

Americans have a moral obligation to pay their FAIR SHARE of money to the government for providing schools, bridges, roads, welfare for the poor and retirement plans for the elderly. Politicians do not have to provide these things, but they provide them anyway out of the kindness of their hearts. It is completely despicable that libertarians receive all these generous gifts from their government, but can do nothing but throw tantrums about how unfairly they are treated. It’s time for libertarians to stop whining and start giving something back to the community.

Oct 12, 2011 6:13 PM

That is a typical spoiled brat libertarian comment. We OWE the government money because they were kind enough to provide us with so many gifts and necessities. I can hardly comprehend the selfishness that your rude and ungrateful comment demonstrates. This is one of the reasons there is so much poverty and conflict in the world. If people simply appreciated their governments more, we could move forward as a civilisation and not backward.

Oct 12, 2011 6:24 PM

Finally some sanity on this blog. So true. What libertarians can't seem to understand (even though it has been demonstrated repeatedly) is that average people are simply not capable of interacting peacefully with each other. That is why we need a group of experts to COORDINATE activity for everyone else and FORCE them to do what they are told. Professional politicians are granted this right by their willingness to hold elections and offer other people an opportunity to vote for the expert of their choice. This is the core principle of democracy, and it is the dichotomy between the rights of talented leaders and the average citizen is the foundation of a free and moral society.

Oct 12, 2011 9:48 AM


Don't vote until you read these shocking facts about Ron Paul:

1. Ron Paul has mentioned numerous times that he would like to ABOLISH the Federal Reserve bank of the united states. According to top Ivy League economics professors this could cause economic chaos throughout the global economy.

2. Ron Paul has made no secret of his desire to completely end the war on terror. This will put Americans at serious risk of acts of terrorism by Islamic Extremists, at a time when our freedom is despised and envied throughout the middle east.

3. Ron Paul has expressed his desire to end the civil rights act and legalize slavery at the state level.

Mr Paul has marketed himself as a revolutionary and a voice for the younger generation, but the truth is he is just another arrogant libertarian whose views have gone unchallenged for far too long, and its time someone had the courage to speak the truth about his policies.

Oct 12, 2012 11:07 AM

The model of the climate is now complete. Every factor has now been modelled with 95-100% certainty. There are no more excuses for ignorance about global warning. The left was convinced from the start, as they are realistic and scientifically minded, but right wing rednecks remain ignorant and hostile towards this issue. Climate Change is a very real threat to our way of life in America. There are a lot of people who find it hard to come to terms with the harsh reality of the science on global warming, but the truth is we all need to make sacrifices in our everyday lives. Whether it is skipping hot baths or switching off the lights in empty rooms, every little thing counts towards stabilizing the climate and making sure the climate never changes. It's worth noting that scientists now believe that without human intervention, it is likely that annual temperatures, rainfall and humidity would never change by more than two standard deviations. They are now confident that can:
1. Measure every aspect of the climate
2. Measure and predict the environmental implications across all ecosystems 
3. Keep the climate within predictable and preferable parameters by simply varying CO2, such is the statistical irrelevance of factors beyond our control
4. Predict the exact effect of capping carbon missions on the prices of energy and food across all economies 
5. Predict with confidence that the effect of capping carbon emissions will be a net positive for most people according to their preferences

Oct 12, 2012 9:02 AM

Timothy Franz Geithner is a modern day founding father. As Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner utilised his former Central Banking experience to navigate our economy through one of the most difficult periods in history. Today, our stock markets are approaching new highs, Non Farm Payrolls are consistently positive, the unemployment rate has taken an encouraging dive and inflation is under control. Although much of this is the work of our Federal Reserve, the advice and guidance of our US treasury was an instrumental component of the economic recovery.

Oct 12, 2016 10:09 AM

The republican party is falling apart, while the democratic party remains united behind Hillary. The media has debunked the smear stories about Hillary supposedly 'cheating' Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. It's going to be tough for a republican party in such disarray to beat a strong, united democratic party with a vision for a fairer America.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 12, 2016 11:05 AM

If you're worried about the economy, then elect Hillary. She has a 100-day jobs plan that is verified by top economists from around the world. It focuses on bolstering our infrastructure and making America the green energy capital of the world, and is expected to produce millions of jobs and grow our economy by billions of dollars.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 12, 2016 11:57 AM

What about Paul Ryan? He's no wimp! And Barrack Obama! We have a lot seriously tough politicians, and are not to be messed with. Russia better watch their next move, because we are very close to just nuking the hell out of them.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 12, 2016 8:26 AM

Don't doomers ever get bored of coming up with hypothetical doomsday scenarios? I've been hearing about how the economy is going to crash, and how it was going to be the end of the world for a decade now, and still none of these predictions have come true. It gets a little tiresome after a while, listening to endless conspiracy theories, only to see them fall flat on their faces year after year.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 12, 2016 8:34 AM

I laugh when I hear conservatives accuse the media and liberals of disregarding national security. Look how much effort the media and progressives have made to uncover the collusion between Trump and Russia? Without the tireless work of people on the left, you would never even know about this serious threat to national security! And please don't bring up the 'emails scandal' - that's already been debunked so many times, it's getting boring.

Why we Need Women in the Military


Oct 12, 2016 9:08 AM

Well luckily it looks like the public isn't buying this Russian propaganda. Hillary is now leading by a whopping 8 points after annihilating Trump in the debate. We also have to thank the moderators for relentlessly fact checking Trump's many lies and manipulations.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 12, 2016 9:50 AM

Where do I even begin here ... OMG. This professor is exactly what is wrong with America today. He repeatedly denies that there is even such a thing as hate speech, or that historically oppressed groups are offended by the many reminders of our racist  and sexist past, like confederate flags and statues of our slave-owning founding fathers. America is distressing for people of color, womyn, Muslim Americans and trans-people, and these issues need to be addressed! Hate speech is not free speech. People have a right not to be offended. This is the 21st century - this professor needs to get with the times, and put down those dusty text books written by bigoted white men.

Why we Need Women in the Military

Oct 13, 2011 9:42 AM

Finally, the people are rising up. Government unions will rise up and TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS. No one can stop us. The SOCIALIST PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION has finally come to America. The trendiest fashions, the coolest bands, we have it all, and uptight rednecks and right-wing hillbillies better get used to it because this is THE place to be.

Oct 13, 2016 10:02 AM

Is this really all worth it? Come on Brits - you should seriously consider throwing in the towel on this whole Brexit thing. It's been a disaster for your economy, and now look at the damage it's doing to relationships with key EU trading partners.

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 10:08 AM

Another vague and uneventful Wikileaks smear attempt. The Trump tap story made headline news on almost every major media outlet, and is still one of the most widely discussed topics on social media, as the moderators pointed out in the last debate. These smear attempts directed at Hillary continue to fade away with minimal impact, as reputable journalists continue to debunk and ignore them.

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 10:57 AM

According to The View, these disgusting women seduced Bill and made inappropriate advances, in some cases while he was with Hillary! These women are a bunch of disgusting tramps who nobody should take seriously! Focus on the Trump tapes - that will tell you all you need to know about who to elect this November!

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 8:11 AM

This is not the first story about Trump's mistreatment of women. Can all these stories be wrong? At some point, you have to admit that either Trump has mistreated women, or every established media corporation is colluding to stop Trump. Occam's razor states that the simplest explanation is most likely to be correct - so I'm going to have to go with the theory that Trump is indeed a misogynist, sexist pig.

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 8:15 AM

Look, what choice do we have? Saudi Arabia is a key ally in the war on Terror and our mission to protect Israel. We have to back them up when they're under attack. Do you people want Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth? Are you a bunch of anti-Semites and neo Nazis?

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 8:35 AM

Anyone on the sidelines about Hillary should watch this brilliant video explaining why you absolutely have to vote for her:


It's absolutely crucial that everyone does their part to stop Trump and elect Hillary. Send this video to as many people as possible! The future of our country depends on it!

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 13, 2016 9:36 AM

Some people think we may be going a little too far to restore peace and democracy to the Middle East. But we all have to ask ourselves - if we can save just one Syrian child from Assad, isn't it all worth it?

How Refugees Boost the Economy

Oct 14, 2011 6:31 PM

Bill Gross got what was comming to him when he had the sheer audacity to short safe-haven US treasuries. Let this be a lesson for anyone else who thinks about betting against America. You do NOT want to be short the world's number one safe-haven asset during a time of crisis. US- treasuries are the only asset that can protect you and your family during these uncertain times.

Oct 14, 2011 8:25 PM

It would be highly inappropriate to disclose my tax details to the public, but mark my word there are many Americans who simply do not pay their FAIR SHARE of money to the government. This is a time to make sacrifices for your country and allow the most talented politicians and economists to allocate capital for maximum effect.

Oct 14, 2013 9:57 AM

There's a difference between buying an equity index during a bull market and getting consistent returns over a long period of time. The investment returns of professional money managers that zerohedgers synically characterize as "beta" will sustain themselves even when equities underperform because professional money managers deliver superior risk to reward ratios, which doesn't necessarily mean superior returns in the short term.


Oct 14, 2016 10:26 AM

If Obama is in the pockets of the banks, then how do you explain the fact that he passed the Dodd-Frank bill, which imposes harsh regulations on out-of-control Wall Street bankers?

Accredited Book Review – Stronger Together by Hillary Clinton

Oct 14, 2016 9:19 AM

The press is rightfully ignoring and discrediting ludicrous conspiracy theories! If the press is unjust in dismissing these outlandish claims about the emails 'scandal' and Bill's supposed rape 'victims', then why do so many people still choose to consume these media outlets? Are you accusing the majority of Americans of being gullible and misinformed? That seems like a pretty wild and unfair accusation!

Accredited Book Review – Stronger Together by Hillary Clinton

Oct 14, 2016 9:25 AM

So Hillary has a professional relationship with the head of her Presidential campaign? And we're supposed to be outraged about this? Try harder. Smart, informed Hillary voters are not buying these smear attempts. We know about Trump's dirty secrets and his bigoted views on so many important social justice issues. These are the issues that matter, and no amount of propaganda is going to shake us out of voting for our first female presidential candidate.

Accredited Book Review – Stronger Together by Hillary Clinton

Oct 15, 2012 10:10 AM

This is a sign of things to come in the US treasury market. And don't forget the SNB was forced to peg the EUR/CHF at 1.20 to protect their "export market" (losers) which had a negative effect on Swiss treasuries. Contrast this to America, where we have a consumer economy which benefits from a stronger dollar. Our Federal Reserve has every incentive to allow the continued safe haven buying of US treasuries and US dollars. This means US treasuries are heading not only as high, but much higher than Swiss treasuries.

Oct 15, 2012 3:19 PM

I know this is not going to go down well, but the truth is that "Savers" bear a huge amount of responsibility for the sluggish pace of the economic recovery. Savers withdraw capital from circulation by putting money in banks who refuse to lend, which creates an enormous vacuum in aggregate demand. When the stock and bond markets are soaring and the government is providing fantastic opportunities for home buyers like HARP, there is simply no excuse for sitting on the sidelines. I'm sorry to say it, but if Americans refuse to do their part to boost the economy, they deserve to get a low rate of return. High rates of return and bargain deals for consumer goods are for real Americans. Savers are neither American nor honourable in any way. 

Oct 15, 2012 9:13 AM

This is largely a result of the vigilant monetary policy of the JCB. Accommodative monetary policy creates a stable and predictable interest environment in which businesses can thrive. It also allows companies to export goods at competitive foreign exhange rates. Economics is a science and the science of economics needs to be left to qualified professionals at central banks, NOT the general public.

Oct 16, 2012 10:14 AM

This is a smart investment by the Japanese. US treasuries are in a clear uptrend, and there's plenty more upside from here. I anticipate negative yields on US treasuries in short order.. This will be the biggest wealth transfer in history and I want as many people to be part of it as possible, which is why my goal is to educate zerohedgers on the benefits of frequently compounded cashflows and risk free interest rates.

Oct 16, 2012 9:27 AM

You can complain about limited liability for the actions of executives all you like, but the truth is that without LLCs there would simply be no investment or economic activity whatsoever. Nerdy Zerohedgers need to suck it in and deal with it because LLCs are here to stay, and will continue to be treated as individuals under the law because this is the only sensible way to limit the risks undertaken by equity investors.

Oct 17, 2011 10:16 AM

I must say that I was absolutely horrified at the vile insults and threats that have come my way for simply expressing a different opinion on presidential candidate Ron Paul. Clearly many libertarians are not used to having their views challenged with cold hard logic and facts. I and others like me will be thanked by future generations for speaking out against libertarian bigotry and for enduring these appalling attacks. After years of free market failures, smart politicians are beginning to understand the need for global price controls and tighter regulatory frameworks so that our economy can be managed by professionals only. The PROGRSSIVE REVOLUTION is spreading, and the people are finally standing up to the GREEDY capitalists, so that compassionate politicians and smart economists will be able to fairly distribute America's wealth.

Oct 17, 2011 10:36 AM

That is a good question. The American people will be offered a fine selection of qualified professionals in the coming elections, many of them with Ivy League degrees and experience in top banking and government institutions. The key is to vote with your MIND AND NOT WITH YOUR HEART. Here are some of the key questions you should be asking before electing a professional politician run the country:

1. Do they have a degree from a top academic institution (preferably an Ivy League college)

2. Are they charismatic and able to inspire and reassure Americans

3. Do they have any experience in politics (this is important as running a country is not an easy job)

4. Are they compassionate enough to consider the poor and disadvantaged members of society

5. Are the strong enough to make tough decisions regarding America's national defence

Voting is a serious business so it is critical the public make informed decisions when picking their candidates.

Oct 17, 2011 9:36 AM

With Christmas on the horizon, these massively oversold retail stocks are looking extremely attractive. While redneck doomers cry about obscure and untrustworthy data, the smart money is quietly accumulating.


Oct 17, 2012 9:08 AM

The S&P is surging this week too, in line with the global recovery. This completely contradicts the libertarian 2012 apocalypse conspiracy theories which have been quietly forgotten on all the fringe blogs. None of the 2012 doomer conspiracy theories came true. In fact, the global recovery is only accelerating.

Oct 17, 2016 10:05 AM

This is a ludicrous conspiracy theory! Our voting booths are staffed with patriotic government workers who have dedicated their lives to upholding the integrity of the election process. In addition, we now have electronic voting machines, which are impossible for humans to tamper with. And if that's not enough, this year the UN is sending independent monitors to oversee our elections and make sure there is no wrongdoing!

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election

Oct 17, 2016 10:55 AM

Before you criticize Elizabeth Warren for pretending to be a Native American, remember that race is a social construct. You can identify as whatever race you like, as long as you're not a white male culturally appropriating a person of color. Mrs Warren is a womyn, so she is entitled to identify as any race she chooses. Criticizing this decision is ignorant.

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election

Oct 17, 2016 11:18 AM

For a balanced view of the EU, you should also check out Guy Verhofstadt's speeches, which are equally eloquent, and rather witty:


Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election

Oct 17, 2016 11:23 AM

Gender absolutely is a social construct! And are you seriously implying that there are only two genders?? Facebook has identified 71 genders from which its users can choose. Please educate yourself so you don't look so foolish!

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election


Oct 17, 2016 7:48 AM

Assange is an international villain, trying to rig our free and fair elections by smearing the Democrats. He needs to be stopped at all costs. And BTW Zerohedge, you might want to be careful looking into these wikileaks releases by yourselves as CNN has warned that it is illegal to do so unless you are an accredited media outlet:


Just a warning.

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election


Oct 17, 2016 7:52 AM

This is yet another benefit of government monitored bank accounts, and demonstrates further why we need to move towards a cashless society. When we finally achieve a cashless society and all wealth is under the control of a regulated international banking system, brutal regimes like Russia and Syria will be forced to answer to international authorities such as NATO and the UN.

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election

Oct 17, 2016 8:20 AM

How can I be an idiot for having a mainstream opinion and quoting CNN?

Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election

Oct 18, 2011 10:01 AM

You can trust that mean libertarians will rally against anything descent. A college education is a HUMAN RIGHT and all Americans should have the opportunity to get a college degree. One of the reasons our economy is lagging is because there is a serious lack of good education in this country. Education is one of the most noble virtues, and no price is too high for a good college degree. Don’t worry about employment, just study what you are interested in and the jobs will come. That is the only way we are getting out of this economic crisis.

Oct 18, 2011 10:23 AM

In my opinion they need to go A LOT further. To keep this fragile recovery going the world needs to get together to ban ALL negative bets on banking stocks. Banks provide loans to the government in order to pay for essential fiscal programs to boost aggregate demand. The primary dealers are the necessary counterparties to both central banks and governments, and if countries want to continue their fiscal and monetary stimulus programs these banks will need to be recapitalized and protected. The sooner people grow up realize this, the sooner we can start repairing the world economy.

Oct 18, 2011 10:39 AM

This is a typical selfish libertarian comment. Education IS a human right, along with other necessities like healthcare, housing, minimum wage, cars, mobile phones and holidays. One of the reasons there is so much poverty in the world is that governments in third world countries REFUSE to provide these basic necessities. 

Oct 18, 2012 2:23 PM




Oct 18, 2012 2:24 PM

Some analysts just have a knack for predicting the markets. Analysts at top tier investment banks are incredibly smart, and are in a class of their own. I don’t pretend to be in their league, so I manage my risk very carefully. My portfolio is constructed according to a risk pyramid. The majority of my capital sits at the bottom of the pyramid in risk free US treasuries. At the next level, I have a well diversified portfolio of blue chip US equities. Picking individual stocks can be risky, but educated investors are able to eliminated risk using Modern Portfolio Theory for optimal asset allocation. Finally, at the top of the pyramid I have an assortment of more risky speculative positions. Some of my current speculative positions include an S&P futures long position and a VIX ETF short, both of which have been extremely profitable.  

Oct 18, 2012 9:17 AM

This is the beginning of the war on greed. You can go ahead and be a CEO or a big shot if you want, but expect to pay a heavy price for you exploitive and immoral indulgences. Earning in the top income brackets is a moral abomination, and should be punished in line with murder, rape and theft. The more money big shots make, the less money there is for everyone else. I want my fair share of that wealth. CEOs make hundreds of millions of dollars a year … what do I get?

Oct 18, 2013 10:53 AM

The people want jobs, not government shutdowns. When will our congress start listening to the people and stop pandering to right wing extremists? We've wasted valuable time fighting about a non-issue while the livelihoods of many government employees and the people who depend on them are severely disrupted.



Oct 18, 2013 11:04 AM

Libertrians need to start living in the real world. Do you seriously think that we can just cut social security and government pensions that people are depending on? I sometimes wonder whether libertarians actually understand the things that their saying, or whether they're just masochistic nihilists with a personal agenda for destruction.



Oct 18, 2013 11:08 AM

You didn't read the article. I clearly stated that we need to promote diversty in the form of racial and gender equality and that this should a top priority for our governent:

Empowering under-served demographics is one of the keys to creating a happier society , and our government often has strict quotas for diversity in government positions. Our government is actively working to promote women and minorities in the workplace by improving access to government jobs and promotions. A study carried out by the Partnership for Public Service reports that within the public sector women are more satisfied with their jobs than men, which compares very favorably to the private sector. The studies also reveal that women and minorities are do not believe that enough is being done to further gender and racial equality in this country, and that they want our government to do more. Ironically, men, whites and Asians were most likely to report that diversity is being sufficiently encouraged, even though these groups were the most highly paid and over-represented.



Oct 18, 2013 8:50 AM

New article at the Accredited Times: 


Oct 18, 2016 10:01 AM

No disrespect to Tim Kaine, but Tim Cook would have been a great choice. Many smart and informed technology enthusiasts places like in California and Boston, are enthusiastic Hillary supporters, and this VP pick would have further galvanized their support. Apple fans are very socially conscious, and are eager to let people know that they are not in any way supporting a racist like Trump for president.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 10:06 AM

This prediction lines up with the Huffington Post's models, which show a 90% change of Hillary winning. There have just been so many scandals in the Trump campaign, and nothing remotely comparable in the Clinton campaign.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 12:05 PM

Hillary is far more patriotic than Trump. She recognizes that America needs to proactively quell Russian aggression in order to protect America's foreign policy goals. Why doesn't Trump want to attack Russia? Is he a Russian spy? This needs to be investigated!

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 7:35 AM

Millenials might have a better view of capitalism if corporations appreciated their college degrees. Right now, many millenials are graduating with outstanding educations, only to be rejected by most corporations and forced to take jobs that are frankly beneath them. This is partly what is driving their desire for a fairer and more equal society.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 8:25 AM

First of all, CNN said it's illegal to look at these stolen documents if you're not an accredited media outlet, so Zerohedge is breaking the law by writing these articles. Secondly, isn't the real issue here the fact that the Russians are hacking into the Democratic party's private emails? That is an act of war, and this is what we should be angry about. Are we going to let Russia get away with this, or are we going to respond with military action? We need to let Russia know that we mean business. It's time to put an end to this once and for all and teach Russia a lesson they won't forget.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 8:33 AM

This is an act of war by Russia, and Wikileaks and Trump are just as responsible. Trump needs to be investigated now for his ties to Russia, and we need to respond to this hacking with aggressive military action. Every American should be very, very angry that Russia thinks they can hack the emails of our political parties with impunity! Looking into the content of the emails is only giving Russia exactly what they want! Let's send a strong message to the Russians that we will not be intimidated or manipulated, by electing Hillary this November!

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System


Oct 18, 2016 8:44 AM

Accredited media outlets would be those companies that people generally refer to as "The Media", such as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Salon. These companies are going through the stolen wikileaks documents and will cover the important parts for us.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System


Oct 18, 2016 9:40 AM

Well this is probably because Trump has insulted the integrity of almost every accredited journalist, by suggesting that they have somehow been 'unfair' towards Trump. All I can say is that if Trump hadn't done so many crazy things, his portrayal in the media might look a lot better. In any case, these smear attempts against Hillary don't seem to be having much effect with smart and informed American voters. The Huffington Post has run a number of advanced simulations of the election, and has concluded that there is a 90% chance of Hillary winning.

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 18, 2016 9:57 AM

OMG don't Trump supporters care about how unpopular they are? Numerous celebrities have expressed their distaste for Trump and their support for Hillary, such as Robert De Nero and Lena Dunham, as well as many intellectuals such as JK Rowling, Stephen King and Stephen Hawking! Never before have this many influential people voiced their aversion to a political candidate! That has to have some effect!

Why We Need a Single Payer Healthcare System

Oct 19, 2011 7:06 PM

This is the right decision for the sake of fairness and equal opportunity. Low interest rates are a human right that should be enjoyed by all people across the globe, not just Americans. To say that Brazilians don't deserve low interest rates is just obvious racism.

Oct 19, 2016 10:29 AM

Although the Federal Reserve is independent of government, it has a responsibility to maintain the stability of our economy by any means necessary. In a few limited circumstances such as during the financial crisis of 2007-08, this entails working closely with the President or other government officials. I'm happy that our Federal Reserve and government are flexible enough to collaborate when we need them to. Only right-wingers who are looking for any way to discredit Obama, the Democrats and the Fed will be upset by this.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 11:42 AM


Oct 19, 2016 11:43 AM

Hillary's election will strike fear into the heart of every Russian, as we march towards liberating Syria. Putin's fantasies about 'fighting ISIS' with Trump will be obliterated, and US-Russian relations will deteriorate until Russia ends its aggressive expansionism. This will be a victory of the American people over attempted election rigging by a hostile foreign government, and a criminal exile in Ecuador. The world will respect us, and our enemies will be reminded that America is not to be messed with.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 12:04 PM


Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 8:02 AM

The military needs a complete overhaul. There are far too many Trump and Ron Paul supporters in the military and amongst retired veterans. These people openly talk about overthrowing our democratically elected government and are a serious national security threat. We need to start vetting people for extreme political views before they are allowed to join the military, and we need to focus on using drones instead of real soldiers, as drones always follow orders.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 8:11 AM

Although you may disagree with his methods, Creamer is yet another example of a community organizer who went on to become a hard-hitting political figure. Activism is an exciting and legitimate career path, which offers aspiring social justice warriors the chance to make a real difference in the world. This is a lesson for struggling Millenials who can't get capitalist corporations to take their college degrees seriously. Why not try a career in activism, working under a philanthropist such as George Soros? The possibilities for this type of career are limitless, and you will go down in history as somebody significant, rather than a nameless cog in the capitalist machine.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November


Oct 19, 2016 8:16 AM

Bitcoin is monetary terrorism. How can you allow people to trade in a currency that is untraceable by government authorities and is frequently used for money laundering and criminal activity? When cash is outlawed and we have a global digital currency, you will be able to get all the benefits of bitcoin without the criminality. If people want to use an international digital currency, then they need to support a global central bank and government. Until this is implemented, currencies like bitcoin simply have to be banned.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 8:22 AM

I can understand why people wouldn't want Trump, with the endless scandals, racism and sexism within his campaign, but what's wrong with Hillary? I've been following this election from the start from a range of media sources (CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times) and I haven't seen a single major scandal in the Hillary campaign that turned out to be true. If people are unsure about Hillary they should read her book, "Stronger Together", which lays out her plan for America, and I think any doubt about whether she is the right person to lead our country will be cleared up.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November


Oct 19, 2016 8:48 AM

Hillary can't be held accountable for what the bus operators did. I'm sure she will denounce this behavior and find a new contractor immediately. You're going to have to try harder than this - Hillary is absolutely soaring in the polls according to every accredited poll. Tonight's debate is going to be epic. How is Trump going to answer to all the people who are appalled at his repeated assaults of innocent womyn? How is he going to answer to the moderators who will be relentlessly fact checking him? This debate is going to put the final nail in Trump's campaign.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November


Oct 19, 2016 8:48 AM

Don't look at the content of these emails! It's only playing into the hands of the Russians, who want to get Trump elected! Have some backbone, stand up to Russia and elect Hillary this November, to let them know that we will not tolerate this rigging of our elections!

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 9:02 AM

Are these European liberals siding with racists against Obama on this issue?! These are not real liberals! Even Gary Johnson admits that the TPP and TTIP are fundamental to free trade and global prosperity. Are these people seriously going to side with Trump and then call themselves progressives? Absolutely deplorable!

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 19, 2016 9:43 AM

I knew the American people would make the right choice in the end. America is no longer the conservative stronghold that it once was - America is becoming more progressive by the day, and is starting to reject Trump's racism and sexism in droves. The fact that he's colluding with the Russians isn't helping either. Thanks god for the accredited media informing the public about Trump's true nature - we couldn't have done it without them.

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November


Oct 19, 2016 9:55 AM

I knew it! CONFIRMED! The Russians are trying to sway the election and elect a Russian spy, Trump! Let's show these bastards that we will not tolerate election rigging in this country, and elect Hillary this November!

Send Russia a Message by Electing Hillary This November

Oct 2, 2013 10:14 AM

There are matters of far greater urgency than a bunch of greesy zerohedge day traders not being able to trade options. Media outlets have been eerily silent on the issue of climate change for at least a year and a half, and scientists are becoming extremely worried that little has been done to curb carbon emissions. Read today's article at the Accredited Times for an overview of the threats we face and what we can do to stop climate change:


Oct 2, 2013 10:18 AM

Derivatives like options should be banned anyway. These tools of the ungregulated free market were the cause of the biggest financial meltdown in history. It's time for regulators to ban derivatives once and for all.


Oct 2, 2013 10:26 AM

I was impressed by President Obama’s diplomatic address to congress about how to end the government shutdown. I didn’t understand all of it, but you can see this guy knows what he’s doing, and that’s what I like about him. When people are worried, they look to our leaders for reassurance and guidance, and when I listen to one of Obama’s calm and well-thought out speeches, I know the country is in good hands.



Oct 2, 2013 10:38 AM

Yea WOHOOO Government shutdown!! No more schools, hospitals or national security! I can't wait for America to become Somalia so we can have our libertarian paradise. Libertiarians 2016!!



Oct 2, 2013 10:45 AM

So let me guess … when the gold and silver markets have a 2-5 sigma upward movement, it’s not manipulation. But when the movement is down, it is. Am I right?



Oct 2, 2015 10:34 AM

Dispite the catastrophizing on Zerohedge, this number is yet another positive NFP result in a winning streak that has lasted for over four years. When you have jobs increasing every month for almost five years in a row, it's safe to say that you're in a recovery. This recovery is only getting started - you haven't seennothing yet. When aggregate demand picks up, and more green shoots beging to appear, we are going to see an exponential increase in economic activity. The only thing that worries me is that if we fail to raise rates soon, the recovery will turn into a bubble and we will be back to the boom and bust days. We simply have to put an end to boom and bust, and lay out a sustainable plan for out economy. 

Oct 20, 2011 10:16 AM

The libertarian crowd seems to have an ever increasing sense of superiority stemming from their belief that underground blogs are more credible than the mainstream media. I would like to point out that many mainstream media outlets were predicting this crisis WELL in advance. Here are some examples of the mainstream media predicting our current economic conditions:

1. This controversial BBC article discussed the possibility of a double dip recession long before anyone thought it was a possibility: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8464774.stm

2. CNN was also proactively warning about the possibility of a downturn in the global economy, well ahead of mainstream thought: http://money.cnn.com/2010/06/09/news/economy/double_dip_recession/index.htm

3. This MSNBC article was considering the possibility of a double-dip recession all the back in 2010: http://business.newsvine.com/_news/2010/06/10/4490544-analysts-lawmakers...

I think it's time for libertarians to grow up and admit that the mainstream news outlets are FAR ahead of the game when compared to discredited internet conspiracy-blogs, and that journalists with Ivy League degrees are far more qualified to analyse world events than spotty libertarian computer nerds.

Oct 20, 2011 11:08 AM

It's the only solution to give POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. Socialism is the will of the younger trendier generation and nothing will stop them. The progressive revolution is finally here, and we can finally give more power to the government to allocate resources efficiently. Corporations need to be guided by smart, well-meaning politicians who are able to make better decisions than the corporations themselves.

Oct 20, 2011 12:24 PM

It is typical for selfish capitalists to only care about PROFIT. The EFSF is not a GREEDY hedge fund - the EFSF was created to HELP struggling countries for free because they are compassionate. This is something right-wing capitalists can't seem to understand. Not everything is about profiting. Sometimes the government needs to take peoples' money by force to make sure it is distributed fairly - otherwise nasty corporations will keep all the money for themselves. Gifted politicians and political advisors can be trusted to make sure resources are reallocated FAIRLY, for maximum freedom, prosperity and upward mobility.

Oct 20, 2011 12:24 PM


Oct 20, 2011 4:16 PM

You better believe it – this IS the beginning of the progressive socialist revolution, and it is UNSTOPPABLE because the truth is on our side. The trendiest brightest young people out there know what the deal is. This economic crisis demonstrates a complete FAILURE of capitalism and freedom. Free market prices are a dated idea, and the younger generation is breaking new ground by supporting tighter regulations, higher taxes and more departments with smart, trustworthy regulators. Many of the government regulators saw this crisis coming well in advance but were unable to act because of ideological free marketers refusing to vote for more government controls over the economy. It is a tragedy that the smartest economic minds in this country are ready to tackle our problems by regulating this economy, but are unable to do so because of the legal blockades that are placed in their way by ignorant capitalists.

Oct 20, 2011 7:06 PM

Totally right man. What the purists don't get is that the world is not black and white. This means that ALL universal principles are invalid, everywhere all the time. You can NEVER come up with a universal principle, because the world comes in shades of grey. This is what purist libertarians fail to understand, and is the reason why it is morally valid and necessary for experts to manage the economy.

Oct 20, 2014 11:46 AM

How is it remotely acceptable that all travel to West African countries just when they need us the most! This is pure racism. America and the west have pillaged Africa for everything and now, just when they are crying out for help, the west just abandons them?!!! 

Oct 20, 2014 12:16 PM

Guys, I'm really struggling with my econ assignment - I know a lot of you guys are pretty clued up on the economy so I wonder if you can help me out? The topic is "Advanced Economic Planning" and the question is as follows:

You have just been appointed as the new Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. The economy is recovering from a recent stock market crash and inflation has been ranging from 3-4%, substantially below your target rate of 6%. Consumer spending has been consistently poor, and economic confidence is at an all time low. Name three courses of action you would take. Justify your answer. 

Any ideas?

Oct 20, 2014 12:17 PM

Guys, I'm really struggling with my econ assignment - I know a lot of you guys are pretty clued up on the economy so I wonder if you can help me out? The topic is "Advanced Economic Planning" and the question is as follows:

You have just been appointed as the new Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. The economy is recovering from a recent stock market crash and inflation has been ranging from 3-4%, substantially below your target rate of 6%. Consumer spending has been consistently poor, and economic confidence is at an all time low. Name three courses of action you would take. Justify your answer. 

Any ideas?

Oct 20, 2016 10:08 AM

When Bush stole the election from Al Gore, that was real election rigging. When Putin hacked into Democratic party servers, that was real election rigging. But the idea that the 'establishment' is going to try to steal the election from Trump is a conspiracy theory.

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 10:46 AM

Ok, before you doomer golbugz start screaming about manipulation, let me give you a basic education in technical analysis. These are called resistance levels. When a price repeatedly fails to break through a key resistance level, it means it's a weak market, which is likely to break down and sell off. A weak technical chart is not evidence for manipulation.

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 11:00 AM

What about the million dollars that Donald Trump received from Peter Thiel? Doesn't that prove that he is in the pockets of the corporations?

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 11:38 AM

This was real election rigging! Bush stole that election from Al Gore! If Al Gore had got in, we would have been able to pass a carbon tax to save the planet. Obama wasn't able to do it because he's black, and conservative racists opposed everything he did. We would have had two Nobel Peace Prize winners in a row as President, and our country would be far more prosperous! That election was stolen!

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 7:39 AM

People are getting sick of Trump's conspiracy theories. There is no such thing as election rigging, unless we're talking about the Russians hacking into Democratic servers. The media has covered the issues fairly, and objectively come across more scandals involving Trump than Clinton. Voting machines are incorruptible, and voting booths are staffed with responsible Americans who believe in upholding the integrity of our democracy. Hillary is soaring in the polls according to all accredited media outlets - when she wins, we all need to accept the result.  

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 7:59 AM

I'd be better if it wasn't for these whining Trump supporters implying that the election will be 'rigged' for Hillary. We even have accredited UN monitors overseeing our election this year to make sure there is no voter fraud!

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 8:31 AM

Well one of these parties must be wrong. I can either trust the Trump campaign, which has been involved in numerous scandals and has a long track record of dishonesty. Or I can trust established media outlets who routinely consult a range of experts about these issues, and always have a rounded and objective opinion on such matters. I'm going to have to go with the established media in this case.

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 8:41 AM

I'm perfectly willing to take these emails seriously. But I always fact check everything I hear by checking at least three established media sources, usually CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times. If any one of these media outlets refutes the claims made by the alternative media, or does not cover them, then I reject them. We all need a way to filter through the noise, and get to the truth. And since few of us are experts on these complex geopolitical issues, we have to have some method of assessing the credibility of these stories.

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 20, 2016 9:19 AM

The blood of these people is on the hands of Duterte for inciting violence, just like Trump incites violence at his rallies. All of this could have been avoided if Duterte had maintained reasonable mainstream views and encouraged compromise rather than conflict. Right wingers always have to turn everything violent.

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Oct 21, 2011 11:05 AM

I'm sitting tight with my leveraged Equity portfolio. Any dips are buying opportunities at this point. Yesterday's Philadelphia Fed survey confirms that the negative economic conditions are merely transitory and I'm looking forward to a VERY profitable 2012. For those of you who haven't bought your financials and retail stocks you need to hurry because this buying window will NOT last much longer.

Oct 21, 2011 6:14 PM

 Finally, the last thing I’ll say to the people who don’t believe in the recovery, the cynics and the skeptics: I'm sorry for you. I’m sorry that you can’t dream big. I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles. But America is one hell of a country. This is a great economy and you should stand around and believe it. You should believe in our corporations, and you should believe in our government. I'll be a fan of America for as long as I live. And there are no secrets — this is a hard recovery and hard work wins it. So long live the American dream!

Oct 21, 2011 6:47 PM

One of the reasons this recovery is so sluggish is that it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have to BELIEVE in the recovery to make it a reality. Every time an American says "I don't believe in the recovery", the recovery dies a little.

Oct 21, 2011 6:53 PM

It is not just up to me to pay. EVERY American must pay their fair share so that we can have the quality of government that we all want. My tax return is my business, and I don't believe it is relevant at all.

Oct 21, 2016 10:18 AM

This is clearly being directed by the Russians!!!! This is exactly why we need to accelerate the handover of the DNS to the UN! The first amendment is blocking sensible internet regulations that would put a stop to this immediately!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 10:20 AM

Don't worry - the Accredited Times is still up, so we have place to congregate and fight back against the Russians.

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 10:31 AM

I've got a feeling this isn't the last of the Russian cyber-attacks. This is going to happen again and again, until we accept the simple fact that Russia is a hostile enemy of the free world, and we need to engage them in kinetic military action. Do you really want a Russian spy in the white house when that happens? Elect Hillary you fools!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 10:35 AM

Assange is working for the Russians! Of course he's going to attack Hillary! Don't you fools see what's going on? Our election is being rigged by a hostile foreign nation! Hillary and the moderator in the last debate said that 16 accredited sources have confirmed that Russia is hacking the emails! This is unprecedented, and should eclipse everything else in the news, including the content of the emails, which only plays into Putin's hands! WAKE UP!!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 11:39 AM

Most Americans are bewildered by the avalanche of hysterical wikileaks documents and Trump supporters ranting about Hillary's 'corruption' and 'scandals'. The established media acts as their rock, giving them a sense of comfort and sanity. Many Americans are frightened of what is happening to our country, and are tuning into the media more and more aften to stay informed. Ordinary Americans are calmed by numerous accredited news anchors, who speak reassuringly and compress the news into simple, digestible chucks, highlighting the important perspectives to take away, and the logical conclusions that we should arrive at.  Thank god for the media - I don't know how America would survive without them.

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 11:39 AM


Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?


Oct 21, 2016 11:44 AM

She's right - but that's why Hillary has proposed to make the biggest investment in the economy since World War II as part of her 100-day jobs plan. This plan will create millions of "GOOD-PAYING JOBS" for womyn and minorities in the green energy sector, and will rebuild our infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. We desperately need Hillary in the white house - this country is finished if Trump gets in!!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?


Oct 21, 2016 7:31 AM

Are Trump supporters really going to continue to deny that it is the Russians hacking into Democrat emails? Hillary and the moderator in the last debate said that there were 16 expert sources that confirmed it was the Russians! This is what we should be angry about, not the content of the emails! Reading what's in the emails only plays into the hands of the Russians! we need to fight back and let Putin know that we do not condone their rigging of our elections! Send Russia a message this November, by electing Hillary for President!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 7:33 AM

Hillary said it best in the debate  do you really want a Russian puppet in the white house??? Elect Hillary! Stop Putin!!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?


Oct 21, 2016 7:37 AM

These refugees are just as German as white Germans. Anyone can be German - it's ignorant to assume you have to speak German as a first language and be ethnically German to be German! Race is a social construct anyway, and so is language! There are Muslim Germans, Refugee Germans, African Germans and Hispanic Germans, and all of these people deserve feel at home in Germany without being harassed or offended!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 7:44 AM

Oh please! It's Republicans who are known for rigging elections, not Democrats! Bush stole the election from Al Gore! We should have had two Nobel Peace Prize winners in a row as President and a carbon tax, but instead we got Bush and his friends in the oil companies! Trump is just upset that accredited polls are showing Hillary with a strong lead after her outstanding performance in the debate! She's offering "good-paying" jobs in green energy, and promising to stand up to Putin! What is Trump promising that could possibly benefit ordinary Americans?

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 8:16 AM

I feel so sad and hurt when people criticize Obamacare. How can you criticize a well intentioned act by our first black president, which gave millions of uninsured Americans healthcare? The ranting of conservatives against Obamacare is clearly driven by racism, and it's very sad to see it in this day and age.

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?


Oct 21, 2016 9:04 AM

These wikileaks emails are an attempt by Putin to distract us from the many groping scandals that Donald Trump has been involved in. The media is not taking the bait though - they're very professionally ignoring this Russian attempt to rig our elections, and are instead focusing on Trump's misogynistic past, which the American people have a right to know about!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 21, 2016 9:31 AM

Duterte is secretly working with Putin, Assad and the alt right to harm US foreign policy interests and undermine the credibility of our government. This vast right wing conspiracy needs to be stopped in its tracks, before it consumes our democracy and ushers in a new age of fascism!

Could Militant Trump Supporters Steal The Election From Hillary?

Oct 22, 2011 1:30 PM

I believe it’s time to get this economy sorted out once and for all. It’s time we called a G8 meeting, so that world leaders can devise a plan for coordinated and aggressive fiscal policy. And it’s not just up to politicians - central bankers across the world also need to get serious with regards to monetary policy. This crisis is too big for countries to act alone. This economic crisis is not going to be solved without groundbreaking advancements in global economic governance. Together we are stronger, so let’s get together and TAKE ACTION.

Oct 22, 2012 2:40 PM

I guess this means people will be piling into US treasuries then. I'm long both stocks and US treasuries, but I've sold some covered calls against my treasury futures position, so I might buy them back this week. The VIX looks like its about to fall off a cliff, so I may add to my VIX short too.

Oct 22, 2012 2:54 PM

This article forgets that Japan has an export economy. America has a consumer economy, which is a completely different story. Government spending and low interest rates creates aggregate demand for consumer goods, which boosts the American consumer economy. Nobody can match the hearty American consumer - with record low interest rates fueld by safe-haven demand for our Treasuries and the dollar from all over the world, Americans are spending us into a new golden age. 

Oct 22, 2012 3:29 PM

Key issues in the upcoming Presidential election:

  1. The Economy: This is the primary issue in the upcoming election. Candidates will have to work hard to convince Americans that they can create jobs and economic growth. Which candidate supports the middle class? Which candidate supports the poor and the sick? These are all fundamental questions that need to be asked in order to pick the right politician to fix our economy.
  2. Foreign Policy: Iran is another major issue for average Americans. Many Americans are concerned that Iran may threaten Israel with their new nuclear facility. Americans are absolutely right to be concerned about this threat. Military experts agree that protecting Israel is a top priority, as they are a key strategic ally in both the war on terror and the quest to spread values of decency, honesty and democracy throughout the Middle East.
  3. Gay Marriage: Should people of the same sex be able to get married under Federal law? This was fiercely debated issue in the previous election, and promises to be the subject of heated debate in the upcoming election.
  4. Online Piracy: Should online pirates be allowed to continue to undermine the integrity of the internet? Internet 'freedom' activists have caused a stir regarding this controversial issue, but both Presidential candidates agree that tracking internet activity is essential for the continued integrity of the internet.
  5. Should there be a second surge in Iraq? Following the success of the previous “surge” in Iraq, many Americans believe that a second surge may be a strategic use of our resources in war effort. The idea is strongly supported by top military experts, but some Americans believe that Afghanistan is a top priority. 

Oct 22, 2012 4:02 PM

Don't you watch the news?? Iran is a major threat to our way of life in America. President Ahmadinejad has openly declared that he would like to wipe Israel off the map, and has repeatedly threatened to nuke America. You need to follow the news a bit more closely. You are completely uninformed and your naivety is worrying when our country faces major threats from all over the world. It is the responsibility of every American to pay attention to the issues facing our country. Given that every American now has access to reputable news outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, I have little sympathy for those who still fail to stay informed.

Oct 23, 2012 8:07 AM

Summary of the achievements of Benedict S. Bernanke:

  1. Succeeded in fostering maximum employment and price stability
  2. Saved Europe from recession with dollar swap lines
  3. Put America back on the road to recovery
  4. Avoided a double dip recession
  5. Kept inflation under control

Oct 23, 2012 9:53 AM

I feel sorry for politicians. It’s seems like not a day goes by without the press hammering an elected official for some ‘scandal’ or ‘secretive deal’. How can a politicians focus on running the country when they constantly have to watch their backs? Politicians have been forced to live up to an unattainable standard of moral excellence, and it’s not fair. It’s not fair on the politicians, and it’s not fair on the citizens who expect politicians to focus on providing us with healthcare, retirement plans and world class infrastructure. Is it a crime to be a politician? Is it a crime to dedicate your life to helping others? When will the media give politicians a break?

Oct 24, 2011 10:04 AM

Very few hedge funds manage to outperform the market, despite the fact that they are professionals. Hence it is very unwise to pick particular stocks to try to beat the big boys at their own game. The smartest thing average investors can do is to invest in a mean-variance optimized equity portfolio, be right and sit tight.

Oct 24, 2011 6:14 PM

Owning a house is a HUMAN RIGHT, and elected officials are responsible for providing people with the opportunity to buy a house. EVERYBODY should be able to own a house, not just a few rich elites. For those smart ass libertarians who disagree, I would like them to provide just ONE example of an item that everybody owns which is NOT provided by the government.

Oct 24, 2011 8:23 AM

Hmmmm. Maybe GATA's accusations do have a little credibility. The Financial Times is highly respected media outlet and the opinions of its members should be respected as such. GATA should be honoured to be recognized (if only a little) by such a prestigious newspaper. Unfortunately, GATA's conspiracy theories are a little too outlandish to warrant further attention by respected journalists, but this acknowledgement should be treasured as a worthwhile achievement, and I would like to congratulate them on this fantastic accomplishment. Well done!

Oct 24, 2012 10:00 AM

I like those subjectivist quotes. They highlight the fact that contrary to purist libertarian dogma, the world is not black and white. It comes in shades of grey. Propositions don't have to be either true or false - they can also be partially true. Libertarians say “we shouldn't have any central planning because central planning achieves the opposite of its stated goal” - but this is classical black and white thinking. Why can't we have just a little bit of central planning and a little bit of socialism? Why can't we eliminate some spending, but keep essential programs like Medicare, medicate, social security and public sector pensions?

Oct 24, 2012 3:09 PM

There's a reason libertarians are opposed to food stamps for the poor. They despise any act of kindness by politicians as it demonstrates the virtue of the state and contradicts their perverted anti-state, anti-Federal Reserve ideology. Politicians got where they are today because they care about the poor and demonstrate compassion year after year to the electorate. After 50 years of exponential growth in government welfare programs for the poor, America now has the greatest upward mobility and wealth equality. Socialists understand that like energy, wealth cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred from one person to another.

Oct 24, 2012 3:47 PM

The heated debate in the comments sections is thrilling. This is true democracy in action. Every commenter here has a clear idea of who should get what from politicians and is making a passionate and well thought out case. This is what the democratic spirit is all about. People don’t want to discuss how to create value in the world and trade it for goods and services. Instead every commenter is engaged in passionate debate about who should receive what from the politicians. This is how adults solve social problems in the 21st century.

Oct 24, 2012 9:34 AM

I have used Modern Portfolio Theory to eliminate risk from my portfolio of blue chip stocks, so risk is of absolutely no concern to me. It has been proven that inferring future correlations from historical correlations is by far the superior method of analysing the risk in a portfolio.

Oct 24, 2016 10:57 AM

MSNBC are reporting that Hillary is absolutely surging and now leading by double digits!  America is going absolutely wild for Hillary!! This is very exciting – I can sense victory, and I see that bitter right-wingers can sense defeat as they pre-emptively blame their loss on vote rigging. There is no such thing as election rigging, unless we’re talking about Al Gore losing to Bush – there was clear evidence of rigging during this election. But Republicans are known for rigging elections. Democrats have never, and will never rig an election.



Oct 24, 2016 9:44 AM

I’ve done my daily factcheck, using my three main sources, CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times, and I haven’t seen anything about the Wikileaks emails. Therefore, I have to treat these leaks as an irrelevant smear attempt. Why else would not a single mainstream news source be covering them?


Oct 24, 2016 9:45 AM

Trump and these emails need to be #factchecked


Oct 24, 2016 9:59 AM

This is very reminiscent of the Nazis and how they used to treat the Jews. It’s sad to see Europe revert to its dark and oppressive past, when so many reparations are still owed. The French did terrible things in Africa and the Middle East, and the least they could do is welcome these poor and destitute refugees. The amount of entitlement and privilege that white people have simply boggles the mind.


Oct 25, 2011 12:38 PM


Oct 25, 2011 12:39 PM

The concept of HARP is truly genius, but if our government officials are serious about boosting aggregate demand they need to introduce similar programs for other consumer goods. One idea would be to allow Americans to pledge any goods in their possession as collateral for low interest consumer loans from our government. Americans can then use these loans to finance further consumption, boosting retail sales and stimulating the economy. These new goods can then be used as further collateral to borrow even more money from the government. Of course this will require further monetary easing and bond purchases by our Federal Reserve to accommodate the increased spending, but I believe Dr Bernanke is up to the task. The end result will produce just enough of a boost to aggregate demand to finally kick start our consumer economy.

Oct 25, 2012 10:52 AM

When will ZHers shut up about inflation?? Haven't you morons ever heard of inflation linked savings accounts? Am I dealing with a bunch of idiots here???  All you have to do is put your hard-earned savings in an inflation linked account and your interest rate will be set according to the OFFICIAL CPI (inflation) figure. There is literally nothing to complain about. When are doomer libertarians going to admit that inflation is not an issue?? I'm tired of arguing with pea-brained libertarians who don't know anything about economics or current affairs. Just WAKE UP.

Oct 25, 2012 11:09 AM

Of course I denominate in USD. I'm not a silverbug hillbily with stacks of eagles burried in my back yard. Real Americans trust in the US dollar, and believe in the full faith and credit of our elected officials.

Oct 25, 2016 10:35 AM

Hillary is still surging according to all respected media outlets! I guess people are finally waking up!



Oct 25, 2016 10:46 AM

I’m worried about Republicans bullying and intimidating Democrats into not voting. Apparently groups of racist conservatives are planning to harass Hispanics and demand to see their voter IDs! Many Democrats are too scared to vote! If Trump wins, we may have to redo this election because of multiple accounts of election rigging by conservatives, with the backing of Putin 



Oct 25, 2016 10:52 AM

This is very scary, and reeks of racism and xenophobia. The UN needs to review this decision by the French government, and assess whether this is an attempt to intimidate refugees and people of color. The UN has already charged the US with multiple accounts of racial terrorism, and demanded that we pay reparations. Maybe countries like France need a similar investigation.



Oct 26, 2011 10:37 AM

For those who are still on the sidelines regarding further fiscal and monetary stimulus, I hope this chart demonstrates the CRISIS in aggregate demand that America is facing. I'm sorry to say it, but HARP is simply insufficient to stimulate adequate demand for real estate. Boosting real estate prices is NOT a simple endeavour and it will require maturity and perseverance from our Federal Reserve and government officials, which I regret to say has been lacking as of late. Our Fed officials need to severely ramp up MBS monetization and congress needs to consider expanding HARP to illegal aliens if necessary. Its time we lived up to the devastating implications of a decline in real estate prices and faced this problem head on so that our children do not have to pay the price for our indecisiveness.

Oct 26, 2011 11:09 AM

Our officials in the US would do well to watch and learn. Despite my frustrations about their recent indecisiveness, European officials have an extraordinary ability to develop strong frameworks for political and economic leadership. Unlike US politicians, European politicians take a measured approach to satisfying public opinion by only holding referendums on appropriate bills that do not affect essential EU policy, and by sidelining inappropriate referendum results that could impair European economic progress. This is a far-cry from the quite frankly disturbing ‘Tea-Party’ rallies and state-rebellions in the US which in my opinion should never have been tolerated from the start.

Oct 26, 2011 11:54 AM

The public has been offered the freedom and liberty to spend and boost aggregate demand through many fiscal stimulus programs, but they have ungratefully rejected the opportunity on every occasion. If Americans really cared about freedom, they would be boosting retail sales with low-interest consumer loans - free human beings grab opportunities like HARP and cash-for-clunkers with both hands and don’t look back. On the contrary, Americans have shown themselves to be impotent and lethargic by refusing to boost aggregate demand.

Oct 26, 2011 5:12 PM

Thankfully I own US treasuries as hedge against this type of event.  These outflows have no where else to go but safe-haven US treasuries. I just feel sorry for those who aren't part of the game, and haven't yet bought into the treasury bull market.

Oct 26, 2011 9:33 AM

I'm finding it increasingly difficult not to be cynical about the European debt crisis. For all their posturing, European leaders STILL don't have a concrete plan for ring-fencing European banks from peripheral default risk. This is completely negligent on the part of European politicians who have a RESPONSIBILITY to recapitalize the banks and protect creditors from losses that will devastate the global economy. I was quite optimistic about Europe’s future following the short-selling ban on financial stocks and the proposed naked sovereign CDS ban, but the political gridlock surrounding the EFSF expansion has been simply appalling. This measure is LONG overdue, and its delay has caused severe damage to confidence in the banking system. European politicians were elected because they are the best leaders, and now is the time for them to LEAD and implement necessary measures even if they are unpopular. Many of my financial stocks have exposure to Europe, and my portfolio has been suffering as a result of their indecisiveness.

Oct 26, 2012 10:09 AM

Trickle down free market economics has failed. Contrary to the predictions of Chicago economists, large corporations DON'T just take care of the poor. Instead they simply keep all the money for themselves. I want some of that wealth. Where's my fair share??

Oct 26, 2012 11:03 AM

Nice job failing to mention tax free offshore corporate accounts.  If politicians had taxed offshore corporate accounts, they almost certainly would have used that money to balance the budget, and we wouldn't have so much debt. Trickle down economics has failed, and there's no denying it. Where's my share of the wealth? What do I get? If CEOs get to make millions then why can't I earn more and get more vacation?

Oct 26, 2012 11:05 AM


Oct 26, 2012 9:53 AM

So trickle down economics doesn't work?? Who would have thought??

Oct 26, 2016 8:53 AM


Oct 26, 2016 8:53 AM

Are you serious?? The accredited media is the thin line between civilization and barbarity! Without the media, we wouldn’t have known that Sadam Hussein was responsible for 9/11, and he might still be alive today! Without the media, we wouldn’t know about Trump’s racism, misogyny and bigotry, and many more people would be fooled by his charisma and charm! Without the media, we wouldn’t know that the ‘emails scandal’ was nothing but a smear attempt against Hillary, and that the Russians were responsible for stealing the Wikileaks documents! The media is the only thing keeping Americans informed and educated about the issues, and able to make smart decisions about who to vote for and which policies to support! WAKE UP! 



Oct 26, 2016 8:57 AM

Democrats are too informed to fall for these Russian attempts to rig our elections. Bring this up at a Hillary rally and people will roll their eyes and call it what it is: A CONSPIRACY THEORY. 


Oct 26, 2016 8:58 AM

Putin may be fooling dumb rednecks with this propaganda, but smart, informed liberals aren't going to be fooled. Sorry Putin, we know it's you, and we're coming for you when Hillary wins. Deal with it.


Oct 26, 2016 9:07 AM

Zerohedge is playing right into the hands of the Russians by posting links to these stolen Wikileaks documents. Can’t you see? Putin wants you to read these documents!! Stop allowing Russia to rig our elections – vote for Hillary and save this country!! 



Oct 26, 2016 9:49 AM

My intel (a variety of accredited media outlets and fact checking sites) is telling me that Americans are going wild for Hillary. Voter turnout is predicted to break records this year, and Hillary is projected to win by accredited polls. So this means that Hillary is responsible for this record voter turnout! People are going crazy for her message of equality and social justice! 



Oct 26, 2016 9:51 AM

Russia sailing their ships near to the European coast is a serious act of aggression! What are they planning? What if they just decide to launch a nuke into Europe! We need to be prepared!



Oct 27, 2011 10:35 AM

Flawed monetary policy is certainly a culprit for this disappointing figure. Dr Bernanke has become decidedly hawkish as of late, and to be frank he has failed to deliver the necessary level of MBS monetization. But that's not to say that congress shouldn't be looking for ways to increase aggregate demand through further fiscal stimulus programs such as HARP. And lastly, we are all to blame somewhat for America's poor consumer spending figures. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to boost aggregate demand by spending and taking out more consumer loans. If every American just spent an extra $1000, this would account for a total boost in aggregate demand of $312,454,000,000! Come on America, we can do this - I KNOW we can.

Oct 27, 2011 11:04 AM

"The sound economic policy for any economy is not to interfere with business cycles and/or cost of capital."

This is a purist/extremist view. The world is not black and white - it comes in shades of grey. You have to accept the value of fiscal and monetary stimulus or else you are simply an extremist.

Oct 27, 2011 11:21 AM

This chart indicates a SURGE in consumer confidence as that spread reverts to normal. This is the time to buy retail stocks. I just KNOW it.

Oct 27, 2011 8:35 AM

"Italy's low tertiary education achievement stands out (Figure 3)”

This is what I've been saying all along. The public is clearly not educated enough to be setting prices. This is why top European economic advisers convinced European politicians to implement a short sale ban on financial stocks and sovereign credit default swaps. Top economists understand very well that the publics' perception of reality is irrational and uninformed, and this is why they are proactively seeking price controls to stabilize the markets. Goodness knows the mess we'd be in without price controls on interest rates and wages, which have delivered upward mobility and social stability despite prevailing free market forces. I genuinely believe that the current economic system is falling apart, and it is time for us to build a new world economic order in which only professionals are able to control capital allocation, for maximum prosperity, liberty and freedom.

Oct 27, 2011 9:52 AM

This teaches traders for hedging in the completely discredited CDS market. The doomer CDS market has been incorrectly indicating BOA and Morgan Stanley defaults for some time now. So where are the defaults? I'm still waiting ...

Oct 27, 2016 7:53 AM

The Clintons are savvy deal makers, who managed to amass an astonishing 200 million dollars as public servants. This uncanny ability to hustle and build wealth is exactly what we need in the White House. I want Hillary and Bill to use these skills to build a great economy, with good-paying jobs for women and minorities. As liberals frequently point out to ignorant Trump supporters, Trump made his money through corruption and exploiting his own personal brand, but Hillary made her money through sheer determination and perseverance. She is a true feminist icon, and her election would be a very special moment in our history.



Oct 27, 2016 8:43 AM

This is very suspicious. Why would he change his support so suddenly? We need to investigate this incident to determine if he was threatened by Trump’s campaign, as we know they have been involved in violent activities in the past.



Oct 27, 2016 8:45 AM

I’m getting quite bored of these Wikileaks emails. So far not a single accredited media outlet has taken any of these so-called leaks seriously. Wake me up when CNN has a front page article about one of these emails – until then, I’ll continue to ignore them and focus on real news. 



Oct 28, 2011 6:03 PM

Haha Professor Summers sums up the irony very well. In fact, this seeming paradox often confuses the less rigorous thinkers among us, who claim that Keynesian economics is not logically consistent. But of course, this realm of economics is reserved only for the most esteemed intellectuals and hence it is bound to escape the feeble minds of doomer libertarians. Those who can master this elite field of economics have proven themselves worthy of political power, so that they can tailor America’s economy for optimal prosperity.

Oct 28, 2011 6:19 PM

Your interpretation is wrong as usual. The principle of Keynesian economics is to correct the imbalances in the economy caused by ignorant free market participants who mis-allocate resources. The government is responsible for reallocating these resources more efficiently, under the guidance of top economists, in order to correct the mistakes of the market. For maximum prosperity, resources need to be distributed according to the preferences of PROFFESIONALS only.

Oct 28, 2016 10:03 AM

Duterte is now part of the axis of evil, with Putin and Assad. He’s made a very big mistake by siding against the progressive west. If World War II breaks out, we will have no mercy and we will relentlessly fight these tyrants with our allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia.


Oct 28, 2016 11:22 AM

Russia better watch their every move, because I’m telling you, if there is one more, just one more act of aggression, we are going to launch into full scale kinetic action! America is sick and tired of Russia’s aggressive expansionism, and we are not going to tolerate it any longer!


Oct 28, 2016 11:26 AM

I don’t know how anyone can not vote for Hillary when Trump is so corrupt, and she is promising so many things that Americans want, like good-paying jobs, investment in green energy, amnesty for undocumented Americans, strong action against Russia and the biggest investment in our economy since World War II. I’m simply astounded that anyone is still voting for Trump after all the scandals in the accredited media.


Oct 28, 2016 11:31 AM

I’m not surprised. Does anyone here still eat dairy and meat? I only drink soy milk and eat tofu-based meat substitutes, as the food pyramid clearly states that carbohydrates should make up the majority of our diets, and red meat and dairy cause heart attacks. Nothing beats a tofu salad with a nice tall glass of sweetened soy milk. I laugh at all the ignorant people who still eat meat and high fat diets, as I know I’ll be doing jumping jacks while they’re on their death beds!


Oct 28, 2016 11:32 AM

Not true! Red meat causes aggression and heart disease! And it’s cruel!


Oct 28, 2016 11:52 AM

The Wall Street Journal have officially discredited themselves, and put themselves in the same category as Faux News. How can anyone take them seriously after mouthing these insane conspiracy theories!? Hillary is a Democrat – Democrats don’t get involved in serious scandals. Salon and the Huffington post are running story after story about Trump, because Trump is a typical corrupt, scandalous, hypocritical Republican. The alternative and conservative media outlets aren’t fooling anyone - progressives know that they are smart and have the moral high ground.


Oct 28, 2016 4:43 AM

So there we have it. Assange is a Trump supporter, which aligns perfectly with the theory that he is a Russian agent trying to rig our elections. The truth is, the accredited media is the only thing standing in the way of the Russians, and allowing Americans to stay informed about Trump’s many character flaws. Thanks to CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times, smart and informed Americas will turn out to vote for Hillary in droves, and they will be ready to educate simpleton Trump supporters about his numerous groping scandals, and the dire threat that Russia poses to world peace. Thanks God for the accredited media! I don’t know what we’d do without them! 


Oct 28, 2016 4:46 AM

Well done Brits – look at what you did. The remain campaign warned you repeatedly about the economic consequences of Brexit, but you refused to listen, and now your children will have to deal with the consequences. Brexit will lead to economic disaster and all of the people who voted for it are responsible!


Oct 28, 2016 5:26 AM

This is different. The Iraq war was pushed by Republicans for the benefit of oil companies. This is a legitimate and necessary response to Russian aggression, advocated by educated Democrats who are never eager to go to war. Kinetic interventions by Democrats are historically justified and are generally initiated with the purpose of liberating oppressed peoples from tyrannical rule. Hillary’s actions Libya and Syria are humanitarian interventions, and Obama’s response to Russian aggression is just and necessary.


Oct 28, 2016 8:09 AM

This is an excellent choice, but I would be somewhat disappointed as I was hoping for Michele Flournoy. Hillary was an excellent Secretary of State, and I think her humanitarian intervention in Libya makes her a strong candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. With two women occupying the two highest security clearances, I think this country could do a lot of good around the world, and our national security would be in strong hands. Women are far more responsible than men, and are much better at dealing with threats and risk. 


Oct 28, 2016 8:13 AM

This is white privilege in action. If this had been a group of racially profile African Americans they would have been sent straight to prison or put on death row. If the inherent racism in the system wasn’t completely obvious to everyone before, it should be now. These domestic terrorists should be spending life behind bars for their violent uprising against our government. This decision will only embolden right wing groups and make them even more unruly. I can honestly say that I’m ashamed to be an American.


Oct 28, 2016 8:49 AM

Why don't you go somewhere else, like Russia perhaps, you horrible bigoted Trump supporter!


Oct 28, 2016 8:53 AM

The military, just like the police, are simply enforcers of white male privilege. The military needs to be decolonized and made far more inclusive of women, minorities, trans people and disabled people.


Oct 28, 2016 9:51 AM

Conspiracy theory. 


Oct 28, 2016 9:54 AM

What constant scandals? All I see in the accredited media are scandals involving Trump. I think people are looking forward to electing Hillary so we can get back to running this country and be rid of this horrible, triggering racist who grabs every headline.


Oct 28, 2016 9:56 AM

This is what happens when Republicans strip funding for transportation services. Take a good look people – this is what austerity looks like. We need to dramatically increase funding for public transportation, not decrease it like conservatives want to do!


Oct 28, 2016 9:59 AM

I’m so proud that Obama and Hillary are dedicated to helping poor and destitute Syrians. Trump supporters who want us to leave Syria and team up with Russia are absolutely heartless! I care about the Syrian people, and I’m proud to say that I support whatever it takes to liberate them, including war with Russia. What good is our military for if we don’t use it to help those in need?


Oct 29, 2011 1:37 PM

Zero hedgers need to grow up and stop arguing about meaningless issues. The real question is HOW ARE WE GOING TO BOOST AGGREGATE DEMAND? Every American needs to do their part to help this consumer economy to make sure these doomer hypotheses don't come true. Why not be productive and spend some time in the mall rather than fantasizing about these doomer scenarios.

Oct 29, 2012 2:17 PM

This is a prime oportunity for politicians to bolster our infrastructure and boost the economy. Don't take this the wrong way, but I truly believe that the fiscal response to this natural 'disaster' could be the flame that lights a fire under the global recovery.

Oct 29, 2012 2:35 PM

I agree with your suggestions Matt. However I disagree that the fight against climate change has been lost. Why not finance the infrastructure spending with green technologies? 

Oct 29, 2012 3:19 PM

All those waisted premiums sitting in the bank accounts of insurance companies will now be spent into the economy. Again, I don't mean to sound krass, but the resulting increase in aggregate demand is going to be simply spectacular. 

Oct 29, 2012 9:08 AM

Trickle down economics has failed. We need to create a new system that takes care of the poor. It will be the same as the current system, except for one key difference: politicians will always spend within their means, there will be no corruption, and no corporate subsidies. Spending on social programs will be even greater than it is today however, with cuts made to the military and taxes on offshore corporate accounts to finance the increased spending, pay back the deficit and cover all unfunded liabilities. The math all adds up when you take into account offshore corporate accounts (estimated to be worth 100s of trillions of dollars, all of which is taxable), and the incentives for politicians to stay within their means are all in place, ensuring we never end up in the same predicament ever again.

Oct 29, 2014 2:37 PM

The recovery is unshakable. Stocks are on the path to recovering all of the recent losses. As Warren Buffet says, buy when there is blood in the water. The recent correction in stocks may be the final opportunity for late comers to ride this market into the new golden age of prosperity and opportunity.

Oct 3, 2011 8:39 AM

How long is it going to take cowardly sellers and short-sellers to realise that they are DESTROYING this country. Our forefathers spent YEARS building some of the most esteemed corporations the world has ever known, and all you can do to thank them and their faithful investors is SELL? The public has a MORAL OBLIGATION to buy-and-hold so that we don't have to experience such devastating market-turbulence. Mature investors like myself have been buying and holding for years, and this is the thanks we get?

Oct 3, 2011 9:24 AM

"the tax man indicates my house is worth $200,000  but it won't sell for $95,000".

And there you have one of the tragic outcomes of free market prices. If we simply let professional economists set the prices of consumer goods, then the market price for your type of house could be set at $200,000, and no other bids would be allowed. Buyers would be FORCED to pay $200,000 for your house if they want to buy it. This would allow resources to be allocated according to the preferences of economic experts, rather than the general public. Economists are then able to apply capital-allocation models tailored for optimal prosperity.

Oct 3, 2011 9:26 AM

I believe your anger is misdirected. The problem is not legitimate banks like JPM and Goldman Sachs. These banks are highly respected and form a large part of our economy, which is why they unfortunately had to be bailed out. The problem is GREEDY HEDGE FUNDS AND TRADERS that earn far too much money by SPECULATING. Christine Lagarde has correctly pointed out that the government should decide ALL salaries for private workers to ensure that they are receiving FAIR compensation for the work they do.

Oct 3, 2012 2:48 PM

"Is Gold in a Bubble?"

Unequivocally, YES. If you are tempted to buy gold at these prices, you absolutely have to stop and think. Ask yourself: what is gold useful for? Is a piece of shiny metal really worth this much money? How can gold just keep going up and up? If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. BE RATIONAL; DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE MANIA. 

Oct 3, 2012 9:27 AM

At least Zimbabwe has equality and upward mobility for the poor. As a devout Marxist, Robert Gabriel Mugabe understood that the key to solving wealth inequality in Zim was wealth redistribution. Now that the greedy farmers have been driven out into South Africa and Mozambique, the property can be fairly redistributed according to the preferences of politicians. We can trust politicians because they were elected. It's not just common sense, it's progressive sense. Support the progressive revolution in America by attacking capitalism and promoting wealth redistribution! Be on the right side of history.

Oct 3, 2016 10:39 AM

Well shutting down the jungle in Callais is certainly not going to help with the unemployment rate. Study after study has shown that migrants and refugees help grow the economy and lower unemployment. If immigration is shut down, the economy will take a huge hit.

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 10:49 AM

I regret the term, but that's the name most people recognize unfortunately.

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 11:05 AM

Take a good look - this is what austerity looks like! How many times do we have to learn that austerity does not work? Paul Krugman and many other top economists have been shouting from the rooftops that we need to spend more during a recession, not less! The government needs to invest in the economy to make it grow! How is an economy going to grow if there is no demand?

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 12:09 PM

I hate Russia! Why do they think it's their business to interfere with our foreign policy objectives of bringing peace and democracy to the Middle East!? We've brought peace to Iraq, we've brought peace to Libya, and now we just want to finish the job by bringing peace to Syria! Why can't Russia just get out of our way and let us finish the job?

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 12:33 PM

You can't be too idealistic in politics. You need to strike a balance between working with big corporations when necessary, and standing up to them when they try to influence policy. Hillary has proven that she is able to walk this fine line. She strongly supported the bank bailout during the financial crisis of 2007-08, but at the same time supported the Dodd Frank banking regulation bill. This is the kind of professionalism we need in the White House. I admire Bernie's economic wisdom, but sometimes you need a pragmatist to effect real change.

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 2:54 PM

So much for the baseless allegations against the Clinton Foundation - it looks like the legal experts are very clear about which foundation is truly corrupt.


Oct 3, 2016 2:54 PM

About time! How very timely that this should coincide with today’s article at the Accredited Times:


Oct 3, 2016 8:42 AM

Referendums are overrated, and inappropriate in most circumstances. The purpose of democracy is to elect leaders who are left to lead the country as they see fit. It is neither practical nor desirable for the citizens of a country to micromanage their leaders by influencing policy directly. Our leaders are the proxy for the people, and policy should be affected through them alone. When you bypass this process, you get sloppy, unprofessional governance and disastrous political decisions such as the Brexit, which has sent Britain into a downward economic spiral that it may never recover from.  

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 3, 2016 8:52 AM

It's a too late for Assange - the release of Trump's tax returns has left voters across the country shocked and appalled. Every day hardworking Americans pay their taxes responsibly, and now they learn that Trump, a billionaire, has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars worth of taxes to the Federal Government! That money should have been spent responsibly on education, healthcare, national defense and hardworking government employees. Instead that money went back into Trump's business where it generated even more obscene profits - it's absolutely disgusting! 

The Trump Foundation – A Cesspool of Corruption and Secrecy

Oct 30, 2012 3:28 PM

I agree with Whitney on all of his points. Both Mitt Romney and Barack H. Obama are intelligent and competent candidates, but Mitt Romney has shown himself to be a right wing extremist. I hereby renounce my support for Mitt Romney, and am proud to say that I will be supporting Barack Obama for a second term. I found his speech regarding Sandy simply inspiring (not to detract from Mayor Bloomberg’s speech which was equally stirring). Obama’s response to Sandy has been truly professional, and demonstrates that he is able to make tough decisions under pressure. That’s the kind of decisiveness and courage that we need in a President, and that's whay I'll be proud to have Barack H. Obama as my leader for another four years.

Oct 30, 2012 3:48 PM

Sandy has now reached RED ALERT status - this is an emergency. FEMA needs to step in and confiscate all firearms in line with standard procedure. If you are in an area affected by Sandy and are possession of firearms, it is your duty to make sure you turn them in to your nearest police station immediately

Oct 30, 2014 3:00 PM

Will you doomers please give up on this idea that tge economy needs QE. QE ended ages ago and stocks have been doing fantastically well. You simply CANNOT deny the green shoots in the economy. We have had consistently positive jobs reports, encouraging stock market returns and a host of other positive indicators for the economy. This is the beginning of the second industrial revolution, and just like the last one, it is being driven by innovative economic support programs crafted by our government and Federal Reserve.

Oct 31, 2011 1:34 PM

I hope this teaches European politicians a valuable lesson about the dangers of indecisive economic policy. The delayed EFSF expansion may just have caused the BANKRUPTCY of a primary dealer institution. It's time for European officials to get organized and start pushing for decisive and coordinated fiscal policy so that we do not have to witness a tragedy like this in the future. Politicians need to stop worrying about populist referendums and start showing some LEADERSHIP. I and many others with financial equity portfolios are counting on them.

Oct 31, 2011 10:38 AM

This is a tragedy. Our Federal Reserve has failed the American people by removing MF Global from their primary dealer list. The Fed could EASILY have provided emergency funding to save MFG from bankruptcy. Choosing your own primary dealer is a HUMAN RIGHT, and this bankruptcy represents a serious loss of freedom and liberty.

Oct 31, 2012 11:10 AM

Sandy is a direct result of climate change caused by CO2. How many more people need to die before right-wingers support a carbon tax?

Oct 31, 2012 8:44 AM

The internet provides a completely unregulated platform for conspiracy theorists and hate-groups to voice their extreme views and spread anti-government, anti-Federal Reserve propaganda. The rise of extreme views and hatred towards the government and banking institutions could never have occurred without this platform. The internet simply has to be regulated in order to preserve American values and prevent the spread of extremism.

Oct 31, 2013 1:45 PM

This is chairwoman Yellen's chance to shine. Bonds have been trading below levels that financial professionals and politicians consider safe and equities still haven't reached the targets of many top equity analysts. Janet Yellen needs to announce an additional bond buying program now if she wants to get our economy moving again. This will be a bold statement to all the sexist racist right wingers who believe that a woman can't handle the pressure of Fed Chair.

Oct 31, 2013 10:02 AM

Facebook is a profitable company with earnings, unlike gold, silver and bitcoins. Facebook has been a successful investment for me, but now I'm looking forward to the Twitter IPO, which is going to knock facebook out of the park.

Oct 31, 2013 9:45 AM

My dollar cost average on Facebook is $28, so I'm rocketing ahead of silverbugs and goldbugs. Bitcoinbugz are doing ok, but wait till someone cracks the encryption or we have a global hard drive wipe out; then they'll be crying just like goldbugz and silvergugz. 

Oct 31, 2014 12:42 PM

If you don't mind, I'd like to say something about the emerging Ebola crisis. This talk of banning travel to and from west Africa, largely emanating from the right, is absolutely categorically racist. The west has pillaged and exploited Africa for centuries and hasn't even begun paying reparations. We should be building cities for Africans and giving them free education, housing, clean water and food. But instead the west is talking about abandoning them Africa they need us the most. Ebola is OUR fault - WE are the ones who subjected Africa to centuries of poverty, malnutrition and poor hygiene, and it is WE who should be fixing this mess, not innocent Africans. Open your eyes and hearts people. 

Oct 4, 2011 10:12 AM

Did you not hear about Obama's new JOBS BILL!? When these nasty republicans finally come around, we will create tens of thousands of jobs with this bill alone. I dare say there are plenty of jobs programs to come following our President's reelection and retail stocks are set to SOAR. This is the most cunning way to play aggregate demand.

Oct 4, 2011 6:17 PM

This teaches ungrateful shorts for betting against AMERICA. I and many others have been long financials and this ensures we don’t have to worry about pesky margin calls. The bears like to gloat whenever they are on the winning side, but it is always the patient, principled investors who have the last laugh.

Oct 4, 2011 6:39 PM

Oh yeah? Then how do you explain the consensus on the short selling ban by top European politicians? Top economic advisors in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy all agree that shorting banking stocks is harmful, unpatriotic and despicable.

Oct 4, 2011 8:16 AM

Forget gold. Have you seen the discounts on financials and retail stocks!? I've been picking up BARGAINS this week. Congress has proven time and again that they have what it takes to guide us through tough times. The same courage and perseverance that our politicians and Federal Reserve officials demonstrated in the 1930s will serve us well into this economic turmoil. This cycle of crisis followed by courageous resolution by congress and our economic leaders has repeated throughout history, and savvy investors who understand this will be able to profit greatly.

Oct 4, 2011 8:43 AM

I have a well diversified portfolio consisting of US equities with an emphasis on retail. The returns up untill now have been dissapointing but that's not the point. If history repeats, and congress is able to kickstart this consumer economy by boosting aggregate demand, then I will eventually be a winner. Savvy investors like myself think ahead and plan for the future, and if that means I have to endure constant mocking and insults by arrogant libertarian bullies, then so be it.

Oct 4, 2011 9:54 AM

Don't listen to these zero hedge bullies. An inverted CDS curve is NOT necessarily bearish for Morgan Stanley. This just indicates the loss of credibility of the CDS market as a whole. The CDS curve is highly variable because this is an extremely illiquid and unprofessional market. To indicate a possible bankruptcy by a financial powerhouse like Morgan Stanley is completely absurd, and I would advise you to ignore this doomer nonsense in the future.

Oct 4, 2013 1:46 PM

Good point James. Debt is one of the major problems with the 'free market'. It's an inherently flawed system.


Oct 4, 2013 10:20 AM

The only solution to this mess is to eliminate the debt ceiling. Silly arguments about whether we should raise the debt ceiling are consuming our energy as a nation. This is precisely when we need to be moving ahead with the economy, but instead we're debating about whether we should shut down the entire government. It's ridiculous! 


Oct 4, 2013 12:31 PM

If you really care about the economy then you have to care about the middle class. Economists believe that the key to economic prosperity is investing in the middle class, because this has a knock on effect of helping the poor. Read today's article at the Accredited Times to learn more about how our administration is helping the middle class and how we can improve the economy even more:


Oct 4, 2013 9:21 AM

People who have a problem with Obamacare need to look at the bigger picture. Affordable healthcare is only one part of the Obama administration's plan to support the middle class. Today's article at the Accredited Times examines the benefits of investing in the middle class, and why the middle class may be the key to economic prosperity: 



Oct 4, 2013 9:37 AM

What's wrong with taking money from the insurance companies to help make healthcare more affordable? Sure, a few rich people will lose out initially, but who do you think buys their products? Answer: the middle class.



Oct 4, 2016 10:17 AM

This was entirely predictable. Just like in 2007-08, people are dumping gold and silver in order to buy safe haven assets like dollars and US treasuries. The US dollar and US government bonds have the full faith and credit of the US Federal government, which makes them the ultimate safe haven, regardless of what goldbug preppers tell you. That's the awesome thing about our economy! If the global economy does well, our bonds go up, and if it does badly, our bonds go up even more!

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 10:22 AM

History is very clear about the disastrous impact of fascists like Duterte. Pinochet took a similar approach to drugs in Chile, and now look at them! They have serious inequality problems! Countries like Venezuela and Colombia may have their own problems, but at least they have compassion and a strong social welfare state!

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary


Oct 4, 2016 10:41 AM

Classic flight to safety! Golbugz are getting a lesson in economics today! Dollars and dollar denominated government bonds are the world's favored safe haven assets, because our economy is the strongest in the world, and our government has the highest credit rating.

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 11:22 AM

You have to look at the big picture here. Over the long term, real estate is a guaranteed investment. Think about it - everyone needs a home, and the population is increasing, so no matter what happens, someone will always want to buy your home for at least the price you paid for it. That's accredited economics 101, that we teach to all young people trying to make it in life. I'm shocked that ZHers don't know this!

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 12:24 PM

Look, Obamacare is not perfect, and we all agree that there are probably improvements that could be made. But the fact is that millions more Americans are now insured who previously would have been left to fend for themselves. Bill would like to see some improvements, but he supports the ACA as a whole.

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary


Oct 4, 2016 7:57 AM

Another devastating blow for conspiracy theorists who hypothesized that this release would end Hillary's career. So far, none of these attempts to smear Hillary have had any effect, because experts and professional media outlets continue to debunk them, and ensure that the public gets the facts.

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 8:35 AM

The Czech president obviously doesn't understand economics. Migrants and refugees will add billions of dollars to the economies of Europe according to George Soros and other established economists. I really wish that some of these politicians would listen to the experts instead of folding to populism.

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 8:39 AM

Once again, the market reasserts that the dollar and US treasuries are the safe-haven assets of choice for investors around the world. This is why America is in a win-win situation - either the global economy grows, in which case we continue to buy cheap imported products with our strong dollar; or the economy fails, in which case our dollar and government bonds are bid to the moon, allowing us to borrow cheaply and buy even more of the world's assets, goods and services! 

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 4, 2016 9:10 AM

The key to monetary stimulus is to make sure you provide enough of it. The worst possible thing you can do is to execute a comprehensive monetary stimulus program, without providing sufficient aggregate demand, as this primes the market for spectacular results, only to disappoint and send the markets in the opposite direction. As Paul Krugman and others have stated repeatedly, we need to ensure that we do whatever it takes to create demand in the economy. This is the only way to grow an economy, and if we fail to do so, we risk falling back into a recession.

The Heart Warming Side of Bill and Hillary

Oct 5, 2011 1:49 PM

I appreciate the suggestion but 10000000 dollars a year is slightly too high and could discourage or prevent employers from hiring more workers. I hate to say it but this kind of comment demonstrates a serious lack of economic education, which is one of the reasons we are in this predicament in the first place.

Oct 5, 2011 10:37 AM

Art Cashin fails to realise that politicians have no bussiness meddling with monetary policy in the first place. I would expect a seasoned investor like Art Cashin to at least know that our Federal Reserve is set up to pursue its dual mandate INDEPENDENT of congress, to avoid corruption. Politicians are elected to be strong leaders who know how to inspire trust and confidence in the economic recovery, and to make tough decisions regarding FISCAL policy, not monetary policy.

Oct 5, 2011 12:27 PM

These disputes could all be solved by doing away with free market wages, and introducing a minimum wage that provides Americans with a luxurious standard of living comparable to the highest members of society. For example, if we set the minimum wage at 1,000,000 dollars per year, we would have far better income equality and upward mobility. I suggest people refer to Alan Krueger's paper which PROVES the benefits of wage-controls beyond any reasonable doubt (http://www.nber.org/papers/w5224). Alan Krueger is rated as one of the 50 BEST ECONOMISTS in the world by REPEC (http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.person.all.html), and will go down in history as one of the great pioneers of centralised price controls.

Oct 5, 2012 8:43 AM


The global recovery is strengthening. This is slow but steady progress. The sharp improvement in the unemployment rate is a clear testament to the green shoots in not only America but also the global economy. Where is the collapse that doomer libertarians have been talking about?? Where is the hyperinflation??? I'm still waiting ... 


Oct 5, 2016 10:11 AM

Does the Federal Reserve not have a duty to protect the economy from adverse influences, both foreign and domestic? If so, then clearly Yellen has a responsibility to stop Trump. The Federal Reserve is independent from interference by congress, but the independence doesn't work both ways. In the unthinkable scenario that he wins the election (God forbid) - expect a sharp rate hike.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 10:51 AM

It's just disgusting that rich people are keeping almost 100% of their income, while our government struggles to find the funds for government workers' pensions, foreign policy objectives and green energy initiatives. I've got just one question for Trump - when are you going to pay your fair share!

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 11:03 AM

If this is such a big issue, how come CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times aren't covering it? They're all running stories on Trump. Are they all conspiring against Trump and to promote Hillary?

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 12:09 PM

These issues are all being worked on by experts in government, think tanks, universities and our Federal Reserve. What would be the purpose of reporting on issues that would only scare and confuse the average reader, and lead to poor voting decisions. Particularly astute readers can find this kind of news elsewhere, in magazines like the Economist, that cater to a more educated audience. The purpose of large media outlets is to report on the subset of topics that are both relevant and comprehendible by the average reader.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 12:12 PM

How inappropriate it is for Farage to be openly supporting Trump, when he whined about Obama supporting the remain campaign on the basis that it wasn't the business of a US politician!

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 12:39 PM

Goldbugs can't claim they weren't warned. I've been on this blog for years, warning repeatedly of the coming crash in gold and silver, and begging people to consider investing in stocks and bonds instead, but sadly my warnings have mostly fallen on deaf ears, and now many ZHers stand to lose all of their life's savings. It's tragic when you think of how avoidable this all was.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 3:00 PM

When will we learn that burning fossil fuels just isn’t worth it? How many more people need to die and lose their homes before stupid, stupid conservatives accept the science of climate change!! Just look at the devastation that we are causing through our careless burning of fossil fuels!! When will you people accept basic facts, and start supporting green technologies that could save our planet and millions of lives????


Oct 5, 2016 8:28 AM

It's easier for the average citizen to identify with Tim Kaine than Mike Pence. Tim is a regular guy - the kind of person you could have a beer with a chat about the game. Pence however is an uptight, ultra conservative religious nut who would probably flinch at the odd cuss word or the most slightly inappropriate story. I just don't think Pence is able to truly connect with the average American.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 8:32 AM

Every time Russia escalates, we will escalate further. There is no price we are not willing to pay in order to bring peace and stability to Syria. We care that much.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply


Oct 5, 2016 9:04 AM

I find him very relatable. He's down to earth and has a solid, sensible vision for the country. He looks like the kind of person you could crack a joke with - unlike Pence, who is a religious prude.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 9:46 AM

Does this report take into account the fact that central banks can simply buy up any toxic assets that these banks may find themselves holding in the future? That's what our Federal Reserve did during the crisis of 2007-08, and the results were spectacular.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 9:48 AM

Iraq and Libya were great successes overall. We removed two despotic dictators and replaced them with democratic alternatives.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 5, 2016 9:50 AM

This is not about a 'pipeline' - that's a conspiracy theory. This is about bringing peace and stability to the middle east. That's our official foreign policy objective.

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

Oct 6, 2011 4:04 PM

Michael Moore is right. Capitalism is dead - politicians have learned that the market is incapable of regulating itself and that free markets simply don't work. The government had to bail out the banks because of their inability to manage risk properly, so the only solution is to impose tighter regulations and price controls to give POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. The PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION is here and right-wing libertarians better get with it or get out of the way.

Oct 6, 2011 9:11 AM

Trichet will be remembered as one of the stingiest ECB chairmen ever. I will never forget the time when Trichet raised the ECB benchmark lending rate, sending euro bonds plummeting and hammering the balance sheets of many of my financial stocks with exposure to European debt. Trichet is a selfish pig, with no regard for those of us with buy-and-hold equity portfolios. My heart goes out to those patriotic European investors who suffered the same consequences with their Euro-stock and bond portfolios.

Oct 6, 2016 1:26 PM

YES! Gender is a social construct too - have you been living under a rock?? That comment is unbelievably transphobic!!

Oct 6, 2016 10:07 AM

Sorry, denying the fact that there is institutional racism, sexism, Islamaphobia, homophobia and transphobia in America is ignorant and racist. Check your privilege.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:26 AM

Gary Johnson is a libertarian - he supports legalizing marijuana, open borders and amnesty for undocumented immigrants. I think that's pretty cool, and a lot of other young people agree. Bill Maher is also a libertarian. Not all libertarians are gun-loving, corporation worshipping conservatives. There's a new wave of libertarianism that is cool and socially acceptable.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:29 AM

So is the author of this article also wrong? He's still supporting Hillary and still believes Trump is a racist, even after a long, open minded conversation with a Trump supporter.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:45 AM

Why didn't stupid, stupid conservatives agree to implementing simple measures to tackle climate change like a carbon tax!! This is because of our careless burning of fossil fuels, and IDIOTS on the right STILL DENY THE SCIENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE!!! How the hell are these people allowed to hold the world to ransom while natural disasters ravage our planet and kill people in the third world??? I'm sorry - climate change denial needs to be outlawed, PERIOD!!

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:49 AM

Here come the conspiracy theories about 'manipulation' to justify the poor trading decisions of doomer gold and silverbugs. At some point, you just have to admit that you were wrong, and that equities and bonds were the smart investment. The truth hurts - you've lost out when others have been enjoying spectacular returns in the stock market. But gold and silverbugs need to face up to this cold, hard truth.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:54 AM

OMG, so you admit it!! You deny the science of climate change!! BIGOT ALERT!! BIGOT ALERT!! This has to stop - people are dying!! Accept the science - there's a consensus!! Do you know what a consensus is? That means EVERY top accredited scientist agrees that it's happening!! And yet you deny it? OMG!!

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 10:59 AM

WRONG! Assad is responsible for the chaos in Syria, and Putin is his accomplice. We are trying to bring peace and democracy to Syria - this is our official objective, that has been communicated on all accredited media outlets. We are on a moral quest to liberate Syria - and this is the basis for all of our foreign policy decisions. Watch the news and get educated - you people are embarrassing.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 11:58 AM

Bring it!! No price is too high to pay to bring peace and stability to the Middle East! This is a MORAL quest, and morality trumps everything.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 12:43 PM

Our expeditions in Libya and Syria are humanitarian interventions, not wars. Hillary doesn't believe in wars - she's a democrat. Now, if you're talking about Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I agree that a lot of republicans had sinister motives, even though I supported the interventions as a whole. The key is why you intervene in a country - republicans do it for oil companies and capitalist exploitation. Democrats do it for peace and democracy.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 12:51 PM

OMG this article is so ignorant! Race is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT! You can identify as whatever race you like, as long as you're not a privileged white male culturally appropriating an oppressed person of color. Rachel Dolezal was born white, but she identifies as black - therefore she is black, case closed! Claiming that race is determined by the circumstances of your birth is so unbelievably ignorant! What's happening to this blog?? You need to take a basic course in critical race theory or at least get some kind of education. Hellooo - this is the 21st Century!!

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For


Oct 6, 2016 8:16 AM

At least Hillary is willing to reach out to African American voters, unlike Trump who only cares about white people. White people don't need a voice in this country - they have privilege. Politicians should be looking to meet the needs of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Muslim Americans, and so far only the democrats are stepping up to the plate. 

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 9:10 AM

This further demonstrates why we need a global central bank that imposes a set of regulations preventing this kind of accounting trickery. Because the operations of these banks are global, regulating them can be a nightmare. We cannot continue to regulate banks locally, when they are inherently global. Furthermore, a global cashless currency would make all transactions visible to the global central bank, allowing regulators to automatically detect any accounting errors.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 6, 2016 9:45 AM

Well I'm glad to see that even after talking to this Trump supporter, the author's mind remains unchanged and he will still be voting for Hillary in November. As much as he empathizes with this Trump supporter, he was unconvinced by her arguments, as the fact remains that Trump is a racist bigot and Hillary is a professional, upstanding and moral candidate. The only way you can convince liberals otherwise is with cold, hard facts and evidence, and this Trump supporter was lacking both.

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

Oct 7, 2011 12:30 PM

"but already on outlook negative at S&P".

S&P lost ALL credibility after they downgraded the United States of America. Their ratings can hardly be taken seriously given their complete inability to recognise the value of safe-haven US treaduries. Look at the yields on T-bonds - clearly the market sees the absurdity of S&P's ratings.

Oct 7, 2011 3:59 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is CRITICAL to our success as a nation that our Federal Reserve fully bails out Greece. And I'm not talking just a few currency swaps - I mean full scale debt monetization. US banks form a large part of our economy and if Americans want to maintain their standard of living they need to listen to the experts on this issue. This is not a time for people to make decisions for themselves. Time of crisis require coordinated action by economic professionals, and we must act NOW or it will be too late.

Oct 7, 2011 5:20 PM

"yeah you go ahead and [trust them], let me know how it works out"

We trusted economic advisors at our Federal Reserve to set interest rates, and they have been enormously successful. Interest rates are at RECORD LOWS despite the economic turmoil we are suffering. If rates were determined by the free market they would be much higher, and would cripple our fragile consumer economy. Only the brightest economists in the world should be involved in setting prices and capital allocation, for maximal prosperity and liberty. Smart economists are able to do the hard work for us so that we don’t have to worry about vastly complex economic issues. People like you are a dying breed – long live the PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION. OBAMA/BERNANKE 2012.

Oct 7, 2011 9:44 AM

This is a direct result of Obama's previous jobs bills. It took some time, but those investments are finally paying off. This is yet another example of the success of fiscal and monetary stimulus. For those libertarians who STILL don't get it, the following equation explains the result:


Libertarians have been DEAD wrong for the last 5 years. Where's total Armageddon and economic collapse? Where's the hyperinflation? I'm still waiting.

Oct 7, 2013 11:01 AM

Ever get frustrated about America's backward attitudes on firearms and healthcare? Ever wonder how best to make America a more progressive place? Today's article at the Accredited Times explains why education is the key to creating a progressive society:


Oct 7, 2013 5:36 PM

What our kids deserve is a good education. America is still shaping its future as a progressive democracy. We all want to live in a society that has positive forward thinking values, and the key to building a forward thinking society is education:


Oct 7, 2013 5:40 PM

I'm not sure which racist sexist parties you're talking about, but I think most Americans are quite happy with the two legitimate political parties. Why don't you go blow up a building or something while the rest of America works on solving he government shutdown crisis.


Oct 7, 2016 10:15 AM

I have as much right to post here as you right wing extremists. I thought you believed in free speech? Would you rather not see opinons you disagree with?

Oct 7, 2016 10:19 AM

Being a social worker is nothing to be ashamed of. Many of the world's most influential people started out as social workers, such as Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Saul Alinsky. These people are revered and will be remembered long into the future, unlike nameless engineers and factory workers.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 7, 2016 10:22 AM

I'm actually getting quite sick of hearing about this emails 'scandal', as are many other progressives. This pathetic smear attempt has been discredited by the FBI and the Attorney General, and countless political analysts. How many more experts need to discredit this story before right wingers stop going on about it?

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 7, 2016 10:53 AM

All I'm doing is posting a single comment. If people choose to respond to me, that's their business.

Oct 7, 2016 11:05 AM

Here we go again with the career shaming of service professionals. Who's to say a manufacturing worker is better than a service professional? The restaurant industry offers people many career paths such as catering, distribution, food preparation and food safety. Many of these waiters will go on to become titans of the service industry, which is now our leading and fastest growing industry. Let go of manufacturing - China does it better than us. Services are the future of America.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 7, 2016 11:21 AM

Putin and Assad's assault on the Syrian people is one of the one of the world's worst humanitarian tragedies, creating an unprecedented refugee crisis, and destroying countless lives. We cannot stand by and watch as this oppression and violence continues - we simply have to intervene, as we did in Libya, to restore peace and democracy.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 7, 2016 11:23 AM

We have the moral high ground here. Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama (Nobel peace prize winner) have overthrown Gadaffi and his tyranical regime - and now it's time to do the same for Syria.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson


Oct 7, 2016 11:26 AM

Is this how you treat people with differing opinons? You right wingers have a very thin skin for people who claim to believe in free speech.

Oct 7, 2016 8:58 AM

Miss, schmiss .. this is yet another positive reading in a long string of outstanding jobs reports under Obama. It looks like the recovery is still on track, as more jobs continue to be created month after month. Our service sector is absolutely booming, with healthcare and restaurants leading the way. America is now hands down the world leader in services. No other country even comes close to competing with us.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 7, 2016 9:29 AM

Many people prefer part time jobs these days, as they give you the flexibility to spend time doing other things, and provide a better work-life balance. It's misleading to imply that the number of part-time employees discredits the jobs report, when a huge percentage of these people prefer having a part-time job to a full time job. The same goes for many people who are out of the workforce - they are choosing this lifestyle in order to pursue education or hobbies or to retire. We will never have full employment, and we cannot force people to take full time jobs if they don't want them.

Real Libertarians – Bill Maher and Gary Johnson

Oct 8, 2015 11:55 AM

In my opinon Bill Gross should be fined for his immeasurable damage to the global economy. Under the TPP, many multinational corporations could legitimately sue Bill Gross for the losses in sales that his pessism has cost them. Holding a position of influence in the financial world comes with a responsibility to uphold the global economy. Those who abuse their positions of influence should be punished accordingly.

Oct 9, 2012 10:08 AM

I don't care about the legal issues. I'm a moral philosopher - All I care about is whether an action is right or wrong. Is it right to deny politicians the right to redistribute your property? Is it right to trade with individuals outside of the geographical borders in which you were born? Who has more of a right to redistribute your property - the politicians within the borders of your birth, or those within the borders of your business? These are all fundamental moral questions that need to be discussed.

Oct 9, 2012 10:22 AM

Trouble is, most zerohedgers are likely bankrupt by now after shorting AAPL since $300. In addition, many ZHers have been demolished this summer after shorting the S&P and buying VIX futures. It is both embarrassing and sad to see Zerohedge readers fantasizing about shorting AAPL for huge profits, when in reality most of them have probably maxed out their credit cards to buy a single put option. 

Oct 9, 2012 3:03 PM

5) US Treasuries. The yield on the 30 year bond is at a phenomenal 2.93%. If you had bought 30 treasuries just over 30 years ago, you would have locked in a 15% yield and absolutely phenomenal capital gains. The ability to reinvest coupons in even more high-quality debt, makes this a first choice for savvy value investors.

6) Alternative energies. Wind farms and biofuels are the way of the future. If you’re looking to store value for the long term it helps to have a long term view of the energy market, and smart investors who position themselves for the carbon-free revolution will be richly rewarded.

7) High interest savings account. I realize that this isn’t a popular option with doomer libertarians and silverbug hillbillies, but this is a sensible and simple solution for the less sophisticated investors out there. If you’re worried about inflation, many institutions offer yields linked to the official inflation rate, so you can rest safe and sound knowing that your hard-earned purchasing power is safe.

Oct 9, 2012 7:53 AM




Oct 9, 2012 9:52 AM

When is our government going to start cracking down on offshore tax-free corporate accounts?? It is fundamentally immoral to deny politicians their fair share of your property. If politicians had been able to take this money, they almost certainly would have used it to pay down the deficit, which would have reduced the tax burden on ordinary Americans.

Oct 9, 2013 11:07 AM

I can hardly think of a more selfless career choice than going into politics. Politics is not for the faint hearted. Think of working 16 hour days with the press scrutinizing your every move 24/7. You have to stay absolutely up to date on issues ranging from finance and transport to military operations, and the decisions you make influence millions of peoples’ lives. Could any of you live with that responsibility? Could of any of you doomer pyjama-traders handle the pressure of the paparazzi? I didn’t think so.

The idea that someone would go into such a competitive and relentless field without a strong selfless desire to make society a better place is an astonishingly absurd proposition. It’s actually quite deranged.


Oct 9, 2013 11:13 AM

Retail traders are doomed anyway. The only way to guarantee consistently good investment returns is to give your money to a professional investor. Retail investors lack the necessary accreditation to outsmart the professionals at their own game. Managing risk and generating alpha requires the skill and experience of a dedicated professional, and I’m sorry to break it to doomer pyjama-traders, but you simply do not and will never fall into this category.



Oct 9, 2013 12:57 PM

This is a historical landmark for womyn's rights. For centuries, women have had to endure endless discrimination by the oppressive white male patriarchy which persists to this day. Finally a womyn has the opportunity to assume this truly honorable position of leadership that until today has been reserved exclusively for men. I am confident that Janet Yellen will be an effective chairman and do all that she can to achieve maximum employment and price stability not just for the white patriarchy, but also for wymyn and minorities.


Oct 9, 2013 9:11 AM

Oil company bankruptcies are the early signs of the emerging green economy. With the rise of highly competitive green technologies and green energy programs, oil is fast becoming obsolete. Peak oilers who have invested money in oil companies are in for a rude awakening as the green revolution starts to eat the outdated fossil fuel industry alive. 


Oct 9, 2013 9:35 AM

Another amateur ZH post. Risk is proportional to yield, and treasuries have much lower yields than italian and spanish bonds. It's sad that doomer day traders read these articles and believe they are learning real economics. For those of you who want the truth, I suggest you read some Krugman, Stiglitz or Mankiw.


Sep 1, 2011 10:13 AM

The last 50 years have been dominated by monetary hawks and fiscal cowards. Dr Krugman has been screaming from the roof tops for the last two years that we need at least another 2 trillion is fiscal stimulus, but his calls have largely fallen on deaf ears. I'm sad to say that even Dr Bernanke, for whom I have great respect, has been a major barrier to fiscal stimulus by refusing to make any concrete policy decisions regarding further monetary easing. These dovish economists and federal reserve officials are modern-day founding fathers, and will be regarded as heroes by generations to come when they are finally understood.

Sep 1, 2011 8:09 AM

Exactly, reverse repos are a perfectly valid form of monetary stimulus. The ignorant public has been convinced by right-wing propaganda that quantitative easing is a failed policy, so our officials at the Federal Reserve are left with little option but to persue more secretive forms of accomodation. The public are like children in their understanding of macro-economics, especially compared to the likes of Dr Paul Krugman and other economic titans. It is for their own good that further easing is pursued, and they'll thank the experts for it later.

Sep 1, 2011 9:52 AM

As it happens, I've just finished reading Dr Paul Krugman's latest book "Conscience of a Liberal" and I have to say it's a masterpiece. Dr Krugman elegantly and movingly describes the vast rise in wealth disparity over the last 50 years, with an analysis of the underlying economic factors. He makes the very convincing case (with stacks of evidence) that this is primarily due to a lack of fiscal and monetary stimulus. The nobel prize winner is a true inspiration and I would highly recommend this book to any open-minded intellectual or aspiring economic scholar.

Sep 10, 2012 3:59 PM

5-point plan for getting the economy back on track: 

  1. Fund green technologies to create jobs and build the sustainable energy economy
  2. Introduce capital controls to prevent Americans from taking money out of the country without paying their fair share to the government
  3. Employ all unemployed Americans in useful government funded positions doing productive work for the community
  4. Introduce an incentives scheme for routing out potential domestic terrorists such as Ron Paul supporters, “sovereign citizens” or “Oath Keepers”
  5. Ban gold and silver to prevent Americans from hoarding precious metals instead of investing in the economy

Sep 10, 2012 8:54 AM

This is bad news for peak oilers. Shipping capacity is well in excess of demand for oil. The oil price looks like it's about to drop off a cliff, especially with the very real competition provided by green technologies like wind farms and biofuels.

Sep 10, 2012 9:33 AM

It's a proxy for industrial demand, and for shipping capacity in general. Nobody needs oil anymore. The green revolution is picking up speed and will soon make oil obsolete, so peak oilers need to give up their dreams of becoming masters of the universe. 

Sep 11, 2012 11:02 AM

Nothing makes me angrier than knowing that there are spineless Americans out there keeping all their property for themselves. Allowing the government to redistribute your property is a form of sharing, and there is no greater virtue than sharing your property with others. 

Sep 11, 2012 9:29 AM

The banks have plenty of collateral, such as mortgage backed securities, US tresuries and high yielding European debt. Plus, if any of these are considered "low quality", banks can simply sell these assets to our Federal Reserve and pledge cash instead. The global financial system is not about to "collapse" like doomer libertarians keep saying. Stocks are making new highs, treasury yields are at all time lows and bussiness is booming for smart traders and investment bankers at bulge bracket investment banks.

Sep 12, 2011 10:09 AM

The smart money is going into US treasury bonds. Smart, savy investors recognise that US treasuries derive safe-haven status from the courage and innovative ability of our congress and the intellectual capacity of our economic advisors. Obama's jobs plan includes a substantial amount of fiscal stimulus, which will power our consumer economy for the near-future, whereas Europe's lack of integration has caused disputes over large fiscal programs of a simmilar nature. The supercongress initiative is yet another example of our congress' ability to come up with innovative solutions to our economic problems. This has been priced in accordingly.

Sep 12, 2011 11:04 AM

This is President Obama's chance to shine and show the American people that he is able to make strong decisions in the face of ignorant and baseless slander by the redneck doomer libertarians. At least this time the Ron Paul looneys won't be able to complain about election fraud given that we now have advanced electronic voting machines. However you can bet that won't stop them creating all manner of conspiracy nonsense to explain why the public rejects their crazy fringe views.

Sep 12, 2011 9:54 AM

The short sale ban didn't work out because there are many weak-minded and cowardly investors already holding stocks who are now deciding to sell. This is why I have repeatedly emphasized that stocks should only be priced by PROFESSIONALS. Regular investors are simply incapable of recognising the value of equities, and are punishing those of us with the maturity and courage buy and hold for the long term. If this isn't PROOF that free market pricing is disastrous I don't know what is.

Sep 12, 2012 10:24 AM

Nerdy libertarians, Ron Paul looneys and sovereign citizens should be conscripted into forced military service as punishment for their inexcusible cowardice. There is no greater disservice to America than whining about 'non-intervention' when our freedoms are under constant attack from terrorists. These freaks need to be taught a lesson about national pride. America is literally drowning in terrorism and these cowards are still whining about 'body scanners' and 'homeland security' ... During our next military intervention in Libya, there will be boots on the ground, and they will be exclusively the boots of libertarian sell-outs and anti-war splinter groups.

Sep 12, 2012 11:00 AM

I find it reassuring and heart-warming that both US Presidential Candidates have condemned these appalling attacks and both candidates agree that military intervention may be required in the case of further uprisings. It's comforting to know that despite their differences, Presidential Candidates still share basic values of morality and decency.


Sep 12, 2012 7:24 AM

The time for negotiation with Egypt is over. It is time for our military to teach these terrorists something about democracy. Egypt needs to learn that you DO NOT mess with the United States of America. After we're done with these monkeys, Syria is next, then Iran, and once Mitt Romney has elimnated our dependence on foreign oil, Saudi Arabia better watch their backs too. Israel is also sick of having to 'negotiate' with these Egyption terrorists over the Suez Canal, so a military intervention is long overdue anyway. 

Sep 12, 2012 8:36 AM

This is the beginning of the socialist revolution in Africa. Robert Mugabe had the right approach. He didn't take this nonsense from the capitalist class, and took swift action against the exploitive business owners. Now that Zimbabwe has been fully nationalized and property has been redistributed, they are on the path to equality. I hope the Republic of South Africa is able to replicate Mugabe's success at creating an equal society. The progressive revolution is spreading throughout Africa, and there's nothing nerdy libertarians can do to stop it. 

Sep 12, 2016 10:18 AM

Thank Soros for remaining one of the few voices of reason in a sea of nonsense. Europe’s low birth rates are threatening economic disaster in the not too distant future, unless the EU can accept a significant number of migrants with higher birth rates. According to Peter Sutherland, refugees are already being thoroughly vetted, so the terror threat is minimal, despite what Donald Trump and other right wing demagogues will tell you. I also agree that the West needs to do more to help Africa and other third world countries, so that economic problems within these countries remain contained and manageable, and do not spread to the first world.


Sep 12, 2016 11:55 AM

The Fed has an obligation to promote economic growth, which inevitably influences stock prices. I don’t see how this indicates an affinity for any particular political party. The stock market indicates that Yellen and Bernanke have done a fantastic job. If the market is outperforming expectations based on the ‘fundamentals’, then all the more credit to the Fed for defeating the odds and outclassing the markets.


Sep 12, 2016 12:02 PM

This is why Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert cartoons, says that our government needs to invest in a state of the art housing program that utilizes the latest advancements in construction technology and sustainable development. The government would allocate a large budget to the project, and hire the best architects and engineers the country has to offer, giving them the resources they require to produce the most efficient housing project the world has ever seen. Of course, we would need to hold them to strict time and budget constraints, but with an elite team of government regulators in charge, this should be easily achievable.


Sep 12, 2016 12:29 PM

This is not a conspiracy. Google’s algorithm ranks news sources for legitimacy, which means that less credible website like Zerohedge, Drudge Report and Infowars are less likely to influence the autocomplete results. Similarly, credible sources like CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times are more likely to influence the results, as these news sources have a proven track record of delivering high quality, honest news. There is a lot of noise and misinformation on the internet, and part of Google’s job is to sort through this information and return the most truthful search results.


Sep 12, 2016 12:31 PM

It’s sad that in this day and age, a serious presidential candidate has to respond to immature conspiracy theories on the internet. Hopefully this release will put these ludicrous conspiracy theories to bed once and for all.  


Sep 12, 2016 9:53 AM

So far, no credible medical experts have been able confirm any of the conspiracy theories about Hillary’s health. We all get ill from time to time, and Hillary is not superhuman. She is susceptible to day to day heath issues such as her current bout of pneumonia, just like Trump and every other political candidate. But trust the alternative media and ‘alt right’ to spin this to look as if Hillary is terminally ill. The lies and deceptions of the alternative media are simply shocking – I have to make sure I regularly touch base with credible news sources like CNN, MSNBC or the NYT, just to maintain my sanity!


Sep 13, 2011 10:21 AM

More like gold puts given the giant double top and downside break from the penant.

Sep 13, 2011 11:25 AM

This just demonstrates the tragedy of free market wages. Raising the minimum wage for these poor workers would have resulted in much better equality in the workplace and far higher standards of living for American workers. This has been documented and proven beyond any doubt by harvard economist Alan Krueger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_B._Krueger). But of course that's far too reasonable for heartless libertarians who only care about themselves.

Sep 13, 2011 11:39 AM

Since joining this blog I have to say that I have been quite appauled at the reasoning ability of many of the commenters. Admittedly I have put forward many contrarian views, but I expect to receive arguments to the contrary rather than childish slander. Logic 101 - an argument consists of a series of propositions followed by reason and evidence in support of those propositions. For example, Free market prices are a disaster (proposition) because equity prices are falling (evidence) due to the lack of foresight and maturity of the ignorant investing public (logic). You may repond to me with ad-hominems or propaganda, but I will live up to my own standards of virtue and solid principles.

Sep 13, 2011 11:58 AM

Most of the wages in the chart above are wages set by private companies. Public sector wages and benefits on the other hand are soaring. This demonstrates that smart central planners are able to produce higher paying jobs because they are learned enough to allocate capital efficiently.

Sep 13, 2011 9:31 AM

$300 million may be a lot of money to average day traders, but trust me its nothing to the pros. The reason some people are such successful traders is that they aren't afraid to think big.

Sep 13, 2011 9:58 AM

They can use the proceeds to buy more treasuries in order to bid interest rates lower still. This kind of innovation always puts a smile on my face. It reminds us why only educated experts are fit to run the US economy. While average investors panic during these hard times, our cool-headed federal reserve officials are quietly and modestly solving our economic problems. These heroic financial planners rarely get the praise they deserve from spoiled brat libertarians, but I'm not afraid to congratulate them for the exceptional sacrifices they have made for this country. You may not thank them now but our children will thank them in the years to come.

Sep 13, 2016 1:24 PM

Gary Johnson doesn’t take such a hard line stance on undocumented immigrants. He was rightfully outraged at an insensitive interviewer for using the offensive term ‘illegal’ to describe undocumented Mexican immigrants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZWOyI_y_PI


Sep 13, 2016 10:17 AM

She’s one of the most powerful people in politics for goodness’ sake – I’m sure she has access to personal medical facilities. Besides, Hillary is a tough woman. I suspect she refused to visit ER because she doesn’t dramatize her temporary loss of consciousness the way the alternative media does. Conspiracy theorists are claiming that her bout of pneumonia renders her unfit for the presidency. I would argue that if she’s tough enough to overcome this setback, she is more than capable of handling the presidency. This is exactly what we need in the white house – a strong, determined, resilient woman who is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in the face of adversity.


Sep 13, 2016 10:28 AM

Hillary is no longer the establishment candidate. She's now the underdog. Her’s is a story of bravery, grit and true determination. A true feminist hero standing up to a relentless patriarch, Trump. Will she overcome the odds and triumph over media slander, relentless conspiracy theories about her health and false accusations about the emails ‘scandal’? Will she defeat Trump’s classless mockery and the fearmongering of the ‘alt right’? One can only watch and grit their teeth at this story of David vs Goliath.


Sep 13, 2016 11:06 AM

Lagarde is a peoples’ Hero! I completely agree. We need a comprehensive global tax system that does not allow anyone to avoid paying their fair share to governments around the world. It’s unacceptable that many large corporations are evading billions in taxes, and using this money to invest in and grow their own companies. This money should be in the coffers of governments where it can be most efficiently utilised for the good of society. It’s an absolute outrage!


Sep 13, 2016 11:42 AM

The hysteria surrounding this minor incident is becoming a little ridiculous. We get it, she fainted. She has pneumonia, and is making a speedy recovery. Has Trump never been ill? Is Hillary the first presidential candidate to fall ill? The alternative media needs to do better than this if they want to challenge the professional reporting of CNN and the New York Times. Every time another conspiracy theory emerges about Hillary’s health, the alternative media discredits itself further. I’m surprised anyone still listens to them to be honest.


Sep 13, 2016 12:21 PM

Trump’s physician has faced scrutiny from many medical professionals over the letter he wrote about Trump’s health, for its strange wording and unconventional conclusions. Is Trump covering up some serious health issues of his own? Nobody knows for sure, but what seems clear is that there are details about his physical and mental state that will probably never see the light of day.


Sep 13, 2016 9:43 AM

There may be some issues with pharmaceutical drugs, but what’s far more dangerous and rightfully receives more media coverage, are the dangers of vitamin and mineral supplements. Many of these supplements do not even contain the stated ingredients, and the consumer is faced with the mammoth task of identifying a trustworthy vendor. Many people are wasting huge portions of their hard earned savings every month on totally useless supplements that act no better than a placebo! The supplement industry needs to be heavily regulated in order make sure that people are not getting ripped off. In addition, supplement companies should be forced to carry out the same stringent efficacy trials as pharmaceutical companies!


Sep 14, 2011 12:24 PM

US treasuries are a SAFE-HAVEN, and you better get used to it. America is in a win-win situation - either the world economy improves and our tax revenues increase, which makes our debt more attractive, or the world economy detteriorates and investors pile into our debt becasue of its hard-earned safe-haven status. And don't forget that China is TOTALLY dependent on our consumption of their exports, so they really have no choice but to keep buying US treasuries. If China stopped buying US treasuries, we can simply threaten to no longer consume their exports.

Sep 14, 2011 12:38 PM

There is nowhere else to go. You better get your Treasuries while you can cos soon that yield is gonna be sub 0.1%. This will be the biggest wealth transfer in history, and its sad that you don't want to be part of it.

Sep 14, 2011 5:48 PM

This just demonstrates what I've been saying for ages. Namely that the general population is simply not educated enough to be setting prices. For goodness' sake this country has some of the most renouned economic titans in the world - Dr Paul Krugman, Alan Blinder, Alan Krueger and Joseph Stigletz. Our economy could be engineered to absolute perfection if people would just give them more control over setting prices. No wonder equity prices are falling when they are being set by people sampled from the above chart.

Sep 14, 2011 6:07 PM

Well of course. Politicians need to raise taxes on order to allocate capital according to their economic advisors' mathematical models. Just as immature children need to be disciplined by their parents, the the child-like public needs to be kept in line by its government. If children are left to their own devices they will eat nothing but sweets. If the public are set free, they will unleash an apocalyptic mayem and they will self-destruct. Wise economists like Professor Bernanke are holding this country together by a thread.

Sep 14, 2012 10:38 AM

WARNING … Bill Gross has endured serious losses over the last 5 years, and is not a credible investor.

SHOCKER: over the last 5 years, Bill Gross has lost millions of dollars shorting treasuries, along with Peter Schiff and Jim Rogers. This demonstrates a serious deficiency in market knowledge and ability to manage risk. Inexperienced investors are advised to view this advice with caution and skepticism 

Sep 14, 2012 10:49 AM

Risk of terrorism is greater than ever. As a precautionary measure, I advise the US government to confiscate all firearms to reduce the risk of a domestic terror attack. In addition, all Americans should be on the lookout for suspicious behaviour, so that suspects can be integrated immediately by the Department of Homeland Security. It is up to all Patriotic Americans to keep our country safe. Just like President Barack H. Obama said, we can't simply rely on our military for safety anymore; we need a Citizen's Defense force that is just as strong.

Sep 14, 2012 9:43 AM

AMERICA IS NOW OFFICIALLY ON RED ALERT. Americans need to be on high alert for terrorists at home, and report ANY suspicious behaviour IMMEDIATELY. Forces will be deployed across the middle east with operations starting in Egypt, followed by Libya, Yemen and Finally Sudan. This is the beginning of WORLD WAR THREE. Terrorists will NEVER take our freedom.

Sep 14, 2015 10:03 AM

I've always had an underscore.

Sep 14, 2015 9:07 AM

I just hope our government has made the necessary preparations that I carefully outlined in my article exactly two years ago regarding a state of emergency:


It is essential that in time like these, our government has the tools, resources and protocols in place to swiftly declare martial law and escort us to safety. It is also vital that the use of dangerous firearms is restricted during such times to limit criminal activity such as looting and mugging.

Sep 14, 2016 10:28 AM

It's sad that this election has disintegrated into a contest to see who has the best medical records. This is not what Americans are interested in hearing. Workers want to know who has their back when it comes to raising the minimum wage. Undocumented workers want to know whether they have a path to citizenship. Women and minorities want to know that they are going to be taken care of and given equal access and opportunity. Let's start talking about what people actually care about!



Sep 14, 2016 10:44 AM

I prefer Hillary, but Gary Johnson is a better choice for libertarians than Trump. He's far more principled, and he's not a racist, corrupt bigot.

Sep 14, 2016 11:07 AM

I find this gesture very offensive. Simply because there has been an increase in Muslim population, the government assumes that there will be an increase in terror attacks? This is unbelievably insulting towards Muslim Germans, who deserve to be treated the same way as any other German. This insinuation that Muslims are terrorists just has to end. It's leading to Islamaphobia all over the world, and I'm sick of it!  


Sep 14, 2016 12:05 PM

Saudi Arabia is one of our greatest allies in the war on terror. If this law damages that relationship, this could set back our foreign policy objectives by years, and cause a destabilization of the Middle East. And have we consulted Israel in this matter? I don't think Israel would be too happy that the US is breaking ties with a key joint ally without their input.


Sep 14, 2016 12:07 PM

Whatever you think about Saudi Arabia and their alleged involvement in 9/11, you have to admit that this is just rotten diplomacy.


Sep 14, 2016 12:41 PM

Socialism can work. Just look at Scandanavia!


Sep 14, 2016 12:42 PM

This is not real socialism! Socialists and Bernie supporters want to emulate the Scandinavian model, that works well! It's so unfair to take this one badly run country and use it to discredit a perfectly workable system of government!



Sep 14, 2016 12:48 PM

Still nothing substantial. She couldn't climb the stairs? Is this the best you've got? She may have been tired that day, or maybe she could climb the stairs and the witness was mistaken. We're still waiting for the alternative media to provide cold, hard, evidence of Hillary's supposedly 'serious' health condition.


Sep 14, 2016 12:57 PM

Just so you know, credible media outlets are not buying these conspiracy theories about Hillary's health. Here are the headlines from some of America's top news sources:

CNN: US statesman Colin Powell lashes Trump in leaked email 

NYT: Colin Powell, in Hacked Email, Calls Trump a ‘Disgrace

MSNBC: Powell in email: Trump’s ‘a national disgrace

If these conspiracy theories have any validity, then why don't major news companies give them any credence? Oh, let me guess, all of these companies are colluding in an even bigger conspiracy?

Sep 14, 2016 9:46 AM

This method is flawed as it doesn't take into account the number of people who are out of the workforce, such as retirees, students, hobbyists, and people who choose to live on welfare (which is a perfectly respectable lifestyle choice). This method is always going to yield a larger unemployment figure than conventional methods, which I suppose makes it perfect for doomer ZHers.



Sep 15, 2011 10:03 AM

This coordinated action by central banks is becoming unnecessarily complicated. Why not just amalgamate these central banks to create a WORLD central bank with a global currency. This will achieve multiple goals including the following:

1. Facilitate larger liquidity operations on a global scale

2. Eliminate these destructive currency wars by doing away with national currencies

3. Create a sense of unity among the world's populations by eliminating national identities and racism

4. Give third world countries access to the economic guidance of world class academics from Ivy league colleges

Sep 15, 2015 1:00 PM

I'm sorry to break it to ZHers, but Trump is simply NOT a credible candidate. He has absolutely ZERO experience in politics. His stance on immigration is categorically racist and no decent person in their right mind would endorse his views on the border. He's also incredibly irresponsible with money and many of his 'businesses' have gone completely bankrupt. His candidacy is a JOKE. As far as I'm concerned, the only logical choice is Bernie Sanders.

Sep 15, 2016 10:02 AM

Bad news for republicans! "NY AG Opens Inquiry into Trump Foundation" - MSNBC news.

Sep 15, 2016 10:44 AM

Are we really supposed to believe that Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and all of the established media companies are somehow collaborating to censor right-wingers? I'm trying to take this conspiracy theory seriously, but no matter how you look at it, it's just ludicrous! How would all of these companies coordinate with each other? Why would they expend so much time and effort to suppress an insignificant group of deplorables with extremist opinions? None of it adds up. The simplest explanation of why no credible media outlet takes you seriously, is that you're crazy!


Sep 15, 2016 10:50 AM

Can we just move on from this health nonsense, and start talking about the things that matter? First republicans criticized Hillary for Benghazi, which turned out to be a non-issue, then they criticized her for the 'emails', which turned out to be a lie after the FBI Director and Attorney General exonerated her, and now they're resorting to questioning her health! Unbelievable! How low will republicans stoop in order undermine Hillary's credibility?


Sep 15, 2016 11:35 AM

This plan is very concerning. Democrats have been asking Trump how he plan to pay for these tax cuts, and he is yet to provide a satisfactory answer. It's completely irresponsible of republicans to promise tax cuts without a plan for how to pay for them! Democrats would never make such a reckless proposal!


Sep 15, 2016 11:36 AM

This plan has economists and Democrats very worried for the future of this country and the national debt. Where is the money going to come from?


Sep 15, 2016 12:47 PM

Don't expect racist German CEOs to simply hire migrants. They're going have to be forced to create roles for these downtrodden people. But according to George Soros and other economic experts, migrants will add billions of Euros to the economy over the next few years, so it's worth it.



Sep 15, 2016 8:56 AM

It's only right that we should pay for Mexico's wall. These immigrants entering Mexico in order to come to the United States. We benefit from the labor and economic growth these immigrants provide, but Mexico has to deal with the chaos they produce during the migration. This is why, as Soros has said repeatedly, the west needs a sensible migration policy that offers undocumented workers a safe and easy path to citizenship. We then need to develop safe migration channels that allow people to come here and work without fear of death or injury. This is the only way to end the chaos!


Sep 15, 2016 9:03 AM

OMG, they really showed Trump! Black people will always vote democrat, because the democrats are the party that has their back. Republicans have always been the party of racism, and have consistently fought to cut welfare and affirmative action for disadvantaged African Americans. If Trump thinks he's going to change that now, he's got another thing coming! African Americans overwhelmingly support Hillary for president.


Sep 15, 2016 9:38 AM

What?? I think you need to check your history. Republicans have always been the racist party.

Sep 15, 2016 9:48 AM

Trump needs to stay away from African Americans and unions! That's our voting base! Who does he think is?? Republicans are racist and hate the poor!

Sep 15, 2016 9:57 AM

Wake me up when a credible news site takes one of these conspiracy theories seriously. Before I give any credence to a news story in the alternative media, I first run through CNN, the NYT and MSNBC. If that story isn't taken seriously by at least one of those sites, I ignore it. Right now, the headlines of these websites are all negative stories about Trump and Duterte, which sounds about right. I'm still yet to see a single respected media give any weight to these conspiracy theories.


Sep 15, 2016 9:58 AM

Wake me up when a credible news site takes one of these conspiracy theories seriously. Before I give any credence to a news story in the alternative media, I first run through CNN, the NYT and MSNBC. If that story isn't taken seriously by at least one of those sites, I ignore it. Right now, the headlines of these websites are all negative stories about Trump and Duterte, which sounds about right. I'm still yet to see a single respected media give any weight to these conspiracy theories.


Sep 16, 2011 11:58 AM


Sep 16, 2011 12:39 PM

I know this is not going to go down well, but someone has to point out the elephant in the room. Why doesn't our Federal Reserve bail out Greece? Surely it is in our national interest that Europe doesn't collapse. Many of our banks have large exposures to European debt and a Greek default could trigger a series of European credit events which could prove disastrous for our their balance sheets. I'm sorry to say it, but the truth is that these banks are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL, and no amount of whining by naive, zit-faced libertarian college students will change that fact. These are serious times, and its time for us to step up to the plate, be mature and do the right thing.

Sep 16, 2011 2:14 PM

If the gold bugs had just bought US treasuries as a safe-haven asset like NORMAL investors, they would have more consistent profits and an INCOME. Instead they constantly get wipsawed in the volatile precious metals markets and then blame JPM as a cover for their amateur trading. JP Morgan traders got to the top because they are smart, and they simply know how to fleece the novices by leveraging their hard-earned cash.

Sep 16, 2011 2:22 PM

There are always exceptions. I take my hat off to you. Maybe one day you'll join the pros at Goldman and JP.

Sep 16, 2015 10:44 AM

I strongly disagree that the market cannot handle a rate hike. I firmly believe that our Federal Reserve will hike rates either tomorrow or at some point before December. We are at least 6 years into a strong economic recovery, and I believe that over this period, our economy has picked up enough momentum to sustain itself during a series of rate hikes. What you really don't want is for the economy to get overheated like it did in 2008. Our monetary officials are doing the right thing by slowing this recovery down before it gets away with itself and turns into a bubble.

Sep 16, 2015 11:03 AM

I'm absolutely horrified at the racism in Europe. How could anyone reject these poor migrants when they have so little and Europe has so much. It's an absolute disgrace!

Sep 16, 2015 11:16 AM

It's not a 'Schtick', as you put it. I'm dead serious - this is an absolute disgrace. Privileged white countries have benefitted from hundreds of years of colonialism, and now need to do their part to help those who are less fortunate, and ended up on the wrong side of history. It's absolutely shameful that these nationalistic racists complete reject their responsibility to the third world and only look out for their own interests. Islamaphobia and racism are BIG problems, and we need to end them NOW

Sep 16, 2015 11:34 AM

No, just common sense. It's prudent to be raising rates now, because as the recovery picks up speed, it becomes progressively more difficult to control. Bubbles are exponential, so if you let them get even slightly out of hand, it could be too late. This is why it is very prudent and wise for our Federal Reserve to raise rates now and ensure a sustainable, linear recovery.

Sep 16, 2015 9:07 AM

I don't know about you guys, but to me it looks like gold and silver are about to fall off a cliff. Both are now in a long term downtrend, and show no signs of breaking to the upside. The economy is showing consistent strength and I believe our recovery will be robust to an interest rate hike. I think it's safe to say our Federal Reserve will be hiking rates tomorrow, and if not then definitely by December. All this spells bad news for gold and silver, and I expect the metals to continue to fall as the economy recovers and our dollar strengthens. 

Sep 16, 2015 9:07 AM

I don't know about you guys, but to me it looks like gold and silver are about to fall off a cliff. Both are now in a long term downtrend, and show no signs of breaking to the upside. The economy is showing consistent strength and I believe our recovery will be robust to an interest rate hike. I think it's safe to say our Federal Reserve will be hiking rates tomorrow, and if not then definitely by December. All this spells bad news for gold and silver, and I expect the metals to continue to fall as the economy recovers and our dollar strengthens. 

Sep 16, 2015 9:15 AM

Silver is 70% off its high and gold is 40% off its high - that's a serious downtrend, and it can't be denied. In addition, mining costs for silver are now around $9, and I expect the price to overshoot this value substantially, so there's plenty of room for it to fall a lot further. Also, silver's industrial uses are quickly evaporating as graphene begins to take its place. Gold is also no longer a monetary metal and is rapidly losing favor with investors as a safe-haven asset. Overall the picture for both metals is very ugly.

Sep 16, 2016 10:13 AM

The controversy surrounding Trump never ends. This story will likely eclipse the discredited conspiracy theories about Hillary's health. Credible news sites like MSNBC and the New York Times are already running headlines about Trump's birtherism. How can people vote for a candidate that is involved in a new controversy on an almost weekly basis?



Sep 16, 2016 10:15 AM

Top story on CNN - 'Michelle Obama makes case for Clinton after a difficult week'. Well worth a read.

Sep 16, 2016 11:58 AM

The west is made up of immigrants from all over the world! Western culture DOES NOT EXIST - it's a myth perpetuated by horrible, right-wing extremists who simply want to exclude people of color from the benefits of modern civilization! Today's article at the Accredited Times covers the latest research into diversity and how it contributes to economic growth and creativity within a society. Read it and LEARN:


Sep 16, 2016 12:06 PM

So let me get this straight ... conservatives believe that every reputable media outlet, the FBI, the supreme court, the Attorney General, the President and numerous CEOs of top corporations are all conspiring together to promote Hillary and stop Trump? That has to be the mother of all conspiracy theories! How is it possible for so many disparate groups of people to be colluding in secret? An alternative, more rational explanation is that all of these people are smart enough to see that Hillary is the only viable choice for the Presidency. But understanding this would require common sense, which unfortunately seems to be in short supply on this site.


Sep 16, 2016 8:30 AM

This is probably because people are subscribing to the new Apple subscription which gives you yearly phone upgrades. Apple is not just a company - it's a lifestyle. They key to Apple's success has been to promote a hip techno culture that includes all races and cultures. Apple fans automatically understand each other, even if they are from vastly different countries and speak different languages. As a truly global brand, Apple brings people together who believe in a common vision of a liberal, technology based society.



Sep 16, 2016 9:14 AM

This is terrible for US-Mexico relations! If the US continues on this path we might not be included in future global trade deals. Canada and Mexico may even go ahead and start a North American Union without us!


Sep 17, 2011 6:58 PM

Its not just European banks that are undercapitalised. Bank of America has been grossly mistreated by the courts here in the US, which is seriously undermining their balance sheet. These mortgage fraud conspiracy theories should never have seen the light of day, let alone have found themselves to be the subject of class action law suits. America got where it is today because of banks making consumer loans which power our consumer economy, and I just hope we can do a better job of showing our appreciation for the work they do than our neighbours in Europe.

Sep 17, 2012 11:04 AM


The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States has two mandates:

1. Maximum Employment - By providing credit to selected Primary Dealer banks, the Federal Reserve is able to ensure that capital is allocated according to the preferences of some of the smartest and most qualified financial professionals. Naturally this produces an optimal estimate of supply and demand and helps to allocate capital for optimal prosperity. 

2. Price Stability - By adjusting interest rates and monetizing assets, the Federal Reserve is able to prevent the wild price swings and booms and busts created by the free market. In addition, the prices of assets owned by hard working Americans and financial professionals are maintained at reasonable values in the face of prevailing irrational market forces. 

With smart financial planners at the Federal Reserve, every American is a winner.


Sep 17, 2012 11:18 AM

With yields near zero in the United States, shrewd value investors are increasingly looking to European peripheral debt for high returns. Spanish and Italian debt just looks irresistible at these yields, and Savvy value investors have managed to lock in a 7% risk free return for 10 years. In a world where the US ten year treasury yield is sub 2%, that's pretty damn smart if you ask me.

Sep 17, 2012 3:01 PM

I feel sorry for peak oilers. This is the beginning of the end of the oil bubble. We had the initial high, and now we are witnessing the formation of double top. This is very bad news for doomer peak oilers who were fooled into investing money in oil stocks and crude futures. 

Sep 17, 2012 3:42 PM

The most successful generation of all time just has to be the Baby Boomers.

Throughout their lives, BBs have enjoyed the highest incomes relative to cost of living, realized the best stock market returns and received the best quality education at the lowest prices. And what’s more they left the young with something to show for it by growing the compassionate welfare state, starting with the Great Society Programs. The great society programs and minimum wage were intended to reduce poverty, and decrease the gap between rich and poor, so that everyone is a winner! Year after year, the baby boomers voted for increased government programs and regulations, which today have made America one of the most forward thinking and progressive countries in the world, with fantastic upward mobility for the poor, after 40 years of exponential growth in government programs.

Not only did baby boomer receive the highest incomes of any generation; many of them have also secured some sweet government pension schemes in excess of 70k a year! Baby Boomers are just killing it! The smartest generation that ever lived. 

Sep 18, 2012 11:22 AM

It's ironic that on the one hand, libertarians are opposed to communism and totalitarian states, and on the other hand they support the empowerment of corporate overlords with the ability to exercies unlimited, unregulated, uncontrolled property rights. As many of the commenters here have repeatedly pointed out, capitalists buying and selling goods and services is just as much a violation of ethical principles as taxation, imprisonment and war.

Sep 18, 2012 2:13 PM

In June of 1998, Professor Robin Hanson of George Mason University suggested that an economic singularity may be just around the corner. An economic singularity is a period of exponential growth, where the economic landscape changes dramatically and prosperity multiplies by many factors in a very short period of time. I believe that the US Treasury market is a precursor to an economic singularity.

Let me explain:

In 1980, the peak yield on the 30 treasury note was 15.20%. Since then, there has been a steady flow of money into US treasuries due to a growing confidence in the responsibility and trustworthiness of our congress and central banking officials, and today that yield is a phenomenal 2.80%! If this trend continues at an exponential rate (and there’s no reason to believe that it won’t), the yield on the 30 year note will soon be sub 0.01%. It may be hard to believe, but this IS possible, and its implications are far-reaching. With treasury yields at sub 0.01%, our government will be able to borrow at next to nothing, allowing our congress to finance lavish lifestyles for all Americans, with extended benefits and unlimited paid leave for government workers. This is a real possibility in America, and I think this calls for more optimism and positive thinking, and less doomer fear mongering.

Sep 18, 2015 10:04 AM

I'm disappointed that our Federal Reserve didn't raise rates, as I think there's a serious risk of our economic recovery getting out of hand and turning into a bubble. In the meantime, economic growth will continue regardless of whether we introduce further easing, so as always the smart thing to do is to continue to buy and hold the core US Stock Indices, be right and sit tight. The dollar is maintaining its strength despite the FOMC decision, because our economic growth is so strong, and because the dollar is hands down the safest currency to be holding while other countries experience economic turmoil.

Sep 19, 2011 3:57 PM

As usual, Andy Lees completely fails to understand the key principles of Keynesian economics. Firstly, it is fallacious to criticise the policies Keynesian economists when they themselves admit that the government's fiscal stimulus programs have been insufficient at best and cowardly at worst. Following each fiscal stimulus package there has inevitably been a boost in GDP. The fall only comes when the stimulus is withdrawn. From this pattern we can infer that the economy performs better under a centrally planned environment than a chaotic anarchic environment. And of course this is what you would expert, given that in a centrally planned economy a higher proportion of the capital is allocated by educated connoisseurs of elite intelligence, rather than people who would rather be watching reality TV or monster truck racing.

Sep 19, 2011 9:27 AM

On the contrary, I believe the old man in Hemmingway's book more strikingly resembles Dr Paul Krugman. Since the 2007 housing market crash, Dr Krugman has been tirelessly calling for bold fiscal and monetary stimulus programs. Initially, his suggestions were willingly implemented in the form of cash for clunkers and and other programs. This was Krugman's marlin - the controversial advice he had given was wiloingly accepted by congress and happily accomodated by Federal Reserve officials. Over the next four years however, Krugman's marlin was torn to pieces as congress failed to continue the necessary fiscal stimulus programs. As a result the economy began to once again deterriorate and Krugman's reputation was scarred by Libertarian propagandists.

Sep 19, 2012 1:58 PM

Every four years, we are enchanted with the Olympic spirit and each of us makes a personal commitment to eat healthy and get fit. But this Olympic year is different. The honourable first lady, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, has made a monumental effort to spread the ideas of health and fitness, not just to America, but to people all across the world. The government is not going to put up with laziness, incompetence and physical neglect any longer. This is the beginning of the war on obesity - Eliminate obesity by 2014!

Sep 19, 2012 11:23 AM

The manifesto of the progressive revolution:

Part 1 - Rich People

I feel angry when libertarians start talking about the free market and 'personal responsibility'. I'm not interested at all in discussing how to create value in the real world and trade that value for goods and services that I want. I don't "want" goods and services - I need them, and deserve them. CEOs and big shots make hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which has a direct tangible negative effect on my life. I simply cannot live my life without taking just a little bit of that money for myself, and donating just a little bit of that money to causes that I deem to be worthwhile and desirable. My principle objective in life is to make sure that NOONE gets to make such obscene amounts of wealth. Rich people are no better than rapists and murders. It is absolutely immoral to make millions of dollars a year, and high income earners should be punished just like any other criminal. The government, on the other hand is 100% legitimate, and warrants no criticism whatsoever, other than when they help the rich. It is immoral for the rich to control the power of the state, but perfectly moral for voters, unions and environmental groups to control the power of the state.

Sep 19, 2012 2:13 PM

I believe in our first lady Michelle Obama, and I believe in her cause. If that's not good enough for you, then that's just too bad. If you can't feel the energy and spirit of healthy eating revolution, then I feel sorry for you. 

Sep 19, 2016 10:30 AM

We need to be 'vigilant'??? Vigilant of what? Muslim Americans? Come on, spit it out - just admit you're a racist!!



Sep 19, 2016 11:41 AM

We still don't know if this attack was motivated by Islam. This man was mentally unstable, and our government failed to prevent him from acquiring a dangerous firearm - that is the real issue here. the worrying thing is, there are literally millions of right wing extremists in America with firearms, who openly question the legitimacy of our government. Is that not cause for concern? The whole Islam thing is a distraction. I think the next terror attack is more than likely to come from a right wing extremist, and we should look at restricting these peoples' ability to own dangerous firearms - especially semi-automatics.


Sep 19, 2016 11:46 AM

We should give Hillary credit for warning about this many months ago. She warned that Trump's rhetoric was making him ISIS's best recruiter, and that his proposed Muslim ban was provoking hatred of the United States. Now look where we are. You see? Islamaphobia always backfires.


Sep 19, 2016 8:17 AM

Can you believe that Donald Trump immediately seized upon these incidents and implied that it was somehow connected to 'Islamic Terrorism' before the evidence had been examined! This is absolutely disgraceful! How can we elect a president who is more concerned with capitalizing on these tragic incidents than getting to the bottom of them?


Sep 19, 2016 8:25 AM

There is an underlying aggression in our young men that we need to address as a matter of urgency. These tragic shootings and knifings are exclusively carried out by young and middle aged MEN. Why are young men consistently engaging in these acts of violence and aggression? Is it because of violent video games and toy guns and soldiers marketed to boys? We need to investigate this issue immediately.



Sep 19, 2016 9:37 AM

I've very, very worried about the backlash against Muslim Americans after these incidents. Donald Trump and the 'alt right' will undoubtedly use these events to justify their Islamaphobia, and this will encourage extreme right wing groups to insult and harass Muslims. We have to resist the urge to blame all Muslims for this incident, and understand that it's a radical minority.



Sep 19, 2016 9:41 AM

'These people'??? What exactly does Trump mean by 'these people'?? Muslim Americans who have served in the military and fought for this country? Peaceful Muslim Americans who own businesses and employ other Americans? What a disgusting, horrible and vile statement! This is RACISM, pure and simple!


Sep 2, 2011 10:58 AM

The ball is in Obama's court now. An inspiring jobs speech could be just what gets this economy moving again.

Sep 2, 2011 11:39 AM

One of the reasons that we are in this predicament is that there is a serious lack funding for economic education in public schools. Because Americans are not exposed to enough authentic economic education at a young age, they are increasingly turning to the internet in an attempt to understand the global financial system. I am the first one to admit that Keynesian economists have failed to reach out to the younger community. The internet is alive with arrogant libertarians who believe that they have a better understanding of economics than their superiors, and while Keynesian economists are busy advising world leaders from top academic institutions, they forget that many people have not been exposed to the same level of elite education.

Sep 2, 2011 8:37 AM

Is this what it's going to take for these cowardly hawks to introduce more monetary and fiscal stimulus!? My portfolio is suffering! This isn't fair!

Sep 2, 2011 9:13 AM

I think it's about time the CME raised margins on the metals, especially silver. They need to hedge their exposure to these volatile moves.

Sep 2, 2016 1:03 PM

As I said before, services are what we do best. It's better to be really good at one thing than moderately good at two things. What's wrong with replacing a failing manufacturing sector with a booming service sector? Both are equally respectable economic sectors, and entirely interchangeable.


Sep 2, 2016 10:41 AM

The US is now the global leader in services. We lead the way in healthcare, entertainment, tourism, retail and education. Times have changed. Manufacturing is old fashioned and too dirty and gritty for most first world Millenials. Millenials prefer to work in customer facing jobs like sales and event planning, and edgy roles like app development and blogging. The overly-masculine engineering and manufacturing hegemony that dominated America for centuries is finally gone, and has been replaced with something we can be truly proud of. Let's face it, China is rising, and it's time for us to take a softer role in the global economy, and accept that we've simply been punching above our weight for far too long.


Sep 2, 2016 10:55 AM

Good! The oil industry is obsolete and needs to be replaced with green technologies. France and Germany have done it - why can't we? The hurricane we're currently witnessing is yet another reminder of how dire the consequences of climate change can be. If we fail to act, we will pay the price in lives rather than dollars.


Sep 2, 2016 11:03 AM

I'm not sure about all those numbers, but if this law means that farm workers get paid a fair wage for the hard work that they do, then I'm all for it. Only conservatives could be against a law that simply offers to pay our hardest working people a decent wage. It's incomprehensible how anyone could disagree with fair and just compensation? It's just like the conservatives who don't want poor people to get healthcare. I don't understand you people - what's wrong with you?



Sep 2, 2016 11:38 AM

Just look at that poor child! Are you people so cynical and heartless as to coldly ignore this child's pain, and desperately try to glean some sort of conspiracy theory from this story? Assad simply has to go. His reign of terror over the people of Syria has seen countless women and children gunned down in cold blood, and the unprecedented use of chemical weapons against his own citizens! Syrian refugees will always be welcome Europe and America - some people still have hearts! And believe me, Assad's regime will come to an end. No-one can save him; not even Putin.




Sep 2, 2016 11:47 AM

Hillary's actions in Libya and Syria were humanitarian interventions, and 'ISIS' is just code for 'I'm an Islamaphobe'.

Sep 2, 2016 11:55 AM

Most of you know my views on gold hoarding, but even if you did want to speculate on the gold price, gold futures and derivatives are far better tools for doing this than owning the actual metal. Trading gold derivatives allows you to use leverage, and you don't have to worry about storage or delivery. It's cheaper, more secure, simpler and far more lucrative. That's why the vast majority of traders and investors are happy to take cash settlement, and have absolutely no desire to own the physical metal.


Sep 2, 2016 11:59 AM

Gold hoarding should be illegal anyway. Everyone would benefit from outlawing it apart from a couple of extremists and doomer preppers.

Sep 2, 2016 12:21 PM

I hate Duterte. He's mean, vulgar and arrogant. The most important character traits a president can have are compassion and tolerance. A lot of people think the presidency is about making tough executive decisions, but really what it's about is taking care of your people, and for that you need heart. Hillary has heart - when you listen to her talk you can see that she genuinely cares about average Americans and has a burning desire to help the poor and downtrodden. When I look into Hillary's eyes, I can see that she is honest and real. She feels your pain, and wants to offer a helping hand. That's what I want to see in all presidents and prime ministers - not this disgusting warrior-like masculinity. It's disturbing and scary.



Sep 2, 2016 8:43 AM

So what? It's another positive jobs number in a long series of stellar NFP reports under Obama. How can anyone deny at this point that we are in a strong recovery? Jobs continue to increase month after month, Silicon Valley is booming, and the S&P 500 continues to make all time highs. I think the people who refuse to believe in the recovery are quite sad and pathetic. Investors are happy, pensioners are happy, developers working in cool startups are happy - but doomer ZHers are eternally bitter and twisted.

Sep 2, 2016 8:51 AM

The market is anticipating renewed efforts by Janet Yellen to boost aggregate demand and fuel the recovery. The efficient market hypothesis states that the market is always right, but I'm sure that won't stop arrogant ZHers from thinking they know better.

Sep 2, 2016 9:12 AM

Interesting you mention that - in China, they have done exactly this. Many political scholars in the US agree that speech that harms the economy should be illegal, as it directly impacts others financially. You could make a sound argument that it's effectively a conceiled form of theft.

Sep 20, 2011 12:08 PM

This is what happens when a country gives its people referendums. I hope it's now perfectly obvious to all observers that referendums are a FAILED policy.

Sep 20, 2011 12:16 PM

Democracy is fine as long as the elected leaders are left for a good number of years to run the country on their own. Professional politicians are specialists at what they do, and should not have to address the endless tantrums of uneducated voters while they are trying to do their jobs.

Sep 20, 2012 4:14 PM

The manifesto of the progressive revolution:

Part 2 - Free Trade

Free trade is absolutely and fundamentally immoral and unethical. There is a distinct philosophical difference between a company hiring someone within the borders of a country, and hiring someone outside the borders of a country. It is perfectly acceptable for a company in Texas to hire workers in Montana, but for a company in New York to hire workers in Canada is morally reprehensible. If somebody happens to be born within the United States, and they decide to start a company within the borders of the United States, they are morally obligated to hire other people within those same geographical borders. Geographical location is a fundamental determining factor in whether an action is moral or immoral.

Sep 20, 2016 10:39 AM

I'll wager that no credible news corporations are reporting on this 'story'. Therefore, I will give it no credence. I'm not alone in using this filter to identify legitimate news stories, so the alternative media better work on their credibility if they want to attract the levels of readership enjoyed by CNN and the New York Times.


Sep 20, 2016 11:50 AM

This is why we need a no fly list, and anyone on the list is banned from owning a firearm. If this man was prevented from obtaining a firearm, this incident never would have happened. Even the NRA agrees that we need a no fly list. Why aren't we doing it?


Sep 20, 2016 12:34 PM

For all those who doubted Elizabeth Warren's integrity - this is proof that she has a strong moral compass. The reason she doesn't recommend charges be brought against Hillary, is because there is insufficient evidence of wrongdoing. Case closed.


Sep 20, 2016 12:58 PM

Trump should be forced to step down because of his suspected collusion with Russia. It's a serious national security threat! Russia is our number one enemy, and we may end up with a Russian spy in the oval office! How can anyone think it's ok for him to run at this point?


Sep 20, 2016 8:14 AM

Republicans should follow the lead of their established party leaders, instead of following Trump off the edge of a cliff. The republican party is toast if Trump wins - a vote for Hillary is a vote to keep the republican party intact, so that they can put forward a professional candidate at the next election.


Sep 20, 2016 8:15 AM

Jeb Bush is also supporting Gary Johnson from what I recall. How is Trump going to win the election when he can't even get the support of his own party?


Sep 20, 2016 9:53 AM

This is nothing new. George Soros has been funding charitable initiatives around the world for decades, especially programs that foster wider social changes. This plan will not only help struggling migrants who desperately need assistance, but it will also support the integration of these migrants into their new countries. This will lessen extreme right wing opposition to immigration by easing the initial burden on local governments. I think it's a great idea.


Sep 21, 2011 10:01 AM

Federal Reserve officials need to make it clear that they will NOT be bullied by this completely inappropriate grandstanding by these republican congressmen. I can't understand why the American public is not OUTRAGED by this political meddling!

Sep 21, 2011 10:07 AM

At least we can agree on the most basic of premises, such as the idea that the Federal Reserve should be able to simply pursue their dual mandate independently of political ramblings. There is no place for politics in setting monetary policy. The Federal Reserve was specifically set up to be INDEPENDENT.

Sep 21, 2011 12:07 PM

Just a waiting game now. I'm heavily overweight equities and equity futures; positioned adequately for Bernanke's big day.

Sep 21, 2012 11:09 AM

Bill Gross is lying as usual. Mortgage rates are at all time lows:


Furthermore, this is specifically due to the wise and well-though-out actions of both our congress and our Federal Reserve. 

Sep 21, 2016 10:21 AM

It's easy to look at this single instance of a somewhat radical Muslim, and then project that onto the vast majority of peaceful Muslims. We have Muslim Americans in the military, Muslim Americans working as policemen and fire fighters, Muslim Americans working as congressmen and corporate CEOs. How can we condemn these hard working Americans, for what a minority of radical extremists do?


Sep 21, 2016 10:48 AM

Corporate debt may have risen, but companies can afford it. Look at the record valuations of S&P 500 corporations - why not use these high stock prices as collateral to borrow even more? Interest rates are at record lows - this is a phenomenal opportunity for corporations to invest and expand. And the timing is perfect too. What better time to invest in your company than during the first phase of an economic recovery? Companies that take advantage of this opportunity and borrow aggressively are going to dominate as America's economy takes off.


Sep 21, 2016 11:00 AM

This would be a great addition to Apple's line of products: a trendy, sustainable, self-driving electric car. Awesome! Cars could also be connected to a network that allows Apple to analyze the movements of its customers and make improvements accordingly. This is without a doubt the future - a hip techno culture that gives people to tools to hack life, and focus on what's really important, like blogging, connecting with friends on facebook and staying up to date with the news.


Sep 21, 2016 11:49 AM

This is a time to be bold, and people who use innovative ways to invest in the economy will be richly rewarded. America is on the cusp of an economic boom, as our recovery picks up speed, and the housing market is about to explode.


Sep 21, 2016 11:57 AM

It takes a special kind of crackpot to think that Trump's ideas about our economy are not extreme enough. Every country in the world has a central bank, because this is how you issue and manage a national currency. Economists all over the world accept this, and yet ZHers feel qualified to question the need for central banks? It's ludicrous!


Sep 21, 2016 12:31 PM



Sep 21, 2016 8:50 AM

It's sad to watch goldbugs cheer with glee, as gold experiences its last dead cat bounce before its ultimate plunge to fair value 2 x mining costs. At $300 dollars to mine an ounce, the current fair value of gold is $600, meaning we have a long, long way to fall. And what's even more scary  is that usually the price falls far below fair value before reverting. But I'm sure my words will have no impact on gold and silver lemmings, who seem determined to self destruct.



Sep 21, 2016 9:32 AM

I hope Donald Trump doesn't seize on this event to promote his hateful Islamaphobia. We know nothing at this point. Let's be professional, and leave Islam out of it.


Sep 21, 2016 9:34 AM

This is also a good opportunity for our Federal and state police to practise the implementation of martial law and other emergency protocols. This could come in handy later if we face a right wing rebellion against our government.


Sep 21, 2016 9:38 AM

We need to start thinking globally when it comes to assisting systemically important corporations. If Deutsche Bank fails, the implications will be global and every country will suffer. We need to pool together our national resources into a global fund to help struggling systemically important multinationals. This will help bullet proof the global economy and contribute to economic stability worldwide.


Sep 22, 2011 11:12 AM

Haha I know. That teaches them for being unpatriotic and not buying AMERICAN banks.

Sep 22, 2011 5:28 PM

This is a matter of Swiss national pride. The reason we Americans can be proud of our economy is because we take care of national gems, like General Motors (1908), Merrill Lynch (1914) and Goldman Sachs (1869). To neglect a struggling company of such national significance is a crime against our childrens' confidence and pride in their heritage. I know it is tempting to succum to envy and jealousy, but you you know in your hearts that protecting these companies is a matter of national pride and it is the right thing to do.

Sep 22, 2016 10:48 AM

You see what happens when you implement austerity??? Austerity doesn’t work! How many times to we have to learn that lesson? It didn’t work in Greece, it didn’t work in Portugal, and it isn’t going to work in Puerto Rico either! We need to spend more during an economic downturn, not less! Paul Krugman and other economists have been shouting this from the rooftops, so why aren’t we listening?

Celebrities Speak Out Against Trump

Sep 22, 2016 11:38 AM

10 reasons why I like Hillary:

  1. She's smart
  2. She's experienced
  3. She's a woman
  4. She's strong on Middle East foreign policy
  5. She stands up to Russia
  6. She supports minorities
  7. She supports gays
  8. She wants to raise the minimum wage
  9. She wants stricter gun control
  10. She wants to help more refugees


Celebrities Speak Out Against Trump


Sep 22, 2016 12:21 PM

If white people would simply address the concerns of BLM, this would stop immediately. BLM has a small list of reasonable requests - why do white people simply refuse to meet them?

  1. An end to police brutality and racism
  2. An end to systemic racism against people of color
  3. Reparations for slavery and Jim Crow
  4. A living wage for every person of color

Celebrities Speak Out Against Trump

Sep 22, 2016 8:23 AM

Serves him right. These protestors have legitimate concerns and they deserve to be heard. If people refuse to acknowledge the racism in the police force, and the plight of people of color in this country, then we will force them to see it. Instead of going to work, why don't these motorists join in the protests and show their solidarity? Most likely it's because they themselves are racist.


Sep 22, 2016 8:26 AM

The police went too far with the last racist shooting. If they want war, they got it. People of color are sick and tired of the systemic racism in America! They are not going to take it anymore, and white people better meet their demands or else!


Sep 22, 2016 9:08 AM

 You can hardly hold people of color accountable for the violent nature of their upbringings. These people have inherited a culture of violence imposed on them by centuries of slavery and oppression at the hands of whites. It's no wonder that these violent tendencies persist in these disadvantaged communities to this day. It's hard to glean any principles from this unfortunate incident. We don't really know what happened, so let's give the protestors the benefit of the doubt.


Sep 23, 2011 10:25 AM

Your argument is based on the premise that resources should be allocated based on the subjective preferences of free market participants. But it is now perfectly clear that their preferences are simply WRONG. Only experts in economics are qualified to allocate resources efficiently. This is the most objective means of resource allocation possible and will provide people with what they SHOULD have according to qualified professionals, rather than want they WANT.

Sep 23, 2011 10:55 AM

That is not necessary. This could be achieved by letting professional economists set prices of all consumer and capital goods. This will ensure that the optimal amount of each good is consumed. If there is too much comsumption of a particular good then its price will be raised. If there is too little consumption of a good, its price will be lowered.

Sep 23, 2011 11:37 AM

As I said before, the 'demand' is a subjective preference of fallible individuals. The most objective way to allocate resources is according to the intricate mathematical models of financial experts.

Sep 23, 2011 11:54 AM

I cannot believe how IRRESPONSIBLE this is. The least we can expect from our government is that they pass the necessary bills to fund CRITICAL government functions!

Sep 23, 2011 12:06 PM

Congress has a responsibility to MAKE SURE that the government keeps running without funding delays. Do you people not realise how serious this is? We're talking about a TOTAL government SHUTDOWN.

Sep 23, 2011 9:29 AM

Die-hard libertarians are going to have some explaining to do when their children are paying the price for their opposition to fiscal and monetary stimulus. It is quite astounding that despite the consensus among economic experts, libertarians still believe that their understanding of economics is superior. Among other questions, extremist libertarians should be prepared to answer the following questions that will innevitably be asked their children and grandchildren:
1. Why did you staunchly oppose the stimulus programs that according to almost all Ivy League economics professors were essential for America's economic recovery?
2. Why did you not do your part by spending and boosting aggregate demand?
3. Why did you cause a credit collapse by saving and paying down debt, when the economic advisors had specifically warned you against this in advance?
4. Why did you support racist fanatics like Ron Paul even though they had been completely exposed and discredited by the media?
5. Why did you refuse to support ANY of Obama's jobs bills?
I know what I will tell my kids. What will you tell your's?

Sep 23, 2011 9:39 AM

And as it happens, don't think that spotty libertarian college students are excused either. You will be held accountable for sitting on the sidelines while the rest of the younger generation were getting involved in the Obama revolution.

Sep 23, 2016 10:19 AM

It's our responsibility as a society to take care of those in need. What kind of a society leaves people to fend for themselves, when the rich have so much?

Sep 23, 2016 10:49 AM

Can we just separate the fact that he's Muslim from the incident please? It's Islamaphobic to constantly reference his religion in every account of the bombing. Let's deal with this isolated incident, but let's not go after an entire religion for the actions of one person, ok? Is that not reasonable?

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 11:06 AM

This is literally treason against your party and your country! What about Trump's racism, sexism and Islamaphobia? What about his collaboration with Putin? What about his exploitation of the explosion in New York City? His lying about Hillary's health and the discredited emails scandal? How can anyone be considering voting for this bigoted clown?? Wake up, Andrew!!

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 11:51 AM

This ignorance and hatred has to stop. Migrants have been shown to add billions to the economy, yet conservatives continue to rail against them as if they're hostile invaders! There is no possible reason to reject migrants other than racism. Why else wouldn't you want your country to receive an economic boost? Why else wouldn't you want to help people who just want to work and pay taxes like everyone else? It's a complement that people want to come to your country - embrace it, and stop the hate!

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 12:06 PM

I can't wait! Hillary is going to absolutely obliterate Trump in these debates. How is he going to answer to his sexist and racist comments? How is he going to explain his collaboration with Russia, our greatest enemy? It's going to be a chicken shoot. The health myths will also be dispelled during this debate, and the white supremacist alt right will be forced to retract their inane accusations about her having "Parkinson's" or a "brain tumor". Trump is going to get absolutely destroyed, lol.

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 12:30 PM

OMG just leave Hillary alone now would you? She's been cleared by the head of the FBI and the attorney general. The details of the case are too complex to understand - if these two senior statesmen believe that she is innocent, then I believe them. That's all we need to know. It's time to abandon this discredited case and start focusing on the future.

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 12:58 PM

White society wouldn't have been possible without the foundations laid by African civilization! LEARN REAL HISTORY, not Eurocentric propaganda.

Sep 23, 2016 3:34 PM

Good. The emails are a distraction from the real issues. Releasing them before the election would only give republicans more opportunities to smear Hillary and de-rail the election. This election so far has been completely disorganized, like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Let’s restore some sanity and start having real debates about real issues, like raising the minimum wage, fighting climate change and keeping healthcare affordable for millions of Americans. 



Sep 23, 2016 3:52 PM

I just lost my respect for Ted Cruz. How can he endorse a candidate who is openly sexist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamaphobic, hateful, crazy, dishonest, incompetent and bigoted? Trump must be paying him – it’s the only possible explanation.  


Sep 23, 2016 3:53 PM

What about what Trump said about his wife? So disrespectful. He's just going to let that go? 

Sep 23, 2016 4:07 PM

I had a little bit of respect for him before this. At least he recognized that Trump is incomptenent. 

Sep 23, 2016 4:46 PM

This was smart diplomacy. Saudi Arabia is one of our greatest allies in the war on terror, and a key trading partner. It is of paramount importance that we maintain and foster this relationship, despite the disagreements we may have. Damaging such an important relationship over 9/11 conspiracy theories would be a truly catastrophic move. Obama has demonstrated great leadership in the face of adversity, once again. I will truly miss his professionalism and courage after his term ends. 


Sep 23, 2016 5:09 PM

Lichtman may have to modify his prediction after Hillary annihilates Trump in the upcoming debates. There’s no way Trump is going to be able to withstand the onslaught of tough questions about his inexcusable words and actions. Calling all Mexicans rapists? Saying that women who have illegal abortions should be ‘punished’? How do you come back from that? When the public sees Trump stumble and fall as he is relentlessly interrogated by Hillary and the moderators, his credibility will be damaged irrevocably, and his campaign will be officially over. 


Sep 23, 2016 5:25 PM

This is sickening propaganda. The Libyan people were liberated from Gaddafi’s tyrannical regime and now enjoy far more freedoms than they did before. Gaddafi had an absolutely appalling human rights record. We now need to do the same for the people of Syria, who are similarly suffering under the brutal regime of Assad. Assad’s human rights record is equally appalling, which makes Putin’s support for his regime all the more disturbing. One of our key foreign policy goals is peace and democracy in the Middle East, and liberating these countries from despotic dictators is part of this goal. 


Sep 23, 2016 7:53 AM

Newsflash: people all over the country watch TV and see the injustice against people of color. When many African Americans heard about this latest incident of police brutality, they wanted to show their solidarity for the victims - and made the journey to join the protests. If the police are upset about the violence, then why don't they address the racism and brutality within their police departments?

How People of Color Invented the Modern World


Sep 23, 2016 9:01 AM

The reality is that Russia is a threat to world peace, not Hillary. Hillary is simply willing to respond to Russian aggression with the necessary force, in order to protect the interests of the US and other peace-loving nations. Putin's actions in Ukraine and Syria are inexcusable, and need to be dealt with severely. If this escalates into full out war, then so be it. But Russia is to blame for starting it, not us.

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 23, 2016 9:42 AM

Sorry right wingers, Hillary is not going to entertain your ludicrous conspiracy theories. Doing so only legitimizes them. If there was anything seriously wrong with Hillary's health she wouldn't be running such a successful campaign. The polls show that she is dominating Trump, despite the cheap shot attacks about her health and the discredited emails scandal. If the right wants to beat Hillary, they need to explain to Americans how they are going to take care of their needs better than Hillary will.

How People of Color Invented the Modern World

Sep 24, 2012 3:02 PM


I am proud to announce that next Weekend I will be hosting a modern art exhibition for charity in New York City. The title of the exhibition is “What Is Art?”, and it will consist of an array of innovative pieces ranging from a half-eaten apple painted blue to represent individuality and self-expression, to some thought-provoking cardboard boxes which represent the heartlessness of modern capitalism and materialism. Some of the coolest names in modern art will be there, and the event is expected to attract some of the trendiest art enthusiasts.

Tickets will be $500 each, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the IPCC to fund research into climate change. If you want to make a positive impact in the world, then you absolutely have to be there. There are no excuses for not contributing to the cause, and for those who can’t make it, I would appreciate a donation to fund the event and the cause. 

Sep 24, 2012 3:16 PM

Donations don't work that way. Just PM me and I'll give you the account details. I expect donations to be upwards of $300. Remember, a portion of each donation will fund research that could save the lives of millions of children, so be generous. Climate change must be stopped. The climate was never meant to change, but sadly human activity has upset the natural equilibrium, and millions in the third world are suffering as a result. 

Sep 25, 2011 7:59 AM

I don't know what everyone is complaining about - this is a fantastic oportunity. Retail and consumer stocks are on sale and I'm looking to add to my positions. Financials are SCREAMING BUY right now.

Sep 25, 2012 10:30 AM

This is the civilized way of getting things done. Vote for politicians who promise to provide you with what you want, and hold them to account if they don't keep their promises. This is real democracy in action, and it’s thrilling to watch. The entrepreneurial capitalist model of saving and investing is over, and the age of protesting and collective action has begun.

Make your voice heard - What do you want from government/ Is the government providing what you need?

Sep 25, 2012 10:56 AM

I am absolutely shocked at the lack of class, decency, intelligence and morality of the Zerohedge readership. Many of the comments reveal an astonishing level of ignorance on economic and political issues. It is painful to watch Zerohedgers trying desperately to make a coherent argument but each time failing miserably. Many of the commenters on this site fail to understand even the most elementary aspects of modern monetary and fiscal policy. Some of the comments seem to not only understand how the Federal Reserve system works, but also imply that there is some kind of elaborate conspiracy theory underlying the entire world economic system. How can I be expected to take these comments seriously when many of the commenters openly call for the abolishment of our Federal Reserve bank? 

Sep 25, 2012 11:24 AM

I agree with the premise of this article. Blowback does work both ways. Libertarians, for example, have been poking the hornets' nests of governments for decades, and now they seem surprised that governments are finally retaliating by targeting potential libertarian domestic terrorists such as sovereign citizens, Ron Paul supporters and Oath Keepers. Libertarians can hardly claim innocence when they have been provoking the government for decades by spreading damaging conspiracy theories and smearing the reputations of respectable politicians. Payback's a bitch, and libertarians need to stop crying and accept that they had it coming from the start. 

Sep 25, 2012 11:31 AM

I always back up my arguments with reason and evidence. This comment was just a simple observation of the ignorance on this site. However, given the lack of intellect of the zerohedge readers, I sometimes wonder whether I am wasting my time trying to present rational arguments and have productive discussions.

Sep 25, 2012 2:53 PM

Here we go again with deregulation for corporations and big shots. The world has had enough of TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. For those who don't know, trickle down economics is a form of economics with a few rich corporations on the top, "trickling down" wealth to the poor masses on the bottom. It's an absolutely despicable form of economics, supported by libertarians, right-wingers and other heartless and sycophantic rich-wannabes. Libertarians are quite happy to simply let large corporations run wild and hammer the poor with expensive goods and low wages. I remember when I was offered a low wage job in my teens – I was absolutely shocked at the offer, and took it upon myself to report to the government that the company was not complying with minimum wage laws. Shortly after, the company was fined, and went bankrupt as a result. Businesses need to be taught a lesson about giving something back to the community and paying your fair share to the government and politicians. they can either do it the easy way, or the hard way. Makes no difference to me; either way these bastards need to pay. 

Sep 26, 2011 10:54 AM

We have reached a critical point in American history and the time to act is now. It 's time to let our politicians know that they work for WE THE PEOPLE. It's time for every patriotic American to calm their congressman and demand more fiscal stimulus! Whether you're a college student or an old-age pensioner there is no excuse. Our children's futures are at stake.

Sep 26, 2011 9:06 AM

With regards to the CME raising margins on treasuries, I hope this goes to show the risk involved in using these instruments as a tool for speculation. US treasuries are stricly a SAFE HAVEN asset and should be accumulated as an insurance policy against a catastrophic event.

Sep 26, 2012 1:46 PM

Gold “investors” do absolutely nothing for this country whatsoever.  Hoarding gold instead of investing in bonds and equities demonstrates a sick narcissism and complete disregard for building the economy. Real investors actually help people by investing in blue chip companies employing thousands of Americans, or buying US treasuries and enabling the government to do its job. What do gold investors do to help the economy? Absolutely nothing. Unlike real investors Gold hoarders are purely in it for themselves, and serve no purpose to society whatsoever.

Sep 26, 2012 10:41 AM

Doomer ZHers couldn't be more wrong about muni bonds. Our Federal government and Federal Reserve have made a solid commitment to keep rates low for an extended period, and nowhere did they exclude muni bonds from that pledge. The 30 year treasury yield sits at a phenomenal 2.81%, and the yields on California munis are set to plummet in line with this benchmark. There is fundamentally no difference between the full faith and credit of our congress, and the full faith and credit of our state leaders. They are both equally trustworthy and competent, and Muni bond yields will reflect this fact, regardless of the doomer hypothesizing on this site. 

Sep 26, 2012 2:37 PM

You know, I don't entirely disagree with your central point. There have been times where I've been frustrated with my equity portfolio performance, and I've thought: "wouldn't it be great to just put everything into US Treasuries and just go off the grid?". I understand that feeling - I really do.

But then I realized something important. Pessimistic negative thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone piled into gold and silver, then credit would collapse and everything would crash, just as you feared. Storing value as dollars in the bank however, allows the bank to create credit to finance growth and spending. Investing in stocks and bonds produces real tangible value and reduces the chance of your apocalyptic scenario. I choose to be part of the solution, not the problem, and if I go down with the ship, at least I’ll be remembered as hero, and not a selfish goldbug trying to profit from the misery of others.

Sep 26, 2016 10:33 AM

Well all I can say is Trump is going to have some serious explaining to do about his disparaging comments towards women and disabled people. It's saddening that in this day and age, we have a supposedly serious presidential candidate making offensive sexist and ableist remarks in order attract media attention. I hope tonight's audience sides with these victims against Trump's insensitive bullying tendencies, and comes to the realization that he is simply not a credible candidate.  

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 10:36 AM

Not all libertarians are pro gun. Did you know that Bill Maher is a liberarian?

Sep 26, 2016 12:04 PM

On the contrary, according to top economists, wars can actually boost an economy and generate tax revenue. It is well understood that World War II ended the great depression in America, by getting people back to work and revitalizing the aerospace and manufacturing industries. New conflicts could do the same for drone technology and cybersecurity, generating millions of jobs and thousands of new businesses.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 12:26 PM

I have actually made this very proposition at the Accredited Times:


This may seem like a joke, but it's actually sounds economics, backed by some of the worlds top economists.


Sep 26, 2016 8:13 AM

For goodness' sake, Deutsche Bank is a systemically important financial institution! This means that its bankruptcy would send shockwaves through the global economy, and threaten the global recovery! When did it become fashionable to let vital companies go bankrupt??? We need to bail out this bank immediately! In fact, every country in the world should be contributing to a bailout fund, because this affects everyone!

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 8:22 AM

Under Obama, we have experienced an unprecedented recovery from the brink of financial destruction in 2008. Since Obama took office, the S&P 500 has risen from 680 in 2009, to an incredible high of 2190 in 2016! This kind of economic success is unparalleled in US history, which is testament to the Obama administration's exceptional economic management. The question is, who is more able to continue Obama's legacy, and take our economy to the next level? The answer is obviously Hillary Clinton, as besides being a democrat, she shares most of the economic policies of Obama. She also supports the TPP and importation of hardworking migrants, which according to top economists will boost the economy by billions of dollars. From an economic perspective, therefore, the choice is pretty obvious - vote Hillary if you want a stronger economy, more jobs and a brighter future for our children.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 8:25 AM

Yet another tragic consequence of lax gun laws. This will add fuel to Hillary's message tonight about the need for common sense gun control, so that we no longer have to endure the horror of mass shootings, which now seem to be occurring on a monthly basis.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 8:55 AM

The economy aside, I think the key issues tonight are going to be Trump's insensitive comments about minorities and women, his ignorance of our foreign policy objectives, concerns about his collusion with Russia, and his engagement in conspiracy theories. Expect Hillary and the moderators to relentlessly grill Trump about these controversies. I expect Hillary to receive questions about whether being a woman gives her a unique perspective into social, economic and foreign policy issues, and how this might make her different from a male president. I think she'll also get questions about what she has learned during her service as Secretary of State, and how this has prepared her for the presidency.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 9:28 AM

I think Gary Johnson should have been allowed to join this debate. He's a serious contender, already garnering almost 10% of the vote. He's a great alternative to Trump for libertarians who like free trade deals like the TPP, and open border policies that let migrants come here and work. Millions of people are already pledging to vote for Gary Johnson, and this is not good news for Trump, who needs every vote he can get.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 26, 2016 9:57 AM

These measures wouldn't be necessary if conservatives would simply accept common sense gun laws. Sadly the alternative media is also indoctrinating young people into extreme right wing ideologies and fostering hatred of our own government, which necessitates monitoring of students' social media accounts and internet history. Families are also part of the problem, as this is the source of many of the conspiracy theories and right wing ideas that some children believe in. This is why we need to look into family audits by qualified parenting experts.

Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?

Sep 27, 2011 10:40 AM

This is completely unnecessary when the government could be employing every American in a useful occupation. This country has a serious lack of good infrastructure, and a simple fiscal stimulus program could employ millions of Americans to build new roads and bridges.

Sep 27, 2011 10:58 AM

I'm only suggesting what has been deemed the logical solution by the world's most savvy economists. Dr Paul Krugman predicted this crisis WELL in advance (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/28/opinion/28krugman.html) and has sadly been ignored because people simply cannot take the truth.

Sep 27, 2011 5:33 PM

If it weren’t for his extreme views on just about everything, Ron Paul might actually be a credible presidential candidate. Among Mr Paul’s other dangerous views and beliefs, the following concern me the most:

1. He supports regular audits of the Federal Reserve, which would seriously compromise their ability to set monetary policy independently without political meddling

2. He favours the end of social security which could see millions of elderly and disabled people on the streets during these tough economic times

3. He intends to legalise ALL drugs, giving children access to life-threatening substances such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin to name a few

4. Mr Paul follows the long discredited ‘Austrian school of economics’ which consists of nothing but a motley crew of eccentric and clownish anarchists

5. He supports the legalisation of gay marriage at the state level, which could see children being raised by parents of the same sex

Quite frankly, Ron Paul is an embarrassment and should leave politics to more mature professionals who know how to represent America properly.



Sep 27, 2011 6:24 PM

I have noticed that there are many dissenters from the Krugmanian form of Keynesian economics, many of whom claim to prefer Keynes’ more conservative application of the theory. But one must remember that we are currently facing economic problems of far greater magnitude than Keynes himself could ever have imagined, and so naturally a greater quantity of fiscal stimulus is necessary. Besides, Krugman is simply taking core Keynesian principles to their logical conclusion. Most notably this includes the principle of central economic planning by avid economists with exceptional foresight. Experienced economists have the ability to allocate capital more efficiently during times of economic hardship, giving the economy a much needed boost.

Sep 27, 2011 6:44 PM

I was responding to the accusation of "misrepresentation of Keynesian economics " by the above commenter. This is yet another example of the zero hedge readerships' inability to construct coherent logical arguments worthy of my response. I will stick to sound arguments in the face of this vicious attack, with the hope that maybe I'll teach some of these deprived readers a valuable lesson.

Sep 27, 2011 7:56 PM

Unfortunately you clearly have a lot of background reading to do before you can fully appreciate the genious of Keynesian economics. I suggest reading some papers by Krugman, Stigletz and Blinder for a deeper understanding of the underlying principles. However, I'll give you a brief overview of some practical solutions to our economic problems:

1. Set up a global central bank with an international currency which will be legal tender across the globe - this bank will be responsible for large liquidity injections during times of economic weakness, as well as influencing global interest rates for maximum prosperity

2. Create a central body for setting the prices of all consumer goods, to ensure that goods are consumed according to the most objective mathematical models, rather than the merely subjective preferences underlying 'supply-demand dynamics'

3. Employ a system for seeking out and selecting the potential economic leaders at a young age. This would involve setting up economics academies for teaching the most advanced Keynesian theories and pioneering ever more efficient capital-allocation models

I hope I have given you something to work with, but you must understand that Keynesian economics is not for the faint hearted; it requires patience and maturity - things that many of these commenters are clearly lacking. 

Sep 27, 2012 3:28 PM

I am once again appalled at the level of verbal reasoning skills displayed in the comments sections of this site.

Reasoning 101:

An argument consists of two parts

  1. Proposition
  2. Reason and evidence for  the proposition

For example, students would be unable to attend college without student loans from the government (proposition) because college tuition fees are too high (reason) as documented in college brochures (evidence). I find it pitiful that silly ZH readers can’t even construct a coherent argument. The lack of well formed arguments on this site is a stark testement to the simple mindedness and an inferior intellect of the zerohedge readership.  

Sep 27, 2012 4:03 PM

"I like lint" is a subjective truth, not a universal proposition. This is yet another example of a zerohedge reader who fails to demonstrate even simple elementary reasoning skills.

Sep 27, 2012 9:24 AM

This the beginning of World War III. First, Germany tried to take over the world with military force, but this time they are conquering countries with austerity. Meanwhile, the hedge funds have allied with Germany in their quest to conquer Europe, and speculators continue to hammer the peripheries with an artillery of credit default swaps and short selling of government debt. Stop this madness! Ban speculation and bring back Europe’s social safety nets. NO MORE AUSTERITY!

Sep 27, 2016 11:17 AM

In my opinion, Holt wasn't nearly aggressive enough on Trump. There are tons of issues he didn't even bring up, like Trump's statement that women should be 'punished' for having illegal abortions. That's an absolutely outrageous statement, and highlights his blatant sexism and tendency to mistreat women! I think we need a moderator who isn't afraid to grill Trump about his sexist and racist views. He got off easy in this debate, which is a shame, because huge numbers of uneducated Americans still don't know who he really is! 

The Overpopulation Crisis


Sep 27, 2016 11:37 AM

These are women simple exercising their reproductive rights! And he wants to 'punish' them for this? It's unbelievable!

Sep 27, 2016 8:21 AM

I thought Hillary was calm, collected and professional throughout, completely debunking the conspiracy theories about her having a brain tumor or Parkinson's. Hillary's campaign is moving into high gear, and I think the polls are going to start reflecting that in a big way. A huge number of voters severely detest Trump, and last night Hillary showed the country that she is a great alternative.

The Overpopulation Crisis

Sep 27, 2016 8:41 AM

Isn't that what we want from a President? An aggressive leader who is on the offensive, rather than passively reacting to the enemy? This the kind of leader we need to lead the fight against Russia and Assad.

Sep 27, 2016 9:04 AM

So Trump supports tax cuts for the rich? What a surprise - yet another republican who sides with the corporations against the people. Instead of cutting taxes, why don't we clamp down on tax havens around the world and make sure that there's nowhere for these greedy corporations to escape to?

The Overpopulation Crisis

Sep 27, 2016 9:06 AM

I'm buying as much as I can get my hands on! This is an amazing opportunity! Remember when I, along with Warren Buffet, bought Bank of America stock at $5? I made over 100% on that trade! This trade has the potential to make over 1000%!

The Overpopulation Crisis

Sep 27, 2016 9:47 AM

It's pathetic that Donald Trump is accusing Hillary of planning to 'rig' the election. He's lucky that he has any votes at all given his numerous gaffs and political hiccups. When the backwaters of America finally catch on that Trump is a liar and a Russian spy, it's over. I expect a shock result in November - as the polls grossly overestimate the number of people who will actually turn out and vote for Trump.  

The Overpopulation Crisis

Sep 28, 2012 1:58 PM

Say what you will, but this is going to be an increasingly useful tool going forward, with the rise of extreme right wing groups like the ‘sovereign citizens’ and ‘Oath Keepers’. The SPLC keeps a tab on extreme groups that threaten our government and banking system, but we need a more systematic way of monitoring them. Many of the Zerohedge readers display exactly the characteristics that would classify them as a threat to our government, namely a tendency to believe outlandish conspiracy theories involving the ‘Federal Reserve’ or the ‘CIA’. I have to shake my head at some of the conspiracy theories I see on this site. The magical thinking required to believe that respected politicians and central bankers are planning elaborate conspiracy to harm decent and ordinary Americans. I’m trying to be reasonable here, but I simply cannot understand this point of view.

Sep 28, 2012 11:03 AM

Bad news for goldbugs: 50% of the world’s gold is used  as jewellery, and after a brief investigation into the industry I'm afraid to report that jewellery demand is absolutely collapsing. If the jewellery market can’t hold up, then we may be in for a monumental collapse in the gold price.

Source 1: World Gold Council reports falling jewellery demand http://jewelleryoutlook.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1048

Source 2: Platinum jewellery demand is also falling, indicating a general trend http://www.retail-jeweller.com/products/platinum/demand-for-platinum-jewellery-falling/3100080.article

Sep 28, 2012 11:19 AM

The outlook for silver is even bleaker, I'm afraid. Firstly, graphene is set to replace many of the industrial uses for silver, causing an avalanche of new supply on the market. In addition, miners are increasingly incentivised to increase output, as silver trades at a 15 dollar premium to fair value.

Source: Graphene replicates many of the industrial uses for silver, which is great news for consumers, but bad news for silverbugs http://silverting.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/graphene-may-replace-silver-in-technology/

Sep 28, 2012 2:17 PM

There is a simple explanation for this. It wasn't the simply heat of the fire that melted the steal and caused the building to collapse. The shaft of the building created a giant chimney, trapping the heat and creating extraordinary temperatures. As a result, the steel structure melted, and the building collapsed. But I suppose, the conspiracy theorists are never satisfied with simple explanations. There always has to be a reason why the 'government' is behind it.

Sep 28, 2012 9:16 AM

With the Spanish ten year yield over 6%, this is fine opportunity for shrewd value investors to reinvest their coupons in more high-yielding peripheral debt. At this rate, investors in peripheral debt are compounding a 3% return semi-annually for some spectacular gains.

Sep 28, 2016 11:27 AM

For goodness' sake, we don't need coal anymore!! We have green technologies like solar panels and wind farms that can produce cheaper, cleaner energy! Scientists are warning about the catastrophic effects of climate change, and conservative are still talking about the need for fossil fuels?? WTF? It's time to end all fossil fuel usage, globally!!

The Case for a Basic Income

Sep 28, 2016 11:54 AM

This would be an excellent investment decision and would segue nicely into Turkey's induction into the EU. Owning a systemically important financial institution would give Turkey leverage at the global negotiating table, and make them eligible for ECB funds. The return they could make on DB's stock is also outstanding, with limited risk!

The Case for a Basic Income

Sep 28, 2016 8:12 AM

I thought it was outrageous that Trump commented on Janet Yellen during the debate. The Federal Reserve is independent of government, and political candidates have absolutely no right to comment on monetary policy. This should be a criminal offense. Monetary policy is specifically set up to be independent of political meddling, and the prospect of a president that doesn't understand this separation of powers, is very scary indeed!

The Case for a Basic Income

Sep 28, 2016 8:58 AM

This is the kind of bipartisan compromise I'd like to see more of. This proves once again that despite their differences, democrats and republicans can come together to solve problems that cross party lines, such as preventing a government shutdown, saving systemically important financial institutions, signing important trade deals like the TPP, and stopping climate change. I hope this sets a precedent for how congress should act in the future, to avoid the kind of gridlock that cripples our economy.

The Case for a Basic Income

Sep 28, 2016 9:02 AM

Nonsense. Yellen knows exactly what she's doing and is in total control. The S&P 500 continues it's steady linear rise day after day, while interest rates remain low and the VIX is repeatedly hammered into the low teens. Yellen has engineered the perfect economy, and it shows no signs of breaking anytime soon.

The Case for a Basic Income

Sep 28, 2016 9:26 AM

Just another day in racist America. Every time a racist cop shoots a black man, the protests are going to get larger and more violent! Black Live Matter will continue to escalate until something is done to address the systemic racism in America, and reparations are paid for hundreds of years of oppression by whites!

The Case for a Basic Income


Sep 29, 2011 11:39 AM

In order to help recapitalise banks, the ECB would be wise to ease collateral requirements. One idea would be for the ECB offer loans with existing debt instruments as collateral. That way banks can borrow more which will help with recapitalization, and governments can pledge their bonds as collateral to borrow even more in order to pay off earlier creditors. The net effect is that struggling banks receive critical bond payments, and governments are able to meet their obligations. Its a win-win for everyone.

Sep 29, 2011 11:55 AM

Many German banks are heavily exposed to Greek debt. Not only that, but a Greek default could trigger a series of defaults throughout Europe, which would be catastrophic for their balance sheets. The German people are smart - they know that their banks are simply TOO BIG TO FAIL. Germans were wise enough to elect economically literate politicians who understand the implications of a Greek default, and courageously voted for further investment in the EFSF, despite the relentless attacks by nasty right-wing libertarians.

Sep 29, 2011 12:04 PM

 This is just pure propaganda of the lowest kind. For those of you with any self-respect, here is some background reading on the benefits of monetary and fiscal stimulus written by renowned Princeton economist Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi of Moody's:


The paper documents how our government and Federal Reserve SAVED this country from total destruction during the great depression. And please READ the article before resorting to the usual libertarian ad-hominem attacks.

Sep 29, 2016 1:28 PM

These may have been his thoughts at the time, but as the election progressed, Bernie watched Hillary earn her right to the presidency through hard work and professionalism. At the same time, Trump continued to expose himself as a blatant racist and sexist, making the choice pretty obvious.


Sep 29, 2016 1:33 PM

This stock just becomes a bigger and bigger bargain! It can't be long now before the market sees this opportunity and starts panic buying, driving the price through the roof. The smart money is busy buying as the price falls, waiting for the inevitable bidding war that will develop after people realize how many undervalued assets are on DB's balance sheet, and the added advantage of being a systemically important financial institution. Either that or the ECB will give them emergency financing. It's a win for smart investors either way.


Sep 29, 2016 11:37 AM

This highlights why we desperately need a global central bank and governing structure, with a global currency, so that we can provide liquidity to any multinational entity as and when it is needed. We cannot continue to enact fiscal and monetary policy at a local level, when our economy is inherently global. We need a system of global governance, run by the best and brightest economic minds from across the globe, so that we can solve the world's financial problems together, rather than negotiating with each other as isolated nation states. 

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 12:36 PM

About time! Russia are directly interfering with our foreign policy objectives of brining peace and democracy to the middle east. Assad is a brutal dictator, and if Russia refuse to stop defending him against the Syrian revolutionaries, we will have no choice but to intervene with military force. We are willing to fight and die for democracy in the middle east. Are Russians willing to do the same to prop up a tyrannical dictator?

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 12:42 PM

America has zero tolerance for tyrants like Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad! We have restored peace and democracy in Iraq and Libya, and now we are going to do the same for Syria. We will continue our fight to liberate the middle east no matter what the cost. We will continue to provide a home for destitute refugees, no matter what the price. And if Russia does not back down, we will continue to escalate, even if it means nuclear war. Because no matter what the cost, saving just one innocent Syrian child is worth it.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 8:43 AM

I don't think conservatives should write him off. I think he's still a great alternative to Trump. He's smart, he's professional, and he has forward thinking views on immigration, healthcare and gun control. He's the perfect candidate if you can't stomach Hillary, but cannot stand Trump's racism and sexism.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 9:06 AM

I'm glad that our Federal Reserve is keeping a lid on this economic recovery and not letting it get overheated. Monetary policy is about striking an Aristotelian mean of moderate economic growth and moderate inflation, but not so much that the market turns into a bubble. I'd say that this figure is just right, which speaks to the quality of our joined economic leadership under Obama and Janet Yellen.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 9:17 AM

I think in this case Reuters' adjustment is justified. Although the number of republican registrations may be higher than their sample suggests, many republicans are disillusioned with their candidate this year, and are unlikely to vote at all. When you look at the number of registered democrats likely to vote for Hillary, versus the number of republicans likely to vote for Trump, you'd likely find a sample accurately represented by Reuters' poll.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 9:36 AM

It's best that this issue is handled without the interference of the media. Making this a national story will only give fuel to republicans to smear the current democratic administration and promote the Trump campaign. Respected media outlets are not in the business of bolstering political candidates. That would be unprofessional and inappropriate.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 9:41 AM

This is what happens when local governments are coaxed into implementing 'austerity' measures by conservatives. Our transport departments are severely underfunded, and if our local and state governments do not make large investments in our transport infrastructure, we can expect to see more of these tragic incidents. Austerity does not work! I thought we learned that from Greece and Portugal?

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 29, 2016 9:45 AM

Another thing. This speaks to the terrible leadership of governor Chris Christie, and gives us a window into the chaos we would have to endure under a Trump administration.

Why We Need Family Audits

Sep 3, 2012 1:38 PM

Reading this article made me very, very angry. Let me tell you Randian meanies something ... I’ve done my own research, and I can tell you that the “free market” does nothing for the poor whatsoever. You morons really think the solution is even fewer regulations on big corporations? Are you saying corporations should pay less tax to the government and have fewer regulations??? You libertarians are so pathetic. Awww boo hoo, what about the poor “job creators” ... whaaa whaaa. You have to be kidding me.

Unlike sycophantic libertarians, I truly care about the poor, and I know after years of pain staking research I’ve come to the conclusion that discrediting free market myths and anti-government slander is the most productive use of my time. I’m serious about solving the problem of poverty, and I know the only way to do it is by

  1. Increasing the minimum wage
  2. Increasing taxes
  3. Giving more legislative privileges to unions
  4. Increasing the number of regulations on businesses

The progressive revolution isn’t just a movement, it’s a way of life. I encourage all ZHers join me in my quest for a better future, and to be a force for good in the world, not evil.

Sep 3, 2012 10:10 AM

This is exactly why Gold mines should either be 

a) Nationalized 


b) Nationalized and subsequently acquired by competent large cap mining companies such as BHP Billiton, Anglo American or De Beers in no-bid contracts

It is simply unacceptable that incompetent "small businesses" should get to run operations within a sector that employs thousands of people

Sep 3, 2012 9:15 AM

The US has a consumer economy, so this is of no concern to us. The strong dollar will allow us to consume well in excess of what other countries are capable of consuming. Demand for dollars is just off the charts ... It seems like almost every week now that the 10 year yield makes a new all time low. And despite what the doomer libertarians say, treasury yields are NOT "manipulated" by the Fed. On Friday, Bernanke specifically mentioned that he woul not be committing to further treasury purchases, and the 10 year yield closed down on the day. Investors simply cannot get enough of our debt, and doomer libertarians need to realize this.

Sep 30, 2011 12:29 PM

How can we be expected take this site seriously when the editor cannot even spell "Morgan Stanley". This site has lost ALL credibility with me.

Sep 30, 2011 3:54 PM

Shocked as I am about the complete lack of economic education on this site, coupled with a total ignorance of Keynesian economic theory, I thought I’d direct readers to some educational sources.

1. http://www.federalreserve.gov/mediacenter/media.htm?v=yq3ydto2#education

In this fine introduction to the Federal Reserve system, Professor Ben Bernanke (former Princeton professor and current Federal Reserve Chairman) explains the importance of the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate for maximum employment and prices stability.

2. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/

This blog offers insight into current economic events through the eyes of world renowned Nobel Laureate and NY Times columnist Dr Paul Krugman. I can testify that this blog is most certainly at the cutting edge of economic analysis. Although heavy on theory at times, I have no doubt that with perseverance you will find Dr Krugman’s insights incredibly rewarding.

3. http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/

Professor Gregory Mankiw is a Harvard economics professor and as such is in a position to offer authentic insight into world economic events. Professor Mankiw offers exactly what you would expect from a Harvard economic genius – incredibly precise yet cool headed discernment of complex problems in economics, with a wealth of evidence. Following this blog is like having a personal Harvard mastermind to guide you through these uncertain and daunting times, and is a must read for anyone interested in practical economic theory.


Please consider these sources carefully before beginning the usual libertarian frenzy of mindless insults and baseless accusations. Thank you.

Sep 30, 2011 4:41 PM

My apologies. I almost forgot to post this link for the younger readers out there:


On this site you will find all sorts of fun and cool information regarding the Federal Reserve and how they manage our economy. Please share it with friends on facebook/twitter. Thanks!

Sep 30, 2011 9:04 AM


I appreciate your contribution, but unfortunately forgiving rent would be totally unfair on banks whose balance sheets are already suffering. To boost aggregate demand we need to give people incentives to spend. This could be achieved through a fiscal stimulus program that gives people tax breaks for replacing old electrical equipment, or through easing monetary policy to discourage saving and encourage borrowing. The last thing we want is for people to save because this will cause a collapse in consumer credit. Our officials understand that, and that is why I am heavily invested in retail stocks.

Sep 30, 2011 9:13 AM

"Borrowing doesn't get it done". Sure it does - its been working for our economy for the last three decades, and interest rates are at RECORD LOWS.

Sep 30, 2016 1:23 PM

Part of being president is the ability to make tough calls, and Obama has demonstrated once again that he has the strength and fortitude to make the right decision for the country, despite the popular backlash that he knew he would have to endure.


Sep 30, 2016 12:05 PM

Greece made the mistake of implementing austerity measures, which are proven not to work. This is has damaged their economy severely, and their only hope now is to implement aggressive fiscal and monetary stimulus.

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist

Sep 30, 2016 12:28 PM

I think this is a non-issue. Saddam Hussein simply had to be removed as he was terrorizing his people and threatening to eliminate our allies, the Kurds. There were also ties between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attacks, as well as strong evidence for weapons of mass destruction. We had no choice but to invade Iraq, and the invasion was smoothly brought to an end by Hillary and Obama. We now need refocus our energy on liberating Syria.

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist

Sep 30, 2016 2:24 PM

Don’t judge these people. They’ve had a hard time and been through things you can’t even imagine. What could you people, as privileged white males, possibly know about their experience? Crime is all these people know, and it’s what they have to do to survive. We need to extend a helping hand t disadvantage migrants and give them the lives they deserve. White people need to shut up and pay up, because you don’t know what it’s like to be poor and oppressed … OK??


Sep 30, 2016 2:43 PM

With even foreign governments like China, Italy and Mexico denouncing Trump, it seems that foreign relations would suffer terribly under a Trump administration. We have a duty to our children and to future generations to vote responsibly this November, to ensure that we have a candidate who will preserve America’s relationships with the rest of the world, and foster peace and free trade for the benefit of all.


Sep 30, 2016 4:11 PM

America is serious alright … about bigotry and racism. It’s sad that a KKK-endorsed white nationalist like Trump is even able to make it into the primaries let alone be a contender for the Presidency. If Trump wins, America is well and truly lost, and grass roots democrats will have no choice but to take this country back by popular uprising. We have a God given right to safety from gun violence and a planet without climate change; and if we can’t get a president who will grant us these rights, then it is our duty to overturn this system and restore America to the progressive vision that it was founded upon!


Sep 30, 2016 8:03 AM

OMG! He compared himself to Hitler! And you like this guy? You Donald Trump supporters are the most racist, bigoted, horrible people on the planet! I hate America! I want to move to Europe!

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist

Sep 30, 2016 8:41 AM

More great opportunities! These banking stocks are so unbelievably undervalued, I just can't believe the market is letting investors get away with such bargains! You can buy Deutsche Bank for pennies? Wow! DB has some of the finest assets in the world, strong relationships with top institutional clients, SIFI status, and access to ECB funds. How can you go wrong buying this stock? This may even be a better opportunity than European peripheral debt in 2012!

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist

Sep 30, 2016 9:08 AM

Don't you people ever get board of buying gold and silver? You've been waiting for your doomsday hypotheses to materialize for over a decade, and nothing has happened. Meanwhile, gold and silver continue to trade sideways, with regular violent spikes down, making this a very unattractive market to trade. Why not open your eyes to the huge universe of markets out there - the stock market, the bond market, the currency market. There are so many great opportunities just waiting to be taken, while you waste your savings on these pointless metals.

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist

Sep 30, 2016 9:18 AM

This is a time for investors to keep their cool, and calmly accumulate these incredibly undervalued banking stocks. Warren Buffet famously said that the time to buy is when there is blood in the streets. It would appear that this is one of those times.

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist


Sep 30, 2016 9:41 AM

I agree that Nixon was a disgrace, but Hillary is a great choice. She would be the first female president in US history, which we all have to admit would be an achievement worth celebrating, regardless of our political views. All of the corruption allegations hurled at her by republicans have been discredited by the nation's top political analysts and government officials. Her economic plan for the country is solid, and will create millions of jobs according to top economists. Her foreign policy experience is strong, which is exactly what we need in order to confront Russia and bring peace and democracy to Syria. Why do some people still not like her? I genuinely don't understand it.

Why America’s Identity Is Outdated And Racist


Sep 4, 2011 4:20 PM

All eyes on Obama's speech. This will be a nerve shattering event. If President Obama's words are as skillfull as I have come to expect, I believe he could inspire a second American industrial revolution. People will start spending again, and our consumer economy will once again thrive. If however, the public are fooled by this doomer talk, the collapse in aggregate demand will be ugly.

Sep 4, 2012 10:41 AM

This tragedy would have been prevented if speculators had been regulated. The hedge funds have literally brought Greece to it's knees with credit default swaps (weapons of mass financial destruction) and short sales of government debt. Greece didn't do anything wrong

Sep 4, 2012 11:13 AM

Before you deranged FB haters start laughing, I thought I should let you know that my FB position is fully hedged with high delta puts, and I have absolutely no exposure at these levels. Should this sell off continue, I will consider adding to more core position, and I will be set to profit from long term value creation as  Facebook's senior management discover innovative ways of bringing down costs and improving margins. 

Sep 4, 2012 2:29 PM

The only people who have anything to worry about are doomer libertarians preparing a coup, or silverbug preppers planning a terror attack or trying to undermine our currency with “liberty dollars”. Normal people have nothing to hide, which is why it is only extreme conspiracy theorists and right wing freaks that get angry about this. 

Sep 4, 2012 3:21 PM

Unfortunately for goldbugs, forward freight agreements are priced in dollars, NOT gold, so goldbugs and silverbugs will have to give up their dreams about becoming kings of the universe. The US dollar will remain the world's number one safe haven choice, despite the hyperventilating rants of nerdy libertarians and lunatic conspiracy theorists.

Sep 4, 2012 5:06 PM

And yet the 10 year yield is at a phenomenal 1.58%, which indicates that investors do NOT see the debt as “out of control” or “unsustainable” like doomer libertarians keep saying. And this is after Ben S. Bernanke has explicitly confirmed that there will be no treasury purchases as part of a quantitative easing program, so nerdy libertarians can’t cry about “manipulation” anymore either. If the debt is unsustainable then how come our treasury yields keep falling? Doomer libertarians need to answer this fundamental question, or they risk losing what's left of their credibility.

Sep 4, 2012 5:23 PM

This looks absolutely awesome. Only lame uptight libertarians would be upset that our government is purchasing such a cool new armoured vehicle. This truck looks perfect for breaking up crowds of nerdy libertarians whining about the “first amendment” or whiny war protestors crying about non-intervention. This is a smart purchase by our police force. I’m impressed. 

Sep 5, 2011 10:42 AM

I just gave you an example of it working fantastically well. Interest rates have remained low throughout the past 5 years despite all the economic challenges we have faced. This is a remarkable achievement, and should be admired as such. This can only be the work of true genius, and could never be achieved by market participants of mediocre intelligence.

Sep 5, 2011 4:09 PM

Perry and Romney are the clear front runners, and for good reasons. Ron Paul is simply UNELECTABLE, so there is no point wasting time and money on his campaign. Besides, his extreme views on economics are at odds with those of the world's top economists and financial institutions. Who do you believe about the economy, an Ivy League phd Professor, nobel laureate like Dr Paul Krugman, or a gynecologist? I know who I believe.

Sep 5, 2011 9:57 AM

I was feeling quite depressed about my equity portfolio this morning, when it dawned on me that there is a major problem with our economic system. Why is it that interest rates remain exceptionally low, yet stock prices are plummeting? The answer is simple. The prices of debt instruments are heavily influenced by educated professionals at our Federal Reserve, whereas stock prices are largely determined by the market. This clearly demonstrates that experts and intellectuals are much more competent at setting prices than the general population. The solution is therefore beautifully simple: set up a central body for setting all equity prices. If it so happens that a stock is influenced by an underlying consumer good, then we should set up a body for pricing that good too. The experts that price these goods will be learned professors and intellectuals who are specialists in the relevant field.

Sep 5, 2012 1:55 PM

We needed to bail out the banks, and that was unfortunate. But now is the time to make up for the past by letting a small group of smart, trustworthy regulators to override the decisions of management. Consumers are not capable of, or responsible for, assessing which financial institutions to trust, so they need the government to do it for them. The government represents the will of the people by forcing them to comply with regulations. Under this system, risk is elminated and we cannot make bad choices because every decision is validated by the infallible moral judgement of the government regulators.  

Sep 5, 2012 10:14 AM

It is important that top tier financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, and not just political leaders, are involved in the process of making political decisions and disseminating political knowledge to the investment community. It is also important that investors stop criticizing every financial institution for influencing global politics. We need to ensure that financial institutions are not left on the side-lines when important decisions are being made in Europe or in congress, as their professional input is very much needed, especially during global financial crises when the balance sheets of these very institutions are at risk. 

Sep 5, 2016 1:45 PM

Let's face it - Germany needs refugees more than they need Germany. Just look at the demographics! We all want to live in a society in which the young fund the retirements of the old. If we let the population decrease, we may have to return to a dog-eat-dog economy that expects every individual to take care of themselves and save every penny of their own retirement. Is that what you want?


Sep 5, 2016 10:00 AM

Hillary's for it, she just wants it to be modified. A lot of extreme people are simply rejecting outright.

Sep 5, 2016 10:03 AM

The TPP simply sets up a legal structure to resolve international disputes. Who could possibly disagree with that? We need global solutions to global problems.

Sep 5, 2016 11:31 AM

This is frightening. I guess it's ok to protest against these people because they're not white? I find the whole thing incredibly racist and extreme. All these people are trying to do is put food on the table and make a better life for themselves and their families. Only heartless, ignorant right-wingers could have the coldness to dismiss these people and deport them like animals.



Sep 5, 2016 12:06 PM

The key to weight loss is to follow a low-fat balanced diet, illustrated by the food triangle. This means eating plenty of whole grains and carbohydrates, such as cereal, bread and pasta, some vegetables such as potatoes and carrots, and lean chicken or fish. Red meat, eggs and all forms of cholesterol (except fish) should be avoided. Use low-fat margarine instead of butter, and sunflower oil for cooking. It's also important to avoid vitamin and mineral supplements that purport to improve your health, as these can be dangerous. There are also myths circulating that organic food is somehow superior - this is not true; don't waste your money. THE FRIGHTENING RISE OF ISLAMAPHOBIA

Sep 5, 2016 12:36 PM

ISIS is a vague group of loosely related militants. We need to focus on our primary foreign policy goals before tackling ISIS, such as taking down Assad, halting Russian aggression, and helping Syrian refugees. Until we've sorted out all of these threats, ISIS is a distraction. Besides, the number one threat to national security by far, is climate change.  

Sep 5, 2016 9:03 AM

This is disgusting. I'm sick and tired of foreign nations disrespecting Obama and our government. If other governments won't treat us with reverence and respect, then we simply have to force them to (with the exception of key allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia).    


Sep 5, 2016 9:45 AM

All this fear mongering about these trade deals is quite amusing. Even libertarian candidate Gary Johnson supports the TPP and TTIP - so how bad can it be? These trade agreements are so reasonable and common-sense, that only the most extreme and cynical people reject them. What's wrong with simply improving trade between the US and other nations? We all benefit!



Sep 6, 2011 4:27 PM

I just hope that Professor Bernanke and our congress have the courage to introduce similar measures here in the US. Our banks are in a critical position with large highly leveraged balance sheets, a doomer public that refuses to spend, hawkish Federal Reserve officials and a fiscally impotent congress. These banks form a large part of our economy in the US and therefore their success is CRITICAL for our success as a nation. The LAST thing we need is another Lehman event, although I'm sure there are many sadomasochistic libertarians on this board who would be delighted by the idea. Dr Paul Krugman is the one of the few economists that I still have any respect for. By investing in US equities, I trusted in our federal reserve's dovish rhetoric and our congress' pledge to create jobs with fiscal stimulus, but it appears they are betraying me.

Sep 6, 2011 4:41 PM

The system will end when the doomer public stops spending altogether and starts saving. This will cause a credit collapse, and will punish my portfolio. If it hadn't been for the recent surge in arrogant libertarian thought, the experts would have been able to engineer a recovery while we continued to buy consumer goods and invest in stocks. We could be living in a consumer utopia if it weren't for these nasty depressing libertarians.

Sep 6, 2011 9:21 AM

I'm seeing a double top begining to form in gold. Serves you right for rejecting your ELECTED leaders and turning your nose up at US treasuries.

Sep 6, 2011 9:56 AM

Insurance or not, I'm staying long patriotism and short arrogance.

Sep 6, 2012 10:30 AM




Sep 6, 2012 4:51 PM


One of the things that lead me to support Mitt Romney in the upcoming Presidential election is his firm commitment to energy independence. America has been striving for energy independence for decades, and I think we now have a candidate who can finally do it, once and for all. If Mitt Romney becomes president of the United States of America, the days of oil dependence are over, and a new sustainable green economy will emerge. Mitt Romney has the strength to stand up to Saudi Arabia and stand by his commitment to developing green technologies. I truly believe that Mitt Romney has the strength and toughness to finally reduce America's dependence on foreign oil.  


Sep 6, 2012 8:24 AM

Idiot ... This is not about "socialism". The Greek government was well within it's means. It's only after the capitalist pig hedge funds entered into credit default swap agreements with each other that things started getting out of control. It is absolutely criminal that two counterparties should agree to exchange cashflows in this manner. This is facism, pure and simple.

Sep 6, 2016 11:44 AM

Let's face it: capitalism has failed. The crisis of 2007-08 proved that unregulated free markets are dangerous and over time cause an economy to self destruct. If we want a world without boom and bust, we need to delegate more power to regulators and central bankers so that the economy can be managed. There is no economy without central planning - only chaos.


Sep 6, 2016 12:10 PM

This is an outrage. Public employees teach our children, police our streets, put out fires, take care of paperwork, and this is how we treat them? I'm absolutely disgusted that right-wingers are now coming after public workers' pensions. Government employees need to take to the streets and demand their rights! This is absolutely unacceptable.  



Sep 6, 2016 8:46 AM

10 Reasons Conservatives Should Support Gary Johnson over Trump:

  1. Gary Johnson supports the TPP, which will boost America's trade with other countries
  2. Gary Johnson understands the need for sensible gun control
  3. Gary Johnson believes in affirmative action for underprivileged demographics
  4. Gary Johnson believes in strict environmental regulations to prevent pollution
  5. Gary Johnson accepts that climate change is real, and needs to be dealt with
  6. Gary Johnson has balanced his campaign with a moderate VP, Bill Weld, who endorsed Obama in 2008
  7. Gary Johnson supports Obamacare, with some reforms
  8. Gary Johnson believes we should not fight a costly war against ISIS
  9. Gary Johnson supports amnesty for undocumented immigrants who have been working and contributing to the economy
  10. Gary Johnson supports helping Syrian refugees




Sep 7, 2011 1:01 PM

$300 billion jobs plan!? We should be planning $3 trillion fiscal programs at this point! I can't believe these republican wimps are opposing even miniscule cowardly programs. What has happened to the republican party?

Sep 7, 2011 11:38 AM

Evans is a true inspiration. He reminds us that this is not the time to be a smart-arse. These are trying times, and only those who trust their leaders are going to survive. Trying to figure out the best course of action on your own is just not going to cut it. Unprecedented crises call for the smartest and most qualified among us, and decision making should be left to experts and no-one else. This is a time to swallow your pride and follow the advice of experienced politicians, top economists and financial professionals. They have proven that they have what it takes to lead this country.

Sep 7, 2011 6:32 PM


Sep 7, 2011 6:32 PM

President Obama really needs to seize the moment and announce something big. I suggest he could introduce a large fiscal stimulus program with a slight variation on the previous attempts. One idea would be to offer a tax break for throwing out old electrical appliances like TVs and washing machines, and buying new ones. This will boost the economy by encouraging consumption, and its also good for the environment because modern electrical appliances are more energy-efficient. The tax break could be conditional on buying the equipment from a few selected US corporations to ensure that it stimulates only AMERICAN jobs. Just an idea.

Sep 7, 2011 6:44 PM

That is not necessary. House prices will rise if we simply stimulate aggregate demand. I would suggest some Krugman and Stigletz as background reading.

Sep 7, 2011 7:49 AM

Forget this conspiracy nonsense. Gold is falling because of Obama's inspiring jobs speech. The market is pricing in our president's ability to inspire positive thinking and spur on our consumer economy by encouraging spending. Gold has formed a perfect double top, and this signifies the beginning of the end of libertarian arrogance.

Sep 7, 2012 6:09 PM

“to discuss the inner workings of ... precious metals investment

This is something that really irritates me about goldbugs. HOARDING STACKS OF SHINY METAL IS NOT INVESTING!! Investing is something that takes time and consideration, and many years of painstaking research. Retail investors should only be investing in blue chip companies with proven records of success, and these investments should only be made under the guidance of a professional stock broker or financial advisor. Buying gold bullion is not only an esoteric and dangerous “investment”, but it also runs contrary to the opinion of some of the world’s most respected an accomplished investment professionals.

Sep 7, 2012 8:29 AM

If Mitt Romney gets into power, Oil imports will fall to zero, as he carries out his pledge to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. 

Sep 7, 2012 8:57 AM

96,000 jobs isn't bad at all. That's almost a 100k people that now have secure, well-paying jobs. What's wrong with that?

Sep 7, 2012 9:48 AM

Here’s an innovative idea for fixing our unemployment problem: Doesn’t it bug you that America has so many unemployed people, and yet there are so many things that need to get done, like cleaning up the streets, modernizing our infrastructure and building new schools and hospitals? Why doesn’t the government just employ all our unemployed workers in these occupations? And I know what libertarians are going to say … “how do we ensure that we are employing people in the right occupations?”. Well, it’s simple. Every year we can have an election where the people vote on what needs to get done and our government will delegate the jobs accordingly. Who could disagree with that?? Is that good enough for libertarians???

Sep 7, 2015 9:28 AM

This may have been an issue 50 or 100 years ago, but today we are able to buy our own debt, so China can sell our treasuries all day and it won't have any significant impact on our economy. In fact, I'd rather our Federal Reserve owned our debt than a foreign power who's interests may not be aligned with ours. 

Sep 7, 2016 10:01 AM

Over time the frequency of these incidents will diminish. We cannot let a couple of tragic accidents halt progress. As the effects of climate change continue to become more severe and difficult to deny, we are going to have to phase out fossil fuels. This will require the use of electric cars, and the conservation of energy though a system of driverless cars. Not only do we need to encourage companies like Tesla, we need to subsidize them further and create incentives for other green startups with innovative solutions to climate change.


Sep 7, 2016 10:02 AM


Sep 7, 2016 10:37 AM

There's an important element here that distinguishes this from traditional segregation. Critical Race Theory classifies people of color as historically and currently oppressed, whereas white people are historically and current oppressive. Therefore, it is not in any way discriminatory or racist to simply say that oppressed people should have a safe space, where they can be free from triggers that might conjure up feelings of subjugation and injustice. It's impossible for privileged white people to understand what it's like on the other side of the fence, but many oppressed people are traumatized by feelings of sadness and anxiety because of what they and their ancestors have experienced.


Sep 7, 2016 11:57 AM

A lot of people are working as bloggers and app developers though. These people are having a ball and some are making a fortune. I find it quaint that some people still reminisce for the manufacturing days. The modern world is a great place to live and work - embrace it.


Sep 7, 2016 12:06 PM

You may laugh, but this is a serious national security concern. Russia is our primary adversary, and there is evidence of serious collusion between Putin and Trump to smear Hillary's campaign. Trump has also voiced positive sentiments towards Putin, which is very inappropriate given Russia's ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, which directly oppose US foreign policy goals. Either Trump is ignorant of our foreign policy objectives, or he plans to sabotage them. Either way, he's a risk to the safety of American citizens.



Sep 7, 2016 8:22 AM

What the hell? This Assange character is probably working with Putin to infiltrate US politics. These are lies, lies, lies! Hillary is a good person - look at the charity work she has done with the Clinton Foundation! Look at her policies to help those in need! Right-wingers are such sick twisted liars, I can't stand it anymore. I'm with her, and I and many others will stand firmly with Hillary against bigotry, racism, xenophobia, hate, and sexism come election day!


Sep 7, 2016 9:08 AM

This is white privilege in action. White people should be ashamed of what they did to the Native Americans - the real owners of this land! It's an absolute tragedy that Native Americans are still doing poorly in their own home. While privileged, capitalist whites continue to industrialize their sacred land and destroy their culture. It's absolutely disgusting.


Sep 8, 2011 1:46 PM

Professor Bernanke is my hero! I will never forget this!

Sep 8, 2011 10:42 AM

Totally agree. Trichet is as stingy as it gets when it comes to monetary policy. Those of us with equity portfolios are suffering because these selfish pigs. They simply REFUSE to provide the equity market with the necessary monetary stimulus.

Sep 8, 2011 12:34 PM

Americans don't need to work. We have a consumer economy and our role is to consume Chinese exports. But in order for this system to function we need to boost aggregate demand or else we will spiral into chaos.

Sep 8, 2011 6:18 PM

Libertarians have been completely discredited. Equity prices have plummeted over the last few weeks as market participants have been unable to think positively and unwilling to spend. This is PROOF of the disastrous nature of free market prices. OBVIOUSLY the opinion of an eloquent and charismatic nobel prize winner like Dr Paul Krugman is worth more than some redneck doomer libertarian in a pickup truck. And hence experts should have a larger influence on prices and capital allocation than the common people. It's just common sense! I'm sure Keynes is turning in his grave while all these irrational and incompetent market participants continue to distort our economy with their quaint, naive and uninformed opinions.

Sep 8, 2011 6:47 PM

You're argument is based on the premise that all opinions are equal in the market place. But this simply isn't true. The crash happens only because the general population decide to pay less for stocks. They make these decisions based on quaint, peasant-like preferences. Only PROVEN professionals and seasoned pros should be pricing goods in the market place, and the rest of the population shouldn't have to worry about these issues since they are far to complicated. They can happily trade goods and services at the prices set by the experts. In this system, market crashes are a thing of the past because the experts are too cool headed and professional to panic and set lower prices.

Sep 8, 2011 7:16 PM

Obama is really starting to come along. But he needs to learn to think BIG.

Sep 8, 2016 11:23 AM



Sep 8, 2016 11:40 AM

Here's the issue. There are a lot of standard protocols that need to be followed during a rescue operation such as gun confiscation in order to reduce looting and crime. Officials fear that ordinary citizens taking it upon themselves to rescue others, may not be following these protocols. If we simply allow the government to handle these events, we can rest assured that these protocols will be followed.



Sep 8, 2016 12:01 PM

Inappropriate and insensitive question - don't blame her for ignoring it. Why was this reporter even allowed to be there? Shouldn't professionalism be a prerequisite? Sheez


Sep 8, 2016 8:15 AM

Yet another lie! FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, have both cleared Hillary of all charges! You people need to follow the news and do your homework. You don't know what you're talking about and from an educated liberal perspective, you seem really ignorant.



Sep 8, 2016 9:18 AM

10 Reasons Conservatives Should Support Gary Johnson over Trump:

  1. Gary Johnson supports the TPP, which will boost America's trade with other countries
  2. Gary Johnson understands the need for sensible gun control
  3. Gary Johnson believes in affirmative action for underprivileged demographics
  4. Gary Johnson believes in strict environmental regulations to prevent pollution
  5. Gary Johnson accepts that climate change is real, and needs to be dealt with
  6. Gary Johnson has balanced his campaign with a moderate VP, Bill Weld, who endorsed Obama in 2008
  7. Gary Johnson supports Obamacare, with some reforms
  8. Gary Johnson believes we should not fight a costly war against ISIS
  9. Gary Johnson supports amnesty for undocumented immigrants who have been working and contributing to the economy
  10. Gary Johnson supports helping Syrian refugees


Sep 8, 2016 9:28 AM

You can tell that Hillary is just a far better politician than Trump. She knows exactly what to say about every issue, who our allies are (Israel, Saudi Arabia), who our enemies are (Russia, Assad), and which subjects are inappropriate for a politician to discuss. It's amazing to watch Hillary artfully navigate the issues and deal devastating blows to Trump's credibility. This is what America needs during these pressing times - a veteran of politics. Somebody who knows the game, and knows how to lead this country for the benefit of all.    


Sep 9, 2011 6:55 AM

Precous metals getting hammered this morning following Obama's speech.

Sep 9, 2015 1:42 PM

I'm getting bored of these gold and silver conspiracies. The international gold market is absolutely enormous, and the idea that a small group of entities could manipulate a market of this size is simply ludicrous. It's shameful that this conspiracy nonsense continues after many people have lost entire fortunes by following the advice of goldbugs. Mining stocks are probably one of the worst performing assets out there, yet goldbugs continue to promote them. Haven't people lost enough money trading this dead market? Why can't you people just let it go and join the real world of investing? There are fantastic opportunities in stocks and bonds, yet you people are fixated on this tiny worthless market? WHY?

Sep 9, 2016 1:32 PM

To be honest, when you look at the brutality of the crusades, you can understand why some Muslims may dislike Christians. The crusaders brutally murdered millions (yes, millions) of Muslims, which was a significant proportion of the Muslim population back then. If Christians want to earn back some of the trust that was lost as a result of this murderous invasion, they may want to consider offering reparations to the descendants of those impacted by the crusades. Offering a helping hand to Syrian refugees could be a start.


Sep 9, 2016 2:43 PM

It’s ironic that ZHers are so concerned with privacy and security, but constantly lambaste Hillary Clinton for hiding the information on her personal server. For all we know, those emails were for her eyes only. I also believe in privacy, and I believe that Hillary has just as much right to privacy as everyone else.


Sep 9, 2016 2:49 PM

Let’s be honest, foreign workers just work harder. Americans are lazy, and foreign workers tend to be very ambitious. When you hire people on H1B1 visas, you’re getting the cream of the crop – people who are willing to travel thousands of miles to work in America. No wonder employers prefer them to entitled, slovenly Americans.


Sep 9, 2016 2:54 PM

So-called ‘native’ French citizens have to come to terms with the fact that Muslims are just as French as they are. It’s ignorant to assume that in order to be French, you have to be Christian and have ethnic and cultural roots in France. Anyone can be French, as long as they are law abiding citizens with the necessary paperwork. It’s that simple. France was built on tolerance and equality – let’s hope that they continue to uphold these values and treat all races and religions equally.


Sep 9, 2016 9:55 AM


Sep 9, 2016 9:55 AM

Totally agree! It’s not even a real issue! She was exonerated by the FBI Director and Attorney General for crying out loud! Why are right wingers still discussing this issue? I don’t understand. So she used a private email server ... so what? Did all hell break lose? No! There are real issues to discuss – like Trump’s collusion with Russia and the national security risk that this poses. Let’s talk about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. These are the issues people care about – only weird conservative nerds care about the technicalities of this so-called emails ‘scandal’.


Sep 9, 2016 9:59 AM

As much as I disagree with libertarians, this year the libertarian party has put together a solid team led by Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. Gary Johnson has made some changes to the libertarian party that make it far more palatable to moderate Americans. He supports the TPP, believes in sensible gun control, supports amnesty for hardworking undocumented immigrants, and believes in helping Syrian refugees. Gary has done a fantastic job of modernizing the libertarian party, and I think that this year they have a real shot of breaking into mainstream politics. He’s a great alternative to Trump.